HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-12-11, Page 6JSE sruhs .0.Assincivriox
1, Coining Events
2. Lost, Strayed
3. Found
H.;_elP Wanted
0. 3511011M' Opportunities
6. TeacheWanted
7, Situations Wanted
8. Farrn•--Hteck For Sale
9. Poultry For Stile
10. TOsecl rCatis For Sale
11. Articles For Sale
12. Wanted To Buy
13, Wanted
", 15
" 241
25. Personals
1 The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3,
9, 10, II, 12, 13, 16, 17—minimum
cents an insertion. All other clasai-
rcations, minimum 50 cents Per insertion,
rxcept Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want -
d (21) mid Legal Notices (22), rates on
Property For Sale
Property For Rent
For Sale or Rent
Wanted To. Rent
Property Wanted
Auction •Sales
Tenders Wanted
Legal Notices
Cards of Thanks
In Memoriam
Coming Events
141c.Ki11op. 'Wednesday, December 16 8. Pin.
fake sure you. have tickets for draw to
ake place at concert 1-91-1
Yommunity Centre, sponsored by. Seaforth
Hats, horns, novelties. Cool Quinn's
'Orchestra Admission 31 Per Per§on-
•••. 1-91-1
7, RECEPTION FOR Mr. and Mrs: Ivan
•,!uerenigesser, nee Evelyn Rivers, in Brod-
,:.'s.gen Community CeritrerFriday, Debora -
Wer 11. —Lunch booth.Norris' Orchestra
011 be in attendance. 1-90x2
•I',",,NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE, Erodhagen
District Community Ha114 hats, horna,
Rytinan Rangers plating for datic-
•i; 35 a couple. PHONE HUBLIN,
r 9, or MITCHELLL 652 r,13 for talc,de
.isertations. 1-904'
15. • Property For ent ,
.'01,1R -ROOM APARTMENT f rent.
Apply BOX 806, :THE 111TRON E. pOS-
ITOR, Seaforth. .-• • 15- 14,1
TWO-03EDROCM gas -heated' aPartment,
convftifiences. • Immediate occupancy.
Apply to DR. E 5.. McMASTER, Seaforth.
• Private entrance; also 1949 Chevrolet for
sale, four -door. -PHONE 745-11,, SeaforA,
OFFICE SPACE for rent in the former
W, C Cite Insurance Office Available
Jan. 1, 1960PHONE' SEAFORTH 160-a
or149. • 15-90-tf
HEATED APARTMENT, 4 rooms -and
batlisoft and hard water, hot and 'chid,
z -soling compIrtment for food. Now' avail-
able. Apply to JACKTHOMPSON'S
MODERN 3-ROM—apartment for rent,
Partially heated; ,•private - bathroom, ..hot
water on tap. Phone, 86, Seaforth, MRS.
FIVE -ROOM anattment, North Msin
Four-rom aParttnent, Railway St.; All con-,
veniences. 'Apply. to CARL DALTON,,
Phone 62-W, Seaforth.
artment; two bedrooms; large living room,
kitchen, 4 -piece bathroom Immediate bc-
cupancY. PHONE SE4FORTH 141. '
19. Notices -
•FILTER QUEEN' Sales- Li' Serviee; re-
pairs to all makes of : vacuum.' cleaners. 'For
service, call MRS. ' .32,ILTQX""....BERGER,
SParling St., ,Sealforl.,11:, , • • : 19.904f
, .
•COTTAGE,, •third:honse west' of United
Church., Apply to:ROY' .LAWS,QN, '70
Huron :Street,. .Strat0ord o Plion.e.'Strat-
ford. 2772-3, "
ittras, TV,
tepairs on,.S11. niakeS., 'and. ixiddels 'Russet'
Fahey; gadiO]' Elee'trohics'
and TeleVision SoltoOK4iplICIslE .665 'R .1.
Seaforth: 77: , ' • . 19-91.tf
-Help- Wmited-- nom p•rxim LATIN:am:ER/A_ •
forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser-
yiee. WEBB'S EILLIA.RDS, Seaforth;
• agent for Brady Cleaners ",e.c ,Laundeteril,•
• 19-50-tf
TOW11 'of.Seaforth'
A. meeting of the-Electots Of the Town
of Seaforth will he held in the
for the purpose.ciflorainating Persons for
the office, of Qouricillor. .
Nominations --will he from "7;30 •p.m. to
If a poll be necessary,'the same will be
held at tho11owi0g p18ts
MONDAY, DECE3713ER 21, 1959
from 0.1•00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
polling Sub -Division Nos. 1 and 2, di
• Polling Sub:-Divi.sion Novr
the Public Library-
• Polling Sub -Division Nos.
M.' E. Clarke's Garage.
Seaforth. December 9, 195
8 and • 4, 'at.
and 6„ at
•'D. 'WILSON .
