HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-20, Page 6THE HUl XI'QSITOR, � SEAFORTH, ON 1., }.1: Vv. 20, 1-95%. Don't Forget Ow . Co h1111U ni� t. - Christmas ' :arade On.— B . ' ATURDAY, ; ' Nt�VEN1. Eta 28th at 2 p.m. Children with Decorated.'Poiii'es "and Bicycles-We1C0Ij1-ed. Anyone wishiir4 }.g to'enter a Float on the Christmas theme, , please' enter NOW All Entries shouldbe in the hands of TOM WILBEE, Parade Marshal by FRIDAY, IDAY NOVEMBER 20th... PHONE 4594 or 56 r IE I URON' '.ESP, OSITOR SEAF(RTH BARBARA • BOSIiART,:• ,gra- dilate of K -W ` Hospital, Kit- chener, .received ward„that she had , successfully ,passed her exam and received her R.N. Barbara is -'a, graduate of Seaforth"• District' High - - 'School, andis the daughter of Mr' and Mrs: Lewis ' Boshart,. Seaforth, WALTON`' The November meeting of the, Walton Women's Institute will be held in the Community Hall on Thursday evening, Nov. 26; with Mrs. C. 'Martin and Mrs. D. Buch- anan as co -conveners. Hostesses will be Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. H. Bolger, Mrs; S. Humphries,. Mrs. A. Coutts, Mrs. L. •Marshall and Mrs:. J. Ryan. Savings, too,. have a way of growin: And just like her Junior' Depositor's Account, your Savings Account will. grow with regular deposits. THE CANADIAN BANK, OF COIVIMERO MORE THAN 800 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CAN412A SEAFORTH BRANCH -L. F. FORD Manager BRANCH—E.J. DEAN,. Manager DUBLIN r ;. g Ways o : Store Corn Silage Many of Ontario's ; corn growers haver.-„Zan add --problem on -'their - hands. They planted just .enough corn to fill their silos and now find that, the 1959••"corn weather” boost- ed- expectations. The result: Not -enough, silo space, and some of their: corn will have, to he, harvested as grain corn or stack Ifyou,don't think your"corn will mature before a killing frost for grain : corn, perhaps some idea of Wellington,County's'agricultural re- presentative, Don Black, will. help. "We've got . mere- corn in.. our area that we can -put up in silos` and .:many: of •the • farmers in the county are asking about stack sil- age," says Black. "A farmer. from Holland brought in the stack silage idea a few years ago and has stir- red up' a lot Of interest in it." "I'm suggesting that farmers' build large -stacks . (o,Ver 25' tons) instead of ' a number . > of small stacks: "There's' too much surface area in small,: stacks andyou-iniglit'. -get; a lot more spoilage," he adds. "Packing is a. problem with-Stack- silage," ithStack -silage," explains Black, "That's- why That'swhy it .might be best, to keep with a round stack from 25 to 60 tons and .tobuild:ail• oblong stack if you , estimate your material to be over 60 tons. Horses have to be used -for packing on a round silo (a'trac-- for cazi't `manoeuvre well enough) and'they should keep tramping the corn, as long as.you::can safely put a• horse or tractor on top." •- He says that a tractor "cairpack- an oblong stack Which, , is built on an inclined.plahe. -- A simple snow fence will- keep . the' cattle out . of -Black . doesn't feel• that stacks' Merit ' a silage -paper lining for the snow fence or a cover. This 'is em- ergency storage and in many cas- es will be .fed off righ,at `the be ginnin g., g i .'- ACK'S. • H IT HE'S ...S.!1111 , L HESP !LAYING, SANTA . CLAUS 65 New and Used Cars a nd T cks Ile s Also Offering Free Gas HomeIf You Can't Deal.t. _ .. • »., All Our Cars Can Be Purchased. On Low Cost General.. Motors Plan, With 0ne-Third Davin:" Balance Can Be Arranged in Tex s p"To.36months, , . No Credit Restrictions Here-,---No Down .