HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-12-04, Page 3al -TURKEY NGO- _ � - `St;: Patrick's rarts>< 'Halt DUBLIN Friday„ Dec. • 4th t9 o'clock 17. TUHIfE`gS ,ALSO 3 CASH SPECIALS and DOOR PRIZES 'Admission $1.00.` c Z I O N' .NE'VV1 O F:. T.' .... �E wE:EK Mr. and Mrs, Cal Millet and fam- ily, London, with Mrs and Mrs, Charles Roney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rona Gibb, Nancy and [Linda with ',Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm recently,' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill, Mr. and;Mrs. D'ave .Grey and Mr. Dal- ton Balfour were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Preu- ter, Mitchell: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and family with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Shelley and celebrated their tenth, wedding anniversary 'Satur- day evening. • Mrs. George_ Robinson .returned home from Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. Lawrence Hannon visited Mrs, Alexia Malcolm in Stratford Hospital last week. ,. i; rL F�, y2, •1 w� "4z, ,w1 ), , r • 'CHRISTMAS SH OPPIGHOIRS �- IN .�SEA ORTH� • s:m • For ,the convenience: of Christmas Sho r � ..: l?pe s, SEAFORTH STORES will' remain OPEN' on EDNE W SDAY Aii'TERNOOS N � De - c. 2nd. 9th :16th and 23rd • and n 1VIONDA Y :' �, and � Y, TUESDAY, .. :WEDNESDAY and 'THURSDAY EVENINGS DECEMB'E 1Z 21st, 22nd 23rd and 24th. ` Commencing Saturday, January 2nc1,., stores:. will close ,ati' 6 p m. on Saturday nights ,for the" Winter months. ERCHA:NTS'. COIVIMTTEE EAFORTH- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ,�•.n'. 4.7;44¢->r rp,,.'% t „+f T„x T 9 ;3".,+s �' r�T or," qv ti = ,T..x .Tray` ' )raitrwi (IVA ,.i i ,.�5 Tr.+ )3" tri .1 max,. i ring or aC DNE and GA_ THAT WOULD 'MAKE GOOD SEED: n• 'our Sam Ies '° For `:Fast Service':'. W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 ••,Fast UnlOading•For ':Your Convenience -- Hoist For Semi - Trailers ' NEWS OF liENSALL EMPLOYEES OF IIENSALI. STORE VICTIMS IN ACCIDENT . � p T SERIES Keith Volland, 26, an eniploy'ee, Unitarian bale. Current events at Al's Market, met with -an un -'were analyzed by Mrs. Wm: Eth- fortunate, accident on Wednesday. eringto �, Mrs. Bob Jeffery dis- While cutting meat at the slaugh- .cussed; the motto "Work isabless- ,ter house; he slipped, severing ten- ing, not' a curse' Mrs. H, Strang dons in his left aria. Numerous gave areport' on the ;county rally stitches were required to close the held at Brussels that'slie and- sev- wound, E:is arm will be, ix' a east eral other members attended. .;,Mrs, R. E, Pooley was in charge of theprogram,. w ch consisted0 hi f the demonstration and; a reading, '"Getting ' Ready For -.Christmas" was given by Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe. Hostesses were Mrs. Wm. Kenrick, Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, Mrs. Harry Jeffery, Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Mrs," Wm. Etherington and " Mrs. Joe' Kernick. The Christmas meeting, "will be held.Friday, Dec. 11, at Llimville Hall. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Daniel' and. