HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-09, Page 12IZHTLIE HURON EXPO§ITQR,, SEAFORTti, ONT., OCT. 9, 1959
• ,
Rev,. D.' Leslie Oder,
11:• A. HEMMER.
Organist and •Choir Leader •
Churcii-Sehool and Youth,'
Fellowship •
_ A. la: •
Music: Senior Choir Anthem
JERUSALEM", (MaMid.er)• • •
Nursing facilities in the Church
700 PA. • • -----,,-
“wirrrg urrro-novEpr,,s
•Rev. IL. Elder and Miss Mary
1VLIcEachern, Deaconess "School,
Music-GUest soloist,.•Mrs:-Sydriel
Jones, Lishawel: '
• Menabers and friends are asked. to
note the resumption of the Even-
ing Seryices.
...'Church Notices
Thomas" Anglican Charch.-;,'
Unlar Seheol, am; •Morn-
ing Prayer,. 11:1XJ a.m.:;, Evensong,
'7:00 p.m. Holy. Communion first
Smaday morning ;of month and
thirttsfinday at :9:00
Donaldson 'Rector.
UntMd Charge.--I3ethel,
10 Lm.;'Cavan, 11:0'.m.; Puffs
'-,Rev. ,Suminerell,
Minister. .
Mrs.: Jeanette Vrais.er
announce • -the; engagetaentf ,her-
datighter;,`Derothy May Devitt; to
John. Joseph, O'Donnell, of 'Sarnia,.
Ont., and perth;','Sgotland, the Mar-
riage .to take • plaee: .the endof.
The,eligagement is announced Of
Mary Root, ;danghter • ot, Mt. and
Mrs,C. S. Katts.of.„116liand, to Joe
Valkeagoed; .,sen• •of • Mr:. Oncl. Mrs.
ValkengOed,- of .
Marriage to. take at.„:St.:
James' •:Cliurelbj. Seaforth,,,, ojr_lacto
herff,..:1959 • '•„ •
The Seaferthhianch Of the Red
•OresS,SocietY have:accepted a..neW•
'qtiota ..of SeWing and knitting , for
. „ .
1959-60 A 'request •. from, the
tario beadquarterS to. as-
Ffst- In the:, ma.ltirig of 'dressings fer•
tile Red Crss' ;'blood transfusion'
.prograin.Was,alSo...aceepted.-:'. ,
, . .
AS. this Work.'',..s
forth:: elititch.grettpST
aad.etlier. arganliations will ,help.'
The •-;Ontario.'.01.VISieur.pf .Red.
'CrOsS Seciety. .1i6ne to bring- coiri-
'plot& coverage Inc :Bleed'
ors the Whole', province
Friday, 9th October
No adniission charge . . Offering
You will;be made welcome at all:
, the* • Services„: •
, umummumuumniiiiiiiummithu
DE- SEDIPLE, Miniater
Lyle Ilimmond
Organist -Choir Leader.'
`Tet Us Come Before His Pre$enee
With Thanksgiving"
, Subject!'
"The Most Popular Sin in
the World"'
Milsic• • - '
' "The. Lord is Great' in Zion" '
Unusual Decorations_ . •
. . . Thanksgiving' ifinitis
W.M.S. Thankoffering '
Guest Speaker: Miss Sibyl Curtis
" EverY Fardily Represented- at
• Thanksgiving Services
Y.P.U. FALIe RALLY, Northside
Church, Tueiday, 13th. Supper
• 6;45 p.m. ' - '
Chicken Barbeca6
Sponsored by .0.F.11.,.
Thursday Oct. 8th:
Serving 0 to 8:30. .
$L56 per Plate Children 75c
There' were 225 parent§ and teen-
agers, pent at the dance Satur-,
day' ..nig,nt. Music for .pareirta'
Night ,.'Lwas: antkPiled - by, 'Stewart
.Baird'S 'orchestra: Tne Snot danc:„
ea were' won :by 1VIr.-'; and. Mrs..
