HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-16, Page 74 LANT NOW SPRING FLOWERS Twen ,thirderies 1. -SI uI IF YOU WANT:CROCUSES .springing up through your lawn nex1,9 ' Spring ;: -tulip's edging your Walk.,, daffodils 'brightening 'your fnUnda-., , tion .Plantirigs, and hyacinths "nodding:in yeurr,planterS and wintlOvv .ixotes,now isthe. time tOplant these bulbs., You can -get tUlips, ixi 'every shade of the spectrUnt bronze, Purpie,'Inanye, yet.' loW, wine, orange, rose, white or 'almost .blaek. They •cone m con' ,ventionattniip Shapes' or hi the new double' tulips'which are as Curly -as Peoniesor roses. You can: hi# bulbs which wil produce golden .daffodils or you can go in for ,exotics such as snow white daffodils' or plaffodils,with saucers of white And shell- Pink 'trumpets.; And "forget crocuses :' These little bulbs which:470u can 'buy hi the hun dreds.' for only A pittance will Make wonderful -sbow edging' your shrubs or springing up through :yotir laWn'nekti'Spring.,4 Both daffo Ifs aiiircro-etis`eg hate, . ':for:Many • springs JO coMe. . " 'ANT ' ADS BRING RESULTS One 141 or 142, In view of the disregard by the general pub- lic of the recent proclamation isstedby the 'TOwn." Council, re' the confinement:of..dogs,.., and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time; the Couneil. feels that charges, . Must' be laid under this. BY -law. Any owner or harbourer o dog who allows it to run at large can be summoned into Conrt. •The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs.• The Council and myself would ask all citi- zens concerned to comply vvith the laws and avoid the consequences. CHRISTIE, Mcsyor Seaforth Lions Clu ANNUALFML: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 281 Paper Magazines ▪ Rags Old Mattresses' - For the convenience of those in the surrounding • district who wish to co-operate, collection depots have been established as follows: INJBLIN : CONSTANCE. WINTHROP . . CROIVIARTY . CROIVIARTY . STAFFA. BRUCEFIELD KIPPEN • ; _William Stapleton Borden Brown Store . .McClualcie's Store Walker's Store .Sorsdahrs Store . . Sadler's Store . ..Ross Seott • W. IVIellis • Proceedfrom the drive resed for the Lions ,Club Community and Welfare work; Prepare yo-ur, bundles now and be ready for the , Lions Annual Paper Drive. •, • Rememher the Date:, , , WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28th - Auspices - SEAFOR.TH •LI -LOB CONCESSIONT‘711- Lot Twety-two . From the 185Q's John Coyne, a native of County Mayo, Ireland, lived on Lot 22, and „died here in 1.890. He married Margaret Meagher, and they had a family of eight -Michael, Bridget- (Mrs. ,Tanies Doyle), -Mary IIVIrs, Jerry Burke), .'Matthew; Ellen (Mrs.., Thomas Murphy), -Margaret Ann • and 'Katie, who both died young, and John; 'who was a teacher in Detroit, .Michigari. JOhri-.Sr.'s brother, Patrick Coyne„; later. owned 16 'acre k on the southwest, corner of, the 'lot and Wired here, till he, died The name of briS first wife is not known :.His second Was Mark 1116agl*t but no relation of John's wife. She died in 1872. Pat had !two daughters by his second (Mrs. • Torn Burns) :and Kate, Who did not marry.? Kate died in 1948 in Dublin when 91 years Of age. jolm Cone's on, Michael, in later years had the 100_,:,aeres. His wife was'AliCe..Larner. • Their sons, Frank ad George, had it jointly for a tithe, . but since 'George has taken ttP interior- decorating, Frank has been the owner of the farrii. Others in. Michael's fainii3r are .ilehti L., Joseph,.:Sarah, Tom, Matthew; Alicia, ,Florence.' (Mrs. 'Reg „Kahue), 'Mary. Mrs: 'Walter Knoskie, Margaret:, (Mother.: Louis),81t.and Agnes (Mother Mary Alice). '. - In the 'great dePth of, the jamb, betWeen the 'nearly. 