HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-12-04, Page 9ecd "PaROPER,TY COIYI1,41.1%10- In connection. with purchasing As a staff, we feel it A Privilege Some time ago It was suggested ether stationery supplies it was to be able to help and also that as -that the, Property Committee recommended bY yo tir committee a county as a whele 'you stand be- . ahould have an insurance survey that the county clerk,atotter with !Mid us. To the foster parents* conducted to bring everyone up to other department heads, Work out _who have opened' their homes, as date on the insurance of the couna aprogranf with the Huron County well as their hearts, to the teach- tya ' publishers, to have this work clis- ers who' have been patient and lin- , Three surveys Were submitted,to triblited as eqtially, as possible in derstanding, to the churches who 1 o the PrePertyr Coniinittee and the ' orderthat each printer may re- have assisted, the ' doctor -a' who chairMen of other committees con- ceive his share-, - have kindly examined, all@ have cernecl. These surveys were eon -1 An index file' foia'athe Sheriff's our heartfelt thanks, while you, ducted by Alexander and Chap- .office was •avutliorized in. the as a Council in your interest and man, of Goderich: MacEavan In - amount of $150.00 from & R. Hirt under,stafiding, have our admira- surance Agency, of Goderich, and & Company, of London. Frank. Cowan inaurance Agency, 1 , The -caretakers were aa'uthorized of Woodstock. Mr. Alexander and by, the Property Conimittee to Mr. Chapman, of Goderich, togeth- make repairs to the steps 'at the •era, with representatives of the Court House. Western Insurance Company, corn- The governor of the jail was Pleted the one survey and present, ' anthorizect to engage Don Lynn, of ed their brief to the,.,committee. Goderich,.te do oenessary paint - M' MacEwan prepared his own, ing at the' jail residence to the ton and xespect sin.cerely thank you. .,- .After some search we have found 'new home that will .a1ao aecept .juveiiile detention, and we hope 'to have a, second home,, soOn, This: has been very necessary a AS the, problems arising on the county- Are becoming more acute,,andin many survey and presentedasame, to the extent of $125: However, no action instances • more serious. At athia committee, .and Mr, Frei* Cowan in 'a. request to purchase shrub - ,presented big survey ,to 'your. com- .bery 'for-a:nand the.jail Was' taken. 1 -John Durtina-Chairnian.a,'.- • -.. a The Ceritinittee anentioned; . 'above spent two days -studying the CHILDRBN'S AID- SO011ETY- - surveys and, ,felt that 'considerable . At .this ,November session we go knowledge was gaited from the in 'retrospect back Over. the year :their. ewn, coinminuty where ,tliey formatianiareceived. Your commit -land then look forward to 'Christ= are known ; they are anable to td o- took i,n:to .consideration the inainas for our, chikloen. It has been. a return,. it ,is net fair ,that out. couri=. , surance „coVerage,- the method. of very successful ,- progressive year ,ty-ShOtild have to accept the finan , brokering the. insurance, and the for your ,soeietya As •Wellaasafor Our cial bmalen :that will he, involved, araepatniiSsion allaivVed the Meal ag- county. When I., think of all that If :you. knowain family, in,oving in 'ents witninathe:county. this council accomplishes in Such, who have problenia, we, ask' t_hat- . Your colinntttee, therefore; re- a quiet, satisfactory way, I know contact . lar'taa-thata:we may . Commend, that the p'rank-', Cowan the reason fer, My -pride.' our help' befere' they have been M.' our • Insurance ,Agency, ,Of Woodstock, county and you. „ a, county .a year and have gaMed ." be granted ,.the brokerage Privileg- I , You are so wise. and farseeing:- .residenteher.e. If tnere seems, to ea for the eounty instir,anceaa we Were --told .on a recent inapeca he ,speelaT need, this can. then. be .. 'Tenders .were, received for Or- tiort,'.visit.that the Department were "charged back to their home .mun lous repairs,. in a'connectioria,With . Very coneerned aboutvr cramped iciamlitya., .We juat'receatly had to- . connty ,p,Operty, • and these , ten- quarters Needless to say the Mr take emergency aetkm, where' the '''...deraawere • awarded. as follevas: prise,. of your , forethought was family had Huron County (1) -Jail wirMg. 