.Keith , and. Mr. and Kra.' yarley.
'The ;deer prize was, Won by Ellen,
. We.: would, like to thank' Mrs.
Bates/ and :1,:Mrs:.:HutchinSon, for
helping " the, . booth,' Saturday
ThereiS going to: be a Hal:
-.16We!en daiiee October. .31; •and
those Wishing to dress May tin
1Viusic :Will he Stiprilied by:Stew-
. . ,
art.Baircreerenestra. • •• '
. • , ••:
• The , Teen :.TOwn, dance this' week
is..gaingle. take the form of a hard
'time dance and:dancing vvili,beto
: • C•ROUP•3;:•:,V.VA."-••: „
• IRS. J. 'C. Cochranewas noSteas
for ':the October -meeting. ofGroup
3 of the WA .olLNorthside Uiiifd
C.hurcbYMiss,Abbie..Seip ,'opened
the 'meeting
:Value,:of Business' was
conducted• by the President, „Mrs.,
W. Bradshaw. The bakeless bake
• sale ,prOved quite iuccessfiii.;
Mrs. F, Roegycoriiltieted, Hie re-
mainder of the -meeting -and 'read
a poem; "Giving and • Receiving,"
followed . With prayer. Seip.
read:PSahn -63 :tor the 'Scripture
leSson, , A piano soli) by, Mrs. E.
• Fiacher•Was enjoyed by' all: A 'Very
interesting, reading, "God's ..Ros-
ter," was given. by Mrs. 'HoegY.
Avoteof • ,
thanks waS expressed-
'te: the 'babas. end -all, taking' part
in the mieeting, Lunch was served,
by. the „social committee.
. ,
T .A. -XT ERVI C E -
Insured' Passengers
, Legion
an Drnw for
.Community Centre
*.and Mrs. Hope Pauli, Detroit,
visited'her sister,- Mrs.- Elizabeth
Rock, last ,week.,-,
Mr. Robert Harlon, is in Toronto
taldng a course in. plumbing.
Mr. and. Mrs..1)ouglas Aitchesen,
of NiagAra Faj1s and' Mr. and'
Mrs, Bill Brouiliton and family, of
Atwood, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Iloegy an,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eickmeir-in
Detroit for the weekend: '
Mrs. Elizabeth Rock visited her
daughter„„IVIrs.,Harold Grove, and
Grove, in Detroit over the
Mr. and .Mrs, Ed. Prueter are
visiting their • danghter," Mrs. Nor-
man Rode, and -Mr. Rode, in De
troll, . • • ,
'Mr. and -Mrs. Lorne Wolfe ,and
sons; ef Kitchener; -Mr.-and Mrs.
-Don. Wolfe, 'A/kitchen and Miss Lin-
da Flack and Johnny ,Ilinz, of Seb-
riegville, with Mr,' and Mrs. Lav-
ern -Wolfe- an SundaY,'.--;•`-------- -----
Mr.' Donald Ahrens; Hamilton,
with .Mrs. Charles Ahrens for the
weekend. "
' Mr. and Mrs: Russell Slinldlee,
Beverley and Gary. and Miss Bar-
bara Clark with Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Knight, near Cranbrook, on
Sunday:: -
Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and
Ruth Ann, of Hamilton, with MrS.
August' Hillebrecht
,• Master Ralph Puschelberg,- son
Of mil: end Mrs. ,Lley.d Puschelberg
is a -patient at Scott lgernorial kos-
Pital, Seaforth, with infection on his
Mr. and Mrs. IVIarvin.Winhold, of
Stratford, with M. 'and Mrs. Wil-
fred Ahrena on Sunday. ••
Mrs. Margaret McLeod and sons,
Mrs. Frank Christie,, Of Lond.on,
• and Mr: .Alyin Scheates, of Wood-
Sunday. -1, - ,
• Mrs. Charles Ahrens iS visiting
her sister, .Mrs. Barbara McLeod,
in Mitehell- at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. -John Clark. .
