HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2015-05-20, Page 3Wednesday, May 20, 2015 • Huron Expositor 3
Owners of Seaforth Foodland set to retire
Marco Vigliotti
Huron Expositor
In the over two decades Steve
and Barb DelChiaro have owned
the Seaforth Foodland grocery
store, one night stands out in their
minds as providing unquestionably
the greatest professional challenge
they've ever weathered.
It also spawned what they
believe was one of their greatest
April 27, 2013.
In the early hours of that fateful
spring day, a suspicious looking
blaze gutted the community's only
grocery store, threatening to spell
the end for one of the anchor ten-
ants of Seaforth's Main Street.
As the DelChiaros prepare to
retire at the end of the month, trans-
ferring ownership to MJ and Kevin
Baer who also operate the Lucan
franchise, they maintain that there
was never a moment when they
considered not rebuilding the store.
Their logic?
It was the right thing to do, not
just for them but also for the
"We had a sense of need to do
the right thing (and) rebuild the
store - (to) do what is right for the
community, do what is right for the
employees," Steve said in a lengthy
interview with the Expositor con-
ducted inside that newly rebuilt
Seaforth store. "People asking me
on the very first day, 'do you plan to
rebuild?' And we said yes."
Reflecting back, he said the
roughly eight month reconstruc-
tion process represented the "hard-
est challenge" he had encountered
over the course of his entire 43 -year
long career in the grocery
Meanwhile, the opening of the
new modern -looking Seaforth
store in December 2013 was a
"proud accomplishment," as well
as a record rebuild for Sobeys
Ontario, the parent company of
Foodland, the DelChiaros said.
"We're proud of the outcome of
this. We moved at such lightning
speed, right from the demolition -
they were pulling the rubble away
and it was still smouldering," Steve
explained, adding that the actual
construction of the new store only
took about 16 weeks.
"We couldn't have done it with-
out the support that we got from
our staff, our head office," Barb
Now that, in the words of Barb,
the "store is all put together," the
couple decided to retire while they
were still young enough to travel
the world.
As owners of what is likely Sea-
forth's busiest retail operation, the
DelChiaros said they've been una-
ble to squeeze in more than two
consecutive weeks of vacation time
since they first started at the local
Foodland store back in October
Citing the example of comedian
Jerry Seinfeld, Barb said the couple
wanted to "get out while still
healthy and doing good," and did
not want to make their exit "too
"I'11 be 59 this summer, so it's
time to retire. We want to travel,
now is the time, while we're
young, to travel - it's hard to do
that when you own a business"
Steve said, noting that a 13 -day
trip to Europe last year was the
longest they were away from work
in about 28 years.
Although planning to visit
Conservation officers encourage safe boating
After one of the longest, coldest have been consistently delivering
winters on record, the ice has melted to the boating community:
and tens of thousands of Ontario Wear a PFD or lifejacket
boaters and anglers are looking for- • Don't drink and boat
ward to spending time on the water • Take a boating course
enjoying their favourite pastimes. • Be prepared; both you and your
Spring is the perfect time to give vessel
some serious thought to making Be wary of the dangers of cold -
sure this summer is a safe one on water immersion
the water. With this goal in mind, "Our members will be on the
the Ontario Conservation Officers water during Safe Boating Aware -
Association (OCOA) joins the Cana- ness Week, whether working or
dian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) to enjoying some recreational time
promote the annual North Ameri- with our families': Rochette said. "I
can Safe Boating Awareness Week, encourage all anglers and boaters
May 16 to May 22. to start now to help us make this an
"Our members actively enforce accident free season:'
the laws regarding safe boating; said Anyone looking for more infor-
OCOA president Tim Rochette, an mation about boating safety is
Ontario conservation officer based encouraged to visit the CSBC web -
in North Bay, and an active angler site at www.csbc.ca. For more
and boater himself. "Itis the respon- information about natural
sibility of every boater to ensure that resources regulations and enforce -
they enjoy the outdoors safely." ment, please visit the OCOA web -
At the core of the 2015 campaign site at www.ocoa.ca, or contact
are the five key messages that we your local conservation officer.
Marco Vigliotti/ Huron Expositor
Steve and Barb DelChiaro said rebuilding after a fire in 2013 ravaged the Seaforth Foodland grocery store ranked as their
most difficult challenge of their careers.
England and Quebec in the near
future, the DelChiaros maintain
that they have no intentions of per-
manently leaving Seaforth, where
they've raised their children and
own a home.
In fact, the community's quiet
and peaceful rural charm was one
of its strongest appeals to the
DelChiaros when they first decided
to set up shop.
The couple, working in the
Greater Toronto Area at the time,
said they were lured by the
opportunity to return to more
familiar terrain - Steve is from
Stratford, while Barb hails from
London - and Seaforth's more
relaxed pace compared to the
bustle of the infamously con-
gested region centred around
Canada's largest city.
"It seemed to be a nice, quaint
small town - a good place to raise
your family," Steve said of his first
impressions of the community.
"And it was, I don't think we have
any regrets." added Barb.
While eager to start retirement,
the DelChiaros acknowledge that
they'll leave a bit of family behind
in the Foodland staff, some of
whom predate their tenure in
"We do enjoy our staff, they're
good people," Barb said.
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