'to 'MacDonald 'greatly admired and .your • Wereacody one week, over the year; . You, - Electric of Gedericla-Ont.'; .$785.00. cotgratulated ,onyoura accomplish-' -as' ,a council, •have trusted• na • to This was the only tender,,received tient,: this opportunity • Of help 'mire^ '.and',we in , conneetien • with the- Workaan- ' more 'space and privacy has -dote' have,' trieirto do 'so, and: yet,' we volved. a, j,eo Much to help na rtle better werk 'are sea proud of ; the fact Whet a ' (2).Jail.iroof: TenderS. Were. re,:-withaless strain.. ,• 'problem has arisen ,You 'have „ney-. ceived from ' VarienS: parties; cbt-al Among our problemswe_found ser ,considered the dollar, but -the cerned,-and the 'tender of 'Brnee it was necessary because of an. need .,of the :Child, 'AS' a. 'Society; BYaii, of ,G-oderieit; in the amount awkward . School , Situation . fii-clOse we. have Special, reasen,..4o.!:.he of..$361:20,,for, the cornplete .jeb,. our Receiving Heine that .:has .giv, 'proud and gratefill for the assist- ....cludingashifiglaa,_Sheetiag_and rafa, auchaaexcellent„..service• for aev-; ande to these • 'who :have ' needed' tera, was .aceepted.by the commit eral years '- we wisi now to ll you tee: a • . . - pres,s . our scere thanks for the Would elm ,like to pay speciala • -_(3.) 'Registry office floor:. There' 'consideration of Several b sy, and t.ibute. to our county judge; :Judge. 1,0s- ' only one tender.' received: in' members Of the Co inanity and our jaVende -and. connection:, with . this 'Matter, ..aoci who, tried to help ikon. the-dif- lanailY -court •jtidge, Judge Holmes in vieVref the large expenditure fieolties.. The ,Society ;,acce • It is. -impossible .for 'Yon to -know velved, was.alecided,by the cern-. and 'take into care nag eed Chil- the tiMe that they ':spend 'on Our rnittee that-. theproject' be .peattain-' dren. and Must also ha e a. Inime behalf:a Judge Finglead..,takes the ed Until thea,apritg,:of .1960., - where, they will b cOrned tirrie'to sec personally.,each adopt -- (4b County printing:: It received.' Children are not,respon, ,,ing -couple who, take a child At cided by 7fetir,earciniiitee,, that the sible for the .immaturity , of par, recent- and unas,ual court..action,. .• -minutes of ,county a conned: whiCh enta Or for,thedeath or illness that Another, 'Society. who Was sum,- - we: have printed should .be.alloeata 'comes. intO:theirnatural home. Lit- nionsed ,t,o give. reports', said, that thia. coarity Wa'S :Very Jortunate to -ha,ve the ,persoeal interest. and un- •derstancling of .our,.cOunty. judge., Our ;inspecter attending a juvenile 'ceort. aession, was so impressed: -withaliudge .11-olmes' , handling Of a' Situatton and. hia ',aolving probleth rather that having a ,puni- tive attitude that he later said he found • it hard to believe ,So !may A mat would:take the. time7aand.t time We would like to bring to your attention the problem of residence. t seems as if the majority of these families move into Huron - from elsevvhere. In many instanc- es, they could be better helped in - cart addrit amounts to nours'ag. the judge's perponal thne to he and advise on these cases. This is pos- sible because of the set-up of Family Court, and this eoupty has ,a,family court second to idone, I do not feel that the County is ,aavare of the privilege Huron ac- ceaita as a matter of ,fact. When hear, "Now Son, suppose you tell me all, about it," I'm not surprisa ed our judge"bears the truth of the situation and know that he wiLl understand and help 'and work With us to help the boy and his family. This help to our youth is invaluable and to us, as a Society, and to me personally, no words -calla express sufficient apprecia.