HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-27, Page 12:I ON SX OSIPa., sE,tFORTH, o r., Nav, r> i959. NEWS OFALTlli AREA ORGANIZATIONS • HOLD ry WELL = ATTEN D MEETINGS .:o . DI Emerson Mitchell was .hostess for the Noyember meeting of the Walton Group on Wednes day evening: aMrs: Jim.' Clark pre sided. The scripture lesson, . was read. by' Mrs. Torrance `'Dundas trona John 8.1-11 with Mrs. Clark commenting on the passage: Pray- er,'was offered by. Mrs. • Waaler Broadfoot, after which a poem entitled. "Do It Now," was read by the leader. Mrs. Walter Bewley gave an interesting. topic ;on "Jock- ebed, Mother of Moses." The WA report was given • by Mrs-. Ross Bennett, and Mrs E: Mitchell pre- sented the WMS` report. The '.roll call " was answered with a' ;Re- membrance verse. Mrs. H. Travis 'read the:: mirmtes "'of the October meeting. - - Mts. W.,' C.;1 ackwell,. convener of the nominating committee,' pre- sented' the following slate of offi-. cers for 1964: president;: Mrs. Wm.- Thamery:•.secretary, :Mrs, Herb Travis;_, WA" treasurer, Mrs. Ron Bennett; ' WMStreasurer " Mrs Earl Watson;- pi�'anist, . Mrs. Doug Ennis;. assistant' pianistMiss : Bes sie Davidson; 'press reporter, 'Mrs: Ethel 'Rockwell; ".supper commit- tee,, "Mrs. R. Travis, Mrs E. Mit- chell_ :Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. G. Lydiatt;;:program 'committee, Mrs. Ii Brown -and Mrs., Ethel. Hack well; "shut-in committee, Mrs. D. '- Enxus7•;Mrs W:'fi ;Broadfoot and Mrs: the handle. which s"the all. m MAKE SURE • EVER . , rHIN FRESH AND -CLEAN R. Achilles; quilt committee, Mrs. George Dundas, 1VIrs.L. Porter, Mrs. W. Broadfoot, :. Mrs. Allen McCajl's , side were winners inthe copper contest, with $112 collected for the year, and, Mrs. Arthur McCall's side collect- ing : $100.25; making a total of. $212.25 for the . W141S. Lunch was served by thes:hostess, Mrs -Mit- chell, and Mrs. Gordon.Murray and, Mrs. Gerald Watson. • McKillop Group. The November meeting of the McKillop' Group was held at, the homeof Mrs. Jack Bosman with 14 members present. Mrs. Mussell Barrows; presided,.'opening the meeting with a reding. A hymn was ,sung with Mrs. 'Merton Hack - well at the piano. Prayer was of- fered by the leader, after which Mrs° Andrew Coutts read* the., scripture from; Psalm. 91° -,Reports were -read 'and business conducted. - The East side were winners in the copper contest, • A topicon "Remembrance Day" was given, by Mrs.': W. • J. Leeming. 'Mrs. R•• Barrows, gave, a reading on `Why So Fearful," after which the meeting , closed. with prayer!. Lunch wasaerved by the hostesses, Mrs. Norman Schade, `Mrs. Chas., McGavin' and -Mrs George Love. Sin has many tool but a lie is r1 rir°r w r,ri 1i,r'.rt'rs,''r''r ;r• s'Mme,'�F:. r 5':,S''4� '°'•; c*. They 'Speak , for ;Themselves ergo istaleT' etain 9 1959 •` _ � . ...' �.::" •" bei 1 ) Reported -in • Exeter Times -Advocate, Novem (Ebner Bell,; (a,C.; of Exeter • Re p " Huron ron Countywill make' a' serious mistake do not". Mr. Bell stated rid of the CTA on Noveinber;30, •. - they..get:,:...;. .. devised in opinion it is the worstpiece of legislation ever "In my opl, n e this .;act any'longer on the Canada. � We cannot . afford. to hav statute books." 'that the only outlet which can The Exeter lawyer emphasized be established withoutis the ern - met a vote' in some municipalities govern- ment' ov n -:refill store and at would not be opened unless the municipal .; council concerned ned pa sedaresolution requestinrit. The eother ther public liquor outlets would have to be voted in�b the people. -, ° Take a look at the dress you've been saving; for the holidays . at the children;'"s clothes and; Dad's suits! . And while you're about it, examine the • slipcovers and . drapes, ,the: blankets and spreads. Ifeverything isn't spotlessly clean, call us now fon, the finest professional dry cleaning. We have recently installed an ADJUST° FORM to provide you with the: best in cleaning, service Notice .the daffereif e in -yob"- coots- and dresses,when hey ere cleaned at FLANNERY S! Our new " CELLOPHANE BAGGER assures you that your clothes will ' he .delivered -to;•-.you FRESHER, CLEANER r— _JUST LIKE NEW!. Le MAKE SURE YOUR FAMILY' AND.11OME ARE SET TO. GREET SANTA: IN STYLE ! FLANNE! phone LEAN ES. Seaforth` PERSO COi TERS LIFT IDEAS Order Them Through HURON EXPOSITO THE' HU SEAVORTH SEI ar` COMMUNITY CENTRE 1 DECEMBER 1lt 9:00 p.m. TURKEYS RVIETTES K specs i tor: `(Don'Southcott, Editor,. Exeter Times -Advocate, Nov. 19, 1959) ani taut mt Under:CTA there is, little or no .._.This >s an-��x?