HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-12-04, Page 6-TEE MYRON E ITOR, SEAFORTIL ONT.„ DEC. 4, 1959 _• /SE MASSIFICATIONS tO YouR AlliVAISTTAGE -Gearing Events 2, Lost, Strayed ' . • BOP Wanted 5.grineso OPPortunities 6. Teachers Wanted Situations Wanted , . Farm Slack For Sale 9.Poultry For. Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale . 11, Articles For Sale I. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted • 14. Property For Sale • 15. Property For Rent - 16. For Stale ' or _Rent 17. Wanted To Eent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices • 20. • Auction Sales 21. 'tenders Wanted • 22: LegalNotices • 23. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam -25. Personals ; The cost is low. Classificatibns 4 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 -minimum 25 cents an insertion. All other classi- fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion, excePt Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want - • (21) and Legal Notices' (22), rates on aPplicatioh. 1. Coming Events RECEPTION FOR Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Querengesser; riPe Evelyn Rivers, in Brod- hagen Community Centre, Friday, Decem- ber 11, Lunch booth. Norris' Orchestra vvill be in attendance. 1-90x2 ,NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE, Brodhagen and District Community Hall: hats, horns. lunch. Clare French and His Rythmri Rangers.. 35 a couple. PHONE DUBLIN 58 r 9, or 1VIITCHELLL 602 n 13 for table reservations. , 1-904 COME TO S.' S. No. 12, McKillop, Eri• dte, -Dee. 11 at 8:15 in the sChoolreora. Variety concert to inelude operetta, reci-, tartans, choruses, dialsgues, etc. Admis- Sion, Adults 35 cents, Children Free 1-90x1 . Lost, Strayed 11." Articles For Sale CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Apply - to CLARICE'S GARAGE, 'Main St, Sea - forth. - 11-90-1 BORDER- COLLIE Pfins for sale AP - Ph' to Billy 'Ryan, RR No, 5, Seaforth, Phone 46 It 4, Dublin ' 11-90x1 • PIANO .FOR SALE; small,. OPright, recently tuned, PHONE 676, SEA.FORTE. 11-90-1 • SELLING:-QUT SALE Rayner's" Jewellers 8 Wellington St., STRATFORD -Are quitting busiar4s. Positivelyevery- thing must be sold. Only a short 'time left. Now you can, biry Canada's finest nationally advertised Jewellery, Watches, Diarnond Rings, Silverware,. etc, at prices, you may never see again: No matter what you buy, you jirst Can't help saving money. Roneraber, tii • is short, met'- , chandise is moving, out fast. So, you. must hurry. Whatever 'you de; .don't miss ;this AT U.S.N. •Boy's over - hoes, size 8. Finder please return to 430X 895, The HURON EXPOSITOR. 2-90x1 , HOLSTEIN STEER, approximately 500 ounds, from Lot 18, Stanley township, on o. 4 Highway, nearly three weeks. ago. hider pleast Phone CLINTON HU. 2, 511. 2-90-1 TAKEN ,BY MLSTAKE, Sunday, NOV. 2, Seaforth 'United Church, one over - oat, with plaid zippered lining and'brown gimes, Please contact owner at 669 J 12, SEAFORTH, 2-90x1 • Help Wanted , 12. Wanted To.Bny • WANTED To PURCHASE : Good', used accordian, large size, 120 bass. ,BOX 893 THE EIU.RON EXPOSITOR..., .12-00xi , . • , USED EVAPORATOR for male syreP. Apply BOX 892, Tat 'FIURON rarosi- , HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for sick, down -and disabled farm animal. PromPt;; courteous • collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. a collect, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11,•Cll Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Lt•cl. y 1 , Notices' -IIIA4JIG mArikElts--Instaitt dry.wa- terproof, write .on any surface; jtist pull off 'cap amd Magic Marker is ready to use. • Refills availahle. Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, " . • , REVITALIZED cleaning :At /3uchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest. Mbre soots and stains removed. • Garments stay clean long- er, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY • SERVICE Phone 247 for 19 -90 -if NOTICE •After Dec. 5th, 1959, Tucltereartith town- ship Municipal Dump.- will "be closed until •CORA CHESNEY ' Acting. Clerk 19-90-2 ACHESONSTOCK•., ISERVICE, •. • - inglkest cash prides paid ifi surroandirrit' district for dead, old, slick, or disabled 'hers - es and. cattle'. • Horses At 5c 'a "poufid. For the fastest and proper' removal 'of all ani- zuald; day or night . . •• • , Call Locifig Distanee and ask for ATWOOD ZEN141 34900 (no toll. charge) , • NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith WALTON NEWS Or THE WEEK 17th ,and, Boundary Group The regular monthly Jrieeting of the 17th and Boundary Group of .Upited. Church. Was: hel at 'the home •of Mrs: Martin .,B n ;with:16" merribers present0:-... Mr , Buchanan presided ov.er the :met4 ing ,Which Was opened • with: the singing Of. a hymti "and sprAy.00)3t Mrs; .laan...Mrs Cliff.,Hoegy• read the'..scripture taken from ' Luke 2. ' In the business . period, eleetion of officer' was . held as ' folloWs: president, Mrs. Donald Buchanan; secretary, Mrs. :Martin13 a an ; .W1VIS 'treasurer,. Mrs. 