- We, as a Society, ,are Proud of mg adoption program and have completed 46 adoptions, plus four private, adoptions, and have made eight' recommendations' in - whiff: - bons processed lay lawyers -of the. county. In all, we'have been sup- ervising 210' children. During this year we have -travelled 51,000 miles and have made 6,404 visits, and heve had 5,475 interviews and tele- phonecallsa and have sent out 2,383 letters and reports in connec- tion with our work. As Christmas comes we wislayou the -compliments and the happiness of the Season„ and we look ,forvvard to your help in taking the children of your vicinity for whom we can- not arrange to the Christmas par- ty which the RCAF Station -at -Clin- ton plans for us -Mrs. Mary P. .Chaffee, Local Director: ' - , ed 'en a tender:, basis ; therefore,. :yogi committee Called for tenders ila2eamtection with -printing , Of . the, county aninutes'a,and would aecorn- ' mend, the, fellownig : That .weaccept the- tender,. of, . The ,Htirtin Expositor, Seaforth, for the printing of the -county minutes, November 195,9' to June:1960., inclu- aiv,-ihthe amount cif . $3.50 per tax. . • tie people have...enough to face in separation and change in environ- ment over which they have no con- trol. We regret the problems of 'school change ire mid-term, that some children are -iotas alert as others, that some may bring the problems of therpast into the pres- ent, but we remember they are children needing Our care and the consideration of the community. • ROAD COMMITTEE Our 1959 road program' is by far the largest ever undertaken by the County of Huron and. may be sum- marized as follows: A.ppa,ovals: (1) ,Regular .By -Law: • Construction a $310,000 .00 Maintenance-a...a 290,000,00 1(2) SuPplementary • ' Construction 240,000.00 ,• a" Snow clearing 20,000.00 plus Supplementary- $860,000.00 (3) Develepment- Road: • • - ,'7CFprovect " 4288,000-.00 GrdnthGa,'18,000.00 rant, adaia . Tranaliort 52,000.00 Rd. 26, Bruce-litironBdy.-334nolle$ road" added to the y,stern. -Bridges: - B-60, Rd. 5, Nliddlesex-Huron Bdy. 120 ft. _ - B-4, Rd, 2(I, W. Wawansh-30 ft. B-71, ltd. 27, 13eninilier-New deck B -12, -Rd. 25, Development Road -- B9, Rd, 25, C.P.It. overpass -30 ft, tunnel, Culverts: . ltd. 25, -Lot 5, Hunett, 20x8x60 ltd. 15, Lot 8, llullett7-18x5x72, Rd. 19, lapt 25, Grey-'20x6x60 Rd. 20, -Tait. 5, W. Wawanoah-16x Rd. 28, Lot 20, llowick-2(x72 •-,„ ltd. 25, 1,qt 39, Hullett--10x7x70 The good slimmer weather* has, enabled as to cemplet,e tbis large' program on saheduleWith very few delays. Our original program call- ed for the construction of ,a three- •spara. structural steel bridge over the Maitland River at Suninterhill. YThe steel; strike in the United .States forced ns to,cancel this pro- ject since the -recmired steel, mem- bers were not available in Can- ada.,Your committee Was aware, early last summer that a steel strike was in (the' offing and ac- cordingly rushed the tender 'call in an effort to seethe delivery these large hea ins before 'the .strike. commenceo. Unfortunately, t h e strike begat, the same week as the contract was awarded and the'suc- cessful bidder advised,- that ne would not be able to supply the steel, until- the strike, was ,aettled Fearingaa long strike, your coma inittee cancelled the project ,arid directed the Engineer to- PrePare plans- for alternate bridges. These alternate structerea have been ,completed. .We will recommend the -1960 Road Committee. that 'this bridge be rea cheduled and plabed ori the 1960. program.. ' One first. large hot rani: Pairing, project, was completed 'this year with 'pleasing reatilts., Many of you will,. have ,already inspected -the job on County Road 25 from Blyth atio.a.Walton,„ a slistanceofa7.8..miles„, ,and,- we are. sine , thatyou Will agree that tilts type of construc- tion gives excellent resultsaDne to the keen, cOmpetitiot in the pa:sail:1g, industry, we were able to .poina plete _this Pavingjob for leas than, $10,000 per .mile. This. compares aavorably with .the cost of cold miX paving ($8,500 - $9,000 per since it - provides' the ' higher -strength Pairement required, for heavilY travelled county roads. -The cost of' the hot niha deseribed above is one of tle lowest prices ever bid for this type Of mirk arid it rerriainS te be seed if these low. prices will 'continue next -.ear :-We