HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-11-06, Page 1• One Hundredth Year.'
Whole _Number '4786'
$2,50 a Year in Advance,
Single Copies, 5 Cents
. Despite wet foggy weather, Hal-
lowe'en in Seaforth produced hun-
dreds of queerly garbed children,
who, called from door to door
throughout the fawn With the Warn-
ing, , `Trick or treat."; From the
bags of loot with Which' Most of them
were seen, the average household-
er took no eharices and shelled out
with candy, popcorn and apples:
• For the first time in some 30
years there was no organized Hal..
lowe'en activity in town, The an-
nual Lions Hallowe'en frolic; an
institution since its beginning in
the late twenties, was not held in
view, of lessening- interest during
recent yearse,-
Only activity was a welleatten&
ed . dance, sponsored by Teen
Town in the Community Centre.
r. ornas
uxikory Has
Dih Birthday
The Women's Auxiliary of St.
Thomas' Anglican Church celebrat-
ed its -70th birthday on Tuesday,
Nov. 3. The -ladies of the district
churches were their guests.
A celebration of Holy Comment -
Ion was held in the church, during
which Mrs. Cleave Coombs sang a
solo. Later, Mrs. G. 1VIeGavin,
peelent, welcomed the 'ladies at
a reeeption in the parish hall. Miss
CherY1 Moore sang a beautiful
Mr. Hunt, of goderich,
brought congratulations from ,the
Mrs. Donaldson introduced the
special speaker, Mrs. Luelce.,...of
Kitchener, Diecesan Social Servie-e
secretary. Mrs. J. Semple, •Eg-
mondville, thanked the W.A. lad-
ies on behalf of the visitots.
The tea tahle was centred with a
'bowl of 'golden mums, flanked by
gold and white candles. A three-
tier -decorated birthday cake was
--cut by the president, Mrs. 1VicGav-
• in. -Pouring tea- were four life
members:1'. 'Mrs. Wm. Southgate,'
' Mrs. Wm. Oldfield, Mrs. A. Beth-
une and Mrs. E. C. Case.
Check Repairs-
Seaforth Arena -
Complete satisfaction with •the
manner in which repairs had been
carried t out to the arena "was --ex-
pressed when the 'Arena Commis-
sion met Thursday evening, ac-
- cording- to commission --Chairman
W. T. Teall.
Members of the coMmission ex-
amineclethe work, which included
replaced portions of the front ele-
,vation and the tieing'. in of two
trusses: The work was, complet-
ed by .Elmer Rivers. Town staff
carried out paving of the area ad-
jacent to the arena,
The meetirig approved arrange:
ments,With arena staff and agreed
'on a rental ..with the. Junior "C"
team. The team will receive 60
per ,cent of gatesand provide
referees. The arena, will provide
ticket ,staff. A
Plans were set in motion to
hold a- feather party on Friday,
December 11. Proceeds will- be
used to clear up, a batik deficit,
with the balance going to Junior
"C" hockey. '
Sell 14 Bushels
On Apple Day
Seaforth Scouts sold, 14 .bushels
of apples Saturday on their Apple
. Day and took in. nearly $200. It is
expected the annual,. event will net
the troop about $150.00.
About 250 teenagers we're present
in costume.
"Everything was in order at
Hallowe'en," Chief Elmer Hutch-
inson reported. "There wasn't any
trouble at all," he said,
Uricertain as to thes,reasop, Chief
Hutchinson said it could be that
Seaforth youth are becoming be -
ter behaved, or perhaps it was the
bad weather. In any event, he had
but three or four incidents report-
ed, and none was serious.
On Market Street, some lattice
fencing was disturbed, a number
of barrels were rolled from the
Farmers Co-op, and a Milk cart
was deposited in front of the resi-
dence of a Seaforth school princi-
Hensall is Quiet
Hallowe'en was observed at the
public school Friday afternoon,
When programs, .garnes ,and stunts
were featuredPupils up to grade
6 held a masquerade ,parade from
room to room and prizes were
awarded 'for the - best costumes.
