HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-12-11, Page 1"t. '‘ r•-) One Hundredth Year Whole Number 4791 SE/WOPTH ONTARIO, EtrIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1959 $2.5() a Year in Adva ce Single Copies, .5 Centh ;aaf�rth Spiel Foo.s•F011. A full entryleatured the opening honspiel .,of the Seaforth Curling Club on Saturda•y. Curlers ' were present from Mount Forest, Thed- ford Centralia , Clinton Hensall London, Wingham, Brussels and Orangeville. , . • Top honar.,k,*"the 9 o'clock draw went to: Brussels rink, skipped by Harold ' Thomas$,,,and sincluding Tomas McDonald, Sam SWeeney " and .Jack 'McDonald. The 'Score was 34 wins; plus,,,,„19. • -" A ;Centralia rink took second; ` with 2 wins plus 8. It included Williarn, 'Neilson, skip, Wiilam -Harker, D. Fabbro and L. Roberts. RCM', Clinton, with 2 wins PluS,6, came third. On the rink were Voight, skip; jack Wheelhouse, Rusty Brown and Frank Koch. Seaforth rinks competedfor "top' . Saxe in the second draw, .with honors going to Dr. M. W. Staple ton rink with 3 wins plus 11: On the- rink -were Norman MacLean, L. B. Melanson and Paul Staple- . Second lira-ce- was won ,by W. Roberton,- Seaforth, with 2 in lus 12. 'Curling with him were, Om -Morton, Dick Kirk and Chas. , - by, Harold Welsh, was third, with 2 .wins plus 9. On the rink were Geo. Brooks, Lorne Gardner and 'Dave Other . area rinks taking part in- cluded E. C. Boswell (skip), N. Cr -Ca.rdno,: N. Scoins and Cyril Kirk; William Campbell' (skip), William MoorePhillip Hoggarth and Karl Campbell; and Ernie ' Chipchase (skip),. Harold Scam, Bob Cook and Doug Cook. , • . • The' way.2.has'' been cleared for VidttiO, Christmas Bazaar Is C,WIL Feature and heini:'bak- ing..bv,aar... was held' Saturday af- terneorrifi*...James' School by the nieinberi' of the CWL. The • tea" :tables and tabies, which ; were tastefully t decorated by, Mrs.: Sam Bates and and.Mis. Alvni Smale, Were „an 'charge, of, Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mrs. 11. S. Box. Pinifing:tea were . Mrs. Jean. Fortune Mrs. J. M. 'Mc- Millen, Miss Marguerite Dunn and , Mrs. J. J. Cleary,- .."-Serving tea were Mrs. ;lames Devereaux; Mrs., Joseph McConnell, ,Mrs. Wm. Box, Mrs. • George' Legeza;„-MrS. 'Brad :Smith, Mrs. . and Mrs.' Karel I3oys. Music, Was, pro- vided by ;Mrs., Alice Stiles: , .; the ' baking .boeth Were lrs. ..:Lester ,Leonbardt,. Mrs., Micpt ,Williams, assisted by Mrs.A'lkin Sntale•and ',Mrs. Loretta lieWitt. The Candy booth was in charge of • .Mrs., Russell Pringle, assisted by Mrs. , Arthur Devereaux. In . the sewing booth were Mrs.' Jack. Meagher and Mrs. Sain Bates,' as- sisted by IVIrs.,Win. McCurdy and Mrs. L. Laudeinbacli; mystery..boX- ':' es, Mrs. Ken Etne and Mrs. leek ' Case. Group -in the kitchen were Mrs Thomas Hicknell. and Mrs. Ellen BannOn assisted by. Mrs. - James Kelly-tidlVfrs-. -"1-"Later in the afternoon, Reit. C. E. Sullivan. made the draw for prizer with Miss Laura Hatcher winninga chair; Mrs. Dave Mc- Connell, fry Pan; and Mrs„ Earl Dins -More; a table; lamp. Chriat- mas,.cake was won. -by :Mrs. Reg Aubin," and .bassinette: with doll, ..by 'And, Sills.. Tickets for prizes • were in charge Of 'Mrs. Clarence Malone and Mrs. John Flannery. • Cake 'ticket's ' were In 'charge- of . 