HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-27, Page 2Since 185Q Seri -Ono -the Conintunity First
Oublisheci at SEAFORTIT, ONTARIO, every Thursday nierning by
IVIet.4.EAN BRos., Publishers '
sunscRwrioN-RATESi ,
Canada (in advance) $.2..5.f2rp: year
•TJnited States (in aclvance) 83.50, a Year
Authorized as, Second diass Mail, Post. Office "Depertmeiat; Ottawa '
•_ Memberef
Canadian Weeldy.
Aw.a49. mu. KNOW 5080/5 MY
4./57 FOR ONE eAvq./ •
NominationsDetermne 'Personnel For Entire Year_
Regretting a trend that has be= utes of the nominationhour tick by.
come more Prevalent in receill "All this time the citizens or the
the. Wingliam Advance-Tinies calls municipality have not the faintest
attention -46 the impact which muni-
cipal nominations have on' the lives
idea whatis,going on; and the first
thing they know the time for'nemina-
-tions-is over and the new councills
. of every citizen. . • . elected beeauSe several 'good men Sat
. .
The comment is particularly- ,time- ....hacY waiting for 'nominations- that
13i. now, since • it is the period of the were never made,
year-irvhen, area municipalities nom Z " "If " A 'man " has the cOarage and
inate candidatestoservein the var-. spirit to serve this g on-lin:unity on
iptia municipal offices during the• . council throughout theyear,..it
is' hi—
coming year. ObvionsobligatiOn:t6 declare his in:
In .,Seaforth, nominations- 'w -ill tentions -well before nomination day
held Monday evening in the Town so that other trustworthy nomineeS
ITall Following the close of noinina- , may be considered by the electors
tions, ratepayers. Will meetto hear' : • and induced to run for offiCe. The .
reports of, matteis affecting the 'Very best , of Candidates- are usually. •
town. • - the ',type- of people who cannot be
Until recent- years, the, Wilighain talked into standing. for public duty
paperrecalls, it was the universal on, the spur oPthe moment, The Y are
custom for councillors.,- reeves :and. much More likely to be .those men
mayors to make a public statement, -1N11-0want an opportunity to think'-
. well in advance orlibmination I,day, over the responsiloilities.of the 'office
about their intentions to seek office- .they,areArgedAo_seek. Last,Minute
'.-foranotherierm: -The-papePgOes : —ficTuniiaTiOns all too often result in
in these words: "It is a custom the selection Of those who are .-STKray
which has largely died out, to the ed by the ' Mere factthatthey'are .
detriment; we -feel, of the deirrOerd- prised into acCeptance,.
• tie structure under which We liVe"Not only have our -present office,'
"We are all too familiar with the holders a clear .obligation --to declare,.
sort of nomination meetings Which their intentions, hnt there is an equal.
has become commonplace of late, the obligatibn for those who have not
gathering Where there is a last -Min-. held public 4fice.to accept.theSe poSts.,
ute hustling about and a series- of • • • at the proper, tinie,"the Advance- -
whispered conversations as the' min-. • Times conclude. • .
Krtovir-Your Merchant is Best Safeguard
The bunko _artists are on the -march , homeowner pays $15 a month to the
again throughout the area, warns an firm for the powdered milk and -a
editorial in the Meaford ExP• ress. As ° machine that will mix it to look just
usual, a certain number of people.
' •
looking for special rgains will get
• badly burned:
One of the newest ones -deali with
one o-thebasic foods—milk, ' The
fat talking door -to: -door salesman
• till tell you that you can save.enorm-
• ous amounts on your 'Weekly milk
\bill by-, using poWcjered milk and a '
sp,ecial mixer.
• . Quite naturally parents -With large
• families want to .save on the food
budget., The way the 'scheme works •
is that the householder is contakted
for a trial of a, new powdered milk
• concern.. They givea free supply of
the powder and ask the, homemaker
•.to sign an.agreement •to use the pow-
• dered milk for a period of two years.
• The hooker in- the deal.. is that the . , merchant._
' •
like Teal milk. This is supposed to
really Save you money.
