HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-06, Page 41—THE HURON ENPOSITORil: SEAVORTH, ONT., NOV. 6;.,1959 Coming Events KICEP • PIUS (late open, $t. Oolumban Turkey Bingos Dec. 8. Further details later. •, • • , 146-3 BINGO, Friday, December* 4, at Sere,. *forth' CP.Piraunity Centre, sponsored, by .the rtioly NAMP SOcietY-of t. lames' Church; Seaferth, Don't forget ,this date.:1-86-3 • RECEPTION for :Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Smith in Londesboro hall on Friday, Nov. 6- Music for your dancing pleasure by Stew and his Collegians. Lunch bboth in hall. • . 1-86-1 1• DANCING at' Circle B. ever,Y Fri,daY .:40ight. to Clarence Petrie and his Night- • bawls. Satarday night to Royce Refill .1and his Country Cousins: On Highway- 9, /east of Mitchell. . I NOTE CHANGE of Date: Turkey, Bingo at St- Patrick's Church, Dublin, Deoember •14, 1959,‘at 9 p.m_ 17 turkey, 8 Cash' spec bile and door prizes. Admission 1$1 . 146-1 2. Lost, Strayed 14: •Property For Sale - PLAN ibur borne now;.550.94 down Will buy you a lot in Seaforth or Mansur •hey, Lots suryeyed. Land suitable for VLA PrOects. Terms M suit. CLAYT DENNIS. 14-86.tf JUST LIST:0,D Three-bcdrooni home near ntsblia schPOI Ideal•for anyone interested. in assured extra, ngoine earned, on their own*property This -is worth investigating. ' . . ilodern 4-bedrodra 'home near hospital' 2 baths, double garage, large lot. 'This is just the thing for a -large- family, Rea- sonable terms „ . 4-bedroora home near • slioe factory ; all modern canverdenees. Terms arranged. JOHN 3308'VELD, Realtor - Goderieh OSETTP-McCONNELL, Salesman Phone 266 _ Seaforth ' - LOST FRIDAY between aeaforth main • intersection and .13/t miles north, a trian's brown fall overcoat. Finder 1.110 -NE Sea., .forth 119 or 68. ' . . 2-8630 STRAYED from lot 30, ,on. 12, Mc- -10110p twp., •red heifer, •between. 6,00 and '700' pounds,: has calf vaccination tag in :rear: strayed about ,10 days ago Phone • 442 r 25. Seaforth, RUSSELL BAR.ROWS, ' 'RR 4, • Walton or Dr. K. Jackson., •'phone 32. Collect. • 2464 'Help Wanted .YOUNG'.MAN r•os- OFFICE WORK • • Permanent ernployment Knowliedge •of ..:typing essential: Mu*t be accurate hi fig- .ures. Seaforth. Onthrio 4-86-tg Farnf Stock 'for Sale THIRTEEN PIGS, 8 Weeks old. ',ApnlY to KEN BEATTIE. phone. Seafortli '834r6. 8-96X1 8/VE4EEI1'E16S, four to *freshen in Dee- • ember, one in March. JACK McIVER, St. COlumban. • -8-86x1 • r-tds "FOR 'sale, 25 Landrace, .Apply to HARR YAftTS, RR A, Seafoitil. hone 673 r as: - •• 8-S6x1. 10; Used Curs for Sale • 1964 FORD gustdmline Cciacb, • radio: -,' new tires. Good condition. A,ply to KEN MeLELLAN, KipPen. Phone Hers., sill 693 R 5' 10-85x2 47: 11. Articles For. Sale CHARCOAL, GREY- suit, size 42; navy blue winter' coat. Can he seen at FLAN- NERY CLEANERS., 11-8930 'KITCHEN ht. , table and-' four chairs, child's rocker. APAY to CLARENCE MALONE. phone Seaforth 1944. 1146-1 PROPERTIES FOR SALE gtottage,- Goderich street east, three bed, monis, all lcOnVeniences, new garage,close church.and street, .Priced for quick' - • • , #0Laere farm, .31eKillop township. briek 'house, bank barn, 'all- coirveniences, arid plenty-. of water. A .good bt.m. . . • . • , '100 -sole farm, 'Neb. erspiith 'township, ,excellent all.. modern , ooirven- insees SloSe to school ternsarranged. ,120-acse 'farm, uthersmittr ' township, good locat60n;..114ist. @ass:buildings, gbod clean farm in *every•I'asPect. • • Incnne /Irtiperty. Ntirth Main,, street; good' solid. 