HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-16, Page 3KINSMEN, KINETTE OFFICERS INSTALLED AT HENSALL `CEREMONY At the dinner meeting of Hensall Kinsmen Club Thyrsday eventing at the Kosy Korner Restaurant, Depu- ty Governor of Zone p, TomMay- berry,. of Woodstock, installed the officers : at a - joint installation of Kinsmen and Kinettes. Kinsmen officers are: 'past presi- dent,''Harold Knight; president, Ross:inks•; vice-presidents, John Stove. and Furnace' O}I Prompt Farm and Home Delivery DON BRIGHTRALL Dealer and D'istri'butor of Canadian `Petrofina 'Ltd. 'Petroleum Products .., •' . ` PHONE 354 Seaforth Ont. Heal and Robert Redburn; secre- tary, Neil -Taylor; treasurer, Eric, Mansfield; registrar, George Saw- yer, bulletin editor, Bill Mtekle,' The Kinettes installed; past presi- dent, Mrs. Jack" Drysdale, presi- dent, Mrs. William Mickle; vice- president, Mrs. • Itoss Jinks; secre- tary, Mrs. William Clement; treas- urer, Mrs. Robert Reabtirn• regis- trar, Mrs. Bob Baker, Jr.; bulletin editor, ' Mrs thin , Qlark, During the business .portion ';of the meeting, presided over 'by' President Ross. Jinks, a motion was passed to donate $75 to the Hensall Boy Scouts to.assist • then. to carry on:- Harold Bonthron won the raf- fle. A social hour was 'enjoyed in playing euchre, .and winners were: ladies, Mrs William Mielde; men, Eric Mansfield. Orange Hall, 'Seaforth` MondaYy, , Oct. 1:4 SPONSORED BY L:O.B.A. Admission 40c — LUNCA SERVED .— BOOTHS ' m BATING Chances Tea Room 2:30 P.M. eesYOctober 2�I n da c ... ®�be 5 FOLLOWED BY Ooi, PRIZE 9:00 p.m. ST. COLIJMBAN ` PARISH H/ ADMISSION 50 CENTS n t.: C �binmu entre SEAFORTH Dai cing''at 9:30 •Tickets $2.00 per couple Ac mission to. adult's by . invtatlori only. • Iinvltatons may lie ob- tained'from °:`fhe .Sere, tar3� `IGEN• POWELL Seaforth- ST. COLUNIBAN The Oetober meeting of the local council of ;the Catholic. Women's. League was :held,• at the home of Mrs. Jack Mclver on 'Tuesday eve- ning with 30 members present. The 'president, Mrs, Angus Kennedy, op- ened the meeting with the. League Prayer. A- donation was Voted .to- wards the Diocesan Reserye Fund. It 'was. announced that the Strat- ford Deanery meeting will be held 'November '11, at' St; Josephs Hall, 'Stratford Conveners . were appointed • and final plans made for the bazaar and bingo.to be held' in the parish'' hall on' , October.21; Mrs: ' Joseph' Eckert and Mrs. Stephen„Murray to volunteered;, care for the:altars during November. A .mystery prize, donated by Mrs. William !VleMillan, , Was won by. Mrs. J. L. Malone,. Church Groups WA. Mrs Evelyn Mills opened her home_ for the October 'meeting 'of Group 1;• WA, . Northside United Churcbi , Mrs E. 1 .Close Opened' the devotions, with a hymn;' and• `a prayer. ' The Scripture . reading,' Psalm 8; was. -taken by' -Mrs W., Cuthill. Mrs. E M.' -Williams read`. a poefirp "Recipe ` '.For '..Living.” Twenty-three Members And,- five visitors answered the roll call. • The president, Mrs D. .Lemon; took' the chair for' the business' of ,the evening.'' Miss N. Taylor was. guest speaker and 'showed several' slides'. on astronomy, which was enjoyed by all. Sharon Strong"sang a "lovely solo r"The,.Bible Tells Me So," accompanied by Julene El liott on her 'aecordian. • Mrs.. Kelly' "t d the. IvyJohnstonses e 1 r .J and VI s ora ch and a social. hostess, with" pun hour spent. Mrs. Ellis thank ed those taking part, and' -the hos-- -GROUP FOUR WA Mrs, Peter Christianson" was hos tess • for the October meeting of Group, WA of Northside ".United: Church. ,ibIrs:-R-.1Bowie-oge ed -the meetingwith a "poem, "The "Sec- ret". '. Business was conducted, by vice-president Mrs."' Howard Wil- son. The quilt top, which Mrs, Me Nichol donated to the group has been' sold. '' .