HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-27, Page 9110 • illmnuoIIIUI1liiiiuH11,1u1#IMIiuIuIII IN -A -N Live,Poultry -T-E- .-Top Prices roPaid Phone: Brussels 66 EA ST H.UR0N:. PRODUCE BRUSSELS' USSE ®.. ONT. IIIHIIIHIIIIII� IIIIIIII IiiIIUi IIIIII BORNE';: '. U� &HIB B.ERT MUTUAL- FIRE INSURANCE C CO,, ^� EEAD OFFICE '-•• Exeter, Ontario President:' `Alex J. RodR.R.3' Mit Rohde - R , ,Mitchell Vice -President. .MiltonMcCurdy McCurdy • • R.R. 1, Klrkton Directors: E. Clayton '•.Col uhoun,R.R. 1 Colquhoun, _, Science, hill; ' Martin Feeney, R.. 2, Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner, R., R. 1; Cromarty;Timothy,' B. Toohey, R.B. 3,: Lucan Agents HarryCoates, Coats,R.R.R 1, Centralia; Clayton .Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell M Solicitor: W G 'Cochrane , ----Exeter SetarY-Treasurer. Arthur Fraser Exeter Sell that .Unnecessary• piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified M. Phone 141. �INIIf,lllUiflIIIIIIIMIIIIIIU HfIMHIIIU JII1t District Weddings 1#I11#iIHIIIIIII#IIIIuHuII#IM uuM HIIHI#Iil SCHJLBE-COLEMAN VARNA—The Rev. T, J. Pitt of- ficiated at f-ficiated'at• a ceremony in Varna. United Church whefr Elinor Mae Coleman; R,R, 1, Zurich, became the bride of Henry Orval ;Schiibe, The bride •is the daughter of Stan- ley township reeve arvey Cole - Man and Mrs. Coleman, and the groom is the son of. Mrs. He nry Schilbe, R.R. 1Dashwood, and the late MrrSchilbe. The r de wore ' a floor -length ength ow n�eau de soie taffeta fash- ioned .n princess lines. The bodice featured:long sleeves and a scoop neckline,. trimmed with appliqued Belgian ace n the ex- tended andwale ee 1thn tended 'into �a' flaring skirt with full. hemline. Her shoulder -length veil of tulle illusion, with sequin. trim, was- held • :by a tiara head- dress and.-sbe a carried " e bouquet t q of pink and. white carnations. Wearing light blue sheaths of crystal charm, the attendants were Miss Joan a Hunter, Seaforth, as maid of honor; Ming Helen Wilson, Brussels, and Miss Janet Rader,. R.R. 1, Bayfield, ` as bridesmaids. Frances Rafeltcirn and Ruth'' Rafe], tom, both of Toronto, were flower girls, dressed in lgiht.•blue nylon frocks. . Laird • Schilbe' Goderich,, was"best man fora his brother, and guests were ushered by Ronald Coleman, Varna, and Albert Sehilbe, R.R. 1,: Bayfield, brother, of the 'groom..' For travelling, the bride donned a -beige woolsuit, with longmatch- Jacket and matching accessor=- es. ' "Water attracts electricity." "Have you made -any tests to prove it7" "lies. Every. time ,1'm, in . the a s: shower the:'tele hone .rins." plain putter icing'.on ''Christ an, I s. xhese fondant' candies n1aY be diPPed in melted semi -sweet choco- late, la or rolled in .chopped nuts, or used to stuff pitted dates. Roll potato -shaped candies in cinna neon, or cocoa; apple orrstrawber ry-shaped candies in sugar tinted red, Plaeo walnut or pecan' halves onOpposite' sides ofo few fondant balls and press .fogether.. • Potato Fondant 1mdx aked e um: potato b 1 tablespoon butter • i/a teaspoon almond flavoring g 2114 cups icing sugar °(approxi- mately). . Rem�ye inside of baked potato, mash; well,'add•butter and beat un- til Stirflavoring,'-' then W in add icing sugar,' a' little at, time, working it in . thoroughly' .. using your fingers. Co Continue adding sn sug- ar n g ar until fondant isstiff enough to kneadon a board. Form' fondant into ,small balls andother shapes. For. larger c uantities than the three - cps ,of eggnog this recipe -will mace, simply increase,ingredi; ents proportionately. If foamy egg- nog, is preferred, reserve hall the 'egg wlutes • -just before serving time, beat these- egg whites until l stiff and fold into :eggnog mix- ture. Eggnog 3 eggs tables oon-�arsu � P g Few grains salt -. 