HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-30, Page 6• '•• 6 -THE 1HTEON.EXPOSITOR, ,SEAEORTH ONT., OCT, 30: 105$ USE ilat§i- .OLAWEIOATIONS` TO TOUR *WANTAGM e 1. Coming Events ' 2. 1,.ost. ,Strayed 8. round 4. Help Wanted 5. BISSiXISSS 6. Teachers Wanted 7- Situations Wanted .8. Farm Stock For Sale PoluitrY.. For Sale • 10. "Used Cars For Sale • 1.1, Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 14. Per Sale or itent 17. Wanted. To Rent • 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction, Sales 2L Tenders Wanted - 22. Legal Notices • .13: Cards of Thanks. • 2.4„ In Memoriam Personabs ; The cost is low. Classifications 2. 8. 18.9 10 11 12 18 15 17-min1imm t 25' cents an insertion. All other classi- fications,' minimum. 50 cents per insertion. exemeAutions Sales (26), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rafts on application. 4 1. Coming Events . EUCHRE sponsored by Edelweiss Reliek- t... ah Lodge in 300? hall, on Monday, Nov. Y9, at 8:30 p.m. Good prizes,. luneh, 1;85-1' VoriSale . • ,PAIR boy's hockey. skate's size 5; also ong-Quebee coal; heater,. Sea - .forth, 612 r 3. • • • .1.,PPLE 13UTTLR for Apply. tO ROBERT- ,BROADFOO'T, R. 1, • Bruce - Phone 'Seaforth. 6,58 R1. GIRLIS,white figure:" skates, size 2 ex- cellent conditien price, $2.25. FRA.111c2 &MALE, Wilson St., Seaforth. • . 11-85x1, , • TWO-STOREY BARN, -27 feet • by 20 feet; good roc,L" To be removed.from site. -LOcated on 'RailwaY Street. 'JACK SMITH; .Phone 541 .4nring• day: " • ' 11-82:4 . , BABY IIIIGGY in perfect condition. FIETER MALCOLM, High Street; phone 359R, Seaforth. Gan be seen „anctime. f. THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S League of 7 St. J'arnes" Church, ,Segorth, are holding their •annual bazaar, and home baking sale, F, Saturday, December 5th, from 3 to 5 p.ptu,' at St. James' Schohl. • - 1-85-1 ,4 PLAN TO ATTEND the Eippen East WomerVs. institute Eischre and Dance on the following, dates: 'Friday, December 18; Friday, January 15: Friday., February,' , 12; Friday, March 11. 1-85x1 _ TURKEY. BINGO. 'at St. Patrick!s ratnifelf 'Hair Dtiatlii; 0rir LI:Member- nth,: • 9 &clock ; 17 turkeys ; also three cash SyeeialS and door prizes. Admi:ssion $1.90. 1:85-1 DANCING every Saturday night to Royce Reihl and Ffis Country Cousins at the Cy- cle ,e'. on Highway 8, between Sebring•ville and Mitchell. Hallowe'en masquerade on /Saturday, October 31st. Prizes, • . EUCHRE and reMption for Mr. and .-Mrs. Harold Dodds in Foresters' HalloCom• 'stance, on Friday. November 6ttf. Euchre t at 8 f30. Dancing to follow Lathes pleaSe bring lunch. Everyone welcome. , • • • '" 1-85x1 Z. • Lost, Strayed TAME* r:Arrt 'eoi4proy• lined jeans. one red corduroy dreas.-.,All size 10. ' In real *gott.C:1 :cendition.: PHONE. Seaforth .2794. 11-4 .• , •ONE PAiR 0:boy's skates, size 5; one pair of girl's pleasure Vititt85,size 3, all gOod as new. Apply. to MRS. JA.MDS LANDESBOROUGll, phone Se:1-forth 665 r 16. • 11-854' FLANNi..r.awirx BLANKETS,' 76 x•-90, $4.45; Men's '" short, , rubber. boots, , 53.75 good • stock of Prints and , flannelettea. BORDEN BROWN; Phone SeafOrtn. 841' r •2. •• 11-854f BEAGLE PUPS, tWo tnalea, three fe•- malesnicely marked, • eight -weekg' old ;„...ne reaSoiralble:Offer refused. Apply fo BILL BENNBTT, PhtiFle 449W; "Seaforth. • , -14GW4St-THE-iTEVIB--4o-"get'.Your,-Sulan1Y- of celerY,. cabbage anti'carroM. Jack O'Lan- tern .purapkinaHalloWe'en.. ' Am:11Y, to• mwill Assessmrace WILFRID MOUSSF,At.T, °'2,3- iles' ent Roll f,at ', 1959 - 80 ,' ' .' - ,. • _ . , . , of' Hensall ••on s4.' HighwaV. ".Phohe 92,"_,B . ' ' ' ' - '-'-' ' • 'TTATT . Notices llcIAGIC MAItICERS-Instant' dry. 'wts- - cerproof, write, on any surface; just pull off c04 and Magic Marker is ready to use, Refills -available. Nine colons ink. TFIE' HURON ,EXPOSITOR. • REVITA,LIZED cleaning at Buchanan ,CManers, Mount Forest. • More insists and stains removed. Garments stay clean long,' 'wear,' longer:. Agent: • MILLX'R'S J..,AITIODRY •SERVICE. .Phone 247 for pick-up. •• 19 -81 -ti NotrcE . , Mickersmith. Township Municipal Donors wiu be oPeiied from.1 P.m. ta 6 P.m, On Wednesday and StStnrda.vt afternoons, until •MRS. Eb P. , " • 'Acting -Clerk, 19 -81* -ti "ACHESON'S-DEAD STOCX SERVICE • Highest cash prices rtaid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disa.bled hors- es and cattle. gorses at, 5c a nomad. For thel fastest' and proper removal of all &Di.' male, 'day or night, Call Long Distmce and ask for ATWOOD'-.ZENITH 34900 20. -Auction Sales • ESTATE - AUCTION ,SALE. Clearing Auction Sale of Farm,. -Mach- inery and govsebole 'Effe0,i, at lot 18, gon. 12, McKillop townShip, $ miles north , of Senforth and miles east on rIVION-. DAY. NOVEMBER 2, at 1 P.M. • MACHINERY -1940 PlyinoUth sedan in good ,condition; 2 -wheel .trailer with stock rack; steel wheelbarrow -with' tubber tirei :set 2,000,pound scales; Wagon box sleigh rack; 38 -foot extension_ ladder; 8 -foot steel Water tank, like new; pump jack c• gaso- line motor; 125 10" cement tile; rope; wire fence stretchers; work bench and vise; 5- -ton straw,. 