HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-30, Page 1One Hundredth Year Whole Number 4785 SEAFORTII3 Q.XTARTO FRIDAY OCTOBER $0 199 u ils mpete at Sports e Robert Binneralyk, with, a 'sfx- _, point lead, topped the 'senior .diVi- sion in the athletic field, day:. at Seaforth ,District 'High' .School on Friday. In the intermbdiate class, Bill Campbell was .first with , a, four -point. Margin. Junior champ. was Tom. Dick, seven points ahead of the. runner-up., ' The seniorwinners were: Rob- ert Bipriendyk, '22; Robert Reith, 16; Fergus Kelly; , 9; Intermediate Campbell, 37; Neil.Dol- mage; 33; 'Doug Noris, 5; Jun- iors -Tom Dick, 22; •Reith Stacey, 15. Robert--Dinsinore 10. • - Senior Boys • 100 -yard '• dash, B. ,Blimendyk 12:0, F. Kelly-, ' ,. 220 -yard dash, B.. Be,utenrailler 28:01,. B. Binnenclyk,r,F, Kelly, 440 -yard "dash, B. Binnendyk. 1.14:0, II. Kendrick, B. Bentennail- , 880 -yard dash, B. l3inriendyk 2:54-•:0, 'k-eifdri.ekTIC.-Ellielf. '- ,High jump,' R. Reith* 4' 81/2", F. KellY,, )3. Dennis,. Broad' jump, R. Reith 16' 10", J. Achilles,', B. 13 iiiiieliclyk Hop, step .• and, jump, R. -Reith 34' 2", B. Birinendyk, F. K4fl Pole vault; J. Achilles* 7' 7", R. Scans', 11. Kendrick. Shot put, 12 lb:, B. Elliott,* 33' 1I", B. Goven:Tock, F. Kelly. ' * New record. Intermediate Boys , 100 -yard, dash, :Bill Campbell 12:3, Neil Dolmage, Bong, Norris. 220 -yard dash, Bill Campbell" 27.:9, Neil Dolmage-. - 440 -yard dash. Bill Campbell 114, Neil Dolmage.. • 880 -yard dash, Bill Campbell* '2 - min., 51, see., Neil Doll -nage: _ .R.unning high 'jump,- Neil, .Dol - :Mage 61/21,, Bill Campbell, Doug Norris.. " Running broad. jump, BW .Camp- beil* 16', 10", Iei1 Dolmage, Dotig Hop,' step and jump, Dol - mage 32, 8", Bill 'Campbell. pole veldt; Neil Dolmage 6', Bill Campbell, Doug Norris, ''• . Shot put, 12-11):, ,Neil- Dolmage* 32' 8", Bill Campbell; Doug Norris * New record. , • JuniorBoys • ' • , . 100 -yard dash, 'Toni, Phillips 12:5, - 'rem Dick,, Keith. Stacey.,, /220 -yard. dash, Tom Dick Tom ;PhilliPs, 'Bob -Dinsthore. ' Running high .jilinp„ Keith Stec - Toni Dick„ BO 'Dinsmore. Running broad .jump, Vora Dick 15,..5",, Bruce Dale,' Ben Aldcer. Hop, 'Step and jump, Keitir,Stac- ey 311,10", Bruce Dale; Tom flick. • Pole -Vault, Tom- Dick 1",, Bob Dinsmore, 'Keith Stacey.'.' Shot put; 8 lbs$ Bob Mimi:note* 37' 9";'Keitli Stacey,. Peter Kelly. *. Nev:r record: •Ch`anipiens were ,also named for the. girls' events .held• at the, sante time. -Margaret .Elliott headed.'the ,senior: section, --with Joan. 'Bach second. The Intermediate top. win- ner was Eileen Dolmage, with - Joan Hamilton, second. ,Chanipion Junior was Geraldine .11.1cTaggart and Marg. A. Stapleton placed sec- , Wieners ' of the various evenis were: 50-;yarti dash -Lois Tyndall (jr) 'dash - Kendra lVidere' (Sr.) '12:3; ',Joan 'Hamilton .(Int,) 1,1;6; Jon •Bach.(Sr.) .12;00. • , 100 -yard dash -Eileen. Dblmage, (Int.) • 14:0; Joan- Bach. (Sr.) 14:7. ' High jump -Marg. A. Stapleton (Jr,), 4" 4"; Sane ',Dolinage '3' 9"; ;tidy Cricli (Sr.). . Bunning broad jump -Geraldine MeTaggart . (Jr.). 6' 81/2";• Eileen Dolmage (Int.) 7' 6"; ,Joan Bach: (Sr.) 7" 2".. • . ' Softball. distance ithrovv-Gprai- dine_IVIcTaggart.....(jr,): 1.34';a4- garet,. Boa (Int.) 1151; Afar -gar 1. Elliott (Sr..) l37' Basketball distance' throw-Cer- olYn. .,(Jr.), "62'; . Joan Hamilton.(Int.) 63" 11"; Kathy Boshart (r.) 6j! '8/',. TO ORGANIZE CUB PACK ,Seaforth cub Packs will' reor- ganize next Week,, The club will , get underway on Tuesday night for the 1960 season, according to Chas. Dungey, one of the leaders, • Because of the, lack of leaders and instructors, only Cubs who at- tended -during 1959 will be a'ccePt- ed at the:present. • • I • $2.50 a Year in Advance Single Copies, 5 Ceuta BEST IN 114 YEARS CiSBATIMRItG=Eiln--.11411-d-tf:ToWitsfillytVa yeali'dine" day afternoon wheti a commemorative Plaque Was unveiled•,,,li.y.Huran.i.Warden W. R. jewitt, "Hul; lett rceve. 