HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-09, Page 10c�-THE '31-11..111,0N^ EXPOSITOR, SL&FoanI,- rivT., OCT, s, 1259 TO 'T1U EBITQZ • FORMER' EG ONDVILLE BRIDGE RECALLS • -NARROW ESCAPE Lapeer, Michigan,. Editor.; 'The I3uron. Expositor:, I read in the "Fifty'ears Agone'•':- eoliimn in The Expositor that ;it was wanted to drive me home to Bruce- field, .but I said; no, .I'd walk the six miles. •I ;lay for several months in•,a Canadian hospital in 1937, with severe- back and internal ;injuries, 50 years ago when. the new bridge result of an auto • accident near - was erected at Egwohdville•. Niagara Falls' on No.p,$ Highway, - During my lifetime, I have.had:a. And so on. half-dozen .close brushes with death. °• But :there -was anetber one. It' When a little boy, playing .. alone •I was: an ordinary Saturday:night 'at around the house, Iseverely slash- ed my arni .with a butcher `knife: 'Dave ,Reuatt was;^digging. a, ditch near the barn. I ran to him—Uncle :was plowing beyondthe' railroad track. I was hurried to the doctor. When • I was • about,eight years o I Was' kicked hi the hbdomeeby+ horse -4a .foot' closer .,to the .horse . and it would, have been the° end; While a news-agent•on the London; Huron and Bruce, for some -reason Brucefield in:<1909 All was'. quiet. A boy friend • and I: decided to drive to Seaferth; perhaps pick up.. a cou- ple of girl's. and:have: some •fun. By, the' tizue• we reached Seaforth seemed all girls and fellows were already Paired',off, so we had some. ice 'cream ad' prepared ,to go $me:, As •we •strolled over to Jimmy- Dick's'to get our•horse and buggy, we, met a nanwho, was 'visiting I,caYne out of the txamn,a�t.Hensall the,•area from the West. Mie. had,; one evening,' the- train, started up, bee11"'-gone -a:- few ',Years—.---"Ile-had insome manner 'I ;missed the steps; been -born and raised; around ,Bruce=` pf the moving train and fell under, field, in -fact was in business . in between the old 'Platforms they used to have.' Tom ]Viurdoeh; the liveryman,• pulled me, aout: Tom Went on to. Win' hrm..om train •wen g, °FRESH BAKED SEAFORTH. Brusefield at : one- time before. goy. ing 1Nast He said he was staying at; a farm • horns on tlie'Mill' Road; but ,had met 'a friend in Seaforth earlier °inthe ,evening and `went over, to his.';house' and there they 'had :some drinks My, friend` and I could see he was on "the tipsy couldn't find -,",a ride horns;; he said, would'We•give him. a rideL We'.agreed. was well unt<ii; well `some Where „near:: t h.e' Eg'mondville liiirch, as '•i •recall; it—1 was" driv ing ;Our eager suddenly ;grab- bed' hie whip.; and began • whipping the -.horde=a:+horse 'that you just mustn't .touch with; . a Whip:. He started- to run away,, and 'did':he gallop!' •Ahead of us' was the big barricade at the old, Egmondville bridge, -which was "already: torn ;down. and very little :of the new; on etecl._: `It.-,e'oUld •;bean=lint `one thing -death! I.:Confess I can't remember very .much about it—it was. all so -•sudden., But somehow my friend ,got the,whip.,away, from 11111.11111111111111I11111111II11i11I1111111ffi.11 ,our •passenger,. then pum t his ar around•his neck andlifted his chin high -,at the; same time •sort of choking bim :with his Other, .hand. •I steadily slowly, .dee sawed on the lines (we` were gge'tting closer and :closer. .to the .bridge), and -.I tallied to that .'hors , as I had; never talked before=he .came to a "trot, like• a: miracle, to."