HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-12-11, Page 4anclude Place Exists >r Larg+� aid ;Sma11 Farms COMMtlNtTY F R I DECEMBER Ilth ar CENTRE SEAFORTH MONUMENT OPEN T. Pryce & Son ALL TYPES OF' CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited: Telephone Numbers: Desspito the fact that .large-scale treasurer_ • gates and management represent- farmers epresent_ mers have recently been -blanc- As pa.rt of the Seafortli Co-op's atives from local coroperatwves educational. program, a group of throughout the province, - totalled ed for' many of'tlae farts. Surplus. junior Farmers---a.lsv attended the 844 people` ' - trollies . of Canadian agriculture. e; ,eonvenilon"at. the expense of :.the ; A record Jnillaon dollar year in they. were, .placed, iia;' a favorable local Co-op- .Supervised. by John net earnings -for 'United Co -opera- fight at ,the - annual riieetang of, a McRae, ideal neldmana; they were .bates of.Ontario for 1958-51 was an peri ' • of Qatari°, • Jack Dearing, Anthony Vaj Loon, nouriced at U.CO's • annual meeti g Urnted .. lives Francis' $int, Jack...Crazi r, Ars in Yoronto last week.. The total held i Termite r s .tee ra Dole= old Campbell,-- Ma Stewart, Jim_ 51;8b3,579 before, taxes came from . gaf�es';and at?eakeas geaieralty" ielt;Palm Harvey D e• and Doug a:$ ,' sales volume, „which ;,that farm co-operatives can n, easily survive \without serving,, larger #armor as well as the small, - 1 patrons Bepreseiating Seafartli,; Farmers' ry p at the '• pieetmgis Were'Piresident Robert W. Camp-. bell; Loyd `Dowat,• vlanager;• Clare Reith; 'Manager poultry di ' ter vis�,on; and. Mrs., . Reith;• �'e Simpson, R. S.' McLercher Jack t t •b farm Davidson, Murray Roy, secretary- a •panel mehiber, was that Many, tit#liillUliitfitill1111llHHU1ti11f111,11l ill of (the small farm eo-operatives pro -WINTHROP t be able to better serve ::tileIr H WORKS Exeter 41 Clinton 1620 • ,,:, .Seaforth 573. a• t .110 $ Fe3� ge rel' manager, A special pagel,diseussion on the seForted" at being 'per cent -high- subject was staged. Panel••mem er•than last year: bets George •McLaughlui, Beaver; This fast-growing- 'co-operative'. toa; Angus ` Viison, Ottawa,'' and wholesale' and. associated local co - Fenton? , Cryderman, T.hamesville; .operatives have,'the largest single , gave, their opinions on what ,farm distributing program combining: co•el eratives were doing now and feed, fertilizer; petroleum: and farm In addition,. Could. do �, the future to help the supplies in Ontario a er. One pourt brvugh ,on y they have extensive'liveatock•.and grain marketing operations. in this wince. 'And the net earnings re - netted by -UCO means over X9)0,000 eels S des back. to earntfig � e oc ion these' Savings to their farm ' 9:00, pal CH�CKENS S TI�RI�Y . DY ' R EVERYBODY GAMES FO Admission Free A -- Auspices Arena Commission :_s�.-1 .4. 2 -:&--2 ,.1. _ice 2s 1 _�. sr k __ , .2a,��. 2 -i: s • 1z' � WANT ADS BRING ' RESULTS Phone 1� mss} � 1s; s:; .i. � ; .E}�2y: 2 �� i =, � = 2 ^:_; s 2 ' � - 2 . 2��« 2 2�_•-i.. < a � � j' _ _ _. 