HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-16, Page 10THE HURON ExPosrrOu, sp.AFORTUmt., 'OCT, -16,c;195.9 Ounnumutimimunimmtiiiiiionni First: PRESBYTERIAN cifuRCH. . Rev, D. Leslie Minister - IL A. KEMPSTEK Organist and. Choir Leader 10 A.M-. • Church School and Youth - FellowShip " 11 A.M. LAYMAN'S SUNDAY "FourMen. In One Chair" Music: Male Quartette D. R. Stewart, F. E. Willis, . J. A. Cardno, H. N. McLeod "Getting Ifold of the WrongMan" Music: Guest Soloist Miss Helen Videan, Goderich, -Ott: "The Heaven's Proclaim flim" A number of men will take part in , the services. ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED IIIIIIDIDIU111111111111111111I1111111111.11111 EGmoNDyiLLE UNITED CITURCII DR. J. SEMPLE, Mirdeter tyle Hammond Organist -Choir Leader ' 11 A.M. Calling All the Men of Our Church •WHY? • . TO OBSERVE LAVIVIEN'S SUN- DAY -- NATION WIDE SERVICE Guest Speaker: MR. J. A. SNIDER Outstanding Layman of London, • Conference . • SPECIAL 'MUSIC BY MALE. CHORUS, Be* a- Part Great- Service! Your presence will be . an Inspiration. • CHURCH SCHOOL = 10 A.M. Sunday Evening, October 25th . Junior .Farmers of Huron . We write all lines of • INSURANCE Fire Auto --Wind • Liability. and Life John A. Cardno Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 : ,Seaforth 'Representative: • Manufacturers Life Insurance Church Notices. • $t. Thomas' Anglican Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; Morn- -mg Prayer, 1100 a.m.; Evensong; 7:00 p.m. Holy. Conimunion first Sunday nioruing of month, and third Sunday at 9:00 a.m.—Rev.; H. • Donaldson, Rector. Maintop United Charge.-13et1ie1, -10 am,; Cavan, 11;30 a.m.; Duff's, 2 pdn, e-,ReT. W.. H. Summerell, Minister. . , Northside United Cheirele—Wor- ship, 11 am. This Will lie Lay- men's Sunday with Mr, •Carfrey Cann, of Exeter, the guest speak- er. •Laymen will also lead the ser- vice a worship. All the Mela in the, congregation invited to this service. Church School,•-is'a.m..; classes for all age groups. Nursery attendants present to inok ' after -young chil- dren during morningworship per- iiDd.—Rev. C.' Britton, Minister. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. , and Mrs. Williarn 'Diegel, 13rodhagen, Orit.,announee the en- gagernent of their only daughter, Marleen Dorothy, to Mr. Donald Sohn -McLaughlin son. of Mr. McLaughlin and the late Mrs. Mc- Laughlin, Kincardine, the wedding. to take place -et St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, 13rodhagen, on -Fri- day',' October 30, at three o'clock. •Mr. and Mrs. Harvey John, ston, Clinton; announce the engage- ment of their`daughter, Doris Paul- ine,. tcr Berne Allan McKhileY, Brantford, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin' McKinley, R.R. 1, ZuriCh, Ontario. The marriage will take .place• in Ontario Street 'United Church, Clinton on Saturday Nov. 7, at 6:00 p.m. , WINTHROP, The Helping Hand Mission Band •will meet on Saturda:y affelnodi; October 17, at 2 p.m., in • the IVIisses Margaret and Edith' Boyd of Stratford, and, Miss" Marjorie Boyd, of Milton, spent the Thanks- giving holiday, with their Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. • EGMONDVILLE;•..'• Mrs. Gordon Churchward • and family, of Toronto; spent the. holi- day' Weekend with her father, Mr. Ivy Ilendersen. Mr. ,and Mrs, 'Ernie Cook and familY, of Kingston,. visited: With MrS. ook's.,parents,. Mr. arid Mrs. • and NITS. Lester; Niccille and seri, •ofRelarierston,,spent. •gving Day, with Mrs. Nieolle's par-' ents,. Mr: and. Mrs. 'Johnnie l3lue.,.. • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harnmenti,: Carolyn 1.and . Donna,., Spent the •Thanksgiving holiday with 'friends and relatives hi London. , • Mr. and Mrs. Reg Allin were Sunday visitors :with Mr.aud Mrs; Andre* Hoesten;-, • •Thanksgiving, Day' visitors with Mr e 'and 1VIrs.--Stanley. -Gray • were' • their fat -Idly: their son Bob; of To- ronto; Mr., and Mrs: Don Gray and family, of" London; .and Mr. and. Mrs.. Burt Waters. and 'family,' of Ajax. •".•• Members of Mr. Nicholas "Fos- • ter's fanaily spent Thanksgiving Day with, him at ''hiS,. home .here. Mrs. Foster, who is in Seott Mem-. oriel Hospital, 'is imProved, , in health, and we tope ,will soon, be home,. again.. • e„•--/- • , Mr. and Mrs›Cyres; E, Picker- ing, of Toronto, visited' •with Mr.., _• and Mrs, ,Harry Welland. UNICiPAL .:POLIT.11C$ HIGHLIGHT . . ,SEAFPRTII, V1/.1.. MUSICAL COMEDY. Municipal Polities literally do ladies of. the town who,are advanc- run wild 'when the Seaforth We- ing n reform ticket the fast 'mciv- Men's Institute•Present their musi- hag show, will feature district' tal- cal "Running W .tlie SDHS ent, Included in the program will .auditoriure Thurs • ayn and 'Friday be brilliantly costumed • numbers neXt week. •. by 'pupils of schools in Seaforth, • Telling the story of Mayor.'who .Tuelterstnith, McKillop and Hib- giveS way to ternptab Re and the -bert. „ , - ; • . .. . • "„Arrangendente. or, the comedy are proceeding on a'rouncithe-cleek basis, with members of the tute. serving' on the various 'eoni- Mr: . and Mrs..,..k. R. McKinnsey mitte'es. • :„ • , • have. returned' aftff..,holidaying in , :Proceeds Of the two -night event .Quebec City' and Ottawa. ..; • - Will, go toVvardsd.asSiSting M. re; Mrs. •Myrtle -Carnochan has re decorating the Seaforth Agr,iCultur- tUrned to her • home in Wayne, al!SodietY show house.. '. Mich., after spending the past sev- eral 'weeks . with relatives and •friends inand, around Seaforth. 'Mr Keith , Dale and family 0 . ' l3urlingtote spent - -Thanksgiving 'Church. on Saturday, 'The -Mission Band met inBurns rday, Oct. 3,. with -owrityllilfehisp' r." 15 members 'present. The minutes ,misS Josephine avorce,• Cara.seas, Dofiathneel,a;ote-, eTethiengtr*eearseur'reer'sdf;rbe3:: Venezuela, *Sentle'America, who • is. 'port :vitae Jelin -mbles. taking' commercial coseat Al- ma College, ,St. Thomas, this year, visited' With Miss Doris Johnston, .,Clinten, this ,past Weekend. Doris met her While, visiting in Caracas this past Easter holidays.' , • • Dr, Everett Rivers,. of, California, Visited with his mother, 'Mrs, Jas: Riyers„ a:iur other Members, 'of the •, Mrs. Milt Stewart and Mrs,.Rus-. selta l " Coleinan • accompanied. Mrs'. The -:offering wak.ken by 'Betty Ovf.•darnochan 'to . lier hoine in Jean. MacGregor arid the offering • MrJames R. WaYne KelleYof. Tor°11- Song.