'George Son;•.WA.treastiret; •Mrs. Cliff Rit- chie.; .Supper .committee, . Mrs. C. .HoegY,. Mrs. H. Murray 'quilt committee,„ Mrs. Roy. Bennett,. Mfg. • R. 4Sma11don, Mrs:: Maud Leeining. • Sign Trading .S.,.amp Petition .•-• The November meeting of the WAlteri. Wonien'S, institute was held •„Oh Thursday .evening in the 'Cern- mtmitr with ' a.. splendid .at-'-- teridance: The opening exercises Were presided over hY Mrs; F. Wal- •ters. Mrs: .0Onald BUchanan-gave the :motto, •"No ruleis. a.'"good rule unless it Will ..wOrk as Well for your neighbor, fir even.. your erierney .as it: will .work for , The ,Secre- ..tary'S report was.given bY Ws. E. McCreath... Cerrespondence. was. , .read, 'ails° a card.. of: thanks,. ...A. Petition as Signedregarding trad:,' :ing.'Starrips.. • The roll, pall, Wag.•.en- swereci with, `.4S,,a:Cari.44:1011;:what koui.: beef?", .1.conunItteO was appointed- to take charge of the' course, `.`Cater- ing • to2. Crowds,'.' . to , be :'held next ;Timmer, Mr's. R. Travis, Mrs. Win': ,Dennis,. •. George McArthin- and Mrs....Glen. Corlett.-, Plans "were made .to? h'itencl"..)Cji:NEX „M'Lady broadcast on. Tnesday-afternoon, Owing to other Christmas:- Ments; the Decerribermeeting be changed 'from the. regidar date. to.. Thursday evening,: December 10,, when, Santa.Claiis ent Ste conduct a. gift exchange, ."•.A *Ionatiori. Of 50 .cents Will be receiv- :ed for. a needy cause.'h• . • The .treasurer's. ,report Was giv- ert C. Martin .•eondUcted thecitizenship prOgram, during Which a,:questien-; aire,:bn Radio :and TV' programing cOlOrect,alides. by :Mrs, Berne. Mc- Kinley (nee..Deris „et Brantford,. on.. :reeent trip' Caracas, VeneZuera; ,CciniteSY remarks were given, .'Mrs. • 'Martin, and •.•i. ',gift was. presented by ,Mrs. D. Buchanan:. :Lunch -hostesses :were „Mrs.. Ron Sennet) Mrs. Harold Bolger, 1Virs: S. Humphries, Mrs. •Coutts, 1Vlarshalrand Mtg. Jee . - „ • Library BOarittleetS.Officera The: annual :meeting of,the Wal- ton . .Public Library., was \held -.on Tuesday evening,' when .the ing officers ;Were ..•reiristated..for another ;',11-0OaP4 president,, Rey. W. Thorriaav -Secretary; Wal, - Ratepayers . and inbaliitantS'• Hie.. Town - hip _ • of Tuckersinith. are requested by the .€11111A.eil tO.Inot cars, on tOW hip 'roarls'a:tA streets during thO'i*illter BIC! 'the, in order to 'facilitate: snowplowing era-. , Connell Will. net. be responsible for ox.:-„ ages to any. vehicles...Parked 'on or 13.. NVanted MALE BOARDERS Wanted.' RHONE 2414, Seaforta. , • •.• 13-90x2 14. Property -For -Sale, , • PLAN your home now; 350.00 dowo. will bus' you a lot in Seaforth or. Harpar- hey. Lots surveyed:, Land".snitatde for .V.L.A. projects Ternis 'to • Snit.' CLAY- TON DENNIS. . ' • CLERK - TYPIST - Full time Or Part time. For Seaforth Office Apply in writing to BOX 894 HURON EXPOSITOR 440-1 . Farm Stock For Sale 40 PIGS for sale. Apply to PAUL VOG- LS, Phone 86 r 11, Dublin . 8-90x1 • 29 PIGS, 6 to 7 weeks old. J. SCOTT CLUFF, Seaforth 8-90x1 1• ELEVEN PIGS, ^6 weeks old. Apply to ()SCAR TEBBUTT,,eaforth. 8-90x1 • 37 YORK PI -GS, eight weeks old Ap- ply JOHN CALWILL, Brucefield, Phone Clinton HU. 2-3204, , 8-90-1 SHCYRTHORN BULLS, serviceable age- IRVAN MILLER, R.R. 1, Bornholm. 8-90x1 A NUMBER of good strong, even York chunks. Apply to A. R. DODDS, Phone Seaforth 66LR 14.. • 8-90-1 CATTLE Ton SALE: 11 Hereford steers, 650 lbs. Apply to MERVIN HOD- GERT, 11.11, 1, Bornholm. Phone Dublin 1.4r 17 ' •• 8-90x1 PROPERTIES • FOR SALE Acling Tuckersmith Large two-storey dwelling, E..st William Street. Easily 'converted, to apartments. Close to Main Street, Schools and Church.- . - Compact cottage; Goderieh St. West, two blocks from Main St. All conveni- ences: An ideal family. 'bonze. Priced for Large dwelling, 'iVeat William:St., in- cluding extra "Mr new oil furnace.; 'mod- ern kitchen {Ind bathroom. Recently decz orated. .A real bargain at 36,000 cash.' - • 100 -Acre Farm, WI Miles south o6 Vil- lage of Dashwood, on paved county .roacl. • Altirifildings, including large bank barn and brisk dwelling,, in first-class condi- tion. Full' price $15,000., , We herve,tbree choice Tuckersmith Town,: ship farms worth investigating. PROPERTIES'AISO LLSTED . - • Contact H.A.ROLD JACKSON, Broker Phone 474, Seaforth JOHN A OARDNO • Insurance Office Phone 214, Se:Worth. 