HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-16, Page 4TI al.4LON. 1ikkSIT6R, SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT. 16, 1050
muting Events
- 33,0A -An. Te4 AnaPa.e Sale. 33.67;Irm4-
ille United Chnreh, 2remer ,20th, 3:00
Comenittee Of the Rebekiihs and
Liddfellows Ielidgee are Bolding a paper
• dr.ive 'onSatuzda• y October 'Slat
' 1-824
',35R1JCF.,P;TELD Young People's Society'
are holding Paper drive onaturdaY.
• ()atelier'. 24. Papers, magazines; etc., will
,•`,,be, picked: un in the. Brumfield area.
' • . 1-88-2
TURIMA SUPPER, Duff's United
. Churelt, Walton. Out, Wednesday, Nov.
4th, 5:33- 8:00 p.m. Prbgrain to follow.
•Adults $1.50: children 6-12. 75c:
. Help Wanted
Wanted : Young man for evening sales
work, 21 to 35 years: must- have car, no
eXperience necessary: no investment In-
terested parties. Representatives desired
On Seaforth. Hensall and Brussels.
. Reply Box 982
• Farm Stock For Stile
17 PIGS ren weeks: eld. KEN BEAT-.
.TIE. Phone 834 'R 6. Saforzh.
8 -nal
for service : also some feeder pigs. A.p.,
PlY V LORNE ALLF,N, R -R, 1, Eirkton.
PIGS FOR SALE: Purebred Yorks and
Landtace, all ages. ROBERT E.
R.R. SeafOrth, Photie 244 Itt4.
TWELVE- Weeas-eide
ply JACK MCIVER, St. Columban.
. CHOICE American -bred Guernsey hei-
fers, purebred. vaccinated, TB tested, due
• learly in December. January and Febru-
ary. Also two young snaking coWii. WM.
bALE. Phone Seaftmth 860 R 21 ;
• 1, Clinton. 8-834
13, Wanted.
19. Notices
• TWO GIRLS :anted. to romma_nd1b03.38:r1-2.
Home privileges. PHONE is4-w.
COULD' accommodate 15 head- of cattle
to, feed for Winter menthe. Almly JAMES
LANDSBOROUGH, 31.81, 3, Seaferth.
Phone Seaford:. 665 R 16. ••• 13-83-1
MOTORS rewound sinall electrical
nliances repaired. Contact S. K. ALLAN.
Clialk Street, Phone Seaforth 559.
FILTER , QIIEEN Sales & Service: re-
pairs te all makesof vacuum cleaners. Foe
service, call MRS. ,MILTON BERGER,
Sperling St., Seaforth. 19-81tf
14.: :Property For. Sale
•PLAN your hoine now; 050.00 down
will buy'you a lot in Seabirth or Harem,
•hey.., Lots, surveyed.. • Land atitable for
VLA Projectg. Terrea to suit CLAYT
DENNIS. " le-81-tf
FABM FOR:, SALE;', 150 -acre modern
farm"in MelCiUop Townhip. near .epinty
road; 3013001 :handled With
low Otte paYonerit ..eas3t,', terms.- ilcInN •
BOSVELD, Itealtor:;':.itiOeph ' •MCCOnnell,.
$alsnan ,Seaforth; ' Phene 266 ' • •
a4 -83 -I
15. ProPertY FOir,' Rent ,
• FOUIVItt?011d• apartment for • rept ;
vate eetrance"; 'share bath.' PliONE 745-5.,
Seaforth.' ••' 15-82x2
THREE:BOOM. apartment, Beret -furnish-
ed -heated; available now. PlIONE SEA -
FORTH 160-8& ' .15-81-tf
TH:REE-ROOM apartment, with bath.
Produce Division.
. TWO. BED/WM/I.-heated nnartirient,
East 'Street.,. , Shoe 'factory..
A995 1.4Jyrgs. Ar...zpoTT: Phone
ROOM- TO RENT: heated, suitable for.
counle; 11,taYf'be .Seen any night after.
AnnlY to WILLIAM' iX...,H-ELLEY,
East William' trat. ••: . • 1.543x1
.. :APARTMENT for .rent ;4';:eWlY"'.deCc‘;-.
ated. Neor Shoe factory. to CLAY.
TON DENNIS... ,:Pheine.Seafoith. 669W12.
:Ft 4..e..-BCOM• house, in Bayfield, furnish.-
• ; with bath;.., oil' heated:, Immediate
nogiession., ,Also fon.r."rcioni ,anartazent
ItallWay ,Strat, Seakorth, With bat13...P6Se
session October, 20: APply. to:CARL DAL.'
Tom: 'P.hona Seabird: ' • " ". ,
TEN HEAD Year-old cattle, Durham 1
•and Hereford, end. 1 four-year-old Holstein
due t,o freshen firrat of next, month;
also 1950 Ford, ear; cheap for quick pie.
Apply LLOYD MeCAR'THY. Phone 36. R
4, Dublin. 8.83-2
9. PoultrY For Sale
258 RED Sussex pullets, laying. Apply
to HERMAN AXTMANN. Phone Seaforth
848' R 21. 9-83x1
375 RED X Sussex pullets, 51/2 mondas
old, starting to lay. KEN McKAY.
690 It 24, Hensall. 9-83-1
10. Used Cars For Sale
. Notices
• ItEVITALIZED • cleaning at Buchanan
Cleaners, Mount Forest. More sPotii" and
stains removed.: Garments ,stay clean long-
er, wear. longer. •••• Agent: MILLER'S
LAUNI)BY SERVICE. Phone 247 for
pick-up. . 19-81-tf
forth, and district and Dry Cleaning, Ser-
vice_ -Imams .Brr.r.TAR.D..s, Seaford:.
agent for Brady Cleaners & Latindetalda
• ' """ I9 -81-t8
MAGIC MAJOCERS-Instant: dry.; wit-
terproof, write on anY ,surface;, just pull
off cap.. and Magic Marker is ready to
ase. • Refills eVailable. Nine colors ink.
THE 115331011 EXPOSITOR. "
•MUST SELL within two weeks. '54 Olds
'88'. Very good conditien and very cheap''' NOTICE
also a 21 -inch AdMiral TV. Phone CUM-.
