The Huron Expositor, 1959-10-30, Page 12.1,Fen-THE HURON TEXPOSITOR, 5E4E0.417, ONT: „OCT:, SO, 3.00, • Chiirch Notitet!:. nunounannummunumniumum First PRESBYTERIAN,, cHURCI71- Rev. D. Leslie Elder Minister H. A. KEMPSTER Organist and Choir Leader • 10 A.M. Church School and Yeah Fellowship A;Iff. \ "Counsellors = Good artil Bad" • . music -Senior Choir: - Antherri. "Praise Ye, Jehovah" (LyenS) Soloiete Mrs. , 7;00 P -.11t - "The. Gospel in a Tear": omusic-..Tnnior Choir: Antheni . "On the King'. Highway" and • (Brannan) "Jesus.. Loves Me" • (Peery) Mr. Kempsfer liai had the Jim- ior Choir working diligently -- no doubt the evening music 'will be pleasing to hear. 1111111111111111I11111111111111111.11illliii11111 .. EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH DR. J. SEMPLE, Nfinister. Lyle Hammond ' Organist -Choir Leader + 11 A.M. "HAS rr EVER OCcuARED TO YOV THAT THERE ARE SOME 'FOLLOWERS JESUS DOES NOT WANT?" • The Religious Film of the fear: "I'll Sin.NQt C,rY" • Color) Attempts to reflect Afrikan life, and thinldng in religioue tenne. , Special Film for, Boys and Girt: "A School Bell Rings in Angola" • A Service for every member 4:d -bit CHURCH SCHOOL - 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY, 2 P.M. •=e" Regular Meetings of W.M.S.. and WA. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. 41. • We write all lines of_ INSURANCE, Fire ,Auto -Wind Liability and Life, , John Ai-----ICardno Successor to 'WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth Representative: Manufacturers Life - Insurance IIII11111111111111111t11111111111111111111111111 LADIES! GIRLS! Preparing For the Party Season? For ALL those dress up -occasions be coenfortable in • a pair of Smart, Sty- lish Pqmps from WILLIS SHOE STORE Our pie -toe.._ and needle. toe pumps with illusion or high heelsare built around lasts that have you In mind.. You'd be surprised how. comfortable they aree This Week Only - 20% Off All WOMEN'S PUMPS And don't forget to protect those shoes with the newest in Plastic Overshoes - from $1:98 -to -$2.98 WILLIS Shoe Store Since 1862. - SEAFORTH •: 'ONTARIO noanammanniummunuonama McKillop United Chaege.-eBethd, 16 a.m.; Cavan; 11;30 a.m.; Duff's, 2 pen. Rev. W. H. Summerell, Minister, , • St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - Sunday, School, 10:00 a.m.; Morn- ,ingeeprayer, 11:110 a.m.; Evensong, 7:00 p.m. Holy cemneunion first Sunda er morning of Month and third Sunday at 9:00 a.m.-Rev. H. Donaldson, Rector. , , Northside United Church. -Sun- day, November 1:. -Morning Wore ship, 1.1 ,a.m.; Evening Study. in Acts, 7.p.m; Church School, 10 axe Nuts,ery' attendants ' f or younger children during -morning worship.. -Rev. J. C.. Britton, Min- ister; James A. Stewart, Choir- master; Mrs. Santee A. Stewart Organist. 'Cbii.di',..GroupS . NORTHSIDE co,rr , The regular meeting of North- side'CGI T was „held Monday ee‘ .nig' with, 19 present. •For ,a pro= jet this year, the group decided to make a quilt ,and -later on; rag dolls. Next. week' will be a , Har- lowe'en party. " TnArrikoy,rERING The autumn thankoffering, Nortliside United Church WA was held Tuesday eveeing with a good attendance. Mrs. J. C. Britton op-- ened the meeting with a poem and prayer. Mrs.. C. Walden presided; The .resident welcomed everyone • _ • The Scripturevea-e read by Mrs. C. Cochrane. Prayer was given by Mrs. A. IVIcMichael. ' THE BAFFLES By Mahone Mrs. :J. A. Stewart and Mrs. Johnson favored with a lovely duet on the piano ,and organ. The of- fernig was received by Mrs: B. F. .Cheistie Mrs. M. Berger and'Mr, Pe T. Moffat 'sang a duet: Reye.Donald- een told a.boift the missionary work in Chili,, especially about the In dians. Mrs. J. A. 