wobld, like to stress, howeveratliat there as still a definite,place for the use . of cold .thix type paving. on lesser traVelled roads, where the cold mix type PaYernent is ade- quate and the expenditure of $2,000 per mile "extra for. hot mix, is not, warranted.. The day is. however, rapidly, approaching when, due -to the depletion of good gravel nenos- ita. suitable for cold mix; We be forced to use '-the--more expena sive hot mix type, since in .this 'type the accurate blending of -Var- ious types of gravel is'possible. ,Neeclless to Say, we are'Ed-mem-Tag this :better type gravel and using it only for paving. As reported. earlier, we were dis- aPPointed in that it ',was not ' pos- sible to cpmplete our development - road project this y,ear. Your com- mittee visited the.Ministhr of High- ways in Toronto and he assured us that due to a shortage of develop- inent _road funds hi the treasury, the allotment tci all other develop- ment road projects was cut in ap- proximately the' same percentage , • $ 358,000.00 $1,218,000.0() Projects Corripleted or Under Construction: Grading: , Rd.„2, Highway 82 north-11/miles Rd. -31, Varna south -5.01 miles Rd. 25, Carlow, 31/2 miles west Tof Auburn -81/2 miles Dev. Road. ltd. 3, Varna -Bayfield -6.0 miles ltd. 2, Highway 83 north -33/4 miles Rd. 25, Blyth -Walton -734 miles. , Boundary Work: • .. . ., • ' HAT Df:DN'T _ -DEEP TWIST CARPETS -Oldsmobile pampers you, ' righrdoWn to your tbes with the beautiful clinging softness • of deep carpets. 7:7 aa TWIN COVE INSTRUMENTRANEL. Now all the instruments' are . right up 'there where you can see them', quickly, easily. - SAFETY -SPECTRUM SPEEDOMETER , aa'aa' Now. your speed is , colour- -."""--15--72"" keyed to provide you.With-d- 77' constant safety reinialciei. Typical Olds thoughtfulness'. APPEAR a ••.):at.laza)......•°,44?)...W••••• rem=. AIR -SCOOP, BRAKES , Built to last longer, keepyou, . safer, Oldsmobile's brakes actually draw in cool air over- • the drums. (00. OlcTsmobilerafeatineg steal the shoW.,.irrevery way„ - Extra valtic, extra luxury, extra al14ound satislac- tiOn:„.they're all part of the beautiful bargain when . you make the exeiting spove up to Oldsmobile. And . they come to you wrapped up hi the sleekest7,m" ost ON THE BILLt- •WIDE-STANCE-CHASSIS The solicrbasis for your driving satisfaction. Oldsmobile is built to grip the ground firmly! _ VIBRA-TUNEO BODY MOUNTS Oldsmobile places the .body mounts at points of minimum vibration for new smoothness, new silence. ° • • ' as ow SAFETY -VEE STEERING WHEEL Another wonderful way thdt Oldsmobile cares for your safety, The wide wheel makes for better feel,of the road, easy, handling, too. ' MAGIC -MIRROR FINISH With just normal washiVaar-- 0 "'Oldsmobile will set *t r cars o shining example even thee - years from now, .dmag. Jimoom 1 / head -turning silhouette you ve ever t e to. Why not look hit° Oldsmobile, very toona You'll find it's a very satisfying experience. Visit your Oldsmobile quality dealer right away and arrange the details. He's waiting or your call. a -a. c;* L.EFoR • The MoSt ,SatiSfying car- you can ot4/f7 ajaaa SUPER sp iibUDAY SPORTSEDA4 SEE YOUR aterHorataOL l, QUALITY 01.• A1014ILE, OsAit'R EA , , AFORTH MOTORS A GENERAL '1,MYTORS'VALut TODAY-- ONEr 541' ; WthatethaveomUlidnisaute'greofylughtwea,ryesqouievset serious consideration to designat: Mg County. Roads 21 and 22, -from IciPasen, Ont.', to Wroxeter, Ont., as. a -development road. As you. Will, remember, the minister gave -us a very understanding ear when we proposed this project to him last April and advised the committee- that- our proposal Was, deserving and that be would certainly con- sider our proposal as soon as' funds were available. The • addi- tion of tbis 11.0 miles to Our sys- tem make S this matter' much more urgent and we would request that your present our 'problem to, the laliniater in light Of this new devel- oPment, and request his earliest consideration I believe • the facts as to the' importance of this route - between Rippen andWroxeter•were outlined in a brief to the Minister and therefore need not be empha- sized save