HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-12-04, Page 10.4" ALL. KINDS of..' INSORANCE t�•. S 0 UT T HGA •:. E. Phone 334 - Res. 540 MAIN ST, : E S A. . FORTS> Remember, iftakes but a mo m ent to place an'_Expositor Want•Ad and' be money.'inP ocket. To ad- vertis e, just phone Seaforth='141: ZION Mr. aid Mrs. Lorne Aikens and Ann visited her; parents Mr, and Mrs,' N orris Siliery Friday even- Mr. and Mrs. George • e e g Pepper, Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper; Exeter, '• with Mrs. Mary Malcolm and nd Mr. r and' Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and n M"rs.. L. Hannon in Stratford, on Monday. ' Teacher: "Whyis it often ' ?" wise to • use nitrates,.. Pupils: . P • "Because most of the time they're cheaper than • .da Y. rates,". .. - SEAF 0T RH :Exeter 41 M• ON EN . UMI T 0 S. OPEN: DAILY T. 'PrY de & Son ALL TYPES OR • CEMETERY MEMORIALS, Inquiries' ' are invited. Telephone. Numbere -Clinton 1620 Seafor ' th 573 Follow • These Rules `of E tiny :Christmas Trees are filled with pitch and resin and when dry can easily ignite and turn into a - , roaring flame. > To prevent this,; • keep your' tree fresh and green by puttingit into a. con- tainer mixed •,,,, , water,. or: water.. ' with sand:.. Cut the 'trunk diagonally ; at the end above original cut. ' Be sure water: ' is kept 'above the cut. 1 Ornaments on the tree can e dan- gerous, too! Don't ` ` e cotton or paper on: the trees unless flameproof. Neve. r use lighted .ca dl ' g ... candles on 'the :•- tree or. nearby. 'Keep ash trays and- cigarettes away from the, tree. Re- move piles of op ene� ift�' r p �l g W appings,, Do not place electric` trains around the tree. Be sure the tree is kept away from: an open fireplace or heater. Check lighting sets for frayed wires,loose connections and broken 'sockets. Don't plug too many cords irate one outlet. If any extensive Wiring is, planned,. call an electrician -don't try to do it yourself! Last of all, "'Lights ,Out" when -you leave homer and when you retire. for the eve- fling, R " 1 ] 1BER!. Nothing can render t1pese dis= plays absolutely' • safe,; and that -1f- • accidents are not to rear the festive' season,- constant vigilance and care must be exercised,' : • , To the Citizens of Seaforth . and District We Extend - Best Wishes'for a Happy Holiday Season! DEAF RTH ' FIRE. BRIGADE' M E, F. 6, Y.sIL ,Secretary JOHN V. SCOTT, Fire Chief Huron - Attached to this report you find a resume ofh t e a financ1'1 tus of the, various department the period.; ending. September 1959, also revised budget base the SePt e bex �?'figures, .tog with the..anticipated revenue expenditures ' o for the bar ince 0 year: It would appear thatolir sur fo`r the year will be approxim $23,880.00 ,however, there ediil certain factors' Which might cha this figure' to some degree. Tb statements- include monies act ly received. or paid: out Plus m , ies. owing or'due, :as at this d One matter which should brouglit.,,.to' your attention at time is in conneetion'with•high accounting. In -the past, it has b the practice' in the auditor's'rep to- report to council the amount outstanding ,accounts. payable the'end of the: year, -but: to 'in no entry as' far as,the highway partment. is Concerned; Powe the ;Departm rat of Municipal ' fairs fa in T oron ' o have . e info pined auditor u for