'Mrs. Lucy Sills and Mrs. James L. ,Slattery. • A snew farm hand from the city was+thld- to harness a mule One winter morning in the earlY hours. In the dark he. tackled a- elm in- stead of a mule. The farmer shout- ed from the house, "Say there, what's -keeping yott*so long?" ,, "I can't get the dollar over the Mule's head," ,,shouted man. "Beth his ears are frciieri solid." WILLIAlVi C. SMITH, general manager lbf General Coach Works of Canada, Limited, who ainiduneed Tuesday that con- trol of the firin'hbeen ac- quired by, Vought-?Iridnatries Ind., of Dallas, Texas, , There will be no Change insofar as employes and Officers'', of General Coach are concerned. esi nation Of r -Treasurer R gnation of P. L. MeNaugh- on as clerk -treasurer and tax cal - lector of Hensall vgas accepted Monday night by the village coun- cil.' Mr: McNaughton has served. in those capacities since. February of this year. He explained ,that• "Pressnre of other business made It...impossible to arry on with .the. ;village work. • - 'Charles S. MacNaugliton, MLA for Huron, was present at the mecting to discuss the reverting of NO. '84 Highway to the „Colinty of Huron.- The highway -tr; Passes' through Hensall and forihs the Main Street Of the village: , In the briinion of Mr. MacNaugh- , on; the-highwar-would--definitely- revert ,to -the county, but he proni- ised. to continue to investigate the proPosed widening of King. Street., The street •committee will 'in - 'quire •about snowplowing of streets. A' motion was passed that all cars be removed from all ,streets betvveen 'the hours of 2:00 nr." and I:00 a.m., to'' facilitate snow reinei7al: ' Reeve John Henderson -was auth- orized to proclaim ,Boxing Day, December 26,.. a public holiday. Cars in Collision , Two cars were involved in an accident in front of the White Rose gas- station involving carsdriven. by James Valiance, 31, BrusselS, anedRllobBeverertBeawasver:,i-8,traRvi R.R. Knsali. north, making a left turn into the station was in collision'' with the Valiance ' vehicle, which was travelling south. Road 'conditions 'Were icy- at therAime,,--4Damage8 -amounted to $200, stated OPP Har- ry Reid, of Exeter Detachment, who investigated. • Mr: andMrs. J. E. McEwen, of Hensall, ''aitcl Mr. aria -Mrs. A. E. Keys, of Exeter;. visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ross -Keys, at :Watford, , Mrs. Alex Turner and Tracey, of Hamilton, are visiting this' week With Mrs., Tracey's parents; Mr. and Mrs. -Tom Lavender. .. Mr. and 1Mrs. Donald Avery, of Sarnia', spent the weekend with her ',parents, , Mr. • and Mrs,' Joe Flynn. - Members of Hensall Kinsmen ChM . in a house-to-house canvass' of the village Monday night, report a very-succeSsful. driVe -selling-car- tons Of peanuts and mixed nuts,.' Total sales. of $200 were, reported. John Heal,: chairman of the ways and means, committee, headed -the Mi ad Mrs l-narc' ;Jake's attended the , annual turkey sup- per of the Clinton' branch of - Fut.J.K-H IVIEMitlERS in the Seafortharea were top, *inners at the Huron 4-11 Achievement night in Wingham on Friday. Shown here, With their awards, are: standing, left, Donald McKercher, Schmid trophy for outstanding achievement in grain clubs; Gloria Boyd, C. B of C. watch for highest score in dairy calf club, and Bill Strong, Senator Golding trophy for beef „showmanship. In front are, Malcolm -Stewart, champion 'junior swine judge at C.N.E.; Kenneth Papple, Hanna trophy for champion swine showmanship, and, Jack Broadfoot, the Howe trophy for highest score in 4-H swine clubs. Absent ,are. Charles MacGregor, who won the Anstett watch for highest score in 4-H beef cattle clubs, and IVIarion, Turnbull, who won the 'Savauge trophy for Huron County thampion 4-11 gilt,: (ExpositorphotobyFh• ps). . , General Coach Works of Canada, of