tthasay that it *is oh- viously a much- needed' short- Cut South in 'Hilton" County, and tbat it would" provide a much needed full load 'route out of, and into Brus-' sets, Ont. ' ' As mentioned earlieralitiebudget is stretched -to the limit provkling for our present system' and there- fore the money available .for main- tenance is very scarce' indeed. a/as you must realize, the'cost ofnow ' removal, weed control, etc., on this new: -section of road (Highway 84) ..Will be extremely difficult to meet. We must also keep in mind, the 'fact that the 'Municipal Roads Baena takes a very dim view in- deed of increasing 'maintenance 'al- lotments to municipalities:.` - We have recently been advised bY the ,Departrnerit -of, FfighWays that we, will be asked to accept a section. of Highway 21, near Salt - ford, Ont., as county road 1 when the neva bridge is, erected_ over' the Maitland River. Wttileawe realize from our pre- Vioug..avisit with the Minister of _Higiways-athat„-it-would•-he ex„ tremely difficult to advise a defin- ite, date when he -could designate our road as a DeVelopnierit Road, We were won,dering that if for the nianr -r,easons listed above, . it might be possible to delay the turning over of this'atighway to the' county atint.il the county road in question isv designated as a De- velmanient Road.„yburs very truly, J. Iv..prithnii, county Etgineer.", We have norheen advised that the Department of, Higlaivaya will 'Maintain this, road until March 81, 1960, and in the raearifiree 'we will Continue -to follow our request for the Development Road. We natur- ally are not anxious to have.'this road added to Our road mileage, but in the' interests. otathe county as a...whole and in order. to keep faith with the D.H.O.; we feel it advisable to eccept it ovith' the hope that our acceptance ..ixint 're- turn large dividends -1-L Coleman, • CIVLL EeFENee--CE0me'slErrs aEE. Pri th o Novitber ionof county council, yenr committee held a' meeting in eonnection ith Civil Defence matters. ' 'Since this committee avaa'Origin, ellyset up, there has been a change in the civil defence, pro- gram, but at this time we have received ,no further- instrtictigna. Therefore, we would recommend to county council that any admini- strating of a Civil 'Defence Corps be left until further instructions area received. In the meantime, hoavever, this committee of coun- ty couneil shoiird remain aet up for the perpose of 'securing infor- mation and taking any needsary: action needecla-Roy Adair, Chair - The • maintenance- of a gravel road carrying aS much -traffic as --aaa-County Road No. 25 is aterygdiffi- cult and expensive, and in order to keep this road in reasonable con- dition during the fall .and spring ItTSZ'aiecessary to drag, it at least' every', other day. Even with this care, the surface becornes quite rough aftera24 hours of traffic; We anticipate that the grading Will be cornpleted to IllYth by early sume merof 1960, and that the entire job Will receive three inches of hot mix pavement by - July or August of that year: Most members of councilawill be aware, that the Departinent of Highways are -requestang -that Hur- en, County accept Kings Highway No. 84-s a county road. On March 1, 1956, the. 1956 road committee agreed to accept this road it: (1) R were rebuilt to modern 'stand-, aads, and (2) net reverted until (1) was 'eompleted. Since the Depart-' ment of Highways lived tip to their bargain and rebuilt this road to first-class standards', your commit-, tee felt obligated to keep the coun- ty's portion of that agreement. Ac- cordingly we wrote Mr. C. 5, Mac - Naughton as follows: "Sept 4, ,1959: Dear Mr, Meg- Naughtw After "your interartew with the Huron Courityalload Com- anittee on Friday, Sept. -:4, 1959, the following resolution was adopted: "Be itareaolved that, the road known aS King's Highway 84 be- tween Highways _4 and 21, be add- ed to., -the Huron Ceunty, Road Sys- tem as per our -original agree- ment." As you know, the mileage of county rciads in -Huron. County is nowone of the --largest in the pro- vince and per dollar of asses,sment is probably the %Wag. In an ef- fort