2 cups milk Vanilla or sherry to taste Nutmeg. Beat- eggs." slightly. Blend •in'. sugar l and salt. Gradually stir in, milk . and vanilla or sherry,,' then strain„ pour into glasses and sprin- kle lightly with nutmeg • re Holiday Treat mas cakes, ' Spread it directly on the cakeor oofalmond the d n topth paste when this iused: Butter Icing f/3 cup batten Few grains salt 1,teaspoonvanilla Ps icing c 3- u ic• g sugar , 3 to 4 tablespoons"Viilk or cream. Creani together the butter, salt and vanilla tionec' Stir in cup icing sugar and beat until light and fluf- fy. Add, remaining su a. r and.m ilk alternately. ` Beat, until very smooth. and- fluffy. ' (This makes enough -to ice top and sides of 8 -inch or 9 -inch s uaar e cake)., *•* Here'sto t a rt. that's a rest- any- time! Y time! The -recipe makes suffici- ent filling for. 24' small tarts (cut rounds . of pastry three inches in diameter). . ,, Maple- marts: J4 cup butter • % cup cornstarch or 6 table- spoonsflour 11/2 cups• maple syrup x/2 cup hot water es 24 baked, small tart' shells. , Meltbutter, and blend in corn- starch or • flour' over low heat, Re inoye from heat; and stir in syrup and • water. Bring- mixture • to a Constantly until hick boil, stirring thick, , then continue cooking for.five min '• utes, stirring_oceasionally.' Let cool at least,15 .minutes be- fore spooning into tart' shells. +.:If' desired, garnish ;with whipped cream or .,chopped nuts. .*. Tourtieres are traditional as part of the feast served in French-Can- adian homes after, midnight mass on :Christmas Eve. nese porkpies. ristmas is for lothers, . and you can makethis her happiest Christmas yet! r . -Give her a modern electric appliance—the gift that shows you care enough to lighten her work throughout the year. Modern electric appliances are easy-to-use;, eeonornical'to operate.'They give long service— lasting 'satisfaction. This year, tie a Christmas ribbon around "••,' her "most wanted" electric appliance. It's a thoughtful gift because it helps her "live better electrically" the safe dean, modern ways LIVE BETTER E L' CTR1CALLY. are so good, and so handy to have on band during the festive season,' that the Consumer Section thought you would like to share their re - Onion; salt and pepper are the only seasonings given in this .re-• cipe, the good flavor of the pork with •,the pastry being the impor- tant thing. In some 'homes, a little cinnamon; or cloves might be add- ed the meat mixture.and, also, o a few whole allspice are' simered 'sometimes -with thePork then re- moved. moved. In many, French-Canadian homes a grated ,raw or : mashed: cooked potato or two is included in the pie, Tourtieres may be : ' ads, u ahead of time andm`frozen'for later baking. Tourtieres (Pork'Pies ) 1 .(three 9 inch pies) , 3 pounds : riiinced lean pork a/4 cup bong water ' 1/a.cup finely chopped onion 1y2 -teaspoons°salt 1/s teaspoon pepper Pastry for three double -crust pies; ' SimmerP ork i.n, water five min- utes. Add.: remaining ingredients and -simmer until.: meat is. white, about 10 minutes: • Cool: and, skim off fat: Line'three pie pans with Pas- try • f fill with :meant . mixture .and. cover with top crust, Bake in a very''hot 'oven (425 deg: F.) until browned ,about 30 minutes. -EX is Advice -Experts P Save Vitamins Cooking Broccoli Broccoli rates .very high among'` vegetables' for both vitamin C and,, calcium and 'also , offers good vita min A value according.'