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Winiaw,'of In- gersoll, Were .guests Sunday ' with Rey, and Mrs. Currie Winlaw and family, . attending the •,baptism of their grandson, Kenneth Robert Mrs, .Pearsy Graham, who 'has been a patient in Clinton :Public -Hospital, returned home Thursday: Mr, and Mrs: Rodger Verner and Stephen spent the weekend in To=` ;ronto, and attended the :Grey Cup football 'game` `at Toronto . between the Winnipeg: Blue Bombers • and Hamilton Tiger Cats. ' John F, Ingram has purchased the residence of the -late Frank Aikenhead on Brock Street, ;Rev. S. Kerr; Minister ' of Caven for a month, While Keith was g havin his,in- juries attended to at South Huron Hospital, Exeter,' Ross Veal, 25, of Exeter, p • also an em loyee at Al.s l arrket while M , wit carrying meat out of, the store, slipped on :the `icy sidewalk andfractured his; -right foot. His foot was placed in a cast at South Huron Hospital: Grand Bend District Hairdress- ers' Association met at Ethel's Beauty Salon, Grand Bend, Wed- nesday,. Members attended from Exeter, Grand Bend, Clinton, Park- hill," Medford, Seaforth, Hensel and surrounding districts. Executives' nominated for the coming year --were president, Miss Pearl: Henderson, Exeter; -,vice- president, Mrs. Sheila' ;Teimans, Grand.Bend; secretary, Mrs. Mary Lou Hyde, :Hensel"; treasurer, Mrs, Nancy; Regier, Crediton New and :improved" styles .;.were discussed. - Meetings ,Will, be held monthly with. the ' next meeting- to be held in January,'? when :guest. stylists will demonstrate on color- ing anal styling ; 1V1rsr Robert Dalrymple,; of Eg- mondville a former resident of this area; expects to, ;leave" Decem- ber. 9th for `England, to spend, Presbyterian Church, Exeter, con - Christmas with :relatives.ducted the, holy: rites of - baptism. The Christmas meeting" of Hen -: at Carmel Church Sunday morning` sail Women's=Institute: will `be.'held when ':the.,"following children :re Wednesday,; Dec ,9, at 8:15 '11 the: ceived .the rites -of .Baptism: Kari Legion. Hall, ;Rev, Currie Winlaw in,, Jurgen and'. Frank,. children of will be guest speaker.,Roll call Mr,. and Mrs. E. Schade; . Bradley wilhbe answered. with 'a ash dons- ,James,son of Mr. and Mrs. James tion fora charitable cause. Sangster; Betty 'Lynn, daughter, of Mr._ and Mrs, Glenn Koehler:, Rev.. Kerr delivered the Sermon and the choir sang. Mr.> G. V. Vais con- ducted services : at Caven Church in Exeter. ey. Charles D Daniel, of Senior Citizens" Club On: Tuesday .evening,z inspite of -inclement weather, a goodly num-.ber•of`members attended the meet= mg, of Elie error , Gitiizens'`Club After a few words of; welcome by ;gersoll, a, former minister" of the the president,, Mrs. R J. Paterson, ''church, 'officiated at the:;baptismal the. reading of the minutes and the' service : of. the`United.,,Church at treasurer's . report,. the business the -Sunday mornning service when. was conducted. A' motion to sus- Kenneth Robert, son of Rev..and. pendmeetings during .the busy Mrs.. Currie Winlaw and' Barbara, December Month,. was approved, Ann' daughter of M; : and..Mrs: and the club will resume. meetings; Douglas` Cooper; ;received the rites on January 12.` An ':invitation' to of baptism. Rev: 'Winlaw deliver'' - visit the Exeter Senior Citizens on ed the.sermon, and'the choir; con- Tuesday, Dec': 1, 'waste` accepted.' tributed, a • selection, Following the business, several • Mrs. Chris •Bai:st, of Zurich, was, games` of progressive:.:euchre were . the , lucky 'winner of . an electric enjoyed;the game prizes going to kettle in a draw at Crest Hard - Mrs, Alice Joynt, Willard Buchan- ware Saturday `[light. Postmaster a}a, Mrs' Hugh McMurtrie and R. Ray 'Lanmie, of Centralia, ,drew J. Petersen; the 'lone hand':'prize the winning ticket. to Mrs. W. G. Kennedy, and' lucky Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson and cha' prize to!, Mrs. 