20, ton, hay. '•H03sE}tomi-EFFECTS-411eClat•y" cook, stove, Modern ; chairs; . beds, dressers; -other articles •too numerous to mention. PROPERTY.,-Consiesting of 50 agree, bank barn, frame InSuse. 10 per cent down, balance ,30 -days. Sold subject to reserve ,CHATTELS --Cash. ,Estate of late, John Storey, Proprietors Harold Jackson, AuCtioneer. . 20-85-1 NoticE C of -Revis.i0P Township of McKi op Tbe cou 'fteTownshipf ,ll tnac0h sil courto rirtevisi.on on i the BLACK AND -SILVER hand-wat'mn stole 'lost Thursday night in Seaforth • on._ East William, Goderich or SPlifillig streets. Finder PHONE 181, Seaforth. 2-85-1 TWO PTEREFO,RD steers, 'weighing op. roximately 1,100 lbs. strayed from lot 13.; • con. 1, McKillop township. phone HAR- OLD JACKSON, Seaforth; 414. 2-85-1 ILL THE PERSON who took my milk.' ,irg ';iwitg,;britig- the taps back? I ara still. " missing the milking taps. Apply' to GER- ALD Van Den RENogt.,, Phone Seaforth 852 "r 11. 2.85-1 SMALL short -haired PuP, mak, black with four white feet and white "Oot on tip of tail.. JOHN' E. MacLEAN, R.R.• 3, • Seaforth. Phone 665 R 21. , 2-85-1 .• Help Wanted ' GIRL'S' 'COAT:, 'hat . and: jegg.ings, size 3X, Pink woof viith"wlsite nr trini„ rayon quilted lining:. geoct-ai'tmeivt Also ,•boy'S wool coat; •hat and leggings „tit:4th rayon Itning; colol.; sizeZX ; 011 84//,'" with- sPring:filled• mattress to fit. • PHONE: 678 R. 24,, Hensall. ; ritrii3s, iuigs, 1daffodils, hyaciriths;11artitsaneWe-have a nice ass- ortment Of-,eactii and petted" plants, "phila- dendriln. Abd Baited ferns. Drop in and see thenr. ;We grow them for. ydu. BAK- ER'S GREENHOVSE, Your Garden Cen- ter, 'Seaforth. 1 ' 11-84x2 • . SP/RAYED APPLES for sale: SP. King TAM:tan Sweets; Deliciows, Snow""Riisset: Greening, Jilacintosh, Baldwin, etc-, Free delivery in toyed.. Phone • FIU. .242'14. FRED ntio,c1.,TNIONT- & sorrs, varoa.•' 2 tr TV/49 UNIT` Surge milking machine,late model, new candition ; an International cream „separator,, large size, excellent shape; :Usti 200 Sha -ver leghoro pullets, five Months old_ Apply to •BOX 884,- The Harort gxpositor. •11-84-2 $40 WEEKLY . Wanted: You'ng num for evening sales work, 01 to 35 years; must have car, no .experience netessary'; no investment. In- terested parties. Representatives desired in Seafortb. Hensall and Brussels. Reply Box 880 HURON 'EXPOSITOR 4-35x1 DRAIN TILE • RA 74721. LUCAN RYDALL BRICIC AND TILh LTD. aNTARI°11-39x51 Waiited TO Buy BOY'S WINTER coat; size; 14. in , good cenditim. Atipti "DOM 885, The:Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 12-85ki. \ 11°N1) , ; NOVEIV33ER 2, 1959 at ld :00 _ d sh°15:1:d' govern them - T cierk,„TownshiP of TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT ourt of Revision AUCTION SALE • Auetion Sale of F'arra -Stock, Machin- ery, Household. Effects'. at lot 12, con,17,' Grey Twp, three miles east of Walton, on TUESD.A..y,„) N0710M13ER 3, at 1 p.m. ' C4T2LE--7 Durham and HerefOrd •rebred;and due iwkaiiRi-1711 Ileietord aiod Polled Aligns. steers, rifling 2-years-o1d•r 7 spring calves. • PIGS -11 York churtits. ,MAOrnNERY MH. 102 Junior tractOr and, plow; ; rubber -tired wagon ; 16-1.00t hay rack with half rack. rolling "top; Mc- Gee rake,,, 1ike new:, electric.grinder, Cham- pion, 8 horse , motor, DeLaval 'Milking machine sirigTe-liiria----15-atiOki cram - separator, motor driven paAls, extension ladder,; harrows and dmible-treere:secticin wheelbarrow, • fanning: Mill, '200-ga1. gas tlink :with pump; 2 oR barrels, post 'hole digger, shovels, chains. ,, - HAY and GRAIN -Mixed grain, 2,500 •. Quantity of Household EffectS. • TERMS—Cash. • 'JOHN H. BRUCE, Proprietor 'HAROLD JACKSON, Auttionee? •GEORGE POWELL, Blyth, Clerk The Council of- the 'Township of Mullett will hold a Court of Revision on the 'Assess:I-tent Boll for 1960. The Court of Revision will hold its first