'Westcott thank- ed Mr. Donaldson, . •WMS THANKOFFERING • The ,Thankoffering meeting • of the Afternoon WMS Auxiliary, of First. Presbyterian China was held In the% church hall on The day fierneon, with guests present from Carthel, .Church Au-xiliariee, Hensall,. 'the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary and the McKillopeAffili- ated Green). The. president, Mrs..J. L. Bell, presided affd welcomed theguests.'.. • ..., ...The ScriPture lesson and, com- ments were given by Mise Belle, Campbell; followed with prayer. by Mrs IV., John Thompson. Mrs. F. Kling's solo, "'Thai:des Be To God,". accompanied by Mrs. J. MeGre: gor, was much -enjoyed. Mrs. E. Geddes played suitable music while the offering was 'received by Miss Jessie Freser'and Mrs. 'IVIc- , Mrs. Bell introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. G. C. Vis, of Hen - who gav,e. a helpful message on Thanksgiving, reminding the group that it is seerificial giving -which, gives the greateet satisfac- tion. Mrs. J F. Seat told a suit- able Thabksgiving story entitled, "The Grunipy Saint." Those tak- ing part were thanked by Miss I. 'Gray. Following the meeting a se- cial time was spent, -when lunch was serven bythe social convener, Mrs. 'W. Droveie and her com- mittee.- ' • BARBARA KIRKMAN The Barbara Kirkman Arixiliary of First Church held their Thank - offering .meeting. in the ' church' Tuesday when Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Clinton, was the' guest speaker. The 'president, Mre_e_We A. Wright, presided and opened the. Ineetiiig with a Thanksgiving poem and prayer. Mrs. Wright extended a ivelcome' to all the guests who, were present. A Short business meeting followed,- and the offer, ing was 'neeceiVed by Mrs. Mae Dorrance and -Mrs. J. E. Willis. Miss F. Laidiaw 'Teed passages of Scriptere and Mrs. E. 'Andrews led in °prayer. Mrs. Frank Kling, guest soloist, seng ,`The Hymn Of Thanksgiving,", aecompanied by Mrs: M. R. Rennie, ' Mrs. Lane was introduced by the president and basing, her theughte on the 'work in miskonary groups' she gave a fine Thanksgiving ad- dress. She said that''our. ,groups cannot--; depend% on organization, personalities. or numbers for suc- cess, but must xely on prayer for it is the great source of strength and help, We can only serve best by keeping Close to our. Lord in prayer. Mrs: Keith Sharp expressed a word of thanks to Mrs. Lane and the others taking part in the meet- ing, A social time was spent when hutch -was setved by a committee convened by Mrs., C. Reith, 1VIrS. T, Fox. a.nd Mre. D. Nixon. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Is now located at our Residence On: Centre Street (On the North •Side) Akt.TYPES Of 1UPHOL$TERING As Well As Car Upholitiring Done , Let Us Quote',.You On Your geOUiremeutS..L CALL vs,Axn tat vs Wow: YOV` OUR SAMPLES AFORTH WELL Hew esteem THIRY WORDS AN HOUR? MEN! I'D LIKE vou 10 MEET OUR NEW CHAIRMAN 0F,THE • NEWS OF WALTON HUSBANDS, FAMILIES ARE GUESTS WHEN INSTITUTE ENTERTAINS Faniuly;Night wee observecl the Cortehurtity :Hall Thursday. ev- ening Wheel the. ladies of the Wal- ton Women's _Institute ,,,entertained their husbands nd» families ,..to "a pot -heck sapper, . serVed cafeteria style. After a very delicious meal,. a short meeting was 'held by' the Waltets in charge. Minutes of the previous meeting:and letter's wete read by the secretary, Mes. E.,Mc- 'reath. An ' levitation -' from the Londesboro.