Hensall, has been selected as as one of keystones of a mobile' homes industry Organization 'being developed to stabilize -the business and . benefit rriaanfacturers, deal- ers and ,. purchasers, it became known Tuesday.,`,..,. • man - Mrs . R. Smith ark 64th ... Wedding Day- , .. Mr. and °Mrs. Robert Smith, John Street, will celebrate the 64th anniversary of their 'rrtarriage on Friday. They expect to spend the day quietly at their home. , Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are in good health and are able to be Out whenever the weather is suitable. They keep 'in-tonclif with every- thing in the community and enjoy visits from their many friends. Mr. Smith. is the son of the late Mr,„ MC Mrs. 'Robert Smith, of Ilidlett, while 'Mrs. Smith is the former Jessie Cuthill, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Cuthill of McKillop. They Were married at the Cuthill farm, lot 30, conces- sion 10, McKillop, by the Rev. Peter Musgrove, on December 11, 1895; ' . ager of the Hensall, Ont., 'plant, associated ' With. General Works of Marlette; Michiga an- nounced affiliation with, ought Iridustries, Inc. Dallas Texa , Vought Industries, a wholly- Wn- ed subsidiary of Chance Vought Aircraft; -Incorporated, has been negotiating foy-Segbisitions in the mobile homes industry as a major extension -of its parent --:company's plans for diversification into .com- mercial ' „- -- -Terms of the acquisition of the Hensel]. plant and 01 General Coach plants in Michigan and in Florida, accomplished th'religh stack nur- chase, were not disclosed. It was emphasized,- however,-- that ---em ,ployees and principal.. officers will be retained. "General. Coach Works of Can- ada, Ltd., 'la fortunate to be a .part of this program," Mr. Smith said. "It promises to he the most -constructive' and revglutionary zin= velonment in the history Of -the mobile homes industry." , He added that: "There will be no basic change in our 'firm's op- erations as a result of this devel- opment. Essentially, from the out- set, it has been a Canada oriented firm, operated by Canadians and building products for Canadians, and this will be the pattern of the "General Coach Works Of Can- ada, Ltd., its people and its deal- ers;- were selected for participa- tion' in the comprehensive Vought SEAFORTII AREA IVIEMIIERS ARE IN LEAD ecognize The 12th' annual Huron, County Achievement Night was held at Wingharn District High School /Fri- day as a climax to junior farm work in the county. If was at- tended by parents and friernig of the 366 members of 26 4 -II clubs in the county this year with 88.9 per cent completion of club pro- jeeta. Cash awardsnotalling $2,400 giv- en to the member,s, as well as crests, trophies, wrist watches, pen and pencil' sets, show blan- kets and leather halters. The chairman 'was Ron Mc- Michael, Wroxeter, president of the 4-11 Club LeaderS' AssociatiOn, who , in congratulating the club members on completing their pro- jects, made special mention , of "ttitse members Who made atfch- an eXcellent showing at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair at Tor- onto this year. These aehieve- ments at the Royal are a big boon to Mir 4-11 program hi Huron. County." He thanked the OntariO Depart- ment of Agrictilture for its loyal sunnort and belp in the past year, adding that it 18 or:4 through thi departnient that the club leader can be so Well eXperiended aa Indu I 11SP e , . s program because ,olsiur cord of growth. and. aeeeinplish7:7 Ment .as a leader iri-mir,indnStry.. We are prond•to-haVe been chosen ,from among the many ,.