HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-27, Page 44---THE,HURON EXPOSITOR SEAPORTH, ONT.,'NoV., 27, 1959
The DENNIS ELECTRIC can Repair Your Every Need !
a for all types of
We also. have a large' stock of parts
Washer and p
Dryer Repairs.
a1 Statistics
Correct Steps
According to Ontario's Registrar -
General, many people are apt to.
rely too much on friends and neigh-
bors (who are themselves often.
misinformed) when advice .is need-
ed in such Matters, as the registra-
tion of births, marriages, procure-
ment of certificates, etc; The eas-
iest way toget the 'correct infor-
mation is to write<. to the ;• Deputy
Registrar -General:.' at 70 Lombard"
Street, Toronto. —
The Registrar -General's office is
thehub of Ontario's vital statis-
tics registration system, which
tends to everymunicipality in the
province and include more- than a
thousand Division, Registrars
Registering a Birth
When a baby is born in Ontario,
so the law says;'the birth must be
registered : in. the municipality in
which it, ; occurred, and must be
registered .,within 30 days. 'Regis-
tration . costs nothing. Normally it
is the mother who registers the,
birth, If she cannot do it, and if the
father cannot, then so thelaw says,.
the birth should'. be registered by..`,
the . "person standing in.' Place of
the : parents of the child". ,:Birth
registration is not, the responsibil-
esponsibil-ity , of the doctor. who attends the
If the mother is .unmarried, the
HI4rr with Santa
Grand Display of
Gift Suggestions
our Store and Windows:
for Every Member of
the Family !
child must be registered in her
legal "name, unless both 'she and
the, father request registration . in
the father's name. Should she later
marry the child's father, ,she may
apply to the Registrar -General 'to
havethe birth legitimized on the
registration form, . The original
registration will then be withdrawn
and a new registration made With
the facts recorded . ,as if the , par-
ents had -been married at the time
of the birth. -.In 1958, the, births- of.
321 babies were "legitimized in On-
tario.. -
A married Woman ;• whose hus-
band, is not theefather of her child-
may either name her husband in
the space provided for the hus-
band's name, orshe may .leave
that space blank. In no case is
the father, as such, ever mention-
ed on a. birth registration form
A ; divorced woman who has a
child -tray register' the birth either
in her; maiden' name- or her mar-
ried' name, or she may record • the
father's name . if he agrees. A:
widow who has a :child may not
register 'the birth in her maiden
name unless ;:she has legally re-
nounced her. married name.
Establishes Status
Birth registration' establishes the
child's age and status as a Cana-
dian citizen. Without ' registration.
no birth certificate , can be issued.
The adult_.,itidiv-idual is likely to
need a birth certificate ,on many
occasions, but the parents of .a
child will certainly need it both in
support of an application for fam-
ily allowance' and when' the, child
firsts-,, attends`' school..Not . every-
one 'realizes that a 'baptism ; certi-
ficateis not is birth certificate.
Birth Not Registered
In cases of delayed registration,
which; after a year has elapsed,
must be ,effected at %the ,.Registrar->
ents are required to produce docu-
mentary evidence,. such as a certi-
fied copy
erti-fied'"copy of ;the doctor's or hospi-
tal's record. =In such cases a reg-
istration fee of _$2.00. is charged.
`An' exceptional =case came to`
light recently when the parentsof
a four-year-old- boy went to Chil-
dren's Aid Society for advice. The
boywould" soon be of ..school age
and his birth had never been reg-
istered: When the child was born
the father had • acted " as midwife
and ` no doctor, nurse or , anyone
else had been present. If th ar
ents...had ' known :what to ,d at
the time• of the birth they, -would',
have saved themselves and others-.
a• great -deal' of trouble.
Correct Stelling Iniportant -
Improper- spelling :.of names, par-
ticularly in the case' of immigrants
who anglicise foreign names with-
out first
ithout::first making the change legal,.
isa constant headache for the,'Reg
o TrQul�,le
re Tal�en
Cosmetic Sets, Quality Soaps,
Bath Salts, Colognes, Dust-
ing Powders, Comb, . Brush
and."Mirror Sets, Gift Sta-
At - Special Prices, For
Christmas Giving .
Give an Electric Shaver—the:.
every -day -in -the -year Gift! ;
Shaving -Sets, `'Electric.' Raz-
ors, Shaving •::Brushes' and
--Bowls, Pipes, Tobacco Pouches;'
Lighters, Kodaks, Cigarette
Rollers; Leather Wallets, 'Trav-
elling Kits.
Christmas Cards
A colorful selection.'
Available in boxes or single.
Wrapping Paper
Seals and Tags of 'every kind for.
attractive. presents:
We stock
Smiles 'n Chuckles
in 'Christmas
Wrapped Boxes
Right Way
Water Plants
'strar-General's staff and is often
a source of difficulties' in later life
for the children concerned..•
An immigrant family may de-
cide, when registering' the birth_ of
a child, to omit a prefix from the
surname. Immigrants ' from . Hol-
land, for. instance, "Sometimes drop
the "Van".from their names. When
as often happens; the 'child's name
has later to: be included on .: the
mother's. passport for travel pur-
poses, the . birth certificate is pro-
duced and a differenee- in name is
evident. This cancause' both trou-
ble and; delay. In 1958, the Regis-
trar -General's office.. dealt . with
3,000 cases involving name correc-
Change of"Name '
Iii Ontario,; names can be chang-
ed legally by`a court' order. , In or-
der_ to amend a birth registration.
