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Some members of council admit
problems have "spun out of
control" within the chambers
Shaun Gregory
Huron Expositor
As the mayor of Huron
East and council members
spoke about a potential
review, the tension grew
around the horse-shoe
shaped table at council on
Sept 8.
Almost every other Tues-
day Seaforth's historic town
hall is available for the pub-
lic to attend or voice their
opinion pertaining munici-
pal affairs.
This particular meeting
welcomed an unusual pres-
ence of approximately 20
Huron East staff members. A
few matters were dealt with
throughout the first hour of
the meeting and then the
topic of the potential council
and staff review made its
way towards debate. Deputy
Mayor Joe Steffler thanked
the crowd of mostly munici-
pal staff for attending and
directed the conversation to
He mentioned the review
document that had been
given to all of council and
said, "this is not a witch
With an estimated cost of
$14,000, Steffler admitted
the review as being "a lot of
money", but said, neverthe-
less, he believes, "we have
not done our jobs as
The deputy mayor shifted
his focus back towards
council and stated, "so let's
do this review, find out what
we haven't done as
He said in a firm tone, "if
it's negative, suck it up,
you've done wrong, suck it
up, let's get on with life."
If accepted, the proposed
review would be conducted
in four phases - the discov-
ery, dialogue, decision of
action plan and evaluation
process and assessment of
the impact of changes. Not
much information was
given about exactly who
would be handling the
review, although it was
mentioned she is from
Tecumseh, Ont.
"Until we recognize as
council, A) we have to
respect each other and B) for
only one vote, if we don't get
our way, move on, "I don't
feel by interviewing 12 of us
that's going to change, peo-
ple don't want to change
their attitude. Paying an out-
side consultant is not going
to change how we run, said
Tuckersmith Ward Coun.
Ray Chartrand. He does not
agree with the submitted
After reading the report,
Grey Ward Coun. Alvin
McLellan said it upset him
especially once he reviewed
the first paragraph of the
proposal because it has
Steffler and Mayor Bernie
MacLellan as the team
interviews and the team
The mayor specified that
he too was "surprised" to see
his name attached with
those two positions.
"Bernie to me it seems
that you've got a bridge to
burn with somebody and
believe it or not, I'm sorry, I
do not trust anything right
now with you involved,"
McLellan said to the mayor.
"You have to gain some
respect back."
MacLellan rebutted
McLellan's accusations, as
he said there was `no truth at
all" in the statements.
"So you can state whatever
you want, but guess what, I
wasn't involved in orches-
trating whatever this pack-
age is," said the mayor
defending the claims identi-
fied by McLellan.
Grey Ward Coun. Dianne
Diehl was also critical of
her colleague. Most of Die-
hl's concerns pertained to
how the document was
"I think the biggest
problem sitting around
this table is we have to
bury our beefs that we
have with each other or
whatever the devils going
on and get on with things,"
she said, "We don't know
what's coming next from
you Bernie and I'm sorry
that's just the way some of
us feel. It's incredible how
things have spun out of
control in the last two
To calm the situation,
MacLellan explained to
I think the biggest problem sitting
around this table is we have to bury our
beefs that we have with each other or
whatever the devils going on and get on
with things," said Grey Ward Coun
— Dianne Diehl
council the reason his and
Steffler's names were
attached to the review.
According to MacLellan,
he and Steffler met with the
woman from Tecusmeh for
a coffee. The woman
responsible for the assess-
ment chatted with MacLel-
lan and Steffler about a pos-
sible performance review.
The mayor said he made it
clear to this woman that it
would have to be passed
over to the administration
committee before moving
Seaforth's Ward Coun.
Nathan Marshall joined the
discussion and admitted
that the council as a whole
has failed in giving Huron
East CAO Brad Knight the
proper training in reviewing
"We need to press reset,
then we need to utilize a per-
sonal or administration
committees to actually do
these reviews annually
because that's what they're
there for," Marshall said. "
We can't bicker about some-
thing like this, if you don't
like the wording suggest
some changes."
After Marshall's remarks,
the mood seemed to settle,
council moved its attention
back to the abundance of
staff workers in attendance.
Members of the large
group, which filled almost
all the rows of chairs in
council chambers, said
they had read the review,
so they decided to attend.
The group of staff employ-
ees refused to comment on
the sensitive topic, one
member told The Exposi-
tor that she "liked her job"
so she could not say any-
thing. The mayor was
"curious" to what really
prompted staff to make an
"I don't know how many
times I've been told as a
council member that the
staff shouldn't be coming to
With the CAO and the
mayor sitting directly next to
each other, the quarrels
began once again, as Knight
explained why council
chambers had been packed
with an uncommon public
Knight told MacLellan and
Steffler that changes need to
be made because the docu-
ment "puts stress on the
staff," which is why the
Huron East staff showed up
to council.
"Bernie, I look at this and
it says the client is the mayor,
the contact information
includes your email," Knight
said. "I've had two or three
meetings that you've now
pushed stuff into the pack-
age that you have not talked
to me about."
In response, MacLellan
called Knight's comment a,
"completely inappropriate
statement and not the
truth. Not even close to the
After 40 minutes of argu-
ments throughout the meet-
ing Steffler intervened on
MacLellan and Knight's back
and forth exchange.
"The discussion is over,"
Steffler said. "The problems
are not all with Bernie or
with Brad, you just heard I
made a mistake and I'm
going to admit it.
Council then passed a
motion, put forth by Steffler,
to refer the proposal to the
CAO and the personnel
committee for review
with no specific date