HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2015-04-15, Page 1010 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
AMDSB Seaforth traffic stopra ra es �n ine
with provincial Ievelsdrugchargeleads to
Marco Vigliotti 12:30 a.m. on April 3
Huron Expositor After talking with the driver
and passenger inside, the officer
The familiarly strong stench reportedly detected the scent of
of marijuana turned a routine marijuana in the vehicle. Upon
traffic stop into a court date for further questioning, the passen-
a 20 -year-old man who was ger in the vehicle handed over a
traveling in a vehicle that was quantity of marijuana to the
pulled over in Seaforth last investigating officer, police say.
week. He was then placed under arrest
The man, who is from Huron for possession of marijuana and
East, faces one count of mari- was later released on an appear-
juana possession after an OPP ance notice.
officer near Harpurhey Road The man is scheduled to
stopped the Chevrolet pickup he appear at court in Goderich on
was riding in just after May11.
Huron Expositor staff
Ontario has risen 16 percentage
points since 2004.
The Avon Maitland District The grad rate is based on the
School Board (AMDSB) is on par percentage of students who
with the rest of Ontario in terms of began Grade 9 in the 2009-2010
graduation rates. school year and received a high
Earlier this month, the Ministry school diploma by Aug. 31,
of Education announced that the 2014.
five-year graduation rate for stu- Students require 30 credits (18
dents at publicly funded high compulsory and 12 optional), suc-
schools is 84 per cent. cess in a mandatory literacy test
In comparison, the rate at and a minimum of 40 hours of vol -
schools within Avon Maitland Dis- unteer service hours in order to
trict School Board (AMDSB) is 83 graduate.
per cent. AMDSB director of education
According to Ministry officials, Ted Doherty said in a media
the five-year graduation rate in release, "While we are keeping
pace with the province, we will
continue our focus on student
success so that even more of our
students graduate each year. We
believe that the combination grad-
uation rate and continuing educa-
tion rate is a better overall indica-
tor of the success of our school
The four-year graduation rate for
Ontario high school students is
76% per cent.
Grade 13 (also known as OAC)
was eliminated after the 2002-2003
school year, but the opportunity to
return for a fifth year of secondary
school still exists.
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Thank You to Our Volunteers!
Eir:oN -1°.3.1
ALL]!! !C.
You'll find dedicated volunteers of the
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) throughout
our four hospital sites making a tremendous
difference to the experience of our patients.
On behalf of all our patients, staff and physicians,
HPHA offers our most sincere thanks to our
wonderful volunteers for their generous
gifts of time, commitment and service.
For information on volunteer opportunities visit www.hpha.ca
MP Ben Lobb to honour
Seaforth veterans
Marco Vigliotti
Huron Expositor
Huron -Bruce MP Ben Lobb
will present several local mili-
tary veterans later this month
with limited -edition commemo-
rative pins and certificates of
recognition to honour their ser-
vice with Canada's armed forces
during World War Two.
Lobb, a member of the gov-
erning federal Conservative
caucus, will make the presenta-
tions at a gala at Seaforth's
Legion Hall on April 25. The
event, which will also include a
light lunch, will run from noon
to 2 p.m and is open to any
members of the public inter-
ested in paying their respects to
those who served in one of Can-
ada's most famed military
"Each November the commu-
nity gathers at our Cenotaph to
remember the veterans who
gave their lives in defence of our
country. We would hope that
some of our community could
join us on April 25 to say our
thanks to those remaining who
fought just as hard for our coun-
try and its ideals and who came
home," Lin Steffler, a veterans
service officer with the Seaforth
Legion, said in an email mes-
sage to the Expositor. "Their
battles were no less harrowing
or dangerous and their actions
were no less brave."
She also asked those inter-
ested in attending to contact her
by April 20 either by phone at
519-527-2389 or by email at
Seaforth and District Community Centre
Box 939, Seaforth, ON NOK 1 WO
Phone 519-527-1272 • Fax 519-527-2770
Email ctharena@huroneast.com
To Future Advertiser's:
The Seaforth and District Community Centre is looking for new sponsorship
opportunities in our facility. We are currently looking for individuals to sponsor
ice logos, the Olympia ice Resurficer, public skating, and arena sign boards.
• To sponsor the Olympia the cost per side would be $500.00 plus HST and
costs of the sign. Each season for three year contract.
• Arena sign boards are $200.00 plus HST per year for three seasons
• Ice Logos would be a 4ft x 8ft Logo for $300.00 plus HST per year for
three seasons.
• Public Skating is 50.00 per ice time
For more information please Contact Dave Meriam at the Seaforth and
District Community Centre
Deadline to Submit is May 29th, 2015.