HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-20, Page 4"Olt RON "EXPOSIT61t, SE NOV �.gq, 1959, TOWN. 1�1 LLETT P SHIP HU 1 4 St v A�MAN-&: 6 60C N': NQM.INA -Rate Nr -TAIKE NOTICE'tht' ineetink. of the a TH I _5BA5Y THe 1355r ayers. of the Township. of -hel&in the Public Library. Hullett will be All' p anted'.,�� MONEYCAM 5011 I t�& COMMUNITY HALL 'LON on Z0. ction Sales. 6, at 25. E. Clarlves',Garage, - �Polling. Sub -Division N Ad...... -SEVENTH DAY- OF ,O$qh''GOOD horA3 to, cleanout r -4 clocks, . piturea; cherry dropilea able; DU F R Ib Y t h itabl a' 011ciles, step, ad �e" HYGIENIC STIPPLIKS. (Aubber, Goodi%), for its 'board Applk tS ALEX $P S; rockin chairs, r, bar, -Seafoxth, -a 'ITWENTY ARK November 9, 1959 mailed postpaid' ei(velope )el anted Bayfield, 13-88-1 rels; eloictrjq I _washing Plain 'NOV W 0. P-111-1, Help with price -Mt. 1 EMBER, 1959i at the hour of I 0 OC Ont, crocks, Busiriess Opporttiities spinning Wheel, quilits N P Min order DepL 24_'� feather, ticks, pJ a , , E bl k D. H. WILSO les $1.00. -I ktcTwn. Clerl� NOVA-RUBB na ing tvAnks, dishes, other artiells. R 1. Co.. B . x 91. amilo I n. foithe urpo'se of nomi ti "' fit And proper 7 Situations p �F 'wanted 14, Propertyl.pr 41e,,,,,, S, 16r —,At the same j)lade-� 4t, 8 to be elected'a' Reeve -,and Ou C S For ­26., Births er P�fa,. �he 100 -acre farm . will be - offered for' Articles For Sales . PLAN your liome . now; .,$50.op d`?Wn a fdr.the ye'ar"1960. 'buy you a lot i s Te subjcct, y n Se4ditli or Harpur� M reseifd'bid iore 12. Wanted TO c, house, modern tun i�or�h a' a Wanted hey. Lo" surveyo, Land suitable for -Tu , , hydr COSTELLO-�­At Sc6ft idemori'�Ho�pital VLA P3�03ecta. Terbas to, auit�' CLAXT !am, ' e 3 bauk-�barm overed with,steel aid- on, November 1'5�, file&,01fh th Property For Sale lri�.c,ahed� 2 -car g to .,Mr. and rs. Ber 66 IT omirla. ion papers, i4 ae D 14 6-tf 1ng eel stelloi seafor b, a son. -or 4rage, - neW; U nard CFo rroperty r Rent house, ela5� loam, land; approx: go. _T —Clerk,; efore 2 o'clock oil ate. For Sale or, 9 ,p.m.,, th6 bve d nt �-kable, io Acres hardwocid, bush, Wanted To Rent !acres WQ; 'R rernainder 4h� pasture, excellent water sup- ply'. t 2 `30 p in Property Wanted o INVESTMENT �01311 r UA, 1.1 . I R , 1, P me Ing mence'a 2 - Notices piiblIc eti * ill 0m Auction Sales. TS" y -s of -interest to 0. Fo ale TE�MS—Chattelsj cash. Properity� 100/ GE when 'q h the, m1i ic, 21 Tenders Wanted r ce �0`da 6itGE: ROBE -it UdAio n down. balan YE1. : I . I . I . 22. Legal Notices. Roberts,' Seaforth,pass- will -,be -dikuss�e&-' 23 Cards. of Thanks 0-ind' to the recent ruddeli eath of Estate of late Arthur McClinchey. . ed away in�Sfr atfoid, General Ild§ 'In Memoriam TEBBUTT 24: my father, two a 'rtm�cnt. houses, . one . a 95. Persofiala Pa ital.on Saturdayj,No-h ber'14 4 -unit, and t her's 7-unit,:within two in p. 6t ..