Mr. ami Mrs. Lew Hicks visited
Mr. -and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, Cen-
tralia, on Sunday.
Rev, and MTS. curry, a LoThdon,
visited Mr.' and • Mrs. Lew. Hicks
-. "
recently. •
The funeral of George Simon,
Sr., was held at St Peter's• Leth-
eran Church here on_ Tuesday. He
was • a former resident here, and
lately had been residing in Mit-'
Mrs, Idora Diegel, Mitchell, with
Mrs. Elizabeth Querengeiser
-Pupil's `Of the sehool took •part' in
the Wiiteliell 'Fall :Fair • on, Wednes-
day, in the :parade, and pkhibitS'.. In
the. parade Ahey:' receiVed • 'third'
prize Jot • costume and third•Prize,
for bariner:;. Mr...Donald Wolfe'. is
the teacher': • - • • •••
„ ,
oelionva MEETING
..The Obtober meeting of the -Sea-.
forth.' Women's Institute -will be
held at' the ,herne. of Mrs. . Jahrt•
Thursday, ' October, 15,.
et...:2We1o,ck,..,MrSz_R.,,,M..,Scett. and
Mrs. It:: Gordon are- .in charge of
the, 'Program, while Mrs.'. Howard
Wilson is. eo-hostess: •
The toll,call it "What 1 have left
Undone `AO attend' this meeting",
and Mrs. M Scott will corn-
nient on;.:the .niotto;,'"Deli't try; to,
keep uP With ':the Joneses until you,
are sure where:they are going '
„ •
.Reports will lie given. fr,ofn. the
London. convention,, The lunch coin-.
naittee includes M.rs. "E. ,papnle,
Mrs', W. Coiling, Mrs. J. F. Scott,
and XI'S. A. 'Crozier. ,Meinbers'are.
reminded of ;the change- in. date.'
, • ,
The'Bethel W1VIS and WA meet-
ings were held Thursday evening
at the home of 'Mrs. William Den-
: -.111e theme forthe meeting was
"Truth a.nd Freedom." The devo-
tional. exercises were conducted by
Mita . Tennie DermiS7 'Mrs. Murray
Dtnnis and, Mrs..,Alen Denni,s• A
reading an "Thanksgiving" Was
given by 'Miss .ttliel • Dennis. A
eititenship. reading on social drink-
fl".was read by Nrs."Wm. Roe. •
•The second chapter of the ,new
study bookOn 'Africa was reviewed
by Mrs. Charles BoYcl.,, ;The 'ladies
were reMinded of • the ,•
Meeting,. to, be held -in Kinburn
United Church on October 21, at 2
p.m' Supper is to be Served, to be
followed by an -evening session,
The' speakers are to' be 1Virs. Hol -
lands and 'Miss Christine Baxter.
An invitation to meet With the Mon-
crieff society on Friday_evening,
November. 6,.was accepted; -1 •
•Mrs ,„ Leonard Leeming opened
the WA 'meeting by having 'Mrs.
- Duncan. ,,-,IvIoNichol • • give..sortie-
thoughts on Thankigiving. A Hal-
lowe'en social waS planned for -Fri-
day evening, October 30, in S,S.
No. 9 School, It is to be a costume
• party. _ The coppers ' 1.are to be,
brought in to the next meeting.
The bake 'sale money amounted. to.
$39.00, Mrs'..Leeming read a dos-
ing peon.
Dancing. at 6
Tickets ..$2.00 per couple
AdniiSsion tti 'adults by
invitation only
Invitations may be ob-
fromthe Secre.;
:..P.4130. 70: ..Seato41
E. FL Shorty Munroe
Auto - Eire
Liability - ,Wind - Life
• Specializing th all fornis of ,f)
term inSuranee' andfamily
proteetion plats.
Godelich $reet Weft
quite a number from here at
tended. the, shower for Mr. and Mrs.
RuSsell Diegel (Donna Feltz), at
Cir "B" on Friday evening..