804year-old house ; which was added : -rte the.. front . of the 'smaller one built earlier; to replace the first Coyne log house, reveals a double brick wall 'Separating the"Old'froM the new This is a reminder .Of the -time When building materjals And laborwere row in price, .and When People built, well to stand the test Of time.: ' • Lot T.w6nty-three Little is -known of,Charles .'gradley, who owned Lot'..23 from 1858 .. -There, is a pos,sibilitY, that the ;Bradleys and Judges Were related, And it is :remembered that, the -older 'folk- speke. of -:this :lot as the'"Bradiey": farm; but ..no one knows their WliereaboutS after they left here. William HaSt-- ink!, who Married. Margaret Dillon, owned it fromi 1867: His :sqn,-..in-law, Miles 'McMillan, and :grandson, -William mcM-il- Ian, have owned but never 'hired Lot Twenty-four 2 Sydney. .Stnith,.AVho lool.c.nitso,YeraLlOtSjn • the,..tOWn,,- .§hip; Was the owner. of Lot 24 from 1860; and Diana Sydney; Smith, widow, is "mentioned on some Of the records.; Peter Donnelly, unknown today; ,.oWned this lot, by 1862 axid..sold to John Hastings, a brother Of Willia.rn Hastings; the owner of Loi 23john married Margaret Waters, and he died here in 1901. His Wide*: then Went to'Dublin In John ,and Mar- garet IlaSting's family were Mary (Mrs Thomas Connolly), James William' Daniel'. Patrick, who Went. West, and John, -who:died- in California.. Wbile, John Hastings was still living, ,John , Connellybought the East 50, and his son, Tpin Con- nolly, and...Mrs. Tom Connolly both owned it before Darnel: O'Connor bought if in 1915.. ,It is now in the -Daniel O'Connor Estate, .04 a tem:in-7,1A* rents it for pasture.: Janes :: Hastings; bachelor; Son of John who Stuttered some, from the late -90'S owned the West James' brother, Williarn_Hastings; whose ,Wife; was. A s- Trainor, had it next; and hi S on, 'Joe,. who Married. Mrs. Williani, 'Horan) Curtin, is the present owner The owners since John Ilastings,have lived on Lot' 25: . After' in Dublin 'fur a time. after 'john ,Hasting's death, his rtvidoW-,,returned and lived on the West .50 in a ,small house : near a 'group 'of four .large tree's, still standing near the road, but .later died at the hcntie of-,h,e-r"-.-d-affater MrS. Toni coririolly.' - 'Lae -Twe.Atk-fiv6'. John: s. 8.i.74ith Also took np. thp East 50 of -Lot .25, and :peter Donnelly:follOwed:him- as 'owner:, Jelin Hastings,. Wil- liam and joapHastings„;haVe oWriedit to .date. The West 50 Was notbought froirr-the Canada Conipany.for many years.:' Jittr-tong was the first to on it, and later went to California His wife, Mary A.'Meagher, was a,first.COusin of . Mrs. John CoyneIn the early 70's Tim. Sheely lived' in :.an extra, liquse on his lot back the.,,sideroad.-until he, -Meted- to Sudbpry.. The net to ,live here and :first to own this West 50 was James Morris, ,who "married, Mary' Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Jim .Leg. John • Morris„ William P. Morris and Joe .Morris were later owner.S. It. is . now rn the .name. of , the JoSebk Morris Estateln -1954, While repairing a jacked -up wagon' on the, let, which be and his .brother . had been ,Using to draw wood, the jaCki' slipped and the wagen collapsed On tbp Of hini andbroke his neck. :lie passed away a few days later in Victoria Hospital, in London. Lot Twenty-six , • . John Lamer.; a retired British, ArrnY-officer, with'21 years. -interested in e Welfare of the commit y; lived on .Let 26 of army Sersilde, and One who Was a • shxd business man, the from the early 5Q's. Ile'vvas One Of the trustees When '.1„To.' 4 School ,Section ' was Organized' in 1855. His wife Was the former Ann MOriohan, and she died here in '1879. John was 'killed shortly, After when he fell from an, apple .tree on the farm. They had .three children -Toni, who later: werit to Toledo, Ohio; Ann .