'Interested Spectatgs at the ceremony were :rnenobers' Of eounciland- officials who had played a. Part in the construction of. the bridge. 'Left AO .right, they are. George' Cowari,..;'ferrner clerk; Leonard Caldwell, road superintendent;' Warden Jewitt. R. . XL, Dawson, `consulting, ,-e-e-F-TIliigh Flynn' and Tom Leiper IlulietI counc11ors. (Ficjicisitor. photo 'by Phillips)., air ,Seaforth Fall 'Fair 'enjoyed the best fair in the :114 years of ,its1 -existence this.,:year,:directors.learn-.. ed at -a - meeting'Mnnday- Prize' money arnowiting,to,$6.;398:..50 ,Was:awarded,..,the ligheStamount yet 'paid by the "snciety,,,,:.The'pay- in 4.nf' the prize money inlull Was; authorized by the., directors of Sea1.: .ferth,,,;:Agricultural. Society, and, prize : cheques wull StartflOyving'out et A simple ceremony Saturday af- the names of, the council in. 1958- , , . ternoon niarked the official oPen- the year when work was commenc- ing of the Hogsback bridge in IIul- ed, and officials. The inscription is ..lett township. 'Ile 134-fhot 'rein- as. follows: `HogSbac.ic Bridge, Hill - forced concrete strUcture is Tecat- lett Township, 1958: Reeve, Wm. ed between concessions 8 and 9, Jewitt;.Councillors, George Brown, and spans the Maitland River at Tom Leiper, Emmerson Ileik, Archie Young; Road mSuperintend- Constructionv) of ;the bridge -arks ent, Len Caldwell; ntractor, P. a further step..in the -bridge re- Christensen, Enginee R. M. Daw- plaeenient program undertaken by Ilullett council as a ' result of in- The neW structure is .the third Creasing, traffic ,demands, ' bridge at the site and replaces an - 'Carried, out in drizzling rain, un- iron bridge erected in 1901, by der overcast- skies, theshort cere- Frank Gutteridge,' of Seaferth.•The mony, in charge of Warden Wm, contractor for the new bridge 'was Jewitt, reeve of Ilullett, 'included Peter ' Christensen; of 'Seaforth„, The 'unveiling of a bronze, plaque The project which cost ' $18,000, set into -the new Structure. The was carried out under the super- . , comineniorative tablet has, en it vision of, Hullett road superintend- oss Over cKtilop Barn Is Raze A double barn was destroyed by fire in McKillop- township early Monday afternoon. The barn, on Seafort Await$che Plan For Opening Seaforth Junior " heckey club look like strong contenders in this year's loop. Tuesday eveiling •the seitiacVere in St. Marrs and lost by 'one 'goal to • the Junior "B" team of that town in 'Enexhibition match. ,‘ ' . With less than two 'minutes to • , go, a deflected. shot scored on the Seaforth goaler,• gave the Stone .Town boys the game, 7-6.., Ron Livermore led the Seaforth six with Raz goals, Bill- Gallow, and Toni Dick each scored once. , At 'a meeting -in New Hamburg TuesdaY night the ,schedule was drawn, `up for the -group, but at press time was not officially cleared, The schedule, will open in -Seaford). on ,Tuesday,-November- 10,- at the arene.:,.