sitting on No- Vember 2nd, at 10 o'clock' p.ra:, the 00121u:unity Hall, Londesbnra, All 'appeals should be. in the Clerk's Office ten days- prior, to the First,. Sitting of the Court, so that they May he consid- ,. HARRY -F. TEBBTJT1', • - '(Clerk') IR. No. 1, Londesboro, Ontario. • WANTED: -The- Huron At as published 1879, State condition and' Price. Apply to' Dox 881,.1.1:11., HURON BXPOS;TOR. -YOUNG MAN' FOR OFFICE WORK . . • Permanent employment'' Knowledge of t9 -ping essential. Must be accurate in fig- nres. . HIGHLAND SHOES Seaforth, Ontario :4-64:tf III,GHEST CASH PRICES, paid '2 or sick, down and disabled farm animals. Prompt, cadrteous collection . of dead and disabled farm animals and hides- Call Collect, ED ANDREWS, 851 It 11, Sea - forth. Associated witb Derling & Cu", of Canada Ltd., 12-814f •• 13. . . . , HOIJSE CLHAlsilTG or offige cleaning Wkiltedo afternoons or evertingS.- Phone SEAFORTII 572. . 11-85-1 ' HOARDERS WANTED i room an d .0.:. AuttiOn 'Sales . board. Apply, to 'nuts., 'Ti83RRSA MA-, LONEY, FIuron St-,,- Seafort . Phone '236." , 13-85-1' WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING • ASSOCIATION • 'Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service - All Breeds o Cattle — Member owned and control- led Cost Low --- EfficiencY High - • (The of the best bulls - Disease Control - For rvim or more information, phone; CLINTON" 111J. 2-3441 or for,Long Distance CLINTON ZENITFI 9-5650 7:50 and 9:30 a.m: Week Davi. 6 :00 and 8;00 man., -Saturday evenings Carle received on Saturday evening will be served on Stindar morning.,For bowls, in beat on Sunday morning, DONOT call until Monday morning. ••• BETTER CATTLE FoR BETTER LIVING 19-81-tf . Farm Stock For. Sale ' PIGS FOR SALE: 14 Ydrk chunks. Phone SEAFOR.TH 858 R 13. 8-85x1 17 GOOD PIGS. seven Weeks old. JOHN POWELL, Je.., -ri..a.• 2, Seaforth:, • 8-85x3. „ ELEVEN SPRING sows, Hereford' erosii. Apply to T. At.P.14.01Y. 'Phone Seaforth .2972. 8-85-1 4 P1OS, 9 and 10 weeks old; 1 hog,. 4 months old. DON McCLUR,E, Phone 856 r '4. Seaforth. ' 8-85x1 60 GOOD BREEDING EWES, selling entire flock. ApplY to ALBERT W. SHIR- " RAY, R.R. 2, Herman. Phone 688 R •8-85-1 _ •••,••••••••••••=•••=1•1 . Poultry For Sale 40 R.I.R. X C.R. pullets., six Months old; 'also oven-ready roasting chickens, 6 tel 7 'Apply ART. ANDERSON, nhone • 851 r 21, Seaforth. . • 9-864 3,000 READY -TO -LAY Dember Wliite Leghorn Strain -cross pullets. fully Vac- cinated for' Bronchitis and New Castle' dis- ease. Noted for their long livability till(' their ability to lay large high miality eggs on a moat efficient feed conversion. Pul- _lets are 19 week old and priced at $1.40 each pioked up. Apply F.I.ZAIL MGM. sgAtt, Kippen, Ontario; phone IleAgall 694 r 5. 0.85-1 10.. Used Cars For Sale' .. 1954 FORD .Customline Coach, radio, new' tires. Good condition. ApPl.v to ,• *KEN MeLELLAN, Kippen. Phone Hen. Salt 683 it 5. • 10415-4 . • IL- Articles For, Sale PAlit'of girl's ;skates, size 5, Vitortn. 278-M, ^ • 11-85X/ ' "'GIRL'S Whiter coat forrhale,„ sir,* ,1042, in' geed tondition. SEAPORTH 178.- • 11-854 20% DISCOUN't On all lYlehhae Ware, BAUD -WIN PLARDWARE, , 11-85-1 Ni. 6 McCormick hammer Mill, ApPiy to RAYM016D MITRRA.Y. 5, Sea' forth. ,Phone Fittblin 64 R. 13, OrtM.4.14. $trArriEno .11nd Collie Poirs 14. Property For Sale . PLAN . yonr liome ,now; $50.00down will buy you 'a lot In Seaforth'or hey.. Lets surveyed. ,Land suitable for VLA projecte. Terms to unit, OLATT 1)E1,11118: ' ' • • .1.4.431.4t DOE TO :AN .IN'ABILI*. to ',secure. n mortgage renewal' We offer 'for" hnineillate sale. a 29,. Con. 8, Ilibbert town- ship, consisting of, 100 acres- of-. el'eared loam land' 'Wn '• county road; a large, shaped' FlArdi 'With double -decked hen house, 800'size; new silo, Water, pressure,' eta, and driVeshed. A two-storey 7-toosn house of solid,„brick With oil furnace, wat- .presaure,: bath,"roorn,"-neW--lcitchen.'.cua. "boards, hCit water .heater, • saftener etc. THI4. farm. rfiay, at. present . purchased with one halt cash, and We'c,arry . the balance ors a five-year first mortgage, 'For further "particulars annly' ITAE0L.19 CorAirmAN„ :Staffs, Ontario,. Property.For .Rent • .itritgr-Robk apait.ertt, semi-furnish- • leatter, available now. PHONE SEA.• FORTH: 160-81. .^ , 15-8144 : TWO BEDROOM heated aPartment,. on East Street, near shos factory. A0091*. JAMES T, SCOTT., , Phone '392. • .• .! 