HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-27, Page 8I IWRON' EXPQSITOR,', SF,�Ak'ORTI , MVP., NOV. 27; 1959" 1 , HtlR014 '��DUNTY FED�RATIAN NEWS - By CARL HF;MINGWAY ' I didn't ,think another article' on whole year. If the 418.00 price' lasts for most of the year,- the average might be $19;64, In 'this. ease a deficiency; payment of $3;00' would be paid on all'hogs (grade A and .131:), Thus if�you sold your; hogs " at $X8.00, , you would end up with $21.00 per. •ewt., • and if you sold for, $25 OQ1 y eu. would 'end "up with ' $28.0,0," ' I . If the $18.00- price lasts for a. short time and the $25.00 price lasts for most sof the year, the -average price. could easily be ,$22,64, or higher, in:whtch;case there will .be no; deficiency, payment. •; I"would also.like to make it, Clear,' to, everpone• that support by offer to j' purchase haS' been very 'satis- factory fqr butter. Over the past• '12f, years there was surplus `pr,p 'duction., six years and `' insuffici- sent production for six years uW1aile ver the whole period 't Gov went- has ;• spent some. eney- in suppott•'there have . -' een years ;when the- Government ' taped a nice profit 'on storing 'b,' er, , The -cream. producer' has „received •a satisfactory. return and ..the .con- sumer has=p had a • steady 'supply at,a very',reasonable comparative price, The total. "cost to Govern_; Ment •has'' :•been, .negligil'ile, '"< The key to the success of sup "port by purchase is' the level ; ;at Whichthe' price, .is set. ,and the, .ainour t of, promotion,qiiat :accom panes the' announcelneiit ' This oras ..quite ,apparent at, the time, P 951 hogs were setat $25.00 a'nd milk .powder 'at 17p, .deficiency payments would be iec- essary but from theguestions Ijam' being ,asked; apparently there are a large"` number of People who do not understand -how;' it will of1el- :ate, FixS;t, there is a basis of support. price. under deficiency payments, This is the' : weighted average; of - the present su ort prices .across 'Canada. and' calcidated to, , be $22.64 per cwt From here we'•have to suppose prices on• the market to explaixr--the operation of .'this plan, It s, being forecast that the. price for hogs•after'January 11 on the; market will- be $18;0Q 'per cwt, It' is . , also • being forecasttliaV the price - will be ;$25,00 next fall. (Please all - (Please' do not let these figures' influence your- operations) Deficiency payments will be; bas- ed .on , ther average' price for the' • 1161tllllttll1tl.ItlIMIItltilt111t11;11#I1tflltt XAS This , v't I''' wQ e purchase of mer,•, ' chat -Oise .over $5 OO' SATURDAY, 1 'ay. 28/59 :lzrasept--thio advertiseineiil. a , The" Government has;:stated that they must•'.support' the family far- r::e;"but they Iapparently_have no concern for the small family pack-. er; Who; had !contributed a good, 'deal to ',keeping the 'market high to.: the same small farmer. Yes, the., government: `:professes to '.;support; the small farmer .but' they do it in such a way that most Of. the`'benefit, will" be hist in -the' market place alid"in such. away thatit will -give a definite advant-; age; to the; largepacker,:•.through•• • .19rot trtion Truly --there are• many ways of:skinning a cat! Jack Thomps0n's Footwear Service • I,t'. is Our Business' to. Give ,.COMFORT and SAVE You Money' 1111111111H1tt11'tllII1HI11t UHill(111;11tIt1. Doe, Mr. John 541A North Street, Toronto, Ontario: Nov 3-2-1--0-9' How To Tel, .When Your Expositor Subscription `Roos Out Look at the' line "of code numbers below, your name and address in the upper Ieft. hand corner of your Exposi- tor. . The numbers.show the year in which the papei expires.' In' t1i`e example above, the paper expires Nov., 1959. The_ month is quite clear.. :The -last of the' five numbers represent the year. When. Mr. Doe renews his 'sub Scription the last number `9' will be dropped;. -'and the ex - piny date will. read Nov. 3-2-, 1-a; or Nov. 1960. But, before your subsc tion, endsL you by us. IVIcKLLLO1 WMS, Tile McTtillop.W1VIS"of' First.Pres; byterian Churehheld •their, NoVeni-. ber ` meeting at : the home ;of Mrs, N: R'. Dorrance on.