9. Poultry For gale • 148p-2„ 15. Property For Rent APARTMENT FOR , PENT: •• Heated apartment now available. FRANK ICLING. Phone 19, Seaforth. - 15-89-2 THREE-ROOM apartment, semi-fUrnish- ed, heated, available , noW. - PHONE SEA - FORTH 1d0 -M. •" • l'5-04-t- FIVE-Ft0QM. apartmerit, -North 'Main St., Four-,r,om apartment, Railway St.; All 'con- veniences. ,Apply • to CARL -DALTON, Phone 62-W, Seaforth. • 1049x2 FOR IIEN'T: In private home, three 30 PULLE'TS, six months old, starting partly furnished roonta on, ground floor. to lay: entire flock. ° MRS. JOHN HILLE---Aged people -preferred. ?HONE 311, Sea- 'BRECHT, R.R. 4, Seaforth, Phone 673 r 11: forth'. ' 15-90-1 • 9.90x1 10. Used Cars For Sale " 1956 VOLKSWAGEN. cuatom radio, 36,- 4000 miles. Good Condition. Contact DAR- WIN LANNIN, Phone Dublin 19 r 2. 10-90-1 11; "Articles For Sale FOR SALE: .222 rifle with scope. Phone SEAFORTH 841 r 21. 11-90x1 13./FEat trumpet and case, like now: `PHONE SEAFORTH 559. • 11-90-1 AUTOMATIC FAN Heater. like new. PHONE 1352 r 24. 11-90x1 ELECTRIC TRAIN and accessories, on :,table. PHONE Seaforth 666 r 31. 11-904 DRESSED TURKEYS for sale. Apply 'to CLARENCE REGELE. Phone Dublin: 64 R 9. 11-89x3 ' A NUMBER of used storm Saab in good condition; various sizfis PHONE 141, Sea - forth. • 11-90x1 19. Notices TWO-BEDROOM gas -heated apartment; all "conveniences lamnediate occupancy. Apply to DR. E. A. McMASIHR, Seaforth. , 15-90-1 LARGE SELF-CONTAINEH heated ap- artment; two bcdramns; large living, room, kitchen, 4 -piece • bathroom Immediate ea- ctiPancY. PHObTE SEAFORTH 141. -• 15-90x2 _ . . 0 FiCE ,spAcE for ,rent , the former W. C Oke 'Insurance Office Available Jan. 1, 1960 PHONE SEAFORTH, or149., , • • • 15-904.1 , . MODERN 3-ItOOM apartment Tor rent, partially heated, priVate kathroom, 'hot water on tap. Aerie 86, Seaforth. MRS. IHARGARET SCLATER„ Seaforth. ' • 2 • Legal Notices NOTICE TOELECTORS- ToWnship of Stanley. 4. EleCtioa' will 1:e held on "MONDAY', DEC. 7,,1959, for Redve; Deputy Reeve and 'School Area Board Trustees. . 'Polls will be open in. the followiag Polfing" Snb-DiviSioh.• No. L SS No. PAO, •Lanrelkee' • Polling, Su13-fliViSion No. 2, SS Ni. -10, DRO, Jack Aikenhead ; , •-' • Polling Sfib-Division ",No. 3, SS No. 14, • Polling • Sub -Division , No. TowlishiP Hall," Varna •PEO; Lloyd 3ii:ekBon ' • Polling 'Sub -Division No. 5, SS 5, nnO. Artnstrong..; Polling'Sub,Division No. 6, SS 4, West, DEO, Leonard Talbot.-- ' ' 16. For Sale,nr nt - . Polling Sub -Division 'No. 'I, Airs. Den- Orne'is stOre, 'Drysdale, DRO Philip Durand• ; Polling' Sub -Division NO. 8, Town Hall; Hayfield, .DRO, Harolri. Brandon. .• • Polls are open s..a.m. to '5 P.m. • MRS.' JEAN F.u.aorr, •. Returning: Officer' •.22-90-1 - Cards of tha , `I VICTIM LIKE to express ray appreci- ation to all rnY friends and neighbours who remembered me was a patient in Scott • emorm ospx „ 23-90x1 • EVELYN 'WRIGHT WB ?WIS31 TO thank ,all our relatives, neighbotirs. and friends for -cards, treats, flowers- and visits. ThanIM :also M.' the Doctors of .Seafcoth Clinic, 'special nurses, and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital; Rev. Fisher and Vincent Eckert, Every- thing was deeply appreciated. 23-90x1 . MR. and MRS, JOHN DIETZ. GRAIlkyI Mrs. Pearsey. Graham, of Hensel', 'Wishes to express her deepest thanks mid' appreciation to her many' • friends :who so kindly remembered lier with letters, ,cards, 'treats, floral dorm-. -Lions and visits while a' patient in Clin- ton • COmMunity Hospital. • Special thanks to Or. Goddard, and to the staff of the hospiM1 for their kind. attention, - 23.90-1 COTTAGE. third house West of United' Church. Apply to mix' r,A.Wsort, 10 Huron,St., Stretford, 14-9021, ORDER your Christmas ` Tree no" Trees will be available from December 7th 0n..ANDY CALDER. Phone 669 W 3. • 11-89x2 • nomv pen SALE: Clover, 2 lbs.; lbs, 4146; 8 lbs., 032.25 familY :Size 7045 • pail, 414.00. •• W LACE . ROSS, Apiaries, Seaforth. • • USED OIL SPACE Heaters, one et 11 size, one medium BiZe also used wash- • tag machine and one small electrital re- frfgorator. CROWN HARDWARE, Phone '797, Seaforth.