(MrS:,JosePh..:Fournier); also of ;Toledo', and John, who died in, McKillop .and left a.fatnilY of. 'small -children. .After John- Larner's death, theproperty, • because he had tie will; Was -equally divided- ainOng 'Ton?, Ann 'and John 'Jr."'s idow In 11380 ,Torn arid, Ann -sold their share, the East 66 2%3 acres, ' to Williain Davis, Sr: Joseph Larner, a son of John, Tr., had his triother's 33 1/3 'acres till: it, too, was sold to Davis in 1899 The owners since 'William Davis, Sr., have, been Wilhani Davis, Jr., Elizabeth Davis, Wii0;wagi a:lawyer in Ottawa, and, the present owner,' Wilbur Glantille. — Lot Twentii-seven 2 „ Patrick Morris from an early date lived -on Lot 27, and • Seafortti . ;$hille. . • • Proirt"7104. - EVER EVENING. ,Froin 7:90 van. Cthne out, everyoue7.--mOmbers or riot.—and Your„Legion 'in" their' truilding,projpgt.: BUILDING COMMITTEE. •PART). TWO. By ISABELLE ; CAMPBELL Morris's have owned the lot ever since. .Patrick and Julia :IViitehell Morris bad a family of five-,--Tatriek, James, John, Mary Ann, :(irs; Joe MelarclY)' and Kate (Airs. '„Nliohaei. McQuaid).. H 'Patrick, 'Jr., inarried.Margaret Murphy and fl - lowed his father; and his 011, Tom, 'wile married 'Icatherine acC,41eAtli, is, the present owner.4. Lot rwerttiPeiiht. • Charles .Gormley, a, native, of ,Tyrone, Ireland,' who tame to Hibbert in 1849; was the first owner of 'Lot 28, He Married Bridget,. daughter of Daniel there *ere -fourteen. in the GOrniley. farailyJohn, .Edward, ' Augustine Henry; Charles, 'Mary Ann , (Mrs, ,Hugh McMillan),''Bridget (Mrs.- MeGnigati),. Ellen. Jane ''.(xr$. John .MerriS), der ‘Sandy", William,,aniindertaker,. and Thomas, who died in infancy. Analier Thomas Was.a teacher; and later a priest. Hedied:: of tuberculosis, in 1912, at the. age of thirty-five;' JoSeph:Waskilled while logging:.in,l3ritiSliCortunbia... :At .the age of -.fourteen,' was also killed D'uring' a thunder7 :,storrn.he knelt dOwn.by the reaper for:protection.' The horses,. ..net being watched closely enough by the other' two nearbY,. ran nfr: when the flash of lightning:: and. crash of thunder: cattie;:. Daniel was caught and his ''body-was,badly.:- mangled - bythe reaper:knife, Charles "Gorniely,, soni.:LOuis Gormley,-MrS. :Loins :Gorniley, and Thomas D:-.-7M,Orris: hate.. been the owners.- Lot Twenty-nine John S. 'Si:frith:Was firstto ownLot 29 . but it was Henry .McIver,a native' of County 'Arrnagh-v..4reland, , who lived On:it 'from 1849, and later Owned- the jet...His wife' was Isabella . Lappait ROtil he..aud' his wife died here in 1869; .Their'faMilyl.of ;six, most of whom did npt'tnaity,,eatitinued. to .1iYe on the:homested These were ...Catherine; Sarah,' Henry; Patrick . Peter was :killed at th:Trailroad. :track north of their Vane when:Walking herrie from Dublin .Witli,..ffIslipPY7.0iinlan.. John Melter;anotber'Son ,of Henry,.:, Married' '-Elizabeth ' 1VIeMantis;,,..and lited.'fOr La time ,on :the John ,McIVer's :had threesons and daughter: John,. Peter;,'William and 'Mary (Mrs. :':Patrick i 'Jordan): .John's 'Son, Williani;. whose Wile Was the former Kate Mat - the s, lit:01'116re .till he'inoved to St: Columba:it' in 1957. 'At this tiine Son,.....Louisi.--inarried--joam-Fla;tragak-alid- took" '6-te 'theIlciver-lioniestead-I-ArryTari ether -0 on-- of -WRliaini lest -his:life while Serving' in the R.C.A.F. Lot Thzrty. , ! jebn 1VIeconnell, a .natiVe, e-Aripa0; Ireland; married Ann 'Byrne, Who.was :born: iii.WeStern. Ireland, and in the 1850'StOok, up : Lot 30 At this time they :Used to tell they 'OWried.little more than a cradle,' d:'ScYthe. and a rake :',Ip."1874 and .1875, 'Sohn .McConnell'waideputy-reeve•Of the toWnShip... 