TON HU. 2-9689. 10-82x2
- Tuckersraith,' Township Municipal Dump
will he opened •frken 1 p.m. to 6».m. on
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until
further nntice. ,
-MRS...E. P. GB -ESN -BY.'
Acting -Clerk. "
. „ .19-8k-tf
11. Articles Far Sale -
• BABY BUGGY, in -good •condition't one
high chair. PHONE SEAFORTI1 261-W.
' • ' " • 11-83x1
CHILD'S playpen, also three maternity
outfits, size 12. PHONE 786.
YOUTH'S charcoal ',flannel suit, in good
4, Condition. PILONE 678, Seaforth.
• 11-83x1
RED NYLON snew suit, size 3, in,good
condition. Apply to MRS. PETER DON -
LOP. Phone Seaforth 71-M. ,
BEAGLE PUPS, two males, four fe-
males, nicely marked: six weeks old. 'No
reasonable offer refused. BILL BEN -
NETT. Phone 449-W.•Seaforth.
GIRL'S BIKE, 24 -inch wheel ; like new
"condition. ORVILLE GREER, 11.R. 4,
Seaforth. Phone 053 R 24.
QUEBEC HEATER, 13'and 13” furn-
acette circulator. Apply HERB HARRI-
• SON. Phone Seaforth 857 R 14.
• FIVE REGISTERED Walker pups, eight
weeks old, and 2 Terrier pups. three months
old. Apply to ROBERT D. SCOTT, Sea-,
forth. 11-82x8
• TWO-STOREY BARN, 27 feet 'by 20
feet; good roof. To he removed from -site.
Located on Railway Street. JACK SMITH.
Phone 541 during day, 11-82-4
POITED FLOWERS far gifts for sick.,
ifi hospitals, etc.. BRADS1L4.W'S OREEN-,
HOUSE. Phone 50-W,-S8aforth:
• . 7 11-81x4
TWO LARGE-SIZED Quebec heaters, in
good condition ; also rim Leghorn Year-old
hens; Apply to ROY PEPPER, R.R. 3,
, Seaforth. Phone -Clinton HU. 2-7473.
• 11-83x1
ROOFING. asphalt roofing and
siding; cedar post all sizes. Before you
' buy, Phone Seaforth, 841 r .2. BORDEN
' 1l -814f
14 -FOOT BOAT, 25 H.P. Johnson out-
board •motor, -and boat trailer for sale.
•Torras to suit. CLAYTON DENNIS ELEC..
TRIC. Phone 649 W 12, Seaforth.-
IMPORTED BULBS: Panes hi -flee col-
ors, Hyacinths in three colors, end Nar-
cissus. BAKER'S oforatROTI$B, YOUr
Garden Centre, Seaforth.
• •11:80x5
SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Spy, King,
Talman Sweets, Delicious, Snow, ittistet,
Greening, Macintosh, Baldwin, rte. Free
delivery in town. Phone HIT, 2-32/4,
Highest caeh ptices paid in surrounding
distrirt for dead, "old, sick ,or disabled hon-
es• and settle. Horseg at 56 a' Pound. Fr
the fastU, t and ;ironer removal of all ani-
mal° day or. "night,
all Long Distance and ask for
(no toll charge) " •' •
Court .!:)f
- .
The coeuen 'Townsbip. of Htglem,
will hold a Coart of Itevision the
Assessment Roll „For .1860. The Court, of
Revis,ion will hold its, ffrst..eitting op No-
ternber Zficl, at 10 , o'clock p.113., in • the'
Coinmtfni3r' {a11, Londeabore.
All appeals - steseld be in the. Clerk's
Office ten days prior to the First Sitting
of the Court, so that they. -may be consid-
BA 44121, -LtiCAN
E1141111TEL WrAnig'11-29X51
2. Wanted To Buy
WANTED: 'Phe Huron Atlas ,mibililhed
1879. State, conditien and price. Apply te
• Box 881, Tin ExPosrroa.
, MOHRST CASII pittatS Paid or
dotert and disabled fertil *Abrade. rttoit,t,
dittittedgir -collection Ait • dead Ind
"'disabled farm anlitaals" and Bidet. • Call
collect. ED ,AttabitSWII, 881 R 11; Sea -
forth. Associatad with: & Co; Of
Canada 184f
13. Wanted.4.. •
R.R. Ne. I Landesboro, Ontario.
. Auction Sales
' •
To be held at the farin. Lot .14, Con.
cession 2, S.tafileY'Twp, 114 mike west of
Bruen:nem, ori TUESDAY._ OVI'011F-Ji 13
at 1 p.m.,' Consisting 08:,
50 Jlead of HOlstein cows. and heifers;
10 heifers recently 'fresh; 10 due at sale
time, balance due late' October and No-
vember; also Several Jerseys, springing;
Included ih this\ sale are 88 head of
ehoicmjlelstein heifers. Anyone wanting
fall Milkers. shonld plan • to attend this
TERMS -Cash.
Harold Jackson, AUCtiOneer•
Friday October 16th '
1:30 p.m. sharp
Selling"' for 'Mr. Gordon Coleman at his
Zarin, located at Lot 28,`Concession 6, Hay.
• Township, 2,%miles west of Kippen, :then,
mile south,.. -21 10-erefOrd-7.and
cows, new milkers, mostly ,calVes ',by side;
3 purebred' Anguo _chvvs, calve'by side;
25 Hereford and Angus stocks; ,2 -year-
old Hereford herd sire: 1 six-year-old PonY,,
The above cattle are a good type 'and
must be seen. to be appreciated. "
Airetioneers ,
London GL 1-2320,
•: Auction.' Sale 'of Falun Stock and Nina.;
inery.. at, Lot 22,- Coriceseion. 10, Stanley
Township, :Goshen', 'Line; Miles..West Of
VdST8Tn :WE1)NES1s'AY,-70,CTOI3E11.-21;,Y
, ideistein •:cor.v'es ." -milking''and
rebred; Durant. cow, •fraheried 'Weelti,
and rehred,; 1 Helstein cow .4 yearsold,:
milkrid,a.ebred , 1 Holstein,' coW :fresh-
ened • fonr "veeelig,;;I:t' 'Durham "-;e0vi• 5 yeara
old, Milking:: 1 'gears 'old
and rebred ,;',.Jerge3"-."e0W .3 years' old;
• freshenabout'December 'Istil -5 'hail • 9r
young .Cattle, '1 ,year . Old', and 'iver,
1sars, ;aired by "Iliereferti ; .5 ,ealyee, ,eired
• IMPLEMEN. , f3kdot Deering bin.