•'was. -Stery stewar.dship,- read m unison-. ."Let's . . - , a to, and' 1Vliss' Eva Velloughn of To- . wa s dby Mrs.... Babcock:. „ The ronto,' spent the holiday weekend children decided to,Ary /die share with Mr.. and Mrs. Williani• O. Kelleand help ,Plan told,in the. Story this, y. , month .A prayer.. for children of Mr. anct Mrs: Russell..A. Waltermon , of Dundasspent Thanksgiving other lands was, given, followed by, ' , . the Lord's Prayer.' , with- -in-and "Mree-j. . . .• , , Mr,.. and Mrs. Thomas 'Lake and • The. Band.. accepted an .invitation daughter, of 'Toronte; were guests. from Lendesbero MisSlen Band last of 'MI'S. Earle Bell for „Thanksgiv- PriclaY • evening; , When slides on mg.. * insk--te—skimoes----were- Mr Ronald. McKay, a Tdroao,, :shown by Mils 'Clare ,TaYlor, ' of spent, the ..ThankSgiying -holiday Blyth. The evening was much en-. With his (SiSten. Mrs. J. E. Daley,. ,joyed„ The 'next ',Burns' Mission - Miss Marjorie 13i.ckell and Miss Bandmeeting will be held Satur- Ilina Freeman, ,of Tormitoc7 Were day, November' 7. ' week end guests' of Mr.. and 'Mrs.. •Mr ancl.Mrs. Donald IVIeNall and George* Smith, Hullett. ' farnirY. and mr, ..nd Mrs. Russell „ Mr. ' and- Mrs. Hareld Jackson MacBeili ancVfarnily,, London; spent the' weekend in Tillsonburg visited 'on. SenclaY with Mr. and, and Sarnia. „ • - , Mrs: George 'Watt. • • , Mr: and Mrs. Robert Norris. and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake, of Mr. Edward- Campbell;. rMark- Ilolniesville, :and • -Mr:, aild ; Mrs." harm., are geeSts .of Mr. and Mrs. William "Orr, .of • Milverton, were Ben Rising. . , Sunday 'visitors- of Mr. and MI'S: .• Mr. :and -Mrs. Gordon Webster, Wesley Kee and ,fainily, ,of Toronto, visited Mrs, G. B. Dor;' : • ' • rarice, over the holiday in M,cKil- LOCAL. BRIEFS HARLOCK • The story of "Ana, the Little Al,- ricanl3aby,'•' was reed by 'Dianne Roe. The ,scripture, Luke 21:1-4, was read by Joyce Roe. The story of the widow's 'mite Was, given by Mrs. Babcock. June Govier read the story of the richyoung man. A story was also read by Jane Alb - las. •Discussioa-Of these stories arid their meaning was 'discessecl by the group. • Mr. and 'qrs. G. Reitz and fam- ily: of ,Petrolia, were Thanksgiv- -itgeguests.of Mre„. Ee McMaster. ' • . • , • • , . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Grant and family, 'nf Waterloo, were guests _of, Mr. -and Mrs. A: Y. McLean for ::Thanksgiving. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, • of Braeebridge, • Were • Thanksgiving, •guests of Mrs', Scott. •Mr. , Robert Smith, Miss, Mae': Smith. arid Mr. and Mrs. Robert Srriith were gaests of Mr: and Mrs. George L Smith, Iltillett. • Mr.. and Mrs. Malcolm Reid, rdf Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving with Miss' Alice Reid. , Mrsi N.Bohannan.and Miss Mar- garet 'Dinsinoren of London, were ThanksgiVingguests, of „, Mrs. R. K7 McFarlane. • , ' • • Mr. and Mrs:- J. F, Eckert and family; girecoe, spent' the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs:: • Mr. .and Misd Stewart- Geddes and John and Robert silent Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and Mary. - • Mr. Keilneth'Keating,..„,ef New •Yea,.,pent 'Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. ,E, KOat- A Smart touch -of darkness highlights this- handsome shoe • Jarman stylists designed an ,pittrit goottleolting shoe here and then made it of rich Cashmere 'Grain- leather. ' And to set this off • to full advantage, they added dark "Shadow:Tone shading along the seams. • The ieault i a wonderful:new shoe that you Will enjoy wearing, because of the complithenis you get and the comfort it provides. ,,Conie in and See what we Mean. 1 e or Sittee'1862: SEAFO1,T14; OT.. l'irt and Mrs geott and fam- ily, of Bracebridge, spent the week end with Mrs. H.'•11. Scott. An_ Mr. and Mrs.' Gerald Ste%yart and family -were • guests of Ins mother, Mrs. Harry Stewart • Mr. and Mrs Harry Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. R. SBox and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nieholson. were in Wiugham Friday night, represent- ing Braneh 156of,, the Canadian Legioe at -a gathering honoring Scotty Forbes, who has recently retired aS area .pension :efficer. •Mr:* William Scott, University of Tort:lute, and Mr. John Scott, On- tario Gollege of Ai, Toroptg, spent the holidays_with their patents,^Mr. and Mrs- J. M. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs. Neville McMillan and family, of Pickering, -'spent, the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan: •• • Mr. Ken Moore, of Sarnia, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore. . Mr. .Frank BrYans; of the TIM- Versity of Western 'Ontario, toii- d�n, spent the heliday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. l3ryans. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larone were in penelon Falls over the week - Mr, Neil Broadfoot, of the On- tario College of Art, Toronto, spent. Mrs. John Cairns has returned the weekend with his parents, Mr. fronn,visiting friends in Cooksville and Mrs; Clifford Broadfoot and Toronto: M. and Mrs. David- T. McGee, Mr. and *Mrs. George Addison, of London, spent Thanksgiving with accompanied byMr. and Mrs. Ken. her parents,. Mr, and 1VIrs, Sid Pull- Iltilley, of Constance, attended the Tebbutt-Dean wedding 'af Guelph .Visitors ever 'ilanksgiving week-- onSaturday.. • • end witli Mr: and Mrs. T- J. Flynn • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jehnson; of Were -Mr. and IVIrs„ S. Garter, Un- Medicine Hat Alta., spent Thanks- derwoodn Mrs, Art Bromley, Kit- givnig. weekend With Mr. and MrS. chener; Mr. Irwin Schenck, Miss V. .G..Graharn, and Shauna. Gait Campbell and .MiS5 Elvir,a. Mr.and Mre, A- J. Scott and -four eh -Urchin, Toronto.'• • datighter5. of Pointe Claire, Que- Mr. and Mrs. M: MeKellar and bee, spent Thanksgiving weekend Mrs. Sack Hanillton spent . the with Mr: and Mr. JasT, 'Scott. holiday 'weekend with Rev. and IVIrs.Elliott Walters -has returned Mrs. • R., A. Williams, of Mount torne after .spentling a few weeks Clements. • with 'her daughter and sonin-laWy Mrs. Mary Hildebrand spent. the Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Scott, Pointe weekend ht Zurieh and also at- Claire, Qtteliec. ' tended the Deichert -Caldwell wed- Mr, and Mrs. V. Adams, -and ding at Brucefield. Miss .Dorielda Adams were guests ,Mrs. • R. K. McFarlane spent at a turkey dinner at the home of Wedn.esday in Clinton • With- Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. ' and Mrs. Harry Jehnsen. TheCentre Seetien of the Huron • M. and Mrs. Seines Hogg and. Presbyterial 'or the W1VIS 'will be Mr- Bob Spooner, of .C•ollingwbod; held in ConStance United Church -on spetit the Thanksgiving weekend Wednesday, Oct. 21. The afternoon with Mr: and Mtg.. Bedford Dun- speaker will be Mrs.