15-1334 APARTMENT fOr rent; neWly decor- ated. Nerit Shoe' factory. Apply to -CLAY-' 'TOT. ritl‘thrTS., _Phone Seaforth 669 W 12, • ,• 15.8041 ' THH,ES.B00S1 apartisteat,, with bath. Apply •..SEAFORTH FARMERS ..co.or;. Predtiee Illyialon.• 15-81-tf 'APARTMENT TO' REINTT, unfurnished' in Seaforth 1 bedroom, livingroem, kitehen dna, bath heated': refrigerattor requirek; residential sectictri ;' $55 per tenth. Phone - ROWAT, 8, Seaforth. • , APARTMENT TO Inlaw, onforniabee„ io Seaford'. ;, bedroom, living YoOltt, kitchen and bath; heated; refrigerate's' available if recinired ; residential section. Phone LLOYD ROWAT, 0;" Seafortli. ' 15-844f •Vir dale eight Weeka- APPIY to auntrt ITIGtx, (3.2. 4', 'fleafettht ',Plume 362 R Seaforth , ;„; itsexi ,•• 01/1,dratt York.lbigs , Weggs old:, M CHAittES" MEE. WOOD, Lot 12: Concession it, .81c1(fltop. Pherie Seaforth It 19. Notice,g AUCTION SALE Auction Sale • of Household •furnishingi, Town of Sealortif, on 'George Street," Oa& block north ,of, Stinocci Station, on SAT-, URDAY, OCTOBER' 31, at 1:30 sharp. T.rah,ainette two -burner heavy datY 'elec- trie rangette with "Mitoiriatia;ovenAnd en- closed" elements; We9tinghousal4eot-elec- tric:refrigerator; Winghana Classk range, teal -or Wopd,, 16iPtcb•f• SIMPIreleY elec•••", trie IA:Ober; sofa 'bed ; china. cabinbt ; ex tension' tables, side board; wicker rcreker.;" one half dozen lcitohen chairs; odd ,,chairs ; iron bed; springe and mattresa; ilre,seer; cabinet Victrola clamiterfield- and.• two chairs ; two lawn chairS; La.W11 HoY POWer rnoWer in Aal piscine; IVIcCallough.20'1' one man chain'.$4,Vel 21W- last 'winter.; crocistUt saw': 21" ''Adlicisral. TV set with antenna; altiMitrum CASS-bar clothes line; new, never used. Ail electrical equipment can be tried before leaging "remises. Host 'of otbr uljtfeles tem numerons to mention: . I, TERIVISdash. • EsTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale.. of ., Firm" 'Stock, , , „ M.achinery, Car," Truck, and '.Hmi,sehold El- f ects,.at Lot 0, Con. 11, 'Stanley Twp;*. 35j 'Danes north of ,Zurich on Goshen line, wgrivEsoAy., NOV.' 4; -at. "12 o'Clock CATTLE -Registered Hereford bull, 3 - years -old, bred' by Stott 'Bres., , Forest; .5 registered Hereford, cows, rebred above Ilull ; 10 Hereford and Durham COWS. re - bred ; 15 Hereford and Durham spring calves 10 Hereford and Durham steers lied heifers, rising 2 -years -old. ‘" • pIGS-.1. York sow with litter' .at foot; 2 sows due time 'of sale; 3 'sows due latter ,pe,rt. of . November: • , 55A0HINER:Y.--W6 .McCoMtick tractor' 28X45 Bell grain separator with cutter, 18 - foot elevator with rubber tires, -5 years old 140-cOot ,drive ,belt, new;'John Deere' 15- 'disc power fertilizer ; 7-feet-Masser- ,Ilarriff binder; drop -head hay loader; 4 - section ,drag..harroWs ; 1VIcCornick' tractor manure sprea'der, .new; ..McCormick 7-focit tractor inower;-, 5 -ton, rubber -tired wagon; 3 -furrow International Plow onrubber, new'; . steel laod ; International .8 -ft tractor dise ; '5 -section diamond harrows; Massey -Harris side rake ,on rubber; chick- en shelter; snow-,terkee ;•- fa.nningnitill, 2 steel water tioughS;',82-foet. extension; der; No. 6 Internhtional hanunerrnill ; 2,000-1b. steek scales 1958 -Delray _Chev- rolet sedan ' enr, 18,000 miles, extra BilOW tireS;„ 1956 International, one .half too , _ _ HOUSEHOLD, 1,1•1-P,CTS-3-piece ches- terfield suite, Marshall and 'Mendell Up- right piano; Coffee table; end tables; tri - light lamps, "table ,,liaraps; :mirrors, foot stool, 9x12 Aitrainster rug; scatter mats; hall' tree, fle,t-top writing .dcsk,' -214nch Adriairel television set, , radio, -modern 9 - piece dining room suite, studieflibbill,'• casional. *airs ; Singer sewing Machirt0;" vaccunagri`:c etiner,' Genera Electrierofrige_r- atOr ", Ighlaire 4 -•burner • electric stove,. like new; 20-4t. Viscount Deep EreeZe,' 1 .year old; Thor --White' enamel., wrialiing maChine, kitchen table; chairs•Utility table, buffet, electric frYing pan ptiPbup'toariter.; ten 'kettle, iron; other eleetriCai appliances, sliest of .Wrii..,Roirers' 'Silverware,' setting' for 12: . thme, .furnished bedrooms; chest of drawers,". vanity, ' ted Uttens, tlifisa; blankets. :kitchen utensils, china, table liner • i, Other tieleS" too nymerous to 'Eq men - ANYONE interested in , tap datioirArg, lihiclly regisf,er at. Seaferth TOVOIX• Vail, At October al. am, •• , RU8'SEL BRODERICX. b .164541 -Frurgn, 4triteal Sales & ,Servige: re- pairs tO all 'Makes, di vichunt cleaners. For aerVie.e, eall MRS, idliaTON BERGEE, Snarling St., Seaforth, 19.81tt nomerawrk, LADNDIrDOIA. In See- forr,h and district an& DrY,Cleaning Ser- vice. , BILLIARDS, Ses.fortii, agent for Brady Cleaning it LaundeteTis; Zzeter•. , ' H ROM MALONE , Proprietor J. L. 