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The Huron Expositor, 1959-11-27, Page 3
WHERE YOU . WANT IT WHEN YOU WANT IT Phone .For Prompt Delivery FARM and ROME DON 1JBRIGHTRA1,;L Seafort.h MAIN ATTENTION!' LL 0 CREAM PRODUCERS Regardless of where you sell your cream, you are eligible for a Special Group Insurance; that covers Life, Surgical, Medical,.ete , on the entire family No questions asked. Pre-existing conditions , covered: The contract has no riders or exclusions. The absolute_ best coverage available at a price you can reach. -For a, short time I will have help from Head Office to com- plete all -applications,. Phone for someone to call on you, or -drop into my, Office. There -Cs no obligation- in either case. fir." y 4 GROTJP CLOSES NOVEMBER' 39th, This is Iimportant To You :- Don't Miss It ! G E•R A L:D► DUBLIN L Phone 3 WNS.HIP OF HULLETT !NATION TAKE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Rate- payers cif the Towinship of Hullett will be heldiin" the COMIVITNITY HALL LONDESBORO on FRIDAY the TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF N• ' OVEIVIB� R E 1959 at; thehour. of 1: o'clock .ock..m: for o thepupurpose e ofnominating ng fit and proper -, persons to be elected • as. Reeve 'an d Councillors for the1 ear_ 960:• ; .' Y must papers p p be filed .with the Clerk before; 2 o'clock . m:on , the above. date...:. p. A public _ meeting will commence' at 2.:30. .m,:•.: when of inter s ` the questions. , , interest to, t e municipality.,- will be discussed. . ' HARK. (Signed) Y,F.`TEEBUTT 'Clerk. r , Am er Rebekah Members Heir .Progress Reports 'N'oble"Grand Mrs. Glenn•Bell pre- sided for the ,regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge'onVednes- day and welcomed Mrs.. P. Ron - singer, who recently took' up resi deuce in Iiensall to the lodge. Mrs. A.` Orr reported for the poo- perty committee and, presented` spoons which had been purchased; Mrs: Leona Parke for -the proper-_. -.committee; Mrs: ;Clarence .Vol land for the,„ CP & T fund, and Mrs, Bertha McGregor' submitted the treasurer's report, and report- ed on the bake sale and tea held. recently. . A thank you note, was, read from Mrs. T. Kyle, Sr. PIans were -fin- alized for. two'.. banquets: IOOF, Bantam and Juvenile -banquet, Fri; day, Nov,. 27, .and Hereford Breed-, ers' ' Association December 1st, to be held in the local -Memorial Cen- tre auditorium and catered by this Iodge, '- Exchange • of ' gifts will be a fea- ture at, their Christmas ,,party De ceniber 2, when Mrs. E. Chipchase, Mrs, W. Parker Mrs. Wes Veneer:'. and " Mrs: S. Beaton will form :the entertainment committee;' and Mrs. Elgin. Thomson,. - Mrs. -.Geo. Parker, Mrs. J. ,Ingram and Mrs. • Ken Elder, the lunch committee. Mrs. ,Chipchase, Mrs. G, Parker, -and Mrs: B. McGregor. were . pointed a eonrmittee to arrange for li the marathon • euchres to '• com- mence in December. .The Noble Grand requested :a degree team be, organized early in January. Is Hostess For :Presentation Mrs. .Lorile HAV Hensah; ,was hostessoon We4`nesctay for is pres . entation-;fozLhex=sister;-Miss-Ruth McLeaii;' ,of • London, a bride of Sat - , with immedi,- -ate members of the families • at tehding :from Goderich;, Seaforth and Hensall. Ruth was the recipi eritof, many costly and beautiful gifts. Mr: ; and . Mrs: Wilson; Broad - foot, of ,Goderich, observing their :20th wedding .•anniversary, were presented with a china tea. set. Vases of bronze mums and dec- orations in pink and white motif formed •attractive house ,decora. tions. A social hour of ,Cards'.was enjoyed and luncheon served. Prior:to marriage, who is on the • staffof. the 'London Life, was feted at :several ;pre;nuptial. presentations. in 'her. honor, held in RES H 'BAKED At.•these 'R.ARGAIN PRICE coo' ayout e This economical three-bedroom, framebungalow by architect Geo. Banz, of Toronto; offers privacy; which is usually: difficult to obtain in a house of this area- l3othiliving and sleeping sections are -well div • idect.:with the bright living', room occupying its'; own wing. • Anoteworthy feature of the in terior arrangement is the,good cir- culation which ensures that, all rooms may be reached: from hall ways. .The .kitchen -dining room gyerlooking the street, is compact and handy to:- the,front door. Clos- ets, are of ample size and ,conven- iently;placed throughout the house.. The total floor area: is i853 •.square feet and the ''exterior: dimensions are 3T feet; six `inches by .42 feet, including 'the carport. . Working drawings for' the ..house;' Design 290, may be obtained from ' Cen-- tral• Mortgage and Housing °:Cor- poration 1 Contemporary taste and rising g living standards :are reflected in n the rapid decline in 1i12 and two- storey dwellings, and the' gradual rise in ,floor space, P according,to : the' currentCom�inercial.