der; McCornilek.Deeting . hay loader; 10-
foMcCertnieleinoer... ft- hidg'....ralk' With
teddet -; Deorberd"'AOuble • dia 'Mr • Ford
trotter. with'e'hYdrieilic• Aift";-.-•1hree-drum
Ian& roller ; Ctickshitit
hOa,..:•trOetor:. hit*, Maaaey-Rarris •• teens'
,Mannie,-Spreader •.with • tracter ; 'rub-
ber tired "Wageri4ind 'flat •rack, 15 •feet ;
80 'Letz, grinder:, -19-inch plates, witb..two•
bokiMs,' ,fine..and eOutse; -43.13uShel"field
• fanning mill with . inritor ;'• feed 'box...,
es MiiseeY.Pfarris.,heae.-;h,arterter .-attech.'
ment,':with knives'. and, !heavy board; 210;
feet. galvanized' Cable, ,40; With pulleys ,to
nt ; heavy ditty 3.11.1'. motor ; set barn
scale';' extension ladder, 25 ft.; =eleetrie
breader;;" National
I milk-, strainer Cans; Milk,. Cart
Water 'taft1;, 'iveter, ,trough; blddt and:
tifeklb::-fatterung.crate With trOugh.;,rpian,
, tity .year-old dry. sob corn;
. "Where:Better .puns' Are :
Artificial Breeding Service --• All Breeds`
of Cattle Mealier owned ited control-
led ...Cost 1.4* ,High
the Of the. beat hulls Dinease Control-
led -- Safeti
For serviee em -More infortnation,lphorie:
MANTON' PIM 2-8441. •
-or-fog...Lang. Distance '
• ICLIN'/'91q ZENITH 9+5650
Bet:Preen: '
• 7:30 and 9130 a.M. Week 'Bays"
8:90,and 809 van. Saturday evenings,
Calla rayed on t Saturdity evening •win
be•setved on Sunday teosninir. For cows
in heat en Scenday. morning, DO NOT eall
.011191:.4160aftY m°rning•
WAXTZD:. &boat, 15 head of cattle to
eed for the. Winter; let' I'lleleetarnitli.,
.0PRWART rtitS. Phone 654. R 21.
• • ,` 18-83x1
WANTED to .iArkt„,Ataniediately, &Part -
Meat, .004, bediaiian& ,roidatred: modern,
eari*eaiaOacat. for eiViiitor Vox
• 888, Mitt011.tXPOSITOlc.
,; A • A 18-88x1
I'D HAVE' LiSety
BARGA,int PiNnt
` ADS'...'. -
• -
-• HOUSEHOLD EFe'rIC'lhe-arge, chest
of drawers; etiamel kitchen range, coal or,
wood; Quebec heater'; other articlestoo
nuineroud to mention.
Ploprieter: WILLIAM f. CLAriz
Au'gtioneer:. Harold Jacksbn
••• Clerk: George Powell.,
. Tenders 'Wanted:
TolignsIlip "of McKilloia
' For the constructicm and repair of John-
sen -Irvine Drain, according to Engineer's
specifications will, be received until Octo-
35„567„lineal feet, open drain, excavat-
ing and..levelling material, also filling in
abandoned ditch, "
1,918 lineal •feet 14,. 8. 6 -inch tile and
We, •to dig, lay ad backi111,-, also 4 catch
basins; Township to supply tile and Pipe
within annzoximately one mile of work.
Contractor to have Workinen's Corimensa-
don Insurance." A -marked 'cheque for'.10
per 'cent, with n minimum of $100A)0; to
accompany „tender. Lowest or any tender'
not hecess,Arilv accented. • Contractor to
state when will ,be done in 1960. •
.Plan, Profile and speeifiOati011a loaY be
seen at the -Clerk's effice.
J. M. ECKERT', ‘,
McKillop Twp,
R, R. 1, Seafortli,,
2. Legal Notices
A well-knOwn MeKillop township
farmer, Percy Smith, died Tues-
day in Scott 3/ken:tonal Hospital,
Seaforth, in -his 85th year. He was
lhorn in England, and after coming
,to Canada settled in McKillop town -
'Ship where he-,farrned all his „life.
He was a xneMber of Duff's Unit=
ed Church, McKillop.
Surviving are two dmighters,1VIrs.
Carl (Janet) Dalton, Seafortk, and
Mrs. Wyman (Mary) Griffin, Al-
bany,•N.Y.; three sons,, L.
Smith, 'Toronto; Alex and, Archie
McKillop; else four sisters,
Mrs. Archie Kerr, McKillop, Mrs.
Wm. McIntosh and ,Mrs. Albert
Brown, Regina, Sask.; Mrs. Chas.
Dickson, Chilliwack, .B .0............ -
The -body is at the Box fimeral
home, where',a sorvice is, to be
held Friday et. 2,p.m., with Rev.
W. II. Stimmerell officiating. Burial
will follow iinlVfaitlandbank ceme-
tery. -
11171131 ESTATE,,oF J'amea'Frankun..iiik„
-!enhead; hate of the Village of Hensel!,
in the County of • Hewett Retired
All persons having claims against the
Estate Of the above .deceaged are renuired
to file the same' with. the undersigned
Solicitor for, the said Estate, -on ,or before
26t11t., day of Octoberi‘ A.D. 1959,'after'
w hich date the assets will be distributed
amengst the parties entitled thereto, hav-
ing. regard only to, the .clairos of which
notice" shall have been given.
. ,
_DAZED:at Clinton,-Onterio, -this 5th day
of October, A.D. 1939.
Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate.