• TOWn Clerk- '
23. Cards of Tha--rdts •
Miss • Judy- bridzk has been
confined to her home for over two
weeks, having bad a fall near her
home, causing, an injury to her
Mr. and Mrs. L. Seimon, of Hen-
sall, have moved into- Mr, Ross
,Breadfoot's house.
'-'1Vir.. Keith Lovell -has accepted a
•Position in Edmonton, Alta.
0-- Mr. and Mrs, Ken Mc.Lellanwerg
in Toronto a day last week.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Doig, of
Grarid Rapids, Mich., visited over
the weekend with his mother, Mrs.
Lydia D ig, and sister, Janet. The
latter re1rned with John for the
-Winter mo141 ths. •. _
• Mr. Arthiir Long, of St. Cathar-
ines, visited \on. 'Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noriaan
Long. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan. Wren and
Laurie, of Hanover, spent the
weekend '.with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Wren.
•'Mrs.. N. Diekert., 1VIrs'.,Ken Mc-
Lellan and Mrs. Robert McGregor
Were' in London on IVIOnday.• , .
IVIr. and Mrs.' Allan Grigg, of
London, and Miss IVIarie Sinclair,
Stratfordi, Visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. •John. Sin-
• clair. • -
Mr. William Slavin, who suffer-
ed• a slignt stroke, was • admitted
on Sunday to. South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter. , .,
Mr's. Robert Gibson and son,
William, of Wroxeter, visited Mr.
and Wits. W. L. IVIellis on Sun -
r. and: Mrs. Jena Frasier, of
0,Kford, .1V,Iiph.„_spent' the Weekend
with ' Mr. and sIVIrs. ,E1Ston Dew,:
son and .viSited- Mrs. Jennie Win:
der at Parkwood Hospital,' London:
icleiat,- Mrs Williain_Alell;thirth
KDoemwrrrs,.onoaiinwavve,iryinetrhrsM.orNp....andol‘: ras,t.teEnlddi,efia
retaty, 'Mts.' H. Finkbeiner..
treasurer; _Mrs. McBride; sec -
vice -president,'" Mrs.. Lloyd Lovell;
the. T'inies.Advocate .bangnet Sat-
urday; ' evening ,at Arinstiongth.: . •
'Restaurant, -Exeter. • Fruit -Punth Aids
W1VIS Meets
The. December 'meeting of , the
VMS :of . St.. 'Andrew's United
Church, Kippen, ;Was held:1Thurs-
• daY afternoon, With.- ,.IVIrs.• .3. Sin-
clair, and Mrs Birinendyk as hest-.
,esseS, Mrs. fl. Caldwell,' whotoqk
charge ,for the worship- period; op-
ened :the •meeting : with poem.
For the scripture 'passage 'Mrs.
In 'Seaforth Office
i. Interesting and varied work. Know-
, ,dge of typing and ability to meet public
' ill be of assistance.
O Apply, in own handwriting tb:
BOX 597
Poultry. For Sale
' A NUMBER of grain -fed, dressed Geese.
'-,•110NE 87 R 20, Dublin. 9-91x1
• DRESSED Tuarnvs for sale.' Apply
o CLA.RENCE REGEI,E,.. Phone Dublin
4 R. 9. ' 11-89x3
OVEN-READY TURKEYS, all weights,
' peciaP pricei on large Orders. JOHN A.
• ••,,'AYLOR, Brucefield. Phone Clinton HTJ.
° 4521. 11-91-2
11. Arti For Sale
ust about new. Apply' to G•011)
Seaforth 847 r21.
6 shot:
. COLLIE PUPS for sale. Apply:to'
)LD PRYCE, Phone Seaforth 840 r 2.
' ... • , 11-91x1,
MARKLIN ELECTRIC train. '110 guage,
O xtra ,track, $15. PHONE Seaforth 852 R
.CHRISTMA.S. TREES fat. sale. Apply
,.o CLARKE'S GARAGE, Main St., Sea -
1, orth. 11-91-1
. USED TELEVISION Sets, all makes
„rad sizes at BOX FURNITURE, Phone
3, Seaforth. 11-91-1
BEFORE YOU BUT. tiye 'me a try.
.0% off on car insurance. Do you guali-
E. It "Shorty" MUNROE, Phone
194. 11-914f
CHRISI'MAS...'EREES for sale. All sizes.
1?an be seen at Hoye? Farm Supply dur-
ing day, or at residence of John Boyes,
tpurhey after & PHONE 110' crr 851
. , 11-91-1'
A BROWNIE REFLEX caniera, lisps
127 film. Excellent Christmas gift for a
4.eanagen Apply to MRS. WATHQN REID,
11?tione Blyth 23 R 18. 11-91-1
ROCKET -FILTERED Fuel.Oil . Clean -
'in. Burning . . . More Hest per Gallon.