°to •nlitri tionists of "':the Home ---Economics Service, Ontario` .Department 'of' Agriculture.' Other' food `scientists' recently dev eloped -new -methods -of= cooking• broccoli, .so. that it -keeps`, its' flavor and retains a high per centage of' Vitamin :'C ' Tests by scientists showed three Methods .of;. cooking. that kept 65' to 80 per cent of its vitamifrC, good - color and•texture'as well.as'flavor:: ''hese methods, using one; pound of trimmed broccoli, >are:'' boiling in' 1'A' cups of water. for TO to::12 Min- utes; steaming for ,10 minutes; Or cooking in •a pressure pan in a cup of water 'far, two minutes at 15 pounds pressure: Careful analysis also: showed 'that -the' vitamin 'C. which'."was lost had dissolved in the cooking water instead, of being'. destroyed' by heat.. ' . Miss Frances —;Hocks,' foods and; nutrition supervisor, with the On tario Department' of Agriculture suggests -cooking; broccoli .upright,; so_thet the, stems are.,in water and the more tender tops cook in Steam., She• recommends ;using a': coffee -r f for this ;purpose. This Method. ethod' does much to solve;: the problem of how; to cook the stalks tender with out, overcooking'=the delicate -tips, which _causes thein to , become:. mushy as well as lose-ilavor and` vitamin C. Paringthe stalks of -the; raw broccoli to remove thetough outer 'layers and using the knife to. slit lengthwise :all'- stalks '..thicker than'an inch also''. helps. ' Overcooking boiled broccoli by even five :minutes : increas`e$ ' the loss of vitamin ,'C by 10 per eent,r and the .loss of 'deep green color, by, 15 to- 20 per cent. , Frozen broccoli 10 es more vita- min' C in the first' -'ve- minutes of cooking than the fre h product; but .when the eookng is finished, fresh ,and- frozen retain about the same percentage of 'their original vita, min C Content. Grandmothers Are Special Guasts At9 ` I•` pP X11 _East VIII ra dmoth were •G .n els guests; a Kippers East Women's Institute at their meeting on Wed-' nesday, for which the president;' Mrs. Russell rock was hostess at• her Moine. Each grandmother was. presented with a • corsage, and Mrs., was Harry Caldwell w w s p re sented a Prize for grandot e r wish child- named hildnamed after her; grandmother with the mast -freckles, Mrs; Ross Chap Man; .,grandmother ; with longest zipper;. on dress, Mrs. Morley, of `Whalen Corners. • Entertainment 'wasalso r v' . pax ded by the guests, which inciltded physical drill, .read- ings, :etc:Ro1.call was answered ed with you ou. ,would like to -have willed to you." Demonstrations were given by. Mrs.' William Caldwell -for a sup- per dish, and Mrs. Campbell Eyre, a dessert. .Planswere formulated and committees .appointed for ,the twenty-fifth anpi's'ersary of • this branch, to -be -observed December 18, with the regular - ,meeting-- to be field in the -auditorium of Hen- sel]. Memorial Centre, when t speaker :will be- Misguest Helen - Mc= Kercher, from the Institute Branch,' Toronto followed with a party in the•euening. Invitations have been. sent to all former • inenbers to at- tend this big celebration, '. At their Christmas ;meeting De- cember 9th, for which, Mrs. Alex McGregor will . be 'hostess, pre- school children reschool;;children will be entertain- ed. First vice-president Mrs: Jas, Drummond, Chaired the meeting, and luncheon was. served. Hensall Resident Moves To Zurich Mrs: `K, Meidinger, a resident -,of` the ;village ler; Seine years,;' who recently purchaseda home in.:Zur ich, taking up residence there;' was; honored ata farewell presentation held -for her at the Heine of Mrs, Gertrude Dayinan qp,„,: y ednesday evening, ' when neighbors a n d friends presented her:With a'love- ly •table lamp; Mrs. Robert Baker, Sr., made the presentation. Euchre was enjoyed ^ and refreshments served: Name Arnold Circle Officers The :following officers will form the 1960'-slate;''of, the Arnold Circle