A -11'0'110N SALE
, be held at ,
Lot 25, Concession 14; the Town:,
• ship of AURA -DV
one-half mile smith of Waltprx, On rowitY
. road;
Monday, October -19th
at.zone "
Cattle -Three Eolotein • cowe, recently
fresh; 1 Jen:my' row, practically fresh; 3
liolgtem cows, milking Well and rebted
1 dairy heifer tieing two-year-old; Hole
stein spring ealveg. •
talVai tractor. 1949, hydraulic
plow; rubber tited :Wagon With Oat rack
42-foOt grain auger; 1' circular 011W ;
large grindstone:. a quantity, of Inv:thee:
11f, square timbere and 311 by 4” scant -
. Arm the: Eetete of' LEWIS TERBUTT. ,„
'All 'persons -haying ciainis against' die
Estate of Lewis Tebbutt, late Of the TOwn:
of Seaforth, -in the ConatY;:tif..11inrom Gen.'
depeas died,•,1 on - the 16tli
.day, 'SePtenther,"' 1959,, are herebY•iiiiti..-
hed , • send in .fuIl particulars of 'Mali
fclainta :Abe" andersigned •Oia "Or before
the' 30th'clifY: Of October, 1969, ,after.Whieh
date the. imeets will he'distribitted. haying
regard Cialy.16.claiing then received. •';
DATUD•'et- .Seitf6143;-Cliitatio,,".thia• •7ifi
day 02 '"OctaberrI959:-. 7.:-7,-"!
7,,Seidotth, Ontario,
; Or. the. EState,•,
IN • THE ESTATE OF John Allen Arm.
' Strong, late of the Township of Stan-
'. ley, in the County Of Huron, Yeoman,
". Ali Persons baying claims against ,,the,
"Estate, 'fif, the-abolie deceased are ,required
to file the "1 -imine ' the :uridersigiled
,Selicitor-for the saidEstate, Oft or., before
the •,:26th' ,daY of October, A.D. 19-59, after
wliieh' date the aseete Will be distributed
'amongst, the parties entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only' to.'the claims of which
notide shall have iieen given. '
daDyAoTEf .0pcto.abterlAiupto.n1,9007tario, this 5th
,, • ,
Solicitor for the said Estate. •
ApprOximately 25 Automatic waterers;
50 50-wennd feedere. , • ,
• , . .
PRoPiWri: .
Pirreel One-391,2:iscres in the, Township
.,31olfillap, the conilOonf-litcron, be-
mff••Crornnosed of the Beall' .of the
Ninth half . Lot 2,5, An the .1.4t1s Con-
cession of the' Township^ •eif
There is said: to he :on this property a
.banit' barn with accemtnodatiori' for aP.
Preothiately S,000. broiler*: 1% storey .brick
•hoime,with -bathroom and. fur -mem, ,
Clay loam iiend, All 'Work-
able land. • • ' •
. , . • • ,
Partel Two --Lin the. Towtship -Of% GM',
la the county' of Huron, being, composed,
of pfkrt: et' Lot 1, in: thp 15t11 Concensitin
of the ' aald. ,townahip,• containing • three
Scree.- Thete•fe on this propertii framad
'barn- with...accortentalation for,. 6,000 -broil..
23. _Cards of Thanks ,
WI$1:1,•to express my sincere anPrecia-
tion. to all'. tbese who were so kind to me
while a patient lir Seaforth and St. J"os-
23-83-1 ' DELANEY
I -WISH to thank the nurses 'and staff
of' ScOteMernorial gospital for their kind-
n ess to me duringemy, reeent sickness, Al-
so Dr. W. Stapleton' and the Canadian
Legion for theimimpreeiation towardo me.
I W.01/14 LIKE to thank my friends,
neighbors and relatives for gifts, treats
and Visits trlaile I was a patient in Scott
lqemorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dt
M, W, Stapleton and the "staff of the hos-
23-83-1 BILL • BENNtrr
• ,TIIE FAMILY of the" late:AM:a Inkley,
Clinton; wigh. to thank their, many tela-
tives,, neighbors and friends • for their
many acts of kindness, messages, of sym-
pathy and floral 'tributes 'received Prior M
and during our recent "sad ' hereaVerrteat:
Special thanks to Rev. J. A. McKim "and
Rev. D. Lane, atteriding
and nurses of Clinton, and Victoria. llos.
-pitals, and the Canadian Cancer society.
TRUMB-chatteis, cash; PrOpertn. sold
,stiblect. to reserve bid, 10% down, ban.'
*tee 30 day '
• Far farther partirmlara,contaett
Trustee ^"
LONDON,' obrr.
.• •
.21. • Tenders Wanted..
WANTBD- for' five cords of•
hardwood ler S. S. '110. 12, Melciitop.
WiLL1AM See-Treati.,
4,1VaIton. - 21,82-2
25. Personals
DUBLIN -Joseph . Patrick Stap-
leton died .nn Tuesday at his home
in Dublin.' He :waS•in 'his. 66t11 year.
.Mr. .StapletOn;, .Son 'of the late...Mr.
and2:Mrs, Patrieli-Stapletori, farm-
.ed•MOStof his 1ife.1.n Hibbert.,town-
ship; retiring. to .Dublin • in 1957,3
Where .he bought the.•homeof:Fer,:.
StaDletorr.' He was a member
Of St. Patrick's'Cliureh and of -the
Holy, N me Society. •
:.,Ile .siirvived 'by his- Wife,.Athe.
foriner-:RDS6 Downey, .London;
sof . dangliter,..Mrs: Dan R. (Mary:
Qatherine),:'yVilliarns;;',and.'a grand,:
dahghter,,Nandy WilliarnS Jackson-,
two sisters'," 'Mrs'..:Mich-.
• •(Mary) ..Nagle; arid.
MrS? Earl (Ger.tiaide) Iltiblig;
The ',.bodyls resting .at his' late
retaidence, Dublin, until ,Friday,'.
.whenreqn.leni .high Masa: be
'sung :.et,„Q.,;40 'st. Patrick's,
,Church,::f011ewed' by.,inteirrient'lly
the , -pariah- -cemetery. Arrange -
Merits'. are. being' made 'by. the ,W.
-Cleary liinerathome," Seaforth.
and -Mrs. Patrick Woods and
„Children of Georgetown; With .Mr..
amt .
. Dr. E.', A.:: MeMaste4.:Of',..Seaforth;
-was-guest speakerioni-,-esday-'eve-
•iiing ',When the '',cathai,k-..WomeiiS
Leagne. Met .at the ,,Con-
tinuation Sehool Dublin, He gave
a 'very inferinative 'talk: On his trip
to -Japan and Far East IslandS' to
a„, medical. eonVention, desnribing
the industries ;and different cities
:M'whieli.he visited, Afterwards he.
showed -,slides., of: the different plac,.•
ea, :whichWete.. intich 'enjoyed. _ A
VotP,of 'thaiika was given Dr:'
The' secret -ark. read the'rnihute
of 'the previous :1•Meeting and" oar-
Spolidence:tre a surer's..repOrt; s
given by Kistner.