'structure, with self,conteined arartjrterit. Modern in every respect.,. . PROPERTIES: ALSO LISTED . , • HAnor_ap JAetsex, Broker •Eberle 474, Seaforth •JOHN A CARDNO Ineui•ance OS15e . ^ Phone 214, .Seaforth 14464 15. Property For Rent •, • Foult-haom apartment for rent r vate entrance- PHONE 745-16, •Seaferth. TH,REE-nocim ,apartinent, semi -furnish- ed, heated; available pow; • PHONE SEA.. FORTH 160 -Mo • , 16-86,H, • alraPx-noolvr aPartment, with. bath - Apply SEA.FORTH, FARMERS CO-OP-, Produce Devion, ROOK FOR- RENT to ;gentleman,' Pri- vate_ IMMe, r• Sane' meals •. if preferred. PliONE 569-R evenings - • 15-86,C1 apartinent ,for rent: pertiafly liesitedi. :Private bth. .• PHONE Seefoi.'th2.89 Cir.:Write 0..230: 482- ' • 20. Auction Sales 1VIORTGAGE SALE •Of Parin in Towaship Of Hibbert" Under and by virtue of the'nowers con- Viined in a certain Mortgage, Which will 0e Produced t the time of -sale, there Will be offered ,fog sale by •public auction Ion Thursday, • the 12th day of November, 1959, at the hour of 2:00 P.m. at Lot 29, Concession '8, Township of Hibbert, situ- ate approximately • 2 miles "weatkof Staffs, by W, -Auctioneer, the following proPerty, namely', ,Lot -29 in the Eighth Coneeasion of 'the Township of • Hibbert, containing approximately,_100 acres. The said ferret is situated on •the County road approximately 2 milestvvest-of ,Staffa an44 Inile from school. There- is said to be si_ate..on the said lands an L-shaped, biPc barn gPlaroximately, 801 •x 361 x 40, x 20e, good 'stabling, double -deck hen house -With accoMmodation for -800 fowl, cement floors, and good roofs, brick house and, kitchen, oil heated, bath, bialt-in cup- boards, PresSure OYstein .ttnia hydro -abun- dance' of water -9 wells and spring"creeks clay -loam soil, well drained rgood fences - TERMS -Ten per ;cent (10%)• ',of the • purchase 'price to be paid at time of ;sale , with balance to be paid -cup closing on or .before December Ilth,•1959. Sale is sub- ject to reserve 'bid. Possession to be ar- • For further . particulars and conditions Or sale -apply to -the. undersigned. - • . DATED at Stratford, 'this 26tb jlay of ANDERSON. RHGOETZ, BELL, DILKS BarristerS' arid Solicitors„ • 29 Downie Street, Stratford,- Ontario. 22. Legal Notices --- OTICE to CREDITORS • n the estifte 'ok HANNAH BICIMLL' personS • having.'@ainie against:. the estate of-Hannah•Bickell, late csfthe toWn Seaforth, in'thelconnty of Huron:. Wid- ow,, deceased, who -died •on the 29th day of , Angust, 1959, 'are.bereby notified to send , full particulars. of their ,claims to ,tlie undersigned, on or'' before ,,the 13th, day .Of NoVernber, 1959, after Whieh".' date the assets be distributed, having regard only to claims ,then received. • . , . DATED at.,Sea.fOrth, this 20th day 'of McOONNELL &.3.1yART Seaforth, Onto= - - Solicitors for the estate. •. APAR'PMENT• Fpn, RENT; two rothno1. ,large :living:. ream with firenlace,. fbor-Pieee 'bath; kitaben, berclwoOd flobrs, throughout,; oil heated;••Pleasent..surround lugs; eVailable' December. :1, -BOX .888,, lath. :HURON EXPOSITOR. • '12-96x2 17. •Waitted To Rent s'';'"••'••• GIRL'S GICKEN tweed- coat. with fur trim, Ske 7. PIIONE 638 r 21, Seaforth. .4. THREE - RDDROOM modern., house, • , 11464 vicinity of Dublin or St. Colum-han, close to schooL •ApPly to BOX 886,"The Huron QUEBEC HEATER for sale, dood E,.poaitor 11 86 1 condition. PHONE Seaforth 852 r 24. LARGE OIL. space heatel., as Roos) as new. also 200 gal- oil tank with proper piping and filter. Apply to 'MORO 'T. NORRIS. ildione Dublin 43 r 2. • 11-86-1 • A NUMBER a used dryers.. These are real opportunities to obtain is .labor-sav- ing dryer at, the lowest possible Price. BOX FURNITURE. 