- HellandS, of •gey and family.. • Ayhter. She will Speak on "Future Mr. '• and Mrs. George Eaton, of of Woreet's Work in the Church." Seafortli, cinietly delebrated their, The evening *Baiter Will be Nine 53rd Wedding anniversary- en Sat- Cinittinte Baxter,. of Indoer, India. Seaforth Lions °P lan-• Peanut Drive Seaforth Lions made •Plans for the anneal peanut driveat a meet- ing Monday in St. Thomas' Church hall. Since there has been so little interest in recent years, .the club decided to drop its regular Hal- lowe'en • program. The meeting was in charge .of John .Longstaff. and Len Ford. •- -Perfect -at en arice pis were presented by past president J. E. Keating ' to 17 Lions. • The draw 'was won by C. A. Barber. , Legion Sponsors Harvest Dance . The annual Harvest Get-together of the Seaforth branch of the 'Can- adian Legion is being held Friday evening in the Comrminity Centre. Additional • invitations may be ob- tained from Secretary Ken Powell., • A feature of the.party will be the drawing for a thousand dollar -bill. Tickets. for the draw have been on sale for 'suite .time. • , There was a mail who called a spade spade—until, lie stumbled over one in .the dark:" ' Advance Election • (COntinued from,Page '1) that it was intended to take legal Action to :collect business taxes which, in several cases, are sub- stantiallyt. n arrears. Of the ac- countsnirr arrears,. the committee recernmend' that five, ft:galling • about 8700, be written -off at the next court of revision.' This actien was• takee on., the advice of the town solicitor, vvho felt that noth- ing -would be gained by suing. In the case pf the largest debtor„ the solicitor ,has been instructed to ...have a writ issued, -and hi ten eth- er cases'the taxpayers will be ad- Vised .tiaat unless immediate' pay- ment is forthcoming, court action vvill Referring to instructionsof council at the June •rneeting to arrange , for an hi -mediate tax • sale, Dr. Brady said that' steps to this end were being taken by the clerk: jt was indicated that the to- tal of the Property taxes in arrears was approximately $20,006; but all of this amount Would pot be sub- ject to tax sale. • • - • .. • Dfiring the nionth 'tinder review,. the street committee 'hadbeen fad- ed With .eiansiderable amount' .:of draM•trouble, ternMittee chairman Seett, Hahltirk. said. In. additivin,; Catpli hasniabadbeen,eleen.ed,Cere. tairi''sitieWalks-repaire.d,WeedS cut .andtree.k..trimmed. A large maple tree .had -ben, removed on Victoria • Street, .near ".Gedericii, gtreet, and .produced a.lain,',..tfiaantity;, of Woodi, which. is !rav,ailable, for people en relief: ".The..„,cernreittee, asked.,..fer hiStruetioes....eoneereing. 'the: .cen ,Striietion of a.'..draineen.''Itallread ;StreetrWest at -a 'cost rOf' 'approXi-. • rnatel $15, phi§ labor, arid Whate *Yen: work eduld•be doneby the toWn•staff,• Guided by .advice • froth Brady„ -finance cornmit- tee nnairreafie•Who.said that 'groin a:,•financiai point, of .view he. ttlietiglitittahotild he left over:and an estiniateinchicled .rieXt..year,, . „,.. eetincil took .rio„ actien.. • , • The' Coininiftee was instructed to TakT-aTtihiTlo. collPFIT-raTentilit- fer eSed..SideWalk .material"Which 'fiad.beennseld more a year Agn.:':Cbun01.',Wasneoldrthat a Celan,. :pity:of'.salt and. sand, .;had been stock -Piled for Use. dining the.'Whe , •: • Sell:MaterWorksPropeityLL oeThere. W.as .little. interest, in the• Coetineed' eperatieb..- ,Of teWn." scales,'it Wa.s indicated. after Conn. cillor Rivers : had,repOrted the ..re- sult ofinterviews with decal:deal- ers, The 'scales will' bekelesed for. a Year,'. when the ,•inetter \or, be revieWed. • . 'hio. 'of. •sijo;'..tend.ered Deltori for • the'..forrrier 'waterworks reSidence,together wiL.th:. two:, rots:, was acepted. Conneli. was tad that. it Was %intended .'" to '..establieh -Welding shop in, :the. building, at:the rear efetlie resideete,,ancl-theyeSie dexiee. was to. be renovatedforUSe, ceuncillor Plonk Rivers' reported On the Work .lieitig.:..earried::ceit the Arena,' and aid th at there. has beerelittle diffieulty.eXPeriericedIn lining Uld It Was intended to raise the grade at. the Western . entranceS.M. avoid Water;lying..againsethe'bifildieg„.:It was .rectiminended that stepsdhe' taken to PieVent Water from drIP= Ping .down Vvalls.,.into .Wire dew. .frarnes ,aricli'retting The Board. of ',Transport, Celle inissioriers "iriforinect.-thetoWn that it.was intended to replace ,tlie ex- isting. wigwagsignal at the : CNR croSsingwithin theeeXt.12 Months,: Eighty per; cent' of :the 'cost of re- placement,- berlibt jo :eXceed $soo; -would be ',paid . for :by thetGraile Crossing Fund, and • -the ...Boartl Would deterinine the Manner . Which the balance Would be paid' The'ebst of 'operating :the signal is borne 80'per cent by tha atd, urday, October 10. Their daughter and son-in4avv, Mr, aridlVirs. Fos, ter Bennett Seaforth,,also cele- brated their. 30th' weding anni- versary' on Saturclay:' Mr. Ross, Rennie, Mr.,. Ronald Rennie and-Mits Alice Dengall, all of Toronto,- were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ben- • Mr. and Mrs. M.H. IVIcKerizie, of Oshawa Mr. Jack Dorranee and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, of Clinton, were guests of Mrs 'Ma Derrance on Mon,day. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and daughter, Debbie, of Whitby, and Mr. Ron Williams, of Kitchen- er, spent Thanksgiving wee,kend with Mr. and Mrs, Mike Williams, Dr. and Mrs. II. Bowers, Strat- ford, entertained for Thanksgiv- ing dinner et, Driimholm, • their' summer. cottage 9t; Port Albert, the following, 'guest: Mrs. G.. B. Durance, Mr.S.-lia., Dorrande Mr, Stanley Dorrance, Mr., and 'Mrs. E, Adams and MiSs Denelda THE BAFF!.ES By Mahoney. LEMON'S ' TAXIE and PARCEL SEVICE All Eassongersiasea CiciL DA,VE 676 675 a blue'. coal' WILLIS. blIND:AS chinapion Stove .and rarriate. .! PUNDAS ':andLONEy 'Phone 573- or.138..: sap,i5amokiAt ..EHOT! HAVE ,YOU BEEN ' TAKINSI-E5SPIS3 BEAUTY .SALON Pborte 373 , SEAFOR'1411 ; ONTARIO GEORGE a, MILLEIt T A XI SERV IC E Insured Passengers Phone 149 - SEAFORTH LL KINDS StIRANCE IVIre and 1VIrs. RaymondNott, Eg- family; silver tray, salad set and, mondville, celebrated their 25th hanging plate from the groom's wedding anniversary en 'T,hursdayz family: On Friday evening they were guests of honor at a reception and. presentation in the Orange Hall. •Dancing was enjoyed cluring'the ev- er_ J,Legi to the music of Harburn's orchestra. • Prior to the liinch, Victor Lee red -the following_ address, and -jobe--Okifieldee-Mike-Williams -and- 'Harry Chesney" 'presented them with a beautiful coral shade swivel reeking chair and silver bread "Dear Wiriniearid Ray: .Friends spekpanian„mi :',behalf ref. the ,Versary.'eit..is a privilege: to act yeti yotinanni- ''25th .,, wedding,. and neighbors . have ga' the' ..here tonight to..pay tribute and .lioner te • :;' :groUP -.gathered:here', . • •' Land Mrs. [Nott were- Mar- lied:on Thanksgiving .Day,:. Q ember '8, 1.934;at the parsonage at:Lake Seugog,.,Ontario::: The iate • REV: ,Jarnes Ellord„ttnele of:the' groorre performed the eererilony, Follow,: Mr John Wallaee and Margaret ing.their ' wedding' they resided Ann Visited•everethe ' Weekend at ,Vernoxidville. for 'a • Shere. time arid Windsor with •:Mr." and Mrs Harry then took farining.,oe ;the se& Eilidtt.'