• 11-90-1 "FLANNELETrE Blanket*, 70tt gort, 44.45; Men's ,-Short riablier boots, 63455 gorat tock of prints and -flannelettes. HORDEN BROViTN. Phone Sertforth 841r2, 11,90-tf SPRAYED APPLES for sale: SPY, King, Talman Sweets, Delkiona, ''Snow,, Russet, Greening, Macintosh, Baldwin, etc., Free deltvery in town. Phone ECC; .3-3214. VIM) 11/IcOLYMONT de SONS, Varna, ; 11-90-tf VENTILATING FANS for all harm Pticod from 463.00. Complete installation. For estinfistes, call or writ,44 smutr's mAiNawastArtot SER- VICE, Phone 851 R 5, Seafarer, ••• 11-89x4 tIQR sArmt, Pre-coofed. planted halbti ; at( yeti have ;t6 do is toite0,0. than and flOsier,tlatin Your, living ratan; Sting itavierinn, 'Eon Atilt -Am -re iline IvOir 01,Ieti• 'can thentiti. ent0'lloWOrs• t.otliOntittr04 terns, elle% - rit it it ftocrersi • think. or ..PAKAH'S 'OlOMNPEOUSEr Herde;s1 Clecurre;• ,Setifortk Phone •11450.•' • ' 11.13gra 24. In Memoriam 4th, in Walton Community Hall. Donations of all kinds. will be gratefully accepted, including cash. • Mr." and Mrs. ,d. Millef. were guests a honor 'at a social 'even- ing held in Leadbury school -last - Tuesday evening when they were presented with a coffee table, clothes hamper and snioking stand. The address was read by Mrs. Ernie Toll arid presentations 'Were made by Ross Driscoll and Archie Somerville. The evening, was spent in playing progressive euchre. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. lVfiller'have recently moved to the iTillage of Walton. Mrs. Tholnas Storey .was also presented with a table- lamP. and clothes hamper by the, Leaclbury school section, prior to moving to Seaforth. CONSTANCE • • :Frank Riley last Wednes- day evening -entertained the mem- bers. of the CGIT and members of the WA and ,W1VIS at her home. Progressive, crokinole, was • enjoy-, ed„byi.all present, :after. which .the hestess served lunch. Joyee„-BrOwn. thanked .Mrs. Riley for ,her 'home and pleasant evening and -lovely lunch.' The firstprize . winner for Creldnole , was "Mrs. Ken Preszca- 'tor, and consoiation Went to,Elaine . WALTERS-IN memory of a dear hus- band and father, Who. died stuldenlY, Dec. • A cheery." 'srrille, a.'heart of golcte Those .who knew ,hintotll will know, Hew much We lost one Yea -ti ago. ' -Always remembered by wife and:fate= ily • , .• ' 2440x1 , , STURGEON -In Itivifig naernorY of a dear mothei, IVIrs, Jessie Sturgeon, Bak. field, who priased away 'one Yeal, ago, oeve, 11- 1058. •• One year agotoday, •,, • • I -Watched you 'sleep away. • ' • • Yau didn't saY "goodirYe", But went to, yotir Eternal Home cglu high, know you are free now, From sorrow and -pain ; • • • - But rti • giiie the world, 'Pear 'Mother'; To have' you back - again. • -Fondly' remembered and 'sadly missed by her son Zan 4nd daughter-in-laWr RaY• Sturgeon. • - 24-90-1' _ 91YEEN Sales gc Service: re- pairs to all maker of vacuum cleaners. For service, tall MRS. MILTON I3ERGER, Sparling St, Seaforth. • 19-9041 • COMPLETE' Littrinzrgni.4. in Sea - forth and district,: a -rid Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. •WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for 'Brady Cleariers- & Laundeteria Ltd., 'Exeter. 1-90-tt cgrrtg 'BREEDING :ASSOci.A.00N ,L,Where'. Bei*. 'Balls Are Used" Artificial Tnarinfination for Sreeels of :Cattier • .Pcirmer Owned and :Controlled. Call us between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. weekdays and 600 Arid 8;05 pin, Sat- urday, aenings at 25. - Personals • • HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), niailed postpaid in plain' sealed envelope, with price list. 6 sampples '25c; 24 sam- ples 11.00. Mail- Order 'Dept, "I' 6. 78, Novi -..nurinto CO, I3oX, 91.' Hamilton. . . , , Clinton 'HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 90 -rt 26. Births.: To the Editor toys Thanks for Parade Effort 'Dear Sir: May I take this op- portunity, on behalf of the 'Christ- mas Parade Committee, to thank all the people of Seaforth and vicinity who turned out to watch, and especially those .who partici- pated in our parade list Saturday. It was certainly gratifying to the committee- to see the co-operation given by so many people. No doubt •we'inacle 'seine errors, but •I feel sure we 'can., benefit by them and rectify • them another year.. This .jsarade 'started as a small one,, but events snowballed until we had a full size .show on our -hands that. :surpassed -our fondest hopes.