of the.;Presbyterian Church.' nisei=: dent, Mrs. Ed. • Fink; •• first !:'vice- president,' Mrs: , Beverley Beaton::• second vice-president,' Mrs. ;:Stew - :art Bell-; secretary, Mrs William' Fink; treasurers Mrs: Gerald ;Bell; pianist, Mrs<;: William ';''Brown;. Home :,.Helpers; Mrs.' A Orr ', and wMsuerplsfparyTe' se ecMorxetWry,HManrnswaH croMrmyuerr:H:aaonyyd,, literature secretary, " Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, phone ;committee' .Mrs. Harry Snell, and Mrs. Stewart Bell; Children of the; Church; Mrs Frank Wright and ,Mrs Gordon Troyer, •Explorers, Mrs;; Gordon Schwaln and assistants,;..Mrs: Harold Bon thron, and Mrs. Stewart Bell.. Mrs,' John Baker was hostess for the meeting, with Mrs Stewart Bell and Mrs: Gordon: Schwalm in charge of •the' worship, with sac- red passages-;'`read'.by: Mrs, G.:C.. Vais, Members answered the roll call by naming a„verse containing the word "Peace". Nineteen visits; wel'e ,reported. Idoney was :;'col- lected from• the members for an .M Indian ission,•from Which money is used tie buy shirts - and a ::good ,supply of used clothing was ;pur chased. Lunch! conveners ;were Mrs. `Willianl';Fink and Mrs. ;John, ROSSWORD PUZZL" THE HUIoN EXPOSITOR, 'SEAFORTH, ON"p., .N S.AF�RTHMONUMENT •,; OPEN DAILY T de&n Son P _ S . ALL fl'ES OF CEMETERY MEMORL U.S Inquiries are invited: Telephone. Numbers; C inton X_ 1620 Exeter 41 3 xeaforth 573 E ED BSI :•STA AMPS? 11A .. Order Them Through rer THE HURON -EXPOSITOR � O EXP'OSITOIt SEAFORTH ORTH, ; OWN SEAFORT Re D0� Ti In view,of the disregard by the general pub- lic of - the recent proclamation issued by the Town ' Councils re the confinement ' of: dogs,' and the fact that they ale• not to run- at large I at_'a2ly� time,_ 1e_C:ouncil 'f eels that -•.char -gee_ - ' -.must° be ,laid under this 'By-law. Any 'owner °or harbourer of a 1 - dog who allows ' it to run ' at large Can- be summoned into: Court The fine in a case: of this' kind could be ,$50.00 'and'', costs; The Council and myself would :`ask 'all' citi-- zeS concerned to comply with the .laws and avoid the consequences. B: F. CHRISTIE, Mayor NESS DIRECTORY DR. ; M W.:::STAPIETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 = Seaforth If no answer, call 59 -• JOHN -A: GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon '- Phones:.” Office' 5-W ' =Res, • 5-J SEAFORTH' CLINIC Telephone 26 E A. M'cMASTER, ' B.A., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 -- P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surge.n ' Telephone. 750 W.:1 DR E. MALKIJS Telephone 15 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made. 1111 4111111111111111 ACxoss 1 French ' sold er 6 Wee (.ens 10 Rules 14 Item' of • propertyy, 15 isles off , Irel nd ,."16 Carrie 'to , earth 17 Head covering 18 Whole 20 City of leaning tower 31 Irish • 74 Dreadful' Gaelic 75 Perceives ..~23 Lubricating through car '77 Appear 178 Vast age (pl.) 179 AppertiOn `4¢• out DOWN ' fore" • 1 To of head OBe p 31 Schools 2 Eskers , 34 Goes b9 3 DOetrines 98 Roman . • 0 French bronze article 27 Singing • 5 American '3fl Bird (I.) 8` Kind af c10t' `. 42 pillars 7 boati• ng 44 •Seasof)s 8 -Golf score ,.'46 Gentle of 9 Scoffs' frogs 10 Drinks with -`47 American Isy� tongue QM 49 Co tamer for ', J12 Fourth n eta' CC` floWers (pl.) II• sagacious 01 Gratuity ,:58 k at 59 Swordlike' a 11. s17 • N Goee fad' 22 fiWcW0r11e YbZZLE N0.529 25. Hazard •28 Eroniet 29 Kind', of pastry (03.) 30 Landed property, • .31 , Powdered soapstone 32 Raise 33 Flower ,34 Kind Of bear 35 Norse witless of ^r56 German river 158 Those in office.. i5eR.iver of Europe :64.:Per£orrn • Si%Pronoun '62 Obscure 63 Rancor '67 Piece for • 69 two decree (p1.) 