°11.3i-i3cry Comfort and Save Money. WIL-
/AM M. HART, Phone 784,' Seaforth.
c, FLANNELETTE Blankets, 70”
1$4.464,..men's short. rubber boots, $8.75;
tood stock of prints and flannelettes.
030ROHN BROWN. Phone Seaforth 841r2.
114AGIC;MARKERs—Instant drY, Wa-
teiProbf, 'write atx anY.Surfacel;.. just 'Run
off cap and.. Magid' :Marker -is ready to
oee- Refills cOlots
REVITALIKED .....cle,aning-„, -at- -Blichtiatin,
Cleaners, Mould, Fbreat... -More Spots and
stains reinoved. Gaimenta staY'alean
or, wear 'longer, • Agent: - MILLER'S'
LAUNDRY • 'SERVICE: PhOne 247 for
After Dec. 5th," 1959; Tackersinitli 'town-
ship MunicipabDump, ,will be eloSed, until
further notice. .0 • '
. ,
ACting 'Clerk' •
O Highest Wish prices ,paid- in surrounding
district for dead old, Si& or disabled hors-
es and cattle. nersek.at 84 a Pound. For
the fastest and proper recaoyal of all ani.
• CillIteng'nistimeb and ask for
• • ATWOOD ZENITH .34900
(no toll charge)
ToWnshipLof Tuckersmith
Ratepayers, mid inhabitants of the, Town
hip .of Tucketszeith lire, requesIed, try -,'the
Council 'to' not park Cars township
roads ared weets during-th0•*inter-menths
in order to :facilitate. snowplowing Opera -
Council will not .be re`sponsible for dam-
ages. to any vehicles- parked On- roads :or
. SPRAYED APPLES for sale: SPY. Ring.
Talman Sweets, Delicious, Snow, Russet,
Greening, Macintosh,• Baldwin, etc. Free ,
delivery in town. Phone MI 24214.
Acting Clerk,"Tuckeramith
"Where Better tails Are ;Used"
Artificial Inseznination SerVice for all
ErWri a Battle
Farm. ,er ()wiled and Con" trolled.
, Call us ixit-ween 7:30 and 10:00 a.m,
weekdays and 6:00 and 8:00 p in. Sat-
urday evenings at
',buildings. Priced from $63.00:. Complete
1:-)Itstallation. For estima.tea, call or
' -',/ICE. Phone 851 R 5, Seafortb.
II -89k4
"OVE HAVE A friendly dog, abOut '11/2
;Years old, fond of shildren, who would
•-qciake a good' pet. We.don't want any-
'70Ififig for the dog—inst tho asitiranCe that
be is going to a good home and will be
looked after. PHONE 446, Staforth,
Wanted To Buy
USED .EVAPORATOR for ramile syrup.
'TOR 12-90x2
HIGHEST CASH PRICES .paid for sick,
;down and disabled farm animals. Prompt,
Keeurteeus collection of all dead end
741faabled farm animals and hides. Call
c'c011ect, ED ANDREWS,_851 R 11, •Sea-
4cittli. Arklocidted. with Darling & Co.. of
'Canada Ltd. 12-9040
a Wanted,
414; -BSaforth; 1.-S-VOwS
4. -Property For Sale
PLAN', your home now; $5010 "deem
buy You a lot in Seaforth cor
he% Lots surveyed. Land infitable foe
prOjeets Ternis to Stift, MAI'.
...TA -804f
15. Property -For. Rent
atraittatint, .serni-fctrntah.:
ed, ,heated .PIttalt SSA-
• VOILT/I.16040,
.Clinfon HU" 2-3441
• or for Long Distance
Clinton Zenith 9-5656
I. WIS21-4IB 'EXPRESS my appreciation
to all the electors 'of Hullett for thecon-
deuce' they placed in me at the polls on
onday. . I assure them of my complete
telition to •their interests and with them
all the ,CoraUlintehts or the Season.
• TO THE ELECTORS of StanleY, I wish
to thank all those who ,supported me at
the polls on Monday and to wish every
success to the -successful candidate. Com,-
Pliments of the season to all. JOHN
TO THE, ELECTORS of Stanley. 'Pown-
shin, I would like to extend. Sincete•thanks
for electing me to the School Area Board
it' Monday's, election.- Compliments of the
, 23-glx1
•...t WSH To .THANK ;MY', friends' ;and
relatives fa' Cards, treats, and 'visits while
waa'a .patient'. in::Seott
.4...specip.1 thank yon to D=
Mrs. Lane ,and ,nursing stil1COf the
• . -.0 . 19-9044
port' and Mrs. Winston Workman.
and .Mrs.• II. Caldwell offered to
visit for the month of December.