*FiretearnS "are entered, with a 24 -game schedule: Teems are Elrniracr,Whor. entered Tuesday; and Preston*, New Ham- burg, Stratford and, Seaforth. To ,be known as the "Seaforth Highlanders", the team' are plan- ning. a gala openingat the first garne„%lie keeping with the name, Peter Malcolm, decked in his kilts; will, be present with his bagpipes to entertain the, crowd. The Sea-, forth District High School Girls' Trumpet Bandwill also be on hand -as well as focal dignitaries,: To assist the 'tearti• in •their, ven- ture, Torn Beattie has agreed to run a turkey raffle -at every game uniors dule; the farm Of George, A. -Stone, North Road, three miles north of Sea-. forth, was burned to the ground, by the blaze of 'undetermined ori - The lire was discovered by Ken- neth Bennett, postmaster at RCAF' Station Clinton; who Was passing by at the time. Ork-fincling„iip home at the Stone farm, he_went _across the road to the farm', of Harry Nesbitt. Mrs. Nesbitt call- ed the alarm tothe Seaforth Rural Fire'Brigade. Fire—Chief John, F. Seott said the fire was beyond control when the brigade.arrived. He estimated the loss at $18,000. Lost MI- the blaze were a large 'number of chicken feeders, a corn-, bine and. some hay, Until recent months, the barn had housed a large ntimber of, chickens,, be at the or p f the no n Mr, Stone was in the St, Thomas area when the fire 'broke...out,. where he was. planning on pur- ehasing some cattle. Mrs. Stone was at her work in Seaforth. There was some insurance on the build- ing: for the enjoyment of the custom - Busy At Arena Activity at thearena erantixities to, mount as the' fall season -ad-, Knees. 'Skating -has-been in pro- gress for 10 days and has been, weR-patronized.,, Figure skating is expected to get under way lVfoeday when ste- dents register for the classes. Ice -making is under way at the. curling rink, 4,with play expected within a Week. Meanwhile the chib had ,arranged a series of bonspiels that will be held through- out e er... ent, Len Caldwell. An interested spectator at the ceremony was Albert Livermore, R.R. 4, Clinton, who a lad re- membered the building of the iron bridge nearly 60 years ago.' His parents, the late .Mr. and Mrs, Henry Livermore, occupied the ad- joining farm for. 14 years before' the turn of the century. The area was, busy in those days, there be- ing a lime Min and abider mill on -the farm. , "There used to be a wooden bridge, but when the big steam engines came into use it wOuldn4 .carry them," he recalled. "Big loads would have to go around tlie block, and there were lots of com- plaints:" The complaints finally ledito a new bridge. "It was the latest thing -and ev- erybody „thought we would be fix- ed for life," Mr. Livermore said, "but we didn't knew the speed of. cars today."' • • The iron bridge was built at 'a. time 'when machinery wascoming into more general use, but Mr. - Livermore said the councilofthe dey ,was dubious ,about new meth- ods and insisted the cement -in the abutments be mixecrhY,hand. He was interested in -seeing. the mas- sive abutments When they were torn out:to make way for the new structure, • "They didn't look so strong," he said: -' The new bridge is at a higher level than the -span it replaces,' and the approaches have been built, up. The higher. grade elim- inates much of the variation in. the level of the road as it was be- fore ,Tlie-drigirial--Wooden bridge was almast at water lever and as a re- sult acted as a dam during spring floods. .Mr.Livermore recalled water backing up for long dis- tance's -- and flooding ,across the road because of the obstructien created by the old bridge. Present -at -the cerernony--in- ad- dition,to .1teeve • Jewitt and mem- bets of council, were road super- intendent, Len Caldwell; clerk, Harry Tebbutt; former tier's., Geo. Cowan, and the constiffilig, engin- eer, R. M -.-Dawson, of -Stratford. Ready For Annual Apple Day ..Seaforth Boy -Scouts are holding their.. amnia' Apple..Day-on Satur- day of next week: ' During , the 'day the Scouts will a clivasa Seaforth homes,. as well as Petrel Main Street. Proceeds from the annual ' ap- peal assist in carrying on the Scout program in Seaferth during •the coming year. ,As..a1 Class "B" lair in its first year, 'emphasis was ,placed 'once ,triere. utility, classes., In these,CrttliaI classes- almost $4,50e,,,.was .aWarci.7, ed. Of this amount,;' -"$.1.;900: -Was giy en r in prizes to • the three breed; •shoWswhich this year 'highlight' ed the fair -the : Shorthorn, Here ford and ..the..Ifiirori.