1n..18,7$ he 'teak over the TliailwaY. Hotel' in. CarronbrOok, but onlyrthi it one Re,reinaiiiedatietlier two .years in the Village;,then ;returned to the .farm. Intlie1VICCoine1LfarnilY there were ninc john, ' Margaret.. (MrS. Thorriat Geary),,. "Frank,. David; Joseph, Michael, James, Patrick and `-,11Ary,. Three'of tine Sons; John, 'Date arid -Prank, were 'cattle droVers. tii.ve- also :had a store in;:::'CrOinart3r 'and Dublin, and was Dublin postmaster ,.' for Many years...": For seventeen years .Frank .waS..manager.of the Western and Standard: Bank in Oribliti,',.:Trank. had three .dauglaters who belonged to the flisnline bider of Nuns, and Date two, also One Sena priest In .many :Other;famthes on these Ana that tV"rio- ertfiree. of the family have Or are kiting full-time service tO The Church. John's son Joseph MCCOtinell;.:WaS4a-proMinent- railroad' triattifilhe.',Urnited, -States; With his.headquarters in- :Minneapolis,...:Mirinesota..• Michael. was killed: in ,California; Jim opened a 'Store: when he went • to .Melita, Manitoba, and was the first .white settler there :Patrick; in -his stere in 'Vari- .ConVer,..Also traded with the IndiatishOught, their furs and: them supphes MArY,',Whe'-..died'Unina;tried‘,:,iii71,897"; :At theageOf 31 years, was the one ehosento be. the .fairy ;queen theTa-ak, Cat*OnbrOoli had'ItS.'name chaffed-to:Dublin With great petit, the key of. the village Wa&:Presentedto'her when the carriage in Which .She was riding T,du,riTle the parade 'reached. the gate At the pictic.grounds. ' Da'ld McConriell was on the-h-Olnefarni.After:bis "father till he WentLinto business. for ,himself .' AerirY-Veiv.e.r; his tieplieW.:'Peter...-McIver;,, John litidSon, and . ,Elgard 'Gregerson have been the Owners:since bate.11cConriell ,,sold in 1906.. In. the Orli*. Of 1.96 Gregerson . and ,Fergus Stapleton, of PUb-, fertried. a partnership, eqUipPed-the barn into a three... deckehiciten house for the raisirigiPf thousands of broilers.' On September 20, of the same years, 'ithe,building,,with sotrie 25;000 broilers, 7.WaS., destroyed y. Are . froth an unknoivn, Cattse. , The :loss was 00tiniated.„,at:$40,006.:: The huIlding:. has not been replaced, CARI?ONBROOK , As early as 1832, where the broolCeresses the Huron Road. at the Hibbert, Logan and McKillep iriterSectieri, a ,srriall clearing had been Made, but no, building had been ereeted:. Who -fell these first trees will always, remain a mystery. . Robert. Donkin ; a native. .of .Northumberland, England, who:is 'said to, have been . thefirst settleron the Hibbert side :of thehadhis, log tavern built on the northeasteorner Of Lot"16, Concession .1; Hibbert,. prior to 184:0,. It was 'here the first Hibbert 'council 'meetings were held ,in.: the early • Donkin gaVe: the place:its first :narrie.,-Whic-Was ,Carron - ,brook _Henamed it for the little brook whiek flows throuib it; but Which, Was renamed the Liffey sometime after the vil- lage was changed f&Dublin " '-pcinkin was a surveyor, and froin. the tithe he settledher he took an active, part in the develoPMent of the community. By., an early date -he owned the three lots'a,t this, interseCtion Wo in. Hibbertand One inMcKillop. It was not till 147 that I-Iibbert had its own representative at the Huron District •Council in Gederich, and it was Robert Donkin who was ,appOinted its first District Councillor, an office which he held until' the new :rininicipal system cattle into effect at the be ginning of 1850. That year ponkin Was appointed Hibbert'S first reeve:. While iircarronbraok he served as a magistrate and dealt in real estate. Part of his,, lad' he :had surveyed into village lotS. These are inIlid.Ponkin Survey. Sometime in the 70's he moved to ?pit RoWan, Ont., Where he, died on July 8,1881; age -d -S5 years. 