The Sad part of the deal is tlia,t you
can' buy, the same amoiiiit of.powcl.er-
, ed milk.' from .any grocery2"store for
abOirt $6 a montli..: You • pay 49 per
--- month for a machine that is no more
than a glorified food mixer. In the
end you. pay over $200 for a machine
Which my cost S100. "
• The',.Machines •are. putinto' the
. • ' • •• . •'
henses'on.contract that (Mee Sig11,C1, is
unbreakable: Once you sign you are •
• in. the soup. Local dairy people have
• _nit yet heard of this' scheme' hitting-----
town-,---but it has been,,workedclose -
• The good:old adage, still stands: 'In-
' yestigate,:-, before y -invest, and - if
you .don't know the goods, know 'the
Safe=Driving Week is Challenge To Motorists
• Proyincial ,and local, police are co-
operating in the observance of Safe
• Driving Week which this 'year is De-
cember 1-7. By driving a little slower -
this week and every weekrmotorists
rnay do their part to cut down the
traffic slaughter.
Observance of these pledges will do
much to ixnprove the day's driving
--1. I will observe the speed laws
and rules of the road.
, 2. I will observe and obey all traf-,
fic signs. ,
I will never fail $t� adjust my;
•speed .to -weather and ot traffic
• conditions.
4..1 will never .drive my caacrosy.
Ithe centre line of the road unless I
have a clear view ahead for ample
distance, •'
5,1 will -never enter an intersec-
tion without -first -taking, due precau-
tions: • •
• 6. I will ney%. assume that there is
n6 railroad train at the crossing.
• 7. I will never combine alcohol and
that vita/ link ni each
•' of. yotik firendAiiis
Choose frorn th011144ES1 mosi
BEAUTIFUL 4int4.VA41CD dip1y of
--Christmas Cards we haVei
shown in Many s year.
Oka .
• IN "MS
ocin.; Expsit�r
hOtte,141*,142. •
„ Livestock Braila
• Eyebrows .sheti 'up at the hospi-
tal board meeting 'on Friday eve-
. ,
ning when a .recommendation was
presented for therepair of ,the rab-
'Pens. Few, •beard •members
a stable of rabbits -for laboratory
use—but the bunnies. were .uriani-.
mOUSly voted better,- housing,4L-
Wingliarn Advance -Times.'
. . ".
Declare Dividend
• .•
,Four per cent,. divident (orm-
terest)..On all share accounts was
decided upon by themembers of
the . Clinton .Community-,' Credit
,Unien Limited at the . annual
Meeting ,held in St. ;Paul's, parish
hall last ,Friday' night In a swiftl.
paced . meeting, which was cam.;
Meted 'ht. two: hours, the, intereated.
membershin completed the year-
end ,affairs.' of this credit union
which istrmed the Eastest grow-,
ing in this' .Part` of the-ceuntry. .To
'date, the Clinton Community Cred-
it -.Union has .leaned over $2 mil -
liens; has $486,688 in share capital,
a' total of, over. 1,800' members,
.It -begairc--operation.,m 1.052,==C1iti-
ton."Newi-Record:, • , .
Read): IAgreement •
Mayor, Pooley announced Wed-
nesday 'An 'agreement aas been
reached. 'with,Canadian '...Canners
Ltd. oYer, the -SaPplY. Of ',Water ...re-'
ignited' tar increased' prodnetiori..., at
the local. plant. ,"The situatibri 'ap-
tearstvery. premising ."forTthe-lu-
tore of -the c aiming. industry ;in this
neighborhood," „the 'Mayor Isaid.:A
•.151X:delegation Met with company
official's m Hamilton ',Tuesday to
negotiate- a -priee-fer4fidUstria1Wa-,'
ter - Over 10.• -year period. The-
mAyor. did , not reyeal
:but 'he.:did, say'-tliat ,proVision :was.
made for fir enertienate inereaseS,:
if thegerieral rate IS:raised., "For
1969, :.the company Willrequire' a
110 per cent iricreaselif:the, supply
of-, filtrated induStrial. water. :To.