-HAROLD.',JACKSON, OuLi!r (Signed.). HAR'R"Y blocks- Of downtown London, riluste R S -.e.-age of. 51. -He: 1ad: been ill iGEORGE POWELL, Blyt, clerk LE K' "NOTICE noliths Perfect investment for a retired. for,;Ibout six ii Cleik 1.- COM or businessman.* Terms call be Arranged, & PAEST, Goderich; Solicitors for e wq ing Pven 'no agents' , I d the:estate.' Posting ,of th6_ lllv.9 V9. ,land and'was. 6du6atbd-:thereAe ICKOP '11119 da - open.. -an came t6tan. te, cVotefs7� List. was�?a IA66�rq d r Bit 8. Furth4 de ngo, -D% aJACK4. PEARSON adda �in'1623 Farming in �, Tuckei:7 1-8" V1 mRS­LIST_1959 w or: sFAFoR= th 'for a. number Of yearsi, �he Person,any, , ! -sini �a, N t TO couN W. c 01 �c TY BINGO, Friday. December. 4, at Sea. Phone 82 Zuii b�, fiAs� liv.ed'in: seaforth the last - ------- -Centre, apouqqred by,the , i forth, Community tfir., � I �i . 11 . I 14 ee years. Society of St. JW NOI 4en that I ,have He is survi y� 901y Name es', C rch., ;�Se4forth_ Don't forget this date.. 1-86-3, the. VOters' ve -his 'TOWN PloE is -o winPlied with 666tion, 9 -��,$EAFORTH.­ Lists, Act,,:, 19�1, and that I': have POsQ' MIONS tLUB cirelp 'S every r ay 4,5-,,—P-ropoAy--,7)F-,(�k,--R-ent-- —OF--T-_UCKERS.M- - at Seaforth, on the 5th 'Mrs-. Sarah-Dea' n .night to Clarence Petrie and his Night- 'day of November, � 1959, the list of all per� rot hawks� Saturday night to Royce - Mill England, and one�b h- GAS -HEATED two-bedroom apartment. efititled lfo� vote In the said Mii- Clerk's Nbti�e,-,.- On R EGMONDVILLE and his Country'Cousins. High � �E p 101. d. east of Mitchell. _th. D . I- A. M.MASTER, %e,4ft1r PalitY:at municipal elections, "d that' u er Insil 'Funeral servicesvert held from Mi. an, Hay 'are A c i I of First 'Posting of c4 lists iemliins.. th for i ection ANNUAL meeting of, GARAGE TO" RENT ori, �Box. Funeral,: Home, Seaforth,, on visitint their daughter �nd son-' An�,:I �h.rebj:'cali Upon .All.,,v.ot to prs . � � p.m 'rs,,� List Mo d Burial -Lb P wie take immediate as in in-law,'Mr.' and: Mrs rne ep- ,School Fair will be held Monday, bZv bQepr near Goderich St. MRS L. TT; n ay7 at' 2 - come. Wou Ph 5784, peaforth. : - - ''. �1 , . , I , " 1, � , , � �, . eedings :to, 'have any at 8_30 p.m. Everybody wel one 8, M Faomissions 'or: Oirora.coriecied Acco�rdifig to aitlan6anlk ve;ietery. Rev� J. per, in Niagara Dennis; secr6UNiY. ordon Papple, pred- NOTICE 'is, � herelly, �'�Iven that' I have last day 'for appeal,being �.the �C. Britoh; of Nlortb�ide United M�� Madeline,'Smea ers and THREE BEDROOM house ,hoi,and�c61A compfioid'� 'with. Section 9 of the''Voters. �19th day'of Nq�embd 1959 Ch h ha tire , offiiaW& petroit,:. visited With water, furnace, and that. - 1 ye posted , up at daughters': of ply to W. E. HANEY, Seaforth. in . Y Office at,Tuckcismitli,':.on t1iii Utlif --DATED this 7tb�daY of, November, 1959. . jj - �A& 10 Mr. and 'Mrs., � ndrew ." Houston. G62 