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The Huron Expositor, 1959-12-18, Page 11
A Apply: 11: I -I. FOR SAL Former: Seaforth Shoe Property Main Street South LS•ON; Town Clerk, Seaforth: v® CONCERT AT ROXBORO SHOWS TALENT OF McKILOP STUDENTS. Despite inclement weather, Rox- boro pupils presented their Christ- , Mas concert to a full house last Friday evening. The program op- ened 'by -two songs by all the pupils, "Our Teacher Says To Wel- come You" and "This Old School." A welcoming recitation by' Ken- neth Scott was followed by•:, the• - chairman's address. Program included: a }square ,;r. ;r y..E:,w _ r;,r �i;r1•r,,r+ ,k-d,�.d:.,..d';r1:;r .�....,,e.��.r, Solt -16s f' X ,y •.•' A 4 •,� \. So Easy'' to, .Choose Gifts For Everyone'. When You Buy Here, For We Have: • RINGS WATCHES • JEWELLERY • SILVERWARE• Almost Everything ! Outstanding selection of Loris,_ Watches For Men and Women including Automatic from • 24.50—U Canadian Girl :.:. A high fashioned watch set In 'a beautiful, bracelet:: 17 $49.50' 'ENa See'Our 'Fine Selections of BULOVAS and LORIE Watches: Priced' from $24.50 up We also handle a large selection, ` of LORIE, ROLELand other pop ular makes` ALL GUARANTEED ivy her a LOVA to match her Loveliness! Canadian Girl. Charm and sophistication in a''high 'fashion bracelet watch. 17 jewels' with lifetime unbreakable mainspring. $49.50 DRESSER .SET S Three and seven -piece in sets rli` • s Ste ng Silver.;, Chrome and -Gold color. Sea' Klieg A. shadow slim waterproof* / ` 17 Jewett, Shock -resistant, / :. anti -magnetic, luminous hands and dial:- PENCIL ial: PENCIL SETS Phoire 559-W e.stc�i Jeweller - ,Watchma r' OTHER GIFT ,.'E'TIQ N Si7G S O S , G ._.� l Good .00d• s •,,:�. • 13ill£a1ds FANCY CLOCKS EVENING B'GS All All Colors acid Varieties. • • T 'er 'T^� T 'r+ ; •T" o, ,% q.: rT, , T i do T TY' 'i v 3 i "s ii'• r� t . Tr rix rr p ', T ,r, r • dance by senior pupils; " ti. Merry Christmas" recitation by junior girls; ' an operetta, "Trouble in, Toyland," with .a11pupils partici- pating, was very well 'done and much much enjoyed by the audience; Miss, Joyce Hiuether, of Brussels, danced the ' Highland Fling; a comedy play, "Selling 'of Sally," "Star of the East" and "Christ - alas is' a Shining Jewel" by the girls; dance by they juniors; '. u play, Reek Says It"; OneUm- breila Built For-TWo,"by juniors; Sword° Dance by Jean' Scott ' and Kaye McCowan;, comedy drill., by the boys; closing' choruses and closing -recitation by Billy Seta: Santa arrived'' and `distributed gifts and candy: Saul Scott was. chairman. Mrs.:1Vfurray,: Huether, of. Brussels, teacher, deserves much • credit for the fine program.- NQRTHSIDE WMS The December meeting of North- side United Church",WMVIS Was held Tuesday evening. Mrs. "J. C. Brit- ton openedlwith: the. poem, "There Will Always Be. a'Christ`mas?' Mr C. Walden presided and a hyl was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs. -Hay.' Annual reports 'were given.A meiiibrial' service' ' for Mrs. F. ` S. Savauge, Mrs. Roy Lawson and' Miss • : Alexander followed. Rev. J. C. Britton installecrthe 'officers for 1960. Mrs. C. Walden gave her season's greetings. Mrs. E. H:' Close took over `;the' meeting, "opening with a hymn•and scripture :and .prayer by.Mrs. Ber- ger, A