Mrs. Edison McLean and Mrs:
Consitt gave a ' report of the
Sectional meeting which was -held
in Elmville in. October...Mrs. Har-
old Jones read. a story- of two
Christmas carols,. "Silent Night"
and "0 Little Tovvit of Bethlehem.,"
IVIts. John Sinclair read a Christ-
mas story. Mit. Ross Love read
the slate of 'officers for 1960,. and
Mrs. Emerson Kyle moved, a vete
of thanks -to the retiring .president,
Mrs. Rtissoll4,,,C,onsitt: Rev. D.. A.
3.1c1VIillan closed with prayer.
' Officers for the WMS in 1960 are:
honorary president, Mrs. Russell
Consitt; president, Mrs. John An-
derson; first vice-president; Mts.
Harold Jones; second vice-presi-
dent, Mrs, H. Finkbeiner; third
vice-president, Mrs. Hugh‘ Hen-.
thick; seeretary,,, _Mrs. Harold
Jones; treasuer, Mrs. Morley
CaPper.;„.„press „segretar1.1\Irs: N.
Long; • Missionary Monthly secre-
tary,' Mrs. A. Parsons; Mission
Band'secretary, Miss- , Dorothy;
Turner; Baby_l3ancl, Mrs. Ross
• Broadfoot; Community. Friendship
secretary, • Mrs.- Ralph -Turner;
Christian Stewardship.,,..,secretary,
Mrs. Ross Love; simply' secretary,
Mrs. Emerson °Kyle; supply 'corn.
.mittee, Mrs. A. Parson's, Mrs. , R.
Love; , pianists, Mrs:,' R. Br,oadfoot,
Mrs. Harold Jones; Swishine, Mrs.
Eld.ori 'Iairott; .Christian, Citizen-
ship, 1VIrs.• S. Pepper.
-Officers for, the WA are: honor-
ary president, Mrs. Alex McMur-
trie; president, 1VIrs. Robert Mc-
-Gregor; first vice-president, Mrs.
Verne Alderdice; secondvice-pres-
Hail ay un
•" You can make fruit punch from
almost any combination of fnut
j,uices and it will taste good! For
very large groups, cold tea is of-
ten. added to the punch to `strelch'
the -fruit jnices. - -
In these recipes from the Con:
Caldwell read ra JOhn 164-17: "slither. threei,'. Canadian-
-.Mitintes'.. of the last Meeting were btodoced,, 06.# ,juj.ees::are featur
read: and adopted.,..and :the roll:. eau •.ed. andigrape:
Was...anSWereci'Vith..a for the Shoiad: 'yon.Want'larger quantities
Fred Mittien:'" - o Pinieliithan.theee recipes-inake
:Finkbeiner 'gave ..the yisiters" ' re- •siinply' doithie.'ortriijlethe
• '11-17.',.T.A.TOLk.'..of ,the':ldtealViii.
Hiller: 'Wish to •exPress, their 'sinceta,thankr.
to 'friends, neighbours . and relatives
.1,Or the..taanYNacts "Of kindnesi
shown dur-
lng and at-tbeitine" Of bis
• pasting. The, beautif,aLlfloral,:trilinte4'assd
SymPatliy. are deeply ap
Don't cendemn any. used hotise-
hold Iltiele0 to trash before - You
check its probable . Value. Even
though yoU 'find no possible use. for
the article, an inexpensive Want
Ad will very likely :bring spot cash
buyers for it.
am DAV, relY COMPErrtna
7i-AR7reci UStrIp
Wisi-r expressour. 'sincere ap•
PreCiation;:fer Sthe, acts cif„-kiadriesS, '„cards
and heentiftil-'”floral 'drop,... 'oat
friendS.: an&:iieighkois „during ;our ,recent
bereavement especial&,:vifsla ,M. thank
Rev. Elder, , l!dalicals., the 'IC/OF, .11ebecli
'els; the, Masana rind: W'hititcY ,,Futieta
25.- Personals -1-,..,,
• HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber ,Goods),,
/nailed postpaid.•iri plain sealed envelope
with price list., 6 sarnpples 2,50; 2,4 sam-
ples 31.00.. 'Mail - Order Dept. T-78,
CO, Box, 91, Hainilton.
26. l3irths
Scott Memorial0Hospital, 'on
• • Ifeceinher 4, to Mr. .and -Mrs. Thomas
28. Deaths
CAIVIERON—In Seaforth, on Sunday, Dec.
6, 'Wilford A. Cameron, in his 60th year.
12 FfcKillop, on 'I'hursdaY,
3, Calvin A. Hine& in his 843h year.
SCOTT—In London, on -Tuesday, December
8, Agnes Elizabeth' Scott, widov, of the
late Barry R. Scott, d'her68th year, •
Mc10116P, on Wedne5dfiXt Dee.