6iss PEANUT` Mrs.' Houston returned with' i 33 Iday,�iof,,Novernbcr,�1959, the All AUBUR� them 2. Lost Strayed 7 V. TW. Persons, entitled' to said Munic' H. WILSON distrit Was, Clerk of.Seafo e roi r a vial hicipal tons and that ocked to le'arr'i that''Mis W oTHRE ROOM unfurnished heated palit at Mu h Dit ''t"f s a -87-2' Gross,,ha& pass� aW.hy":sd�ddenl ST from lot 2% con.'8, McKillori artment,- wtth:b�ath; refrigerator, � iLparatc� ile ]i t, rem in$ there f�i. in;6eqtion 22 in. miss �Watsft 79-W , I . d I : , . i, 11 2� I L' I I -8&-1 upon. all -a- :a e age of IV4 Mil PHONE ' A ef!kend With e3 east of Winthrop, 700 to entrance. Seafurth, 4' oronto, ut,�the,�' =ord steer.- Applyto HAR- I � I , . 1: � I 11��jj oi'��I,'h.reby ' votez to t th 58 y6ars, in Clinton 1, 1, fi-I.— e . immediate p ier-moter,M 'J'S Watson. Phone 47 tak - .21 the: ate'Charles � Reg&Ie and. Carp-� a 4�66nd visitrC W�ffi 4,, Seaforth. T roceedin�s, to� haveL any 23 6k& 'Hospital' She as fh6 dangliter--6f Mt 'Bob Tor 2-88.1 TWO-STOREY brick- house in'.vUlAge corrected ccordink to . . �hanks)11, I 6ntb,,.was� 0 i st dhk � for Appeal E L '' . . . I j, law,, the lakN lidlij. thc� H. HitrkVri, di ,PhOri�-Pu�lin- 10 -,r: 8 29fb day, of member, 1959 r oaffa. Reasonabl�piiced. Apply to M e- -88 :THE CANADIANNfionlirlilstitute -fo ICUO ggert and: wa ents,�, and, sfahlely,-dray., y and� c w, o in any, way as1su `E and MrS.'M '2 :� , I ' h` - On �une'28 1923 ii�, 5' :Tthe Blind desire fo'expreBs their'greatf p' wns iip. 1commncng 7:30 'pm. n __ & . 24th- day �of o I thanks to all L tilts t- she: wag ni�arkied e -n _y v Ile call OnT �A apartmen fori�rj M D99N 3-R 6 W V-1 It PHONE 12 having been coi- ross illiam.,Gr4ss,.� of, in the'viflagp: last -Club, wi s t� Sea- STEM around 600 lbs. Apply jTMMy partially heat�d, � Private #e, toP4 total of $6 friends Members" 'OU the,: Li0iii, -MA Sea P.O. Bok 48' TARS CORA CHESNEY Jected to� date. Z C.' BOSWELL, Chair, Rullett tolYnship. Following,, their LIONE, R-3, 5, Seaforth. Owner can forth 68 or wri Mrs (Dr Semple is,, spend-, Isamey proving ownership and pay., -.M�ng� Clerk man.� b""k up., residence heyen" marriage they, : oo jiave z_ fo±th,� homes d -ind -'gister-in-law Mr, cl Mrs.: Ing' ,Jng ebarges of advertisqnxent "8X1 I.: WISH' TO thank in m' the Auburn -Blyth road', 4nd- uring Y- spy fripndsj have'li -in thi S CQMMUmty ever r6latives and neiglibours'for, ved 0; 0, a Gb�Vdy, of Kibzhener �I. thanks t� the Ulifted:.' jahurch,, 17. Wiint6d` TwRent LEKISVOTICE is, Lester Nicolle' and soos,:off d,- R8,*Iill. since. She was -a inember6f Knox Help Wanted :Memorial Hospital., GPe6 the Wbmanls:,As THREE�MDOOM ,':.bderfi houie� doctors, at the Clinie; Father `Diarau'd� � Fath. soclatip4i and the Auburn Women ls� Palmekston�, re, spen "g a GIRL OR WOMAN to "work, in SuPer� vicinity Of D.ubli or 'St. Columb'an�' cl; q. Of, First Post . lligd '-Of.. nur�es and -staff of-h6fiPitai. §titUte. oportunit� to aid t -iohs� n 0 days with":.her and,. an he L to school. Apply to, BOX 896, ­The Huron :�MRS WM. MANLEY test Snack Bar Apply at the Snack Bar. Mrs. John Blue h -ram, an, S� t�o el to our r a� einployed witii. h6k�bn'�'Al Voters ',�List husband, Jkth6ireommuni yp at th 4-98-1 Expositor f our brothers 'we 'v�js B�Qdes her sorrowing Miss Gloria �jue_vvliOia'� been' t rog d� 6 same'�,­ 0 herd C6nfee-, 'T of,mckin P 'tives,,' frien old Anbu Ciihn6ii, Auburn, and and'who- has,:r' in e.� to, pure As:, ibk she is:survived byji� ..,; , i :L bw,nsbi�i Lds6ous eanut . , :�, . footice's­:, ki d son ancl,hy,floraj pa e many, arm .19. N eFILTER Ay,for-,. urray�, P C. ristmas,., estivitios., p - ,daughter- all: at home,';, also'- three StUrd ki ho e on is :.hereiby.' given. tha' u YOUNG MAN tribu tea Vl�iton, R ald 06i'don, and one - .QUEEN Sales'& So, rlends'ln.the OT 0� -h ea 6U6� 6 k Thc Voters' js 4L ,BROOME re:, rem ar, ers.r For -;grandchildren- 'three sis ers; Mtsl. E.,-, !;.,;`where` she '�a be mArried, For 'Work pairs to all makes of ER L Lists Aq and, that�j� hiv:e.p6tted'uii. at my pis 7 MUTON B GER, office �;at Lot -27 06ititegalon 2i es, Minina) . 'on ervice, call 'MRS.,, her,, � Mitchell; this month:t6: Mr.:..Ly 'a t e 16th day', rof t Permanent employment. Sparling St�;� ei0ftth. . � �: -_,, t ­19-86-tf- 11 r , i d or on, a lis.t,o all persons Ll ren 'h Must be ac- b of� November, 19.59,: the curate in figures. an Mrs- Wilft T'Ahhiey, Hbegy, and: ac�quaip qncq, 9, �, er inthe TO,'tfi'k b those' wbb!, e�t _Rr 1 ek (Adeline) COMPLETE LAUNDE;kE""k Sea., said r &ulli�jpality, .'At �'municipal elec�i int e flowcrs� aa:nd cards and who t h,61 days., Best wishes " are . ex- vist ed n jand'f6tir bioth"' forth and district, And � Dry Cleaning rs and that, such sremaim there: for in- �1.6 Whiled arplitient S1 oskopf," Mitchell HospitalL tei,ided to� the, bride-tti-beIrbin.,her vie r. 06r_ erSr C arelied, WEBBS BILLIARDS, Scifo;97 specti6n orial 'and Also to M!e1a!t , r, t r And, I George, Harry,and many rien r S1 Seaforth, Ontario. f ' d upLtd., Umoi-ter. given,',to 4-86-tf agent for Brady Cleauerij'& Latifulsteria, :will and.,Dr., on ._the,nursing E Ward,'. op. Au�,T.bereby call n all voters to staff of4he ospa!' I � I A ",was take inruredi 'MRS., 0 ------- 23-88-1 Tho.'larkely attended"Itin6ral Was Gloka'Blue _::'by'herJri6nd. s and ate.'Pr6ceedings tq�'have any MAGIC M 'd ARK . KRS� -wa- errors or omissions, corrected accoitu NA FO held: on', Saturday- laftemoon,'. Nov, J,. -Farm Stock For Sale owriter..'14ny ffurface,'i t"rag law;:,�thc last day' for appeal the aai.iher"hom rs. 8. ress off cab alad.rMagk r Marlcer '16' readi I My'fribnol.ir afid-,'neijith I Ourar i�[, at. th th Arthur''funer prior to h6r.leaing for tO 30th,dAy-of November. tbafiks,to,jll� ase. ReAlls, availabiew little' colois ink�' - .' ; , ' :' for'their , V113,r ats home '�.condubt6dfby Rev. Prilic&� Edward' Isl6ri& EIGHT G400D pigs; five, chunks. DATD this �6i 7_ ts, cards, floWL , And S. , 11 ­ . r y THE HURON, EXPGSITOR� a 'And. for the help, on, f.,� r, i T . weeney,. assisted teV r. G. �L. ply to JOSEPH NOLAN, 'St. Columian. sy, ,.of. November, 1. ­ the r And, Mrs. F. rof 'Was h :Bb P in,t e hospJLtAI in London and Gross�," of Winghaffi. 