-Gracleee-7-ai-rdal-§b enjoyed a pro-
gram, games and stunt.
Ilensall Kinettes will on Sunday
visit 35 sick and shut-ins in the
village and hospitals and nursing
home, and on Tuesday, will .rnake
a house-to-house canvass to sell
tickets on a' draw for a Christmas
- Chief Constable Eees R. Davies'
making the rounds of the. village
Saturday night, assisted e by .two
local -firemen, reported a quiet
HalloWe'en with no vandalism., The
new Bank of Montreal, in the
course of erection,. was guarded -
on ,Friday and Saturday nights by,
Jack Corbett. ;
' s.Iltallowe'en Party Winners_
. The "Hallowe'en, party for Heue
sail and district children, held Sat-
urdaY, eponsored -by Ileneall Kins-
men, was one of the best. The
parade, led by a police cruiser,
with music provided by piper's Bob
Cameron, and Nelson Howe, forne,
tr band inembs, ' with some 'Very
levely costumes, left nothing to be
desired. The parade started -at the
public school. and marched down
main street to the Town Hall,
where the judging of costumestook
place by, age group's.. The children
were tteathd to several coniedy
films „and bags of candy._
Winners Were; under five years,
Ann, knight, Kay Davis, Shelley
)3onthron; eight and under, Bren-
da,, Ludwick, Bradley 1Vionsseau,
1WiehaelrDavie; 10 and under, Paul
Drysdale, s Gary Kyle, Chrissie
Cameron; 10 and over, Brien Smil-
lie, Brenda' Smillie, Freddie Lud-
JfielgeS. were Mts. R. H.
Middleton,Rev. Currie Winlaw
and Mr. G. C. Vats. .
' Committees in charge were:
F'resident Ross , Jinks,. Harold
-Knight, Bill Fii%s and Rebeet -Rea-
burn. Thi,is the first year the
party , has been sponsored by the_
Kinsmen Club. _
Pope!, Drwes
From District
The fall paper drive, carried out
by members of the Lions Club on
Wednesday of last week, produced
16 tons of paper. According toof-
ficials in charge of the 'collection,
several pick-ups remain to be com-
pleted when additionale truck ac-
commodation is available, The
collection produces funds used in
Lions community projects and wels
fare work: '
On Saturday members of the
Oddfellows and Rebekahs held
their anmial CP & T paper drive-
in Seaforth and district and col-
leeted-about nine tons. The pro-
ceeds assist' in purchasing wheel
chairs, hospital beds and crutches.
Hallowe'en Festivities
The following pupils Were prize
- winners at the gallowe'en party
held on Friday 'afternoon at Wal -
ten public school: Juniors -,--Best
dressed, Barbara 13yrans; funniest
dressed, Linda Travis; best dress-
ed couple, Gail Travis and Sharon
' Marks; funniest dressed couple,
Neil McDonald and Murray Blake;
funniest- face, Judy Thomas; cos-
tume Iciest like Hallowe'en, Mary
, Bewley.
- Seniors -- Best 'dressed, Anne
Blake and Linda Brydris (tie); fun-
niest dressed, Ken Shortreed; beat
dressedeouple,Carol Wilbee _and
Wenda:Humpbries; funniest dress-
ed, eel:plass' "terry , Walters and
Bruc Clark; fininiest faces Sher-
rill raig; costume most like Hal-
lowe'en, Carol 'Wilbee.
The, pupils of S.S. No, 12, Grey,
would like to extend a vote • of
thanks te all these contributing to
UNICEF, thus making their Hal-
lowe'en project a success.
• AllaildWe'ere dance was 'held in
-• -the Coninninity Hall on Friday ev-
ening, Prizes were won by Mts.
Stewart McCall and son, jack;
best dressed couple, Mrs Ronald
Bennett; best dressed lady, Mre,
Ralph Travis; best dressed gent.
