HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2015-11-18, Page 1414 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Five students from Seaforth collapsed on Remembrance Day
Shaun Gregory
Huron Expositor
It was a frightening
moment when a female stu-
dent from Seaforth came
crashing down to the
ground, nearly missing the
pavement by inches, in the
course of a speech at the
Remembrance Day Parade.
After the Poppy Day festiv-
ities ended, through an
investigation led by the
Expositor, it is believed that
five students from St. James
Catholic Elementary and
Seaforth Public School
passed out during the ceno-
taph event as well as a few
others who did not feel up to
The principal at St.
James's Karen Tigani,
stated that the students
were prepared for a sea-
sonably cold November
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day. When the tempera-
ture rose many students
were still wearing their
winter jackets. She said the
heat was an influence on a
large portion of the stu-
dents who purportedly
passed out. After speaking
with people in the crowd
several locals specified
that this is a common
occurrence for this specific
event, especially one of
this size.
Seaforth Public School's
principal, Anne Copeland
coaxed her students to eat a
small snack before the cere-
monies to help with any
fatigue feelings because she
knew they would be stand-
ing in the same spot for quite
some time.
"I'm thinking it was still
not enough, it's all about the
right nutrition," Copeland
told the Expositor in her
She said three of her stu-
dents were affected, includ-
ing a child that checked out
at the hospital with a minor
scrape on her chin from
falling, one went home,
while another student
stayed at school and was
fine after eating and drink-
ing some water. The girl
that did fall during the
presentation at the
Remembrance Day
celebration was attended to
without any delay. She was
carted away in an ambu-
lance a few minutes later.
"The one young lady who
EMS was looking after when
the ambulance came, the
mom happened to be at the
back of the crowd and didn't
realize it was her child, her
first question was what did
you have to eat today?"
explained Copeland.
One of the EMS personnel
from the Clinton branch,
Ben Driscoll was on hand,
he said what the student was
experiencing is what's called
Syncope, more commonly
known as passing out. The
reason for it is because the
brain is not getting enough
oxygen or blood flow. It is
one of the natural functions
of the human body, it forces
you to lie down and let your
body try and regulate every
thing back to normal.
"It's a protection mecha-
nism, your body says some-
thing is not right and fainting
is a protection mechanism,"
stated Driscoll. "It generally
is not a medical concern
unless it happens fre-
quently, then that can be a
sign of a more serious
underlying medical
There are a numerous dif-
ferent aspects that can
possibly lead to these faint
like symptoms added
Driscoll. But what the quali-
fied emergency medical cor-
respondent said generally
activated most of the chil-
dren's faint -like mishaps on
Wednesday were dehydra-
tion and most did not con-
sume any food that day.
Which perhaps steered their
bodies into low blood sugar,
subsequently resulting in the
loss of consciousness.
Driscoll indicated a strict set
of important safety precau-
tions to follow if someone is
ever in the presence of a per-
son going through a health
concern such as Syncope.
• The best way to treat
them is to keep the person
laying down for a few min-
utes and let the blood pres-
sure return to normal.
• Keeping their head low
and take some deep
• You can move them to a
sitting position when feel-
ing better and offer them
juice or water.
• Keep them resting until
they feel they have
returned to normal.
• If injured from the fall
or taking longer than five
minutes to return to nor-
mal, then call an ambu-
lance or take to the hospital
for further care.
Shaun Gregory Huron Expositor
A young girl is escorted to an ambulance on November 11 at the Remembrance Day Parade
presentation, she is one of five students from Seaforth to faint that day.