Huron Expositor, 2015-05-13, Page 2020 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, May 13, 2015
7Ve aire
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On May 31st, after nearly 21 years, we are
retiring as owners and operators of
Seaforth Foodland.
Since October of 1994 we have had the
great pleasure of serving Seaforth and
the surrounding area and we sincerely
appreciate the support we have received.
We are fortunate to have worked with a
wonderful staff and we are grateful for the
loyalty and effort they gave us.
We introduce MJ and Kevin Baer, as the
new owners of Seaforth Foodland and
welcome them to the community. We are
confident they will receive the warm support
that we have enjoyed and wish them well.
We have met many wonderful people over
the years and will miss them.
stew & 'a'6 e€ducw
Catholic school board hosts
coding session for area students
math into workshop
Galen Simmons
Postmedia Network
Since technology such as
tablets and laptops are
becoming more common-
place in the classroom, mem-
bers of the Huron -Perth Cath-
olic District School Board
(HPCDSB) are constantly
looking for ways to further
enhance both the usage of
that technology as well as stu-
dents' understanding of it.
On May 7, Dr. George Gada-
nidis, a professor of mathemat-
ics education at Western Uni-
versity, visited the HPCDSB
office in Dublin to spend a full
day with students in Grades 6,
7 and 8 from schools through-
out the district to teach them a
bit of computer coding, while
simultaneously teaching them
a few complicated mathemati-
cal concepts usually reserved
for the Grade 12 curriculum.
"What we're doing is we're
introducing kids to two things
- cool mathematics ideas and
also computer coding as well,
the two go hand-in-hand,"
Gadanidis explained. "What
the coding does is allows
them to play with these ideas
interactively, so they can cre-
ate their own little programs.
From a teaching point of
view, it's another way to rep-
resent these ideas, so you can
represent them with code!'
Besides being able to teach
students more complicated
mathematics through visu-
ally practical lines of code on
a computer screen, Gadan-
idis says students are learn-
ing a skill that has become in
huge demand over the past
decade, a skill that students
will be able to use and build
off of for the rest of their lives.
"(Coding) is everywhere
around us, it's in all the apps
you use. It's like having a car
and never knowing how it
works underneath," he said.
"What we are trying to do is
we all use technology, but
very few of us can edit it and
very few of us can create it. So
we're giving kids hands-on
experiences in how to create
their own technology so they
can build apps themselves."
The day -long coding event
has been run for students of all
ages, the youngest of which
were in Grade 1. In a few cases,
Gadanidis added, some of the
Grade 6, 7 and 8 students who competitions in each of their
had previously taken the cod- individual schools. At these
ing course have actuallytaught coding competitions or
their younger peers. events, students are required
The coding workshop in to teach their parents and
Dublin last week began with guests some coding to receive
Gadanidis teaching students the $200 grant for their school.
how to use a program called The underlying idea to using
Scratch, a kid -friendly app that coding to teach math is to get
allows students to design students excited about what
blocks of code that move a car- they're leaming and have them
toon cat around their screen. not only be able to use their
"It's nice for young kids new-found skills both inside
because they don't have to and out of the classroom, but
type code. You don't need to also to teach these skills to fel-
worry about spelling mis- low students and their slightly
takes, you don't need syntax, less tech-savvyparents.
right?" he said. "The group that's here
Next, the students learned today are students who are
some text -based coding identified as bright or gifted
through a program called and they need unique oppor-
Python. While Scratch allows tunities to be together, but
students to get a very basic also to be challenged in a new
grasp on coding, it has its way. The coding project pro -
limitations, whereas learn- vides that opportunity,"
ing Python gives students explained Vince MacDonald,
more freedom to design the director of education for
what they want. HPCDSB. "They are engaged
At the end of the day, in learning a programming
Gadinidis will use the knowl- language and they use that for
edge of coding just learned by creating animations, for creat -
students to teachthemsophis- ing GIF files, or whatever.
ticated mathematical concepts Research shows students who
such as the binomial theorem. are bright and gifted need the
"If you take a coin and you opportunity to get together
flip it, it's head or tails, flip it with like-minded children:'
again and it's heads or tails. So Leela Pereira, a Grade 8
flip two in a row you can get student from St. Columban
two heads, two tails, or a head School, said she enj oyed
and a tails. So if you count how playing around with Scratch
manyofthoseyougetafteryou and Python and she plans to
do it lots of times, you find that continue coding at home
the heads and tails come up and in school.
more often then the two heads "It was really fun because I
or two tails. So why is that? We was expecting a lot more math
explore that question through and I'm not averybig math stu-
a model on the computer, and dent - I just don't like it very
we've done that in Grade 1 much -but ittumedoutitwas
classrooms by doing that on actuallyreallyfun;' Pereira said.
cards. This eventually leads to Myles Novotny, a Grade 6
whatyoulearned in Grade 12, student from St. Mary's
which is the binomial theo- School in Listowel said he
rem;' Gadinidis explained. had previously used Scratch
Gadanidis has spent many on the iPads at school, but he
years conducting field research enjoyed meeting new friends
in conjunction with teachers in and learning a few new tricks
classrooms both in Ontario and at the coding workshop.
in Brazil. He's been hosting "I thought it was really great -
these coding events for stu- tinkering, that's me. You got to
dents from different school do your own thing and leam a
boards in Ontario for the past lot. You also got to make a lot of
several years, and this fall he new friends, actually;' Novotny
will be unveiling a coding cur- said. "It was really great because
riculum book for teachers and my dad works for Wightman
parents to implement in the (Telecom) and he uses code a
classroom and at home. lot and I think he'll be really
For students who attend impressed when he figures out
these coding workshops, thatlknowhowtodothis"
Gadinidis says there is as Both Novotny and Pereira
much as $200 per school in said the workshop was a lot of
funding available from the fun, and because of that, nei-
Fields Institute in Toronto, a ther of them fullyreali7ed they
mathematics think-tank, to were learning practical math -
allow students and teachers to ematics, some of which is way
organize coding clubs and above their grade in school.