lovely duet ,was: sung by Mrs. N. Bell. and; Mrs, ' . McCue; A lovely— candle -lighting; service 'was followed by a Christmas story by Miss. Gladys Thompson. A film on "Christianity in Africa" was shown. by Mrs. J. C. Britton and Miss R, Fennell. . loseTh'erea'sday.a a line' on the ocean which; when -crossed; '-maker you There's a line on the 'highways that can do better! I:C Insurance%A -`en'c announces the removal of his Of ee Effective Jan. 1, 1960. t0 E mondva--lieg n O t.. O..B P. 0 476 -- Seaforth Telephone /458. CHRISTMAS )EC. 23r WA LT ON..... Community ' Hall.`- Spot Dances CLINTON HITLTOPPERS Admission - 75 Cents 1. 'No* ear' ._ Ys Dance. Thursday, Dec 31st Hats Horns - .Novelties , I CLINTON HILLTOPPERS Admission $L00 ,� r rir ” ; v" r j' 4 ,- , s"d, fir "1 r.5 rot s 4' ;r : wit, 6”' r to i : , le" ' e4.1, t et.t rr4 ."it "it f" ;r , AA) rat eat .te . ..4 0» .s. • ••. 0» ,4 • .�, ••.4 . .4 ,....., .. ,4 . r. •. ,s,.... . • .4 ,4 .4 •4 .4 .4 ..4 , i r r i'I• r r w wer r r pC2i �rCL ueii �(r •, ;e4t r 'se r i i t ,4 ,4 . ,4 .1St.. ,4.. .,,, . ,4 . •y... ,4 .. " . ,St. ,5, .. ,5. ,4 x• At Baldwin's You Will Find'a Selection of Practical Gif Toys - Games - Doll -I Too r Presto` Cookers. GE.. ,Fry Pans PansAluminum Ware. :lack Electric Floor Polishers El Roasting ;For Every' Mem Fant r in the Family : us; : GE Kettles Corning Ware & Decker Power ctric Irons NOVELTY ITEMS CHRISTMAS DEC "RAU NS • Eleirtric Blankets AND CHOO COME IN Tools ELECTRt1C,M!XERI Knife Sharpeners'`: OUR: GIFTS NOW RDW4 PHONE MOM SEAFORTH 1 .,,r .. s :T,• i' -r° T IT... ' , ,it - (T+a' (,•A • CROSSWORD PUZZLE 18' 23 77 32 33' 44' 55 xt� 56 al 58 1 Sflnard:Shot e' Box 10 'Having true Water when uncut 14Make' expiatidn 15, Sheet of : window' glee'm 16 Mans nae 7 weasel 19',Roman road ZD. Sinali boY 3.1 Wicked -93 'Crazy. 25 Irish Gnello 27' Those in, 29 Weight 31;Term. -. PIIZZYE'140; 535; . 162 Dutch. East ' -24 Germen„� 49•Skived Indies kobold• persons measure 26 English; $0 Cl}ess pieces 64 Chemical' boys'..School 51 Saake suffix 30 Pronoun. ' 53 Iceiandttt' 65 Rhe nfpa-31 To season ,teles( - palm:32•Persia 54 Intended 66 Operaby '33 Expel'. 56 Sind od Verdi 34 Seines': . mollusk .'.68 Frozen _i 35 Weakens m..1- 57Girl s„nam•';'� °70 Lease 38 Map'ot town; .. 58 Kind.of X71 Monitor ' , site .fortification . nzard 37 River' -of 59 Seaport of , 72 The turd Fiaznce Brf it heath"s'' 38,God,of love 60 Solar diet 13 Ernnieti ' 39. Part`of'inouth' 61 Rave .,I114'1temainder 43 'Ey 1 63 That 75 Has '44,1ukurian which'matures'. rf :m an :67,Anger,, ... ascended 46 Zi lf' and. -half horse 69-Sikworm division 2 Oil of rose- Word of ` ' 4 Tierra 'del. 441 .Girlp,naps.. 5 Distribute 42' Wire . 6 Country` of measure. Europe 45 Explosion 7 Metal ' 45 -Dance Step containers,, 46' An Egyptian 8 A connective 47'FeMale 9 Dwells' ' relatives " 10 Dins 4g5 Boat .`13 Unsorted '' 51 Paid - wheaten flour Germany. 13 Golf warning _ 5a P heecttO • cry 59 F her or-. 22: •French ::for © IM I H©iitui r®vi WINO DORM ©®RG OHM OQIU I1 V EUV o®Mcr®MB MMUM LL OMB OBBOB o CiIC�LT :6,inI.OPEMU 01017 1100 =BRIM nu cimmaacJ:-.Quav ©oelw RIMMOWANUUMOMOM WOMB Ellin OMBGEnM' XICUren O5MO ©©®o1' ©tom MOB MOUE MEE aU©©© ©o®© Answer to. Puzzle No,, 538 FAMILIES PARTKIPATE, ENTERTAI AT SEAFORTH Wa•' CHRISTIVI Mrs. Harold `Hugi 1, president of. the -:Seaforth Women's.: Institute, presided ',for (their, Christmas ;Meet- ing ;last Tuesday ,evening.