'Ryan, Auctioneer •MORTGAGE SALE OfFarm' in -Township Of Hibbert Under and by virtue. of the powers con- tained in a crtain Mortgage,. which will be prbdueed at the tinicof sale, there 'will he Offered or sale by public auction on Thursday, the 12th day of November, 1956, at:the heur *2 2109 p,m,, at Lot' 29, Concession 8, ToaMohip Hibbert, situ. ate OProximately mike. *Pet of St8014 by W. E. Nairn, Anctioneer; the folk:Wing property, namely, Lot .29 in the Eighth ConcessiOn Of the Township of Hibbert, conMining apProxitnately 100 acre, 1. Tenders -Wanted - TENDERS for organist and assistant organist for St, Peter's Church, Brodhagen will be reeeived until the 250. 'day Of November, 1959Dilties to commence jan, 1, .1960. For further information • contact the secretary, KEN SMITM„ 2,2. 1, Born-, • TENDERS Tenders are invited 1for the supplying, of Seaforth DEffief High School with No. 2 furnace oil. For • -further information con- tact the .Secretary. • Tenders to- be in by October .31,st. W. E. SOUTHGATE, Seeretary-l'reasurer, • Seaforth... • 21454:2. 22. Legal Notices" oTicE: to. c„Rp)TroRs ' in the -eatate of HANNAH RICK:ELL "- All persons having' clairni against' the estate of Hannah 'Bickell, late of the town of Seaforth, in the candy of ,Huron, ow,"degeased, whO died, on" the 29,th day of August,' 1950, ate\ hereby notified to send •in full Partieulars 0f1 their Claims to the ;undersigned 'on ^ or before the 1.3th day of 11°Y°nlier• 1959, after which date the assMs will ,be diStribitteaNhaving regard only to- claims then teeeived. •' DATED at Seiiforth,- this 20th day. of McCONNELL & STEWART', Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the estate NOTICE, 6paratp; $-611p6 Deberifures BC.S.S; UNIONS, .BIBBHRT:NOs 2, 3- 'AND •••11,AND IfIcEILLOP 'NO.• . ". yfog the purchase of 'Sep- nrate .School, ..Debentures (20 yeare), re- -quired-far the construction' of Me'W tWo-, roorg-'school.. in -the.'Village of ' Dublin,' Oat, will be received ,by the •undersigned until 6 p.m,,' ,November. 6, 1959.. These will be. sold in multiples of not less thari 51,000, yielding 6%, per annum. • Interested IS'dg1ies are,''.asked..to &intact' the undersigned,' stating the amOunt„Of • • , Phone 'Stratford 2320, 9-5, at 6 •p•re. itt R.R. 5, Seaforth. , . JACK J LANE, Secretary -Treasurer, 22-85.:27 23. Cards of Tha THE EAMILY•'...'nf the . late.1 Peres Smith : wish to express their 'AinCere :thanks and apPreciatiOn40 those who , helped' dur- ing his, illness ,and 011801114., I WISH to thank my' friends for cards and treats that I received while a patient in the Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. M. W. Staplethn; Rev. Sidney Davishn, the nurses and stziff of Scott Memorial Hospital; also the ones -tha.t helped 'my wife and son -at home. ", • 23-85-1• SAM-,MeCLUNG TERMS—Ca-61i: „, Estate of lato JorrN A. ARMSTRONG Proprietor• • HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer • nto. • POWELL, (Blyth), Clerk. , 20-84-2 "...••••••••••1.•, 21. Tenders Wanted The said " farm; is 'situated on the . county rolut,b-orwitirnalelY 2 mites west of Stafra and r.rolle sebooL ,Ther6 is said to. be situate en the said lands. an Lsh.tiped brink, barn apProximateli 901 w .S6/ .x.def .20/, good stabling, double:',.deelt .hen honse .with riceoMniodatien for 860 cement fleors'„"And"gcsod house and Icttaii6.1,,:oil heated, 'bath; liulltdri cunt-. boards,,ressure •sksteni, and hydro-ehim« diance Of water -2 wella and apring ,creelc;" c ay -loam soil, well drained ;, goOd fences. .„,..„ , TERMS -Ten ter • cent (10%) of The Pareliase Price to he 'licsid at time of sale. • With bitlenee 1SC paid On closing .on or befOrt December ,Ilth, 7.950, Sale is .jed to ietlerve 45a. rossesiton, tanstd. . , "For' further Particulars and' Mnditions • of tale apply to the underiiignect • DAT= at ''Stratfoid, this Uth da7 of, October, 1059. ' ANDE11.,SObl, thictoorh, 10321.7., DiT.1(35 & laingNEtt, • Berristera end Solkitors, , 20 DoWnie 'Street: ' Stratford, 'Ontario. 26-854 riEPArt'riugrir pueLie • ' OTTAWA . TENDERS .. 