11-864 -•••- DURO PRESSURE pump. complete with motor and 12, feet of %-inch pipe. E. • GEDDES, phone 235-3, 'John Street, Sea - forth. .1146-1 LARGE PHILCO 'refrigerator, excellent .1 condition: moving. mitst sell. • Cost $400, first $40 takes it, GLEN ROSE. Seaforth 662 r 12. ' 11-86x1 SIX -1100M modern epttage on' Goder-; ieh street. also 10* acres of bush, pert lot /1. con. 5. Hallett tvcp. ADDIS' to ROY LAWSON: phorre-404',"Seaforth. 11-85x1 PLACE YOUR ,,ORDER. for Christmas cakes now. Will accept -orders in Nov- ember and the first week in December. MRS, KEITH MacLEAN, RR L Seaforth, Phone 660 r 31. 11-86-1 NOW IS THE time to get your sulmlY of celery, cabbage. carrots. Apply• 1,0" WILFRED MOUSSEATI. 21.ss mile* 1,68t of Hensall on •Highway 84_ Phone 92 r Zurich. 11-864 BOY'S STATION WAGON .coat, slae 10, like new: boy's 9-pier.e' cocoa brown coat Set. size 616. like new : boy's shots, :AZ& 4 and 6, real good: hog's Pants. blue grey, size 10; three white terrylene uniforms. size 20'-, scarcely worn: •boy's skates, size 5 and 7. PHONE 5634. 11-863:1 , SPRAYED APPLES for sale: SPY, kits. Talmo, SWeets. Delicious, Snow, Raked, Greening. Macintosh. Baldwin, ete. Free delivery in town. • Phone HU. 24214. FRED McOLYM NT & SONS. Varna. v11:S6-tf N TILE' BA 7-4721, LTICA14: RYRALL BRICK AND ELoareutrr, ONT 19. Notices • VittEn QUEEN Ealea,& SerVieei re- pairs 'to 'all'inakes of viieuurn cleaners. FOr, • services call j,ffi1MILTON BERGER, Sperling St.,. ,Seaferth. 19-86-H , • • COM,PLETE,'.-LAUNDETEIIIA in ,''Sea, 'forth and,:distilei and- Dry Cleaning Ser- vice, 7 WEBB'S'. BILLIARDS; Sea.forth',• :•egetcr,,for Brady, gleaners 'FS': Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. . . . , . . -MAGIC ISLARKERS-Iristeat dry,. wa- terProof, Write' on ,any surface:. off cap and Magic Marker it ready., to 113e4 Refills available. , Nine colors, -ink. HURON EXPOSITOR. , • ' REVITALTZED% cleaning ., sit Buchanan Clean'ers,k. 3/aunt Fbre4. More spots,, and spans removeaTTernients sta.'s' clean lohg- er, wear -longer. Agent: MILLER'S 'LAUNDRY 'SERVICE.Phone 247 for pick-ap.; • • ••• -19-86-tf NOTICE • Tuckisrgroith Township MuniciPai Duthp -will he opened from' I .p.M. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday' and Saturday -afternoons, until further itatice.. . • MRS, E., P. CHESNEY, Acting -Clerk. Wanted T0 BuY . _sowrn• CORDS of good :winter Wood. APPIY PS GEORGE COLOLOUGH, RE 1, Clinton. Phone HU. 24203, 12-84X1 HIGHEST CASH PRIDES ,paid Vir sick, dOWn and *disabled farm animals. Prompt, ;ohurteouri collection of alldead, era disabled farm animals `and hides, ball, Collect, ED ANDREWS, 861 R. 11, $aw forth. Associatedwith Datilisg es Co., td . Canada Ltd. • • 12-86-tf Wanted luotivaAot 'siratganinv: teetotal :blinding • bi ToaintS., ' Suit Tender. EMiellerit sectn'itY. Attrea. Wiititat ntrx HIllt011AuCtielt,Salei th4 oidiortunity for investattent' APPIY. • VD*. •12-8.6i2 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK: SERVICE • Iriehest cash prices paid in surrounding dilitrIct for dead, old, sic -It or disabled hors- es, aind,cattle. Tiorsea at.' Se a pound. Fpr the fasteat hld proPeY idraoval of all ani- niala: day or night-- . Ca.II Long Distance and ask Or ' ATVV0013....ZE/sIrl'H 34900 . • • (no fop ebarge) „„ 19-71x21 WATERLOO- • CATTLE BREEDING • ASSOCIATION ' I "Where Better Pulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service All Breeds of Oattle Member owned- and 'control- led Cost -Low —2 Effie-tete/ IVA -- Use