-neiriperiies 'COnsidered 'by., yoUght Industries during intensive !4•Inipf,e7 hensivc. analysis of :the industry,' The immediate .prospect for.posr, . action promising an i:eyefl More, productive , and prosperous future. Continued growth is indi- cated by the long-range rplans of Vaught- Industries." - • , General Coach -Works o Canada, • • • Ltd.,rerriploys 'alsoifflOO workers at its /Jensen plant. 'Proditeing qual- ity' mobile homes and vacation Coachproduction, is finding an increasing market across Canada. outlets without reference to a par - the eStablishMent of 1.,CB0 retail --ticular municipality, it has indi- Gullets in Seaforth. Council at a .cated ,that before such action js Meeting Thursday, recognizing the taken it prefers fe be informed -of suWantial majority cast by Sea- the ,attitude ' of the municipality, forth' electors in favor of the re- It was to clear .up any doubts the peal. of the requested the L.C.B. may have as to the wishes Liquor Control Board of Ontario of Seaforth ,that council- acted. to establish a government liquor n preparing e resolution,coun- store • and brevvers' retail store edhad before it a resolution from the Chamber of Commerce seek- ing early action to. provide outlets Three Years ago, the dalriganY stitute of Power Engineers at Ho- coMpleted construction of additions tel Clinton,. at Clinton, on Wednes- which added 30,000 feet of Plant day. Leonard is president-elect capacity, -making -it the largest for 1960. • illant in Canada designed for the „. - manufacture of motile homes. General Coach Works was estab- lished at Hensall September 8th, 1953, when General Coach Works Incorporated, of Marlette, Mich., purchased an existing plant from Norman St. Cyr. It had been oy- ganipd there by Mr. St. Cyr three years' previously. A. pioneer in the field of mobile home Manufacturing, the parent firm at Marlette began production in 1987., Reorganized in- 1946, the company is among the ton twelve in it field in. the United 'States. Fecrther, Party Friday Feature The Arena Commission is spon- soring a pre -Christmas Feather Party in the Community Centre en Friday evening,•whn there will be opporbinity to obtain, hrist- riin-fowl for uext to nothing. Proceeds, from the event Will go, towards assisting in financing win- ter operatiOns. Ie such a large group. A Welee was extended to the large erci d chairman6f the "Wingham District r by R. B: Cousins, - High School Board. The gUest speaker was T. R. Hilliard, director of extension, On- tario Department of Agriculture. The presentation of special and cash t wards Was made by the man who directed the entire 4-H Club program, D. 0, Grieve, associate agricultural representative f or Huron County. • D. II. Miles, agriCultural .repre- sentative for Huron County, speak- ing briefly, said that "In 4-H ev- eryone is a winner, a winner be- yond the prize money' received at Achievement Night, As a result of your club methods, you are rich- er for your associations with your, other club mertibers, are aware that personal efforts bring re- wards, are a better speaker, a more educated individual and a n better citizen to take your place ithis ever-cha'og World,' ' Roya linters Royal Wi r F,air 4-11 champions fic'e"erits.. Guineas neer egilan,mcpluiodned S: h1o9r5t9. l?artinipi6o7"rowannedd by Ken .13g1tAilkd: am ions in Huron Belgraveb (a member of the Blyth- telgrave 4-H Beef Calf Club); 1959 Queen's Guineas champion Hereford steer, owned by Rodger Kieffer,Wingham Ca memberef the Turnberry 4 -II Cilf Club); Ron:. Smith, 'Brussels, won. the Summers Memorial trophy as high contestant of the Intercounty. live- stock judging competition; - - Top Winner, ' Awarded the .distinction of Hur- on County' S "all-round" 4 -II club member was Don Lohlgi-R.R.