„ Mrs: Wallaee..aact..'Debhie oed: ef",Tucketinath returned.'hOrtie with them after vis :tilesix:yearsago,, They ,ineVed'to..itiog'-der •Egnioedville„ where "they:, new '34k.eand WS:: }high Moore.and side'f a iiiilY.;:of•Liiidsayd , visiteover .,the They have two daughters :' Nancy We'ekend with . T.. L. a libtarian. at.,Kitcherier,andSally,, gcottnand Mrs.' E. Moore. • Mrs. nerse4ntrainiog, ILondori, :and 13Yrriellf,:. Who has been :visiting witli we are very pleased that they are her sister, Mrs Moore, returned able :to 'UT:here .tonight .;.‘ ' t: to her; horn& at 'CaMeren... Because bf What it 'stands:fez., 1VIn,:'aecl•Mrs. Gorden Houghton, The jeY it started' . bf.Lendopi•and.Mrs.: Dalrymple Ancleall;there Ceetentnient,',1' et_Vgreendville,e.With . Mrs„-.Xotigh- :, 'brought to both of :Yoinf ton .rop.:ThankSgrving Day. This -date is pretty' .Several .relatives friends And ,se, •.eorigratulationsre from :,here attended the reeeptiOn May eyery,:coreieg -year eXCeed at.-Staffa Hall on Monday 'evening,: Your fondest . expectations .: given in honer of arid Mrs. We ask ,you accept these ts. ..GrahamWar,k (nee:Wilma' Jean orebelialfdf_yeur friends' arid neigh- 'James), who were married Satur- day, October40; Pres- Mr.'iieCroniarty•e and, MTS. Mitt : thatikgd byferian Church: ;An address 'WaS -erYane Present„esPeeially those iii- given by Ed. Deering and the.pres- 'strurriontel 14 arranging the even!. entation of .Purse Inrioney was "made 'by. 'George, Smale: Mr. and' • Sunday afternoeti Mr..: And. Mrs. Work.each' Made a' replY. of Mrs. Nett were hOsts to 25guests 'aimregiation-for: their at, a family dinner at' the home of and Mrs. Wark 'haya.laft ,mt and Mrs. Dave MeLean. for their 'home it K.illargey,, Mani- - Mr. Glenn Elford Sarnia,',son, of CROMARTY • Mr. aud- Mrs. M,eKaig and three_daughters,.fronegadbery,_ spent the holiday weekend with his brother Angus, ,and with.Mr. and Mrs. Calder IVIcKaig. ' d . and family, of Winthrop, and Kenny Walker, of London, with: Mr. and Mrs. Otto 'Walker. , 'Miss,' Alice Sorsdahl spent the' weekend atethe hoine of her par- ents. , • Mr andr Mrs. Toni Laing Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Laing and Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Laing, attended the Diechert and Caldwell wedding at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William- Caldwell, near Brueefield,----- • Mrs., F. Speare and, son, Barrie, spent the weekerid with Miss Olive the 'officiating minister, .gave the 20 percent by the town. predinnerblessing and-IVIrn Keith 1Webster, Blythe, brother-in-law of the: host; proposed the toast; re- plied ,to- by the groom. A three- tier cake, made, and decorated by the bride, centred the head table. • Guests were presentirorn Sarnia, Bay City, Michigan, Kitchener„ London, Blyth, Brucefield and Sea- ST.' COLUMBAN Miss Eleanor-Bowman:R.N., has gone on a trip, to Vancouver, B.C. • Miss IVIarion 'McIver, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. William McIver., She spent a few, days in Toronto. • Roy McQuaid, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dennorne and children, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid. . -Jack Moylan spent a couple of days in Toronto. ,' Rev. Fraricis Moylan, S.F.IVI., a patient in $t., Michael's Hospital• , Toronto. • , •-:.Mr. and Mr, Gerrard Mareharid and children, Witidgiir, with Mr. and Mrs, Led Murray. d John Pine, Codririgton, pent. the weekend with -Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Murray and Mr, Sohn De- laney.'• - Mr. and Mrs. Greg .Morris, Port Credit, and •Mrs, Hubert Zettle, Preston, with Mr- and Mrs, Tom Morris. Jack 'Malone, Kapuskasing, and Miss Clare Malone, Stratford, with Mr, and Mrs. S. L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs'. Jim Doyle and Miss Antic Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. • Miss Florence Sloan, London Joe Sloan, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Torn SIdan, James and Gerald Sloan, Cobourg, With Mr, and Mrs. James Sloan, „ Mr. and Mrs.' Stephen Holland and family and Mr.. and Mrs. Jno. Fawcett, Londori, •Tommy and Jimmie Holland, Windsor,' withMr. and -Mrs.), J. Holland. Auxiliary Has OctOber Meeting ' The October meeting of the Sea: forth Hospital Auxiliary was held in the nurses' residence on Tues- day evening. Mrs, B. F. Christie gave a ver,Y interesting report on the Regiohal meeting which _wag held in Goderich on Wednes,Y, October 7. It was decided thee he anneal, gingham dance will be held February 12, old the turkey draw mn lDeceMber. Mrs. I). •It Wilson's narne waS onlitted froni the list of past presi- dents who Were presented with pins at the Mat meeting, , The mystery box, donated, by Mr. PleutenmAler, was Won by Mrs. A, „ W, SAlety, Mr. and Mrs-. Nett received - many beautiful gifts, cards and telegrams. Included -'in the gifts were a chesterfield, matching chair and end tallies frem their daugh- ter ' a lrilight from the bride's 0.E.S: EUCHRE • :Winners at the etihre held bY• the:Eastern Star on Thursday eve• ning were: ladies, 'first, Mrs, $,Tas.' Doig; Ione hands', Mrs. Camer- on; eorisolation, ,,Mrs. Mary kar; then: first, Arnold, Westcott; lone hands, Harold Wilson; conso- lation; Albert Baker„ The luck draw for the, cake was won by Mrs. ;Edith Daley. " ,• • Drive carefully — an accident could make yOur vacation perman- en . Phone 334 •-e- Res. 540 • IVIAIN V. : SEAIL FORT, 11Eicogime onCrieff Knited Chore ANNIVERSARY S VICt Sunday; Oct. 25th, 1959 Tim:of Services: 11a.m & 8 pan, Guest -Speaker: •Rev. Gordon • Hazelwood, Hampton, Ont. SPECIAL MUSIC BY "THE CHOIR — Everyone Cordially •Ihvited , • orty unro SURANCE ° uto' - Liability - Wind - Life Specializing in all forms of term insurance and family, • protection ,plans. • SEAFOItT11 