11i8 wife, Ann, a native of Boyle, Ireland*, after his death lived in Seaforth, where she died on December -24,, 1890, aged 84 'years. Both are buried in' Avon., dale Cemetery in Stratford. The baking had no children. Arnorigthe-,first.purehasers of land off Donkin's lotwas Joseph 'Whitehead, who had the contract to build the 'railroad from Buffalo' to Goderichi. The land he purchased ran parallel with the railroad. track, and the lots he surveyed' bear the name .of the Whitehead Survey.. •• •,1 - Whitehead was 'born in, Guisboro, Yorkshire, England.' Asa YOung lad he had little edneation, as .he Was sent off to work at a' 'Very early age. He Was first einployed' otr.a: rail- way, and was closely:associated: with tbat work during the greater part of his life.- He W.'fireman on :the firSt engine that ; ever ran, this being the historie engine designed by George Stephenson; Whichmade its first run in Hngrand-o-t? the Stocktrin , and Darlington Railroad from Manchester, to. Liverpobl, on September 27, 1825. He also had the honor of taldng the:firi st engine 'nto. Manitoba in 1818. For many yearS he was a resident of Clinton, Ont.; and its first reeve, an office which he held ,for ten years. At Confederation in 1867i he was elected' to Parliamentand '<represented „.North HuhOn for:five years, Ile was three tinies-inarrieel, and each time he married a -wife quite a nurriber of year younger than his former one. Ile survived byniore than a sTar his third wife., On March 12, 1894, he died in. Clinton at tbe age of 80 ypars.' CROSSWORD PU "rtrzzLitX0. 017 ,, .. ' garment 491,, ' ".:, ; bottle ' — '23 'Indian .---..-- - --- regimen.. _ - dCii1685 ',ea. Olinerves •—•- 12 sirint.aiiify . -f_ ic_cop_ ..0 Maltemohat • 72, roi.,..., o -t 27 3igaeo, hams • 57 Rents . 1 illaskan' "65 Against . ••' coloreddish „ J€6 Gias • 13 oys • ' lit a:Idlawir a• n . " • - likedove '' , •' !lobe", ' . .30 Thailand ,59 Tenda 0. ' ,ter . °I facts ' '.1'n'To,ween - 125 To box 55 ReVerafti i I ' water .. I Do Story • ' • Millberry 83 Oontes win* ' 7 Collection , ..... • - 15 „Chance 71.5 short foi ' 35 Persaan . ' Asia ' 13 Let go ... 73' Lona 1 cle '' i32 Girl's'inimit,.._ - . --.. fire ; ; • '-- 14„Lair . ' ,-; ••• .-'.ut °iilia. : 134' A al geir - " - - 60 Country DI •—• 17. Protected • • '• 16 Sick ' ••'• musical • ,.. ' _ titlet chief 62 Ritter of , -19 •Man's name • ,,76.virii.. .. •',..20 New Guinea i -in osui.• • - ' 41 Paid • ' \ 66 Tot.06tIttld - . instrutd i 37 Pievaticator ' '•Bngland, ' ;39 To agitate • 64 Slumbered .' "21' Not matched •;-' 'flLuiCatfng liquid,: • ,4211,4-twati,4-:'4 :. ' . 68.Anterkelt .• 22 Scarcity .,; 24 Incites 20:Philippine •itarrit go ; 26 Capuchut • monkey 29 Percolates •' 33•K15d of so 30TO:Cruisf 78 -Shoulder 144 ridend west Indian piece worn • of Sumatra 70 Brother Of • —bnuni6orm40Oxofthe ,, Jacob • 80 ,Lance step.' -Celebes 74 Sprite 81 Clock In r44 Bulging , 79 ,Preibti not 62 Checks' , le.F°744. , DOWN Animal'i • coat .rbctir:•' 2 -Syllable 2 Assert* . of scale • tic-Inmatepaianquln_ • 45 Br" tie 5 Hindu , demon • measure 6 Scorched' . • 48 Flat lish 7 Sum hp • .,50 Domestic 8 Require 52 249101 9 Mountains of 54 'Strike - - S. Arneriea • 55 Shore bird 10 Old Ronistui 58 Perch . - vehicle ' 61 'Turmeric glUillinri nrcn rum niallM13 01111:1111a DE111 MO [mon GCE VIM ORD riElEllrl kATICID Elitilgi2 CROC.1.0 ElrinEr) @IMP 01010. gnaw; PIOCILIC4 0013C163 Run !ItialgtO rff8riiIrrI1111 raal§ 01131111EIM