9, Catherine Atkinson beloved wife of
• John Shea, in her 74t11 year •
Box Holders' Names
Not -Given Out
It is not possible JO us
to divulge the name or ad-
dress of any advertiSer using
, a Huron Expositor box num-'
ber. Please' donot ask UslOr-
thit information..
. Sunday 'visitors kn, Cromarty
„ •
'Mr: and Mrs. William. hessel,
of '' Mitehell, with ..Mr.. and 'Mrs.
.Gordon Laing. ,
•-Miss Janet Colquhoun, of .Science
Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon'..A.17
, . how thirsty your. guess are but,
in general; :allow three' to four
.- 'Mr.. and Mrs: DOn
,Gorclon,Seott arid famllY. Grape :and Apple Punch••'0
• (About 11/2 ;quarts),
.O CANDY -CANE CAKE for Chrisinias treat, with home-made
candy -cane ice cream, is delicious and eye appealing. Use
sweetened condensed milk as a base, mix in prushed pepper-
mint. stick candy for flavoring and sprinkle on. cake and ice
cream for 'garnish. Hook small canes around the edge of the
Christmas: entertaining requires
mounds of ice Cream always aVail-
able for the kindergarten set, the.
teen-age club, the collegiate 'lime
from the halls of higher learning,
or the calorie-unconseMus adults.
It • is 'One 'of the favorite desserts
in, this' seasert of heavy meals and
overstuffing on The meat arid veg-
etables: , . 0,
Ice .cream,. and cake., are peren-
nial favorites on the Canadian
table ,at any° tirne of ye,ar' as prev-
en 'by. the sales. statistics' showing.
that tbris 'of. ice cream are sold
everywhere: 0. „ . - ,.
ChristmaS dessert § should also,
be good to look at . . . and for
the sake oft 11e,thomemaker; easY
to prepare. ce cream is one which
lends itself o 'decoration' vvitli red
and green, carrying out the tradi-
tional colors of Christmas for that
-rdd.Td ff51---ich which pells "festrve"-
It is very easy to make your
own 'ice. cream and a 'simple re
eine , which Uses 'condensed milk
as a hase ..iS one,.you Will. want to
tuck int your, file box fel. fast.
reference: This. recipe makes 'a,.
-sirrooth and, velyetY.- texture with
that goodold-fashioned flavor., It
will be made' soquickly that :you
will Want to make` a fresh tray as,
soon as the :first one is alnibst
. For that special Christmas tonch
one- cup :of crushed peppermint
stick' candy is added to the .mix-
• ture and. the' flavor is delicious. If
serving -the ice cream vvith An
iced 'cake, it is suggested .that the
cake have, tiny eandy canes
around the edge and family, or
'ents, yen find you. need. .more.
than 2' 20-onnee rcaris. okapi* juice..
:ta. make. the Punch bf your choice,.
be St.ire :to buy. the larger,...fec.on--:
'orniCal.'48-ounce: size• can.'
O 'One quart (40 ounces). niakes'Jsix
• to eight Servings 'depending 0 on
size ' of glasses 'and: amennt of ice
used,: The, number of Servings 're-
quired for a party' Will ',depend' on
' of Carlingford, With -117a.0. a d 1VIrs. s6rvin-gs 'per person'
• Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams and
family, of Blyth, with Mr. and 1 32 -oz. bottle grape juice (
Mrs. George Wallace, 'cups) -
Mrs, E. Moore has returned to 1 2f1 oz can apple juice
her „home from Scott Memorial 1 small bottle, ginger ale.
HospitalSeaforth, where she was • Chill unopened Jinces and ginger
a patient for three weeks. ale untiljtogether, 'adust beforCVdinice.
:vhag time,
137,. ori sorry to report Mr, Tom
t e -g
.Scett; ,OVviag . to infection which de-
n mix
yeloped in one of his fingers that 0. - Apricot Punch
was severely injured recently, is (About 1 quart)
.having to receive treatment at
..e , 3 tablespoons sugar-Scott'.kmorialHospital, Sea -
. ' l0 .
Mr-LinMcKelarBoh and Tait..
' 3.tablespoonslemon
, .
2 -13 -oz. cans apricot nectar
'e were" auests-of and;Mrs. sized 'bottle --ginger
ruce Armstrong 'on Sunday.'' .0
1VIr. 'Ross Houghton,- Linda, Bo- Beat eggs and Sugar together un-
berta, and Debbie with Mrs.,Hough- til thick and lemon colored. Stir
ton onSunday.. Billie returned to in lemon juice and apricot nectar.
his home in Mitchell.