'Mr hone Dublin 84 L6' mgxl REVITALIZED cleaning �t Buchanan W�re visitors Wlthr r. It - has forth .1 I 11 " Wilk Cleaners, Mount Forest More spots' and boien !deeply r Winin� sang a Soib NINE FEEbBR steers, About 900 11>9 I Garments - I M' ECI EAT an& Mrs , Harry We an a t n stains removed. long. A. ways U 'ind four steers around 7H APPIy'tO er' -wear- longer., MILLER% �Clerk.of 1p e 23 rarg.' 'McGregdrr� Visited -With Mrs �D. be by hibr�fiidfhef- Mm.'.William Mrs lijil6&-, Ailli and 'Mrs., :X. DOW t:'r: W lbs Wait. .88-2 JACK BRUCE Buril.'took',place at LES= PEPPER. R -R. 4, n, Phone one for 22 Seaforth 854 r Z2 8-88-1 ipick-up. Smith: on. Monday M pallbea� were essrs. : M rs e. of" j6hfiL Daer ­Bett WEIJ�BRED Ifolsetin heif,ers, of Mr. an Eiliie' Are Gone 21. d size: '6iW to unit Hereford bulls.; Menioriam... aer, ward Hamiota, Ti., -are, visi mg. dii� this month ; 3 du in December' NOTICE "EaSiL :Sydn'e'yr McClinchey ,Major, Mrs. Wall,�ce!s �unele and aunt,, 3 TOWNSEND RUSSEL COLEMAN, Phone Sef.rth In l0vjng� memork Of' Younglilut and'.Wilir6d.-Plunikett. MI 'Mrs. James:Hay- who 'Passed away iw 696 r 41, 8-88-1 Tuck6rsmitbi Town lip Dupt4 �.Samuel Townsend r. and 61 'Flow:er-bbateis'were years ago, Nove 95 six nephews. will be -opened from I V�m. to 6 p;m on ; . , 'r 11 THREE CHOICE secono util tell Gordon Mdegge, Ralph Mulholland; .—Ever remembered by hid ;If child' SETS. -litter sows with -Wednesday and Saturday afternooni, u GAMM 9$ )so I sov� carrying second noiice. ity 'ent 12 pigs each; a and grandchildren. 24- Gerald" St6skopf.. .4hron, oerr, !61UPlaihed f�:'S ' L I I r' : . . S litter. due in one month. Seed- JONA- cimsNEY '�aind.'Doftald� Muegge. : L �:­ MS. Er . I an awful lot of -6k THU Yd -L hwiS HoiteYl THAN BUGILL, Highw ll. Phone 667 e beau f, m or HOC 'an,r away, one., a4�4' r I d Ing sttwb .R IA,'Seaforth: HU. 2-9822, Clinton A�tinz-'Cle k., ney, E McArthur, who., p ed floral tributes erKEY GAME �86 f y Thin on 8:87.2 tonn 19 ear Nwember 19 re der'of 'tfi6 high e e wor This rn�nth'is here wiih 4cep regret_ t � replied', the 'dentist, con- eehi in, which she Wa held fhi� i a n 0 It.bririgs'back a day we-ivill never id cati6 I 1 �: . '' ` -! , M choic [ ''a d4r district, solin p. ACHESON'S ,DEAD it Ying '�go'o ye, 11. AxtWes For Sale SERVICE ver e�'fell asleep withoUt-rea db Y IQ"Ay f hini Will never- die, Highest cash prices Paid iii ,NbMINATIOXS-, But memories ez W. ding �Loviilgly r cin'bered by Sisters and, APPL9 BUTMA forsattle STEWART Sick r r h r Hold hree,- , ay Ora- di ror2&98-I I W,r Choi e Sot DALF� Phone 847 r 21 eaforth strict for dead; old or � disabled T �forth ei and cattle. Horses 'at 5*Ca'poun&r For the faste and -pi-Gper removal of all ani- Pa dt ge 1) 10 inch P.T.'O Gehl [W �� . ,-sp6ilt in Cana�i T E s t -Sgxl mals,',day or'night� [a A affirOermill. on N 6 9 rucks. PHONE Dublin, 19 r 3. 