Of the best halls --- Diseatle „Ofintrol- • • led - Safety' Far servicemore *niortnation, phone: . CLINTON BIL*24441 or for Long Distends ' CLINTON ZENITH 14p80 Between: = 7:30 and 9:30 son. WeekEars 6:00, stud 8-00 D.Tint, Saturdey evenings Calls rede.ived 013 S'atttrdaY eVening sIU be serVed on Sunday PROnbag; For cows it heat ati, Ssindity mornirie DO -mex., call until „Monde* 'morning. BE'FFER CATTLE FOR 2E4.1..e.E Livrisrd 48; - Property For, Sale Dt.M. TO A* _INAVtato Secure, a Mortgage remittal we 'offer /et latmediate bela i faris., lot 80, con. 8, Hilahett contasting of 100 states Of • cleared learn land Mi . charity road a lat-ge L- sinmed bank barn With anib1e4ecked hen , house, 800' site; new Silo, water pressure, e,tc,,, and drive Shed. A tV/0..13tOrey` 1-r11)(1)31 hoaSe of brick with oil furnace, vat - „et 'pressure, bath room, new kitchen ctif•- ,a12 -do, 'bet svater holt& iMiterier, etc. 1 -1,15' Zarin' inPlY Ptetent be purchased 'with One half' eath,..rinet we Neill earry balance on a five-year firsr-rhortgage. For turnier Pnrtieulata aPPIF HA.R.OLD • COLEMAN,' Staffa, Ontarild. •i4-sri` • NOTICE Separate.:School DsbeUtures.... uNi0RIBI3ERT, NOS.. 2, 3 AND 4,AND McKILLOP-NO. 1, Applications for the purclies'e of Sep - erste" Sehool Debentimes (26, years) • re- quired" for the'. consttuction of, T.?;,p'sy,;.,..:two. room: ,,aclibel: 'Village. of. publie, Ont.,,,Will• be received by the undersigned until 6.•,mai.•, November 6, 1959.. These frinItinle.4 'of abt less than .51,000,' Yielding 6% per 'annum, , . InteisiSted Parties, aro asked •to,•conteet the undersigned, stating the astiount of • Phone Stratford 2320, 4-5, at 6 p.m. at 16.13„. 5, Seeforthl' ' •.'Sce.retaryreasu'rer. 23. Cards of Thanks 22-85-2 HENSALL The ladies Of Ghiselhurst -United Church,Were 'Well pleased with the SuccesS • of their bazaar, bake -'sale and tea, which was held on Satur- day in -Hensall United Church schoolrooni,-- realizing $125.00. Mr. and Mrs. George Beer and Linda were: weekend, guests. with Sgt. John Beer, 1VIrs..Beer, David and Johnny, at 'Springfield. •„ -- To Observe, Remembrance Day • Remembranee Day will, be :ob- served here WeclnesdaYi ;NOV. 11; under auspices the_„.Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion: A parade will be featured, Compos- ed of 'the Council, reeves of Tuck.- ersmith and Hay, Girl Guides, Brownies; Scouts and ,Cubs,, head- ed,' by the and of RCAF Station, Centralia. Services 'at the, ceno- taph . will be' -held- at 11:45, when -wreaths will be placed, followed with a service -in the,. Town Hall; when Mr.' G. C.-,yais"'wll1".,be the guest speaker, • Coffee, hot chocolate and dough; huts will be served ,at .the close of the service in ,the -Legion-.Dall to those taking part in the parade. A 'social evening that night . in the Legion Hall will. haVe • as, their guests reeves of Hay and Tuaker .smith, council, local • nurusters, Robert B.ealaurn, principal, of the public schotil, and Don Speafinan. Bingo Winners , • Mrs. BillfAustin, oSeatortii, was the winner in share thewealth •ka.riae, and IVIrs. R. Taylor; Jr., won th,e $5.00- door --prize at the Legion bingo Saturday. _Other win- ners.” were: • Mrs. Mae McLellan `--( 2) ; Mi -WATT:Tide S-Well-,--Cifh.: ton; .Mrg. Norman Baird, Bruce. field; Mrs.' Reichert; Mrs. Dutot, Brucefield:' Mrs. Meidinger; Kenney, Exeter; Mrs. Austin and -Mrs. Tyndall; Mrs., Austin; E. Ducharme; . Ed. • Corbett; Mrs. -Clarence' Reid. • •'Mr.. and MrS..