t hat n future, it will necessary to set up -,the accou payable liability, for the Highw as he does with any other-dep me rat. - t would ould appear ar howev P wv P > that this year 'the highways depa. ment will be .able to pay most their accounts: in the current,. ye Naturally, when a meeting is h arty in.,the; month,, the balance - the accounts'f r the; month,whi ormaily. would be processed he next- meeting, --would show outstanding, ` therefore to avo s a- t s for. 30, d on, Ether and f the plus' ately. d be- rage este ua1-, on - ate.. be this way een ort of at ake, de - ver, Af the be nts ays ait- er, rt - of ar. he e th n of ch at as this happening, it would be adv able to hold an additional Ro Committee meeting at the' end the year and have these accounts Education: approved and ::paid, :-and therefore.Grants to schools your 'liability, 4 would. be reduced 'Others considerably. Most of ' the depai:tments are nticipat�s�ur� Estimated Surplus for Miseellaneens 19 59 23,880.00 Stateme t n of Revenue and spen diture .for periost ending, Sept. 30/5 County of Ruron-General: A,cet. ' Revenue. Count rates .. Y s1s2.„ $ , c1.5o ice rases and permits �+ mils .:. fi55.0' pe 0 Grants, subsidies and re- • coverables from: Dominion Governinent '2,775.00 Provincial Government 668,660.04 Other municipalities .... •39,830.58 Other' sources ' --17;844.33. Other' Revenue: Fines. :. .: :.... ... • :618:75 Registry' officef ee's'etc, 5,000,00 Rents- ., 4,550,00. General ,government ..,, 3 624.66 Other: Museum 3,g 64,46 Miscellaneous. • 1;337,72 9 $1,368,022.01. Expenditures General Government: Executive & legislative g ve $14;264.25 Administrative ::... • .34;572.96 Other, 'maintenance, etc 20,976.89 $ 65,814.10 "Protection to persons and $65'g141° e p p rty: .: Gaol lsa' m 46.01 Protective inspection :...13,484,30 Administration of justice_ 36,902.00 Maintenance a n d struction Public Welfare: id Child ' welfare Hospitalization ad I is- Count Home Y of. maintaining a steady;eperation as far as finances; are concerned. Our new -accounting systn ri_appea;rs .to be operating satisfactorily; how• - ever,.there are• a few adjustments necessary .to'still-improve the "sys: tem to a 'certainslegrei You;; will' note that the .County Home account, shoWS-Ia small;` de--- ficit atthe end of September; how- ever, this :is. merely an 'accounting ,procedure, 'and by .. allowing ;: the county :to transfer as' ittlemoney as needed to the County' Home act couilt --it,_offsets.,the:;general ac- count borrowing funds from,' 'the bank. Although ,the :County Home account shows a deficit of some' $5,600.00, nevertheless, : froin ac- counts receivable in. 1958 there .is Sufficient 'motley' to operate with- out any overdraft, ' The bond market at, the present -time is• considerably better than during the summer months;.:. If you proceed with the addition to the County Home, you will require some : • $550,000:00 of. debentures: 'There. is a. -,.divided opinion to a certain extent whether or -not this debenture issue hu1d be Sold in one lot or two. Naturally,: if it is sold in . one lot, a certain portion of • '. Your money can be reinvested. If, however, the market„should_ improve'` by spring:. More advantageous' o vantageous to issue the debentures in two lots; however, should: the market, decline, ''then you will'he forted to • take a loss. One .factor to consider`is that if your first issue of' debentures do not sell; it'• would he more difficult to 'market the: seed/id set. 