` ?:, Clinton, who received the Elston Citizenship trophy presentedfOr outstanding '4-11 'Rome atid Com- munity,...acti. ities: Don also 47re- ceived the+ , S:-MacNaughton tro- phy for obtaining the highest 4-11 score in the county; and also walk- ecLeff with the A. Y. McLean tro,, phy as the champion 4-11 dairy showman. This was presented by Reeve Ivan Forsyth; of , Tucker - smith. ' I Don, the 20 -year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, ' Mervyn Lobb, &IL -,i, Clinton, is 'a second -year student at Western . „Ontario Agricultural School, Ridgetown, in veterinary science. , - Jast one -We& ago at Ridge - town. he also received three top awards -a prize for the high stu- dent in veterinary science, a prize for the best school. citizen, and a Junior Fariner• Association ''of On- tario scholarship awarded to a sec- ond -year student, . ' • . Other Trophies The Warden's novice trophy, pre- sented by the 1959 warden of Hur- on ° County, Reeve Willi= Jewitt, Hallett township, went to Sandra Finnigan, Dungannon, for the first year member with the higheat, score1/4 The John W. hannatrophy, awarded for champion swine shOw- manship. Was presented to Ken- neth Papple, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Ronald McKereter, 11:11. 1, Dub- lin, for his 'outstanding qhieve- ment in 4-1I Grain Clubs, received the William A. Schmidt, taicktiow, -trophy. The Marvin Howe trophy, award- ed for the highest score in, 4-11 Swine Clubs, went to Jack Broad, foot, Brucefield. For her county champion 4,I1 gilt, Marion Turnbull, R.R. 2, Brus- sels, took the Savauge trophy. Rill Kieffer, R.R. I, Wingham, as unty champion with bis 4-11 grain exhibit, received the R. T. Rol - (Continued on Page tk), While:the L.C.B. mayliroceed to establish ',retail liquor and beer ere. , loRN-DERSON Reeve. of Lensall , The Seaforth resolution had do only with retail outlets. Esta lishtnent of beVerage rooMS Cbt4 only be Proceeded with folloWill a vote of Seafeith electors, which 60 per cent of the vote were faVarable. ' , Agree Sewer Fiark. Early :actiori„ can be ,ailtip.l.PrAte,„ on -a portion, of tile sewer iiregP . here as result of tentative ,ap proyal , having, been., giVen. lImitecl . seheme by the" Di. J. 0. Turnbull, chairman, Of the committee, told council he had a call, from Dr. Her 0.W.R.C. manager; „saying 11 commission would agree to:. construction of lines to serve -4 Hospital and the ''Seaforth plant, without additional work, i.ng done on the existing ;.dispo plant. The new lines WO'ulckte" Mate at a point near ams an West William Streets,' where ,a; force pamp 'would be installed rift the sewage' into the, existin line on Goderich Street. It was this propesal about whic council has been seeking a' deci., siori for many months., It was ad4 vanced as an alternative when thi„."'" 