- Comity '.'1101:, Increased activitY is evidenced in, Huron and Perth as organiza- tion is -being speeded up for the vote on retention or -rejection of the Canada Temperance Act sche- duled -fni November 30. Enumdration -which began in both counties on Monday was completed Thursday. In rural dis- nn ' interest in the area towards the fair, The Thursday evening Pro- gram was attended- by almost 200 tricts the enumerator in each poll- ing subdivision also acts as revis- ing officer. . Revision takes place Thursday, November 12, , 'Enumerators in "Seaforth are 3, T Scott Mae -Watterworth, R. D more people than in previous - Plans are being left in the hands of, ,the .executive for the annual meeting early in January. ,The 'meeting will take the form, of a banquet, and a, special speaker and entertainment is being ar- ranged. - Reports presented by, the secre- tary-; R..Jarries Wallake;i1;idicated a great interest' -in the, junior Fair which was inaugurated:this, yea.r. Farm clubs from.across Huron and a Perth entry participated. The championship 4-H Beef Club at- tracted an outstanding number of cOmpetitors. The indoor educa- tional displays numbered 25. Prize money awarded to the junior fair this year Was over $600. , Gate receipts were up this year by over ,51c10:, indicating a greater, , • ,F1:111111., ' Zurich onors Couple A'banquet at -the New mmer- cial-Iletel, Hensall, Monday even- ing ,abservedethe- golden wedding anniversary of Mr . -and Mrs. Win Beichert, of :Zurich. The attrac- tive table was centered with . a three-tier cake flanked with gol- den mums. For receiving- the 32 guests, Mrs. Reiche'rt, the former Laurette Fuss, wore a gown of black silk with a corsage of ;golden mums. The marriage was solemnized in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich, October 27, 1909. The couple farmed all their lives in Hay town- ship, retiring to Zurich nine years ago,. Their family presented thein with a 'ehest of drawers; grand- children and great grandchildren, a large basket of gold mums -and a potted/ plant from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, and num-I ertius, -gifts_ and , congratidatery messages.- They have a fanily of three, .in- clUding.a son, Harold, ,Hillegreen; two daughters, (Mina). Mrt, Earl Leve„, Ilillsgreere• (Aide) Mrs. -Ernie .Laidlaw, Zurich; -five' grand - Children, and three great-grand- children. • Police Seek Stolen Stamp Machine Police are investigating the theft of a stamp -vending machine from Seaforth Post (Iffite. The machine was torn frprii•The front wall some time late Sunday evening or Mon- day morning, No estimate 'of the cash it con- tained was availabier -However, Postmaster F. E. Willis said he had cleared the machine on the preceerling Wednesday.„ The Machine was installed soine months age by the Post Office De- partment as a convenience to citi- zens wishing'. to purchase stamps' at times when the post office was I not open. ' e lars lrash t Brucefield o in Hospita A :13rucefield resident, , Mrs.. Mary Talbot,remains in critical condition in . Clinton Pablic,Hospi- tal ; as a result of an accident On No. 4, Highway in. froet of Bruce - field United Church.. Sunday eve- ning which ‘involVed five .ears. A hospital spokesman said Wed- nesday night that Mrs. Talbot had not regained 'consciousness. Miss Jean ,1VIcClinehey; 16, also injured in the crash, was recovering' satis- factorily. • • The ,two injured women were passengers in a car driven by Mrs. Briice McClinchey, of Varna.An infant, 1.0.14, -months -old Joanee;Mc- Clinchey, and MrSt`-iiIcClincheY were -both thrown, from the car. All were removed to hospital but Mrs; ,McClinehey and ..'her baby daughter were later released. ,- The accident occurred when a par travelling north on the 'high: WaY and driven by Gorden James White, 19; of Goderich- and the. 1VICClirichey car were, in collision. According to police.the impact. riceclieted the White:.