- Mrs. Elmer Hutchinson introduc- ed Robert Bowie, who showed slides of various places he had •vis - iced.;" Mrs: , J. A. •Westcott, thanked Mr: `Bowie,, and 'Mrs" Harold Wil- son thanked. Mrs. Christianson 'for' having the meeting, at her home, • Herbert: "Yen say that's' a sponge cake?" Filbert` `•`-1 •le"avet to you -My wife`. borrowed the eggs; ' flour and baking, tins from our .next-door' R .ECEPIION BRODHAGEN HALL for" Mr. • and Mrs.• Irwin •'Johnsbn ."._EVERYBODY ;WELCOME , _ , Ladies Flease Bring Lunch. • Mc(itlo p DUFFS ) • p. United Church'' Anniversary Y Services'. Sunday,Oct. 18th' O Services 11 a.m. - 7:30.p m, Guest Preacher.' REV QURRI14W BA, B:D *.. HENSALL . r (Cavan -Bethel services withdrawn) A • Cordial. a?zv2tatian • Extended' To. All' ! to 2:` 'Years uaranteed Investment Certificates To , invest -just send. IA your . cheque $100. or more. "'flritish Mortgagedoes: the rest., BRITISH MgRj.:q....0E.$1.:.,:TRUST-COMPANY: a ' F'Ounded inwi877 }lead. Office' •STRATFORD,.• Ontario •'. e•rrre'u�itireeeu fii�rre�Y.r. e.ee.reim1610r r.ee. . duur.■ rr.e.e■e.r�rpergr .ep IntIPI$Ii MOItT(IAd �s T tti'ST; STRATFORb' I enclose my cheque for Investment 'Certificate. PfAmE 'for Investnie„t Ina British Mortgage Guaranteed ADDRESS. 6....6,14,.,»...01 tri Please send folder giving Information about British Mortgage & Trust • Guaranteed p Investment Certificates ; ' 5rii..iYYiir. ,j.1l ..eY.sieii..eir Mrrrd•rr•4Y.rrerr.eser.rar.rrYrereerrer.rrerrYO V. : RCAF PERSONNEL in Australa to demonstrate Canada's, ;anti - u m rm e--airc aft.to take: .dvanta e of :soma time, off"'to ;.-the :Royal Australian Air r'Foree�'and `':`do"wn under. nubile; a g . do . a little sightseeeng in Canberra Here--with-Fhght -Sergeant_ R J. Fenton' of the -RE AF ("left) they look 'over the... Olympic Pool, The '.'Canadians" are;.. left ::to righty Warrant Officer, A.. R. ' a ' an Flying Officer :Coutts,,of Seaforth, pnt;;:-FItght.Sergeant A :J;;Smart,:of Saskatoon,;S Sask.., ,d •• y g " of Powell River; B•C,(National Defence. Phot(r.).. , :ergs Mrs,'Inez McEwen, Noble Grand, presided for the meeting on Wed- nesday ,evening; of Amber Rebekah' Lodge 349, twhen the District Depu- ..ty President'Mrs. Dorothy Parker, installeii the.officers.for the lodge The ;following 'reports ,were given:, Mrs: E:`'Shaddick reported for the CP & T •fund, "stating: they. Were selling tickets on a TV chair 'Mrs -E. '-Chi,pchase';: reported the;"pur chase of an electric tea kettle :and dishes,;; ,Mrs. Edna Corbett for. the (mance committee, and Vice=Grarid Mrs; ,Glenn :Bell;, on her recent:vis-• . `it to the •Hom,a inBa.rie, Treasnr- er Mrs: Laird? Jacobi``submitted a' gratifying report. ' ' An invitation' was received from •'Goderich lodge for the members to accompany the DDP and installing' officets, to _their lodge on October. 20. The installation ceremony. was presented by. the District 'Deputy .Presidelitt Mrs Dorothy Parker and- lier staff,' iiy`'the''D'epuly Marshal; Mrs.::Bertha :'MacGregor. Soloist,; MrS. a•.VVilliam Brown, , sang;, This is My Task'.and'=`,Bless This - Following, are the newly -installed officers Noble Grand, Mrs.. Glenn Bell;. Vice Grand; Mrs. E. Chip chase;' recording secretary ";Mrs. John Ingram;;; financial secretary, Mrs. Clarence Volland; . the treas- urer, 'Deputy ;Marshal 'Mrs. Bertha Orange, Group At Woodham Has IV6emonal Banquet A banquet in- Woodham United Mirth Wednesday, attended by -0, Marked the lith birthday party of the Agnes Watson Memorial Lad- ies' Orange „Benevolent Associa- tion 1167, of Woodham. Visiting lodges attended 'from :Clinton, Sea - forth, Mitchell, St. art's, 'Lake- side and Lucan r: ' Guest- speaker at,t e " meeting, held' in -the' Orange 'Hall, was'. the, Most Worshipful Past Mistress of British America, Sister Ruth ,Day, of London,; who ° spoke on ':lodge' work.; Worthy: Mistress of. Wood- ham; Lodge,, Mrs' Olives • Jaques, o£..I'lensall,• chaired, the meeting Hit'By Geese ' Mr. and 1VIrs. William, T. ,:Irwin and 'baby son, Murray, of: East Wawano$ ; met with a freak acci- dent at the weekend while on their way to Hamilton to visit relatives: At Freelton'two "geese in a °barn- yard ";suddenly took flight.;' They flew over a "fence beside the high- way ` and swooped low over, the road. One 'hit the car and WAS in- siantly killed, falling 'to ,the- ditch.: The .Second . bird crashed through the windshield of the Irwin oar, the broken glass showering the oc- cupants. Murray, a 'year-old,' was seated 'in a' child's car seat 'be- tween his parents and suffered a badly cut face. Twelve stitches were required'to close the wounds. —Wingham Advance -Times. 