-Letter published by The Canadian Bank of :Commerce. At the same time„ modern fashions in 'housing which permit fewer houses.per acre than les the '`older st lus the y , phis trend away from the larger urban ' con= Cres' to the: new suburban develop- ments, pose grave problems, gard to • the financing of roads, sewers -'and other services<in-many municipalities. • . P Sustained prosperity and.: rising income, coupled with more liberal mortgage -financing terms .in the post-war era have been key fats tors in 'stimulating housing de- mand, . the, Letter says. "Immigra- tion and• a high net rate of family fotmation have also played ,'their part, in maintaining .the building boom. • • Between .1946 and 1958, : more than, 1174 Million new ;residential units were completed, and older strt1cttires ' were 'converted into some 56,000 duplexes and apart - and SHOP 1 S E L S', Do your Christmas 'Silop ping: in Brussels. Be Lucky! Win one of the Prizes being given away by the Brussels Business ,Men's Association' ON SA,; TURDAY December 19th UP TO .50 PER PAIR • 7.50x 14 and•6.70 x'15 TUBELESS Re .59.00.. THIS.'SALE . g .., 4tSG'0er• pair Avai#'able in • GOODYEAR 'SUBURBANITE FIRESTONEi TOWN and„ COUNTRY DOMINO ROYAL _ W N•TE GOODRICH TRAILMAKER iSSELS MOTORS PIIONE 173 - BRUSSELS Your Cities . Service Dealer u• OT PIIONE 56 - BRUSSELS Your Supertest Dealer ae, icsoeN( D1HN15. ROO,:. a•Y4 i1'h C*RPOW! .:'. fld crds< n Flog ments.':: The current --year's .pro- gram may, see „the completion of another •150,000 structures, •bringing the _ post -1945 .figures to nearly 112 million •new units. Duringthe past 10 years, t e av- erage -erage cost of a one -storey ` dwel- ling ;financed. under the National Housing:Acthas risen from 47,379 to $14,263. • Ther size of the .'aver age house, in ;this category has in, creased' from :877 square feet of floor space to 1,094 .square 'feet, and building costs per square foot, have gone up from $7.62 ,to • $10.56. The rising; cost of•, land -=$57O: for the .average' single storey house in 1948 to $2,463 in 1958 -is the third Targe factor in the increased :cost of housing. There are already signs of .chang- ing , hanging., trends. -in= -.Canadian housing; from • the pattern of .'earlier. post war years•, according •' to the Let- ter. Apartments and Other tenant - occupied dwellings have taken up anerincreasing ; proportion ,..of . new housing;. ,construction in • recent years,' and • a stage of rent' reduc- tion has now been reached in;cer- tain areas. However, apartment building iron' the increase -in: the nearer suburbs of some cities,. where high land prices have tend- ed oto discourage the; building of private, dwellings. The co: -opera- tive apartment house,;; owned by the tenants, is a relatively ` new featurewhich :appears to be•.grow- ing in •popularity. The- birth rate, after ,reaching a ALL KINDS • SURANCE SOUTHGATE ,Phone .334.! Res. 540 MA.1* ST, W. SEAFORTH P DANCE Sponsored by SeoforthE ' Br ouch • X56 • Canadian Legion ridOyNpv�rnb�r,. COMMUNITY CENTRE• :. Seo f0 a the arcing at, 9:00 o'clock ADMISSION - $x.:00 -EACH Peak in 1954 p 5 ,shows signsof a tem- ,. rar 'decline, and . l?o � Y with the future of :: immigration somewhat uncer- tain,' ncer-tain,' some sources. of housing de- mand :may slacken: However;; net family :formation is likely to rise within a':few years as a result of the high birth-rate in the 'forties; and, coupled with the. sustained rise in personal income, will prob- ably . give, underlying strength to the housing construction. ;industry, The , industry, the :Lettercon- cludes?, on-cludes?, wilIenter the 'sixties with certain advantages which' it,lack ed in •19.46, including improved, housing legislation, better planning of developments, increasedskills and the benefits gained from the experience of the most productive 15 years in its' history. 