-.Chester Lee and Mr., and Mrs. George Beer are at. ,the Farrell- Jackson Wed- ding at, Chatham this Saturday. ,Ngss Marie •Jarrott, • nurse-in- trainin at Stratford, General Hos- pital, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Eldon. Jar- - • • ,Mrs . T. it. Stephenson „arrived. home Sunday 'after spending the past Week with her brother and sister-in-law, Dr. ,and 'Mrs:- R. E. Smale, of Midland.-• .Miss Janet Dbig,"Kippen,- Ob- served her birthday ,ma.'". Saturday,' Oct. 31, and on -Sunday enjoyed a birthday dinner in -her honor at Armstrong's, Exeter. Celebrating with her for the 'occasion were .fter brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs, John D. Doig, of Grand Rap- ids, Mich-. Miss Doig was the re- _Cipientof inanY lovely gifts and .cards., • Miss Stella Robson, Toronto,: is a visitor with Mrs. Basil Edwards. Mrs. Ruby, North Branch; Mieh- fgan, is visiting_ her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith and family. Mrs.' P. ,Graham -is a 'patient in Clinton -Hospital. . Recent visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forrest were Mrs. IVI. Scott, Seaforth, and Miss -Mil: dred Forrest, Iteg.N., and , Miss -Eleanbr. Gee,, Reg.N., of the staff tif 'Brantford General Hospital. , Collect Six Tons --Tlae Girl Guide paper drive, held last Saturday, spearheaded by rs. Ernie Chipchase, assisted by Mrs T. Lavender, was a great success,. Six tons of Paper were collected, which ,realized $48. . • General Coach Works of Canada furnished'a trick to transPort the paper, to, London, and trucks "own- ed,bY T.,I,averider, Harry Hoy and, Jadk_FlYde, were. loaned for the 'TEE P •& T conunittee „of the Odd- felloWs- and-Rebekah-lodges-Wish,,to thank all who gaye to their paPer dale.,. Fro- ceed Will b* 'sed for their hospital bed Pt°gr,Unnle.' ,• ••23-86-1 I $FNCERELY thank lan rayr friends who visited me or_ sent 'cards, flowers and gifts while 1 was a patient in Scott Mem- orial BOSOM]. Also thanke to Dr. Gor- will and .staff•-ofo,the hospital. 23-88-1 .15.411:$.•.ANDBEW CROZIER 25. Personals. HYGIENIC AUPPLTES (Rubber Goods)„, mailed podtpaid in plain sealed envelope with 13rite list.,, 6 samPlea 268;• 24 ram - Plea 61.00. Mail- Order Dept. 1 - NOVA --,E1.113BER ,C0:, Box 91, • Hamilton. 26.Births • • . Set Schedule For BROADF00'1.--4ix 'and Mrs. 13eV Broad- Junior C/ Series - foot. Tillsonliurg,, are happy to 'announce • the arrival of their ,son on October- 29, NOVCIllber: t nib b PC tat * a on um. Of30 • • CORBETT••-Mr., end 'Mrs. ,•itess , Corbett, • 'Elt 1,,••EXtter, are pleased te, announce 'the birth •Pf their •datighter• at ',Clinton • 'Public ,Ploapital, Clinton, Friday, Oct. liEBERT-LA.O and :Mrs, -Andre 1136 71 Hensell„ enneence .the'hirth Of daughter, Carole 21arY0 .08Mber- 27, ' at St,......Toseph's Hospital, Lotidom-• Clinten, Public Hospital, on • afi, 16 M. and Via, bonaid Lea, Minton; 'a son, a brother for Donna. • MARSHAT.L---•- At Civic Hospital, ilotth :nay, to Itt ,:and Nit...Frank it, Marshall; Nardi Dayr-a. dinighter,, on NOveMber 3, * st 'sister for Susan. ' MURRAY-At prat. Memorial HOspitel, •on' ste,,,,Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. • Murray, Ate.s, Seaforth. a .daugitter. QTJINLAII-Mr. .ancl- Mrs. Mike Quit:den,' F.xeter, fornierly �f 31e1164fl, .annotmce the birth of a 'san alt South 'Huron "Hos.. .pital, -Voider, Octo '24, another broth- , er for Matireen S31ANN014-.At Scott 'Memorial:, Hospital; on Noverulier 1,' to Ildr: and Mrs. Ivan' •' Shannon, RR 4, Walton a son. Wn.J.J cAMS--,•At Seat Al.roorlai Hospital, . on NOVemlier 3,', to Mr. and Mrs... Sohn Rit 1, Bornholm, 5'daughter. . • . • AUCTION SALE • . To be held, at the farm. lot 1.4retin, 2, Stanley tOwnship, 1.34, tnilea West of Bruce-, field. On TUESDAY. NOITEMBER. 