Music was supplied by the Clinton
Hilltoppers. ^
. Mrs. • Clifford Brown,
Carol, Nancy and Ronnie, of An -
burn, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Broad(foot Sunday after-
noon. '
Mrs- Andrew Coutts and Mr: and
Mrs. E. McCreath were weekend
uests•• with 'Mr: and Mrs. Earle
Coutts, Toronto.
Mr. Lumley McKay, of - Auburn, -
visited, ith-lVir, Prank Kirkby and
family on Sunday.
Miss. Ruth -Anne Ennis, of Kit-
chener, spent the weekendat her
A carload of ladies ..from herd
attended the fall rally of the WA
at Auburn last Thursday.
Miss 'Muriel Schad% of Whig -
bane, spent the weekend with her
parents, 'Mr- and Mrs. Norman
Sehade, •
Tom, Love, son of Mr. and Mrs.
GeorgeLove, is a p ati S en colt
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
A number of Institute Members
attended a baZaar, and supper at
Undeelaciro last Wednesday after-
noon. n.
• Seaforth and district will..!pay
tribute to leewar dead in impres-
sive services on Sunday andWed-
inesday. ' •
• The annhal Poppy Day cam-
paigngets under way Friday and
o to Hospital
Cars Collide
• • • .1 • r . •
F tICE S ' WERE Asioirit, at- the annuel, meeting of Distriet, Association
of Agricultural:Societies' at Milverton :Wednesday. Left to right,- Seated; they are John E. - Sier
Mone R.R. 4, Mitchell, .Mitchell Agricultural Society, director; John. i'Flitter, R,R. 2;' Atwood, •
Mernington Agricultural • Society, ..secretatY; standing; James. A. Mair, Brussels, East' Huron
Agrjcnitural Society,„ peat president; Robert W-Carnphelle R.R. .1,' .Dublin e .Seaforth .s Ageienl- •
turai Society, aesociate director. '(B-H Photo)s . • • "
Tribute was paid Tuesday eve
'leingeto. the outstanding ' contribu-
tion he had made tO the County: of
Huran-WhensWarden William Jew-
itt. was honored On the 'occasion of
the annual warden's T banquet. The
event 'took Piece in Knox Churchs
Graderiche., and -:wae,e, attended by
.serne'30.0., guests, representative of
the ,nainicipai andbusinesslife. Of
the county.
Following a toast to Warden Jew-
itt, ,.Dan Beue,rnaanri, reeve of Mo-
township, and the ' reeve of
•Couneils from two -municipali-
ties concurred with a resolution
from the Township of Crowlancl,
e resolution asked le" have the
provincial • government take over
complete payment and achninistra-
-tiOn of Pliblie welfare in the Pro-
vince of Ontario.
The councils of "Hensall vilrage
and .Tuckersmith township ,both
concurred „with ,this appeal. and
authorized their respective clerks
to advise Crowland officials.
Tlickersniith To Host IICMOA
The engineer's report on the
liams Municipal_ Dramn. was read
and provisionally adopted by Tuck-
ersmith, council Bylaw No. 9, 1959,
on the Stewart Drain -was finally
passed., In accordance with a re-
quest from A. M. Harper, ,C•Ae,
the audit fee for 1959 was increee,
ed to $600, to be apportioned as
follows: Township, $360; Tele-
phone System, $125; School Area,
$100; S.S. No. 3, $15. •
"There were no appeals to the
court of revision on the assess
meat roll for 1960 taxation.
• The Township of Tuckersinith
will be hosts to the 'Huron County
Municipal Officers' Association at
their spring meeting' in 1960. Clerk
Cora "Chesney was I instructed to
pay assistance, on the Williams
1Vlienicipa1Drain. ,
Aeeounts passed included: Town-
shipof _Hay, Deters and Soklan
Drains assessments, $442; fire pro-
tection, $16; dump, $22.50; Adams
Drain, $50; supplies, $36,56; post-
age, .$1,0;supplementary allow-
ane`e, $25; `Clerical assistance, $17;•
drains, $316.75; livestock protec-
tion, $254; nursing home care,
3.25; Town, of ,Seaforth, high
school debentures, $3,061„13; petty
eash, $25; roads, $2,524.79; Receiv-
er -General, '$7.15; . salary- and al-
lowance, $241.63.