• '
• 'Annual Meeting of WMS Just before serving, add. ginger
The WMS annual meeting was ale and pour•over tracked ice.
held on Thursda,y-et-the home of
Mrs. • Mac Lamond vvith a good Spiced Apple Juice •
(About 1 quart) •`
attendance. Mrs., Lamond presid-
, .
ed and led'in„devotions. Mrs, Cal- 2 20 01 cansapple juice
der "MCICali had cirgrge of the 1 teaspoon cider vinegar
topic. The •sttiely book was given _ 12 whole cloves
by -Ars. Will Miller, with Mrs. '2"..Sti.eiCS cinnamon
Laing, Olive Speare, Mts. 'Harper 2 teaspoons sugar.
and Mrs.' Houghton taking . part. Mix all ingredients together in
O Mrs. Lammond took charge of saucepan. Bring to boil, remove
,the Meeting. The seeretary's an frorn teat andlet cool. Strain.
nual report, was given by Mrs. T. Serve cold or hot, with cinnamon
L,Scott; the financial report by stick stirrers, if desired.. ,:,,
IMIor:ghWM,Tialli:amnd.' :earppreers;s trheePofitlha:'
Tidings and Horne Helpers by Mrs.
Mrs .Ken Mekellar, Other reports
were given by Mrs. 0 Wm. Miller
and Mrs, Sadie Scott.
, , 0,
so 14ERE
1.1..)'Tytio.:7.., Of .Billing Machines:.•
• •-•••••-•
Phone 141 or 142
r••• r•-•• rf0-' rr:
Glazed Ham Adds
guest comments wffl be ample re-
ward for .
_Magic,Peppermint Ice Cream
2/3 cup, sweetened condensed
Last Week Miss Darlene -Stanley,
of Clinton, an Mr. Douglaa-Riley, .
a4tisoturrnWerpe4 TPeraacchtiecres' iC°eallechingein .
here at 5.8.' No. '3, Hullett, tuuler
, the supprvision of the 'teacher, Mrs, .
• Shirley !Lyon. . . ' •
Mr. and MTS. Earl Lawson vis-
ited recently With Mr. and. MTS.
William _Webster, of St. He ens.
• Is\1,
..14. ,and Mrs. -Frank Rile and
Douglas spent the ---Weekend - 1
th •
Mr. and ofAjax.andMrs,.obett WoOds ° abd.
O Warden and Mrs. William Jew-
itt' attended the Lambton County
warden's banquet Saturday at Sr ,
nia. -Mr. and" MFS. •Earl Johnston
were the host and hostess for the
evening.. Mr. .and Mrs. Jewitt vis-.
ited Sunday with friends at' War-
wick. Mrs. Earl Lawson spent a'cou-
ple of:days ,last week in London
visiting witli her daughter and -
son-in-law, IVIr.' and Mrs. E. F:
Warren, and daughters. ,.
Mr. Laurence T ylor, son of Mr.
• and Mrs. liarvey, Taylor, received
the RobertArthur Stewart Burs-
t • at the OAC,iGitelph. The bur-
SarfAs offered tc, assist the stu-
dent entering the first -Year degree °
Mr. and 14s. -.Charles Dexter vis-
-Red Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Dexter,. of Blyth'. -T,,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann and
family, of Wingham, visited Sun- .
darniyiwioltdby, • .
hMT. and Mrs. Robert.G•
• Visitors ,on Sunday with IVIr; and •
_Mrs. Ross 1VIacGregor were Mr.'
and Mrs. Sandy Murray, of Clif-
ford, Mr. John Ferguson andAliss
Janet MacGregor, of Fordwich.
. Mr., ;and Mrs. Seigo Noguehi, :of
Guelph, .visited Sunday. with Mr.
• and Ars, Borden 'Brown and fain-
. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Stewart,
of Molesworth,- and Mrs. 'Ashton; -
-of ,Fordwieh, visited -Monday. 'with
the , 1Vlisses Rachel and pearl Mac-
• Next Sunday chureh'serviceS vial
be beldal 7:30 o'Clock as an eve- -
iiing service in.the form of a can-
dlelight service by the CGIT „girls.
-There-will be no, Sunclay_SchooLor
Mission- Band.
O Y2 cup water
O 1 cup whipping cream
1 cup crushed peppermint
stick candy. •
Set refrigerator control at cold-
est point. Mix 'milk and water.
Chill. Whip cream to custard -like
consistency and fold into . chilled
mixture, Pour -into, freezing tray
and cover tray with Waxed paper.
Freeze.to a firm in h (about one
hour). Turn 'into •c d bowL---
Break up with fork and b <at with
•rotary egg beater until fl y, but
not melted. Fold in...:crushe can-
dy, Quickly return to trayand
cover again -with waxed paper.. Re-
turn to freezing,junt and chill um.
, Dial Phones 'For 1Vlitchell' •
'telephone • service. •will 'be
Mtreduced Mitehell late 'next
yea4, H. H. V,' Johnston„..Bell..Tele-
phone inanagerqor this region; an;
.nounced.last .weekf,He said that. a.