Ln 'er Lea'gue Disenss Soeblogy
The. Luther League meeting was
held Sunday evening at St, Peter's
Lutheran Churele 'Hugh Dietz led
in Psalm 146. A prayer was given
by Ray Rock.
•Pastor, E. J. Fischer gave the
topic, "Socialog,y." Socialogy is
the 'sdence of society or people liv-
ing, working, playing and worship,
Ping :thgether. Socialism' was dis-
cussed under the fam-
ily, church, commimitys education
and recreation.,Each member gave
a name of ,a book of the Bible- for
the roll call. It was decided to start
the meetings at 8 e'.clock every
first and third Stinday in the
month, instead of 8:30.
Thanksgiving is
Ladies' ,Aid
:....,Tlianksgi'Vhig_,•Was..the:illeme ef
the regular meeting Of the Ladies'
Aid i held at, First Presbytekriari
Church on TueSday. The .meeting
.wasiin ehargerOf MN. W,. Coleman
'and 'Mrs:, Messeriger. • •
Mss Jennie lion Vas the- guest,
speaker, talging On "Thanksgiv-
in.gThe7soleist, `'Mrs. F. Kling,
sang ,"The:..1-1yrnri of Thanksgiy;
The, annual fall,:bazaar,. is being
planned .for- Wednes,day, Nov:. 4. .
: •
' T,Eshipl• regular• , ams- e:' held Tuesdayg°f. St
eVenteg,' in ',hall,' :Mrs.
ItgeGavie, preeident,..opeiled the
meetieg With aBible•readieg: The
merribers'mited: ,,,sreadiag the
LitanY,..••,• the. Lercy.s.::-..Prayer, „and
Memb'ers Prayer:The roll, all was
CorresPondetice ineluded.a: letter
of 'thanks from Ed:- Brown; invita-
tionst to 1 Woodsteek on October 2
to: attend' the seint•armual :meeting
in new St...Pa-UPS'. Church': 'one. -from
Northside Church. to attend...their.
tliankOffering on Tuesday,,,•Oct; 27;
at p.m., , and one., from ' Bayfield,
to: the. Fall Deanery on Thursday;
Oct: 29,. at -2:36 p.m. • •
. „Miss: bOTOt.11Sr. Parke gaVe the
treasurer's report -and the minutes
were ,1 'read :by Mrs., Raymond Nott.
During the business it Was,..clecid-
ed seIr„, church
calendars under, 'the- ,gUicl'aiice .of
their new .; leader, Cleave
CooMbs, The WA Will .Cater to an
AYPA 'benqaet1 in the parish hall
on 'Friday, Oct, 16, at 6:36. 'p.m.
...••::Plans,•Were Made for the 70th.
anniVersaty :meeting to be held on,
Ttiesday, November' at. 2:30 p.m.
InVitations- Will_ be Sent to neigh-
boring iniSSiOnary gretip8.!
speaker :Thr ;the .eVening..'• .She told
of her 'Werlr''aS,,,a.,,Missionary in
Chile. Her address was' Miami/let',
of -the -Country:-A-costurne.werii by
the Women 'Of Chile was Madelled,
Mrs,, John. Oldfield. The,:effer:
i4g was received and dedicated
'and MrS:11,11COnViri•Closed,•the•meet7
irig with the beriedietion. '
. „ ,
Mr. and 'Mrs, Leslie Williams,
Mitchell, with their daughter;Mrs.
Charles Roney -and .Mr. Roney, on
• .
Mr. and, Mr:Td -Ilarback Paul
and Leslie and .Mrs. -Will, ludic,-
Luckilow, with Mrs. M. Malcolm
and 1)/fr4 and Mr. Dalton 1Vialcolin
Mrs. • Burchill It 11 visited
on 'Tuesday with Mr.• and Mrs.
Jack 'Burchill.