'Orval' Rapson. Bola; of Detroit, were weekend vis.- fter the games, Frank Harburn, itors with Mrs. -L. Simpson. " as chairman, introduced the pro- Mrs: Grace' Harpole left Thurs gram. with 'a short 'address. °Miss day for Ottawa to„spend, the win -Gail,Sangstery! dressed in the Mac- ter months with her daughter 'and Pherson, tartan;,gracefully, danced son -in -law, -Mr: and.Mrs. D H, -Bea the Highland Flmg, while Mr.' Wm. cock,,, and family Hyde,' eldest senior citizen, ."gave Bingo Winners` some fine violin 'selections, Both Legion bingo, winners Saturday. num)ers were; much enjoyed',', were: " Mrs, ` Murray>; Tyndall,. Ed. Little Showed': some 'of.: the Brucefiead...(2a; Mrs.' Fleischauer, beautiful, colored:,pictures , lie had ;Zurich; Mrs. Clarence Reid;' Mrs. taken on his,: trips' through Canada Jim Clark (2); ;Mr. Johnston„Clin- and' the,11Un T.orthern ited”".S.tates, ton, Ivan -Boa; ;Mrs, Reichert (2); telling where the pictures,: were Larry Jones; Ron Broderick; Jack`. taken, and any. interesting facts in Upshall and. Mis:.R.,Doriann (tied);• connection, This was both ''enter dining, and • educational fine lunch, served by Mrs. ,crick; $5,00 door prize, Mrs, Clar apson and her committee, Mrs. ence Reid This was the final bin- A. Joynt, Mrs. William Henry, Mrs, go of .the series'. .They : will coin-. Thompson and .Mrs.' F. Harburn, •mence again in' gJanuary. concluded the : evening'. 'Mrs; •G. C. Vais officially opened g At'the. November meeting, of tlie[. the bazaar held . Sy aturda in the, irendalc omen's Institute,;held schoolroom of Carmel . Presbyter - at •the home : of Mrs:::William •, Ker ian Church, with' the, president, nick, Mrs: Mel- MacMillan gave a Alex McGregor, extending the wel- demonstratien.: on : gift .wrapping. ` come, .Theproject, sponsored by Later that evening draws'', were .the Ladies' Aids of the church,' Was, made among the members for the,.a/great., success; with $160 realia demonstrated ;examples Winners. of the• draws. were Mrs. C. Down,__•Conveners were: candy, Mrs, A. Mrs. L. Rowciif%,Mrs. Wm./Row- R Orr; .;white elephant, Mrs: Mal- cliffe, Mrs •L,: Oke, Mrs f3:, Mor .;count Dougall; touch and take, gen, Mrs. L: Ballantyne, Mrs; H, Mrs, Basil Edwards; fancy—work' Strang a'n'd -'Mrs. Wtn. Sings. and aprons, Mrs. Ed, Munn and -Mrs. HarryDougall conducted 'Mrs. Percy Campbell;, bake table, the business because of the . ab- Mrs. Clarence Volland'": and Mrs. scence of the president and the Earl Campbell; produce; Mrs. Har- vice,—president. The . roll call Vas yey Hyde, Mrs -'John Lore and answered- by handingin children's Mrs. Len Purdy. Tea• :tables, at reading, material for, the local hos- tractive' in •Christmas motif, were pital. Members also handed in the in .charge . of Mrs. Ed.` Fink, and. Iayettes they had made ,for 'the Mrs, Glenn. Bell, 1;441, #.-4, Vet., .. ., 44 Your eo I r,!,1rk41p, 1;v4.rpt",'rJ4I))"1)tt".tr,i'-4rN"r, ti•,,..,.ti.. ..ti..�.. .. ..ti.. 5..ti,. ..5, .. '.,,; r. e ` # s :m: as°Present Now Let your wife stay in out.; ,of the cold' wintry breezes with. a Kel1inator' Dryer, that is: . • Triple Safe • Super Speed • Wrinkle Free • "Wash - Wear" Cycle 1 • 135 -Minute Automatic -Tuner Control . • Kelvinator "'WASHER YOU'VE,TO .SEE r',', TOE : ) ItLLIEVE YT The exclusive•' Deep, Turbulent Washing Action is so gentle,,' it won't tear a paper napkin. • This paper napkin' --stained through with ketchup ,;. , . washed 5 Minutes witty .Kelviagtor's 'Deep. Turbulent " Washing Action . gmes o'n completely clean • without a tear! • :SAL:ES•.and ,:S.ERV`ILC•E•:• PHONE ,585 • SEAFORTH WATCH NEXT: WEEK'S PAP Elf: FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF SANTA'S. VISIT :TO OUR:SEAFOETH••STORE Mrs P.