•Thursday after- noon The' president, Mrs; He, n McMillan, opened the meeting ith a poem :After• the singing of . a hy:inn, theScripture lesson Was read', by.',Mrs..'"Arthur Nicholson;; followed with prayer by' Mrs Har-. old, Agar. Tlie topic, taken . from the. -`study book arranged; b'y- the first vice= president, ;'Mrs. ;R E M'cMillan;; proved very interesting. Ii :the first. part, Women ef..the .Bible as co workers with ,their Husbands, Paper •on Sarah' was given?by Miss_; Jessie .Fraser;.on Lot's 'wife: b'y P7irs R'. E;`'McMihan; and'on Leeh and Rachel by •Mrs Francis of Man In part two; Influence of Wo men of • the . Old -Testament , as' "Mothers,:Vtrs!- Albert Harrison a read' .paper Lon Rebekah; y Jean; Scott ori Jockobedi and'' -Mrs, R. E.. McMillan on Hannah MicM 14frs--R E. illan,_.Miss,-Jessie Fraser, and Mrs, Francis Coleman, av re appointed" : as a nominating mmittee 5to 'bring 'in a new slate, of officers';for;next year, The.holi- day'., wheels "arid ;offering: were :re= egived.: The meeting was closed With a hymn and prayer. by Mrs. R: E. MclMillan Tom "My ; brother, crossed a cactus `:with an.:'apple and •got'; priekly pear-. Then:he crossed.'sug ar:cane: with s cucumber; and i of sWe'et, potatoe' 9 $ ne''ni' ht, he, made a ..mistake.', :John: "What was that?" ' •"Tom:' `.`He crossed a•waternielon patch with, a wheelbarrow and got 7I be n bu4kshot.'r' Commissions, are not. ;paid. n arguments; won, but on sales" de. Branch 156,'Canadi ANNUAL eilOn 1 • Coimmunit Centre, Sea or Play commences at 8:30 ' p.lrl4 sharp ' 18 GAMES ( " Luscious :Christmas Turkeys Ready Por the Oven --- THREE SPECIALS:---/- , PECIALS- ' .�-`.' 'Admission; "$1.00 Secial audrExtia Cards- 25c Each or :5,, for $1.00 • ° • ...�• s• •-0 ••. • • • • e.•,. p. • • • ° •,.. . • a • • o • • .0 • ..• • •.N• A.0.0.0 ettoirat SUSLA CE GUARANTEE CANADIAN TIRE PROTECTS YOUR BATTERY DOLLARS Ap uondad Guarantee; and. in addition every-:; MOR -POWER. BATTERY is R: o a d, Hazard Insured .against any nor%. Mai 'driving 'failure'• including Fire, ,Accident, Breakage, Frost Di'scha'rge. TERMS' of PROTECTION ' '1'8 %Months to c48 Months; 'depend- ing on the type. Replacement, or money' back at your option; customer pays only for service:: rendered. ■ .e e 1 rstart ` Energy: "EXTRA" Your battery's' been-loafingoall slimmer' will it_. deliver -the power you _need' when -the go g gets" tough? 'Replace now 'at Canadian Tire 's Whole= sale "Discount Savings with Mor ,,Power pry Charge Hi -Capacity, 'It`s 'POWER -SEALED' to de- liver new-born, . instant power `- with "guaranteed output for years to come, 'Ferfor"mance='so out standing ` .ou'll. never need to: buy another. battery Y for you;r present s car. Fresh, --lively; power "LOCKED=IN",' until . you need it. 95 With Trade In 6 -VOLT, ',DRY :CHANGE Fits ;most popular 6 -volt systems: 48 - month insurance ; guarantee seg.: list '525.17 FACTORY.FILLED WET TYPE- trade- with' '1 3• m .95 With Tradeln ' 12 -VOLT DRY CHARGE, Formost poptilar -late;;, model' ears. • 36 -month Insurance - guar- antee, Reg. "list 826.59. •FACTORY -FILLED WET TYPyE- with 5aii� trade in �:_ "POWER -SEALED" DRY 5 CRAR'GE .; 30 -Month - Insinan'ce Guarantee freshest power money can buy, .45rpowor•-patked' plates, huge 120 amp, capacity - for .action /tarts in any weather, it's. Vacuum -filled POWER -SEALED. 6 -"VOLT,' DRY CHARGE -Fits Chevrolet' 1940 54„ Dodge (most) 1933-55, Oldsmobile 6-tyl: • 1949-50, Plymouth '1939.55, Pontiac' (most) 1949-54 and. Many others. With old battery .. 