•Woreen's Institute was extended to the Walton branch to attend their bahatand tea :en. October 28, Comineneing at 3 P.M.' The short course; "Catering. to Crowds," will be held April 5, 1960, and as Ce,anbrook is having. the, same course it was decided to, invite them to join'eyitle•this group. A.fall rally will be held in Brus- sels November 2,,i with registra- tion:at 10 am. The Walton branch will go to'the.County Home Nov. -18- to •-celebrete - :their , November ,birthday. party, when a program and, gifts will be presented by the society. A euchre .party will -be held in the 'Community Hall in Novembef."' The eoll'ecall was"answered by, the husbands giving- their idea of an -ideal'Wife. Miss Angela Armitt, of London„ •took''over and enter-` tained the audience, with -her 'Wit -and belpful ideas ire square danc- ing...She also taught'a number of ,games to -the junior boys and. girls:' During :thercourse :153 'the .evening she gave, an interesting talk on her . recent visit to the British On Saturday evening some of the children in the community are having a 'Hallowe'en for UNICEF. An _orange ,,tag will distinguish the visitors who will be collecting Hallowe'en "treats" of coins. These will,be converted into life- saving meicines, milk and, vita- mins, preventive, vaccines. essen- tial to the health and welfare of children --in "'More than 100 cowl- -- Weekend guests at the- home -of Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas were: Mrs. J. Dennison, Of Galt; Mr. and: Mrs. David Andrews and Mr. and Mrs. :Neil Reid, Dennis and Eric, of Torolifb?" Mr. and Mre. Torrance Dundee Visited on Sunday with etr'and HARLOCK Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe and family mi Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. 'WM. Orr, of Milverton, and Mr. and M'rs'. Russell lVfiller and family, of Seaforth, Services at leurns''' Chureh will be held at1.:30, beginning Sunday, November 1. A nuniber of theeleinaes1e -ladies attended the Central convention :1:L13771,1d at Constanee last Wed 1Vlissee Beth McEwing, of Kit- chener, and Marjorie McEwing, London, spent the weekend arthe home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MgEwing and family. .001VIARTY The •inembert ,of the Presbyter- ian CGI T entertained • their friends at a Hallowe'en party in the church baeement on Tuesday eve- ning. mil,- T. L. cott, Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs, T, Laing, Mrs. le ,Sors-. dahl and Mrs. Houghton attended the Presbyterial' sectional meet- ing of the WMS at Motherwell-Av- onleank Church Tuesday afternoon, Church service will be .resumed on Sunday afternoons, beginning November 1; Sunday- School, 1:30 pert.; church service, 2:30 p.m. • Mr- Andrew McLachlan,- Mrs. Grace Scott, 'Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mr. and Mrs. Wirt. Miller,Visited with friends at 13e1- mont, and Mapleton on 'Thursday. Mr. and Mre. OliverF,e0, Exe- twethi er,veistirady:with Mrs: ,Hetighton 011 Aukiliary Plans 1Ia2a,ar The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary met le the chinch -on 'Tuesday eve- ning with a good attendance. Mrs, Wesley Russell presided. The de- votions were taken by Mrs. Gor- don Lairig. Mrs. Gordon Scott and --IVErs. Frank Hamilton had charge Of thee Study 'book. Mrs, Gerald Carey had a fine paper' on Thanks- giving Mts. Robert Laing and Mts. Carey sang n duet. The niein feature of the business was the making arrangements for the conv- itxg bataar, to be held on ;the af- ternoon Of Novetaber 8 in the basoment of the ehilreh. Mrs. Armour Dundas. London. Mrs, -Fern -Patterson is visiting with her sistereeMiss neye Love, and other .reativeTs- Toronto. ' M-reeeande`Mf'L-a'wrence Marks, Exetee, visited with Mr. and Mr.,:Russell Marks on Sunday, A -large number from Walton -cougregation--ettended-annivers6-- ary services at Moncrieff United 'Church on Sunday:; when a ...fcirin- er .thinister, Rev. R.