HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2015-12-09, Page 13Wednesday, December 9, 2015 • Huron Expositor 13 MTO launches one-stop website for winter driving conditions Darryl Coote Postmedia Network The Ontario Ministry of Transportation launched a new website Tuesday it hopes will be a one-stop shop for drivers to receive all the weather and road condition information they need to ensure safe winter driving. The website, Trackmyplow. com, is a multifaceted portal that allows users to aggregate and monitor OPP and 511 weather Twitter feeds, receive Ontario government - issued weather alerts and see current images from highway cameras. It can also be region -specific tailored and, yes, as its name states, it allows the public to track snowplows as they clean provincial highways. "This is all about giving the driver access to information before they set out on their trip," said Ontario Ministry of Transportation Director Kevin Bentley from the Kincardine Patrol Yard where the website was announced. Created for internal use last year, the website currently ser- vices the Simcoe and Owen Sound highway maintenance contract areas, with the latter consisting of highways in Grey, Bruce and Huron Counties as well as parts of Wellington, Perth and Dufferin Counties. While the website is still considered in testing, Bentley said the ministry hopes to expand its coverage as winter progresses. "We will start to build around, go north and east of Simcoe and Owen Sound. We'd like to do it in a continu- ous fashion," he said, with the Huntsville area the most likely destination next to be serviced by the program. Using technology already in place such as the GPS equip- ment in the roughly 35 snow- plows in the Owen Sound contract area and the coun- ties' roadside cameras, most of the cost of the program was in software development and MORTGAGES BETTEROPTION M OR TG AGE LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT NOW!!! 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES Debt Consolidation Refinancing, Renovations Tax Arrears, No CMHC Fees $50K YOU PAY: $208.33 / MONTH (OAC) No Income, Bad Credit Power of Sale Stopped!!! BETTER OPTION MORTGAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TODAY TOLL-FREE: 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com (Licence # 10969) BUSINESS OPPS. HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT? Restrictions in Walking/Dressing? $2,500 Yearly Tax Credit. $40,000 in Tax Refunds, Disability Tax Credit Expert. Help: 1-844-453-5372. GET FREE VENDING MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00+ Per Year. All Cash -Locations Provided. Protected Territories. Interest Free Financing. 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"But for the two contract areas it's several hundred thousand dollars in terms of the initial development work," Bentley said. An added benefit of the project is it also monitors contractor plow companies on the 30 requirements they must perform when snow falls as the GPS equipment monitors and displays the location of all equipment deployed. "Using the GPS technol- ogy we can track deploy- ment as well as making sure they are completing their routes within the required time," he said. The public can monitor the current location of a plow and its last hour of driving, while the images taken by the stationary cameras refresh every 20 minutes. "We certainly have been working with our contractors to improve winter mainte- nance," Bentley said, "and we can do great work around plowing, sanding and salting the highways, and we can talk to drivers about safe winter driving, but we also feel the one component that was missing was a one-stop shopping for the public to go and make some decisions, and plan their trip before they leave home," he said. The website can be accessed either through the ministry's 511 Traveller Infor- mation Service Website and clicking on link under the category Related Links or by typing www.trackmyplow. com directly into the browser. ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. FINANCIAL SERVICES $$ CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT $$ HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. Creative Mortgage Specialists! 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