• ' All of it",was possible, first of, all, by the financial • backing of. the • professional' and commercial • people of the town, the 'enthusiasm of • the .workers, and -everything was topped off 1)y. the large entry. and the host of people who came Out to see it. • • .133r _actual count, therewere 435 people who played, some part in • producing the parade. Add to that the work of the Sconts, and those people who built the floats or to'ok part in the parade itself, and, it gives a very, good picture of com-,, nrunity effort and what, cad be accomplished by a 'little co -opera ••‘. • Once more "Thank yori", Sea- ford), and district, for _your help in making this parade a suecess, with the fond. hope, Oat- our town will have many more' cohimunity F.. C. J. SILLS, •• Chairman Christmas • Parade Committee. Mr; and Mrs.: jaines AtwoOd':and, family, of.Windser, Were. Weekend .visitors • with, Mr. .and :Mrs. fleht.,,, Grinrioldby. ; • Mr:„ Charles MapGregor, -Of ' the OAC, 'Guelph, spent the :weekend Ress. MacGregor, „. _ Mr: and.. Mrs. Borden; 'Brown, jdyee and . Elaine sprit. Friday evening ; with. Mr, and .Geo. • Campbell.; of lianover. Mr. and ..,,1VIts. .W111." Dale spent Tnesday, Goderich visiting With the '..latter's ..1VIPS'0•" T. ",--111-O--7 1Vlichael. Mid'EVelYri; and. Mr.Dale "attexided'i. sp'ecial, Meeting at, the 'cOint house when the payment .61 •.the, final , debenture on the, court house was paid. • , 0.. .• ,...Warden. Wm. jeWitt,'attended'a apecial, meeting at the • court house Tuesday afternoon °and. Mr... Jew'. it -t.,-, with' Mrs. • JeWitt;:•,attencleilithe Hereford ',banquet, TheSday even-, 1-lengall, - Last Friday , evening '-Warden and ;1Virg.•-',,Tevvitt attended. the banquet. of the 'Western ' Ontario Agricultur-, • al 'School at .Ridgetowni, where 'Warden JeWite.presented the Hur- on:r County aWard' to 41r.. Glen Greb, of ..ZOricin • ,• . • 1VIRS. MALCOLM MA.CAIJIAY Mrs. Mary, Alice Macaulay, wi- dow of IVIalcolm Macaulay, died in a nursing home at Hensall Mon- day,. in her 90th, year. She had been ill fore more than a year. , Bern* in London, she had lived -at-,-Southamplon all her 'life. :She was the former Mary Alice Pen- dergast, and_ was a member` of the Presbyterian Church at South - ter Broadfpot; treasurer, Walter ampton. • . • Shortreed; 'librarian,' Mrs. George • One son; Royce Macaulay, is a Dundas. The treasurer's report member of Clinton town council, showed a very successful year, retiring at the end of this year with a balance on. hand of $232.37. Besides her on she is surviv,ed More Members will be accepted by three -daughters, • Mrs.. Hilda by the -Walton library.- The winter Gosney, Mrs. Margaret Russell library schedule is Tuesday 'after- and Mrs. Ada Hintz, all of Detroit. DOOR, 2-5 p.m.; Tuesday. evening, The body *as .at the Ball:and 7,9 ,p.m.,; Saturday,. 2-5 P.m. • • Mutch funeral home, Clinton, untll 25th Wedding Anniversary Wednesday morning, and then talti• A surprise party was held.- in the en to the Eagleson funeral home CommunitY Hall ori -Saturday eve, at Southampton for a service Wed - Mug' in &nor of Mr. and Mrs. W nesday afternoon. Burial followed C. Haekwell, who celebrated their in Southampton eemetery......... `• HAMILTON -At Sditt Memorial Hospital, on Dedember 2, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hamilton, Atwood, a daughter: SHUPE-4SM and Bernice (nee links), ard happy to announce' the -birth of their second daughter, Sue Ellen 'Elaine, at Selfridge, Mich, Air -hires _pane Hospital, • Wednesday, November 25,, 1955 A sis- ter. for Sarann, and granddaughtez for Mr and Mrs M C 25th wedding anniversary. on Sun- • day. Abont fifty' relatives spent a very. enjoyable 0e5rening playing progressive euchre- with the fol- lowing as prize winners: ladies, high, Mrs. -Roe Houston; low, Mrs. Nelson Reid; lone hands, Mrs. 'Wm. Dennis; gent's, , high,'. Bob 'Rum- phries; low, Bob Houston; lone hands, Lawrence Ryan. 'Pie lucky chair prize was won by 'Mrs. D. Fraser, and the* couple hailing an poem, followed by all -repeating in anniVersary nearest- November 29 'unison the Christmas story from ,was Mr. and Mrs. Gerald RYall• the 13(x)k-Of Luke. A• very interest - •Community singing was led' by ing Christmas story, "When the. Mrs? David Ilackwell and aecom- Wisemen Appeared," was read by Mr: Canip,bell Wet acted as mas-. Mrs. Bell, etne panietithy Miss Audrey Rackwell, oMf. rola ,e Buroamdlyn,atSinr.g, corn - ter ter of ceremonies for the follow' mate of the General .WA, Officers. in prOgram: • solo, Linda Gray; eledted for 1960 are as follows: grghland Fling, Geraldine -Dennis re.,.. -'dent, Mrs. Howard Wilson; 'CO - piano solo, Glenna Houston; ehor- p esident, Mrs. Harold Wilson:, chfidren present; acconi- wicepresident; Mrs. 0, Turn. panied by Carolyn Fraser. behullin:8011sIcret• lraerayurMerr,s: EmIrmsers.HuAt-. ealled at9ndthme rfsr,ohtRaanckdwwellerewperree wastgatt; pianists; miss _value 'sented with a. chest of' silver, with no Mrs. Ethel Rackwell YOgibaq the j-ooritYveeetieaTri,d Miss 14Berliladey'PrySrCe;castod- address, Mr.,.:...Eackwell fittinglY cial convener, Mrs. Miley; kit; replied. A dVlicious lunch .,was ,seryecl with • three-tier wedding Chen helper, Mrs'. P. Christianson; cake gracing the iace_cnverea tseolne,phmonrt, cmoincommitit:ea,nMdrms.r1,1113uadb- , They have a •fainlly effeur: Dav, On; Press reporter. Mrs, R. Bowie. table: • • • • id, ,of St. Marys;. June, of London,: •soMngrss,,,aBietellrswanhgicha ffoellwowCehrdiSatinsaos, 'Audrey, Stratford- Teachers' COI- eial hour with the exchange of lege,andwR:ried, parte sh:nnit e, -from t. gC„ahriirisetsm. Christmas rfvfitsousantdo ptlhaeyining eaetifz Penis, -Stratford,, London, Seaforth, Walton and -• Hudson extended a vote of thanks all, enjoyed a pot -luck supper.' Mrs. to the hostess for an enjoyable evening. GROUP III, WA The December meeting of Group 3 of the WA of Northside United Church. was held at the' home of Mrs. E.: C. Chamberlain. Miss Abbie Seip opened. ,the- Meeting witli a' poem, • 'There'll Always 13e .Christmas." The business was conducted by , the president, Mrs. W. Bradshaw. She asked for a good turnout to the,,,Geileral WA on December 9. Mrs. -CttStaffen • read the repOrt of the nominating. committee. The travellirig apron VA'S bE0tight in and it , nice sum realized from beneath its patches. Mrs. S. C. Cechrane had charge of the devotional part of the meet, ing and read a poem, "I Still .Be- lieve in Santa Claua." A Christmas care' Was sung, f011otred. by pray - a e For Bantani• Hockey Games, ' Schedule for Bantam and Mid- get teams in^ thit area was drawn up Thursday night. The Midget teams are in group one and the Bantams, group three. • All games are doubleheaders, with both ' teams playing, except as noted. The doubleheaders 'start at 7 p.m. • December: • • 8-S4-Celi:ftoornthatatHZ6nusraiellti • 8 -.Mitchell at Clinton „ 10 -Zurich at Goderich ' 11 -Zurich at Hensel fl.-Goderich at Mitchell 170--Chliton at Goderich 18--Hensall 'at Mitchell . (start at 6:30) • 219-2-HGetlallrlv ieatiC1Sinetaofn. °rth • • 26,--Mitc15ell at Seaforth 29.-Seaforth at Clinton January: •• 2-Rensall-at-Seaforth 6 -Mitchell at Ilensall' • (13antam Only) • , 6,--Goderich at Zurich . 8-Seaforth at- Mitchell (6:30) 8.-Goderich at Ilensall 9 -Clinton at Seaforth • ,11 12_---1.1sa 00ednerillatZuehatrich Clinton 14 --Clinton at Zurich 14-,Seaforth at Goderich • 15 -Zurich at Mitchell 16 -Mitchell at; Herisalt • (Midget. only) 19 -Zurich at Clinton - 21 -Mitchell at Goderich • 22-$_eaforth at Hensall. ..,23-TZurich ' at Seaforth •26-1Vlitche1l at • Zurich, '• .28--Ilensall at Goderich 29-Glinton at Mitchell Winners- are to he declared hi both grOuPs by February 10. Team •classification.are: Mitchell C, Hen- sel]. D, Clinton B, Seaforth C, Zur- ich p, and Goderich B. Exeter 13 team has a bye-lato the playoff: ,Cover 200 attended the`IOOP 'Ban - tern and .luvende baseball batiqUet held in. I-lensall Memorial Centre Friday „evening, Mr. John 13e11, of Listowel, past- president of the WOAA and past president of the Chamber Of Commerce, spoke on "Sportsmanship." was intro= duced by Ed. Corbett and thanked by Earl Campbell; Mr. G. 0.•Vais Was chairman . for the evening: -Gerald McFalls,- Exeter, District Deputy Grand •Master of Huron DistCrresetts Nni)..th8, efs0P°110kwenil g rneflibers of the Bantarn-teani,' "D" ' cham- pions Of Western 'Ontario, were ,presented by, BO: David BuChanan, Joek Cliiriehase/ Larry 'Jones, •Gary /ones, Ron Schroeder, Billy", Noakes, , Bob Sniale, Robert McNaughton, Bruce .1-lorton, Den- nis Mock and. :Jerry Chapman. Lenny'Wilkinson,,Bryce Jacobi and Otto, SMale were not, present to receiVe, their, crests, • Members of, Amber. Rebekah Lodge, who catered' for the deli-. :IlIrkeY dinner, were thanked • by Percy 'Cardpbe'll. Mrs.. Clarence Volland, -Mrs': • E. Chipchase, and Ed.' vorbett convened the supper. -Both the • , Bantain and Juvenile tearingwere sponsored- by' the.TOOF Lodge 223, -Hensalt... . Mr. 'Robert -Dick 'Was..talten by .ai-nbularice on. Tuesday afternoon to Soutli'lluren Hospital, Exeter. Mr. Fred Kennings returned, home Friday. • after . spending ' Month 'with his daughter .and son- • in-law, Mr. ,and Mia. Lloyd Redden, and farnily St, Catharine, , and With his Sister,. Mrs. Mary Gabel, of South River, OBITLJAIZI S • Miss- Maja. Roobol; Reg,N„ on the ,staff of Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, is spending her , Christmai- vacation, this week with her par, • ents, Mi. and Mrs. Sim Itoobol, Mr; Lloyd Reddenvisited with his mother, Mrs. • Catherine Red- den, last ,week. , ., ...