Council adjourned to meet De-
cember 1st, at 1 p.m:
lIensall Grants Increase
MeNalighton tax dollector, re
Plan Observance
First Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth, will observe its 92nd
versary with pecial services on
Sunday`, NOV. 15, at 11.ta.re: and
7 p.in, The Reverend Dr. David
'Gowdy, BA., E.D., Th.l:ie; of C,en-
tral Presbyterian Church, Galt,
iviI1 be the guest speaker.
Dr. Gowdy is one of the church's
finest preachers and scholars, and
110 doubt many in the area will
want to hear this outstanding
churchman. Special music • willebe
provided by the choir. Miss Mary
Lilhan MacKenzie, Walkerton, will
beguest soloist,
•ported tax arrears to date as be
Mg $2,436.21, or 4.3 per .cent out-
standing Mr. Heist of Centralia
was present, statin e , assess-
. the '
ment on the old school was ont of
line. The couneil advised hien to
contact the assessorin regard to
this esituatiort.
Constable Bevis reported that
the snow fences had all been put
up, and also that he had put up
more signs at the village dump.
A motion - that the Ilensali Core-
ninnity Memorial Park Board and
Waterworks be billed for the'
share of liability insurance was
The elerk was instructed to pre-
pare a new by-law regarding he,
eneieg of trailers, this to be pre-
sented at the next meeting.,
, A .requesti,. was ' read from Han-
sen Public 'Utilities Commission,
asking ,the ,apProval of Hensel].
Munieipait'Couneil ,for a raise in,
the Comniissioners' salaries to $75
per year: This alpproval wai grant-
A collision early Wednesday af-
ternoon at the' -intersection .of the
4thconcession of -IVIcKillop and the
Mckillop-Hullett boundary -road,
21/2 miles' nerth, of No. 8 highway,
sent two McKillop residents to hos,.
In Scott Memorial Hospital' are
Walter 'McClure, ',,suffering from a
fractured 'rib, - lacerations and
slight •concus§ion, ..and William S.
collarbone, . Both'. are suffering
from shock, according to the at-
tending. physician, Drn E. 1VIalleus.
The driver of the other cer in-
volved, John Crozier, R.R..2, Sea -
forth.' escaped injury.
The accident occurred at an op-
en intersection. The McClure car
Was preceeding west and. the Cro-
zier..ear north on the boundary
road. Mr. Storey was a passenger
in the, McClure -can
'According to CPI' Constable
John McDewell, who is investigat-
ing, the accident damage to the
vehicles was heavy. The McClure
car will likely•be a write-off,- while
the Crozier cars damage is esti-
mated at $1,000,
Wingharri' , Roy Adair, • presented
Mr. iand. Mrs, ejeWitt with .a 'Silver
tea se.rVede.. ' . T.' 77
. The egueet .§peaker was '.Profese
set -James SeottesTbronto, a native
of .Seafeeth. Prof.;:. Scott, who :is
now engaged in ceinpiling the hiS-
tOry oeelititon. County,' termed the'
Warde&e.beriquet-a. ,`fainily night"
.teeeVith all present liavingsoae thing
in, common the welfare of 'Huron
: "The Hilton County :Storyis very
'dated; .and is as strong'. as the
hearts of the. people who .make up'
the commUnitY,said. A1 -
though this is the 'eage of autoina-
.then,'ethere:'are StilI:emany 'things
in,the wored. toddy,. that •can .•be
done by liuniari..beings—and'
One nmsts be • eqtriPpedto. feee 'to-•
andriOws. erietter What it
inay bring." ,. • t
• Meyer Ernest .C.• Fisher, Of Gbds.,
ektendeibla welcome, witb
ex -warden. :MorrisSey;, of
Crediton,., ilittoduchig„Y.the bead-
table..guests, Grace Was: Sara -by
Rein minister.