ineet the dernand, the PUC will in
stall' .twci . ,filters :and tWo extra
puiriPs. In 'stieceeditid, years, 'three
more filters will have tehe added
• to provide increased,, supply: HOW-
'eVef, the.PUC witnot go ahead
• With the installations -of .these ad-
ditional facilities.antil the Oft' is
assured by the: -company that it
intends to -proCeed with its,' plans:
for_ . eXPansipri-,Exeter Tiies Ad
By W. (Bill) B. T. SMILEY
' This week we bad a birthday in
our family. PlayheY was ..one year
old., For anybody. who came in.
late,- the . fellow with the fancy.
name, is. Spaniel pup. He ar-
riVed last Christmas morning, a
six -weeks -old bundle of coal -black
cuteness with a big red ,ribbon
around his, neck,
-His Arrival- was the result of A
.mental aberration on the part cif
•rny—afe. Normally, she is very
sensible about animals. Like ,me,
she loves-. cowse pigs' and sheep -e
in 'the. form of Steaks, bacon and
chops — and ..ehle ,to tolerate
other speeiest,With a nice blend of
unease and,disgaSt. But some-
where she picked up the - maudlin
idea that f `the children should have
a, dog."
I had Misgivings, but 'humoured
her, asany red-blooded Canadian.
slob of a Inisband does when his
wife gots a weird notion. The kids,
ofcourse, were ecstatic... They -
loved the little black -brute dearly,
from the ;minute on Christmas
• morn when lie wobbled across the
floor to th,eir eager handi and
made a ,puddle; the firat Of thou -
•sands , • • '
'• I prefer to draw a' veil over the
first couple of months of Playbey'S
presence in otir household: Even
now I 'develop a slight twitch when
I 'recall' those . midwinter days.
And nights. . -short, he -was a
ptiP',, and therefore : stank„; was
lousy, niesSed and piddled, -cheWed
to ribbont'anythitidf values howl-
ed iike..a..siren Jn the. pre -dawn
hours. 'a/1cl had to be comforted.
On several Occasions, my wife
had to be forcibly restrained from
strangling him. On, quite a few I
could cheerfully, have taken a hoc-
key stick to him myself. At least
twice, a- week his mistress declar-
ed An tones just this side of a
piercing shriek, that we igere go-
ing to have to choose between her
and the dog. The Idds fought for
him fearfully and 'tearfully, and I
sided witli. them just so I could
centilitre to remind her, that it was
her silly darn' idea -in the first
place: :Married -people get a 'lot
• of satisfaation out Of reminders
like that, •
We .nignaged to staVe, her off
until spring, glorious spring, when,
cOuldlet„the hairy, dirty, leap-
ing little fiend out. We. tied,jilm
to the clothesline and he raced ,up
and down the yard, ehasingbut-
• terflies and beetles, gnawing old
boots, ,,and, yapping • at -the creWg.
• He ate like a wolfand gretv like
• a pig. ,Ile got' sick -and had to
have costly 'shots. He was a
• light to the kids, --who did eiretkr
thing for hint: Exeept bath hini,
• feed him, or clean up after him.
But the 'little devil, with his
perky,. turned -up nose, his welsh.,
•elioly expression, and his PerPetu-
al-Motion Mil' end, gradually
sneaked into our -affections, -Even
when he wound himself and ,chani
aroundinylegs While I was_laden
with garbage canS, Even when he
dashed -through the ashpile and
leaped up on Mother's new spring
suit With loving ferepaWs, He
couldn't get it through' his head
that he was a 'nuisance and a no-
• A friend . built -him. the classiest
doghouse in town, Custorn made
of plywood,it was painted red and
green, 'had a swinging doorand
eVen a. window. We, put A soft
.bed injt and. waited -for. hilt to:
make himself at her-rm. He" refused
to go -into . the thing. • We ' tried
everytifmg, from- • pushing him
in While* he braced .all four feet'
and howled, to bribbing him with
a . tidbit tossed lino the farthest
corner of the house. 'He has never
yet. been -iriside --it' Ile preferred
sleeping in the grass and waking
up soakedwith dew. •
_ • ,
• When we went to a cottage for
• two weeks in the 'summer, .eveiy-
thing. changed. We decided it Was
no'W or never, ad :turned Min; loose.