„a- a' Walk,. • turned; off. properly at the ,barricade .and over;'..the river on the temporary bridge By this time ote,wassen- ger;w`as trying to,recover himself.. But':at the;top of;theAhill -there,` let's see, . Aberhart's -hill-he. sud- denly let out a. terrible shout,:'"Gid- dap! "-he haltered, and offwe went into, -another wild dash. A; mile further on I insisted that one of• xhe.:rear wheels was Wobbling and managed, with the aid of• my'.friend, tb • induce'our , passenger that he should get out and take_a look. He did :.'Ihaven't seen this, .felloW, since. As a matter' o.I.act, he pass on, I am told, oh 25 • years aga OrdinarBy,: here •"vasa splendid fellow; • but. bad',had too ' much 'Bang;Bang at his•friend's, home. It...l1;d,,,bniled- within: until he lost all reason„ •We' did not. talk about t is inoident at'. at.Brucefield. But -let fare •assure one and all, that; my knees (and I think • my -ribs too) kept shaking for 'Several: weeks afterwards. ` Yes; yes, I well remember when• they; werebuilding 'the •new Eg-: mondville bridge ! Very •sincerely, ,TIM O'NEILL �EITAlwI1N TAKE .T SUPER PLENAMINS 111111 I I Irl l I1A.I71.1111�1 CANAbA'$ LARGEST SELLING:. - ,VITAMIN -MINERAL PRODt)CT Spve with the. ' Economy Sie .• 144's ■ One daily tablet gives you9 vitamins, 12'Minerals. NATIONALLY ADVERT{SED. AT OUR'• DRUG -STORE Keating Pharmacy The Resell Store Seaforth - 'Ontario -•.ill•11111111111iiwi1IIilliil11111'liluulli l'11': A C eta i4 800 -PROOF DEMONSTRATION Will .convince., y Ou ' that there's a POWERFUL. DIf ERENCE • Ask us about .ut our SPECIAL Trade .Allowance...• You'll b .. co lav need e that NOW the oe tante to buy! 1 FREE! Handy plastic ,Rdineori"- with year demonstration cA,ILOS TODAY: r' O wCLIFIE MO `ORS . Phone '247 SEAF'OE11 , ONT. a;l N E Unit a Canadian' n er,S ciet was elected at THI NEW E ECCJTIVE • of -the Huron U it f th Ca adiari° Canc o y the society's—annual .meeting in Clinton; Friday.; Seated, left to right;` Mrs, H.• R. Hall; Gode- rich, secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Johns, R.R. 1,, Woodham, , president; • Mrs: Harold Vodden, 'n the Reverend em E mondville•• • chairman- f... -•'Bl Blyth, second)vice-president; stand; v J. Semple, o g> , education and .Mrs. .A. M. Harper Goderich treasurer. "Photo b "Muriel -Trott): 1 w 1►u. • n'ew educational tonal slo an•~ A su e i ag g' gested by: an official of•Huron unit, has• been adopted by .Ontario,divi- sion oaf • the Canadian Cancer. :So cietyc•it was ,revealed-•. at the an nual county, unit 'Meeting, in ' Clin- tom I ridgy night: Attractive new:' placards with the theme, "Live-Withent Fear of Can- cer. Through Early ;Diagnosis, Were' diSplaYed by Dr. J:. Semple •Seaforth; chairman of the unit edu national -:;committee and, originator of the slogan. We have put'too much emphasis in' the past:on'• the negative, side of cancer.:Our new,,approach is a positive. ; one; , assuring: people that, cancer: can be :'cured 'if it is dis covered -early enough '` The signs. stress that•regular medical check:' ups are:the .most effective type?: of prevention. `:The new placards will.be.placed %on display by the various branches. in the unit.' , Merrill, films Mr Baechler er- • vice; rs. -J, G,: Dunlop,•, Exeter, .sub -service; " About 65 pe.rsons attended the: annual meeting. All' five branches' «ere; represented. Charch Must Stress, ', Program. In the Conn • wait y The church.- must organize, vital- ize and ,spiritualize "her' own _pro- gram in the communityr,-Rev.. Dun- can M,Guest; Centralia, told- the Hiuron Presbytery of the "United Church, of •Canada. Meeting in. Vic- toria Street Church, Goderich the group, heard the: president of the• London •Conference speak on. -"The Church." '• ' Mr. ,Guest paid tribute to• the jay - Men .of the• church, who:.in;the;last. five• years^have made the ministry of the 'laymen <one :of ;the fastest growing movements iri the phurch, Rev. Harold M 'Ballet, •superin tendent;of home missions:for south western. ,Ontario; aslted , that . • the church people in Huron Presby- tery accept Their responsibility to - Ward the'$8,000,900 which the Unit- ed nited Church of Canada is raising,for •missionary efforts. Ministers who have recently, moved ''into the;' Pres ytery ::were •welcomed 'they' are.. Rev.D.,'M.' Guest, -'of Centralia, .Rev 'W: Cur= rie Winlaw, of Hensall; Rev. Henry Funge, 'gf Londesbore; Rev. S.'