1V1unicipal Board refused, perinisc ..sion,..f or necessary -LE/lancing-for the original plan for a perimeter,,, - line and enlarged disposal facil.i Dr. Turnbull said 'it -would take' some time to complete necessary,. engineering and financing and ,tp let tenders. He was hopefol that' 'all.. would be in readiness for an early construction start . in the., Second Noinination. , Seaforth electors will, hold a sec- ond nomination on 'ruesday, Dec. 16. If ah election is necessary, it will be held the following Manday December 21. • . , ,The. action , became necessar3r when, but 'five nominees- for coun- cil(, had qualified when the dead- line arrived following the IsrOvenl- 'ber 30th. nominations. rec.' Reeves Councils , „..Reeies;; four Huron niunici- Palities Were. returned to office in 'yeting on '111enidaY,'.vvliile in three • other ..miinieipalities . the sitting reeve's' were defeated. , In Stanley0township, Reeve Har- vey:. Coleman.. Wen ' over Harvey. ,Taylor;', whe IS,' the, sitting depiity,' At, the sanie Aliiii-Rau was elected.' deputy -reeve - over John • Scetclirner.., ; . ..!,Reeve Becker was eleeted in Hay.township,-defeating Deputy ReeVe •Aiek''''..'Mousseali hiS • bid for the reeVeship:. In Grey; Clif- ford Dunbar ,defeated Reeve Geo: Hutchison; and in 'Exeter; Reeve Wfflianx McKenzie Wag', defeated by deputy -reeve Chester • Mawhinney. rand Bend Bend , 'REEVE -L7, games' Dalton, 127,; ,Wellwood Gill,: 127; Arthur , roo; 120. COUNCIL,, (four elected) -Stew- art Webb, Webb, 245; ,Williain Sturdevant, 236; John Manote, ,200;' William Caehrane;- 191; David M. Jackson. Hensall REEVE.--JOhn, Henderson 2S Gordon Schwalm, . 79. .COONCIL. (fpur elected) -Lorne Hay, 276;,,,Iohn Baker, ..,250; Mrs. Mitinie-Noa kes.,-240 ;-- -3 Dim- -Laven--.7 'der' 200. James Sangster' 99: ' James McEvling,'. 288,;:' Clare 'Via: - cent'. ;Joseph.' Honking; 221;. Robert Turner, 218; ,!Archie. Young, 138. REEVEllarvey chTernan,-.534;• Harvey Taylor, 309: : , DEPUTY'REEVE.,Alyin, Ran; 434, Jack - Stotchrnei, 3'9. West...Waw.anOsh , TIIBLIC,SCHOOL,AREA"TRUS- IEES (Iliree7,-elected) -- Wallace Wilson 34; JapieS,.R.'Curran, 114;. Enwin;Mills; 114, Arnold •StOthers; REEVE -Wilfred Krauskopf 354; Rudolph Bader,' 7.81. • ' " ....Exeter REEVE - Chester ;Mawhinney,, 287; William McKenzie, 184; .Ralph alley„. 153. ' ' • Ashfield REEVE -,-Andrew Ritelaie, 336; Cecil Blake, 233, SCROot BOARD. (two elected); -- Arnold Fither, 264; "B,ussell Pfrixii- nier, 263; Elmer Ilunter, 97; Geo. Robertson, 82, . GOderich REEVE -"Walter Forbes, John A. Deeves., 175, . GreY ' REEVE ,CRford R, Dunbar, 396; George W. Hutchinson, 298. COUNCIL (four eleeted)-Archie Mann, 443; Glen Huether, 406; Law- son Ward, 362; Kenneth Bray, 390; Harry Bolger, 287., • Hay ' REEVE -V. L. Becker, 588; Alex Motisseau, 323- • • • .COUNCIL (fear elected) --,john Corbett, -548; Delbert.Geiger, 485; John., •Soldan, 435; William. David- son, 416; Leonard Greb, 154, , Hullett COUNCIL (four eleeted).:-Emer- son Hesk, 362;" hugh ,LFlynn, 351; 358; Awards Turkeys At St. ColUrnban Bingo . . .A largecrowd attended -the 'turf. key bingo' held ceolumban parish hall on Tuesday evening: Turkeys 'were Wen by WS, L. Platt .(2),' Brussels;. , 'Mrs. Peter Mc- Laughlin; Freak tekrneir, Mrs. timer Koehler Verna Johnston Mitcbe O'Ro Moyl BOW ; Hilbert Johnson`, Frank trice, Rita Kennedy, -Xedn )1, Russel Smith; Mrs. Frank an, Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, Clare Bennett, Mitchell; Mrs. eter Van tortinen. Special priz- es of $15,00 each were won by Verna- Johnston, Mrs. Maurice IVIelady and -Auguste Dutharine, Mrs. Clarence Ryan won the zy, tlairoen- et hy, o ewe game. Door; priz- es went to Mrs. James McQuaid, $15; Frank MalOney, $10, and Peter 'Forums,. Discuss , Pension Plans FIRESID,E....FAI-11141- FORUM Fireside -Farm Forum met Mon- day night at the home of Mr. and aMdruis 0ts ;irevseer1-1.