4ontract ,fot constriletion of 4 new
• dial 'telephone. .exchange building
hag been. awarded to ()Scar „ -Wiles
and SOS: Ltd.; . Eitehener. The
00-stprey- building., 'to' be erected
at,St. and •Mciritreal
•ineaSiire 53..13 y .23 feet. ,K will
,finve ,..concrete - foUndation, briek.
and, tile': walla, and a :.20 -year 'tar
and gravel roof... It heated
by. hot Water.,Mitchell'AdVocate.,
.• 'Paper. mill forests are the'best
irianage in the land: •,
• „
Mrs -:.-Stewart McQueen is a pat-
ient at Victoria HOspital, London,
wliefe-she willfiindergo, an opera;
tion-on--Irriday in the interests Of
her health. '
:On Tuesday several carloads •of
the' Senior Citizens' Club spent a
s' guelsts,
'where they Were royally 'entertain-
ed at the ;Legion Hall with games
and an excellent prograni'�f local
talent. A delicious lunch wat serv-
ed,, and a fine orche'stra pnivided
,music for the dance. The hallas,
lovely in Christmas motif clec,ora-.,
Harry Hoy,Won $275 'at an elim-
ination, d.inn.er of the Strathroy
HockeY Club last Tuesday.,
When you serve a supper buffet:
style it's always nice to have
something eye-catching and a lit-
tle bit different to attract the at-
tention of your Lungry•gnests, We
think yon4l agree that this ,gela-
tine.glazed-ha-m, not too fussy to
prepare and very ea.sy ' to serve,
will please all, concerned.
You will need sliced ham, either
ready -cooked or baked at home,
The ,gelatinglaze is Avery sinular
to that prepared by professional
Chefs, They use it to. dress up
ham, poultry and other meats for
the beautiful buffet displaywhich
they prepare as proofof their tal-
ent and culinary ability,
Buffet Petal Ham
For a small buffet to serve only
a few people, invert a sinall plat -
tet (Or shallow oVal bowl) on a
large platter. Starting at .one: end -
of the small platter, place the larg-
'et slices .of ham 'down the centre
• up over the small platter to the
other end, 8110Willg-Slicet to Over.
lap. On sidg,-Insert smaller slic-
es of ham between upPer slice to
give petal effect, making sure to
cover small platte4_,,
O For a large buffet -where more
meat is needed,. reserve the best
sliees for outer layer and plaef
• Sgt. 'John Beer. lyirs. Beer, Dav-
id and johnny, of Springfield, were
weekend visitors with Mr. and'
Mrs. Fred! Beer, . •
Wednesday, December 16, at
7:45.0 -P.m., the , United "Chtirch
willbe held. Sundayi0December 20,
at 112 a.rn., Christmas Sunday ser-
vice and 7:30 pm:, White Gift
service, and a presentation of a,
Christmas cantata by the choir.
The annual Christmas party for
children of. Hensall and commiiii-
ity is scheduled' fur Saturday at
2 pan,„ when Santa Claus,
rive.,.and., distribute bags -Of• -can-
dy. This will be followed.. with, sev-
eral,.comedy cartoons in the Hall,.
The project 'is sponsored'by the
Chamber 'of ComMerce and ;Nen
sail Legion Branch .468. A and,
Claue4arade will also- be one of
the highlights ofthe party.
. Sunday, December 13 the chil-
dren of members. of the Legion'
and Ladies ' Auxiliary will b--Ti'tertained to a Christmas party in
the Legion Hall at ,2:30 p.m.,
Mrs. Sack Drysdale Was hostess
-at- her homeon_Tuesday, eviiing
for the meeting of ,the Kinettes,
with 100 per cent attendance. The
preSitlent, Mrs._ William% IVIickle,
chaired the meeting. Seven thank-
yoir Mites were read. " Ten 'dollars
was donated to the-. Red Shield
campaign, London.,On' Tuesday,
Dec. 22, the memers will go
around the village and sing Christ-
mas carols. The raffle, bought by
Mrs, 3', .beitz, was won by Mrs.
John Heal.
WaS held Monday'. night in -the.;
'church-- Seimcilrodni. Offiedri .; for
1960 for the Worneh's. Missionary
'Society are: presiderit,..'•,MtS. .tar1
Campbell; vice-president, .
Percy: anipbell;sectetary, Mrs.
Malcolm Dougall "treasurer,, Mrs.
Ed: Munn; supply secretarY,-
Basil Edwards ; floW.er. secretary,
Mrs, G. V. Vais-,-7-Weicomeand wel-
fare,. Mrs:. Sam-Dong'all and -Mrs.
Vais; Glad Tidings,: Mrs. Munn.;•
literature ariclilibrary.,AVIrs,'
-,Ho'rne Help ers,. Mts. Harvey Hycle;,„
pianist, Mrs. Minin. -
'Mrs. Sam Dougall, a Test presi-
dent, condUcted the !_ election and
. also, Presented Mrs. RochuS -Fab-
er with a life ,,membership eerti-•
Vais presided and.
