HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-09, Page 7`DUBLIN N`Ew5 OF ''H:E WEEK A ' very successful euchre patty and social evening was held in the Community. -• 'Centre, Seaforth, Friday'°night, under the auspices of the ladies -of the Catholic We men's League, ,'twenty tables of euchre were in play, h ---Mrs. Joseph Delaney. , was the winner of the ladies' prize and Mr. Ale Cronin, the. gentlemen',, Nor-• --ris orchestrasupplied 'music for dancing, Mr. Joe -Delaney winning the spot dance. prize. Mi. George. Scott and Mrs, John Gordon, Sarnia; Mrand Mrs. Jas, Kelly and daught , •'Seaforth,and - Mr, and Mrs, Syjyester Ryan ,and daughters, Sebringville, with Mrs. RECEPTION E:. I :_ N BRODHA,GN `MALL` r Mr and Mrs. rs. Irwim Johnson Fri F d Oct: N th. EVERYBODY WELCOME t,adies.,Plea _-....._.-._. se,Brang Lunch Louis Dillon' and Dorothy. Mr, and . Mrs. Leo Holland apd. Billie, a Windsor,; "with Mr. Pat Maloney and relatives.. Mrs. John. Cleary and daughter, Karen, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs, Don MacRae and family in Sarnia. Mrs. Catherine Feeney hi Kit- ' eliener with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. • Mrs. J. Gireig and. daughter, Mrs. Douglas 'and daughter, ..Toronto,' with Mrs, Mary . Schulman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd -Etue,'Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus ,Staple- ton. Mr. and Mrs: Bannon ville,: and Mr. and: Mrs: Hintz, of elonkton, .with Mrs. - Charles Kist - As home baking sale will be held by the ladies of the Altar Society on Saturday in Gerald Holland's recreation room. Mr- Joe Krausko'•f: in erndale P Ferndale, Mich., with M. "arid Mrs.;: Harry Krauskopf. L'e ttm . the grass' .grow ,:.,.. ffi__ under' your feet- won't postpone its grow- ing in over Your head'.. •, '.THE STERLING RUc • T CORPORATION TS TORONTO; a N Announce / �O O. Per .A nnur . :^ ON:GUARANTEED: TRUST CERTIFICATES I I. A F C Term: '1 to 5 Years " :'•Distric, Representative: A • CA .Itl RDN. nsuralee:'A `encY b any -Street --- Man - treet - Phone -214-' eafort Hensall Fair Sponsors Concert • The ,evening ':concert, held in the Town Hall:Friday evening in con- junction with the -Hensall .School Fair, • was a great - success and largely attended. School children; from Hensall and area schools competed in recitations, public' speaking, vbcal solos, duets, unison choruses and piano solos, climax- ed with a spelling match. Chair- man -for the evening was A. Idle,; principal: of Exeter Public School. Winners were: Recitations, sec- ond •grade and 'Under, Carolyn Cook, „Linda Ludwig, -Hensall .P.S., Jim .Kyle, 2 Tuckersmith; recita- tions, third and fourth grades, Cheryl ;Little, ;Hensall;: Joan -Sin- clair, Karen Littleton; 2 Tucker - smith; public speaking, grades six -and under, Lois Simmons, Hen- sall; Patricia .Harris, 7..'Hibbert; public speaking, Grades 7' and 8, John Spearman, Hensall' P.S. Vocal .Soh), ''girls under 10, -Kathie Henderson, Sharon Lavery, ,Bren- da Noakes, :,Hensall 'P.S.; vocal solo, girls 10 and . over,' 'Suzanne Rannie,, Hensall; Patricia Haarris, 7 - Hibbert; ' (leather Reid, 'Hensall; vocal solo, boys ~under :ley Michael Hoy, Bill • Taylor, Michael Davis, Heiman; 'vocal solo,' ' boys 10 -"and over, Grant ,Jones, .Hensall; ;;Bill McNichol; 2 Tuckersinith; Reginald Dick 7-Iirb ert• duet, t " r nt and 1e Ken Jones;: cissa v G a Deal Hensall; Mary Nor- ris arid Ruth A. McNichol, ; 2<Tuck- ersmith; Patricia Harris a:rid Verlyn Miller, ;7 Hibbert.. Unison chorus, Grades 7 and 8, Hensall; Grade 7, Hibbert;. Grades 3 and 4, Hensall; chorus, o S.S.S 2 Tuckersmith; piano solo, under 10, Carolyn:Cook Ken H en all; pianosolo,10: and over, Ann Mickle o ce , Flynn; ,. J Y F y n, 'Verlyn Mil- ler, Hensall; piano duet, 10 and ov- er, Deanna Forrest, Jim,Traquair, 1;•ucker T smith; spelling •match, Teddy Stoneman 7-• Hibbbert;' Fred, Ludes g- Teddy Mock,Hensa ll.: Judges were. Mr. H..