---- ' At 0.the dinneD, meeting , df the ICin,strien Club on Thursday, plans • were outlined for a houge-to-house,,,„„„„, canvass' of . the village ' this Mon- • day, Dee. 7, for ,.a peanut drive, . when peanuts and mixed nuts will , he offered for sale' 1iY7the'inem• - hers. Proceeds are for Service work and to help finance,the Ban- tam and, Midget hockey` teams the, club are' sponsoring. John Heal, • chairman of the .ways and means 'committee, is eonvenerOf the pro-. .. ject.' Guests 'at the cl,ipner meeting were. John Burk and Leg Parker,.• of Exeter. , • • A presentation for Miss Margar- et Moir, bride -elect Of- this Satur- day, :Dec.-- 5, arranged 'IY. Miss Bonnie Kyle,,was held at the home of IVIrs.-. Hareld Caldwell Monday ' evening, attended .by. 20 friends. •Margaret_was the • recipient of. nrali7 lovely gifts. The preserita-: tion address was read by Mrs'. 'John Baker anti -gifts. Presented by 'Bonnie ICyle and Mrs; -Murray.• Baker. Mrs. Grant McGregor and Mit. Kyle conducted contests :and luncheon was ,.served. . '• - • ' ' . ' 'Guide Corner „ ..' (By Linda NOakes) ' . . ' The November 24:me ting of the ' IiFirst Hensall Girl ' des began with the nsual open'%g .exercises. The Trilliii%, Patrol' then. lied' a • ganne' 'called ","Chinese Puzzle". The .Guides, )next went' into their - patrol, corner, where they copied notes. After this the Guides. enjoy- ed tiVti more game s before having.............. campfire. 17 1 "C . Part Line Farm Forum ' Parr Line Farm Forum, met at• -the home of 1V,Ir. and -Mrs.- Eldon , Jarrott Monday evening. Mrs. A. Reichertvvag hostesS. ,Topic. for discussion was "Paiiii- in, the was,,:- co-operatives ha e undertak- en many jobs that need tobe done. "Among them are -edhcation (both , 'consumerand.: producer), credit assistance. market deVelopment, , • merchandi'sing, distribution Sales. Which of these -lobs need to be • done, but are - not being carried ' mit je-the 'Commodities with which... you are„familar?' This ...ford& 'felt that United Co-, '- opeit.thres of 'Ontario is doing,a good 'job on •"*. education, that is, management training for local co- ' ops and information on the use of feeds,fertilizers and' sprays. Cre- dit assistance is given' to local co- ops. ;•Market• development,' mer- chanclising, and -distribUtion, sales are being well carriedout in such items as dried Milk, butter, 'cheese, poultry and livestock. ' - - '• Oliaer' co-ops; Such as the On- tario, Hog -Producers Co-op_ and, Marketing Board and the Ontario. Wheat Producers' Marketing -Board arid-White'Bean Marketing Board , have , not been active in producer • and consumer ,education. . Credit ' assistance .does not' come- within their limits. A great, deal of time should ,be spent, by co -bps in: mar- ket development.In order, to un- dertake merchandising and diStri- bution sales, co-ops wotild have, to - be active in processing, ,e.g.,. Unit- ed Dairy and Poultry Co-ops. More research is aeeded in marketing. • In order to enter merchandising and distributionsaleg, co-ops would have to be more active iii,the pro- cessing fields, as far as farm crops are concerned. Local co-ops could , be more active in theeducation of use a their products, such as feeds and fertilizers. , • , ,. . Euchre winners were:. .ladiesr-- Mrs. -j:.Soldan; Mrs.'S. 131ackwell; men, John -,Soldan, Ross 'Love; lone hands, ' MrsJohn Soldan: Next rneethig will be held at the , -home of Mr. and Mrs. Ian McAl- lister. •• ., -,-. .MRS:. ' 'Final :tribute :Was ,paid • dm Satin-- daY• afterncion, by • Many, friends and .neighbors te. Mr. James Mond; vvho. PaSaed.,,awaY Thursday evening,' Nov., .:her-84t1i'.year: The_Joriner Marianna . Millar; she. waa_born irr).Kincardirie,.daughter,., of thelate, .and Mrs.. John Mil- lar, apd resided of 1er1ife ili Hullett.land MOrria. tOwnshipg.... She was married in 1905 to „.taTnel: R..Richmorid-7 0, ' :.beside s her husband -are; three • danghterS, .Mrs: David A. Craig; Blyth; Stella;. Mrs. Russell NVOrden; Staffa; sie, Harold.. France, ..Wing-. hani:, a -Son, :Mfflar •Riohniond, of the 8th concession of Morris. One. daughter, Alberta William, • C. IVIontgornery,; predeceased. her,' A -sister,.• Mrs. • A. 'E.Weatheral, alSO survives..There are 12 grandchildren end two, great: ! ..' Funeral- services Nere centhiet.. ed On. SatindaY, at •2••• 'at the. ,son's .home by Rev. R. E.,McLag, 'Minister Of. , Blyth United, Church, :of whielr:IVIrs..Richmond 'Was ..4. faithful, inenaher,..as,, well as a . life Member' Or, the ,Wemen's Missionary ',Society: .