- q. Hazle- wood, of Hamilton, was guest Mr. E. C. Miller has returned to Lethbridge, Alberta,' after' spend- ing to weeks withhis mother; Mts. I'. H. Miller, and Mr. and Mrs.,D. Ennis. Kenneth Ttyae,. son of Mr. ,aed Mrs. JoSeph Ryan, left on Sunday for Ridgetovvn,-,wheee he will. at- tend the Western Ontario Agricul- turale School. •, -Mr. R. Achilles, of Northern On- tarke,' spent the weekend at his home here. Miss Arlene Willi.ainson has re- turned, home after spendieg a _week in New York. • EGMONDVILLE Workmen have been busy ,this weekinstalling new steps and side- walks at the manse, *Lade, along with a new ,gerage, erthances the appearance,and convenience of the property considerably._ Mr. and,Mrs,„. George Love, of Gbeterieh; were visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Harry Weiland last week. Townsbip council worknien have reopened and graded the roadway beteveOle Main 'Street and the pro- perty , recently acquired by - Mr: David ,Sliannon from Mrs. E. Kruse. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephen - .son attended the 25th wedding an- riiversary dinner. of Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Scotehmer at the Little Inn, Bayfield, on Saturday • evening. Brussels C.N.R. Agent Retires 'Walter C. Kerr, agent at. the CNR station; Brussels, for the last 35 Years, is on vacation until No- vember 30, when be will officially retire after serving the Grand Trunk and Canadian National Rail- ways foi- 46 years. , ' . He commenced hiscareer at Milvertoneas an assistant DTI May 1, 1'914, at a salary of $20 a month. During the early part of 1916, he became a 'relief agent -operator Thr thd Stratford division, and lat-, er In the same -year he was second operator at B'rampten. -During his eight years there he moved up to first opera -role On May 1 1924 Mr. Kerr was appointed agent opera- tor at Brilseels, which position he has held until now. . During his lengthy carder, he has noted e great .many ehanges iri the 'transport department: the replacing of steam engines by diesels;' the ehange from a ,12- haur day, six-day week, to the cur- rent . 40 -hour five-day week; 30 - foot box cars giving way to 40 and 50 -foot carse the keen competition nowadays among transports, bus- es and airplanee, whereas in ,the "olden" days everything was de- pendent alien the trains; The tele- phone haseeeplacedAhe telegraph; and teletype it displacing both in a great 'many instances. ' Besides his railroad duties, Mr. Kerr has been actively interested in lnunicipal and church affairs. Ile; served' as a municipal council- lor for six years, and as reeve in 1938 and 1939. He has also served as a trustee on the school board, and as a Hydro corninissioner: In speaking of his years in Brus- sels, M. Kerr, noted that only three businessmet are still active in the bn,siness seetion of the town, who, vvere here When he •came. They are E. 