'Another item :to consider, of course, the fact that the debentures could be. either on a' 10; or 20 -year basis. Debentures issued on''a •. 10 -year basis will, cost:the county. approxi- mathly $75,000..00 per "year, while on a 20 -year, basis, they will cost approximately • $49,000.00. Due '.to our present •financial status,' it would •appear that a 10 -year de- benture could -liefinanced without too, much difficulty. Re.Vised.Budget, 1959 General Acct: Revenue County rates $825.600.00' Licenses -and permits 700.00 Grants, subsidies and re- ' coverable iron:' Dominion .Government. ':3,700.00 Provincial" •Governrnent 790,000.00' Other municipalities- ',40,000.00 Other sources .: 20;000.00 Other -revenue: ; Fines 700.00 .Registry office fees, etc.; 8,000.00 Rents:,. 5,900.00 ".:General government ,.., 6,500.00 Other; .. Museum 5,000.00 ' ° I14iscellaneous 1,000:00 $1,707,100.00 Expenditures General' Government Executive &legislative `$ 20,500,00' Administrative: • ... 42;000.00, Other,' maintenance, etc. 26,000.00 $ 88,500.00 Protection to persons and property. Gaol $ 20,000.00 '-Protective inspeotlon :•: •15,000.00 Administr`ationof justice 50,000,00: Public Works: 1Vlaintenance and con- . struction 1'15,004.00 Public Welfare:. Child Welfare ,, , 50 000.00 Hospitalization 20,000.00 Other., County Home ;10,000.00 $ 80,000.0d:. Education: • , Grants to Schools $ 4,000.00 - Others• 3,000.00. �$ 85,000.00, l3ebt- Charges: Debenture debt charges 65,920,00 Temporary charges .•...•. ,3,000:00 '$ 7,000.00 •,,.:$•66,920.00 Discount on County Rates ' 3;700.00: Agriculture: grants . 7,000.00 Patriotic grants ` 5,000.00 Reforestation 2,600,00 Registry office 8,000.00 Capital •expenditure 30,000,00 Health "Unit 40,000.00:. Others: • Museum 12,000.00 Library 10,500.00 County Home Building ... 20,000.00 • $1,683,220.00 '$66,43231 con $1,,019,619.81 •jUS 5,469,88 $ 69,23,8.66. • Expenditure Food purchases 12 $ ,180.71 Food,. farm' . 4,272,74 Physicians ' Y 2,005,00 Medical supplies a . 2,703.48 Clothing 4,89 pati O cu c p onal therapy,,��, 6$r,84' Pocket money 3,070.89 Tobacco 316 ecrea 'ti.55 Il on, Entertaiai't; ;:. 19:5 5 Other welfare provisions 630.40 Funerals <. 150.00 Household Supplies""'- 2,21109 14,09. Purchase of equipment •.�•' q pment„695.00 Repairs: Equipment Building,",, Fuel ' Water ''. 1,122;84 286'00 2,805.15 221,57 Hydro 2,174.44' Tel‘phone -:.642:75 Garbage collection ollection 40:00 IVliscellaneous utilities.. ' 161.10 Freight .` 67.93 Travel e ' � 786,57 Stationery, officesupplies 841.84 Superinten-dent's salary.,,. 3,600.00 Staff salaries ,,,.;.. 28,601.39, Audit 475,00. Interes , excange ,74 /4 _Pension 0 ' ' 520.50 In n era ce 1,169.83 9.83 Miscellaneous • 1,056:59. Group insurance 127;44 Hospital care 354.80 Committee ;pay and con- ventions 1373:25 $ 33,061 51 $ 74,933,84 11;083:82 ;Expenditure„ over $17,453.40 5,000 00 Rtevnenuy a home Faim A$c' co5u69nt5' 18 Revenpueendiouverre • $ 2;54660: $ 49;145.33 . Revenue., "' Children's Aid Society Revenue on .,i959 $67,107.92 T.92 E" n xpe diture Medic" al Officer of Hea 1t li $ 7,503:82 Nurses 21,939,59 Sanitary nitar inspectors pectors , 6,549.90 Clerical 3,515.78 Other staff` 975;06 Veterinary 3,524.94 Sec.