He immediately vanished;; pi -the
company of 'several rakiSh'I beech
dogs. The kids started telpanic
after a-aromple of hours. We were
• aboutto launch a teary search
when the tinned up loOking.like the-
• mOst delinquent of juveniles. When
we tied him outside that night, he
,howled,arrogantly nntithe was let
" From , that day, .there's been no
holding 'him. He ' has -learned to.
swim, to run with the gang, to.
• snarl ,fiercely at very "sirial1 dogs
who went to -buddy trp-tri- hii, and
to run like, .a deer when large
dogs snarl at him. He howls like
a demented soul when be wants in
Or Out. He Sits in the middk. of
the road, like a small, black sta-
• tue, watching in all direetions with.
a 'stern and piercing
He follows 'the' kids te School;
horses around' for a while with the
other dogs' who do the same then,
if it's a cold or wet day, trots
• down to the office. There he ap-
pears at the windov, dives me a
Iuok thet „Would .melt the -heart Of
a, dope peddler, and .trots iti when
I open the door, wagging like a
etronorne .10 - high gear. He
sends the :morning smelling up
the place. tripping the customers,
and upsetting the wastebaskets -so
he Can chew stuff all over the
floor, then, rides home with 'rne-,thr
wouldnq want ..anybedy to get
the idea- rm.-crazy about clogs. rrn
-riot. I think* their intelligence is
highly • Over -rated, arfct • r lknew
Spaniels are among thedurnbeat
there are. Bur Playboy is no
ledger a dog: He's a member of
tire INItily; ithtiitWiil be n dark
• and doleful day around our place
if 'anything 'happens to him.
E,RNT,H,- yHAH.PE11.)
• Teclay is Uniyersal.Bibie Sunday
and it is a good time to ;examine
the Book of Books. To begin -with,
the Bible is a librark -et many
books -39 in the Old Testament
and ,27 in the New. The classie
fenainineplural, biblia was hy mis-
take, written -bibles. masculine sin-'
'guler, and the Book of many hooks
became the Book, if you reinem-
ber that there are 39, books' in the
Old'Testarnent, niultiptitii 9 by: 3
and 'you „Will*have 27i „ numher,
of bpoks,in the New ,Testament,
Though the 'Bible was hundreds
of years inbeing Written and-cem-
pleted,It has a unifying 'peculiarity.
that distinguishes -it from all other
books—itis- 4 revelation of God.
we, -watch proud old kings ,g6
forth to war, we do not fail to
catch paeans of praise to the`Lord
of -hosts. If We read the seldom
told story of thelove of two 1/i/omen
for each 'other, we also read "of
.th God 'of, Israel, tinder whose
wings...Ruth had come to trust.
Whether in the Pentateuch, the
Psalms, the propheoies or the Gos=
pels, we do mit read far in this
great Book without corning face
to face with God.
• And ,though it takes high place
amend the literatures Of the world,
though it has poetry and 'drama
and history, it takes a place al3oVe
all the books of the world because
it is the revelation of God to men
(Prepared by the Research Staff
of Encyclopedia Canadiana).____,..
• ---
WhoWas the- Model,. For, 'Holman
Hunt's Christ? •'
..-4ParY Wentworth 'Moak,' a
'neer of Zionism, Who .;was:born
near Ottawa iri1827 and '.W1i6: died,
in,,the:canital.',,eitY. in 1896: I'Iis
father was.arEnglish officer who.
had. Settled:,intjpper: Canada. .Monk
fainied,fer '.a While: .at
birthplade, near-,OtteWa.' 4852'the
-VeWed.'neVeraShave, nor; 64 'Ids
-hair until the -Jews were: restored
to Zion In the fellowing year he
went to Palestine where he -met
the:painter, Holinan Hunt,. and 'Sat
,fer the figure of Christ. in. Hunt's'
'feriae -Cis painting, ChriSt.M.the.Tem-
Vie,. Monk, had Several exciting ad-
VenturesOu a. sea voyage Pfrom
Jerusalem to Newyork in 1864 the
on which .he waS. a.. paSsen-.
ger ..was. Wrecked .off. Nantneket
and ,he..Was, the enlY. surViVer,in
thg 1860'.s' 'he triisticcessftiltcr
tertPted a.trial flight.in a honie-
made, 'flying. Machine..., of bis own
:devising: . Sevenyears before his
deathhe tried to persuade -.Sir
John A:.. MacdOnald'tar lead.' a
world -peace campaign. ..-
What is a Sable-EiSh? :
•• It is:a large fish,fairly common.,
off the, Coast Of southern British'
'COlurnbie.:.-abtiridant fa'rther
north, -that. attains a length. 'Of 40,
-'inefieS • and.A weight of 411-pounclg.