'Re Smith; druggist; W: E. Willis, -baker, and p, M. McTavish. • • --Mr. Kerr is a member cif the :session, and ehairman. of the board of managers. of Melville _Presby- terian Church, • • • Ile is being relieved -by his son, John; who is a regular relief agent for the Stratford divisiorf:'The ap- pointment of a regular agent will be made some time in December. Mr- ,Kerr -expects to continue to live in Brussels following his ;re- tirertiente LOCAL ' BRIEFS'. Nes. Russell •Bulloch, and Mrs. Fred Schultz, of, Freston, visited Feldey with: Mrs, JohrieCuiremings. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smate, Sar- nia, visited last Week with,Mr.'and Mrs,. Albert: Smale. . . Mr, and Mrs. John Butt, Flint, Michigan, :were weekend .gusts with Mrs. We E. Butt. Mrs. Charles Hagan, of London,. spent a -few days' iq town visiting frien4.". ' ' - Dr. and Mrs. Stuart. Crouch, of Toronto, ,were the' guests of Mrs. James ..G. ,/gullen. , . .„ Messrs. Jack and Bill Har- greaves, of. ' Toronte, spent • the weekeed, with Mrs. E. P.- Ches- Miss Anne Troutbeek,,es a dele- ,gete from- St. Thoinas'. Anglican Church AYPA, Attended the : 28th annual Ontario ,P. incial 'Confer- / "ence:in Ottaeva; .:.- Tech. Sg. Ja "es Ce Taman; .Mrs. 'Fenian ,ancl amily, of Steph- enville, ,Newfo , ,and, are visiting at the home• IVIr.. and Mrs: E. H. Close:, :Mrs.. H. V. Workman: has .re- turned from, a trip be the Western Provinces. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Smale„ Mid - .land, and Mrs. Will. 'Stephen,son, Ilensall, :visited over the weeketacl with, Mr, And Mrs.. Albert Srnale. • e Mr., Herold. Cummings, Of Strate ford -e visited, on 'Sunday with Mrs. John Cummings. . • Misses ' Anne ' and Janet , Goven- , . , lock, of Weston; were weekend griets :With Mrs H a Scott. e .Mrs. Fraser Oliver • and. Karen, of Dundas; Were guests of, Mrs. T..D. Olivet ' on Saturday. - Mr. and IVIPS r'.1.. ' Gear Of Fer- gus',' were 'weekend guests of Mr: end MrS. Wessell Sprpat, , .., 'Vire and Mrs. J., Gladstone Mills and,Mr and -Mrs. Sydney-,eMortore. of Port Nelsen:- were ,visito-re this .week with Mrs. T. G: Mullen end the Misses,.Laidlaw. ' Miss' Mar?' Dodds, of Toronto, --Vras'-in--Seaforth-Saturdny7attentle ing the funeral of the late Mrs: Bessie Kerr.. ` , -: - , Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean .and family- were. in Elora, Sunday vis- iting the .Misses • McLean. ...Mr.. and Mrs. Edward. MeIvet, Cathy: and Mark, . of:- Waterloo, 'Spent' the we,eiceed. with Mrs. 'Sar- ah McIver. , ... ,, ', -"... ': : Mr. 'and:Mrs. Harold Dennis,: „Douglas', Dy'sou, Jean and Noema, , .of Toronto, Were Senday guests of I Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Sproat. , • Mr.. Jack. C'aineebell, Mc•Killop, IS confined to the -Tharner lehirs- nig Heine, Seaforth., • ,.. -Mr. 'and. Nits: . Gorion -1V1., Hays; Detroit, Michigan, • visited, last weekend at the home Ofeher-sis- `ter, Mrs: C. P. Sills,. ; • . ' . . • • Mr. and IVers.. Deriald-Van Wyck, of Fergus, Were'. weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell ,Sproat. . Mrs. Jean Cairns . and Mrs. _yy. A. Wright spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott .B.rucee Mr. and Mrs: H. Minett,, Flpri- da, have returned to 'their home. here after' spending :.the , Seininer in AustraltaearTeleTew Zeal.and. _'.. Nine and IVirs. 'Doneld Shaw,..Of Itidgetown, were recent:gueses of Mr. and. Mrse....johri -Beattie . and Mt: and Mrs. R. ,H. Sfiroat., . 