of,lhe'host: chinch, Jarriei:H.:Kin-
kead, inspecten of public 'school's
fel. North Hurbp, lcd in a sing-
song with Elgin and. Glenn, Nott,
-Seaforth eentributieg' to: the pen-
Anierig . the guests were the war-
den's: Wife and fandly.• and offi-
cials ofsIbillett .T.OWnship,. of which
Warden ''JeWitt is the reeve.
. ,
- Ifetnore people dtoire
eright more
el,. .he effectave jam 1,. . 1 Would be left .
The first meeting of the winter
season of the Parr Line Farm For-
um, was held at the home .of
and . Mrs,' John &hien Monday
evening. Topic for discussion was,
'-4-Thes Farm."
In answer to the first ,question,
thii forum felt' the ttend in this
areeels toward larger farms, :With
bugger .farms there will, be
neighbors to work. with -and Iese
comnitinity spirit, they said.
Deficiency payments should be
restricted to boria fide fanners,
they agreed : In future, srnallferms
may produce the seed, stock for
large eernes. which usully feature
Euchre winners were: , 'ladies,
Mrs. Eldon Jarrott and Mrs. Steel -
'art Blackwell; mere Charles Rob:
insen and Keith Love,
Fireside Farm Forum met Men -
ay night at the home of Vire and
Mrs, Robert . Jamieson. with 7 17
_adults present. The discussion on
the radio was well received . and
proved interesting
Some speakers thought" that the
,Ooverninent should gear their bus.
Mess so as to help the famAy
-farm:, as the disappearance Of it
would damage the rural .school;
also the country chUrChes. This
forum finds ' the very large farms
ha this locality hoe net been a
success, and the Medium size
farniS have proved More success-
- Family farms teem to he in,
creasing as farmers start their
sons on nearby farms and pool
their implements and Make a 'suc-
cess. o
Nextsforurn will be at -the home
of Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph•Babcock.
Winners at euchre were: high,
Mrs. J. Babcock and Mrs. Rebert
Riley; lone hinds, Mrs. Robert
Dalton end Eric Anderson; censo-
lation Mrs. Jim Howatt and 011 -
ver Andetsott,
Accident Victim Dies'
_ .
The death odeurred in Clinton
Public Hospital Saturday of Mary
Jane (Mamie) .Keys, beloved wife
of the late lVfelvin ' Talbot, 'Bruce
field, who died from severe injur-
ies resulting frein 'a five -car crash'
at Brucefield Sunday night, .Oct.
25.- She was in her 72nd year. -She
,yeas 'a valued smember of Bruce -
field United Church .and Women's
Missionary Society. . • ..
_ Survivors'are a son, Ernest 'Tat:
'hot, kippen; a daughter, Mrs.
Chester, (Mabel). Neil, Seaforth;
two 'sisters:: Mrs: John Mesh e of,
Varna; Mrs. Jarneselteid, London;
and a brother; Rev. Melvin Keys,
,London. There are fiVe grandchil.-
Largely ',attended funeral servic-
es were held from Brugefield Unit-
ed Church Tuesday, conducted by
Rev: S.'Dayison, and Dr 3. 'Semple
of Egrno,ndville. Internient was in
Bayfield .cernetery.
Trqppers ii),1•ay
6116114 °filen eri
• .
stnall attendance at the an -
Anal meeting, of: the Iltiron Trap-
pers'.Association in Brussels' Leg-
ion Hail Tuesday evening resulted
inea deeision, to,Nostpono election
of officers uritil spring, according
to Ralph Reffer,", Brussels, who is
In the abserice of President El -
mar ,Ilood, of Monkton, Cliff•Hogy,
Walton, second Vice-presiclentewes
in eharge. Abont 30 attended the
To Make Awards
At Minor Bali Night
The executive, managers and
coaches of the Seaforth Minor
Baseball Association.'will complete
their activities for the year Fri-
day night in the public school when
the presentation of themost valu-
able player award Will be made to
the winning memher of each team,
The awardsare made available
by the Seafarth Chamber of Com-
merce. The program Will be fol-
lowed -by A social for the teams,
arranged and donated by interest-
ed grater's.