10,*: At 1 o'clock. ' • Consisting of 50 head of re,gistered And grade Holstein cams and heifers, 12 telfera recently fresh, 10 due-tiine Of sale, balance due in Nov. And bee.; 1 jerses• cove dtte in Nov.; 1 Hereford bull Of serricable age; 15 youtlg =Ivo. rr711tMg--ct5h- pfAlicY ez SONS, From -were IIAROLBe .TAGICS ON, Auctioneer 80-804 / • Group 'One of Northside United 'qui& W.A. are holding' a Bazaar,' Thrift, Shop, •B E ,SALE and 'TEA in Sunday School•Itoom.of Charch 'SATURDAY,, NOV. 14th at 3 pan.' • . sonsilis eafOrtb :Real: Estate and tniorance‘ 1.00i44 s • • • Give To UNICEF Some of the pupils from -Grades 5 and' 6 of ,Hensall Public Scheol forfeited their usual ' "trick , or treat" this Hallowe'en and made • a -door-to-door canvass, colleting nickels,; dimes and quarters for the United, Nations Children's Fund. They cqlreeted 'a little over -Mrs. Mary. Haugh, teacher of the children, arranged the canvass and expressed thanks on behalf of the pupils for the splendid dona- tions given to tins worthy cause. Observe Wedding Anniversary Mr, and -Mrs. Harry Norris, of Kippen, were pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening when 50 relatives Met at their home to honor -them on the '-86-casion of their 25th -wed- ding anniversary, and to, present them with a pair of woollen blan- kets and electric tea kettle. •Win- ners • for the progressiVe euchre were Mrs. Frank Pender, Staffa, and John Norris, Fullarton. 'Hank Norris and his orchestra provided music for the dance and Veepd'anc-: ing. Refreshments were Seri, Mr. -L. zone forester -of---Stratfol'Ad, will speak ati the NO-. veniber meeting ;of the WI 'On Tues- day, Nov.' 10, inSDI-IS. The rtill call. will he answered by _a product 10n,dthe(gQaa-rinaHciian motto will be, 'IndOs- tryi keeps the body healthy; rilind clear, heart"whole and purse full:" All nielnber" are asked 16 bring sandwiches .unless otherwise advis- -ed--,---and----reli-shes--hy--M-rt-.--J,---M-ac2 Lean and.-1IVIrs..E. Caxneron. Meth: - 'hers of the.:IPppen'East Institute will be: guests...-. • • .be' held in Hensall November 9, te ,flie,Sbutia"Hurciii WI executive , The. fall:: executive, ting of which all vil b ' welcome. „ Postal .Information • Wedneaday, 1Nvember :11, Re- membrance Day, being a statutory holiday, the inairi doors of .the Post Office Will' be from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m: Tlae mickets willbe open from 12 noon to 1:,00 p.m. only, when all phases of -businesS--will be transacted. All incomingand outgoing mails will, be sorted and despatched as usual. Rural patrons are reminded there will be , no de- livery on , this date., . •• " ' -Preparations • are now being Made for the .annual chriStmas_;, rush: •• Suggested postal deadline, dates to ensure . Christmas deliv- ery are published thepost of- fice 'notice .board. Yotir complete ,postal address' • should -appear on all- outgoing and incorningLniall. - • KIPPEN ',NEWS Mr. and' aVfis. HaroldJones and sons were Slanday guests ofr-Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter' and family at Guelph. Mr. and M.S. Oliver Jacques, of near Clifford, spent the weekend wi e.rmtthrsM. rx.,„andillie Mr.Normanwhiternan ,of7ckDei troit, was..the guest of her cousin, Miss Ma"kelle Whiteman, during last weele, Mrs. 011ver Cook, of - Goderieh, accorilljanied by her daughter, "Mrs. Davidson,- visited a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elston D4‘EWrrin s7na. -Oe'Sc'h, of