•in the Seaforth District High: School. The decorations were in Yuletide set- ting' for,', their Christmas program. The roll call, "What I would•like my Wife to give, Inc for Christmas". was answered by the men.` Mrs, GordanPapple readthe minutes of the 'last meeting land a •: thank you', card from Mrs Jaines .F. 'Scott.. An 'invitation was :aecepted,_from. the ;Grand Bend Wo,riien's Institute to be guests at tli'eir Christmas meeting --'on Thursday December. 17th, The collection 'for this' meet- ing, Virill: be sent to the Children's Aid Society at Goderich Mrs. Leonard Strong, presided for the program; opening lt', with a: Christen s • carob. Anne Cameron danced :a Scotch ' dance, accent - ponied • on 'the piano;by:_Mrs E Cameron. ' Accerdran ` selectiolis: were ;played;by',„Allan Wilson. and BRODHAGEN O HA GEN•`' Mr. Arthur -Ica -Choi -is Cord -hied to Sgtt;-M-ehiorial'Hospital, Seafoi•th, Mrs: Dan -Fischer underwent :an. operation • at:' . Stratford General Hospital on "Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rolph, of Mit- chell, with Mrs. 'Elizabeth .Quer engesser on• Sunday; Mrs.,'' •Idora- Diegel returned home with them after -visiting here• for the past ,six weeks Mr. Don Ahrens and friend, of Hamilton, ..with Mrs:Miller;Chas. spent; Ahrensevs.- ' eral Weeks visiting in Seaforth and Mitchell. It s 'winner uub anuel euermann was the kywinner ,of $100 in the<'CNR. home bingo, Strafford, The annual Sunday School Christ - 'Inas program at St. Peter's Luth- eran,.;Chureh .Will be held. Christ- i-4as ."Eve, Dee. 24.; ' The school Christmas... -concert,: will be held. this Thursday evening at 8:1.5 at' the 'Community Hall.'; ,•, A shower was held' for. Mr. and 11Irs. Ivan 'Querengesser (Evelyn. Rivers) , at the. Community Hall Friday: evening: Mr. Mervin Hod gert read theaddress' and he also made ;the .presentation ,of money. Music for dancing was supplietf by Norris' 'orchestra; Mrs:: Thelm Mantle and Mr. Ed, .West, Stratford, with Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Tait on . Sunday. Mx. ..and, Mrs.__, Irvin_.. Swint, of. Milverton, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegei. - Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buuck and David, of Milverton, and• Mr. `and Mrs: Gerald Biluck and Kevin, of New Hamburg, With Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck. Mr. 'and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs, Mickey McCloy, of Stratford. Luther ?league Meets The Luther. League of St. Peter's Lutheran .Church held their.meet- ing meeting ,on Sunday evening. The meet- ing opened with the Lor"d's Pray- er. A contest of ttnscrambling'Bible ,names followed. The roll call was taken by `sayinga...Confirmation vow. There will. be a contest for the best plaque with a Confirma- tion vow on it. • On December 26 the 'members will go' carol singing, and fruit is to be given to shut,ins, On Decem- ber 28 ,there will be a Christmas, social With Milverton;, Ellice ,aai t First Lutheran Cliureh,Leagues'in- vited. Committees were chosen for the social • The-•-tot`iic _was in the form of a bible quiz, ' conducted by Pastor E. Fischer. Prayer was 'taken' by Gloria Muegge, The scripture was read by Jane Rock. "Is your wife economical'?" "Sometimes. Shehad only twee- ,ty-six candles on her fortieth birth- day cake last, night.'' D. Helen Elliott; Christmas so gs' by Dianne' Henderson, Shire Hen- derson, Roba Doig, .