-Treas. (County),..... Boar Me • 540.00 d tubers 540.00 -Employee benefits ` Tr a.ve l.• 2,064,87 Staff 839 8 .82 Board ......... :::•...: . +'237.30 Veterinary 1,462,06 Material: +Medic . al and nuc Si ..ng...,, '; 661.24 Office .i . .. . 1,434,46 Services: Rent ' 1,863.50 Telephone 541.31 Express sta - Po• ge 205.50 Audit 150,00. Insurance 53.50 Miscellaneous ...,, 487,34 Exchange '14.15 -Miscellaneous, Vet. 2,384.71 ReExpenditure _ $8 51,91374 875 enue 'over County Hoine-BulidingFund Revenue e County of Huron ,• $ 20 000 00 • Expenditures Architect's • fees ...,$15,079.90 Office and advertising 308.55 Committee 1,178.45' Travel, ".303.50_; Earth 'samle• p -583.00,! $ 3,675.00 1345.00 $ • 5,020.00 Debtcharg es: Debenture debt charges 49,440.00 Temporary .charges 2,09323 $ 51533.23 Discount on county rates 3,620.00. -? griculture grants 6,880:00 Patriotic ;grants` .4,97500 -Reforestation 2,57020" Registry;, Office Health' Unit Museum 1 Library e 360.07 Miscellaneous 480.08 County Home 'I uildin .,. 20.000' g . poo 2,350.39 30,763,83 10;443,49' 10,500.00 $1;354,477:84 Surplus b$ 13,544.17 Highways,Account Reven County rates-, oun y rates- .. ..:, Provincial', subsidy . $311 ...... 630,115. 858: Other revenue 49,052 • r:.t 63 60 •56 $991,026,79. Expenditures Vouchers and pao$985,- Rebates'(3 of totayrlll)• 34,582..74037.04 ' $019,619,81 Es expenditure • over. revenue ,.;-$. 28,593:02 Huron Countg . home Revell ue ' P. i �-. ay ng residents `::: ..,$ 42,450.95• Province • 16,317=83, County 5,000'00 Sales: 5.' 'Eggs °^ $ 1,20420 `Other32.50 Hogs , 2,837.34' Milk 6,551.96; Cattle :.1951:79 .Farm produce 572.16 Miscellaneous revenue 170:80 $13,320;75 Expenditures' Wages $ 2,225.00' Equipment, repairs:' 915.99 Equipment, purchases .. 2 30.2 j!rater 75.66 Gas, oil etc.; 846.28 `Hogs Poultry ._ Cattle ' " .. '• Light, .,,.,s-,. ... .., Veterinary ; Miscellane, •osuseeds, , expeetc.nse, Fertilizer Purchase: 933.13' 1,046.50" flogs • 662,50. Poultry Y ' 412:30 12:80 Board: .•farm help140.00 0 Dairy; supplies 16.99 Hospital care........ .2335 Group insurance. 24,40 Audit ,.. .....:. ,100.00 1100.15:. 90.00 281.50' 519102; 938.47 Revenue over $10,422:46 Expenditure e. 2,898.29 Co un H..:. albU tY lilt• Revenue: • 347unieipal _430,76333 Pretincial .,. 28,901,07 Vetrl nap. y. `;. ...::...... ...7,371.71:. 'Other 71.31 '11 County; • of Huron ..... ... .$26.300.00 Province • of Ontario .•,. , •,. 2;900:60. Outside municipalities .. ' 7,693,00 •Parents.. '56584 I' terest " •• : 386,97 112iscellaneous ' .....;, • 205.49 Family: allowance 891•28 $ 38;94318 a __,Expenditur'e---->• Director . $ 2,9 Field staff 10 33420.9997. Office -staff :: - 4,124.97. Sec.-Treas, .(County) 300.00 Travel;= 4,720.53 Rent ::. ,900.00. -Clothing ,.... 14320.38 Boarding :homes 8065.82 -Nfedical 418.68 Employee benefits .. 974.51 ,Office' • supplies: 1204.78 Telephone ' 49143 Special, needs .126813 '125.00 Miscellaneous . ' 1,24218 Revenue $ 38;490.58 R nue over Expenditure$ 452-60 ........ County Lib aiyy Account Revenue Province of Ontario, $ 5,100.00 County of IZuron 10,500.00 Fees .. ',:.. . 