5 FACTORY "FILLED WEI;TYPE 6 -volt, A�45 with, old `battery •• 12 -VOLT, DRY CHARGE -Fits most popu-, L ar.:late model cors 54:poweriied_plates 'With old battery FACTORY FILLED WET, TYPE -,12 Volb : With old battery, 12-M"CNTHS Insu NE ;Volt �� ance-Guar�antee �.r Exceptional' values Factory -fresh "Wet Type." Lowest cost starting and lighting power. ,:Fits cars' in. Group 1, including Chevrolet 194Q-54, Dodge ,and Plymouth (most) `t 1933-55, Pontiac (most)' 1949-54 - and mdny others: 33: plates 2 -„ Yolt KEYSTONE,_ ducts cote modal Chew, Pontiac, . ander pro- - (most), Studebaker'and many others, 42 plates. With trade-in NOTE: Add 50t to' battery prices for installation TitERM'OST.A'TS Original EgUipment'Quality -Most; cars. Bellows or • High- ' Vies -Sure., 1 29 £p .1.59''; UNIVERSAL''.ELECTRIC ENGfN HEATER Fits into Lower hose Connection-` . puts heat into. coolant ' '2.29 fast starting ease Battery Scester Dentes e cars. that i' Another car' ■ ATER:rU,MP,• END, CHOKE TROUBLES ,Choke 'Converter -Eliminates a u t o ni title choke troubles, by qmaking -_it manual.: Ir•%7 Most cars -,., • 5" HEAVY DUTY with, " Your Ohl Battery -GN' this Winter °G D�' next Sunlnler.` Mohair - . soft a n d: iuxurlousiY warm. Keeps hands warm *.36 for. Winter; driving. , R.,INFORCED HEATER H,0. H, 1111 ATOR •HOSE Resists corrosion, boiling r . Long. life, heavy duty.' Resists biI,� and antifreeze. Most cars corrosion, Anti freeze Per "ft .. • , Por ft. as low as •OA Mato gaster Batter!► Warmer Ensures :fast starts In •coldest' weather. 9S Prolor,gs battery life, reduces cursent ■ drain, G.E. element � Stall d cant be pushed into +3 �Y carting get going fast ! A o r e' rV� fJ battery provides•"boost From Save up to 46% On re -manufactured originat- e . EXchange price, as low as a 0 Engineered for ,Canadian r a s, temperatures and :riving' contiotions tvath 50 % heavier TYRES ;'Visc With Yo Cl ur ass r " ,rade_in Cirri than. "ilew ".Car" equipment • Ride 'Hiway -Byway "every day inthe year: for• safer travel whether the. -roads -are gare pr bare, snow- ,Ioaded or article -dee in :'mud, Tlae ; ower,- rig 'of .' :., .. P p . g P natural, tree : rubber tread" gives greater' G -O' and ' more ,:positive S.T-g-P! p 'Suer --Lactic' fliwa -B ywa -•is , Y Y Y • rated top 'choice for bad weather driving, with the Natural Rubber Tread for all your driving'; 12 months in the year. Originally' -developed as a sl? u er.-traction snow -mud tire, the engineers built in longer mileage and removed that last trace of annoying :'whine ;you heard-f�roiw .other --snow ! tires .Sous safely! ROAD HAZIARD INSU:REDq Plus UG':'5 YR AE AR .ARANTEF ' r.. .._., //Z/o: o��//Z/o:r SIZE:• 550-5-9-6/15," 600/16; 650/16 67o/1a 71015 ;, 750/14 760/.15 800-820/15 800/1'4" '• 850/1.4, po0/14i, Similar` Savings: op Tuhelesg and Whitewalls. Add 50c for installation ,. Regular List Price 21.55 ' 24.85 31.65 25:15- 28.65 5 1528 65 2515,, 28.65 31.30 33.55 Discount Price With Class "A'!,'. Trade-in' 16.95 15.95 16.9'5 17.95 19.95 18.95 22 95'- 25 95 r 20.95" 25.95 '' Bargain in :Wieater. ,Driving Safety! SNO This winter ride worry -free. at the lowest pos- sible cost - .Canadian. Tire's Wholesale. Dis- count •savings remove the price barrier, to safe driving: `,'Snow Travel" with its deep -biting, self-cleaning fraction: treads.' of rugged Polymer Cold Rubber. and durable. Courtaulds Tenasco Cord body will pull you through deep snow, .,.:slush-and,stieky mud. Be safety -set all Winter.' long with a set of Snow Travel on your rear wheels T'rieed away' below the market, SAVE ON OTHER SIZES 1iVttlr `Class`"A' Trade -iii 600/16. 710/15 1125 I 11.15g215 12.t5 le ROAD lb -HAZARD:`A NOTE: Add 500 to,, above S RA -750/14 B00/14 prices for installation. A SUPER-LASTIC EXCLUSIVE Super-Lastic Passenger '- Tires are Road Hazard Insured against blow -outs, accidents,, glass cuts, stone cuts .or other normal Hazards' which nlalte. A ` ainst defects in, work- a-tiire unfit for further'service...Customet pays only 'for -ser-- vice rendered. .>I ►�.ai Gu rantee ®-�' '' `mansh-ip and ntaterica1s :u