•ear into three parked cars, including those own- ed ,by Jack-kustard and. Ken •Mc-. Cowan, of Bruc.efierd, which were badly •Weelliid. • . The scene of the accident was in fron.t. Of Breeefield- United Church where special anniversary services Were about to begin. The ,inittred Were rexnoved :to the school -radii. of the ' church 'and services were 'delayed man medical atten- tion had been rendered. ' Call Ren Muir () aterloo Post '.Iton Muir, lop scorer . of last year's Cornwall. 'Chevies in the EaStern Senior OHA, was this year drefted by - the Kitchener - Waterloo Dutchmen of the Seek:1- °1/A. The Dutchmen are Chnada's representatives in, the Winter Olympic garnes Veing -held in February in Square ValieY, Ben turned down' two tempting ()Hors from Washingten--end4eh' town in the Eastern American Hockey League to get a berth on the .Canaclian Olympic team,- 'He started his hockey in: Seaforth jn -Minor hoekey and moved into Jun- ior J.D' and `B and then moved into, Junior 'A' With Brockville Hornets._ .of the Ottwa District League. .11e. then moved to Corn- wall and played three years with the "Chevies." He intends to move his family up to Kitchener in the ne r future THOMAS KYtE, Sr., 81, for, , mer 'Henselil constable,. was one of 'those who had a ticket drawn :in the Irish Sweep- • • stakes. His horSe, Solar Duke, ' was not "'among the winners, but he likely will, receiVe consolation prize. .; Lions Plan Ai For Juvenile_ Hockey Team There can -be- no doebt coneern- ing an accomplishment ,in life' if Lions continue to serve the corn- -in, unity as they Wave been doing, Deputy 13istriet overnor Harvey 'McDermid, of Ilowick, told Sea - forth Lions Monday evening. Be was , making his official. visit to the Seaferth chit) at the meeting held -in the Community Centre. The meeting,' in charge of Win M. Ball and Lloyd Rowat, con- gretidatecLcharter_ member C...` A. Barber on his birthday, and heard CNI13 Campaign chairman E. C. Boswell say that the Seaforth Ob- jective Was short but $35.00. * The club . agreed to sponsor 'a juVenile hockey team when Powcliffe hointed out difficulty was being experienced in ofgar- izirige. certain teams...Details wel be 'worked out. A donation of $45 was provided„to purchase milk for shipment to needy, ...countries through ,CARE. The prize , dram/ was won by C. Walden. The club will -hold its :annual. peanut drive on Monday evening, .Novembet 23, tifIlen 'Eric Munroe will"J'e-ih Charge. -ea rr_PtlevtriOn Pn 1E1 Pet% Several.* Walton' anti ' Brusiels residents were winners -in the ao- Midi Perth, County plowing match, -held just south of Listowel last - :Wednesday. 'Held 'at the "farm of the Perth County Warden,' T. Campbell , Thompson, in Elma ..township,, district winners nunther- ed six, , r - They Were: •'"-tractor-class, Ger ald Iluether;--Brussels; Don ''Ryari, Walton; three furrows, Kenneth Ryan, "Walton; jointer plows, ' J. 'Ryan, Welton*. In, the junior sec- tion, winners included Ronald Pet- rie, under 21; and Stewart Steiss, Brussels high school. * Scott E. DinSinore Alex nit ,and Percy, Little, . - • • 1VICKillop-,--.JeineS.McQuaid, 'Alex Robert Canipbell. • . • AlullettL,--James' 'Jamieson, Mrs, Bert. 