• Payment -If Your Credit Justifiies Laure ce Taylor, R.R. 1,'.Lon tiesboro, on ,of .Mr, and Mrs. ,Har- vey Tay10 •won a -Huron County scholars 'p for the OAC degree course; • it was annottnced. this week aurence has completed 10• 4-H ''U'lu _projects and competed in both estderi -and grain county judging- competitions. He . repres- ented his club: in the'_inter-county. judging' "competitions 'and• was . a member of the team that was first at the, Middlesex Seed Fair. of 195.9. committee coniposed of Jim I? inkead, Goderieh, Public School Inspector for North Huron;. Huron County . Warden, William Jewitt, and Agricultural • Representative, D. H. Miles, announcedthe .Huron County scholarship winners.. The 1959 winner of the OAC 'Di- 'ploma Course scholarship is.Glenn Coultes, son of Mr: and Mrs. Robt. H. Coultes, La.. 5, Brussels. Glenn: has an equivalent of grade 12 at Wingham District High School,' has completed 7 4-11 projects, has par- ticipated in seed, and : livestock 7 ® 1959 MODELS Demonstrators - Executive.. Cars All These -Cars Carry the. Gene 1959 PONTIAC , STRATO CHIEF,. ;TOUR -BOOR STATION WAGON, with custom radio. Posi- tively like. new. 1959 PON'FIAC STRATO .CHIEF, 0 -DOOR, , , � .� - OOR equipped with custom radio, whitewalls, and wheel discs. 1959 PONTIAC 'STRATO 'CHIEF, -FOUR-DOOR, six -cylinder, automatic drive, custom.. radio, only 7,000 executive driven miles. Moths Are Problem ALIThrough - Year Modern heating methods • have turned .what •formerly was a two- month battle " with clothes 'moths into a year-round struggle to keep .this destructive post •under. control. May and,`June'once were the sea- son •when ?math •destruction wa`s. at its peak, but anytime is moth time: in today's welltheated ;homes Wool offers a gilt-edged invita- tion to a feast for moths, of course, but they will .chew through -even synthetics . to getto wool. Not even Moth -proofing processes; prove -in- f allible,-since.-some=of--these--pro- cesses need to be renewed period - If you,don't eriod_ FirSt step in the battle against" clothes moths is to•have garments - cleaned, either.by washing -;or •dry cleaning. Then. there are :many sprays and moth `preventives • on. the market today among them paradichlord benzine in crystal" form; which is not only safe and. effective but helps control mildew as well : as Moths. Paradichlord benzine and plastics don't. mix in. heated quartets, ,however, • and fumes froth 'these' Crystals have been known to soften plastic hang- ers andgarment marking the garments. • Well shaped wooden hangersand cloth -covers thus are best for stor- ing woollen . garments when par- adichlord crystals 'are used to de- ter moths," Each garment must' be: completely wrapped and sealed in newspaper,..,. ,brown paper, +cotton sheet or garment bag.";Newspaper . is.good ,but. don't .rely, entirely upon it `to" 'discourage , moths because they may enter;the'parcel if there is a break anywhere in the xiews-;_ paper. Finally, .seal all Openings,. even: around hanger loops, with sticky tape; which .keeps fumes•iri and 'moths out:- ;- Cedar'' chests and cedar -lined closets _ are not:, always insect -proof, it has been found. „If they are ; op :ened frequently or don -';t close 'ab- solutely : tight, they may -easily 1i"e -come infested, warri clothing 'Spe cialists of ,the Home Economics Service, Ontario Department•of-Ag- riculture: ral Motors New Car=Warranty 1959 BUICK LE SABRE, FOUR -DOOR,' automa- te drive, utomatic`<drive, radio, power steering, only 7,000 miles. •- 1959-BUICIi LE :SABRE. TWO -DOOR HARDTOP, automatic drive, ,:easy -eye ,glass, custom trim, only 2,000 miles. II PONTIA C I:AURENTIAN FOUR -DOOR STA., TION WAGON, radio; windshield -washers, power' steering, whiteWails, only 4,500 miles, • 11 PIC - U P RUCKS K From 20' .00 to $1,200.00" Do you want some automotive unit you `don't see' -listed dere, whether Car, Truck, Tractor, Convert- ible or spoxio. Limousine? . If We haven't got it we'll have, it coming in 1Y WHERE YOU CAN SELECTION OR LIMITED FONPIAC=•-EiUICK..,VA1UUTAI -SERF'°Rl3 VANS- G,1VVC.C. TRUCKS:' U grCil «BrorN COU. NTY' LA EST DEAT EXETER A SMILEO The young 'man looked at the. high prices, on, the night club menu and then turned to his - date; : and - said,' "what nd-said,`."what will you have, my plump little doll?" • "What's wrong?" cried thewife when her husband bellowed from the bathroom. ' ' ... "My razor—it won't cut." "Don't -be silly," she responded, "your beard, can't be'totigher than the linoleum!" judging competitions,. and was on the Inter -Club beef team.. The Macdonald 