The executive wotikl like to
point out that the parents of the
beys are also invited to attend the
evening's aetivities. All ,players
are requested to bring their eni-
forms so that pictures may be
sall, graduate of Victoria Hos-
pital, London, received word
this week' that she had suc-
cessfullY„ paseed her exam and
received her R.N. , Her marks
were 1A, 2B and 1C. Maja is
a graduate of Seafortle District
High School and the daughter
,ofe,Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol,s
Hens ell.
Are Preseiit At
d '
or en s Banquet
continues Saturday, when mein-
bers.4ofethe.' Legion Ladies'
iary will canvassySeeforth. homes, ,
factories and, Places of business,
Proceeds' from the sale of veteran -
made, poppies .; Make possible a
conti'nuation of Legion -Welfare,
Arrangentente for the Pop-
py Day campaign and for the Re
membrance Day program gener-
ally are in charge , of tbe special
eVents Committee of the Legion .
here, headed by Charlie Wood.
The annual church parade of
Seaforth Branch -156 Canadian
Legion takes place Sunday flunk-
ing to Northside United Church,
'when Rev: Je C..Britton will con -
Mkt the service. The parade Of
veterans, which forms at the Post
Office at 10;30 o'clock, will be led.
by the -SDHS Band. '
On Wednesday the annual Re-
membrance Day memorial parade
and service takes' place.- The par-
ade which -Will include Veteran,.
Bey Scouts, Cubs, schocl childen,
municipal, officials and. representa-
lives , Of 'district organizations, will
be -headeclety'llie SDHS Band. At
the, cenotaph in. Victoria Park, inc
teo. Leg-
Warden WilliamJewitt end M.r.s.
Jewitt renterteineeleat the warden's
banquet, .Tuesday 'night to faintly,
friends and .county members at;
.Keieec. Presbyterian Church, Gode
faintly, were: Mr. and ' Xis, Rose
MacGregor,- Wilbtit'
Jewitt Mr. incl•Mrst, Charles Dex--
ter, :'1111r. and Mrs. Wifliam bale,
Mt. and Mrs.' John JeWitte Len-
desbore.; Miss Janet Retweliffe,
Seaforth; Mrs Bill Dowsene,Varne.
Mt. and MI'S. Jewitt Were present-
ed With -a silver tea service,. and
after., the 'banquet a dance follow-
ed in McKay -Hall. . '•
Mr. 'apd Mrs. Robert Woods and
Debbie, of Ajax,* spent the week-
end with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. George Weis, Lin,
da and Larry, and Mrs. Sarah
'Brown, elleof Hanover, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Borden -
'Brown and -family, .
' Mr. and s. Joe'Riley and Mr.
and. Mrs. Frank Ri att decl the
funeral, of Mr, Bert RI ey, Crom-
arty on Monday.
The commuhity extends sympa-
thy to, Mr. Secord MeBrien on the
death of Mrs. McBrien, whose fun-
eral was on Monday.
' Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles Dexter
were spending -a few days with
Mrs. Edith Vincent, of Goderieh.
-LP/lends of Mrs, Waiter Seett are
serrY JO -learn she is ea, patient -M
a °anti spital.
Mre. rank Riley spent Wednes-
-day - London With her sister,
om Riley, of eClinton, while
1VIr. Tom Riley underwent an op,
eration Londori nospital.
. .
SDHS .Board Clears
Drainage Of Field
Approval for' the drainage of the
SDIIS rugby field was given lay
the sDns Board wizeu it met in
the school Tuesday evening. The
board accepted the tender of Ross
Scott Ltd, for fuel oil at 2.6 eerits
less than the current tank price.