It supportS''..avaluable' fishery, 4s
,delectable :sinoked, and, yields 'a
liver oil with a high: Content: vit-
'.imine. A. and. b. The sable -fish .is
:Sometimes e ailed . black Cod;
fish, or skillfisb. It is net g true
:COO, ..but' is' related to greenlings-
'arid linge,ed, •'
• Where s the ,Great . Hall , • ,
Heaven? • ' '
The; nate ef .the town of •Gimli,
objhe western .Shore of,Lake
neg -in,, Manitoba, is /Cerandie
for "the:, great.. hall . of heaven?'
The name. was.:liven by the first
vow otr40 XTROL
I .OTTAWA., -.Within A1l0 , ne'Xt few
inenths Many. CanadianS across the
la win probably fincl.themselVes
g g through ' the: same seul-
sear ing debate., that :Wilrinevit-
ablY: stir'parliament deeply when
it reconvenes: in 'rnicllahnkry.-the
debate over nuclear arins for •Caur:
acla:- -::,. - '.* ' ' •
: -Itis a debatethat has,ohly SloW-
IY lathered 'force becanse the -im-
plication's.. of whet, is inVolVecilia.v.6
'olilittsulingwal7arboenentid :i'ilietlifeedd'er'ai 'ga-V.".
:ernirient'S 'decisionto acqiiire nit,
elear4arlieacls from :the'..U.S, which
would continue to .remain 'jib:der-
„,us-.. ownership,.arid,contrel. In -us-.
Serie e.;.. this-. means . that . Canada
won:id-OW.1i and Cortirel the .firing
of, Beinare "ground -to -Air guided
• mia ages, but the T.J,S0.. vveuld . decide'
Whether ..or not ie. "Make available
the all-inipertant nuclear explosive
;Which' these' Vehicles, are intended`
to ,carry to•an :enemy ht,ernber....•;.,
'-- Wegerti,iinleialiriltary.froerseeoaldereto, ocinl4yy
:Within :the...next feW, Years it is
likelythat Virtually ell:the tactical
:we'apons,:of..411,Lth,t0.: services will
be. eqUilined-with:Atonatc.WarheadS.
• . BeeauSe. of 'a law pe SS ed. by , 091,17:
,..,'vtgra..;:i81:11,ja7ctsdt ....±::crieg.ritiiidt.t.41:11,..ontiff:vecrldi:atot110.,t:t.:55,;
Clear .-:explogives,predticed.by the
',.1f..: this„CP an try' accepts: that concli-;
..,,tio`-ki-it.;:irrieans that th.e.,:farther, it
moves,.. into. : the , nuclear . • age .; the
i :
.More . f leSeS :centrol over. its4oWii
Military. force.' It.rneans 'that 2 the'
firepoWer • of the .periadian navy,
'..armY : and'. air,! force. iSL.....ne.. longer .
:..coiitrolled by Ottawa, but by:Veal-it:
ingten,;. ...'' . • ..'
:. 'In. a4optct hovering On the:brink
letal, , .destraption, . ....bid :-.ideaS' of,
seVereigrify.'qcise ; ...their ,, nirig • ,
Natierte,l pp' e 'must ,. ,. s-yvallowed
iAiillItt'laliffyoCt:a. tUoa':dgfain4S1:..aPtraoUb8jel
•te-'-'See,..peasing: .frOM.;,: Ottawa : to,
WaShingtan,:the',.',ContrOl. over :- ',An
imPOrtant'aegnient of Canadian .af-.