'SEALED TENDER,S addresiled to Sec- retary, 'Department of PubliC, Works,' OV taws and endorsed, 'VENDER Von nr.,- 'PAINING WALL AND DREDGING, HAY- FIELD, ,HTIRON COUN_TY. ONTARIO", ,will be reccdVed "until 8:,,,00 WEDNESDAY, ,1i0VEISIIIT...R. 16, 1959 25.1 'Personals , HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode), mailed postpaid plaiV ,Sealed envelope with price list: 6 samples 25c ;-,24 sad- Ples $1.00. Mail -Order VETS. - "18. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hardilt,on. 26. liirths NEVIN/OF IIENSALL oung, •ctr.v.er .HonscillOtga-r.11*.:.0100.0$ , Onlk- a few short months after sist' of the commissioners, the Blue itS formation, the Rensall Teen arid Brown Guiders, and orie mem- Town now boasts a ,membership ber from , each local association of we over 100, and its futin'e sue- the division. • , 'cess is now assured. Much of this Camp problems were discussed 811CCOSS can be credited to the loy- and two. recommendations for ob. teeriagers and the recreational taining staff' for Camp Keewaydin director, J. 'R.- Hume, it spokes- were made, to be considered man said the committee at its first meetin However, outside help has play- Mrs. Lavender, Huron camp ad ed a'n important part in aiding the viser„ will be chairman .of the local teen ,town. Members of the camp committee, assisted by yrs. Seilafthtbore daTneers...rTeOgvvaniarliiyavaeudattheanvdez HowKinardetSteeasnTeoasvisseitersetilaur. offered helpful advice to,the Hen- sall club. Several local citizens • Mrs. •Haroid.l3onthion was ,hos- have offered their help to chaper- .tess Tuesday evening for the one. To ease the, strain,. of put.... meeting of. the Kinettes, with the chasing; new records, Maybr Ber- President,: Mrs. William Mickle, -ry,-.of ,St: Thomas, donated 25 re-. Presiding, The group will canvass cords' to the club. the town on November 10 to' sell Last Friday'. Mr. and Mrs. E, ,tickets on a draw for. a Christmas Ilavelirig,. Stratford,. attended flip_ cake, and on Sunday, November8, dance to give -damping instructions will visit 35 sick and shut-ins An toThadri,seda,19 thetpresent.eenaegxeeresativeplan oty. Ethxeetveillr ahgoe4pPitaatiise,nt,asnian Cjaineteoariawanady hold a ,Hallowe'en costume .dance. Nursingl., Home, ,Taeirsall, and wil „ ..The_arena ha been quite active Present thein with, baskets. Of fruit. for the past two weeks, with%ode7,Mrs., John Hesk gave a rePort of rich and Zurich' practicing-tockey, fall council held at Preston on • Senior Citizens Name Offiem October 17. - Mrs. George Sawyer • ThseeaiseecroneditizmeetsetIClub w f the elHhend- • won the raffle prize. sall in the arena -auditorium Tuesday The eXeciitive, Were: very •pleased with the large attendance and the auditoriiiin was lovely in seasonal President .Mrs. R. J. -Paterson Piesided for the business and ex- tended a warin --Humc'gave-ra ,tallCon-ctub aetivi- ties* and .procedures. He... referred •-te the late :Lorne. Liiker,..'stating that he and' Mrs. -Luker laa-d tended -the &St meeting .and -Were very thuch Interested. inthe or- _ganizatioo voiced .words of ,appreCiation. the president and. the wonderful cd -operation of. the members:44-- Miss M. Ellis! faiTored with read-, ings, .and T. 8lierritt With solos.' Offers eieeted for the .season .were:. president: Airs. R.. J. Pa t.7 ,erson; vice-,PreSideriti Jo e Fergu-, son; . secretary,. Mfg. T. , C. CriateS;' treasurer; Mrs. Wilbert -'pilling; conveners: of comMittees, public.; Miss' 'Ellis;'untertainment; 'Or- val Rapson; lunch, Mrs..:RaPSOn. . Progressive '.euchre and shuffle- board were enjoyed. Winneraof euchre: were ',ladies,* *Miss Mrs. H. 'Whittaker gents, R. M. Peek, Tom 'Kyle; lone hands, ;Mrs:. Joyrit; lucky. .door ',prize, , Frank Harburn. The next meeting will' leheld No-vember 40: Music: and dancing rounded ,put.. the. lightfid eVening:. . Mrs. R.J. Paterson, assisted ;by. Mrs. RM. Peck, were in .,ebarge Of the decoration's. • Mr. and MrS..Keneth Burns and family„ London; Were visiting with Mr. and Mrs., Sim Roobal,-, . • ' Mrs.Stewart McQueen, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London,. has returned Mr.'arid ',Mit.. Wes: Venher and Mr. and. Mrs. likoirne McNaughton spent- Sunday with Mr. .and'.'Mrs: 'Roy 1VIcLarnOn in London:• Mr. :and Mr.. George. ',Teas spent the weekend '.in Toronto with: :their daughter and "Sen -in-law;' Mr. and Nf.L. Mcciciy artdfamily r. •Bran' Kyle,- ! Mrs: Pearl Passmbre, joelc, arid Mrs Lori e Hay spent,a few days CLEMENT -Mr. and Mrs., Williant Clem- ent,, liensall, are pleased. to anneunce the- birth 'of their daughter •at 40s- eph's ,Hospital, London, Thtirsday, bet'. 