•-Mrs. Clayton Sheldon, Arleen,
Wendy and Lwyla visited recently
with.;Mr. and Mrs.-- Dalton Mal-
1V1r.....-.and, Mrs.' MorleY Lannin .left
on TVIenday-for a feW daysvisit in
M and. Mrs'. Wesley Lott, .Lon:.
don, '...visited Mrs.
Mary, .,Maleelrn; Sunday. • On
Monday Mrs. ,ROSS.,--Clorden. spent
the day with her:rilother,:Mrs..Mal-•
,.Mrs.' Carrie ,temp, Mitchell, is
staying' at the liorne, of • Mr'. and
Mrs. Morley.Larmin'for. a few days,
Is Felipti 1Guilty
,I.,. , . . ;
On Murder Charge
eott ight.not hang.' , . ,
'. Indei
atioes from federal officials
are : hat 14 -year-old Stevee • Trus-
. Priln' e- Minister 'Johir.Diefenbalt-
er, Commenthig on the :Goderich
jury recommendation of rnerek,
said that', no deatli sentence. has
been: carried opt When there lags
been 1suell.a recoinmeridatiOn;sinee
the PreseltGOVerriment dame to
power n- 197 ' . .
' The',Titisccitt, hoy has .beensen-
ten%d to hang Deceinber 8 for the
Slay g of ' 12 -year-old Lynne Har-
per. judges have no option but to
p,ronOunce this Sentende 'after mur-
der eenvietions, , whether or not
there is a jury 'recommendation,
lidt•tuch recomniendatiOnS ate giv-
en donsideratioli at the Federal
e,abiliet leyel. ,.
,'The jury deliberated' three bona's
before briegieg. in its verdict late
Wedriesday„ The Truscott boy; son
of an' RCAF' warrant officer at Clin-
ton, was sentenced by, Mr. justice
R.- I. Ferguson of' the Ontario Su-
preme Court, after the jury found
him 'guilty of murder'in the death
of Lyne Harper, daughter of a
Clinten RCAF , of_ficer. Her body
s-foundt.in a TuCkersniith 'wood -
lot june If,. two dog after, she
vanished from her home. '
.• .
A little push will Perform' more
miracles than any. aniount of pull• .
"I don't like Bill Ile knows too
many naughty songs."; '
"Does he ,suill to you?"
• "No, bn,t, he WhiSt1e8 them
. . , .
'following their recent marriage at Victoria Street United Church,
Goderich. The bride is the former Dorm& Marie Horton, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. ,'Franldin Horton, Goderick„twhile the groom is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoet R R1` )3rucefield.
• ...Mit. John- MacTaVislr , sPetkl-
.ing-g,feW'daYS,,in.Lendon .with per
son; ,Oban711717aWavisk
• Mrs , PatterSrni -Celebtated• .
her ''87th- birlbda3i, quietlY;, at . the• ,
heme• Of.' heridaughter,•,MrS:',R,,,R.,
McFarlane, on Suhtlayi , ;• ;
ter,: called:. On MTS:' -ThOyllas
_gert ahd Mrs. j.'W..P.atferSon:and
Mrs.' R;..K.:Mcparlane,:.on ',Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (;.'Heiiiiett..' of,
•Cliiaton;, Spent -the Weekend in Part
Credit ,With Mr, and. Mrs Thomas'
PagdelL::"- •• : •••:•••: •.•
-Inspector 'John MiS„.
Hothaiii,•- and :tainily„ Of ..„WindScir,.
spent ;the -.weekend': witlr„...Mr.'.',and'
Mrs.- -John.-Hothamc.; Sr; :
•Mr. and Gonigle, of:
:WilSon;1Britteffeld.,.'spent the „,week
,end in '
Janis Pres-
bytery inederator, *as in .GOderich
,Sunday When lie offiCiated., at a. Sod
:turning :edreineny in CCriltieCtion
•with a new church-,'sehotilT:beitig•
ereeted by 'North '''
- -Fireside" Group of -Plitt -Church
were entertained at the home of
,George.11ay,s n Tuesday,evening
with record attendance. SeVeral
new • mernbers and seine - visitors
were included . all of whom were
/nada' welcome bythe president,
Mrs,: F. R. Cosferd in 'the:opening
.remarks of the program. The meet-
ing opened with a poent by,'Mrs.