2,449,73 Books sold ani. miscel - laneous receipts ,,1,599.76 Audit 4 Car mileage Books 3,397.3419.68 Hospital' care 24.15 Insurance ::, .74.60 $.19t349.49 Expenditure $ 50.00 0 2 MIt1JON CANADIAN WHAT THE B of M HAS TO MEET ITS "OBLIGATION S: ..,„„,CASH: The B of M has cash in its vaults,. and mo racy...; on, deposit with the Bank of. Canada; and other banks amounting to CHEQUES and other items in transit- representing '':the net amount of the:.rnoneys'moving between branches of the Bank and into the B of M from other banks on, account of :Customers' trans , actions •--;vim INVESTMENTS: The, .E of M ''maintains a strong• liquid position through investments in high grade government bonds vhich"have a ready_ market,. • Listed on the Bank's books at amortized value, " they`' amount to The B of M has other investments - including. a'diversified :list of high-quality short-term issues. These investments are carried at , 'c fully protected CALL LOANS: The b" e B of M haat call loans whichare 3' quickly y saleable securities. .. These loans amount.to' ° QUICKLY AVAILABLE' RESOURCES: The resources listed above cover 51.6% of all that the Bank owes to the public. These "quick assets" amount LOANS: buring' the year; many millions of dollars- ' _"have' be'enlett.to business and industrial enter- prises Mr production of every kind • • to -farmers, fishermen,' oilmen, miners, :lumbermen and' Tanchers-to citizens'in all walks of irfe and'to' . Provincial and Municipal Goyernnj`ehts and.' School ,Districts. •These loans amount to , MORTGAGES and hypothecs insured under. the National dousing Act, -1954 .representing',ad- vances 'to homebu]•ldersr BANK BUILDINGS:, In hamlets, villages, towns and large cities •fr„ tn, coast t" coast the B of M serves '. • its customers at' 800 offices. The value or• the' buildings owned by the Bank, together with,fur-:• nitura' and equipment,; is showri `on its books at -OTHER ASSETS: These ehieflY represent liabilities ' of customers for commitments Made by`the Bank their:behalf, "covering foreign and domestic' trade -transactions I�ae TOTAL RESCLURCES WHICH THE B of M HAS TO MEET. OBLIGATIONS' ,✓ ITS $ 302,015,952 197,816 881' 680;591,333 TS perations\ . Eibrar Y •e su 111 S Pp 426.65 . 5 authorized utho i z ed to prepare it salaiyMiscellaneous 301.39 Offiee'su lies PP . 54.65 Pension • 281.25 Periodicals"38:8 5 Postage and express 121;16' Rebinding ' Rent: g 376.77 Office • • 450.00 Garage4 5._.00 Salaries 6,621.75 .75 Telephone 114.31 Travelling. exFenses 460.95 Truck maintenance 286.79 Unemployment i 's n urance 11.14 Board members - •> 468.29 4 Equipment 225.64 Group insurance •"26,06 Interestd '" '' 20.77` $14;237.10 Receipts ps over. Expenditures $ 5,352.39 • schedule for county employees:, ex- eluding hourly rated employ eee, Your ur committee has met, togeth- er with the chairmen of other com- . . mi ttees co ce n xned in an effort to draw up • a suitable -schedule,. At the present time, a schedule has been completed; this schedule 'is being distributed to the various committees concerned, for their consideration. It is the intention of the committee tohav a the sche- dule Completed '. •for the January. session Y ssron of county ` Y council. • '• In•. the .schedule certain group.s• have been 'classified in .order th'-;1.. over a period of time their salar- ie sill eventually ventually;.be equalized. In many eases, of •:course the' com- mittee felt'' that the.matter of :sal- aries should .be left in the hands of the committee or board. eon - FINANCE COMMITTEE cerned, . with a view in mind of keeping wit You will '' .' certain minimums ll recall that sometime and maxim ni'whe e' r vee r possible. ag0 Y0u4Finance Committee late e wa - s Art 1 G bs o -hal ma n, , r :CROSSWORD PUZZ ACROSS PUZZLE No. 531 43 Old Prencb' ' 21 :Emmet ^. 