'NIIi1111IIIIII1111IIIIIIUflU11111IIllll1l11111 .•', Live. ' •; PouIt rye: r s.. Top‘.Pc Paid Prices Phone Brussels 66 hURGN. tICE ONT'. RUSSELS . Il onnulil$ltlt111illllhIftlilltU I1111111i ice MacGregor' will be: installed' at `a later date,•'. R,S,N.G.; 1Vtrs.' William Caldwell;. L S.N,G. Mrs, Alex. M'ae-' :•Beath R:S VrG. Mrs.. L e o`na Parke, L.S V.G., Mrs' Wm: Brown; warden,., \V rs A B Orr; ;conduc- tor; • Mrs. •High•;; McEwen; • color - bearer, 'Mrs Howard' Lemnion; pianist; Mfrs,William Fuss; chap- lain Mrs Lawr'encJEyre .inside guardian„ MTs: Taigin• !i'homson outside- . guardian, Mrs.' George Clifton. ' Following, theAinstallation sere - irony :the': newly'; :installed. Noble Grand; Mrs', "Glenn Bellspoke, con- gratulating -the'' District: •Deputy President' Mrs, Parker, :`:who: ad- dressed the lodge, using as her 'motto, "Love One,' Another." Mrs. wain Dougall moved a ' vote :of thanks to D.D.P. '; Dorothy Parker and staff and soloist, 'Mrs., Brown. Mr Earl .Campbell spoke' briefly; congratulating.the, District -Deputy President;". "wishing her' success throughout. the 'year. Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. Inez McEwan spoke and pre. sented the D.D.P. with a gift on behalf of the lodge. Mrs. A1ex.Mae :Beath' presented Miss Maybelle Whiteman; retiring' recording sec retary, with a . gift, and Mrs.. Bev- erley Beaton 'made the:. pre eta- tion of a ' gift to the pianis i Mrs. b William �`uss: -, Mfrs Sliaddick was appointed convener of the sale, of tickets for a draw 'fora sw'vel TV, Chair ,:for the CP &. T find Bingo:: Winners' Legion .bingo winners Saturday were: Iyan Boa (:2),' -Mrs. Norman Long, Mr. Doupe, Sharon Smale, Louis .Johnston„Mrs-.Clarence Reid; (2),''Miss 'Pearl Tidesv ell,'Murray Tyndall, Harold Sw5rtzentruber, Fred Kennings, Bob Carlile, Mrs. ;Doupe; share the wealth, Patricia Harris; .door prize, $5.00;. Mrs.:Wm. Smale, - Jackpot . this Saturday is $105 in 58 calls. ' iitiJLIt11111t1it•1111II1111Itia11t1llil.l11111It�A District Weddings_ Eo:rmer. Tea.cber4o -. S; eak At Ki en p_ p THE H'.URON. EXPOSITQIt, SFAVIMalf,>Q; H�nsa'Gro Tenth `Anniyersary Observing their 1.0th birthday an,. Joynt, and member with the $0)41.-, niversary, Hensall.Legion Ladies' est purse, Mrs.. Wes Veneer. ' Auxiliary -enjoyed a turkey banquet in the,sch0o1room of Carmel Pres- byterian Church Tuesday; evening;, T; i �yv t A '•most delicious' supper:: was eery- KA►IS a �7f.,. Greatest Std' 'c►' 1CTh ., efd by' Mrs "•Frank ; Wrigiit's •g pup OVERSHt)ES Ever t of .the:Ladies' Aid, who was assist ed by'Mrs. W, McLean, Mrs. Archie .In colors.- Sino$e. Beige; E`rost Hoggarth, Mrs. G nn o e Mrs NEW •HEELS NIaW TOES Gordon Schwaim, t r . x "Mc Frgm $1.'98 bu 2•'':', Gregor (president), s: • w . renee Velland, .•Mrs. Egberl Faber . and WTLLIS' SHOE, .STORK Mrs- anTdhe.l"oJtovehealny,ta'Bcbarkessavg, eEsf" w' vy b"ayttrthace- Since 18G2 QNT. five, centered with autumn,flowers aux-iliary,members, made -by Mrs E. R. ' Davis,were much admired; TURKEY', President Mrs. William"' Brown :ex,- pressed thanks to the•ladies for the supper, and President Mrs.McGre gor replied" •' The regular' meeting followed, held in the Legion Hall, with Press dent Mrs; Bwn;: in the chair: Mrs. Mary' Stanton •was admitted into memoersbip-ro .Mrs.wt .' Brown , and Mrs. Gordon Munn were appointed. representatives::of Hensall Auxil- ,ary'to, attend the 'annual meeting Of the sports 'officers of Zone 1, which will 'he 'held in Walkerton Legion Hall Wednesday, October 14. A Motion was passed to serve coffee :