1'H4 HURON 1PO T u, sea r o For Talton' Rent Same a i*side- better with Rutter, Write' :. Marie Fraser, 409 .Huron St., Toronto ONTARIO CREAM PRODOCERR0'• MAAR$ETUN13 BOARD . REPRESENTING 30,000 CREAM PRODUCERS .Are you Looking for a CHRISTMAS is PRESENT? What about Reupholstering Your Chesterfield or Easy Chair That Would Make a Perfect Christmas Gift FREE „ESTIMATES SEE HOW SIMPLE IT IS SEAO;RT} Phone UPHOLSTERY CENTRE STREET (North Side) WINTER SPECIALS. ©N`' , -. EDI N G 'FLOWERS � OWERS For Wedding Party of i 2 $25.00 { Will include bouquet o roses` for bride; bouquets for maid off' hanoi and "two brides- maids; .two,, mothers, bride's • corsage and six bbutonnieres; Come'in and we will help you to select the color of your flowers. • Save fronr20 to 50076 Order Direct From Your -FIor MI �C� T HELL :NURSERY Phone 37 Mitchell Bethel WMS Meets A~t Dennis: 'Home The Bethel WMS•and WA held,. their November meeting at the home of .Misses Ethel and •Tennie Dennis. wThe theoric for,the devo- tional exercise was, "The Coming of;the .Kingdom; Those' taking part were TennieDennis;: Mrs. Don Dennis,' Mrs. Duncan McNichol and Mrs William Roe, : ' - A Christian Stewardship reading on ."The' Stewardship of 'Trine and Talents" was given by Ethel Den nis: The topic from the study book was given• by Tennie Dennis. ,The literature secretary gave her re- port and the. WMS treasurer in- formed the meetingthat the ', alio- ,cation had been reached.- The December meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs, Charles Boyd , A hymn was- Sung,' follow= '. ed by .the closing prayer. Mrs. Glen McNichol opened. the WA. meeting• with a prayer: The minutes of last meeting were read• •„andthe, roll call takeicStroWing 19 members present. A letter was read from Dr, Sem- ' ple in connection' with, the Tem- perance Federation and the vote tc, be taken later'this month, There was also a --discussion on the CKNX Story Hour For Children - A; very successful copper con- test was concluded, the amount raised being $88.67, The holiday bags are to...he., brought in to the next meeting. • The nominating - committee , are Mrs. Burch,' Mrs. Beuermann and Mrs. William Roe. A. hymn was sung and all; repeated the Mizpah benediction, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT SEAL ED ENDERS properly erl ,Marked as to contentsa" will be received by the Township Clerk until un it 2 o'clock -D ECENIBER 1959, for • the ur p chase 'of a Truck• with the -fol - p lowing specifi catlos: One -Ex es Ton r s G.V.W:'-',.7800 lbs. Minimum Either Cab and Chassis or Pick Up Body . • 1959 inNew Condition, r n n a 1960 Four -Speed Transmission Tires -847:5 ,6 -Ply: Front, Rear Tires Snow, 8 -Ply Heater • .. t and ,Def Defroster . Six=cylinder Directional:Li ht s g, "With Oil. Filter There is a 1950 One -Ton Truck with Pick Up $ody to be traded --in• on the above vehicle. Lowest or..any ;tender not necessaily accepted.,. , 4 For, further information see Road Super- intendent, Mr. Leonard Caldwell, •' R.R. Nos 1, Londesboro- • Ontario, or the Township Clerk.'. • ,BARRY F TEBBUTT (Clerk) R.R.'No. 1, Londesboro, Ontario. • • Henson Sales Prices Hensall sales<Thursday, Nov. 19, ' ' were: Steers were steady, lacking top quality; good steers, $24.50 to $25.80; medium steers;--$220G'to $23.50; butcher heifers, •$2100 to. $23.30; cows, 11 to:15c;light cows,' $15.50 to $17.10; Babies, $25,00 "to $26,50;, veal calves, $22 to •$2925; Holstein calves, $8.50 to $24,50;` Holstein heifer calves, $22.50 to. $36; Durham calves "$35 to $52; weanling pigs, $s- to $7; chunks, $8 to $I0; . feeders, $10.50 to .414,50; " r soWs, $36 to $57;: Sold were 705 pigs and 340 cat- "Why•, did you fire that,gorgeous secretary you had?" "She couldn't spell—kept asking me how to spell every other word when she took dictation." "1 suppose you couldn't stand the interruptions." "It wasn't , that., I just didn't have time to Iook up all triose words." Your "STEW TELEPHONE _13 wine printed so EXTRA LISTINGS, at little; Boit, make it easier tor people tofind yosii• IN BO'SINEq$1 Use 'extra listings to show other firm names for your` business= -to associate' your name and residence telephone number with your firm name -or to show after -hour numbers for you and your key einptoyees. AT H0MBJ ... Other members of the familq and relatives, roomers or boarders would benefit f rons having 'their names listed inthe telePhobe directory. Please be sure to:'check .your directory right away: For changes and additions call our Business Office without delay. THE BELL'iELEPHONE COMPANY `OF' CANADA