22,1955, a Wee sister for Ronnie, Gary, • Botil:Y% "find Billy,. DIEGE1,--.-,At Scott •Mensorial Hospital, on October 23, 20 M. and. Mrs. Walter •• Diggel, RR 4, Mitchell,. a daughter. , STAPLES -At Scott Memorial ,HoSPital, on Octottei •4•,, litr. and Mrs: Ken. neth Staples, Attlit , •a• daughter: , _ . 2S.' ::;Deaths DAVTDSON,...-in .Seaforth, Ili -Friday, Oct. 23, Edyth Davidaen, in her 87t3 year. ICERR4In Seaforth,' • on ThUfsday,• oet. az, Bessie Mc.Michaol, widow of the ,late Aloe ICerr, in her 69th year. MCGRATH-4n London on October 27, 1969 *ars*, Ellen Devereaux, beloved wife of • the lateLIPatrick Vincent McGrath, in tier 90th year, • Temptation may be strong, but it seldom overtakes the man "who runs from it.. •' • The fair motorist was speeding through the sleepy village, when a ,policernan' • stepped in "frOnt of her and forced her to stop. "What have I done?" she asked innoeently. "Nothing 'much -just travelling 50" miles- an hour," replied the law, taking ourliis notebobk, • "Fifty miles an hourt" exclaim- ed the fair .dri.ver; "Why, I haven't beep. out five minutest" The cop seratehed his head for) mininuter then put his pencil and book away. ... • "That's a new one on •me. • I guess we'll let you go." Plans"; nnecifica.tiont: ,and' tonna -Of • ten-, der 'ean he seen, or cats' be obtained oie de- posit of sum of 820.00 in the &tin of a 4DERT/F1'17) batik cheatie to ,the order of' the RECEIVER •GENERAL OP . -CANADA through; . mire Engineer, Etarbours 'and Rivers, fltintor 13ctilding, Ottawa, Ont.; nis., Publie Hoilding, PAY, Dog 668, London, Ontario ,and caw he - „teen at the Post ',Office at 'Hayfield, Ontario. • ., • . , The deposit will 'be tol,otksod. 00 return of tile documents. in good corilltilon within a month thorn the deM Of.recention &f.ten- dere. If riot returned ithin that period. the deposit 5411 .30 forfeited,' • rrc, be considered, eath tender must--; • (a) be aecoinbanied "by one of the, alter- native securities called for in the tender doeninents.' (1;030 ntade on. the printed Perms Eras. plied by the bh"Partinent and in mcordariee With the cenditions set forth therein, • The lowest or any tender' not , fleeces.; itariTY cozened., "' ROBERT'. FORTIER • Chief' of AdministratiVe, Services and • • saorettry 21454. THERE'S Nd SehlSE LAVING A DoGsS LIFE WHEN,,. • V2111 CAN ' 171 IRE, 1„ RENT' WITR. HEWO' APER ^Psi A - in Detroit this week. • Mr. KeyaL.F..... Moulton, general secretary. of the' Ontario Temper- ance Federation., • will be guest Speaker at the morning service -, at the 'United Church, Sunday, Nov, 1. Miss Dora Alair, of -Clinton, is visiting with Mrs: Alda Simmons, • Mrs. • Dorothy Parker, district deputy 'president and . her install: ing team from Amber Rebekah - Lodge, v'isite'd, Clinton" and Brus- sels lodges Monday and. Tuesday evenings to install 'their new ofp- cers: 'arcd Mrs. and-family_xisited on Sunday with the latter's sister and laroth'er-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robertson and family in Galt. ' .R6V. Charles 1Y Daniel, of gersoll, formerly of Hensall, was' guest minister at anniversary ser - Vices at 13rucefield. United Church, on Sunday. Mr. Charles Mickle, London, spent the weekend' with hti. .par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. Laird IVtickle and family, . 'and'MrS. W4 C. Smith, Janie and seat were weekend visitors in Marlette, Mich. . . - Mts. 4. t. Wren, who' has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, came home on' Saturday Rev. and -Mrs. Charles D. Dan- iel, of Inger-soil, called on Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family en Sunday afternoon, Miss Jean Harkness, of Tees. water, wag' a guest last Friday with Mr. and „Mrs. Clarence ,Reid •and family. ' • Dr, anctlYfrs. D. 4, McKelvie; of Esse;, were recent guests with Mr. ana Mrs. Jack Drysdale. Mrs. Mary Taylor,. St. Clair Shores, Mich., is spending iwo weeka with Mrs: L. SimpSon.. Mrs: Mae MeLellan was the Win- ner of share -the -wealth game at• the Legion 'bingo Saturday night, and Paul -Bilg-Wbri the -door prize CP$5.00. There were 14 winners 'in the regular games,..,,,, The ladies 'of Oarrriel Churth sponsored a most .sttccessful tur4 key supper in the church school, room Friday evening, The' affair was -well patronized, with' Many favorable comments :on the sup- per. The ladies 'cleared $250. . ruminage sale -held 'Satur- day in the Towrc•Hall, sponsored by the 1Cinettes, was, a great sue.