394 -Goderish Street West For Cleaner Burning Order a Tankfull of Texaco Fuel Chief SMPO-hKoEneTsp NO ODOR ODOR WALDEN & • - BROADFOOT Seaforth Real Estate and Insurcincp • PHONE 458' • • • • • • • It' t time to shop for your PERSONAL HISTMA CA4DS • thaCvital ink 16 each of your friendsh'ps Choose from the 1314GEST most BEAUTIFUL arid VARIED display of , Christmas Cards WO kayo shown in many a Year. yOt4.1.t. LIKE THE giO.tii 471014' featurid NATIONAL LINE , • • • ft- ler .,4720 • • • • ->e -041. "Sr • 1 Huron Expositor Phone 141 or 142 • and FUEL Wm. Phone 784 i OIL M.I'Hart : Seaforth , We write all lines of • INSURANCE Fire Auto --Wind • Liability. and Life John A. Cardno Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 : ,Seaforth 'Representative: • Manufacturers Life Insurance Church Notices. • $t. Thomas' Anglican Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; Morn- -mg Prayer, 1100 a.m.; Evensong; 7:00 p.m. Holy. Conimunion first Sunday nioruing of month, and third Sunday at 9:00 a.m.—Rev.; H. • Donaldson, Rector. Maintop United Charge.-13et1ie1, -10 am,; Cavan, 11;30 a.m.; Duff's, 2 pdn, e-,ReT. W.. H. Summerell, Minister. . , Northside United Cheirele—Wor- ship, 11 am. This Will lie Lay- men's Sunday with Mr, •Carfrey Cann, of Exeter, the guest speak- er. •Laymen will also lead the ser- vice a worship. All the Mela in the, congregation invited to this service. Church School,•-is'a.m..; classes for all age groups. Nursery attendants present to inok ' after -young chil- dren during morningworship per- iiDd.—Rev. C.' Britton, Minister. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. , and Mrs. Williarn 'Diegel, 13rodhagen, Orit.,announee the en- gagernent of their only daughter, Marleen Dorothy, to Mr. Donald Sohn -McLaughlin son. of Mr. McLaughlin and the late Mrs. Mc- Laughlin, Kincardine, the wedding. to take place -et St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, 13rodhagen, on -Fri- day',' October 30, at three o'clock. •Mr. and Mrs. Harvey John, ston, Clinton; announce the engage- ment of their`daughter, Doris Paul- ine,. tcr Berne Allan McKhileY, Brantford, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin' McKinley, R.R. 1, ZuriCh, Ontario. The marriage will take .place• in Ontario Street 'United Church, Clinton on Saturday Nov. 7, at 6:00 p.m. , WINTHROP, The Helping Hand Mission Band •will meet on Saturda:y affelnodi; October 17, at 2 p.m., in • the IVIisses Margaret and Edith' Boyd of Stratford, and, Miss" Marjorie Boyd, of Milton, spent the Thanks- giving holiday, with their Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. • EGMONDVILLE;•..'• Mrs. Gordon Churchward • and family, of Toronto; spent the. holi- day' Weekend with her father, Mr. Ivy Ilendersen. Mr. ,and Mrs, 'Ernie Cook and familY, of Kingston,. visited: With MrS. ook's.,parents,. Mr. arid Mrs. • and NITS. Lester; Niccille and seri, •ofRelarierston,,spent. •gving Day, with Mrs. Nieolle's par-' ents,. Mr: and. Mrs. 'Johnnie l3lue.,.. • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harnmenti,: Carolyn 1.and . Donna,., Spent the •Thanksgiving holiday with 'friends and relatives hi London. , • Mr. and Mrs. Reg Allin were Sunday visitors :with Mr.aud Mrs; Andre* Hoesten;-, • •Thanksgiving, Day' visitors with Mr e 'and 1VIrs.--Stanley. -Gray • were' • their fat -Idly: their son Bob; of To- ronto; Mr., and Mrs: Don Gray and family, of" London; .and Mr. and. Mrs.. Burt Waters. and 'family,' of Ajax. •".•• Members of Mr. Nicholas "Fos- • ter's fanaily spent Thanksgiving Day with, him at ''hiS,. home .here. Mrs. Foster, who is in Seott Mem-. oriel Hospital, 'is imProved, , in health, and we tope ,will soon, be home,. again.. • e„•--/- • , Mr. and Mrs›Cyres; E, Picker- ing, of Toronto, visited' •with Mr.., _• and Mrs, ,Harry Welland. UNICiPAL .:POLIT.11C$ HIGHLIGHT . . ,SEAFPRTII, V1/.1.. MUSICAL COMEDY. Municipal Polities literally do ladies of. the town who,are advanc- run wild 'when the Seaforth We- ing n reform ticket the fast 'mciv- Men's Institute•Present their musi- hag show, will feature district' tal- cal "Running W .tlie SDHS ent, Included in the program will .auditoriure Thurs • ayn and 'Friday be brilliantly costumed • numbers neXt week. •. by 'pupils of schools in Seaforth, • Telling the story of Mayor.'who .Tuelterstnith, McKillop and Hib- giveS way to ternptab Re and the -bert. „ , - ; • . .. . • "„Arrangendente. or, the comedy are proceeding on a'rouncithe-cleek basis, with members of the tute. serving' on the various 'eoni- Mr: . and Mrs..,..k. R. McKinnsey mitte'es. • :„ • , • have. returned' aftff..,holidaying in , :Proceeds Of the two -night event .Quebec City' and Ottawa. ..; • - Will, go toVvardsd.asSiSting M. re; Mrs. •Myrtle -Carnochan has re decorating the Seaforth Agr,iCultur- tUrned to her • home in Wayne, al!SodietY show house.. '. Mich., after spending the past sev- eral 'weeks . with relatives and •friends inand, around Seaforth. 'Mr Keith , Dale and family 0 . ' l3urlingtote spent - -Thanksgiving 'Church. on Saturday, 'The -Mission Band met inBurns rday, Oct. 3,. with -owrityllilfehisp' r." 15 members 'present. The minutes ,misS Josephine avorce,• Cara.seas, Dofiathneel,a;ote-, eTethiengtr*eearseur'reer'sdf;rbe3:: Venezuela, *Sentle'America, who • is. 'port :vitae Jelin -mbles. taking' commercial coseat Al- ma College, ,St. Thomas, this year, visited' With Miss Doris Johnston, .,Clinten, this ,past Weekend. Doris met her While, visiting in Caracas this past Easter holidays.' , • • Dr, Everett Rivers,. of, California, Visited with his mother, 'Mrs, Jas: Riyers„ a:iur other Members, 'of the •, Mrs. Milt Stewart and Mrs,.Rus-. selta l " Coleinan • accompanied. Mrs'. The -:offering wak.ken by 'Betty Ovf.•darnochan 'to . lier hoine in Jean. MacGregor arid the offering • MrJames R. WaYne KelleYof. Tor°11- Song.•'was. -Stery stewar.dship,- read m unison-. ."Let's . . - , a to, and' 1Vliss' Eva Velloughn of To- . wa s dby Mrs.... Babcock:. „ The ronto,' spent the holiday weekend children decided to,Ary /die share with Mr.. and Mrs. Williani• O. Kelleand help ,Plan told,in the. Story this, y. , month .A prayer.. for children of Mr. anct Mrs: Russell..A. Waltermon , of Dundasspent Thanksgiving other lands was, given, followed by, ' , . the Lord's Prayer.' , with- -in-and "Mree-j. . . .