Zurich, visited during the weekend with her cousin, Dianne Faber., - Mr. and Mrs, John Doig, • of Grand Itapids, Mich., were week- end guests of Mrs. Lydia Doig and jaMnert.. and Mrs. E. -Dowson visited on Tuesday with Mrs, Jennie Win- der, who is -a patienf Parkw004 Hospital, London, and during ,the week visited Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr,. of McKillop. .Mrs. T. W. Bears and jean vis- ited a few days in Toronto with relatives. • Miss' 1VIabelle Whiternan recent- ly was a guest with Mrs. Emily Edwards, of Hensall; this week- end she is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aikenhead, of Sea - Mr. and Mrs. John Long, of Owen Sound spent 'the weekend with the former's - cousin, Mr. Long,- and -Mrs. Long. Saturday afternoon Mrs. • Bob Perkins "of . HE 'W -EEK. Clinton, was a visitor. Mr, -and.Mrs.: Gordon Wren at- tended the „funeral Wednesday of Mr. Wren's cottsin, the late Orval Ege, of London. - Sympathy of the community.' is extended Mr. and Mr. -Ernest Talbot .in the repent death of a, dear inother, the late Mrs. Talbot; and synapathy goes out to the wife and family of the late Mr, l3e3t Riley.. CH RE Orange nail,' Seafortli Fri44;-114O' Auspices Orange:Hall.Property „ Committee LDNCII Admission 49. Gents • . Is the ilseleptitme Number o Seaforth Upholstery Centre Street (North Side) SEAFORTn ONT. WANT ADS •13RING' RESULTS — Phone 141' or 142 • -1Nov:--9 -1- , 9 Join -with your 1\TeiglibOrs. Save the Family Farm By Means of 1 Parity Prices - Through Deficiency Pay- ments. RegardleSS of where Yotr.'gell. your cream; you are eligible for a Special Group insurance, that covers Lite: Surgical Medical etc, On the entire family. No, questions .asked.- Pre-existing conditions covered'. 'The Contract has no riders or• exclusions. The absolute ,best coverage available at a price you can reach. • For a short time I Will has help from Head Office to com-. plete all. apPlicatilms. Phone" -for someone,th call on you, or drop info-i-nY °Eke. ,There is no Obligatifiii his is lini)ortant To You — Don't Miss It ! GERALD HLkND ...Dui3LIN 'Phone V- -, TeenTown Topics .. • (By ,ELLEN GORvVILL) , The witches, and goblins turned out in a large attendance for the Hallowe'en dance Saturday night at the Arena. Music was supplied' by, Stewart Baird and his orches- tra, who were suitably dressed to fit the occasion. There were about 225. present at this dance.,• We would like to 'thank the 'Chin- ese couple and our little grammar s chool girl (-better known -as Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. Hutchinson and. .JVIrs. McDowell) for helping to - serve the luneh. at .'iriterMission. • zl'he. lunch was the usual cider and doughnuts which is served every Hallowe'en. . • Prizes were wim by -Pearn Mc 'Lean and Dorothy Boes,. who, I am sure, had most :01 -us baffled all evening as to who they were. I must say this must have been the first time either one of .them has said so few words -in- an evening. We must congratulate them on their ability to keep their ideriti- lieS to themselves_ Other prizes were won by Gail Finlayson and Emily Elliott.. Emily. was the Witch from the Moon„, and.- Gail was her 'escort for the :evening. W,of the executiv&-Voillti; like to congratulate those who pUt on a costtime of rSome sort and Came cut to help make the evening a success, even ifthey didnit get a. prize for Melt eHorts.:Hetter luck next...year, kids!' We , had Visitors 'at the .dande Iroin. Clinton; , God -- rich •and Stratford. • - A couple' of- 'weeks ago Jack Nett „earne .to the ,xn9eting to ask tha irlembers of Teent Town to help support the hockey team. - He ' asked each niernberato sell one booster ticket; -aid also to' try to come out and cheer theplayers attheir league games. • 10—Stratford at '.Seaforth '12 --Preston at Elmira • 14---Sedforth at Stratford .at Preston> .