1 . I'�iRHOTp B Reeveof "Morris' gl'99�7ftiS MUSK F ESTI SIAL . STRATFORD OF Official Syllabus, No Available:. Write 'for Free Copy. P. Q Bo% 103:. STRATFORD or ftttlClilltiluiliIitl BtlllltItlltlt3llililti ll HERE . !t COMES a the u a a o e ors taro g i arm m nab • n? g Prior to=,her departure far her• motion of . ((f__acdities and services as patrons a tdividends Tia 1 ars new home in Seafarth, Mrs. Ethel within certain-, areas. Other points' in turn' 'i11 be 'able4 Jow pass M hone was presented with • an stressed_by tbe;panel were, service; e�electric tea , byen the mem- 'quality er goods: handled by co- hers and other 'patrons_ fiiae.19221,7'yrs c {little kettle hutch: ;ops, •plus bulk -feed 'mid fe • -r 604 will he. Paid- out ,as approxi. b rs:.G% Smith " f Cavan ane hurch. programs for large-scale f u, a�g mately $690,Q00•in common shares Ss 000 in ' cash.. dividends, and the'\presentati n was.m�ade by; operations. r: ' : : - and, , Mrs, , J. Boyd. ' Probably the stron'gest plea for Largest; single patronage dividend .. r ped Hie Hilton, of the large seale,farms was given by .is nearly ..$=0,000, t -o --be paid; -tq .gs aha Mrl a ;and TZrs Sen Ralph Campbell, Professor ; and .Thamesvi 1e -Co-op.` Cowan, of ii:dlMr. were here this bead of the :Economics Depart- President -Alden McLean, Muir resented. the directors' • re- week attenrli the -funeral' of their - wen Ptiell GuProfessor. port .p father, the late Calvin A• TTiilen_ Camgi>ell. quoted -facts: Which sliovv- .L� to` a ut 500 .delegates, from _ • p�'� �w� farm sup and other: co -Opera ed:;th ' a beene_tren tag ,larger, ii' il of ra id:.er annusG'RoUP II'OF IPA farms . has. been m ,,:evidence.. for fives He• tot p P., The December meeting q£ "Group many -year=. The trend .is acceler- of UCO "in the`. past year in many 2. of the WA "of :Northside Umted ating at present, with larger farm ;a5 eas: A new marketing Develop- Cbl h 'ass, held at the honme • of ers putting out an ever-increasing ment Division , was estabhshetd 'as Zrs_ , Izeniil1 and as has been percentage of tlie total ou of a service to. groups of producers the evsiom='for several years, -teen food::: Since ;1921 -census fries -who wished help with ,their...mar� •the form of a pse:lera supper ok show that farms 484) acres or moreiketing , problems; an Urban De-, ter f rni feovs repast, Mrs J M'. I in . size had c -i- ally .increased .mpartment.:was added to the Locals Scott toakr. charge of the ,devotion- a umbel: Up to 1956; farms fromDivision and is now providing: a part the meetwg The meet - Off. (to. 480 acres had increased,fuel, 'oil . service to `consumers in al Parts d ened• w fih . Theca eel the Metropolitan' Toronto :district_ toff. 'Size sof farms c n't be of tinea Mr eLean • alio reported the of :a poem"iChrits_e _ -of•a-h+7£• i Trion bar ar evotionai: " as, the d Mrst Sc9tt:`read SoreCam terms ,of mbell said,'a output is no fe er :plant• at' isoaburg: and ' e?n � e Crreatest ' J Ever Wal - Mare indicative of size." The the purchase of, iair,e acres:and Told after whieii; Mrs. B Wal warehouse facgiities.formerly oWn` tors led prayer. trend is a matter tests he ',,ed Mrs H:;';Hugiil took .charge of ed by a';tractor-trailer:company; at g: said, with higher Costs of..equip-,te : the .business meetm After the. �ieston.' . went and labor requiring ..greater reading of ' lite minutes of; the pre=`: We can FURNACE In yokes horse and not leave ;you.•without beat: for more Than' Five Hours -!•- GAS - OIL' - COAL or . WOOD EXAMPLE: A Standard Installation for six -room bungalow,; C GAS FURNACE, $4175 00 completely installed all-Seaforth 585 for Free Estimates r ER 'VICE �� S ,LES SA GINCERICH S SERVICE AY 1'0 R THIS . WITH YOUR GAS BILL ! =H 1TD4. ...Tin Coming To. ' ER. ICH G I NG SeOrth of I TA C SAN _ TOYLA:: DEC. I2 SATURDAY; io QE► :m, x:30 to .� • l . ,. a Alt Y �t �ils W� E TREAT$ FOR THE 't'IY Mel •: me �� See . Ca MR DOOR PRIZES size of farm= operation: He; pre-: LEGIOI�Y I.