70 Eating bronze. .. regimen , 52 •Rain and ''.14 •Genas of .'snow dolphinhke S`? Reatched d 'Cetaceans Takes c ISCityoi -- - Takes into, ' Chinah - •62 Tatelegrapb'. 16 Corcb ee 63 Build surface with t under of an.°acid . • Cat Ark In:..m .amort . 66: Came to .., • 2° Entibsure seeds• ior;airpianes 70 :Cilli of rule '`Yd Lowest 71. Spanish , hall amount a '' 24Beneatb . DOWN - germinate.' - 3' Icing of, 3 To .henpeck :beasts - 32Disposes of 4' SPiritiess ., for price 5 Fragment 36' Dry'.. - .• 6 Riders on 37 Offe• sive tri n acts n'r r 0 ? Thos e In 1009 i:oenxou. n not 8 biinncde o41 -Ta mature f son . 9 Boundary 42 Also 10 Conveys; as •.43 Givingup. Sn estate hope , 11 abort news . 4/i Me,dcan article coin 12',Beige 47 Kind 01,Sab -. .::ea Pronoun 25 Tattered cloth 27 Hours, oat - one's tlfe.,: 28 Preface 29 Wash in •'Clear water 3] Forneed' 'into grains ' 33 Measureof capacity, 34 1ht ted 5 1:'nlet worn around hair 37 -$lack bird, 38' Incite 40 OfA cereal P 0 $ 44 Heavenly bodies 45 Hawaiian hawks 46.'Exclusive grant to ,an , inventor (pl.i 49,.Through %. 51 Slaves 53 Rub out 54 Trade 55>I -leap '56 Tune 57:Olockfaee 59 Rail. 6o -W -eight of "Eastern :Alts .6 African tree, '6Fhilipppin,e negrito 1-1.11•: SAPS SE`1 • A n'A N T` A M•E N T t R E A L' R s r 0'l• L�_E R P 5 �i rr S A E R R A' 1, N•7. 'R 1' R T A c D 0 R NSWP.A Ss E:AS '.I 7EN�pRpN A T S S A::L 1 S R 0 u SASE -D1 R E -,H E 'RS': •. SEEM -.• EONS J: ACLO :T4 Answer. to' Puzzle Ko: 529 EES V A S E R k, ` 0110 S 1: N S S A T'S: A 1 ,u ET - .I R A 0 E 5, E •E A N T I' E "D S A P $ .5. G A t: L R ':EA FOR THE YEAR 'ENDED OCTOBER• '31st I�I 195 WHAT THE'.,B of M : OWES TO OTHERS: DEPOSITS: While many business fir, turers, merchants ` ms, . in eve c-. '£ a of , farmers', and people. in, every. ; type business have substantial deposits with,., the B of M; well over half of the money on, -deposit with the Bank is the ersonal savings' of -: More than two million pri 'ate,,citizens.. The total of all 'deposits is OTHER' LIABILITIES: Miscellaneous items,represent; ing mainly' commitments undertaken b Y the Bank on behalf of customers in their foreign and domestic trade • transactions TOTAL OF ;WHAT THE B of M, OWES ITS DEPOSITORS AND OTHERS .$3,958,342,841' 205,646;327 TO PAY ALL IT OWES; THE B of M HAS,TOTAL 'RESOURCES, AS SHOWN ON• THE LEFT SIDE: OF THIS STATEMENT, AMOUNT- $2;908;208,003 MOUNT $2 908;208,008 ,60,134,833 192,284,785. $1,578,355,278 1,353,187,079 227,153,276, 47,009,97?, 53;987,967 .$3,259,03 572 - ....., 5,259,693,572 WHIMEANS. THAT THE B''of M HAS RESOURCES O ABbYE WHAr.':1T-OWES, AMOUNTING TO', • ` VER • AND '. $ 241,350,73L This figure of $201,350,731 is:made•up of money subscribed by • the shareholders and; to soiree extent, of earn whichh - g ave from time to ti e be ploughed back into the business• to'broad" h th Ban': � e bank '$- to ive added r • g Protection for the depositors: Hensall Ilrancht-t:' KENNETH C(1tISTIAN, Manager B rucefield Sttb•A en g C B tY) : ' Open 'Tuesday, and Friday WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN IVORY.,WA*, Otr . LIFE 8Nti 1817 lemiiteniersioinesitssi • e