--,t',.AnTdheers Anderson r owith felt larmerS might 'secure a better -elas s--of---helpera-if-unemployment- insurance _were available, but we think they 5hould pay for the in- surance as we think it is for their benefit. There is no point in farm- ers paying too 'much for pension -plan-as --each--trottrha-s_.-an---old- people's home.,,,,,,this group felt. The next meeting will be held at the home of Hugh Flynn, with Mrs. Robert Riley as hostess. Win- ners were: high, Mrs. Jerry Cook 'a d Donald Buchanan; Ione bands, edrson; consolation, Mr. and-IVIrs; Joseph Babcock, Mrs Don Buchanan and ,Eric An - Parr Line Forum The Parr Line Farm Forum held at the home OT -Mr; 'and Mrs. ian McAllister, discussed `'Society Se- curity on Canadian Farms." Unemployment insurance 10 r farm Workers, who are employed on • a yearly. basis, might attract. more workers to the farm indus- try, the group decided. Many dif- ficulties could result in adminis- trating it for migrant workers. If it were on a compulsory basis, it could .be carried from one -farm job to another. However, some farm labor wage agieenients do not lend themselves to the- pay- ment of unemployment insurance, so compulsory insurance would be objectionable... The Parr Line group favor pri- vate pension plans for -farraers. There .did not seem to be one "best" means of provid4g it for each individual farmer because in- dividual contributions, by farmers might be difficult to keep up at es, and in order :figr-equal pay - nit Its to be made teeach 'farmer caothDenpustisoan,yplan wO-Old, have "to be Euchre winners werV"-MTs-... A. Reichert and Mrs, „T. McAllister. Flighlcinders Plan Revenge In Tuesday Oarrie Internationa Gentle- Piltt Oti The international hockey game on Saturday night when the Aus- tin Pointers of Michigan,would meet Seaforth Midgets, has, been ,post-- offitials Said Tuesday. In- stead, the local Midgets and Ban- tamS will meet teams --front 'Clin- ton in games commencing -at 7 p.m. and 8:30 ,p.m. Refunds on tickets ;sold on the international game ma' .bd obtain- ed from William PapPle, or the, ticket may be used aS admission to the Clinton-Seaforth games. ulle;t. of, Ends, Year.Wit Ilullett ,TownsbiPrrederation di- rectors held their final meeting of the year in the form of a family night and turkey banquet in the Londesboro Hall on Thursday. The regular business 'was dealt with, and reports on the different com- modity groups were -given: Lloyd Stewart, for the hog producers; Doug Snell, for -the poultry; Lorne Honking, for cream; and George Carter, for -the beef. , Lloyd Medd, the retiring presi- dent, thanked the directors for their support in the past year and hoped, they would give the Same support to the new president, Har- ry Lear, Harry spoke a few words and said he hopectio,...see as rnallY ';•the old directors back again for the coming year. - The meeting.closed with a few games of progressive euchre. The prize _winners- were: ladies,Aigh, Mrs, Arnold JaMieson;,,Jow, Mrs. Doug Snell; men, high, Dan Ruch. anan; low, Lorne Hunking. Hockey fans will have a real thriller in store for them next Tuesday night at the local arena. Setiforth highlanders will play host to the Stratford Indians, The Seaforth team have defeat-, ed all tearns in the league: except the Indians, to whom they, lost two games. The team will,,be 'out to get revenge TueSddy night and stotteracktain their current winning ' ANN bEMBIW-WaS.Itla„ge ,„this week in Ottawa Of me ,PPointrnent Of Saines L Scott as organizer.-guLseereters, for the .Nationa1•Liberdal. Peil- eration. Mr. Scott has ,bdett secretary of the Ontario Lib- - exal Assuelation..