�DIES' AiTI1.IARF vious .meeting, a roll call was dieted' that size of livestock and aivsw, . a; by 20; monitors :and dile poultry • feeding, enterprises will in- Tbe. December •,meeting .:o£ Seta-- :visitor: .It was decided , that the crease- even more in. the future; form L•egion Ladies Auxiliary officers for 195= for 1960.. A bi breakthrougli is coming -•in -$ranch-:.156 1Vas acid •Wednesday ,kers f e programsforon Ifor were livestockgfeeding right now; he Tim the I egion� oom_ The meeting made'.,Jut, Miss N. Sinclair enter - told delegates, nter-told"delegates, .just>as a big break; vias opened bv- President.4Mrs.. H. .mined a those present very agree.- ' in the rod ietion and use . Jessome,. ROIL call was: answered •ably by showing her pictures;., rak- the p• of modern' farm . equiputent` Caine''by 31` ladies_ :The secretary, Mrs: en for the most .part m Northern" at the end of; .the • last war; .: " • . U: Little, read: the minutes of the Onta' last meeting. Accounts, for pay-, o rural rid io studies Made:by. •ent . 'and the treasurer's . report two rural soelologists who • had ra been brought hi from USA to, let-" Were Oen lkeaSiter.Miss Thel- tore to educationalists a•fewyears lila Forbes: ), ago,• to clinch-•-his'Wargument about ..The auxiliary has been notified the value of: the large-scale•farm by'Westminster ,HOspital, London,' er: .kccordiag to the sociologists, that the adopted veteran William the • large.o ;scale farmer; was the Watt, had passed away: It was.de; person �vhterided�to become the 'tided to' send, a faarcel to the .:hos leader in farm organizations' and Pita-1,M:,be given to the ;new, adopt- * doptrn the; community":The first farm ed. veteran for ' Chi stmas_ Re; er• ta'•get•Ideas, use;, them , and .do ,ports were given by the couimit- ch: s'.usually. the tees. on, the Monday night ladies' his .own re=cur . . -.. - - - s: • , '. -- called farmer; this type is Inv-itation.•euchre as aw w alai dr called an„iia"nogaior,:' The': ma5s.of : The`.S:30 p_m,.sio y Ie- dii-, not• readii - follow won by. Mrs. Fred- Chappel; ' mys- f f farm- tory pnze b�, Mr -y,, - 1 ,, e'-- --f-T-r--; T-- - -T r'r-,r- ��.. a r-- - r7' r-... r-, 3' TiT%T '�'.� 3.i'✓.F; T ---r7"..; :' r• ----r-, r-- T !2 ,-..i --2 ;4,•-..k,..4.: 2 31; .---..,4,,.....:.isJ,-a. 2 1 .,--4.,,,..../,,.-4 ,-.4,,,--.1.,:-4 SALES and SERVICI Scatoma arm peop > s Olive Little,' :and Mi. whd Biot the; group a . a.s •ecial draw by Mrs:'. Alen Muir_' ors tvho fit into an `early adopter' p class, the 'ones, woo Use :others' Children,.s `gifts were brought by ideas; and. ,research on theirown' each member; to'be sent to; the farms; are -usually: younger., men War Memorial Sick Children's Hos- "-and tend to he large-scale.' farmers_ pital • in London for Christmas: .' These are the ones, who often be- ` Nominations iter -the 1960 slate come leaders •Profesor Camp- of officers were held, with thefol: bell pointed, out that if the people louring being elected: president, v�ho-take a,leading role in the fu-. rs. Harry. •3essome • (acct);• first tore are ]hely' to be Targe -scale vice president; Mrs_ John Holland : farriers, -farts co-operatives must. ..