>Do a; .Gor- don and: Amy 'Stewart wer, enjoy ed Bruce Papple an ' Oliver P, 'pl'nlos' ' f Christ- mrycec os arolsayed onitheir yi 'ns,, ac::- companied by Mrs J. cGregor' 'at ,the.' piano.`-Reeitai ns' were given by Pp more aiidBobby..Barryryce - 'Gard n;alLh'Wliit aind' Papple favored with a I vely .piano nolo - A debate, "Resolve that the me are better, husbands today than they 'were' fifty "ears ago," proved most interestin and 'amus;: 'ing. Good points wer ;brought =out. by both'�-sides .and tb decision of; the judges was a `tie. The affirina- ;tive .was' taken' by M s R. J. Doig; and Mrs. Leslie P yce, and the negative: by Mrs, J. Grum'rnett and Mrs Thomas Govepplock. The mot- to, "Why find';.fa It, there are so many 'nice things to• do;" was tak- en. by `Mrs. Gordon, McKenzie: A delict ous;lun h was- ;ser,veS',un- der the:. convene. ship of tgrs. Ross Gordon Mrs.;' James' 1 sr,'an Y d Mrs.;}Howard ilson: "Courtesy`re marks .:were xpressed by Mrs.' Gorden McKe zie to 'all taking WATCH REPAIR. SERVICE DUB.IIITG (HRISTIAS SEASON SAVAUGE' '2 CERT)<FIED;; WATCHMAHERS • All work done 'an, All work tested Electronically Th] airricre0SPDORn SE .PflltTli, 1959 DODGE FOUR -DOOR SEDAN' 1957 DODGE FOUR -DOOR' SEDAN 1958 DODGE REGENT SEDAN 1955' DODGE MAYFAIR 4 -DOOR -SEDAN 1.953 PLYMO•GTE SUBURBAN 1953. PLYIVIOUTIT T O -DOOR H•ARDTOP iCLI F. DODGE -, DE'SOTO SALES ani' SERVICE Phone 267 y - Safol. 0'T'ORS This is Your Centre for NOVELTY —Christmas: ECORA'TION' WE•;HAVE "-i 11OST'.OF. -DISTINIDECTdVE'GIFT AS " TABLE, LAMPS. GIFT :OHINA:` ,Tcible Centres Xmas Novelties Tree Decorations EIectric' Lighting Decorative . Bulbs Room Decorations' Yule Table Pi'eees Tinsel': - Roping - Snow The perfect decorations to brighten up your Christmas Tree! A Sensible Gift' For the Lady of. the House :MELAlilAC TABLEWARE An unbreakable' mat,.eria l In pleasing col ors Wine Green'.Grey' Chartreuse Order' Your ,Set For Christmas. -Now Y' CHILDREN'S SET'S• Just like -the -Area thing! Reason- . ably priced for Christmas giq g. at a Plumbing -He � . n . Electrical Appliances, Sales and Service PHONE 49 SEAFORTH u"1 �.b 1', ij"bn�. iu"iorlrti DON'T FORGET OUR CHRISTMAS DRAW Win a Beautiful New Special Deluxe FREE! EE! " Y0 r x--1, EE This beautiful Red and White Tricycle has steel';'° welded,' extra large tubing' for 'added strength. The streamiip;:ed, flared fender, adjustable handle- bars, combined with the padded saddle, suppor.'ted' by; heavy duty springs, and the }gall-hearing:front; wheel make. this Tricycle a Real Prize !. IT'S EASY'. TO O • �WIN! •> One FREE CHANCE with every Dollar purehase.. Just fill out the ticket • provided, with your (Fame and Address. DRAWING` WILL TAKE PLACE CHRISTMASDec. 24th, at which time our own Mayor, 13 ., F: ' Christie, will draw the,; ticket and announce the wvinner: Don't 'miss this, opportunity to win -Beautiful Sunshine Tricycle Free at r. illis Shoe Ston SINCE 1862 1 ha. 0» rsra'r»