IMIEW11311 CH21.1.1 BProkl 3 la f2 00 LID rmacr:t cICACILI 1111EICA r7iFif:1 1319:4 DEMc.irlior! Mei aaa•ulaouR mrumn ara3 P41113t311 Loawor to poisit,, No, 3:3 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS: It's a Profitable Pastime FORTH MQNUM[NT WORK OPEN DAILY • .Eieter,zil T. Prycle on ALL TYPES OF cgmE'rERY IVIEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Tereathie Numbers: • Clinton 1626 • Seaforth 573 • DE. M W. S'TAPLETON- Physicia Phone 90 n and 'Surgehillaforth no ansWr,ca1159 JOHN A: GOltWILL B.A'' PilYsielari and Surgeon F'bones: Office 5-W • 'Res. ' 5-J • SEAFORTrl 'CLINIC • Telephone -26 E. •A. litcMASTER, B.A., ;M.D. Internest - - Telephone 27 ,sP, L.` BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 750 W 1 • - Telephohe 15• . EVENINGS: 'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday •only, 7-9 • .AppointMentsmay be maie. • A. M. 'HARPER , , . • Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich Licensed Municipal Auditor. p. A. VVEBB D.C.* *Dctor of Chiropractic • 438 Main Street , - Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Eah Weekday Except WednesdaY.. 4 -Tues. and ThuisS Evenings 7-9 'For. Appointment - "'Phone,„000,_ DON s. DEIVNLS • Auctioneer • Graduate of iteisch American School of Auctioneering. Licensed in Huron and Perth. • Capable of handling all 'types of sales and ad- vertising. • Dorsi DENNIS) Walton . Phone Seaforth 843 r 11 SEAFORTII • VETVRINARY CLINIC 3. O. TurnblilI D.V.M., V,S.* W. R. Bryans, V.S. ' W. G. Drennan, D.V.IL, V.S. Phone 105 ,• : seaforth ° , W. J. CLEARY <>' Seaforth, 'LICENSED EMBALMER 0 andFUNEItAL DIRECTOR 0 •Night or Day‘Calls 335 0 • " o -0 0-• 0 0 0 0 0 Ej 0 0 0 0 04".0 0. 0 • • Funeral Service,. I. s.'nox , • Licenlied Entliabiter, Pr(iinpt and 'careful -attention 0 }Xospit5lBCd,44 • - FLOWERS FOR ALL ../0 '• • 9C,CA,SIONS ,•. • Xs. 5954V Store' 44 .4t> C-190 "04> 7'0 r " . STUMM artiste*, solicitor, Etc: - Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH : • ONTARIO McCONNELL STEWAIIT • Bairisteis,-Stilicitors, Etc - P. D. McCONNTELL D. I. Sl'EWART SEAPORTH Ont. Telephone 174 D. 11. MCINNES Chiropractic • _ .Fqot 'Correction coigmFuOtAl; HOTEL MOndaY, ThUrSdaY PM. •JOIIN E. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist . •..Phone 791 : Seaforth. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Office Hnurs:. Seaforth exeept Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.rn: - 12.30,p11t.; Thursday evenings bY appOintment Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.' (Above tlawkine Hardware.) MeliILLOP MUTUAL:,-- PIM INSURANCE --c0; . , HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Out. OFFICES: President -Robert., Archibald, Sea- , forth . -.- Vice -President --Allister Broautoot, Seaforth • Secretary -Treasurer -'W. E. South- "• gate, Seaforth. , • , DIRECTORS: E. .I. Treviartha Clinton; 3. L • Makine, Seaforth; Chris. Leon- ,hardt, Bornholm; Robert Arehl7 bald; Seaforth; John. H. McEwing, Blytig. 'William S., Alexander, Wal7 ton' Harvey Fuller,-Goderich; 3. Pepper, Brucefield;, Allister Broadfoot Seaforth. AGEN_TS.: William Leiper, Jr.,, Londes-, hero; 37V. Pruetert„Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussel it James Xeks, RR, 1 SP„aforth; Harold Squires, R.fl. 3, Cludint. 000,0•0.,00.p.00•000 J. A:- BUItliR ' Fuaerait Director ,<> ,and Ambudarketa _Service,- 0 '0' DIM= : 'ONT. 0 * ' Night or:Day Cal:- 0 4Phone 43 r 1O .-* , [3000*,*.ti. , 0. •▪ 0'0, 0** .0 g 0- G. A. WHITNEY.' 0 0. -Funeral Horne • Goderith St. W., Segoith 0 .4. AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 AdjuStable hospital beds • - for rent • 0 FLOWERS FOR Evtat 0 OCCASION , * Telephone: -DayerN,ightin