The tank price at the moment is
18.7 cents.
The board recognized the hon-
ors received by the SDIIS Trumpet
Band and conimeeded the them-
-hers and instructor, George Hilde-
.November. 11th, Dinner
:Members of the Legionevill hold
a diriner in the COlierniniitY Centre
On Wednesday evening. This is, be-
ing -.arranged by the Ladies' Auxil,
Planning.: and co-ordinating . the
various Reinembtance, Day .activi-
tiee .are •President ',Harry. Nesbitt,
and special event S 'eliairnieri Chase,
Wood, of of 'the Canadian .Legion,
Logien officials, in qjiSCLIssing
parade arrangements, emphasized -
thateit Was hoped, that all Vetetans,
and servicemen in jhe. district,
gardleSS of whether or not they -
were:Legion' inerriberss.would take
part in .the 'church .parade..and in
'the Iteinernbience-DaYparede and
service. , • • •
: The Noveniber Meeting of -,the
Seaforth' branch of the Legion. is
being..., held Thursday evening
. evening Of"
next week. . Nomitationeefor the
various' offices be tebeived...`;
Entertains tor
Bride Elect
, Mrs., Harvey Johnston entertain,
ed at a trousseau tea in honor of
her daughter, Doris Pauline, at
the Huron „County Home onFri-
day , Oct. 30; from 2 to 5 pen. and
7 to 9 p.m, The gnests, were re
ceived at the door byMrs. Har- ,
vey„ Johnston; Mrs. Elgin -McKine
ley and Miss Doris Johnston. '
• In ,thes aeternoon. Miss • jean
Smith, Brussels, displayed the
china and miecolleneOus items, and
Miss 'Joan :Johnston, Clinton, dis-
played the liens. Mrs. ..James
ArniStrong,, jr., Brussels, display: ,
ed the wedding gifts,' and IVIrs.'
Crane McLeen, • Hensalledisplayed
the trzAssnesaoinie
Mrs. m'o,xiniey and Mrs.
Bob sMcKinley, • of -Zurich; Mrs:
Kenneth. Pinson, Fullerton, and, •
Mrs. Gertrude Bewley, Clinton,
poured tea', with Mrs. 'Clarence
Martin , and •Mrs,- John •Bryans, of '
Walton; Serving the guests,
In the. evening Mrs, David Hack -
well, St.....,Marye: displayed the ,
china and mistellaneols, 'qrs. An-
son MeKinley, Zurich, displayed
the litiens__Mre...,,G,rant McLean,
Hensall, 'displayed.; the weddhig •
•gifts, and . Miss . Carol Pepperes
Clinton, clisplaYed the trousseau.
Mrs. .James Armstrong, Sr., of
Brussels; Mrs. Pearl
Seaforth, Mrs. Bert jolinston)3rtis-
sels, and 1VIrs. E. Redford, Clinton,
poured tea, with ivliss .CarolPlum-
steel and,Miss Betty Ann Gibbings
of Clinton, serving the guests. ,
Ladies' helping in the kitchen in -
eluded Mrs. gd. Bryans, Walton;
-Mrs. William -Flood, Seaforth;
Mrs. sJames.McDonald, Mrs Ken- '
neth McDonald, and Mrs, Harold
Bolger, ef Walton.
One thing can he said for today's
dollen,. It has - plenty bye-ing ,
EIGHT NEIGIII$ORS of Jelin A.' Bruce Came to ilia as
starlet reeentlY, and plowed 25 acres Of land at R.R. 3, Wale
ton. Mr, 13rnee is "recuperating from an Operation. §hown-
here, from left to rigat, ate the helpers: Donald Buchanan,
Cliff Ritchie, Rem Wilhailleon, Alvin Stitnore, Ilarvey Cra
Allan Johnston, Sim Bolger, and: Jim, Wilson, tt X rkoto.