HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2015-04-29, Page 9Wednesday, April 29, 2015 • Huron Expositor 9
Liberal HrnE tmhred
u o as an c ag
aoddicted tpwith ossession
located theintersection r 1 h 2- 23 -year -
ocate at As a result, the 3 yea
checkpoint nets of Front Road and Kinburn o 1 d driver has bee n
Line. charged with Possession
Suspect While speaking with the of a Schedule II Substance
spending," occupants, officers report- - (Cannabis Resin) &
A 23 year old man from edly observed a plastic Drive Motor Vehicle -
Huron East has been baggie containing No Validation on
charged possession cannabis marijuana Plate. He has been
local MPP of a banned substance inside the vehicle. The released from custody
following a traffic stop on driver and passenger w i t h a s c h e d u 1 e d
April 17. At approximately were then placed under court appearance on
9:30 p.m. the driver a r r e s t a n d June 1, 2015 at the Ontario
of a Volkswagen entered a searched. As well, the vali- C o u r t o f Ju s ti c e in
Marco Vigliotti interview, referring to the which will increase by R e d u c e I m p a i r e d dation sticker on the Goderich.
Postmedia Network 1.9 per cent funding three cents annually until Driving Everywhere licence plate had expired, The passenger was
increase for the Health 2018 - Thompson points (R.I.D.E) checkpoint police say. released unconditionally.
New spending initia- Ministry included in this to the recently announced
tives in this year's provin- year's budget a s cap -and -trade carbon
cial budget will add bil- "minuscule" and "unac- reduction scheme and
lions to Ontario's already ceptable." planned Ontario Retire -
ballooning debt and Sousa's $131.9 billion ment Pension Plan as
exhaust scarce funding budget, tabled Thursday being just that.
dollars better spent on in the legislature, projects The proposed pension
core front-line services, an $8.5 billion deficit for plan, she said, represents
says Lisa Thompson, the 2015-16 fiscal year, a"job tax."
the Progressive Con- which the Liberals main- Thompson also takes
servative MPP for tain can be erased in aim at the two budget
Huron -Bruce. the next two years moves drawing the great -
The governing Liberals, without gutting crucial est amount of media
however, contend that programs. attention, saying the Lib -
additional spending is The spending blueprint erals are "burning the fur -
needed for vital new also earmarks $31.5 bil- niture to heat the house"
transportation and infra- lion for public transit and by looking to sell 60 per
structure projects across infrastructure projects, cent of the province's
the province, which they $15 billion of which will profitable transmission
claim will support over be dedicated specifically utility Hydro One, while
110,000 jobs per year on to fund transportation and declaring that no estab-
average in construction infrastructure projects in lishment in Huron -Bruce
and related industries. rural and northern would be able to benefit
"Our government is Ontario. from new rules allowing
making the largest infra- "This will be one of the grocery stores to sell beer.
structure investment in largest infrastructure "The expansion of beer
Ontario's history - more investments in Canada into grocery stores...is
than $130 billion over since the Last Spike only applicable topopula-
1 0 years," Finance was driven, completing tions of 30,000 or greater,"
Minister Charles Sousa the Canadian Pacific Rail- she cautioned.
said in a message to the way in 1885," Sousa said in Sousa counters that the
Expositor. his budget address. government is find -
But, Thompson accuses The Liberals, Thompson ing "innovative ways to
the Liberals of "taking argued, are actuallyignor- grow the economy by
from Paul to give to Peter," ing their priorities by not "unlocking the value of
by curbing funding for the restraining spending to provincial assets."
crucial health and educa- pay down the sizeable All net proceeds from
tion sectors to ease the debt, with servicing costs this plan, including
strain on provincial cof- rising by 5.7 per cent this broadening ownership
fers from these pricey year to $11.4 billion. in Hydro One, will be
infrastructure and transit The government is allocated to a Trillium
projects. "addicted to spending," Trust to "build new
And Huron -Bruce, she she claimed. roads, bridges a n d
claimed, is already feeling "This particular budget public transit that will
the impacts of this auster- increases spending by benefit everyone in
ity, specifically in its another $2.4 billion this the province for years
strained healthcare year and the overall debt to come." he said,
services. is going to go up by adding that the province
"We know locally in another $14.7 billion," is investing an additional
Huron -Bruce that our Thompson said. "All $250 million over
healthcare system is the while they're not pay- two years in the Ontario
stretched to the limits ing any attention to Youth Jobs Strategy,
after three years of zero the debt." pushing its con -
increases, all the while, Although the govern- tributions to youth
the cost of operating con- ment claims the only employment program-
tinues to go through the new tax this year would be ming to more than $565
roof," she said in an on beer - the price of million.
OPP net another impaired
driver in Seaforth
61 -year-old truck for the traffic viola- He subsequently pro -
man charged tion of driving a motor vided two samples of his
vehicle without function- breath to a qualified
after failing roadside ing brake lights. The Intoxilizer Technician and
test during traffic pickup truck was stopped both samples registered
on Main Street South at over the legal limit,
stop initiated by
John Street. police say.
non-functioning Upon speaking with the As a result, the man has
brake lights male driver, officers been charged with Drive
reportedly noted the Motor Vehicle - Over 80
driver had been consum- Milligrams of Alcohol. He
A 61 -year-old Seaforth ing alcohol. A roadside- has a court appearance
man found himself provid- screening test was scheduled for the Ontario
ing breath tests to police performed which Court of Justice - Goder-
afteratrafficstopinSeaforth resulted in a fail for the ich on June 1, 2015. He
onApril22. driver, police say. The also received an auto -
Shortly after 2:30 p.m. man was placed under matic 90 -day driver's
a Huron County Ontario arrest and was trans- licence suspension and
Provincial Police (OPP) p or t e d t o his motor vehicle has
officer stopped the driver the Huron Detachment been impounded for
of a Chevrolet pickup for breath tests. seven days.
ea orthhuronex ' ositor.co
Seaforth and District Community Centre
Box 939, Seaforth, ON NOK I WO
Phone 519-527-1272 • Fax 519-527-2770
Email c4tharena@huroneast.com
To Future Advertiser's:
The Seaforth and District Community Centre is looking for new sponsorship
opportunities in our facility. We are currently looking for individuals to sponsor
ice logos, the Olympia ice Resurficer, public skating, and arena sign boards.
• To sponsor the Olympia the cost per side would be $500.00 plus HST and
costs of the sign. Each season for three year contract.
• Arena sign boards are $200.00 plus HST per year for three seasons
• Ice Logos would be a 4ft x 8ft Logo for $300.00 plus HST per year for
three seasons.
• Public Skating is 50.00 per ice time
For more information please Contact Dave Meriam at the Seaforth and
District Community Centre
Deadline to Submit is May 29th, 2015.