• the service •"The Old'. Rugged Cross" Was .Siing by 31 grandsor4,, Bodie .Craig.' Pallbearers , were .•'fornier neigb bers•,.:ThornaS Laidlaw; Le she. Fear, , • John Nesbitt,, Nesbitt, Tor-- ranee Thindag: and ••Laiirie.:Seott.. ,Flowrerbearers:, 'were„...four., grand; . • -. sons, BOdie, and 'Dor.i.;Craig.,:Bruce Richmond and 'Murray Kanej, In- • ter•ment was made inBlYth,,IInion: Cemetery. GROUP Pi, WA er. The scripture was taken bY he meeting of Group 4 WA of Mrs. Staffen, A beautifill duet was northsitle United Church was held sung by Mrs. M, Burgess arid Mrs. at the home of Mrs. 'Harold Wil-, Roegy, Mts. C. Cochrane gave witti 17 members and tivo vis- a Christmas reading, "Christmas itors present. Mrs. Bell had charge At "-Granchnother's."- • Mrs. E. of the devotional by reading - •a Fisher played. a pianci solo • of Christmas carols. Mrs. Cochrane expressed appre- ciation to Mr. Chamberlain and all ,taking part. An exehange of gifts was followed by a most dei ISCiOIIS linich. • • • , Mr. Glen Oliver, of London 1VIed- • ical _School., spent the. weekend •with his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Leslie Oliver. - Mr, Herb Kirkby, of Art Col- lege, Toronto, ...visited nt his home over -the weekend. • Miss' Olene'Dundas, of Toronto, was a visiter With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dundas over the week end. Mr. • and Mrs. Jerry Cardiff, of Petrolia, visited over the weekend with the latter's another, Mrs. Ferne Patterson. • Mr. and -Mrg,, Harold Gregg, of Moose Jaw, Sask.vvere visitors •with Mr. and, Mrs.' Torrance Dun- das and other friends in the vicin- ity A benefit -dance for John. Maier, Who lost his home and entire con- tents in'a fire last Tuesday night, will be 11.1(1.1Vriday eVening, Dec. W.L NOTES The Seaforth Women's Institute will entertain their families at the December meeting, to be held Tuesday,,Deeember 8, at Seaforth District High -School. The mode -"Why find fault; there are so Many nide things to do." There will be a Christmas pro'grain, con- vened by Mrs, Leonard Strong and Mrs. Gordon McKenzie. A debate will be held dn, "Resolved Oat inen are better husbands today than •they were SO years age." Eaeh meniber is reminded to bring cookies, unless otherwise contact- ed. • If you're going to jurnp at ton- clusitms, yeti can't always expeet a -hiPPY landing. • ' • MRS. HARVEY ASHTON Mrs. Harvey- Ashton, Clinton, died in the Clinton HoSpital on Monday in her 54th year. She had been ill for some time. • Born •in Hullett township,.• she was the fOntler Annie Elizabeth Stevens. Most of her life - was • spent in Clintdnrand ifor-',a-^short time she 'lived- at Blyth. Her Par- ents were the late' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stevens. She was • a: mem- ber: of• „Wesley -.Willis ` United. ' • •. Surviving are her husband; one son, Kenneth, and one daughter, •Jeanne, both of Clinton; three • brothers; Ernest Stevens, Walton:, Thomas and Alvin •Stevens; Hul- lett township; one sister,. : Mrs. liarold Pethick, Seaforth. • Rey.'J. A. IVIcKim, of Wesley Willis Church, will ,be assisted bY• Rev. Hugh, -Vrilson; • of naines Road United Church; at a foneral service on Thursday at 2 the Ball and.'Mutch funeral home. Burial will, follow, in' Clinton. ceme- terY.° .Fearlessness is the mother of cOnfidence. PT1ON • Mr. and Mrs. Al Grurnmett ' (nee Coby Smith) Wednesday, Dec. „ • . plAltBUltN'S ORCHESTRA • • . , • Orange Hall, Seaforth Huron CoOntytt Finest Used' Car Market 3-1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDANSH-rtilly, 1958CHEVIROLET. DEL. RAY.SE11,4lN OiL14.4)d;• trans- $2450 „ • • Fully :.equipped •6951958 P NTIAC_ STRATO - $2495 RARDTOP-Fully powered .. • DEL RAY. • 1z9,9558 •soCtir4HAivNVRR_OoLtvtEunTlyi • r1111,14.sk 1958 P0111) TWO -DOOR . $1395 oLti)omsiviatoicmtLrazns,:rmoisilsitie7,13,0: JR. A rminber of. older Models $300 to $500 12195' $2750 1965 GMC 1/2,-TON.r1OKUP--0. k 4 4 a .Autairtatie,,,fully equipped 1951 CIIEVROLET1-TON PIC1-. Modet arnayck.osihor Aloaols to ohoose tront,:, .• . . . M ate' S , • "oietcnvpity„,EVENING. • fully equipped , 1959 CREVROLEI' BEL AIR SEDAN-Atitomatie ' trangnaission, •.,$ 895 equipped 1959 BUICK-All Paid • $3295 dust= interior ° $2595 -S265� METEOR SEDAN -Fully equiPPed 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN- ' fully equipped; • 1953 PONTIAC 'LAU1IENT1AN-Automatie trani5- • mission;$2550 fully equipped A Written Gi_tarantee for 60, d0”. 00 an Late LS BRussELs PHONE 173 "The Hanne of 'Better USed