• , , Mr,.. and Mrs. Thomas 'Lake and • The. Band.. accepted an .invitation daughter, of 'Toronte; were guests. from Lendesbero MisSlen Band last of 'MI'S. Earle Bell for „Thanksgiv- PriclaY • evening; , When slides on mg.. * insk--te—skimoes----were- Mr Ronald. McKay, a Tdroao,, :shown by Mils 'Clare ,TaYlor, ' of spent, the ..ThankSgiying -holiday Blyth. The evening was much en-. With his (SiSten. Mrs. J. E. Daley,. ,joyed„ The 'next ',Burns' Mission - Miss Marjorie 13i.ckell and Miss Bandmeeting will be held Satur- Ilina Freeman, ,of Tormitoc7 Were day, November' 7. ' week end guests' of Mr.. and 'Mrs.. •Mr ancl.Mrs. Donald IVIeNall and George* Smith, Hullett. ' farnirY. and mr, ..nd Mrs. Russell „ Mr. ' and- Mrs. Hareld Jackson MacBeili ancVfarnily,, London; spent the' weekend in Tillsonburg visited 'on. SenclaY with Mr. and, and Sarnia. „ • - , Mrs: George 'Watt. • • , Mr: and Mrs. Robert Norris. and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake, of Mr. Edward- Campbell;. rMark- Ilolniesville, :and • -Mr:, aild ; Mrs." harm., are geeSts .of Mr. and Mrs. William "Orr, .of • Milverton, were Ben Rising. . , Sunday 'visitors- of Mr. and MI'S: .• Mr. :and -Mrs. Gordon Webster, Wesley Kee and ,fainily, ,of Toronto, visited Mrs, G. B. Dor;' : • ' • rarice, over the holiday in M,cKil- LOCAL. BRIEFS HARLOCK • The story of "Ana, the Little Al,- ricanl3aby,'•' was reed by 'Dianne Roe. The ,scripture, Luke 21:1-4, was read by Joyce Roe. The story of the widow's 'mite Was, given by Mrs. Babcock. June Govier read the story of the richyoung man. A story was also read by Jane Alb - las. •Discussioa-Of these stories arid their meaning was 'discessecl by the group. • Mr. and 'qrs. G. Reitz and fam- ily: of ,Petrolia, were Thanksgiv- -itgeguests.of Mre„. Ee McMaster. ' • . • , • • , . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Grant and family, 'nf Waterloo, were guests _of, Mr. -and Mrs. A: Y. McLean for ::Thanksgiving. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, • of Braeebridge, • Were • Thanksgiving, •guests of Mrs', Scott. •Mr. , Robert Smith, Miss, Mae': Smith. arid Mr. and Mrs. Robert Srriith were gaests of Mr: and Mrs. George L Smith, Iltillett. • Mr.. and Mrs. Malcolm Reid, rdf Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving with Miss' Alice Reid. , Mrsi N.Bohannan.and Miss Mar- garet 'Dinsinoren of London, were ThanksgiVingguests, of „, Mrs. R. K7 McFarlane. • , ' • • Mr. and Mrs:- J. F, Eckert and family; girecoe, spent' the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs:: • Mr. .and Misd Stewart- Geddes and John and Robert silent Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and Mary. - • Mr. Keilneth'Keating,..„,ef New •Yea,.,pent 'Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. ,E, KOat- A Smart touch -of darkness highlights this- handsome shoe • Jarman stylists designed an ,pittrit goottleolting shoe here and then made it of rich Cashmere 'Grain- leather. ' And to set this off • to full advantage, they added dark "Shadow:Tone shading along the seams. • The ieault i a wonderful:new shoe that you Will enjoy wearing, because of the complithenis you get and the comfort it provides. ,,Conie in and See what we Mean. 1 e or Sittee'1862: SEAFO1,T14; OT.. l'irt and Mrs geott and fam- ily, of Bracebridge, spent the week end with Mrs. H.'•11. Scott. An_ Mr. and Mrs.' Gerald Ste%yart and family -were • guests of Ins mother, Mrs. Harry Stewart • Mr. and Mrs Harry Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. R. SBox and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nieholson. were in Wiugham Friday night, represent- ing Braneh 156of,, the Canadian Legioe at -a gathering honoring Scotty Forbes, who has recently retired aS area .pension :efficer. •Mr:* William Scott, University of Tort:lute, and Mr. John Scott, On- tario Gollege of Ai, Toroptg, spent the holidays_with their patents,^Mr. and Mrs- J. M. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs. Neville McMillan and family, of Pickering, -'spent, the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan: •• • Mr. Ken Moore, of Sarnia, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore. . Mr. .Frank BrYans; of the TIM- Versity of Western 'Ontario, toii- d�n, spent the heliday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. l3ryans. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larone were in penelon Falls over the week - Mr, Neil Broadfoot, of the On- tario College of Art, Toronto, spent. Mrs. John Cairns has returned the weekend with his parents, Mr. fronn,visiting friends in Cooksville and Mrs; Clifford Broadfoot and Toronto: M. and Mrs. David- T. McGee, Mr. and *Mrs. George Addison, of London, spent Thanksgiving with accompanied byMr. and Mrs. Ken. her parents,. Mr, and 1VIrs, Sid Pull- Iltilley, of Constance, attended the Tebbutt-Dean wedding 'af Guelph .Visitors ever 'ilanksgiving week-- onSaturday.. • • end witli Mr: and Mrs. T- J. Flynn • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jehnson; of Were -Mr. and IVIrs„ S. Garter, Un- Medicine Hat Alta., spent Thanks- derwoodn Mrs, Art Bromley, Kit- givnig. weekend With Mr. and MrS. chener; Mr. Irwin Schenck, Miss V. .G..Graharn, and Shauna. Gait Campbell and .MiS5 Elvir,a. Mr.and Mre, A- J. Scott and -four eh -Urchin, Toronto.'• • datighter5. of Pointe Claire, Que- Mr. and Mrs. M: MeKellar and bee, spent Thanksgiving weekend Mrs. Sack Hanillton spent . the with Mr: and Mr. JasT, 'Scott. holiday 'weekend with Rev. and IVIrs.Elliott Walters -has returned Mrs. • R., A. Williams, of Mount torne after .spentling a few weeks Clements. • with 'her daughter and sonin-laWy Mrs. Mary Hildebrand spent. the Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Scott, Pointe weekend ht Zurieh and also at- Claire, Qtteliec. ' tended the Deichert -Caldwell wed- Mr, and Mrs. V. Adams, -and ding at Brucefield. Miss .Dorielda Adams were guests ,Mrs. • R. K. McFarlane spent at a turkey dinner at the home of Wedn.esday in Clinton • With- Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. ' and Mrs. Harry Jehnsen. TheCentre Seetien of the Huron • M. and Mrs. Seines Hogg and. Presbyterial 'or the W1VIS 'will be Mr- Bob Spooner, of .C•ollingwbod; held in ConStance United Church -on spetit the Thanksgiving weekend Wednesday, Oct. 21. The afternoon with Mr: and Mtg.. Bedford Dun- speaker will be Mrs.