72 The • turmeric '73 S. African 24 Bitter • ,.vetch 26 Teptonla deity • 27 Shower. 29 Prefix in roasting Meat 50 Mineral s ring - 53 Within • 55 Drift of oncrgy ' 56 lcelandio tales 57 Mickey •159 Borders 61 Shorelet news. art) g 62. Mend healing 64 Russian 'sea. , 38•Part of . 65 Dodeo'anes• church 101.) Island 40 Wife of i 66 Endure ` Geraint - ' 68 COMpas$ 41 Weakens, ' tn ppot • 43 BodY of ' 70 RWei •-(Sp.) .Water 71 The inial 45 East Indian 76 North 1herb S9ria 48 Rod used deitl , P it 0MP SPA S L 0 E I0AA H T O t E NE ERE t 1. :P$ I,E E A K•AL i Vt a ART EEh 0,:tT DET Wt Er I E.: E 0"E: N N A A1. R 4.iA Nil LEM R'LDgg NN .'ENATE-'FvER ��- T roc-IscS„ iEJ$ hewer te' E ie tRle NO. 07 5t Si E. F aa. DAV£ t, 111 F t n 1 'E R R fl£'' A TUREDD tUr H A .T P 11 E T A. M. 'HARPER'; Chartered Accountant 55 'South': St. Telephone Goderich JA. •4=7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor. G. A. WEBB, D.0 !' *Doctor of:, Chiropractic 438 Main Street _Exeter. `. X -Ray and Laboratory - Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday. Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment - ' Phone 606 DON S. DENNIS • Auctt9peer Graduate ' 'of Reisch American School of Auctioneering. Licensed in Huron and ...Perth. ° Capableof handling all types of sales and ad- vertising. !,', r,•; •• ..... _ DON DENNIS,. Walton Phone Seaforth 843. r 11 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, .D.V114., V.S. W, R, Bryans, D.V.M., VS: W. G. 'Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 .: • Seaforth A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor,`,Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ' . ONTARIO McCONNELL , & STEWART Barristers, --Solicitors, Etc. P;° D. McCONNELL: • ; , D. I. STEWART SEAFORTH, Ont. ' -Telephone 174 J MCINNES Chiropractic ' Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday,' Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. ` JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791 Seaforth• Eyes ': Examined Glasses' "i�`itted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH• Office Hours: Seaforth daily, except -Monday, 9 a;m =5:30 p•ui.,_ Wednesday, 9 a:m. -12.30' p.m.; Thursday evenings by,appolntment may.` _Clinton: Monday, : 9 a.m. - 5:30 m. (Above' Hawkins' Hardware.) THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE : INSURANCE" CO. HEAD ;OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS:, _ President -Robert Archibald, Sea forth - . Vice -President Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth" Secretary -Treasurer --W. E. 'South- gate, Seaforth DIRECTORS: J. L. Malone, 'Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornhalm ; Robert Archibald,- Seaforth; -John: M. Mc- Ewing Blyth, William 'S: Alexan- der, Walto'ii;' Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Al- lister Broadfoot, Seaforth. AGENTS: William, ,Leiper, Jr, :Londes. boro J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen Selwyn: Baker, Brussels; ---James Keys, R.R. _ 1, ' Seaforth; " Harold Squires, R.RSe 3, Clinton. o W. J.:CLEARY o 0 J. A. BIJRKE . o .,: Night 'Soer aDfRar,CaOnllt.. - 335,•''0Oo 0OO O-4NOgPunhhVt eoornrOae i D43DaOiytrOC1t:°:r 0Jrsai•OOdO[b LICENSED EMBALMER•00 and AmbulanceSrvce 0 ▪ andFUNEAL DRECTOR 0 ONT..0 0OOOOooa°o000o 0 © 0000000s><ap O BOX . O O Funeral Service. Funeral Home 0 , R„ S. BOK Goderich St, We, Seaforth 4 ' O Lb ensed Embalmer O O' 6,4°.„-ANCE SERVICE O 0 Prompt and. careful attention 0 O A.djnstable hospital beds, 0 O „ 1"ital-13ed O 0 . O' ' FLOWERS FOR ALL O for rent 40 . !. O OCCASIONS 0 0 FLOWERS l:'OR, Evirn - Phones: .0' ` OCCASION. O O R. 595-w Store '43 0 O Telephone: •Day•erlltight119 0 1300O4000004000 40-400000****11 '7