. E. Lewis; of Exeter; Rev. C,' E. Tay,-. lor, retired supply 'at' Dungannon, • . and 3. W. J: •Patripk; lay supply` at. Bayfield. Rev. .11: of Blyth;• was appointed. . secretary 'of ;the Presbytery Rev.J, • L. G. `Brown, of Brussels, chairman of .the Mis- sionar3'„and''.; Maintenance commit; tee, Rev S. Davison, of Bruce- Field,. chairman •of the ~Home Vtf —. sloes committee, and R;ev..W..;D.' Clark, of Wingham,, chairman of the =committeeon arct ives,.records and obituaries Rev.:; Dz•, James Sempl e of E mondd e : chairman g 111 > :Of Presbytery,;: presided for this SEAIrORTH DISTRICT NATIVE,. NIRS..,DAVID , KENNEDY, IS' 97 Mrs: David .Kennedy, of White-. church, celebrated her '97th -birth- day birthday last Thursday. The celebration took place quietly at her home ,Born. near Seaforth; the -former Jane Fisher, daughtet of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher; • she moved to the Whitechurch • com- munity when _only- 12 years- old. She married David Kennedy in. 1882. Her husband died, in. 19372 Seven of her eleven children are living. They are: Alex,' of Winni- peg; David, of, Victoria, B,C,;' George, of; Whitechurch; 'Mrs. Har- ry Tichborne(Agnes), of Goderich;. Mrs, ,Lorne Durnin'(Jean), of Luck - now; Peter and,Miss Annie Ken- nedy, who live 'twill their mother: Mrs. ,Kennedy has 11 grandchil-- dren, 22 great-grandchildren and three great -great-grandchildren •.-She has always been -active . in church .and community affairs and. Ontar. i:o Fair* 1959 Dun annon Oct9 Toronto •(Royal• Fair)... Nov i3-21 Walkerton. Nov ,.- 5 International PlowingMatch, Went-BRU• SSELS worth County -Dundas; O,et. 13-16: 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 atilt is keenly interested: in these. events. She :is a member of the Presbyterian- Church; Sell that unnecessary piece o!• furniture through a Tluron Expos.--' tor . Classified Ad, Phone 141. (If li11111111.111111111111111111111111111111H11 AN_:TE. Live Poult �rll' op Prices Paic Phone: . russets` 66 A ST HrURO1 ILK ICE CREAM REAM DAIRY BAR ,SEAFORTH EAMa CR BUTTER. Seventy-six cancer. sufferers: in Huron were assi steel : by Welfare services`of the.snit= m 1 59, report ed Service m chairan Nits C: Baechler, Goderich. Branch com- mittees have ' supplied pain-reliev- nag drugs, •housekeeping. and home :nursing, 'services, transportation an 'nu r•s ing. services, • transportation. ,and .dressings to patients in 'sections, of. the ;county. Miss. S: Bedard Is 'Guest 'Of Honor • Mrs. , William Wilbee, Misses Lansink and Mrs:' Charles` Geddes 'were -hdstesses--Wednesday evening- dt _ party ;tn honor of Miss Shirley Beard, bride elect :of this month. During the . evening a bridal book was made and several contests en- joyed,. , . • Later, a number• of miscellaneous: gifts were presented to Miss Bed- and for ' whish she expressed her thanks ;Lunch was° Served at -the" close • of the evening's program. .U$BORNE :8t;IliEBERT MUTUAL.; FIRE • INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - Exeter, Ontario President:' Aleac`,'J'.--Rohde - R,k. 3, Mitchell Vice -President: Milton -McCurdy . - R.R, 1, Kirkton; Directors:: E, Clayton Colgthoun, Ii.R, 1, Science Hill; Martin Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner, R. R. " 1,' Cromarty,; Timothy B. Toohey, R.R. 3, Ltie= • • Agents: Harry" Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia; Clayton arrzs , llitetiell Stanley Hocg;l;i 1Viitch ll, Solicitor:' w G Coeur a Exeter.Secrete Treasurers Arthur -Fraser -- > t, - Exeter For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look for this sign of qualify • Total welfare expenditure exceed- ed $2,000, according to a report from Treasurer: Mrs. A.' M. Harper, Goderich. Other costs ” included: education ,$665; campaign expens- es $660; overhead, $295. ' Remainder of the $17,750 raised by the unit was