,gave the' topic ;on the . theme,
"Christmas " giving' the history of
carols,„Christmas Meditation was
taken by Mrs.”' Malcolni .'Dougall;
scripture •passages by • MTs; R.
Faber; prayer by Mrs: Len Pur-
dy', and a' Christmas poem by Mrs.
• •••• •
, Officers for 1960 of the Ladies'
Aid are: president, Mrs. Alex Mc-
Gregor,. vice-president,.. Miss Han-
nah Murray; secoiftb
dent, Mrs. Frank 'Wright; Secre-
tary,4 Mrs. Percy 'Campbell; treas-
ure< Mrs.--Clarence•Volland; group
leaders, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs.
Harvey, Hyde, Mrs.. John Soldan;
tiuilt committee, Mrs. 'Earl CaMp-
.bell, Mrs., Lorne Luker, ,Mrs.
Munn; manse, Mia.:Kdwards, Mrs.'
R. .1. Cameron, IVirs.',Mtinn; pian-
ist, Mrs. Munn; reception 'com-
• mittee Mrs, Sam Dougall, Mrs.
Vas. •
, In conjunetion with the WMS,
Christmas boxeS-- will be sent out
tc3,sick and shut-ins of the church.
Mrs. Vais conducted the election,
• the slate of officers being brought
in by Miss Hannah Murray and
Mr$. Vais.
Officers For St. Paul's WA'
At the meeting of the Women's
Aintiliary of St. Paul's Anglican
Church held tit .th6 home Of Mrs.
R. H. Middleton Monday evening,
the, following officers ler 1960.4were
elected to office: president, MrS,
.W. O. Goodwin; vice-president,
Mrs. T. Lavender; secreMry-
_treasurer, Mrs,, Charles Fiford;
Dorcas secretary, 1VIrs. Mary Tay-
ReV, Brett De Vries •conducted
the election. December 20, at 7:80
p.m., a Christmas serviee Will be
observed when the cast from Triv-
ia IVIernorial Church, Exeter, will
present a Nativity, play. Follovv-
ing the service, the children will
be entertained in the church school
Elett Officers
O „ A joint meeting of tile Women's
MissiOnary Society and Ladies' Aid
, To the'EleCtorg'of
Hullett Township
My sincere thanks for
your support 'at the
polls on Monday.
I will serve the Town-
ship to the best of my
ability in 1960.
Wislung you one and all the
Compliments of the Season!
O armies' IVicEwing
The Guide Corner.
- • (By Linda Noakes)
O The Guides began their Deceit-
ber meeting by practising a new
O way of forming the horseshoe. "rs,
nal opening exercises were' fol-
lowed by an instruction by at
Rollie oh whistle and hand signals.
Mter this, Sharon Skidmore and
Elaine Keys reviewed the Guide
knots and 'stalking positions. Fol.
lowing thiS, the Guides had camp
fire. Where they: sang several
ChristomS carols.
The special 'meeting of the First
Hensall Girl Guides arid Hrownies
was held l)ecember'O. The Brown-
-i6s'-'1144 their usual opening exer-
cises. Several • of - the Brownies
were awarded- badges and six'
Brownies were enrolled -by Madam
Commissioner, Mths Siegner. The
Guides then went into horseshoe
fortnation and two Brownies flew
up into the Guicle,s. Six Guides
were enrolled and several' receiv-
ed badges, among, thern Pat Itowe,
who completed all her badge work.
A forrher, Guide leader, Mrs.
Lavender, gave a speech directed
especially to the mothers of the
girls, The Brownie S went into
Pow Wow with the Guides form
Mg behind them. Several song
were -sung and after, the BroWnies
and Giiides had retired to their
patrol corners, refreshments were
(Contintied on Page 7) of Carmel Presbyterian Cbijrchserved..,
To the Electors of ,
Hulieti ownshi
'payers. of .11ullett Township.who
eupported me . at the •polls. on
Moiiday.• „
•• •COMplinte Of the Season!
Archie Youn
' To the.Electors of
St!mley ToWnhip
Sincere Thanks
to all who supported
me at the -polls
on Monday, Dec. 7th.
Compliments of the
• Season !
To th'lectors o
Stanley Township
My sincere thanks for
,the strong supp_ort you --
gave ine on IVIonday.
• My attention to your
aVairs in' the Township
Will be given, as in the
past --
Best Wishes!
Harvey Coleman
Electors of
• Stanley Townsitip
Many thanks for the
cOnfidence yo Li have
placed in me as indiOat--
ed by theAupport at the.
O polls ,on IVIOndaSr'.
Compliments of the
- Season !
Alvin Rau •