11 A in�ting of'.the Elge rg of the town, to "It is true a you -.have, only Cgllr Long Distance and as or df;Seaforth' will -be held in the, t ONE BABY tAiggy, in perfect condition.. -bee 11-88-1 ATWOOD zENITH 34goo n amongst us f6r,.six years; but charge) TOWN L du PHONE 743 TEEN ­TO (no toll HAL SEAFORTH, ring that time�you have been'gn, e excellent exam 'Chr! Pie: of true S 'y TWO NEARLY NEW 606 X 16 snow �on CkS a 40 M SKATES tires. LESL DOLMAGE, R -R. 1, Sea- tiait parents -and 'a credit to , I I IE MONDAY, I NO . VEMBEWd3o 9 CKO:.�,!N­ % . your 11-88-1 95 20- LL, and,country. forth, Phone 759 W t. church Pd 'id C..C. and WATER 00, for the purp 4 r r Top. Prkt� MEN'S SKATES. 0`lze 10. .RMN COI.F_ �osc of nominating per,sons for 'God has bless -ed- your marriage the offices,'pf Mayor, Reeve, SiXr Council- With,the "5'f Te6 MAN, R_R 4. Seaforth, Phone 652.r 14. ns' 'with'bleven loVelrY children,'-two.of 11-88XI CATTLE BREEDING Public Sch..L`Trustces and � Public , ; I - r "]?hone 6 C munitv C EQUIPMENT Con"Alpal "' ...­ r� �' whom you have, generously," given. Utility om to ' ' r U r S61 Ood's,,speci4 servicer'iri- the re- CHARCOAL GREY Indie's coat, with ASSOCIATION Nciininationg *111 be from -7:30'p.m to- Br S S: 66. White fur collar and cuffs. Size 20, Good figioUS'stite,',and jU IRY 8"30 st recently two re Used,' N �,2 thors­t6� the mairl6d. life. Your as new, Can be seen at, FLANNF "Wherq bulls A Sfrurlddy' ;)V. 0 CLEANERS. 11-88XI children are a eredit'to you Who T BABY CARRIAGE in, good condition. If a poll be necessary, thqy- Aam6 will b,6� have e n'd, seiisacri E AS H Childs thrm-piece outfit, red with -grey. Artificial ulietnination IScrvice 'for �aii the. following, �plaes o Commencing At a been d voted a .m. Acing, parents. SS 's 'from 9:00 a.m. to zp.mo .� : ift, A. namembrancia -from us; and U 'MONDAY,'bE Admi ion 56C ajdd 75Cr , 1. . I �, ft '0%, We, now ask, You -to aci e 11 rion, size 4. PHONE Seaforth 7419-R. Breeds of, Cattle CEMBER. I, loig' p; g D C E. FLANNELEI'M Blankets, 70' X 90 Varinki'00ned and., on ­�Pohing $ub�Dlvisi t S19ML, FORMAL"' we M be back again ..Another on Nos. 1 And: .2; a W Garage 44.45; Men's short rubber boots, $3.15; tw.eiity-five years 16 belp:cel6bratO, Good stock of prints and flainiclettes. bet*eeh 7-80' AM BORDEN BROWN, Phone Peaforth 841r2. Call Us* 1 0 M it -in. N634 3 and at, y )rur golden' wedding' anniversary.' 