• cess,,and one of the best nimmage sales held, Irate by the KilietteS. One box of Clothing not sold will be .forwarded to tlie Salvation erbs,Spices Add Zest o a S ."-.High quality food is so plentiful in this 'country that herbs and spie.: es: have played only a. small part in Caffaillan cookery. 'in the .past. Recently -increased tr. ,a th' once faraway- foreign places lia"I height- ened interest herein these flavor- aidS, howelier. • -„NutritioniSts of the Home Eco- TiOillics. SEr-Vire,7-01itatio-Dep-art--- °merit -of Agrieidture, suggest more frequent -use, of herbs as a good basis for adventures - in cooking, Herbs. lend new interest ,to every-, day nieals and especially add zest to the traditional salad, 'bowl -of. tossed greens when a dressing bf herb vinegar is used. Nor is it nec- essary to have, fresh herbs to ex- perience new taste thrills,'for hells giVe pleasing, tangy flavor's • As a flavor guide, try some of these suggestiong. Remember togo easy at, first, though, and, • taste your w.ayl* along for farnily*flavor preferences. •' • Add a,pinch ofrosemary or dash of PaPrika, to chicken_ soup. Serve with crackers 'spread with cheese and sprinkle with celery seed. ' • ,A pinch Of 'dill seed or a bit Of Oregarr0 brings. renewed interest 'to- thinato, juice. . „,,.. -Miir caraway seed with cream cheese to stuff celery, then sprinkle, with -paprika. Shake sage and. garlic s,alt.-into tomato soup.. ' . Flavor' hamburger, ,pattils with basil or .season them with curry. When roasting pork, add blended marjoram and savory to the "bast- ing sauce. • Before frying chicken, sprbilde the pieces with thyme and mar- joram-, then roll them in flour. "Sprinide lamb chops with dill seed before_ broilfrig, or add.a dash .of marjoram. " Basil brinW-asubtle flavor to Army, London. Fortri Camp.Voilmittee At a recent meeting at the' hoine a Mrs. Thchroi. Lavemur„ si camp -fibrrimittee of the :tluron cli- vi$i�fl of Girl Guides was fOrrned.. ▪ The purpose of the organization will be kr stimulate camping the SJLfl, division. 'The ecomniittee Will' cow Lady. BowlOris Name Conlmittees ;An interesting eVening was spent:. at- the horne 'of 'Miss Dorothy Parke, retiring president ;of the Seaforth Ladies Lawn -Bowling Clubr, when'. the members enjoyed a delicious pot -luck supper,. •,fol- lowed 'by -bridge and euchre...The eoehre prize, ,donatedby Itti--Y ss- GladYs • Thompson, was, Won Mrs'. L, F. -Ford. Mrs. Mice Stiles won the bridge prize; -donated by Mrs. L. Hoggarth. 'Mr. Donald:Gordon .(riee Doris Kennedy); anew bowler, was'pre- sented;with a cup and ;saucer by Miss Dorothy Parke, At the busi- ness following, Miss Sadie, Hart was appointed•the euchre. convener and Mrs: L. F. Ford, assistant. Mrs., pare Reith will convene the bridges and Mrs. Hoggarth will be' her assistant. The -phoning com- mittee is. Mrs. A. Stacey,: Mrs. J. , Longstaff„ Mrs. Camerim and Mrs. John A. Gofwill." Mr. B. F: Christie offered her home for the November meeting. Miss Rena Fennell 'thanked, the hostess for ,lier hospitality. , . .beef Season,,meat halls with ..savory,' mustard or garlic salt. Add poultry seasoning to the crust for chicken pie: 'Mix onion salt, dill or caraway seed in 'cheese. - Savory or tarragonandMustard.-- give superb flavor 'to devilled, eggs. • Thyme or, a ,pinch Crf garlie salt will perk iip green beans. .• „Curry powder added to an oil - vinegar • dressing transforms. a. tossed 'salad.' • 'Sprinkle -in --tarragon while -beets ... are cooking or use a little tarragon vinegar for a tart flavor. When- making , potato; salad, sea- son.with. plenty of, celery souP or, •for subtle • flavor, ' cook 'Potatoes .Witha bay leaf and onion.. Add ,allspice or mace to your. -W1ippedl-ereart-dres-sin-g-for-fruit'-7 WORDS; ...orlustBeIng innan THQUGHTS EVEt4 TI-IOUGH IT 13LEW UP AFT6R ONLY TWO 55COND,5 THE A/12„ WE KNotti LOrs- /YORE MAN BEFoRE POtOTsf•TFACE 11? •For One thing -Weil - 'Need a' Sigger .131,Pr Next Year! ' • Seafort Canadian •Legion GREY' CUP NIES. Persens taking part in the Seaforth Legion .Grey '• pup. Contest are informed: that the • oacial entry is that. printed .on a blue 'card, • Persons with pink entry,,cards-are,asked' to exchange them for blue ' Cairda -since.. only entries contained .on .a blue. card will be.re- cognized. TOWN 0 AFORT EMEMBRAN On instructions from the Council, I liereby request 'the citizens and businessmen 'pfSeaforth to observe Vtledtiesday, Nolteitiber • As REMEMBRANCE DAY 00*10-. plitc47:•Of.:.6iiiiii.e** • py... to • obOrite:**:00.4,,