- HellandS, of •gey and family.. • Ayhter. She will Speak on "Future Mr. '• and Mrs. George Eaton, of of Woreet's Work in the Church." Seafortli, cinietly delebrated their, The evening *Baiter Will be Nine 53rd Wedding anniversary- en Sat- Cinittinte Baxter,. of Indoer, India. Seaforth Lions °P lan-• Peanut Drive Seaforth Lions made •Plans for the anneal peanut driveat a meet- ing Monday in St. Thomas' Church hall. Since there has been so little interest in recent years, .the club decided to drop its regular Hal- lowe'en • program. The meeting was in charge .of John .Longstaff. and Len Ford. •- -Perfect -at en arice pis were presented by past president J. E. Keating ' to 17 Lions. • The draw 'was won by C. A. Barber. , Legion Sponsors Harvest Dance . The annual Harvest Get-together of the Seaforth branch of the 'Can- adian Legion is being held Friday evening in the Comrminity Centre. Additional • invitations may be ob- tained from Secretary Ken Powell., • A feature of the.party will be the drawing for a thousand dollar -bill. Tickets. for the draw have been on sale for 'suite .time. • , There was a mail who called a spade spade—until, lie stumbled over one in .the dark:" ' Advance Election • (COntinued from,Page '1) that it was intended to take legal Action to :collect business taxes which, in several cases, are sub- stantiallyt. n arrears. Of the ac- countsnirr arrears,. the committee recernmend' that five, ft:galling • about 8700, be written -off at the next court of revision.' This actien was• takee on., the advice of the town solicitor, vvho felt that noth- ing -would be gained by suing. In the case pf the largest debtor„ the solicitor ,has been instructed to ...have a writ issued, -and hi ten eth- er cases'the taxpayers will be ad- Vised .tiaat unless immediate' pay- ment is forthcoming, court action vvill Referring to instructionsof council at the June •rneeting to arrange , for an hi -mediate tax • sale, Dr. Brady said that' steps to this end were being taken by the clerk: jt was indicated that the to- tal of the Property taxes in arrears was approximately $20,006; but all of this amount Would pot be sub- ject to tax sale. • • - • .. • Dfiring the nionth 'tinder review,. the street committee 'hadbeen fad- ed With .eiansiderable amount' .:of draM•trouble, ternMittee chairman Seett, Hahltirk. said. In. additivin,; Catpli hasniabadbeen,eleen.ed,Cere. tairi''sitieWalks-repaire.d,WeedS cut .andtree.k..trimmed. A large maple tree .had -ben, removed on Victoria • Street, .near ".Gedericii, gtreet, and .produced a.lain,',..tfiaantity;, of Woodi, which. is !rav,ailable, for people en relief: ".The..„,cernreittee, asked.,..fer hiStruetioes....eoneereing. 'the: .cen ,Striietion of a.'..draineen.''Itallread ;StreetrWest at -a 'cost rOf' 'approXi-. • rnatel $15, phi§ labor, arid Whate *Yen: work eduld•be doneby the toWn•staff,• Guided by .advice • froth Brady„ -finance cornmit- tee nnairreafie•Who.said that 'groin a:,•financiai point, of .view he. ttlietiglitittahotild he left over:and an estiniateinchicled .rieXt..year,, . „,.. eetincil took .rio„ actien.. • , • The' Coininiftee was instructed to TakT-aTtihiTlo. collPFIT-raTentilit- fer eSed..SideWalk .material"Which 'fiad.beennseld more a year Agn.:':Cbun01.',Wasneoldrthat a Celan,. :pity:of'.salt and. sand, .;had been stock -Piled for Use. dining the.'Whe , •: • Sell:MaterWorksPropeityLL oeThere. W.as .little. interest, in the• Coetineed' eperatieb..- ,Of teWn." scales,'it Wa.s indicated. after Conn. cillor Rivers : had,repOrted the ..re- sult ofinterviews with decal:deal- ers, The 'scales will' bekelesed for. a Year,'. when the ,•inetter \or, be revieWed. • . 'hio. 'of. •sijo;'..tend.ered Deltori for • the'..forrrier 'waterworks reSidence,together wiL.th:. two:, rots:, was acepted. Conneli. was tad that. it Was %intended .'" to '..establieh -Welding shop in, :the. building, at:the rear efetlie resideete,,ancl-theyeSie dexiee. was to. be renovatedforUSe, ceuncillor Plonk Rivers' reported On the Work .lieitig.:..earried::ceit the Arena,' and aid th at there. has beerelittle diffieulty.eXPeriericedIn lining Uld It Was intended to raise the grade at. the Western . entranceS.M. avoid Water;lying..againsethe'bifildieg„.:It was .rectiminended that stepsdhe' taken to PieVent Water from drIP= Ping .down Vvalls.,.into .Wire dew. .frarnes ,aricli'retting The Board. of ',Transport, Celle inissioriers "iriforinect.-thetoWn that it.was intended to replace ,tlie ex- isting. wigwagsignal at the : CNR croSsingwithin theeeXt.12 Months,: Eighty per; cent' of :the 'cost of re- placement,- berlibt jo :eXceed $soo; -would be ',paid . for :by thetGraile Crossing Fund, and • -the ...Boartl Would deterinine the Manner . Which the balance Would be paid' The'ebst of 'operating :the signal is borne 80'per cent by tha atd, urday, October 10. Their daughter and son-in4avv, Mr, aridlVirs. Fos, ter Bennett Seaforth,,also cele- brated their. 30th' weding anni- versary' on Saturclay:' Mr. Ross, Rennie, Mr.,. Ronald Rennie and-Mits Alice Dengall, all of Toronto,- were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ben- • Mr. and Mrs. M.H. IVIcKerizie, of Oshawa Mr. Jack Dorranee and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, of Clinton, were guests of Mrs 'Ma Derrance on Mon,day. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and daughter, Debbie, of Whitby, and Mr. Ron Williams, of Kitchen- er, spent Thanksgiving wee,kend with Mr. and Mrs, Mike Williams, Dr. and Mrs. II. Bowers, Strat- ford, entertained for Thanksgiv- ing dinner et, Driimholm, • their' summer. cottage 9t; Port Albert, the following, 'guest: Mrs. G.. B. Durance, Mr.S.-lia., Dorrande Mr, Stanley Dorrance, Mr., and 'Mrs. E, Adams and MiSs Denelda THE BAFF!.ES By Mahoney. LEMON'S ' TAXIE and PARCEL SEVICE All Eassongersiasea CiciL DA,VE 676 675 a blue'. coal' WILLIS. blIND:AS chinapion Stove .and rarriate. .! PUNDAS ':andLONEy 'Phone 573- or.138..: sap,i5amokiAt ..EHOT! HAVE ,YOU BEEN ' TAKINSI-E5SPIS3 BEAUTY .SALON Pborte 373 , SEAFOR'1411 ; ONTARIO GEORGE a, MILLEIt T A XI SERV IC E Insured Passengers Phone 149 - SEAFORTH LL KINDS StIRANCE IVIre and 1VIrs. RaymondNott, Eg- family; silver tray, salad set and, mondville, celebrated their 25th hanging plate from the groom's wedding anniversary en 'T,hursdayz family: On Friday evening they were guests of honor at a reception and. presentation in the Orange Hall. •Dancing was enjoyed cluring'the ev- er_ J,Legi to the music of Harburn's orchestra. • Prior to the liinch, Victor Lee red -the following_ address, and -jobe--Okifieldee-Mike-Williams -and- 'Harry Chesney" 'presented them with a beautiful coral shade swivel reeking chair and silver bread "Dear Wiriniearid Ray: .Friends spekpanian„mi :',behalf ref. the ,Versary.'eit..is a privilege: to act yeti yotinanni- ''25th .,, wedding,. and neighbors . have ga' the' ..here tonight to..pay tribute and .lioner te • :;' :groUP -.gathered:here', . • •' Land Mrs. [Nott were- Mar- lied:on Thanksgiving .Day,:. Q ember '8, 1.934;at the parsonage at:Lake Seugog,.,Ontario::: The iate • REV: ,Jarnes Ellord„ttnele of:the' groorre performed the eererilony, Follow,: Mr John Wallaee and Margaret ing.their ' wedding' they resided Ann Visited•everethe ' Weekend at ,Vernoxidville. for 'a • Shere. time arid Windsor with •:Mr." and Mrs Harry then took farining.,oe ;the se& Eilidtt.'