11-88-tf ':06 41 --�-Your r.Priend and Neigh weekdays , and 6:00; and 8 gat'� SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Spy, King. urday, evenings al Mr. John iRems;presenfbdr Mr,, ft..� - W-0 Talman Sweets. Delicious, Snow, Russet, and Mrs. Van' ben,-Hengel.,�,,�ith, a Greening, Macintosh. Baldwin, e.te.rJre's d6r polisher, for 'which theyWere -NT TO Y delivery in town. Phone HU. 214, Clinton 14U 2-3441 TOWNSHIP,: F_HULLETT: very grateful. All joined in'gfig- FRED MCCLYMO & SONS, Varna. My W., "For The Are Jolly Good Fellows", and lunch was serv4,& or for Long. Distarice. 1-1 D E,k S T:: DRAIN TILE Clinton Zenith, 9-5650 Hunters Have'� BA 7-4721. LUCAN MA RYDA� RICK AN SEALED TENDERS, pr6peily rked.asto, CCeSSf D ul, Week &B F ELD. ONIM0 nts, will be.received'by the Townshi] 'SU' 11,39x5l AUcti 'Sales 67 Clerk: 20. on 0, 1LO until 2 e ck''TtJESP CEMBVR. X, DE 8thp A party of 'hunters from Sea- DISH GARDEN ornaments, spri w forth returned Sunday from North. I ering bulbs. out flowers, pot 'Plants, terlig, 1959 for ther, Ontario violets, cacti �ilendendron, begonia, cy- ESTATE purchase"of a ru n after a successful. -Wfiich they obtained r t week during t S C r 'Ma :ke clamea If it'm ilowem think of BAk- lowing 9pee Huron,. County'�s,� Fines U d a AUCTION'SAL ifi ations: ER'S 01?tWNHOUSE, Your Garden the liftlit. In' 'the: &0up,'Were Cen- - � tre, 86aforth. 11_87]t2 ATTMO]q' SALE of farm,' larm M_.h_, one Ton'Express G.V.W., 7,800 lbs. Minimum' M: Scott, B. It. ThOrnsoii, C4 Ro*� 3--1959 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDANS—FURY mery * aikd household, effects -at Lot i5. cliffe -J E. Keating, J. W. Mde-' SEO"'. equipped; automatic trans- ither Cab% and Chassis or Pick,UP Body 958 CHEVR I : . .. I , I _ i . I 1. 'W Leybuiii and Jo missions . ...... �L I - 11, Stanley towli6lilp, on Goshen line,. land,' ................... - $2450 16 SEDAX� QUITTING BUSINES$ Ftil�y s nor o Zrih, oit SATURDAY, PONTIAC STRATO - CHIE NOV. 21st,,'at I pmi.� 1959 inNew 'Condition, or 1M, - Brollghton.:'�, IS 19.58' Automatic- traftsml�siion, equippe ... Rayper's Jewellers MACHINER;jt_;-�"hutt. 60 I -ow �r6p our -Speed Transmission Y.P.U. CI"CH SERVICE-, fully equipbed'. 4249s. 9 Wellington Street tractOr on teel, Model V. base tractor, Tires -4-17.5 Rear Tires Snow, 8�1`!Y -The' Huron Presbytery Young 1958 OLDSMOBILE -D�& .With 2-futrow lov4'hydrauliia;! 32 -IL ei- ed. servi "—ARDTOP—Fll iwered $ Stratford tension ladder; Spramo gaL -with Peoples held an, evening 1959 CREVli6LET BEL'AIR.SEDAN—Automati� 2750 Heater 'and Defroster Clinton motor:: Massey' =oban scuf. at the, Wesley -Willis United. Church frAfiginiSsion, fully 195 'WEVAOLET DER, RAY- 'Entire stock thrown o I n the market for fler and Puller; - trattor �disk I electrio Sixqylinller in Clinton. The . call to woh ,equipped ............ ....... 8 —Fully'6quipp ;2 1 95. what it will bring. During this gicitit brooder; quantity of. 41' tilt, 6-fC 1110wer; was. given 'by Bill Coultes, follow, SEDAN ed sulk� � rake", C6ckshutt side rake -- Nei# idea .