°Harris :;,,and 'R:' Ke (tied); share the: wealth. Icon Brod- ;'PUMP BRA,KES rod Mgl1H11i1111t11f.1111111IIluf Ml111141111W1 District iIuarie$ 111111111111111111111111111I11111A111111111111t MRS. �JOSE11L It SELLERS - BRUSSELS Mrs. Jemima -Sel- lers, widow of Joseph H. Sellers, died at the Queensway . Nursing Home, Hensel', on Thursday7.—She` was 84, years of age. Born in -Morris'townshi she was a daughter of the late Fran- cis Garniss and the former Eliza- bethHollaway. Following her"mar=" riage she' and her husband farmed in Morris' ;township. Surviving are two sons; Walter, of Morris; Elmer, Bluevale; .on brother, Martin Garniss, Wingham. There are five grandchildren: The body rested' at the D. A. 'Ram funeral home; Brussels; and funeral service was held,Friday"at the United Church at Bluevale. Burial was made in Brussels ceme- tery. W-HO0PSl! --• 'C/ARS -S1 DE TOO! Remember to be extra careful. When, driving winter— .. SLOW DOWN speed limits were set'far.:' good driving conditions POLLOW,r A SAFE. DISTAN with plenty of room Ito stop : • KEEP WINDSHIELD, CLEAR danger'mustbe seen to be. avoided TEST_ BRAKES AT INTERVALS • ' to get the feel of the road "PUMP.BRAKES jamming on brakes locks' • wheels and causes.sluds .I. :1. USE GOOD TIRES �. 'OR CHAINS making stops easier on slippery; surFcces . ' CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE cASSOC!, T!oN' Offices in: Toronto„—London, Ottawa, Owen SobPid, Windsor, Hamilton, Guelph, Sarnia, Sault Ste. Mame, Bcileville, .. Port Arthur ''Auto Insurance. For Careful Ehlvers" NEW'ISSUE' $550,000 `.OHNTY....OF .HURON ONTARIO 6% Serial- Debentures '-,Dated December 15, 1959. Maturin $ecember 15 1960-1969. PR:ICE:THROUGH THE MATURITIES $98.80 ' 'RETURN ON INVESTMENT '6.25% Payanle;•m Goderich, Toronto and Montreal. This being the only outstanding issue of the'Cdunty of Huron, county • residents now -have the ' first opportunity of participating m . this attractive issue, You may purchase • a ynaturity to 'suit your . individual. requirements front -one to ten ',years.' Please send`me without obligation further information" on the above debeuiure,-•. ,Name Addres To , Phone leo. ESBITr THOMSON iso AND COMPANY, LIMI't'Elt1 ¢`- tl y S • .RuselT.Bolton', l" Seaforeh.,:,::M : , , 1r. John A. Cardiio, Seaforth lab1WRQN EXP 05ITOR, SaraAFOF ,' Mel CASH PRIZE IZE 12 REGULAR GAMES PLUS THREE SHARE, THE WEALTH i Com ung rn tCentre„ Seaforth Community FRIDAY, Y DECEMBER, ,. • ....4, 1959 Admission • I:.op- • Sponsored -by St. James' Holy. Name Society TOVV AFOR7TI ...In view of "the' disregard by ,the general pubs He of 'the recent proclamation• issued by tl'AE Town:Council, re the' confinement :of" .dogs and the f act that they "are not to run. at Iar f.. at any. time; the , Council feels, that: charges '' must be laid. under -this :By lave. Any owner -.or 'hatbourei' of a dog who allows it. to ` run at' large can :be summoned into ' Court;. T3ie fine in a case ofthis: kind could be 50:00,d an s eo., is • 'The,Con' n ucciladm.'1 �e - f would sk ll`> ' i "i zens .y,.