„ Mrs: Wallaee..aact..'Debhie oed: ef",Tucketinath returned.'hOrtie with them after vis :tilesix:yearsago,, They ,ineVed'to..itiog'-der •Egnioedville„ where "they:, new '34k.eand WS:: }high Moore.and side'f a iiiilY.;:of•Liiidsayd , visiteover .,the They have two daughters :' Nancy We'ekend with . T.. L. a libtarian. at.,Kitcherier,andSally,, gcottnand Mrs.' E. Moore. • Mrs. nerse4ntrainiog, ILondori, :and 13Yrriellf,:. Who has been :visiting witli we are very pleased that they are her sister, Mrs Moore, returned able :to 'UT:here .tonight .;.‘ ' t: to her; horn& at 'CaMeren... Because bf What it 'stands:fez., 1VIn,:'aecl•Mrs. Gorden Houghton, The jeY it started' . bf.Lendopi•and.Mrs.: Dalrymple Ancleall;there Ceetentnient,',1' et_Vgreendville,e.With . Mrs„-.Xotigh- :, 'brought to both of :Yoinf ton .rop.:ThankSgrving Day. This -date is pretty' .Several .relatives friends And ,se, •.eorigratulationsre from :,here attended the reeeptiOn May eyery,:coreieg -year eXCeed at.-Staffa Hall on Monday 'evening,: Your fondest . expectations .: given in honer of arid Mrs. We ask ,you accept these ts. ..GrahamWar,k (nee:Wilma' Jean orebelialfdf_yeur friends' arid neigh- 'James), who were married Satur- day, October40; Pres- Mr.'iieCroniarty•e and, MTS. Mitt : thatikgd byferian Church: ;An address 'WaS -erYane Present„esPeeially those iii- given by Ed. Deering and the.pres- 'strurriontel 14 arranging the even!. entation of .Purse Inrioney was "made 'by. 'George, Smale: Mr. and' • Sunday afternoeti Mr..: And. Mrs. Work.each' Made a' replY. of Mrs. Nett were hOsts to 25guests 'aimregiation-for: their at, a family dinner at' the home of and Mrs. Wark 'haya.laft ,mt and Mrs. Dave MeLean. for their 'home it K.illargey,, Mani- - Mr. Glenn Elford Sarnia,',son, of CROMARTY • Mr. aud- Mrs. M,eKaig and three_daughters,.fronegadbery,_ spent the holiday weekend with his brother Angus, ,and with.Mr. and Mrs. Calder IVIcKaig. ' d . and family, of Winthrop, and Kenny Walker, of London, with: Mr. and Mrs. Otto 'Walker. , 'Miss,' Alice Sorsdahl spent the' weekend atethe hoine of her par- ents. , • Mr andr Mrs. Toni Laing Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Laing and Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Laing, attended the Diechert and Caldwell wedding at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William- Caldwell, near Brueefield,----- • Mrs., F. Speare and, son, Barrie, spent the weekerid with Miss Olive the 'officiating minister, .gave the 20 percent by the town. predinnerblessing and-IVIrn Keith 1Webster, Blythe, brother-in-law of the: host; proposed the toast; re- plied ,to- by the groom. A three- tier cake, made, and decorated by the bride, centred the head table. • Guests were presentirorn Sarnia, Bay City, Michigan, Kitchener„ London, Blyth, Brucefield and Sea- ST.' COLUMBAN Miss Eleanor-Bowman:R.N., has gone on a trip, to Vancouver, B.C. • Miss IVIarion 'McIver, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. William McIver., She spent a few, days in Toronto. • Roy McQuaid, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dennorne and children, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid. . -Jack Moylan spent a couple of days in Toronto. ,' Rev. Fraricis Moylan, S.F.IVI., a patient in $t., Michael's Hospital• , Toronto. • , •-:.Mr. and Mr, Gerrard Mareharid and children, Witidgiir, with Mr. and Mrs, Led Murray. d John Pine, Codririgton, pent. the weekend with -Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Murray and Mr, Sohn De- laney.'• - Mr. and Mrs. Greg .Morris, Port Credit, and •Mrs, Hubert Zettle, Preston, with Mr- and Mrs, Tom Morris. Jack 'Malone, Kapuskasing, and Miss Clare Malone, Stratford, with Mr, and Mrs. S. L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs'. Jim Doyle and Miss Antic Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. • Miss Florence Sloan, London Joe Sloan, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Torn SIdan, James and Gerald Sloan, Cobourg, With Mr, and Mrs. James Sloan, „ Mr. and Mrs.' Stephen Holland and family and Mr.. and Mrs. Jno. Fawcett, Londori, •Tommy and Jimmie Holland, Windsor,' withMr. and -Mrs.), J. Holland. Auxiliary Has OctOber Meeting ' The October meeting of the Sea: forth Hospital Auxiliary was held in the nurses' residence on Tues- day evening. Mrs, B. F. Christie gave a ver,Y interesting report on the Regiohal meeting which _wag held in Goderich on Wednes,Y, October 7. It was decided thee he anneal, gingham dance will be held February 12, old the turkey draw mn lDeceMber. Mrs. I). •It Wilson's narne waS onlitted froni the list of past presi- dents who Were presented with pins at the Mat meeting, , The mystery box, donated, by Mr. PleutenmAler, was Won by Mrs. A, „ W, SAlety, Mr. and Mrs-. Nett received - many beautiful gifts, cards and telegrams. Included -'in the gifts were a chesterfield, matching chair and end tallies frem their daugh- ter ' a lrilight from the bride's 0.E.S: EUCHRE • :Winners at the etihre held bY• the:Eastern Star on Thursday eve• ning were: ladies, 'first, Mrs, $,Tas.' Doig; Ione hands', Mrs. Camer- on; eorisolation, ,,Mrs. Mary kar; then: first, Arnold, Westcott; lone hands, Harold Wilson; conso- lation; Albert Baker„ The luck draw for the, cake was won by Mrs. ;Edith Daley. " ,• • Drive carefully — an accident could make yOur vacation perman- en . Phone 334 •-e- Res. 540 • IVIAIN V. : SEAIL FORT, 11Eicogime onCrieff Knited Chore ANNIVERSARY S VICt Sunday; Oct. 25th, 1959 Tim:of Services: 11a.m & 8 pan, Guest -Speaker: •Rev. Gordon • Hazelwood, Hampton, Ont. SPECIAL MUSIC BY "THE CHOIR — Everyone Cordially •Ihvited , • orty unro SURANCE ° uto' - Liability - Wind - Life Specializing in all forms of term insurance and family, • protection ,plans. • SEAFOItT11 394 -Goderish Street West For Cleaner Burning Order a Tankfull of Texaco Fuel Chief SMPO-hKoEneTsp NO ODOR ODOR WALDEN & • - BROADFOOT Seaforth Real Estate and Insurcincp • PHONE 458' • • • • • • • It' t time to shop for your PERSONAL HISTMA CA4DS • thaCvital ink 16 each of your friendsh'ps Choose from the 1314GEST most BEAUTIFUL arid VARIED display of , Christmas Cards WO kayo shown in many a Year. yOt4.1.t. LIKE THE giO.tii 471014' featurid NATIONAL LINE , • • • ft- ler .,4720 • • • • ->e -041. 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