• . In .arureirnain.g t:GovernineiiVs.:
decision to .40.0f....n.s:.:Liel.i. r.N.y.,er,
heads ..laa f ;;Febrtiary,- ,I=.i.ixiie, ,gi4,-
.ister.Diele;nb,aker Saidhe believed
that. Canadian farces::should be -..giii
•'::,:.V6iii.,d't091:... :4''...:.'ifilie!detilit6:Ti. 6:eae.'s'claire.2,ntOo.e'P.a6:
:i'*aAst'..the§-15aIe'yri'e• .. time,: however, he
'Made -.1t:Cie.arhe'Go.yertinient,,Wa'S'
prepared ......te.,... Accept '''. US: !, nuclear
Warheads- .iinder' - the. . prescribed
: Conditions': beeanse.. of ,.• its , fear of
the ,, eon:Sequences:. of Several. COO,
• .tries.".liaVing.nation:el control 'ever
Itornie I aionS,. '`,.. ..„ . '. .... ••'... • : '
, ''While this. is 'a Compelling:erg-it,'
'.,i-Oent, it ha S' mit:been' .areeepteel.
either' 'the Liberal. ot'.. the '''..0CF'
parties,, :. The .,letter has sitggested
that .Canada shoald:refaSe -te .join
the: nuclear - eltib: at all .first be.,..
cause „of „enpa5ition..,'t6, the aPrcad.
.0!,;:omeai,. :vtepoil.s..:se.Condly, be.
. ...
Icelandic ' . settlers • to the,. Point
'where they :landed:in '1875.. Gireli
was one of, a :.series of,'” rcelandie:
settleMonts, known .. as' 'New 'Ice,.
'land; established on; the Western
„Shore of he laketn.,that„•year.L
.Now-,. Iceland', was 'the'first:perrri
anent' kelandie settlement in .Can-,
esda;-;' At that time the . area was.
part of the -Northwest .Territpries,
;and: , during :Atte years , 187847 ., it
was a .selfgOVerning
hig to its own. cenatitntion.. Frain
this parent body -Colony .deVeicined
Many other icelandiC,eorainuaitiea
inManitObe. And the -United ,States,..
WIro•N,Vas a Descendant -Of Marten
jReildiZOOTI? •
.•„ •
• Egerton Ryerson; the founderof
Criteria's', e.duCational. system: ,Itti-
jerecui left his 'native.Holland:'for
NeW.:.-Anisterdam., •(New York), in
1647, .At.thettime of he American
Revolution; .4:Imre of his "descend.:
ant, Whose, 'names. had:been, An-
glicized t� RyersOn.- Migrated to.
• Egerton: BYersOn. was
bo -n in Norfolk Couiity, Upper
gar:lade, in 1803; Another noted'
°Canadian; Sir Willigin• Van Horne,
WhoSe. narrie-is 'indelibly "linked
with*. the CPR, .was also of Dutch
origin. He wasa descendant of J.
Van 'Hemet who Settled at, Ne*
Amsterdam' about 1635.
cause of tlie cenclitions attached to__
raemb.ershiP,.arid finally, because it
is eenVineed that weapons like -the
•Bornare are senSeleSs in the age
•orthe. ICBM, ' . .
:The Liberal. Party—or more 02e..-•
cifically, ,its :leader,- Lester Peal,.
son—has not gone so far. There.:
is reason* to suSpect that under:Mr.:, -
1)earson it is ideeplyclisturbed at
the,, thought eif Canada' .adopting -i -
nuclear - weapon's:. At 'bile linie it
'was 'contemplating aCeepting the
U.S. conditioxis! reluetantly, but eV,-
• entuallY decided it could not go ,
• along with the 'Government:—
Mere recently the Liberal lead,' '•
er has ',taken _Ad new . tack,. He has
urged that control' over 'all naclear .
Weapons held • by the -rneniber
tiOns,.of the North Atlantic
•4iice be subject to, the contt-61'.cif '
the alliance as a - whole, rather •
than:the one doniinant' ally—the' ,
• It is 'these' LcoxisideratiOns” :that •
Will' font. ;the -,ba.sis of the.- debate .
,that will ring through the House. -
of Commons' and. the nation- in the
months ahead. 1- •• •,
, Capital. Hill Capsules.'
,„„Aniricreese lin t$. interest -rate.
on mortgages' issued under the Na
tional IlouSitig Act, is ' almost cer-
, tain within the next', few :months,' .