'Attending the , annual convention of the, •Ontario ' Hospital, AssOcia- Ben. in: 'Toronto this week were Mrs. Joseph McConnell, from, the, boardof' Scott Mei-norial Hospital; the superintendent; Mise V. Drope;, board ,Secretary Lloyd' Hoggarth, and Mrs. 5...Lampe:and Mrs. M. W. Stapleton, representing .the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. • DISTRICT .::.WED01116$ . NIGH-SWATRIDGE , A pretty wedding was soleinniz-, ed on Saturday, October .17, at 11 a.m. at St. Marys Itornan Cath- olic Churelie' Tillsouburg, when', Elizabeth „Anne Swatridge, of R.R. No. 2, ,Courtlatid, exchanged wed- ding vows with William Thomas Nigh, of R.R, No. 4, Seaforth. The bride is the, eldest daughter .of Mr. and IVIrse Charles II. -Swatridge, R.R, 2, Courtland, and .the groom is 'the., eldest •son of Mr. arid Mrs. John J. Nigh, of*,R.R. 4, Seafortie The church was decorated, ..with white and yellow mains. The Rev. Father R. L. Morse officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, cnose a floot-length gown of chiffon 'taffeta, having long. lilypoint sleeves, scoop neck- line ciutlined by guipure lace trim - Med with pearls and' sequins.The high empire line topped by e bow enhanced the fell ,Princess, line 'skirt•fallirig leieee-slight 'train; Her fingertip veil was held in place by. a Juliet nap of sequins and seed pearls, and,•was trimmed with lov- ers'. knot lace. She 'carried green Orchids • with stephanotis on a white Bible. .. , • , ' , • Mrs. Charles 'G. Swatridge, sis- ter-irelaw ef the bride, was matron of honor,wearing a bronZe 'peat], cle-,soie dress. in the princess line with bracelet -length sleeves: Her be*, headdress' was of the same mateelet. Her flewers were yellow and bronze mums, with a -backing Of 'creton leaves. ,Bridesmaids were Miss Mari - aerie Swatridge, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Ernest Norris,' of Guelph , - friend of. the -bride: Their dresses were 'tbe same as • the patron. Of honor, in goldeend..greee, respec- tively. . Mr. Feenk'-Nigh,:of.Egniondville; brother -of the grpom, acted as best man, and the ushers were Mr• 'John. Nigh,, brOther Of the groom, and Mr.: Cherie§ Swatrielgeth , broe treahrlde. • , • Followieg the ceremony a recep- tion was held at Mil -Mar Manor.. The decorations were all ine the. shades of fall. - Mrs. Swatridge, mother of the bride, received gowned i11'a inoss green embroidered eylon over taf- lege 'alieath two-piece dress. Her -eccessories were of :beige' and brown, and . her corsage was sun- burst roses. Mrs. Nigh, mother- of .the groom, received gowned in a flowered ,navy taffetawithenavy and pink accessories; Her cOrsage was pink sweetheart roses. "Later,' 1V1r.. ,and Mrs. Nigh left on, aevireddinetrip toAtie St. La.wi- erice Seaway. and to the Neee•Enge land States. On their. return they will Tillsornebsiudreg . G at 3e2eDste-s: e levan el:pCrsecseellit ; sfrpoainfori•Tho,reLnetnode"Straandor34d,i.th'yelllni.er, • '•McCUR.DY---LAMPORT , HENSALL-e-Marion Anne Lam- port exchanged marriage vows with. Donald 'Cooper McCurdy.i.n. a pretty autumn .wedding at Thames Road United Church .before the Rev. -Hugh Wilson. 'The .bride, is the daughter ef'ller." and * Larnport, R.R. 1 Heneall„ and theegroom isa.Son of Mr. 'and. Mrs.. *Cooper ' McCurdy, R.R. 1, :The 'bride wore e floor -length gown of nylon tulle 'over net ,fully lined with ,point de sole. The shire -red bodice featured a scoop- neek- line with hand embroidered Aegene tian lace, and the extra full skirt had a back fullness gethered inte soft draii.es by miniature-be-WS...A' ZION Anniversary guesth at Zion on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Bushfield; Mr, and Mrs. Norman Dow and -family. Mr. and Mrs. Heeplde Smith ,and family; Mr: and Mrs. Ross Gor- don and family, Mr. II. Gordon, Mr Ross-Nfurdie arid Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. , -Mrs. Mary Malcolm, Mrs, Leslie Moore- and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams -and family with Mr. and ,Mrs," Lloyd llarket.' Mes. George Pepper, Mrs. Heivitt, Mrs, M. Hannot, Mr. Dalton Balfour, and Mr. Alvin Wor- den and family with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Nairnewithe Mr. and .Mrs. •Lorne Aikens. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durst and family with Mr.- and Mrs. R. S. Mr. and Mrs, Arehie Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Altus `Earl, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hannon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bakker and family with Mr. and, IVIre. Roy Hannon, • Mr. • and Mre. john Bell, Mr. arid Mrs. Ray Hume *and, family and -Mr e and Mrs. Bert Mahaifee with Mr: and Mrs, Alex Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Kew lereanaer with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb and Lloyd, Mr, and: Mrs. Alfred Fran- cis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burchill with Mr, and Mrs: Charles Roney. , -- Rev, Evan MeLagan with Mr. and Mrs," Lawrence Barker. . Mr. Howard Wright and Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper.' • We 'ere -sorry to report Mrs. Alexia Malcolm fell and broke her hip and is confined to Stratford Hospital. • Customer: "My suit won't be finished for six weeks? Look the Whole world 'was iriade fit six daye." Tailor: "Yeah, and look at it tow." Report Error - In. Topnotch ' Adv. t In an advertisement for Topnotch Feede, appearing in The Expesi- tor last week, the price for 34% Cow Concentrate should have read $72,00 per ton, and not the price that appear -ed. The fellow with Inoney: to burn :seldom sits by the- fire, Oil a per capita baeis Canadians produce one-quarter 'fewer goods mid Services than do 0,8. eitizets. With things in this-etath there can be no_ equality of Canadian' and ,Ameritan Wages. • ANNOUNCEMENT , Mr. and Mr's. Harvey Coleman, R.R. 1, Zurich, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Elinor Mae, to Henry Orval Schil- be, R.R. 1, Dashwood, , youngest son of Mrs: Henry Schilbe, Rea. 1, Dashwood, and,. the late Henry SchiIbe. The marriage will take place in •Varna United Church on Saturday, -November 14, ' W,I. PLAN RALLY The WI rally will be held at the United Church:, Brussels, on Mon- day. Registration will take ,place at 10 -am,, with afternoon sessions at 1:30 p.m. Box lunch will be re- quired. for the noon meal, Tea will be prdvided, by ,dViajestic In- stitute. ., crown of selecl 'pearls and sequing held her fingertip veil of nylon tulle illusion with embroidered lace motif, and she carried a White Bible crested with, white ros- es, stephanotis and trailing ivy. eeliossmedsm ri000nAlberxiadnederawidaswe s inarid oflooe MissCarolMcCurdy, sister of the groom, and Miss Maxine Reeder. They were gowned alike in. cock- tail -length, dresses of turquoise vel- • Dr. R. K. Lyons, Leamington, wasgroomsman, and uehers were Glen .Lamport, brother of -the bride, and ,Jack,Atkinsori. , For trav,elling the bride chase a blue and grey wool plaid suit - with royal blue and grey acces- sories and corsage of blue tinted. mums. They will resideiii Exeter. fgrnirclville 1/11MS.. Hold Special „ Thankoffering -The-autumn Thankoffering meet- ing of the 'ATMS of Egniondville -United Church wee held in the:Sun- day 8Chooi -room of the. church with a• good attendance. An' invi- tation to• a :bazaar at .Brucefield on le -Oven -lb& 14 was accepted. Group, 1 are in charge of flowers for the church. ,The