to keep this large system ,in good condition,the road mill rate in Huron County has it:Creased by 75 per, cent in the past four years. It has been calculated that in or- der to bring all roads up to a mini- mum standard in 20 years, a mill rate Of 15 mills or more would be required for countaoads. , The Huron County- road gorrimittee is 'Well aware that the system is too large for the assessment and is taking steps to correct this by giv-' hag serious consideration , to turn- Again we would like a to thank ing certain lesser .travelled roads Mr, .Neill for the splendid- work back to the townships in Which hers cloieg at the. Museum,. and we they are situated. We are now would "sincerely wish hini- good fronted with the ortibtern of hay- health for many 'years ,to cornea= ing approxiinately 1.1.,0 miles of Harvey 'McMichael, Chairman. ' HISTORIC COMMITTEE , ,X,Otir committee at this i' tithe :would like to report on the pro- gress being made in connection with the 'preparation of the book, the HistOry* of, Huron „County.. Piet. lessor Scott advises at this time that the manuscript is complete and that the -book is about ,5 0 per 4 cent ton yped, Of course, c it has been typed, it wilt then hay . to be revieWed and vaahais correctiona, "prnalisheberefore it is,,,..rea_dy_forLh ub Now, in connection with publish- ing this book we wish to advise th, ,`. various publishers in Toronto have been contacted regarding this matter.We- are -hoping to have a meeting in 'the near future with „these publishers, in order that seine definite arrangement can, be Profesaor Scott advised that he has contaeted the Canada Council in connection with the publication and is led -to believe that the county Will rectfire a grant in con- nection with „this. project. The grant will be payable, howeveratto a recognized publisher; it will not be paid te the county directly, nbr to the author., but will be paid, and only be paid, provided the Canada Council are satisfied with the publisher that the tounty sel- ecth. In addition to the laubliSlier in TorentO, a meeting 'will be held with the Huron County -Publishers' Association ,.,in eonneetion with the publicatieri - - As far as the County Museum is concerned, Mr. Neill advises that over 20,000 visitorahave been at the Museum during the' year. The curator would also like council to bear in mind "'certain alterations which he would like to Make in 1960, auch as realletating the Farmers' Room, improving wash- room facilities, and completing the balance of the 1959 extension. • We would like to invite members of council to visit the ialuseurri and to spend same time with our cura- tor. .Wie feel that you will find this very interesting andworthvvhile, Os'elaaaag` ek- . • . 1959 Chev. Sedan --Automatic 1959 chev..Inipala..Hardtiip' 1958 :Chev.,Station,Wagon.' .1957 Olds SedL-Automati..c 1956. Ford Sedan 1955 Monarch Sedan. .1955 Olds Seola,n .1953 Chev. 'Sedan- • 71952- Olds Sedan. ..4-951-Weteor Sedan -172/::TO-ri -Pickup 1955. Ch. 1/. -2 -Ton Pickup • • ' .P4IC TI),(EARA otors SEAFORTI-1/ and miTcri FILL Phone 541 - Seaforth je,ti«4 ;el) ez.1.1 ) ) h.1.1 rat, el/ r.41 ?tar ?elk «4 «, -6„ .6, .6. 'St _ Read the Advertisements It's-a-F-rOfitable i Pastime WANT ADS BRING RESULTS- Phone.' i41 'or' 142 his isYour Centre for NOVELTY ristmas ECC)11ATIONS • • IIAVE A HOST OF DISTINCTIVE'DIFT . IDEAS . • " TABU LAMPS GIFT CHINA ELECTRICAL • . fdt•TZ Tabie'Centres' rnas Novelties- ree Decorations Electric Lighting pecora:tiVe Bulbs Room Decorations Yule Table Pieces „Tinsel - Roping -LSnow The perfect decorations/to brighten up yoinaChristmas Tree! Heaters • Stoves FURNACES Electric or Gas APPLIANCES Toasters,Irons, Elec- tric: Tea -Kettles, Egg Cookers, Coffee Per- colators, Heating Pads, Heaters. • • ASensihle Gift For the Lady of the House_ , MELAMAC TABLEWARE AiiunbreakabJe material in pleasing colors - Wine, Green, Grey, Chartreuse Order Your Set For Christmas Now! CHILDREN'S. SETS Just like the real' thing! Ronson - .ably" priced for Christmas givinga'aa' TAFFEN' 4 Plumbing - Heating Electrical Appliances, Sales, and Service PHONE 49 14 -SEAVORTH