". ;-invitatiOn to attend Autumn
Pair, finder:the. auspices of -.the
House :of PrOVidenCe. Gni14, to be
held oir. botcher 15, was received,
also 7 to a„.Deanery...nieeting ,to be
-held in ,StratfOrd;in, Nevemberl.
deriatiOn-Will sentto Our,Ladies!.
•Missionaries i :and :. the 'Provincial
,Biirsaryi.•Disetission' Was held ,en
the :turkey bingo which will take.
place . in November. .
A' reading „On, St. ',Theresa . was
oven by Mrs. 'Clayton Looby..,:A
..prige; donated by Mrs. ,FrankKist-
'ner, was Won'by.',Mrs.:Louis Brux..
qr. The next meeting:Will. he held
in the 'church hall,. and enchre..will
he played, ,
mailed, post-paid in plafia sealed envelope •
with pricte list. 6 samples 250; 24 tam -
Pies $1.00. . Order befit.. -T-78,
NOVA -nuhriER: co.; nox 01, Hamilton.
26., Births
ADAIR-At Scott Merterial lioapital,-
,Ortober 12, tel Mr. and Mrs. 'Sohn Adair,
• ,
C11ARRETTE-Tony. and Elizabeth • are
• , happy ta,..annaunce the, arrival.- Of • their
third•son, Michael- P85iIilt,. ar.south. HEar,-
• on ospital,- Exeter, Sunday, October 4-,"
• 1950. A. Wee brother, for Dennis'. and
FELICAli-,To Mit - and Airs... ii,erdtt Pet.
kar in Portage is Prairie, 5141144a, on
September 29, a Son, Kevin Stewart,: '
FRY -,-At Sebtt., Mernbrial -"Hospital; on
oefobee. 18, to .Mr,' and Mrs. Donald
I',„„. .17ASeaforth, it son. • • . •
It3mAANO-Af 'Scott Meinotial
on Deteber 13, to mr. and Mrs. Anthony
LOOreans, Dublin,', aaori: ". •
,110114,‘,HBrtice and 3ariet (nee Elliott)
.,:•aimourice the birth of their son tit Cline.
Publie Hospital,- Friday, October 9,
'MCCLIIRE-,At Scott Mettorial nosPital,
. October. 8, "to Mr. and Mrs; Walter
MeClure, R.R, Seaforth,, a dom.'
in'ect.uriE-,--At.: Scott 'Mem:Mild Hospital,
• • on October .9; to, Mr.... arid :Mrs.. Glen
• McChire, JCR': 1, • Seaforth, 11 Son.
MCCAI:LITM-At SCcitt -Memorial Hospital
on Oef.ober,10, to Mr. and Virg. liaroi
McCallum,. 31.81. • 1,' Waliii3,i; • a daogh401. .
scnviv-Ok—At . 82014HosPititi
�n'' October" 11, le Mr, .edia Mrs. DAVI
• Schenck, Seaforth, a '
28., ..Deat
s,r.A,1..htrox."At ,Tuegdai,
,Ottober 11, josepli • Piitr,ick• Stapleton •
1i, 68t1 year. • • .
- The person who ivairaid.to
mit his Mistake is making tinOther.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert„. GIanyille,
of Staffa, visited On Tuesday with
1Vir. and Mrs. William Walters.
, Mr. andli/frs. Precb,Walters, San,-
dra and jUdy„ spent the' weekend
'at their cottage, Chesley Lake.
•Mr. and Mrs.-Harry8parling and
Hazel, of London, visited:Sturday
evenirig, with Mr. and Mrs. Free -
&an Horne. and family.,
Mr. and:Mrs. -Bison Lynn .and
family visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Tom Skinner at St. Pains.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cowan., of
London, spent the weekend in Wiri-
chelgea. • `
:Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford, of
0ranton, visited on Su-11day with
Mrs. Isabelle Sugdeon and Mr.
Tennyson johns, ,
Mrs. Isabelle Sugilen spent a
few days last week with Mrs. Wm.
McGuffin and Wesley, of Denizes.
/V.11%.•john Passmnre and family
celebrated \his 81stbirthday on
Thanksgiving afternoon 'at Arm-.
strong's Restaurant; EXeter..Thir-
tY-five, sat down tea delicious tur-
key banquet. with Milk one of the
family .absent; Miss Judy Pass-
-more,' Delhi, nurse.in-training • at
St.. Hamilton.
• ,:A most enjoyable time was spent
and a purse of money, from 'the
'family was presented to Mr. Pass-
more.. -The presentation. Was made
by' Mrs. W. J. McLean, of Hain -
Attending the celebration. were
-Mr. and Mrs: W., J; McLean; Wil-
liam,' jr., daughters
law; Mr. and Mrs. ,L.:Wilbur,
-and Mrs. ':F. Rock an.dLtiii,- Ham-
ilton; Mr. .ancl, Mrs: Lloyd,. john
•Passniore, Anna ..,and".1VIRry' Fran
ces,.:Delhi;-Mr..; and: MI's- Doug,
Barnes, Kenneth 'and' Bobby, ,Ay15-
:mer; :Mr.; and Mrs....Lorne Elder,
Kenneth; '•Jean, 1' Cathy - and., John;
Passmore,'. Bobby-- and :Ann, Owen
Sound;; Mr. and 'Mrs,. Ken PaSs-
'Mere; ,Laird John; Janet Marie and;
Leon,Duncan, Aylmer; Mrs.,:.Pearl,
Passinore and -Norma, Exeter; Mr,
and Mrs. Ron PaSsrriore., London., .