'Institute' Scholar- ship goes to Dorothy Alton, R.R. L°ucknow, daughter, of Mr. and. Mrs. Bert. Alton. Dorothy has a good record in '4-11 Agricultural and 4-11 Homemaking Clubs; Doro- thy -has has .;entered the -Diploma Course at Macdonald Institute. This. year's.scholarship, :for those attending Western Ontario: Agricul tural School, Ridgetoivn, goes. to Glen Greb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greb, of . R.R. 2, Zurich; Glen is one- of 12' Huron County. young men attending the W O A:S. Glen has participated in i4 -H activi- ties inthe county. WINCHELSEA, Mrs. Harry Ford, 'of Woodham, 'spent the : weekend with Ma. and; Mrs. Freeman . Horne. • Misses, "Dora. -and Beatrice Del bridge moved to Exeter' on Tues day' for the m winter: onths; . , • Mrs. -Isabelle 'Sugden and Mr. Tennyson, Johns visited. on Sunday evening with. Mr".:and Mrs' Free= Man Borne. • :Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bax attended a` funeral,in Rodney on. Monday: 'Mr.. and- Mrs., Jack Bailey and Mr.;. and Mrs. Clarence Ford and Jennifer. and Mrs.` Harry Ford - visited en; Sunday' with ;Mr,.' and Mrs.. Gordon Mr. and `Mrs. Robert Jennison and family, •of Grand Bend,. Were Sunday • guests with Mr. 'and •Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake, :T • A travelling salesman walked' in- to a restaurant', one -inorning`and" told the' waitress, "Bring •me two eggs fpied so.ha rd the are.. edg ed ;in black, two slices " of 'burnt `toast and a cup, of. cold coffee Then: sit down; and nag me T': m.. hom'e'sick ' the • bill" for the Upon receiving extraction of -;a tooth, Pete phoned, his dentist and complained, ",Why,, that's three tinier what., you,usu a1- ly charge " "Xes, •I know;" "replied the:: den-- tist, "but You :yelled se loud you, scared away 'two- other patients." WORDS py Brad Anderson .:.nr Just; Being Human THOUGHTS IT (SALT' THAT ]: pot1'-r WANT To G1V5 -y°U -A TA15 .Til 81,5 BUT, Gert y DACE" rr"! More the' Cc 7Mpa:hy -- Vie. more �athet's i n my Ca.p. Dublin High School" News (By'N"J, CO.YNE)" - Everyone 'is busy, studying 1 Why? Fall term examinations be- gin on Monday, November 23, The Grade IX Ying are students . tr ' to do their best in the -Carnegie arnegie tests. * On IVlonday, November 12, the boys completed their; field day ev- ents by " playing the last soccer. game of the season. The •Up -School' boys -six in number—beat "the Down -School boys four to one,. making the Up -School the winners by eight points in .: the "all=round field meet. totals: Three cheers' for the Up -School! • Down-Schoolers,: they 'will pass " the colours.. on to you. for a, next-year`wictory. . Mr. 'E ..R. 1VIcClellan honoured us with a 'visit on the afternoon of November 12. 'We like`to see him come;: he is always;_ so friendly. andpnnderstanding. Harry Ryan,..captain'•of the soc- cer team, consisting of Dublin Continuation School students "who won.' the cup for the 1:958-59 Huron Football Association, will repres- ent our epres-ent.our school at the Honor Ath- letic banquet, to be held 'at Wes- tern on ,November. '18. We, are- glad to have ' Mr. Edward Melady, the coach of our team, invited too. His son "Jim, .will accompany his dad -relearn the 'techniques. Is it, Jim? * * Question of the week Why` was Ann D. in such a happy mood Fri The.' 'first man to sell the. --vale of your'goods is yourself. - ` hILT CREI Regardless of- where you "sell your cream, you are eligible for a Special Group Insurance; that covers Life, Surgical, Medical, etc., on the entire family.. No questions asked: Pre-existing: conditions covered. The contract has no riders or exclusions. The absolute •b-esl'coverage available` at a price you can reach. ✓ For .a short -time I will have help from Head Office to com :plate all applications. Phone for someone to call .on -,you, or dron':,. • into my"O`ffice.'There is no obli•gation in either' case. GROUP. CLOSES''NOVEMBER 30th This -is Important To You Don't Miss It ! GERALD DUBLIN )LLA Phone 7 Are You Looking for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT? What about 'Reupholstering Your :Ohester f cid' or Easy Chair That Would Make a, Perfect Christmas Gift FREE ESTIMATES —SEE SEE HOW SIMPLE IT IS �: 0 ne ' .