Shorthor.n, banquet will be held on December -3, and the December -meeting will be held_ December 9. , The WMS, president, Miss Franz cee Houston,took the chair. An invitation was accepted to attend' St. Thoinas' eArtglicari Church` on November 3 for a 7.0th birthday celebratioe on- Mese:Ms. Mts. A. Routledge 'brought a,ttention to;ehe bale that is -leeing packed the`elasr week' in October. The Call to Wor- ..shile_etTlinkeof....These_Theigi:eLwae., led' by Mrs, R. McGonigle. Scrip- ture was given _by .Mrs. D. Steph- enson •and meditation' by Mrs. L. Hammond. The thankoffering, vvas. received bY Mrs. C. Eyre andMrs. E, Boyes,followed by missionary story, 'The Empty Bowl" by Mrs. Preston Dallas. • • , • The guest' speaker Was Miss Sy- bil Courtice, retired .WMS mis- sionary, who now lives in Clinton. Miss Courtice was appointed as. a missionery. in 1910 and retired in 1950. A great deal of her work GEORGE' IL MILLER TAXI SERVICE Insured Passengers-, - Phone 149 SEAFOR,l'H ''blue WILLIS. I)UNDAS Charni).1on Stove. and :Pei -nisi, Oil DT,I,NDAS and LONEY . phone 573 ,or 138 •: BEAUTY SALON Phone 373 , SEAFORTH 9TAR10 and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart ,Phone 784 Seaforeti In a very interesting, way she spoke about the customs of thank- fulness amenthe 'Japanese peo- ple, Are we thankful' enough for all our b16,ssings here in Canada? Following up the thought in the worship service,"Whatsoever things are lovely," think' on these things, slre-'challenged her •listen- ers ter work for theen. Are we ivornen interested en- ough about the vote regarding' the Canada' Temperance Act in Hur- on?. Are'vve thinldrig about it in the light of What is going to be best for our people? Miss Cour- tice spoke .about the new woman's organization that is to be formed in tbe -United Church. She cone, pared it to an open gate or door. In elosing, ,she said that it would be, a larger field of work in the church. Mrs. James IVIcInto-W thanked. Mies •Courtice. Miss.Hous- ton closed the 'meeting with pray- er. A social. half-hour was spent with lunch by Group 4, with Mrs. C. Eyre and Mrs. C. Pullman as hostesses.: "." LE104011I'S TAXI , , • -and- PARCEL SERVICE dill Passengers Insured , 676 .675 DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH WALTON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 at 5.30 to -'8400 p m . . . Adults $1.50 ---- Children 6-12 75c Program will follow the supper, consisting of Male Quartette, ' Listowel. sego& Recd Estate and Irisuratice PHONE 458 /211•••••$N620$.11$1. First Pr.esbyferian Church ANNUAL Wednes a ay. BOOTHS • Homemade Baking • Aprons , ' _ • K ted Items and Produce _IVIYSTEItY B03‘CES , AFTERNOON,TEA:. Opens at 2 o'c.lnek . . CE Everyone is cordially in- vited to enter a Float -hi. the Chiistinas Parade . 'Saturday, Ntiv._ 2 Floats should be of. a All CouhridioSetainl.TamSp1Teinheennie t Deal, ere •have agreed , to. furnish :.,Traetors for those who..haven't any ,means of. kcomOtion. 'tntries should -be-in the hands ,.of • the Parade, Marshal, TOM WILBEE, .not later than Friday, No- veruber PHONE -459-T or 56 Sell that unnecessaryeehece of , furniture through a Huron Expos'. .1 tor Classified Ad. Phone 141. 1 • • It, time to shop kr your PEPSONA • • $ CRISTvAS cos that vital ink- nvach of your hien doh. At. Choose from tho 8l6LST most BEAUTIflll arid YARILD display of Christmas Cards We have Shown in many .a year, THE. -.0Oatu'red THE --'•NATIONAL UN, • • • 1 • "es.. • • • • • lb-ey - -A/ • s eeesece-e • -The uron Expositor Phone 141 �r142 14- mom.