ACCept.'Seaforili Xnvitation;::'
The', W1ViS. and Ladies', 'Aid- 'of
.Carinel.thurch;.140isall, . held. 'a
'joint Ineeting in the church. school --
:robin Monday when 'Mrs,. -Johri•:.Sol.-,
,clan.",ehairect •the:,:meeting andpre-,
sgrited. the, •deVotion.s..P6,eina: were
.giVen''by•lVirs, Arehielloggarth,and
MrS., 'Alex MeGregiar,-,. and.' prayer
Was offered by Sold•an;
TriVitatious , were :received from
First Presbyterian.:Church, Segz,
:forth; -WIVIS -joiri..With them at,
'ben 27, and -from the Arnold... Cir-
cle:,.to -be , their guest's ..,Monday;'
When Mrs..-.Bren :De -Vries; Exeter;
w,i11 be guest Speaker; :.•• •
..,were arranged' for the
thankoffering meeting IVIOnday,•No-
vember.25when MisS Rena Fennell„
•Seaferth,,will be: guest Speaker. At
the, Ladies?, Aid, ...rneetirig,- plaris
•and Johnny, of Springfield, spent- Was ablY presented by Mrs. Pearl
the Thanksgiving weekend with PaSsrnore, assisted by Mrs. Milton,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. fLallvoerydanidthMthisesiiyigainryg- oGrooadsWpill.:
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Venner iteaa/Wemwes. ohn. Heal was _ in
spent ThankigiVing Day with their
charge of the. devotional,. using as -
son and 'claughter-in-laW, Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Vennei: rand Ben, hreedr' lithaesrasaede;‘Thwearneksrgeialdingi" 1,!,4ce 7.
Mrs-. R. D. McArthur,, Mac and
e• r.,gFesCreeBI:detrae6Briyieeaagr,n-,1.3d;nd Mr. and Mrs. Ross- Forrest, and Prayer offered •
s tLsinodfa„ NiHren saahlld, hicuy00;biterrssiiseHr•m, elCci.heeaymisr'reds7rih.osesi:enithnitt'imting. rrds.,• '
Mr: and Mrs. Rodger Veinier and -so,,,,,.n.- and I's! Ha 01:d.Dign •
, ,
Aurt and Ms.'William Clem t .
meeting 'at Elmira recently. .•
Stephen sPetit Thanksgiving in. To- en
attended the McKee annfial sales
ronto with.the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs Terrance .O'Reilly. •
Mrs. Ralph Kipp 'and daughter, simiVlaitss.th?vTehnaakehsgiaTina:,h°0lif d1L4aynwidetnh,
Noticaceilths,etr5E,inoxfee,tivieCrre.ntineadrlieam, ra,rh:clarl:trig..iviiiilVlincegi
' ' Chapman.,,, '
her,parents, Mr. and Mrs.: Lorne
Ewan Mr: and Mrs. Norman Pepper,
ancVAI; Of -Windsor, SPent, the week- ,
Rev, Currie Winlaw, minister of
Hensall United Church will he ap- end imlidafat their home o„n highs
proached-by the Legion branch in way •
Mrs. Ma.r,garet Evans and fam-
the' village to be asked togact as
padre- for their organization. The inilYg' ,w6fithWaxterr!°a°n,d:sPyiernst, TRh.a ynk.Smgive:
motion was made at a Meeting of
Mc -
the branch Tuesday night. - mrLaarteenrinoMfe-rMaeLfeawrendart4yLn..rned -th—
. The RCAF trumpet \ band from Mr. and Mrs. ,William Brown, .
Centralia is being asked ,to appear. '
Bill and Carol sligut, Thanksgiving .
at -.-the Remembrance Day service,
and the commanding officer w.ill in Tavistock. ,
pointed a committee for the Arm- to be out -following her long illness.
ItooThboelmaraehyPlefariseehddstOesfeeMhresi. aSbimie,
Bbetoawshkeadhdto staamke Itthaehnsi:lnwtee.reWamp_.
istice Day _program. A social eve-, aamd,riarnanildy',MTrcsicalcar,olvdia'istedhePhaveredr
ning is Planned for November 11
in the Legioh Hall, when the reeves
James Smillie. .
the Thanksgiving holiday with -Mrs.
of Hay, Tuckersmith and Hensall,
heads of the Boy Scouts and Cubs, Mr. and Mrs Lawrence MacDon-
of ald and Gerald and Mrs. Florence
principal Of Hensel' Public School
and the local ministers will b& -in- fledden, London;. Mr. and Mrs.'
gtuoestthse. 'AsndhohnaKtieolrthioafh$C10htwisats, 12°naid Redden' and family, Camp
:Borden; Mrs. Ruth• Carter and Mrs.
rnas fund_ :, - tTeend,deDroenreellceeYntavutdsttoRrisnkyvertit mCiiin.-.
The Thanksgiving service ' at.
.„._C,atherine liedderuand Herb.
Carmel -Church- was-recorded-Siin
day morning and the record will DoMnraida, nedf mMirms'icKe.,enspeuMatnninsanakns'd..- "
be used for patients at the Queens-
1VIrs. F. Manus, who returned home -
giving with the fOrnter'S' mother,
way Nnrsing-..Honie .for the- shut-'
mr.. •I'Aresicy.vcthici, has his With them, 'to spend vvinter
property on. No."4.71iighWay to Mrs.
Robert McAllister , Mr.,: and Mrs,' Alex Shorthause
ich; who gets., iMmediate. IX:rises.: and 'larnilY-liave' j-Ptc the
•• .. • . hOilie.they i)iirchiSed froin.Eraak.
were completed for the turkey ban- Air. Lorne Limas' is confined- to Harburn on Bre'ek Street
H t
The first meeting of the Hensall Mrs: George Beer 'Area hostess at "
' givera Churchill, • Toronto,
SPent;,Thanksgiying with her sister .
quet later this 'reolith. his home with illness.