(acei-); secondvice-president,:Mrs.' have their support. '• •3ames Sallows (acel.); secretary,' Sessions of • the -annual meeting. Mrs. Olive Little (aecl ); 'treasur= er, ; Miss' Thelma • Forbes (aecL).; ed .December' ` 2 Registrations -' . , Mrs: .Cls ended executive .committee.;, 3 y,. of visitors, ,stilt. from UCO, dole ton Dennis sirs. • ;Gordon Scott, Mrs, S• Sne11;?tits. Cleave Coombs; sick end visiting, Mrs. L. Edgar; property, Mrs. L. Wood; buying, Mrs. James McGrgor; Mrs: Jack Praiser, Mrs Charlie Wood; en- tertainment, Mrs. Fred Chappel, Mrs. Gordon Scott; -past president, Mrs. John Taylor; press reporter; -. .Mrs:' Gorden Scott. Auditors are: - -to be appointed at the January meeting. After the meeting, a social:4hour. Was spent, with guests of ''honor, Mrs. Cleave Coombs, Mrs. Jones and, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, of ' Egmondville, present. These lad: ies :werr=called to the front and each presented With a--gift-before their depaifiire to ''England _next week -for- Chtristmas:holidays: - he ladies each made a :suitable .rep1,y:, Mrs:. Uarry Jessoine entertained the' ladies with some Christmas 'carols played,on'the accordian, A skit ealleU "Just One More;" vias presented bar Mrs; Fred Chappel,' Mrs. O, Little and :Mrs. Presaca». tor. A_ cdMical musical selection was presented by Mrs. A. Jes, some, Mrs. J, Taylor, Mrs. J. Sal - lows, Mrs. 11i; • "Mcdrath and Mrs, C. Wood.. A visit was paid to the party by Santa. Claus, who handed out the exchange gifts to each 'lady pres- ent: A bountiful Christmas;: lunch' was served by the December lunch. conimittee. 25th Anniversary, EUCHRE & DANCE • HENSALL Community Centre December18,1'959: Euchre at 8.30 p.m Lucky 'Lunch Prize -,Draw . for Christmas Cakes: Auspices Kippen • East .Institute. COOL 'jQUINN ORC.TRA HES VISITING OVER-THEHOLT {;Go CNR-the sure, the comfortable way. Snow -filled skies or icy roads will make no difference -you'll get where you' and you'll a er. relascin minute:of ourtri .' ivantto go, n Y enjoy �'. Y. gY,., P • ` 'And especially.;nowwith CN's new Group Economy Travel make tremendous :'when ou travel in, a Plan qou 'savingsY group of two or inore. For instance, for fourpeoplegoing`to. Montreal from Toronto the fare is only $15• each, return! , The CN's new. Group Economy Travel':knd the "Ail. Inclusive" Western Travel plans cost so little—why, drive For tickets and inftqrmation, contact your, local Canadian 'Nitional ticket oft This year, more and more people''who are going home for the Christmas season, will DIAN NATIONAL ,•t-9-77 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS . les aP ProfitabletQ ile Pa stime- ANY .- s}- .•-+a r' -' -- •tel its 1 .r1 ...1r2. T TRADE -MARK REG. Ches/441 Id -Suites Make Pleasant bristinas Giving t SPACE SAVERS KROEHLER ROCKERS HQ$TE$S CHAIRS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS • KITCHEN .CHROME FURNITURE LAMP, STEP-UP and COFFEE TABLES ' FLOOR AND TABLE IAMPS BEDROOM FURNITURE ^. [ - ..,. .._ BESTS ..'liES SES BOSHART CEDAR CHESTS. SIMMONS AND .SERTA IVIAT • _— - PHILLIPS ' -:. SP,ARTON PHILCO. TELEVISION SETS . and . `'T'O HI-1'I'and STEREO .. EL CTRA RADIOS, TRANSISTOR RADIOS PHILLIPS,' iveRY A GIFT ' SUGGE-STIO►1N FOR - • MEMBER:- Of THE. --F SWIVEL ROCKERS: - Floor Coverings. PHONE 119 -t -- 2 rk •••1 Television RNIT U1 w”M"M*Mhik$NE"THErcooocrot�acmmuLD-rnkrodoat•Etlrao �$ s�r-soa^ori eoeKo�k— NC mai D! There's'a friendly fir;'and worm -hospitality waiting at home ... and people waiting • for Coke?. Coca -Cala , . with that cold crisp taste -that's bright and bracing as the winter 'air. Ride through the. Holidays rqiiesiia and: relaxed, , ,, welcome your friends' with -the real refreshment .. -- plenty of ice-cold Coca-Cola. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd:. Funeral - ',Ambulance Service. • ' Seafolth GLENN' - WEBB Iteeve of Stephen t1L 1Ti ESBECO LIMITED .. Stratf ord," Ontario ♦a'