�h UPHOLSTERY. CENTRE STREET (North Side)' WANT 'ADS BRING RESULTS —Phone '141 or 142 R-EAl THE ADVERTISEMENTS : It's a Profitable PaStime WINTER, SPECIALS -ON LOWE S R For Wedding Party of 12 $25.00 ill include „bouquet..of.roses. W u forbride, bouquets. for maid of honor " and two brides ' lriaids, • two mothers, . bride's corsage and' six boutonnieres. Come in and We will help yotr to select the color of your flowers. Save from -20, to 5O% Order Direct. From Your Florist URSERY__. = Mitchell 10E QF ' EXPEKIENC EEL THE • anycitizens" mho. have lived under both Acts testify against the Liquor Control: Act. Here are passages from=a few Ietters: " _you in Huron. T live about - , SUCCeSS tD.; y .rods .from a'hotel:'andI wish the repealists could "s ee what I ::see daily. The-attempt'to repeal 'the C.T.A. is •only ',an—Other move "onibehalf: of the; liquor Int erests'to widen their seope." E, `C. BOYD, Waterloo -County. " been' Titin - in: Huron: for over .• I have not g ill f Huron will- . er o the:V t S ',two: Years,' but I`;liope '.: uphold theirrecord •for keep ing• t—h_ eW_ bIeLstL'`InAtMer`e eAns t 'of the rising generation .aTvaYs;in.mi d.- I (close15 to hen .win :the_battle:. E Granton URR I . .... >- C , 'under' . the 'i` in coiri� unit es ..."1 -laving lived. m g. ,.6 t'0 of �`� h ad z n k o that -the I nw I..C,A,; and -C:T.A., h . either will -make little difference in the obtaining ' of , alcohol : by the youth: The boys and girl's; of 'Grand Bend can obtain alcohol in their commun- t as' easily as' can the oun� • eople of Exeter." Y .Y gl?.. --aB.ILL POLLEN Student Minister. .Livin :n Horan'under the' Canada Tem peranceAct, for the past year' and a half we`l come change from many years spent in areas. u - } good l Act. It iso ood to: be ab e der?tlie,Lqu,or Control to walk down the main' street without being 'ac- costed by .'. .lic and. to know that our 'girls ...., an,alcoholic, . Can walk in safety the evening -'While; drink= ing--does- exist,.' for Huron, is not "dry", the evi- dences- are not, eontipuously•thrust under our eyes and.'noses, in long 'queues before the doors - of liquor stores :and brewers' warehouses, and loudand unseemly .conduct • about the doors' of beverage-rooms.-.:The.number coming to our door seeking help inpp roblems involving algohasol `hand .respect for' law and` greatlyreduced, orde nt . is ; ro brtionatel order.:in tills corrirriun y p 1?. j Y 'er. rIt would be' a serious retrogression to' bring Huron under. the Biquor- Control Act.!!—REV. T, GARNET HUSSER, Wingham; _ PUBLISHED BY LCOHOLCC Ontario has., 2,210 alcoholics;: for every 100,- 000 persons 20 years _of age and over. -- Ontario adds 5,900 yearly to its total, of . alco- holics . (The Alcohol Research ;Foundation not lnng'.ago' said 4,000, but has had to revise this)'. The,''nnmber of -'alcoholics in this Province was announced recently as 78,000. Each etim ... affects .detrimentally'"about five:: other ;persons- inQntario the egtilvalent'in population of.a great city.- Foundation_ -fo re - The Alcohol Research u 1" annually.habilitation .costs 8250,000 or a` 1956' survey, _In a condensed.report on y, the Foundation said 600 of .1,.000. clergymen made eneral comments, and attributedto the usp of alcohol; .marital discord, ''poor : church attend- ance, . juvenile problems, drunken; driving, crime �juvenile .g demoralization of women. ; The ,' number of alcoholics .in; Ontario has doubled : since` 1946, when cocktail bars were. established --The more outlets;, the greater the liquor consumption and the more numerous the resulting tragedies. Huron, under the da Temperance .Act" ,,. � . , ,. has 750 alcoholics per.100,000 population,' •,lowest-total half- ' f - ' the nextmon� the Ontario 'counties survey. now can any "thoughtful person vote to -im- pose upon Huron the _Liquor Control Act. with its eight (at present) types Of liquor outlet? LET'S NOT LOSE THE C.T.A. For the' Revocation Against the'' Revocation • HURON .y; :0