HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2015-04-01, Page 22 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, April 1, 2015
58 drivers in Huron
County charged with
distracted driving
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
has recently wrapped up its prov-
ince wide Distracted Driving cam-
paign, which ran from March
14 to March 20, 2015. Huron
County OPP saw a total of 58 driv-
ers charged with Distracted Driv-
ing during the campaign.
The number of charges laid dur-
ing this campaign increased
in Huron County from a total
of 47 in 2014. The increase in
charges was also seen in sev-
eral other OPP detachments in
the region and province wide.
This campaign received tremendous
support from the public, media and
numerous road safety partners who
shared the messaging pertaining to
the dangers of distracted driving.
As evidenced by the latest cam-
paign results, there still are a per-
centage of our drivers that choose
to take unnecessary risks by using
their phone while operating a vehi-
cle. Not only did those 58 driv-
ers place themselves at a higher
risk of a collision they also placed
every other user of the roadway
at an elevated risk of a collision.
Although the week- long Dis-
tracted Driving Campaign has con-
cluded in Huron County, local offic-
ers will remain focused on their
patrols for those drivers that
fail to leave the phone alone.
Social media element
well received
As OPP officers kept busy conduct-
ing targeted enforcement of dis-
tracted driving laws on roads and high-
ways across the province, the OPP's
social media highway was equally
busy with followers, including chil-
dren who viewed, shared and chimed
in on this important road safety topic.
Over and above enforcement, pub-
lic education is an important com-
ponent of the OPP's Provincial Traf-
fic Safety Program and the traf-
fic safety campaigns it supports.
"Whether you were a follower who
showed support through social
media, a driver who set a good exam-
ple behind the wheel, or a passen-
ger who spoke up to a distracted
driver in the vehicle, thank you and
please keep working towards mak-
ing distracted driving a socially unac-
ceptable behaviour on our roads,"
said deputy commissioner Brad
Blair, provincial commander of traf-
fic safety and operational support.
We will be closed
April 3rd ,2015
Deadlines are Thursday
April 2 nd at 2:00 pm
(Editorial & Advertising)
Open again on Monday April 6
Happy Easter to All!
Duron Expositor
Council waives
rental fees for
Seaforth Food Bank
Marco Vigliotti
Huron Expositor
The Seaforth Food Bank will
not have to cover any of the costs
of renting out space for its annual
Souper Saturday fundraiser on
April 11.
Huron East council passed a
motion at its March 17 meeting
waiving any fees the charitable
group would have been charged
for renting out the Seaforth Com-
munity Centre for the event.
The motion came in response
to a brief letter from the Food
Bank's committee chair peti-
tioning council to cancel any
"This event has proven to be a
5 >-
successful fundraiser for the
food bank and it would be
greatly appreciated if the rental
fee for that day be waived," Bob
McDowell said about Souper
Saturday in a letter to council
dated Feb. 25.
This year's Souper Saturday
will be held on April 11 from
11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The
annual soup making competi-
tion is entering its sixth year and
expects as many as 20 chefs to
be vying for the Christine
Behnke Culinary Awards.
Ben Lobb, Member of Parlia-
ment for Huron -Bruce, Dr.
Heather Percival and Gail
Fraser, from the Huron County
Health Unit, will judge the best
Seaforth Shuffleboard
March 25
Men's high: Erich Matzold 4 wins, Arnold Ramsey, Harvey
Norton 3 wins. Women's high: Joyce Matzold and Marian
Pullman 3 wins.
soups in the category of Best
Clear, Beast Creamed and Peo-
ple Choice.
The annual pie and cake auc-
tion always stirs up a lot of
activity and contributes a lot to
the bottom line, the Food Bank
said in an email to the
"Let's have a little fun while
we raise funds for the Seaforth
Food Bank," the organization
said in a prepared statement.
"Come out, taste some soup and
mingle with friends."
Sample tickets can be pur-
chased at the door for $7. All
proceeds go to the Food Bank.
Food donations will also be
accepted at the event.
In the story "Municipal waste
collection would handicap local
firm: business owner" in the
Expositor's March 25 edition, an
incorrect price for garbage tags was
listed. The correct price is $3.25 a
tag not $2.25 as listed in the story.
The Expositor apologizes for the
Our Weekly Deadlines are as follows:
Friday @ 2:00 pm
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