-. a laws cant d • avoid the consequences, 4 F. "CHRI"$TIE, Mayas 1 DR. " 4. W, .STAPLETON: Physician and Surgeon Phone -90 Seaforth If no answer, Call 59, JOHN A. GO1tWIIJL, B.A.,' M:D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W . Res. 5-J SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E..A..McMASTElt, B A ; .M D:' Internest Telephone 2 hon ° 7. P. L. BRADY, M.D._ Surgeon Telephone 750 ,W '1 DR. ; E. IYIALKUS. Telephone'.15. „ EVENINGS:; Tuesday, • Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments maybe made:` A... M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA' 4.7562. Licensed Municipal, Auditor. G. :A ,•WEEBD;C'* f -Doctor of • Chiropractic 438; Main Street --Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday. " Tues. ;and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For, Appointment Phone 606 1)011L', S. DENNIS Auctioneer`, ` Graduate of . Reisch American School of Auetioneering • Licensed in Huron and Perth.: Capable of handling all types of sales and ad- vertising. DON DENNIS, Walton' Phone Seafo5th 843 r 11 • SEAFORTII' -VETERINARY CLINIC'- j. O. filriibull, D.V.M., V:S.' Bryans,' DVM., V.S. • W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 'Seafortk A. W. SJI,T,ERY; Barrister, Solicitor Etc Eta.- Phones:. Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL ' ; & STEWART.: Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. -P. D. McCONNELL D. I: STEWART SEAFORTH,, Ont. Telephone 174 • D.1LMc'.N',. Cldro practie < • Foot: Correction •COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday; Thursday - 1 to' 8 p.m. JOHN E LONGSTE FF '• :OF tbb1 etrist`" Phone '.791 ' Seaforth , Eyes, Examined Glasses: Fitted MAIN:` OFFICE SEAFORTII Office Hours: Seaforth daily, except Monday, 9 'a m. -5:30 .p.ni.• Wednesday, • 9., a m. 12;30 p.m.; Thursday evenings by appointment only, Clinton Monday, 9 a.m. . 5:30 p.m. (Above Hawkins' -Hardware. THE McKKILLOP ""MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE .:CO. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont OFFICERS: President --Robert Archibald, Sea - forth< Vice=President ;Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth Secretary -Treasurer= -CV. E. 'South- gate, Seaforth. J,)fDIRECTORS: Malone, Seaforth; Chris: Leonhardt Bornhalm Rob e r t Archibald,'' Seaforth; John M. Me- Ewing, Blyth; William S. Alexan- der, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- ich, J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Al- lister Broadfoot, Seaforth. • .AGENTS:" William Leiper, Jr.,' Landes-. Niro; J:' F. Prueter, B�ro�ager, Selwyn Bakery BrussJames Keys RR 1,Seafo,Haoii Squires; R.11.-, Clinton.. [� 0000Cr.O,G>000❑ p000000000o0 W . J. 'CLEARY ' . -A. BURKC. O Seaforth, Ont. 0 O ' Funeral Director 0 LICENSED EMBALMER, O 0 and Ambulance Service 0 O `and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 ' DUBLIN : O Night' or Day, Calls 335 ,'0 O: • • .Night or Day Cn11s: O _ • O .`' . Phone 43 r 10• • '0 E1040 *00000❑ 0,00.0-00-00000-0 ❑0000.0"0'Od00❑ Ob.0, 0<>06lO I30K': '.• o' G.• A. W TNQ IEY funeral Service ' -,o Funeral Home • O • " R. S. BOX 0 0 Galeria Sty W. Se o 0 a> 0 • Licensed Eu tba1nier. • : 0 0 : AM 3ULANCE SERVICE b G Prompt and careful. attention O "O A 'u to 1 i G Hosgital Bed O dl s b e hospital beds Q,, PO • FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 0 • for rent b , OCCASIONS' 0 ,0: FLOWERS FOR EVERY . O- 0 phones: O 0 OCCASfON ., 4 es: 595-W ' Store 43 0 0; Telephone:. •. I)ay. or Ni PO' P y ght119 000000000009 00.000-000‘01,,040* ..