forwarded topro- vincial headquarters for research and other projects., A campaign award, . recognizing , "the generous service, co -opera- tion -and interest" in exceeding its 1959 -quota, was presentedto ;the. unit bj` •provincial• headquarters. Under chairmanE, Pooley,,Ex- eter,, the unit ! raised over $16,0Q0 in its:April campaign, which had an objective of, $13,000. The award was presented to ;Mr Pooley'`s` wife; in his absence, by the unit president, Mrs,. Kennet. Johns, R.R: 1,' ; Woodham,' who con- ducted the annual meeting. A report by Ross;Merrill,"Clin- tQn, revealed cancer educational films hacl been, shoWn close to 100 times in the county .'during the past year., , -Other - educational, pro- jects included; booths•.at fall fairs and distributiore of . literature through numerous depots. Mrs; Johns was re-elected presi- dent of. the unit Vice-presidents are Mrs: Josep'hme Chisholm, God- erich, Mrs Harold'Vodden, Blyth;;'. Dewitt_ .:.;Miller, 'W gham. Secre tart'. is 'Mrs 11:. R mHall, Goderich, and Mrs Harper remains t'reasur- ei' Committee chairmen inelude: R. E. Pooley, campaign; Dr. J. Sem- ple, education Dr. -R. M. Aldis, Goderich, medical advisory;. Jas. Doig, Seaforth, ,extension; Ross it , tilers ki your towns SEA 'ORTH- LUMBER Ltd.. Seaforth Ontario c I r -f R': of -PA -Leads In Bank Advertising The Bank of Mentr"ea1 ranks first among the nine Canadian Charter- ed banks and •s n among' the. 5 000' banks : on kc Orth Ameri- can t e •o -bank_ t' crit 4n -a: su f can: con m y advertising Conducted by Vincent Edwards & Co., New York; andset fort in the annual "Bank Ad- tising in Canada and the United States: The First National Bank of Min- neapolis placed first among all North American banks. With the exception ,of two' years, the : B, of M has been ratedfirst, among •Canadian • banks in'. the ".Bank Ad View`s" • survey for -the past 14• years and has received.a "Socrates -Award" each. year, Twice during • the' same 'period, the Bank of Montreal rated first among all North American. banks; in 1946 and' 1954 it - rrteived: the "Socrates High Award of the Year." Another award in the sante field, but confined to Canada, was the recent selection of the B of M's year-end advertisement by the spe- cial judging committee of. the. As- sociation of Canadian Advertisers, whd, studied several hundred en, tries in choosing "Ten of the Best Ads of 1958". The B of M'S ad Wash ,the only banking piece of the ten national advertisements chosen. r CASHABLE ANYTIME„ AT FULL FACE, VALUE ' PLUS Savings B ds are,• both a �ARNEb. INTEREST: Canada a gs on r. most convenient method of saving and a,safe investment ' f the need should 'with many unusual, advantages. I arise, they can be cashed .at any time, at full face value plus earned Interest. They'relike. dollars' With coupons - attached. 'HIGHER RETURN THAN EVER BEFORE. interestfirst year 4%, second .year • 4X%,; third year 434%, next SIX years 5%plus bonus of 3% at final maturity. Average, interest yi'elctif:held to maturity is 4.9,,8%a• per year. AVAILAELE IN sg- DENOMINATIONS:,CCupon Bonds are, available in denominations of $50, $100,$500, $1,000 and; $5,000. In fully registered form, $500{ $1000 and $5,000. eu NEW LIMIT—$20,000 PER PERSON,' OR ESTATE OF. A DECEASED 'PERSON: The limit to .heldings of this new. ',ague that may be .registered in' the name of any r. `-••f an estate of deceased individual, or in the name o a person, is $20,000. Each .memberpof,a; family may buy up to ta mount. - . AVAILABLE FOR'. CASH' AND ' ON EASY INSTAL-, MENTS: On the Monthly Savings Plan, you make a down - payment .of 5% and 'pay .off the balance in convenient -instalments. On the Pay`r'oll' Savings'. Plan, you purchase yourbonds 'by regular deducions,from your pgy. ORDER YOURS THROUGH THE; PAYROLL PLAN . WHERE YOU ViiORIC, OR • THROUGH YOUR 'BANK,.IN,STMENT DEALER, STOGKUROSeri* ,TRUS'1 OR° LOAN COMPANY.. '