-DirdetionalLights Selling�Out,_%le kou tan sae iliany dol- ed by the singig of OTake 'Time b" TWOwIJOOA, 1395: BUIGK. adver. tract6tr manure spreader on' tubbeti� like With. 'To Be Holy�." The respolaSiVe 43295 lats on Canada's finest nationally -tiged Jewellery, Watches, Diiultond1b, new,. 6-sec� diamond hAtrowre; Aping tooth read, interior ............... 1954 tHEIVROUT 16iftlim '$as Ali must be sold. Whate-Mr, you do-- tractor cultivator oil 4 rubber,; like he*.* ing , *as -read * Muriel, Gowdy� miss these 13 . 0 1. r I don't great. moncy4avi e 6�rrltg tooth drag hdrrdins " Imti c6ni Find The piogram nsinging by 19;� METZOA SFD. COACH ...... ...... portunitilch gtaiu� grinder -, Massey 1144is -grain grind-, there. ­950'Oho-Tbn Truck *ith-Pick Up� equipped ...... '$2S 9S 19�4 CIJEVROLETS .FROM"$656L Which consisted .6ft.dr a qnartette tor . . . . . . . . BO r b SEI)AN8 lusill, be'traded'in on, the a o George: Turner, Stanley iq��q CHEvROLET SED odel trhilei, faftn Wagbri,anot hay rack, dy t U " �_ 4 AND, COAMS 42650 l"I Mitch Vank.'snol I �er; forks,, Tohia8,. and , Lloyd Holland. L 'The A number of older m s �$300,to $500.�,` To Bu. t t Wanted Y., k7 y equipped .......... from JeKets_ iron'r kettles, g'asaabparrran' Lowest,'oi. any te�d�r not necessarily accepted., Seri PtUrer, taken LUke 10-95- '95��-GMC 1/2,TON at6gSIPda for iflo spiled, In 37; Was re I ad by Bill Bryson. Mur- 19,5g PONTIAC LAURENTIAN—A-utol iiatic tr�iiga, H!lGVEST C"A P, diinjrba�d saw, ttactorrdj$L' 'i 1 9s Automatic, fully. equipped 46wn'and' disabled' farm Antiliali. of lon �See oad Super-- ray Hoover led- 'in ,"pt'ayer. Rev.. PICK- cbtiAeOner toll&tlon of , all *dead and For further in f 6rrm at" T 6,x anP Henry A. 'Pillige; of J.,6ridesboro, fulls, equipped ......... .. ........ $25PO 195.1 cHVRRET 1 aUP, with racks ........ dor! ED ANDREWS, R 11 SMV HO1Y.SE#OLD ,F;FFECT�-lnc!ud1nk ..,"inten&nt, Mr..- Leonard Caldwell, No, -J, � delivered the message 'for the r eve- I16 feldvislon, ine 4- urAer ninj 'A- Written G ar.6ntet for 60 yS fo Ass&I" inch . Sun.h folloWed by the benddictio 41,aie Model Carg— ils to eh,96 f 4W Phi U a On dk Ltd. cabinet radio: Vllter Queen own rk, y other Mode se, rom GO, ondeslio'ro, Ontario,'Pr'the T 8hio"Cle given by Rev. J. A. Mcxim:, A 'M I 01 R'-$' h wets- number. of W. eg room table, ohn vice, -when. tob'Sopthcott, Of Eke� E L t 'B'R U S'S $' armi fire�ide wis-hield, after the a a &i�Ofttd oi4ptn nd stooll,'06fd6*1 2:0 glass, dupbdaidd,, record F, 'MRIR& T 0eik) led "'a discussion. on, the Can. te 'like Al roorn slid bo e it at6r; of e wingliat lipper VURY� EEN,W�V "ne 110me, of Better Us Act. 'A snack 1`110?48 113r I Londis ON A kr MM. ]W'AX C Jry'-sirik � . : , , doughnuts and eoN-was thefi,se1rV­ Od E M hl .9 ;Wall rAelicts AW4 mirro" -