-Cosford, after Which a 'Thanksgiv.
ing hymn was' sung, with' ,Mrs, F.
King . at the piano. Mr. R. W.
McMillan real the scripture lesson.
ahd fered prayer.
'During -the business period .it Was
agreed to buy two new brass col-
lection plateswith an inseription.
A ' buffet; smorgasberd:is planned
for the SPririg -and an effort is to
,be made to sell . Christmas -cards
in, the fall. Mrs. E. A.McMaster
offered her home for the Novem-
ber meeting with Mrs. F. -Kling
arranging the program,
Mit. John -•Cardno introduced the
guest speaker,- John E. Langstaff,.
who gave, an".addres8 "Binoeular
Functions'. and showed three-D
pictures pertaining to the stbject..
He alsb sharked outstanding pie -
tures of Banff, the Reeky Moun--
tains, New York City , aiid ElOrida.
F'. R. Cosford expressed the.ap-
preciation of the group tn.-Mr.
Longstaff. and Mr. Hays' for their'
kindness in showing the pictures
and loarTing his home for the Meet-
ing. Rev. D. Leslie' Elder closed
the 4-neeting with Drayer,
Burris' U.nited Church held their
thankofferingMeeting th e
chilrch on Wednesday with six vis-
itin'g societies irtattexidance. Mr.
Wesley noo opened the meeting.
The ScriptOre, taken. from Paul's
message to the Corinthians, was
read by Mrs. George Carter. Mrs.
James Scott' led in 'prayer.
Mrs. William Bell gave al weP
c.ente message. to' the visiting
groups, Mrs. Robert . Fairservice
recited several lovely poems, -fol-
lowed by •a2-5olo by Mrs. W. Butt,'
of Seaforth..
Mrs. George Smith intredueed
the guest speaker, Miss Jennie
Hogg, of Seaforth, who gave, a
very inspiring talk on' "Opr Many
Blessings:" We,, who have so ninny
blessings, take thein for, 'granted,
she said. We should give thanks
by sharing them with the many
vino are less forttmate.
Snialldcm, of Walton, sang,'
'I'd Rather Have Jesus Than, Sil-
vexand Gold.", Mrs. B. Brown, of
Constance, gave a reading, "God's
Little Sheep." Mrs, Crioli and Mrs.
-Turner, of Turner's Church, sang a
duet, "Oki Time Religion." Mrs.'
Pipe, of Londesborot had a read-
ing .entitled, "The First 'Harvest,"
followed by • a solo by Mrs. Ed.
Hell, "My Task,"
The Central Huron „seetional
convention, to be held Wednesday,
Oet. 24 at Constance; WaS . an-,
nouneed, The speaker for -the at-,
tertoon Will be 1Virt... Hollarid, of
Aylmer, who will speak ,,on the
amalgamation of the WMS and WA,
MisS Baxter, from Central India,
Will speak in 'the evening.
The meeting was closed • with
PaYer by Mrs, Roe,
Mr. and Mrs. V. Seppela and
this week of Mr. and 1VIrs. A. Y.
1VIeLean. -
, Mr. and Mrs. joseph Downey,
West VVilliain Street, spent several
days in Toronto. - .1'
' Weekend guests* with Mr. and
Mrs, Jack 'Meagher were Sgt. j.
P. and Mrs. •Meagher and family,
London; Mr:- and 1VIrS.- Harold
Meagher and Jimmie, Dublin; -Mr. -
and Mrs. tdid Hill, Vanessa; 'Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Feeney; Dublin,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Annis,
Mr. and Mrs, E, R. MeEwan, of
Toronto, spent the - weekend the
guests' of Mr. and 1VIrsi J. M. Mc-
• Mr. and Mrs. R. S. MacDonald
and family were recent Visitors in
Kitchener and Trenton.