.The; rate is, now- limited te 6 per •
cent, .not enough:to attract ,niency
-froia private' lendora. - Recently .•
.jaines Coyne,`'governerof the
Bank of Canada, .warnecrthet •Can..
.acla' will:face A long.petied of conT,
tinninghigh linterest..,rates., 11
morieyfram Private Soarces, is to
lie--..aftra8ted goVernm
sed NHA mortgages, a. higher .Kate
must ,be fixed , by the Cabinet.. It
believ,ecl.,the new rate, may go ”
to between 6;14 and per cent
If ,tte. rateis .increased an,amend- .
_Merit; would have to be, made ;to
-die, Bank 'ACT.t6.'lift' the,-.Prese*
16'. Per: Cent • ceiling, ... On, -interest
charged by the chartered -banks'
ta permit them to ch arge:-,' thigh-: •
er rafe7for mortgage-leTans.
•.* *
The.. nevv , 'regulations
issued by the , Baard of Broadcast '
'Governors in.,OttaWa 1ast week ..
may either reit .'wrestling -out of
buSiness o.r. -work a' iniracnIOus
change in the 'nature . of that , •
"sport". The ;rides', drafted .with •
a sharp eye on recent disclosureS•• •
in the 'US., prohibit Canadian
stations from 'carrying. contests -
which have _been .rigged before-, •
hand: BBG •officials'have indicat-.'
ed this provision, May be extended -
to cOyer:. wrestling Matches. over,,
television.' Is there'.a. -
wrestllng match held -i -on or . off. ,
camera-t-oday:that is 'not ' fixed? :
• Addicts pn the Loose Again •
• The tornbston&toppling addicts
or whatever, one could call them,
have been up to their antics again..
'While ' they , did not choose. Hal- '
lowe'err-for their nocturnal prowls, -
last week they visited Trinity An-
gliea'n, Churchyard...and overturned,
13, stones, tbe 'sallies ones abused
cav an earlier eecasion. Words can-
not describe persons -of such cali-.
bre.—Mitchell 'Advocate. •
. Hoodlums Charged
Three: teen-age girls and a boy,
who left- trail ofdestruction be- -
_hind them, were eaeh sentenced
here Thursday to eidht months,
definite in a reforniatory. Nils one
month' indeterminate. Magistrate
E -Holmes said he found it dis-
tressing that three young • girls,
who had beet' in, trouble. before,
were before. him on such serious
charges. But hel -Inot feel the
boy., Richard T. Rybak, was any
more to blarrie than the girls,
"They're all equally impiieated in
the affair," he concluded. 'Ihe girls, -
Alqsefit without Ileatre from a train-
ing school at-irAcIrian, Michigan,
were: Margaret Fallis, 16, of Xet-
fie Point, Ont; Gloria' Kabel, 16,
of Albion, Mich, and -Shirley Ann
Parrott, 16, of qrand Rapids, Mich:
All pleaded *guilty' earlier to theft
of a trAct..owned by James A.
is -
Set,' of Goderich. The truck was
found about 45 feet off shore at
Bogie's Beach.— Goderich Signal-
Interesting it gleaned from
The-Iluron ,EXpOsitOr of. 25, 50
and 75. years I ago:
• , Prom The Huron ExpoSitor
-November 2.3., 1934:
, The 1934 Seaforth voters' lists,
reeently issued bY Clerk j. A. Wil-
son, shows'an increase of 42 name
over that of 1933. Last year's list
had '1,275 names, while the new
• list has 1,317, No, 2 poll is -the' only
one not •to..,Sitnw an increase.. The
number of persons eligible to .serve
on the jury is 2467-24 less than 1933t.
• A large car, driven by Robert
Irwin, Xineardine; went into the
ditch a Short distance east ,ef"town
early, Wednesday evening when the
driver failed to, pass a ttain and
wagon. Irwin's yoirrig- seri. John,
aged 1.5, was injured and was re-
moved- to 'Seiforth. '
Floyd Pinkney young son of Mrs.