the registrar -General, can accept
a --change of name ordjJssued:,by
any' competent court awhere in
the world. - He can also-amerid:•the.;
b`iith certificate'; of any;;; child, born
in Ontario who has been legally'
adopted,.;.and..;can. accept adoption
orders. from . any competent" court:
anywhere in the 'world:* In ' the.
case of an adoption, the birth can
be registered so • as to show, \'the
adopting' parents as the actual
parents, the original registration
form being, withdrawn and sealed::
Not Always Dull
Incoming mail at the Registrar
General's office . runs ! to around
1,000 to 1,200 letters daily, with a'
like -number going out. There is
additionally what is called" "a
float" consisting of some 6 000=doc-'
uments dealing with births,: still-
births,' adoptions,
tillbirths,''adoptions, changes of name,.
marriages,."divorces and deaths, Ali
this calls for ' constant' research
through files that• go back a hun
dred years and the addition of new
-records,- a=proses-that-is--greatly
accelerated lin""the use of intri-
cate,- '1.B.h tabulated index, sys
Problems presented are ' many;
and various. Recently an appli-
cant for a birth : certificate was
asked;; "When and where were you,
born, sir?" "Flow the heck do I
know,":he snapped.. "It's your job
to tell. 'me that "' Miraculously,,'
someone did manage to tell him.
Here Are';Christmas Specials That Will Make Your Holiday
Eating More Pleasant !
.. ;, BEST BAR-NONOir1
Tenderized Hams
Fres' Beef and . Pork Roasts
Beef .;►
All t
Roasfrom Top
Commercial -Beef
Daily 'Delivery On All Orders' Phoned in ; Before 9:30 A.
Phone 341
"water the plants,' please."
So either little Johnnie or his
dad fills up the pitcher and pours
that's .all: When the pitcher is
empty, the job is done, -Theplant's
water supply always depends ;on
the size of that pitcher.
What if the plant didn't get en-
ough `-water? ,'It; would grow poor-
ly, shed
oor-ly,'shed leaves and show the dull-
est of foliage. Too 'much "'water?;
The roots and plant parts at the
soil level would die and decay be
cause of lack 'df soil oxygen.
.lou must get the proper amount
on those plants. But how.?' Itarti
culturiats.,with the Ontario Depart;
meat' of Agriculture suggest view-
ing the problem with these factors,
in mind: temperature; ' humidity, -
light, soil, type of plant, age of
plant; growth rate and size of con-
.How can you tell: when 'a plant
needs water? First, look' at the,
condition of the soil surface,- or
tap the pot. A dry pot will give..
a clear sound when tapped; a wet
one. will give a dull sound. And
don't forget that -water has weight
—a wet' pot is heavier.
When watering, add .enough wa-'
•ter 'ta wet the soil.; to the' bottom
of „the pot, If the plant is in a
warns area 'and is growing quickly4
then daily 'watering, may be tied
essary. Other ' cases may , call - for
only .weekly' watering: Water early
in the day so that the plants are,
not soaked - over -night,
Nest time 'you're talking "from,.
the shoulder". -try a bit higher up.
Playing: Cards
WORDS.. :=34
leittnin THOUGHTS
Give A CAMERA ..: Take H1O1-119AY PICTURES'.
flaSholder built Ib !. electric -.eye contrpt'
;' popular "preview'? finder
These" are only ;a few
of the many Beauti-
ful ,Camera .„Gifts
available at
You SNoUcvGkYlisIG
Away BY yczo50LF RR
--1 AtiVA :
•Showed: -total pro
Declared div:aends of :....
Has <"set up a reserve of
Increased its Assets 'to:
$ 35,000:00
At the same time, the 'Co -op -paid in cashto the members:
Member -and patronage loans amounting to .
Interest on member and patronage loans of
Total Cash Benefit to Meni,ber`s
:....:.:... ; ... $ 88,503.00
Your'contiriued loyal support has enabled us to expand: our services
to tkte extent that we :now have;
1 - One of the -largest and;..most .modern ;Egg -Grading Stations In Ontario.
2.. A modern Feed Mill iii which we have just completed our bulk :instal
, wy; lation and can now offer formuia'feed.in,bulk at•;$4.00.under list.
3 ' Our 'molasses mixer is now complete; so that we can offer molasses
custom mixed in.'your feed, and manufacture our own Beef and Dairy
Concentrates, resulting in -lower,' prices.
'4.;. The Petr-oleum.Department begun in April offers -a complete -variety of
Iubricating oileand greases; gasoline, Diesel,.`.fuel .and furnace oils. We.
have a new modern truck with separate meters for gasoline and fuel
oils; which is already servicing. 70 Members, and -has distributed over .
30,006 gallons of products: as of June -1, 1959.
We are now employing a qualified :field serviceman, who is available to
any Member who requires advice on animal and: poultry disease or
nutrition, or other farm manageinent problems:
Please also remember that We ca.n offer a. wide ; variety in- the farm
equipment and hardware lute: ' Although lack of ' space prevents us
from stocking Most of these items now,:.a:'inodern lstore and warehouse
is being considered in our long-range programme,' possibly by 1961.
WIT t6"r* FAcS tr/
s)OU7112'®UPLE 15"
D 135 ALONG -1
FOR `A $10.00 MEMBERSIEIP FEE,' you can begin to share in the ' above .benefits'' :and' in the
ownership of.a° New and '.Efficient. Egg; Grad•
ing Station :and. a Modern Feed' Mill.
"The Rexall 'Drug Store"
.'hone 28 ^ d s A,r I1eating, l hin B a' lel.. RJ Eoove..r, C 11mo8 'Sea o h
• J,'