�or , ..1?Q...�._,..., respect for• law..and' law enforcement officials,` particularly-anio g - the young, impressionable age groupThis is not the case ;i _n LCA "1 speak from; experience for I, too, have lived under both laws "I spent three of•m late.teeyears under LCA and •I can Ytell ° ou there was no, laughingan at, thubing noses at; -or ridicule of,: police and the'liquor laws among the young peoplewith whom I. was associated then. "You may, minimize .this point but .1 suggest to you that any law. which creates disrespect for our system of justice does .,our democracys: a great harm." ;rt 1 rt 1kp-1, i;cZ Ae#dsi det, ,il 1•,`" , •n' - ' . �.tHe-1 Ee r1 „' i •us-GMmAFOrsResEoaYnECRFomCeOn1D;Ks NonS • 1 "Al ,r� •,(i c%..1 trt,.•t1 est, y �k r ie1,, x�.1i;r-ii gat, w� u r xt1,;r ai r r x+ r v irdi ea �L,eatl r,r r •�"1: rte r1,-..0 .tt�'x%ii e'1, ✓r.Ei,�e'.t� "-ti;ri.''f..'�.;s,,:.•,�,..,•,, ..k••+•... •" ,..-,a....c.. ...F.•,�., "' , •� L$ T E A Rr I ICES REVC DeiAmendflieflts Prorr��se� To Canada . Temperance Act (London Free press, November 21, 1959) ..they have: � =Ministers sa;d`yesterday --"Two Federal Cabinet to the ., d> no u: dertakin that; amendments • are forthcoming . made � g, would -make it more. effective i r Canada Temperance Act which �?v p the,control of liquor:" / Double StaFrdards ° Nov. 19, 1959) (Quoted from an Editorial in The Huron Expositor, , "What Is more important than a discussion of the readiness with which liquor may be obtained are the double standards that arebeing' createdin the minds of an: entiregeneration, and the resulting disrespect for law' and authority which arises." fou will want to buy a. in less mot coho sin:lofHuron County (Alcoholism Research Foundation, November 19, 1959) "There are definitely no statistics, on alcoholism byw.County Ontario." Effective Control In. Peel . (Peel County Abandoned the CTA by Vote in 1951) oronto Township 'Police •Chief,Garriet 1VIcGill,' in a St ement Dated Novenibei 17,195 "All' Police Departments in the County, of Peel are more satin-, ' ` - fied under the Liquor Control Act, as all phase's for effective con- trol are included-an..the.Ligti'or Control Act." •. . Tke.2/11k 0,5'8D • Look over aur complete line •of Revco freezers: • Pick" the size and nibdel to. meat yeir,needs,. ' • See ,the revolutionary Re,co• demonstration of the' fastest .:freezing action known;' Satisfy 'yourself of the.l'tSwer ,operating cost.' :This freezer has 19:6 co,; ft. of :;unable 'space and.hoids 6$6 lbs., of frozen food. Cg'pecial w. C11RISi`MAS " PRICES See After you see our amazing demonstration, you will be conviu?ced that tut Revco freezer Masa tine fastest freez;%xrg action knoum! In less than two minutes you.cah actixally feel the difference and see exactly how much faster the Revco freezing principle is. ;:Ir two minutes you'll xna- mediately recognizetlie sleek'lme and beautiful &sink? of Revco freezers. You'll be thinking how easy it will. be . to place it in your 'kitchen, utility room. or any convenient spot in your home. And when the two minutes are up, you will realize how, much you will save on electricity! Adding up :all these advantages will prove tb you that Revco is your hest buy in freezers. All styles and sizes of Reaco freezers' have this,fasier freezing action giving you.' wide :selection ' to ezaciiy meet; your: uiretnefii,so ()fir Marty Bargains • in. JD ...USEI) U5ED APPPLIANCES OIL BURNERS ° Conditions In rand Ben (By incorporating "as -a village and. joining 'Lambton" County, Grand"Bend came.' under the' Liquor Control Act) J.H. Talton, Reeve of Grand Bend, October 16, 1959 "iii�iVlie the.CTA in its present. forrnwwas inforce here oarTrobig' hlem arose from the fact that the CTA did not prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages on the streets, in public' places. or in automobiles. Also, because there was; no.provision in the Act convict on a charge ,of drunkenness, i sunken, ess,'became very prevalent on the streets and bees to co . , uncontrollable existing me u u of iris could not walk legislation (the CTA) . A girl, or a group girls, w OD . any of our-streets,.particularly aY night, without being subject "result; profanity and even,attack. ed to i .`.. • ,€,, ,nee4-the Liquor Control Act has been in"force here it has provided tire meah.s of combatting the above .problems" SAL. urn itizens Legal Control Committei RAIN, E. •HUCKIN'S, Chairman. SEAFORTH