Jeseph Pinkney, while playing at
Seaforth publie school recently, in-
jured his ankle. He wg's removed
to, Scott Memorial Hospital..- where
an X-ray was taken and his leg
put in a cast.• ' ,
• Huron Temperance worker for
the third time in as many monthg
met in Clinton Wednesday to pro-
test against the granting of auth;
°reties to 'beverage rooms in the.
county. Th d meeting made it clear
01AF:in-4heir opiaion the.Hepburn
Government had Violated their oWn
law.' arid established beverage
rooms contrary to the proviSions
of the Canada -Temperance Act
h '
, ,ra arn, $ eafortho
cently received a request freni
'Anita. Browne, NOW York; founder
and organizer of Poetry Week M
'the United States', tb -Send-some
of her poems to an international
exhibit and panorama of poetry
being held this month. One hint -
tired thousand people are • antici-
pated in attendance at the exPoSi.-
The annual meeting Of .the lad.
les' section of the Seaforth Lawn
Bowlirrg- Club was held at the
home .of Mrs..E. H. Close on Wedr.
riesday evening when Mrs. Close
was re-elected president. Other
-Officers-were also "eleetect •
norE4mo9 sitor
•The, cerreert. given by ;the:Boston
Ladies' Quartette. in:Cate:Ines Hall
oi Tnesday 'everting. was fairly
jefl attended:. ;The: next Concert
Will be given. on December 11th, by
Roney's, Boys, a ..earlPany of by
rotesicians. Several , years . ago the
boys were asked by.President
RoeSevelt to give a „special con-
cert at the White Ilcinsej.vhich Was
one of the greatest :tenors ever'
• aceoteled a concert cOmpany in
4.rnerica. . • L
• Estimates presented iri; the Ilonse
of COunnanS- ;the Other day contain
,e vote of $15,060 towards the new*
Post •Offide in Seaforthi It is ex-
peated workwili be cominenced.on
the blinding early, next .iumnaer.
At A Special meeting of the .tOWtt
council On Monday eVehing, the
matter .of the:drain from Mr..Geo.
1VteGonigie's, north to the ,•atilvert
on 'North Main 'str.ggt.vas left in
the hands 'of theTitteet Committee,
the tile arid digging of the drain, to
be, supplied .by-tild: tofn. Several
bilia were 10 passed for payment.
ReV. B.; Lundy will be inducted
as , pastor of Dufrg Church', Wet,
ton, on ,,ThursdaY afternoon,' Dec.
2, at 2 o'clock, A ..foWi supper will
be held froth Q ,to '6" o'Clock, folldW
ed by a pngrani.
Me.„ S. L. Kyle, of, Seafortb; who
.spent a couple [Of 'Months in C1in.
ton last simmer and' leftthereto.
become .travelling agent..for the
Scranton CorreSpendenee School,
,has resigned that poSitiefClle has
,obtained A patent; in 'tb, tinged
Steles for his jawn mOwer -sharp-
ener;-and iimpeets--to litake agoo--
thing out' of the sale of the fight,
to Manufacture. •
• Frong.,The 1uron "Expositor.
• ' NOVemuler 28;1884. •
C. R. Cooperof 13russels, .has.
patented' a neW kind • of eurry
comb which is finding ready sale
and giving good satisfaction.
At ,the regular meeting of the
Choral Society, held on. Tuesday
evening last, M .. Kemp was
'made the recipient of a., handsome
present from the ni,embers of the .
society, in the Shape of a violen-
cello; Miss Jenxiie Ewing ',w,as also
presehted with a handsome and
costly at of jewellery: -
• W. H, MeCracken, of I3Ettesels,
has the market ,scales for 1885 At..
Several carloads of turnips and.
Wheat were, shipped from Belgrave
'Station this week. •-
„Mr. Ronald, of Brussels,- is :now
negotiating with the cities of Borne -
and Florence, Italy, for the furn,-
ishing of his celebrated steaniers -
and Ito:fern' fire -fighting opera -
Mr, Alex ForsYth, 2nd concession
of Tuckersrnith, recently purchas-
ed from Mr. Hawkshavv," of Sea -
forth, a very fine two-year-old
"Sorrel Cloud" filly,
The Town of Seaford) claims to .
h4,ve .spent $50 000 in building WI.
provements this year. •