• Miss Gladys Evans, of Niagara
Falls; Mrs. J. V. MeA.ree, Toron-
to, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kol-
ander, •• St. Petersburg, Florida,
were recent visitors with MiSS
Gladys Thompson.'
The property -Of Mr. and Mrs. M.
J. Butier-,- Bayfield, located in:Eg-
mondville, has been sold to Mr,
and' Mrs. J. Verbakel. Tile sale
was handledthrough the office of
John Bosveld and local. agent, Joe
ilk Prices p
Across Oritario
vciTs of Cyomarty -
ShOW Pictures As
Bride is Ilknored
A miscellaneous - shower was
held in the basernerit of the .clinrch
to honor, Wilma 4ean, daughter of
lVint. and Mrs; Alex James; a bride -
elect of.t.Jais :week. Colored pictures
Were Shown lay Mrs. William Har-
per and Mrs. Gerald Carey -Of their
trip' to, the Maritime Provinces.
Piano instrumentals were playe&
by' Barbara Gardiner and arol-
Arm Dow. A ladies' quartette;,IVIrs.
G. Carey, Mrs. E. Allen, Mrs. D,
Scott and Mrs.* B. Laing, sang an
appropriate number. .
, Wilma tdok her'ikW fn a".clecor4%
ated chair. An 'iticlie.ss was read
by; Carter Kerslake : Mrs.'
Duncan Stott assisted the bride-
to-be *.oiSentg thepare.els, Which
Were presented, 'by'.Bonnie Milier
and Brenda. .• Kerslake. . Wilma
thanked the -ladies for the .bpaiffiil
fid . ' • 1
. ,
Her Presbyterial 'Secretary
The, 'annual thankoffering
of-the-N,VMS--was-held h Abe-
ehilith basement ',on Thuitday
• ternloon.• .111rS. T.'. Laing. PreSided;
The ..meeting opened with respOn7
• siire 'reading. The :study book 'Was
• reviewed by,Mrs. Calder. ,.1VIctaig;
'assisted -1)1i. Mrs.:T-14*er 'arid Mr:'
Lamond. The topic , waS., "The
Place and Influence of .Wenten in
the Old Testament" • . '
, • The., guest , sneaker, Mrs.' :ga.i.;
:eery Niiiii,1,secretarY of -the; 'Pres.
:qjyterial Women's, -Senior., AUXiliarr
•ies„ 'gave, 'a' Nr.e1,37 find address'., Mrs:
T. I.,....Scett'.sang . -.Silo'. eritit,led;
"It IS: My Task," MrS...Seed:gave
Short talk- on extracts 'from- .the
103rd- • ,
Mr.. and Mrs.. Frarik-Caddiek and
children,. of 'Sarnia,, Visited over the,
weekend With 'their many relatives.
;• Mr., 'and' Mrs 'Charlie Page, of
Russeldale, accompanied by Mrs;
Laura James,. . of ,Perth, visited
• itti .and-Mrs-:-.Gordon-f-Scod-
and family on Sunday, -• ,
• Mrs; John. Wallace, and daughter,; -
,Debbie, are 'visiting, in : Windser
witil. Mr. and-..10s.i Harry Elliott':
and. Susan. • ,• '
•:We' are pleased ta,•repart' 'Mrs.;
-Oardirier :..and 'Mrs. • John'
Hopking have e'aolrreitirried,to.their
'homes from :Stratlercl Hospital,
• •H.I‘Mder.e; Torontp, •dis-
trict -secretary the' l3rit.ialt and.
Foreign Bible- :•Society ; showed a,
filrri;„,tO,,,the, Sunday Scheel ; pupils'
.and teachers' an •SundaY' inorning,
:Which Was.. Very interesting: Mr.j
alsO'aSsiStecr-atr,the cluireh1
serviee.. .•
ancf1VItt. Artntr Byrnell and1
,Sen; Morley,: ,of *".Carrieron,.,visited-
over • the ,.:weekend ..with :Mr. and,
Mrs.. T.'"- .,:::;Sentt, and Mfg,' MO•Ore..'