-nior.SeCitniizoerns7CluebnsW1Viaeets held her hoirie-TueSda-y-evenuig-for -the- Dl'oSjihb4r-,-.43.ditmhecalttelinaa4nradewnzi3ifilViidr,. ii,dge'
, Present To PreSident
Hehsall Memorial Centre auditor- third birthday party of the kin- -
sum With a ,very good attendante. nefics *an 100 per cent attend_ pent the Tliankgw:ingweekend at
boarde emed and ,cghtliensetses' checkers'Car6sh ulfeeresion plans l • • sale eear. 'etborfi.je. Lea ibzhueesdli lid efosinsi ttehhsi Hensall
'es- el aTeensets , FTr19,attendedgwhTownyoung
night h ywas2
President Mrs. M J. Petersen ance nis
young p,e0-
enjoyed. R. J. ,Hume SPoke brief- 'nov• vir.Hall this Month. Past presi-
ly and ,suggested each member be dent Mrs. Jack Drysdale presented SPeciarnefs- were Seaforth Teen
,caonureamgheansseawdemr, efinorathrPsclub pto oin , Mrs Mtorhs..ehlVilolliiamhe-Mhaiucldoei wT0,4Db,e3'DmIlandgeteocpsleeas. oArth,restuartirm,vdiasyit;:i •
" After lunch-, Orville Ranson, and the Kin• nettes for her Work wi±h Mr. and Mrs.. Leonard Noakes' -
his orchestra .furnished Music for the deputy governor, Bill 1Viickle, chaperoned the 'Friday dance' •
Oa cdtoageere., nive,xifomr ccvvthinighis •an,iseps,daiyai, ,,la,s1theyeraafD
raffle was w by
Mrs. ji;n, the ice
ee ma,emineneehrayuietnalei.etroublewosno
Program will be arranged All sen- Clarke -,-,'Guests :were Mrs. To public skating until Thanksgiving
ior citizens. of Hensall and corn- Munroe and Mrs. John Baker.. 'A nightAll ice time seliedfiles‘ will
Triunity are welcome, to attend the social hour was 'enjoyed. Winners soon he drawn up./ Please have
meetings, • which take place the at progressive, euchre were Mrsyour names in as quickly as pos-
„seeona ..aud...fourth.,,,,pieoax eve, -nobert ,neabarn.. and Erarak. sible. skating:will be held •
flings each month. , Ellwood; lone, hands, Mrs. James every night 'from 8.10 at the Hen -
Thanksgiving .serviees, were held Clark. ' . ' sa,11 Aren_a:
in Cannel :Church -Sunday, when Mr.' .and Mrs. , _ Dairy newnnruuti -
Mr. G. Vais Spoke on "ThanksgiNT-. Pamela and Judith spent thanks-. - Open-hOuse was held -Saturday
For their selection the choir .giving weekend in ,,Detrtht and when citizens of Hensalland
"Thanksgiving Day," and Jim while there Visited the Detroit Zoo. munity were: given an opportunity
Love and Jim DOugall sang a vo. Mr*-.. Dave Kyle, who underwent' to -inspect the rebudt ..Hurendale
cal duet, "Have Thine Own Way, an operation in Clinton Heap:Rai on Dairy. Brand new from top to bot
Lord" The church, decorated' by Wednesday of last week, is expect toin, the 'buildingreplaces the for
the Arnold Circle, was lovely in ed home this Friday . /her dairy 'which was destroyed . •
harvest Motif and auturrin leaves. Mr, John Glennis a patient IA -a- freak tornado in. May of :this
Mrs, Maleolm, Dougall PreSided at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, in Year: Of cement block censtrue=
the 'organ console. ' ' the interests Of his healthten, the new dairy .building. is 35
• Sgt., ',John Beer Mrs Beer, David • Dr: .Norma Hopkinson,.. of Lions feet by 40 feet designed for 'effici-
liead;,-has returned dMrsdrafather visiting Nnaia
iting ent:production and
with her parents,
E. Cook. People who visited the dairy saw
Miss Minnie Pearce, of Teronto, milk in process and the interior of
has returned after a visit with her the pasteurization and bottling ma,r.1.
sister W. B•i,-CrosS. ' ' chines. From th'e time the milk
and 1Virs. P. M. (Merv) Hon,- leave's the can until it reaches the
singer and little ;son, Philip, of bottle, .there is absolutely no con-
Georgetown'nieVed into the Fink tact' with the human hand. The .,
Apartments on Sattirday, Mr. •Hon - entire process 'is' automatic,' and
singer Teud
rt. shag purchased Rudy's. Pro- the higis maintained. hest egree of sah' •ti
itary sta
.diice, commencing his new -duties dards -
on ay.. .
Seek Water
(Continued from Page 1).
was not the answer, and contend:
ed there was hot suffieient water,
Mr. -Kling said. the PVC purpose in
bringing 'the' ;matter. to ,coutycil's
agreement -vvas. proceeded with on
the' basis ofthe details,provided.
' .Further diScussion .r ev e a Lcd,
when other, industries had requir-
ed additionalpressure for Sprinkler
systems, the work had been pro-
ceeded with without reference ..to
the town. The most recent installa-
tion -was at Topnotch Feeds Limit-
ed, when the company installed its
own 'booster pump. , .
• The PUC will obtain engineering
advice as to the capacity of the
existing-, installation. The cost of
the conneeting link -requested by
the company was estimated at
from- $3,000 tO.$4,0Q0, dePending-on
the route. 'cliosen. .•
Sewer VFOrk Stalled -
Complete,frustration was the re-
action of council, as Councillor J.
O. Ttirnbull, • sewer , „committee
chairman,' told of efforts to obtain
a d'ecision front Dr. Berry, Man-
ager of the QVVRC as to thofuture
of Seefortli's proposed sewer. `
"I phoned him after the " last
meeting and told him of our dis-
cussion, and -that we wanted to
know whet"."*Tirbeing done," .Dr.
Turnbull said, "He told me to leaYe,
it with him and he would have an
answer ,before the next meeting:
We haven't heard,..T.,thingt .r feel
there .won't be any action' until
they get ready for small jobs like
ours. ' ...
• In,the meantime Council can do
nothing about clearing, up...sewage
sitaations in town.
lregulations governing seavang-
attention was to obtam 'direction ing, service are going to be revis-
es le .the, a'ctionL it would' take. ed, COuneli decided, when if heard
Dees the town feel that -there -is an that the service waa being, abused
obligation, he asked; and are we
In proceed? Commissioner .8111s
gdded that the CoMmission felt it
vieS, the town who.' should deter?