'Allan,: Lloyd .Medd,. Clarke . Ball,. Robert. Townsend .and Mrs." We BradnOck.. ' • Tu cbersinith.-,L.-Mrs A. Nichot- on. Grant. Finnigan, J. W, Crich; 15,. A.- Moffatt, 'Mrs: _Glenn Bell, E.'itoss .Mis..-Catherine bins ' and Harvey..lolinstori. While"....Returning -Officer ',J. lc Hunter.: advances arrangements' ,for , the.' Vote;,,..representativeS Of -those ' faiinrine retention of.' -the Aand of thoae-seeking the in-' rodiction of 'the'..LiqUor Control', Act . aresetting :up,' ergardiationa, . . , throughout,. the .Courity,• john'', S. Iluelcias, ehair.man of., .the, Huron. Coininittee for ..L,egal .ContrOL'has had, a' .nitriib,er.„ 'of speaking engagements in the,Coino ty,...ancl:,;,,has.:.,a`eCePte-q,LP.,ttiCt',--eo - gagenients.., Similarly; :the, Iluroa CTA ennunittee has had :several ' •rnee , DisitcueseslieligIssthueesrSetaacthtioninenotf. citi- zensgenerally,. Mr. Iluckina- said he found a keep interest in'th: _preblems existing' in the eounty,,, He referred to a statement iSsued', by '3, H., Dalton, reeve of Grand?' Bend,in which the conditiOns.e/ri; isting , before ' and after CTA re- peal, are discussed. Upon incor- poration, ,Grand Bend became a- part ,of Larnbton „County', and the.. LCA carne into affect:, ' Mr. Dalton's statement includes the following: "When the CTA , was in; force ,here, our 'big preb- Ithe cermAs driodseno- firpomrohtibhiet-ftheceicothrixpp- asut , tin 'of -alcoholic beverages on the streets ----in public. places, or -in. automobiles., Also, because there., was no provision in, the act to con- vict on a charge nf,',drunkenriesg, drunkenness became very preva- lent •on the- streets, and, beearrie • uneoetrellable 'under existing leg-- , "A -girl' or group of girls could not walk on any of our streets, par-' ticulerly at night, without ,being subjected to insult, profanity .and even. attack.' ".Since the Liquor Control Apt ,has been in force 'here it has pre- " vided the means.'of combatting the' aboveymentiened problems„ and, I am' Proud to say, coniuniption of alcoholic beverages en -bur -streets. has been reduced to a. mininuini. Please do not construe this state- • rnent to mean that the LCA is • receiving ',the full' credit for, this reduction, but rather that it has provided bidede, theec•aomplaliwosed.whereby it Rear Secretary Of 0.T.F. "There are e good -number of communities in this.prevince that would prefer the Canada Temper- ance Act to the.L,iqtior .Control 'Act and 1,iquor.Linense, on CTA Corninitthe as Aoki - Clinton by Reyal. IVIoultorr, TO- . ronto, general seeretary of • the • Ontario Ternperance:.. Federation. ' 4rdcleeed arethal: 'eaxptriinnger• th0lej)Penospeti,le iil 11u bilities of having the ',Canada Tem..- perance Att in that cotmty. lorgnk, R. Howson, -ehairinan.,ef, the ' cdmmittee,, pre- Sidedover a well-attended_meet- ing M Ontario St. United- Chtireh.. hallClinton' on Friday. After 'hearing- Mr: Moulton. sutecernmit- tees , proceeded 'with organization, plans. It was .ennennced that God- erieh WCTTJ iS-cOntilibliting--$150--- toward.the-calitpaign to retain the ."I believe in the Aet," sal Mr. Moulton. .".t have studied. the ivhole•,,situhtion across -the prov- ince; so Jar as pperation of -the-- two. Acts,:is,concernecl, and You have the better proposition -less 'juvenile delniquentY, 'fewer • alco- holics, fewer children in care of the 'Children's Aid Society. • 'Mere has been tor mtich talk - nig deem of'thp.CTA, both in Plur-'. on...and Perth. The liquor people come into -.these counties to dis7 eredit the: -Act: Their .strategy has . ' been subtle', and many good,. peo- ple have been turned upside down in their thiiikiug. Mrs. Ed,' Andrews, ,N.G., presid- ed for the meeting' Monday even - leg of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge 117, ,when the District Deputy President, Mra. Dorothy Parker, of Hensel, installed the officers for the ensuing year. Mrs. Bertha McGregor Was deputy . marshal]; Mrs. Edna Caldwell, deputy sect- • tali; Mrs. William Brown, blo- ist, arid Mrs, William Fuss, pian - The following ,w,ere' installed in- to office.: Noble grand; Mrs, Keith Sharp; vice -grand, Mrs, Margaret Messenger; financial secretary$ 'Mri; Charles Reeves; treasure*, Mrs'. Joseph Grurumett; warden, Mrs, Robert Betiermann; conclude thr, Mrs. Ralph' Hicks; chaplain, Mrs, Gorge Campbell; musician Mrs, Wilmer Cuthill; R.S.N.G., Mrs, Annie Harrison;' L.S.N.G„ 1VIrs,"Robett Dodds; R,S.V.G., Mrs, liugh' Therepson;. L.S.V.G., 'Miss Eleanor Henderson; inside 'guar- dian, ,Mrs. -Scott Habkirk; outside guardian, Mrs, Allan Canipbelli' color -bearer; Mrs. Peter 1Vialcplin; Mrs. Ed. Andrews. Miss Jean Scott Who was unable to attend, will be, installed as re - Cording secretary at dieter date.: Appointments made by the new- ly -installed , noble grand, Mrs. Sharp, included: . degree, captain,. Mrs. Ila tairrance; Sunshine Pet convener, Mrs.Wm, balryMplel• 'Social convener, Mrs, David Mc- Lean; CPT. committee, Mrs„ A. Harrison, Mrs H. Thompson, Mrs'. niett, • Reporting for the CPT commit- tee, Mrs. Dalrymple •said. that $24.72 had been raised by the Re- belcahs dining' the Penny Drive and asked members to support the paper drive on Saturday, October 31331. A 'euchre is planned to fol- low the November- 9 -meeting with the meeting caned iv 7:30 p.m. Each Member is asked to invite a - guest 'to the euchre. Members are asked to continue saving 'Betty Crocker bex tops for "Pennies For Charity." • Follovvingthe installation the newly:installed, noble grand and Mrs. Chester Henderson, P.D.D.P., congratulated the district deputy president and her installing team . Andrews p„ eSs,„ rs, J. Grum- on the capable manner in which • they conducted . the installation. Mrs, Glenn Bell; noble grand of Amber „LOdge, , brought greetings, • In. 'addressing the lodge, • Mrs. Parker used as her, reetto, "love One Another." She asked mem- bers to "boest and build Odd Fel- lowship", and to, support the local 'CPT committee, and the ..assembly president's, project -,.-- to -furnish the ' kitchen. At the 1.0,0.F. Home at Barrie; -Ors._ Parker presented. Mrs. Ed: Andrews, the retiringnoble grand, with; her, jewel, and- on behalf of .the lodge Mrs. Andrews Presented. Mrs, Parker with n,gift. Mrs, Scott Hahltirk,- social convener* and her cominitteee!.§,,,R.qed a de - Helot* - , "DESPITE A VARIET* ineluding limited time for preparaliou, members of Seaforth.Wonien's Institute prksent.d the Inimical, 'Running Wild", 16,enthusiastie audiences at ' SDHS Thursday and 'EridaY Sfweek. Among th6se contributing to the event Were, Helen •Mc- Kenzie, itp.p Campbell, and Larry Wheatley, costumed for one of the allitising scenes. (Expositor Photo, by ,. •' "In thoSe areas .where, we had victories recently, we had won- derful organization. In Burling,'", -4. ton on Wednesdaywe had. e "tory.; in; Dundas, aiMther; , in Flesherton, •another. We. have More victories, this .pattltear, than in e. long time. Vor. the sake of - °tir'"ouf ilog.urability. etYwWeithhavo:gnan°izaal- - ternative but to fight to the ut- mosttien and enthusiasms,. I ' am sure you can win in Huron.", Award: Contract For Alterationt At P�st Office '• A contract for the completion' Of alterations to the Working area in the Seaforth 'vat, bffiee has been . awarded to Sterling Habkirk. It Is expected work wfll Commence text The 'project includes the 'supply„ of.additiena1 lock- bOtes and a re-, arrangement, of the tereezi..