:Mrs,. ••-•--Syrnell reniained-. .for •.:a;
:week's ' visit' With her :sisters'
:•. • Oebbie and, Jotiri,• children, of M.
1and-MrS: Lawrence .Russell; Of,
Stratford, ,spent the. :Weekend with
and, Mrs; sell and
hil'aiar"*t'Jeaa; .
The price of a quart of milk in
Ontario went up one cent last. week.
Ontario dairy commissioner Ever-
ett Biggs said Friday that OcMber
1- milk distributers would Begin
paying farmera. an added 1.9• cents
a hundredweight for fluidmilk.
• He said distrilifitors have an
agreement with producers based
on an economic formula that takes
into aecount the .generaI. wholesale
price index;,labor costs, commbdi-
ties and .serviceS' used by fartnerS,
and the price of cheese, condensed
milk and butterfat.'
The forrrnila ,is set up in awl): a
waY' that if its; average over the
last three nionths' calculations
shows a variation of 19 cents up
or down, the 'price to the, farmer
for his -milk changes.
Calculations in September, show-
ed a 19 -cent increase oyer a three-
month periodarid because of this
distributors will ,have to pay 19
cent§ more a hundredweight, start-
ing October 1, Mr. Biggs
Mr. Biggs, said it should be re-
alized that increases• in. the whole-
sale price index and, inlabor costs
have been felt by the "distributor
as well as the farmer. -
The cost of other dairy products
may be indirectly affected, . 'but
fluid inilk ig the only product tied
directly to an eeonoinie formula,
. The last increase in the price
of milt -Was in October, 1957.
and FAR,tElk. EILI*E' •
All' l'assenerti Inured ,
cEetr..• -• DAM .•
'blue coa
Chaxnpion Stove atui Furnae Oil
Phone 573 or, 138
For Cleaner Burning
Texaco Fuel (hie
WALDEN & • is
Phone 686-1V
Real- Estate
• We Write all lines of
Fire Auto Wind
Liability and Life
'SuccesSer to... •
Phone "214:Seaforth
, . .
likprpaen.tative: -
MaIllIfiet4T.e1;8° .1Afe,
Cinderella Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Cakes
each -
Orange Date Loaves
astost, eqsiest yay ever develoi9ecl
fasteit a shoe!
- ...As souvIn.iiFt
Mr.•'• 'arid Mrs., Stanley- Gray at-
tended the World -Wide Coininunion
Service at Knox 'Church; Stratford,
on Sunday, 'Where Mr. Gray is an
Elder. The member's of the Session
later made hitn, a presentation As
he ,has Ieft to .raside in•Egmond-
'Mr. and Mrs. Norman 1V1aeLean
and family spent Sunday with Mrs.
Mactean's brother, Mr. Jack Close_
and Mts. Close and family -in Kit-
chener, ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Haney and
family, accompanied by Mrs. J. 8,
Watson, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, 'Albert Cleric and
family, of Muirkirk. MrS. Watson
remained to visit with the Clarks
for two weeks. (
,"‘71Sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Weiland.this week were: Mr. and
Mr. John ,1VIllligan, , of Marlette;
Itirr. and IVIrs. Leonard Till and M.
and Mrs. Ilareld Simkins, of To-
ronto. '
• Mrs,. Niehblas Foster, Offering
frem a heart at -belt; WaS taken to .
Scott Mernorial Itospitar. Ve hope
for a speedy recovery,... •
New and smart is this Jarman "IVfetropollian Style."
New because of the revoliitionary '.Welcro nylon
fastener Which (1) closes at a touch; (2) holds firmly
until easily "peeled" apart; 3) is fully adjustahle;
(4) is still good as hew when' the shoe is worn out.
,Smart because it is fashioned tri the best Jarman manner
of glossy- Cordovant leather. All told, this is quite a
81100 Come in and -let us allow you.
Sinee 1862 •