'Mine whether an.obligation existed
since 'the errangetnents for the
original installation were all made
-Couneil^recalled .that the original
reque.st was for a six-inch main,
which had been provided, The dif-
.ficulty, it was suggested, arose be.-
ceuse the underwriters before
Igtibing a six -inch -line Was satia,
factory,.had not 'Checked tiitirOugh-
ly. Ithed 'not been realized Where
the tieW.factory was' to be local-
-ed.. Council i
revewed correspond-
6itte ft had had with the cempeny
prior to the erection of the fat -
tory. In aletter,..date MO 26 last
year, tlx ,e coriiPailY had requested,
water to 'provide for a spritilder
system., sanitary services and oth-
• lactory reguirCmentsy ,and had
by a few ratepayers. Operating on
:rates set long befOre tile days ,of
cesspools, the service eech'year is
becoming more costly. 4t. few rate-
payers use it frequently, the ma-
jority hardly at all. It was sug-
gested charges be en a per tip
basis, rather,than $1.25 a year, as
at present..
Mechanived last year when it
warfelt the eoSt of keeping a horse
was too high, the scavenging ser-
vice isbecoming boaed down
When called on -for serVice iti gar-
dens and over lawns, council was
told. Efforts' Will be xnade to rent
a 'horse for special odeasions. -
Council Was Warned by Council-
lor Turnbtill, that.rabies continued
to: be a serious threat, and that a
dog in Egmondville had been found
to be rabid, Agreeing action,. muSt
betaken to rid the town of dogs
running at large, council agreed -
to appoint a% dog catcher and 'to
asked that details of the serVice to pay bun at , an amount pr-' -dOg
bo provided be advised, This was caught The 4imeant suggested was
done in a letter of Ante 28, which $540., orthe dog would
accompanied a plan shOwing 'a six- redeem, the clog for the . same
inch Service. Subsequently, an amount, • -
Mr. 'and Mrs. Don Herneand
family, Of ,Sts Catharines,.. spent
Thanksgiving 'with Mr, and Mrs.
William Henry. ,
Miss, Bernice enjoyed
Thanksgiving weekend 'with her
parents,. Mr. and -Mrs. Withert
Thanksgiving services Wer 'ob-
served in the United Church Sun-
day morning, and for his sermOn
tepic Rev: Currie Winlaw spoke
.011 'Thanksgiving,” which he de -
linen into two parts: Thanks Giv-
ing.,The choir sang an anthem with
solo parts taken by. Sannlannie.
The church wes .deeorated with
Thanksgiving motif 'of fruits , and
vegetablesr . • • -
Sunday October 18 at 1-1. a rn
service will be conducted by the
Rev. W. H. Summerell, a the Mc-
• Killop pastoral charge, • as •Mr.
Winlaw will be conducting anni..-
versary. at .a McKillop 'church.
Produce Changes Hands
- After 16 years of successful busi-
ness in Hensel, Rudy Petzke, of
Rudy's Produce, is going' out .of
bilsmess owing to 411' health. With
the help of Mrs. Petzke, they have
'enjoyed •pleasant relationship with
the public. They expressed appre-
ciation, for the patronage afforded
them by their customers during
theiryears in business.. Their' Sue-
jtessor,vvho took over on Tuesday,
will be P., M. (114a1v) `Honsinger,
of Georgetown. Mr..Honsinger. has
been in bUsiness in Milton and
.Georgetown, and is affiliated with
the Masonic Order. Mrs.,Honsfiig-
er is associated with the Rebekah
Lodge. They ate members of the
United church. ' •
'Study DistUrbed. Africa
• At the Eyelling Auxiliary meet-
ing; held. Monday evening in the
United Church schealroom, mein-
bers were aSked to bring 50 Centi
and...any old jeWellery to' the ne5d
meeting for the bale for llotway
Itonse, Manitoba. The cash is to
be used for the. -purchase of a blan-
ket and -Stockings for the children.
A motion was passed to send for a
r"Angola Awakes,"' for the
Deeernber meeting. MIS, narveY
Keyes and Mrs. Ken Elder offer-
ed fn attend the Sectional meeting
at Ellinville on October 20:
The study on. "Afrita
Visitors with Miss Mahelle.White-
on Thanksgiving,Were Mrs: Amelia -
Whiteman and her- daughter, Mrs..
Casey Richards, Of „Birmingham,
Anniversary , services at .St. An-
drew's United Church will eheld .
Sunday, October 18, at 11 a.m. and
730 p.m., Standard Time. Guest
speaker be ,Rev, R. Connor,
of Walkerton. Speeialinusic is be-
ing provided by the Choir.
Mrr.""leair Kyle; Clinton; Mr.
and 'Mrs. Dori Kyle and Deborah'
Jane; of Zurich, and.Mr. and Mrs. •
Wilmer McClinchey, and Ruth; of •
Varna, spent Thankagiving, with.
Mr. and Mrs, Emerson KYIe.
Mr. and Mrs,. Harold.jones and ,
sons, acconnpaniedby Mrs. P,earl
Love- and: Wayne, ,of Varna, Were
Sunday guests of ,Mr. and Mrs,
Gerdon Westlake and family ,and'•
Mr. arid Mrs, Thomas Westlake, of
Mrs. W. L. Mellis, acctmpanied'.
by her" mother, Mts. R.- Gibton,
and a bretlier-'mlaw, . Mr.: Tom
Bourke, of Wroxeter;spent a ieW
days in 'Grand Rapids, Mich.., at
Ithe home of' a brother, Mr; $. U.
Gibson. • ' • .4,
Mr, and' Mrs.' J'oe Le Gard,: Sus-
anaiad Billy, of Downsview, spent '
Thanksgiving .weekend with Mrs.
-Gard's aunt arid uncle, Mtand
rs: N. Long., ,
Bride -Elect Shpiiered'
On Monday evening, Oetober 12,
Mrs, Harold Jones entertained 23 -
'relatives and friends. to a .miseel.-•
larieous 'sho'Wer in hOnOf of Mar-
jorie Sararas, bride -elect, of field
Saturday, Tim house was appippri-
ately decorated with laeautiful ,
auttirnii floWers and a Thanksgiv-
ing theme., The bride -t� -be was red.
to a their - decorated itt pink and
White. After opening her gifts,'
whieh Were carried in by Elizabeth'
Deichert' and Kenneth and. ,Grant
Jones, she thanked everyone. The
address was read by SharOn Mc-
Bride. :- '
A short program followed, which
consisted of a ,sing-seng, vocal-
duetS by the Jones boys; a read
Mg by Mrs, Earl Deichert, of Ztir-'
min and contests nonducted
Sharon IVIeBride, '