-17---Preston at Seaforth 19—New. Hamburg at Elmira 20—,, Seaforth ' at New Hamburg 21-1'reston at Stratford ' 25—Stratford at New Hamburg 26—Elmira at Seaforth 28-,Seaforth at Preston' -- New Hamburg at Stratford , Dec e • ' ' 1—New -Hamburg at Seaforth 2—Einaira at New Hamburg 3—Seaforth at Elmira - S. -Stratford at Preston • 9 -'--Preston 'at New 'Hamburg ..., 10—Stratford at- Elmira --1.2---"Elnuta at Stratford NR•W Hamburg at Preston 15—Stratford at Seaforth i7—Ne v -Hamburg at Elmira '18—Seaforth at New Hamburg 19 --Preston at Stratford (4 -pts.) • 26--E1mira a New Hamburg, 26Elinira at New Hamburg, 2.30 Stratford at Preston (4 pts.) 2S-Seaforth at Preston 29 Prestod at Seaf.orth January: • 1—Stratford at N. Hamburg, 2.0 • 2 Elmira at Preston New Hamburg at -Stratford 5Elnaira at Seaforth 6—Preston at New Hamburg 7—Stratford at Elmira 9 -New Hamburg at Preston • Seaforth at Stratford 1.3z-Seaforth at New Hamburg '14—Stratford.at Seaforth- • '4• Preston et 16 New Hamburg .at Stratford • Seaforth at' Preston. 19—Preston' at Seaforth , 22 -Stratford at New Ilainburg 23—ETinira at StratfOrd New Hamburg at ?ream. 26L-NOW.Ilamburg at SaVarth 27—PrestOn at 1\IDW HairillUr$ 28-Seaforth at 'Mira 30Seaforth at Stratford RED CROSS NOTES The Seafortli liranch. of the Red - Cross Society will' xrieeta, in the Library rooms Friday afternoon, November 6, at 3 Sixty years ago it took.100 -man hours of work to produce 100 buh- els of Canadian wheat. Today the man hour requirement, because. of machinery, is 25. GEORGE IL KELLER TAXI .sgavict Insured Passengers Phone 149 ' SEAFORTH uron County s in 1959 BUICK—All PoWer $3295 elistorn interior -1959 METEOR SEDAN—Fully Soil =eh equipped• 'volG.4:01W.i.P-- 1959 CHEVR.OLET SEDAN— $2650 fay equipped 1959 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF STANDARD SEI?Als.lep fullY $26•50 • 1958 ' =Four -door; •'authintic•• $2595- • . transmission 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN--Autornatic, trans- . mission; $2550 1958- CHEVROLET BEL AIR -FOUR -DOOR. HAItD- • Top.--y,s, motor, automatic transmission; fully equipped $2595 3-1956 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDANS—Fully •equipped; automatic trans- $2450 mistions ° • A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late PHONE 173 BRUSSELS - "The Horne of Better used Cars” es Used;: r Market .- 1958 OLDszapin,g.FouH-npoR 1.958. SDAN, L. -Automatic, t.ranamission '$2495 :22?-ps 2-1958 :CHEVROIXT. DEL 'RAY. 1,956 ':OARRDDT,TOWB:, F.Di19110Y:owered .SEDANS—Pully equipped •BIZFQP • S1450 1.95 -PLYMOUTH TWO -DOOR ' 95 -1.95. CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2- $ DOOR—Automatic , ..„. CHEVROLET195 'A. number of older models $300-fo $500 1955. GMC 1/2 -TON PICKUI'-- S ch'• • ,„„ Autematic, fully equipped 4040 1951 CHEVROLET 1 -TON TICK- •$ lerk UP, with racks , • 4-saiWPV - Model Cars—Many other Models to chaise from . MOTORS .ONTARIO OPEN EVERY'EVENING 0 fiEST • a DNEY an GARRY OATS THAT WOULD MAKE GOOD SEED • „ Bring In Your Samples For Fast Service SEE BOO 'Old FUEL' OIL, WM. M.. Hurt PhPik4,- 784 8.eagertb 33 / ",••••”. W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited Phone 32 seLi,;.4,5; /1:74.:r0.1)014-.41",,Irevv.M3wm^r, SELL! it Unloading For Your Coniren ienc °1st ro tailors