+ L. Sting's; Exeter Mr: Shippay, Centralia; M.. TKing, principal of_J A.D._me-- Ciiidy'Public:. School, .RCAF .Cenr. tralia; conducted the ,spelling he na a ernent and Staff sof vileYou to oro ' sand See the- Exciting Come New w 0 N DISPLAY AT THEIREXETER AND ZURICH .. L ECTAL .SHOWING FRIDAY EVENING apd 5 Octob r 9 ` arid= New 19 0 Models of the • b .•.Specrol M rd`BUICK-S PONTII��C:S a w Ilie- 1 t 4a TURDA tation INSPEc TIO i • ortiae v, tick V ainhall -GM•: C. ` rucks Bedfotd; Vans '- ZURICH EXETER By HAROLD;K]ENDRICK Footbaf'' The Seaforth senior rugby sgoad started off their new year with fly- ing' colors.' _Last, Thursday; 'they completely overpoweredClinton on the' Seaforth gridiron.,The, first half of . the game ,was very even, with both teams ' having equal chances to score. The second half proved somewhat different. It started off with e,pass from •Bob,;.:Bennindyk to Robert Govenlock' who went over- for six points, Benhindyk; then completed a pass, to Bob Beutenmiller for the conversion. Seaforth carne back in full "'force and . Beuteniniller crossed„°he oal `line for.: another. . the g, Golden Bear touchdown. This made the score ;13 to 0' ` ut ll eves not converted. , 'Bill Campbell rthen went in -to relieve Bennindyk atquarter-back spot, where he .made a fast gallop for. the .third .touchdown the of h game. , This touchdown' was not coii�d ert thus the: game -ended- . with- Seaforth.. having a ' 19, to 0 Exhibition On Modn aY oft s hi week Seaforth played- an' exhibition game with, Mitchell:-anda s "always `'Mitchell y. had a heavy and rugged team. Sea - TI OSPITACAUXILISItY TO MEET - "The regular monthly meeting g of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary to Scott Memorial ;;Hospital will be held at the ,nurses' 'residence ori;, .Tuesday. CONSTANCE Mrs. William` -Dale, Mrs- 'Stew- art Dale and Harvey were at Pres- ton and• Galt last : Wednesday, Mrs.- Lorne Lawson. `returned home last Thursday -after spending the past "'three -weeks at the West Coast. While there -she visited` with Mr.. and'Mrs: Allan Johns,, of West Vancouver; and also -visited-the Butchart .Gardens'. at Victoria, , re- turning "home -byway of the United States. Friends `'of Mt.' William"'Britton are sorry to learn that:lie is „ • a patient -in Scott Memorial' Hospital. We -hope he soon returns'' to hi's;•us- ual health,. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt=took Mr. •Jewitt's mother, Mrs. ,.M Jew- itt, to. Milton ,Airport last •Tours- ,day, where she flew. to Regina and will visit with, her • daughter, ,Mrs: Ellwood' Spicer and Mr. Spicer. Mrs, T. McMichael and: Evelyn, 'of. Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs., William. ' Dale on Friday., Mr, and' Mrs. Robert .Hormck,and family, of Chatham, visited with the -former's parents; Mr. -and Mrs.BasilHornick ' Mrs:; Robert Johnson, of C'rand Valley, visited a clay recently .with her parents,'Mr, and Mrs.James .Medd Mrs.David Wright, of Arizona; and Mrs. Welland, of pets-pit;spent the'" weekend with' Mrs. .D. Milison and , family Mr. and Mrs; Ken Reidand sons, of London, spent. th'e weekend with Mr. and'Mrs. Luther Saunders: Mr. and ;M`rs. Alf Buchanan, Mr. and- Mrs -::Jerry Cook - and ' family; Mr. and 'Mrs.., Fred Buchanan' and sons andTMr. and. Mrs. 'Donald Buchanan end family were Sunday guests' at the borne of Mr.and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan and family,. of Nilestown, where ;a family dinner was held in honor' of Mr. andWMrs. Kenneth' Buchanan, before - ,their. departure to their home in British. Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. William Dale -and family. attended the'Kirkton•' ll YFa -Fair on Friday,.: where Miss -Laurel Dale's school. won'first,for school exhibit; banner, and drill, and sec- ond for marching. ' - Several members of Constance. COF and Ladies' Court Constan- tine attended, the COF parade on Sunday to the United Church in Wingham. They are sorry to learn that :Rev. 'Hussier, of Wingham United Church, who is - the Grand Chaplain of COF, `took a, heart at - lack on Saturday' and' was' taken. to Wingham • Hospital, Rev. Herd, of "Gerrie, : retired: minister, deliv- ered a very' inspiring address to the. -visiting • members' of COF.'The members of the-- Wingham Court served' lunch to all in' the Orange Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard'.Stems, of Tuckersmith, spent Tuesday night with Mr. ,and' Mrs: Lorne Lawson;. Mr. aid Mrs, William Dale at-' tended Howiok-:Fair and Centen- nial on Saturday,. Akhere' Mr; Dale was judging horses and Mrs.Dale. was' judging floats:• LOGAN COUNCIL r ,Nomination• in :Logan 'township will be held on No ember 27,and v election, if necessary,' on DCem- ber 7, followingthe passing of a by-laMonday. Thep by-law was given . the necessary readings at the regular meeting, ,with all:mem- bers present, Reeve Krauskopf presiding. Road accounts: totalling $15,907.34 and -.general; accounts amounting to $5,8&1.61 were order= ed paid'. The treasurer's bond, " robbery and safe ;burglary; insurance was renewed -with I. F. -Prueter, Five tile drainage loan by-laws were given three • readings. The Clerk. was instructed to prepare the 1959 voters' list, Court of revision on the 1959 assessment roll was set for November 2,; at 3 pan,"" ' The. meeting adjourned to .meet again l'Iovember , 2, at 1:00 p.m. forth -Started off the scoring with .a 75 yard pass and run play,' with Bob.;'Bennindyk: passing to Jerry Achilles. This touchdown was then converted by. Fere Kelly. Mitchell came - back and .Helm- ond scored , and • converted his own- iouchdown in the final minutes of the game. The -game, ended with a -7-7 tie : -• * '* Band Last. Friday; the 25th of Septern--' ber, the Trempet Band was out in full force, to lead • the, schools : in the Seaforth. Fall Fair. Saturday morning, • .bright and •,early; the members of, :the. "Bifid played at -the 96th,;amnual Ripley Fall Fair.! The folldivingd the band. Mona Y displayed an excellent appearance, at, the Zurich: Fall Fair. Wednes- day and :Friday they .played at Strathroy and Brussels. Question of.the Week: What isn Earl and Kim: Wh t the ma . attraction in Em ondv ille?. Could. g it be two '.girls? ` C FI �ItIJ LD E E The. October -meeting of the Wo- man's Association was held, !Tues- day afternoon. ,The scripture read + from = Ephesians 3.7-21 by Mrs. G Graham The tot ic, ow- -eran Deptii '_was give -re -by -Mrs. John' Aikenhead. This part of :the meeting ' closed with prayer by Mrs. ;,Graham. Thechair was taken by Mrs W. Broadfobt: The .minutes of -th'e last meeting were read by Mrs.'L:-Wil-' song; in the 'absence of Mrs: R. Triebner, who is ;ill.`. The roll eall was. ansvfered by telling what you are thankful -for. "Thunk -you,! notes were read by Mrs. Berry from Mrs. T.,B.aBaird, .;Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murdoch and' Mr. George McCart= ney. The group were reminded to keep: -their papers -'and magazines for -the Young People's : Society, 'who will put;;on a drive ,in the near future. A donation' of $100, will be: made towards the Jniversity'Fund. Ten' dollars: was ealso donated to the .Institute for the 'Blind: It was. also decided' td put - new aluminum st-orm doors on the manse. -' Ah invitation • was received .by the"WMS and WA to`attend a,meet- ing at Constance :'on•:October 21st.. The program and lunch were in charge of Group No; 3 .1VLrs. G W. CIifton gave two -'very , interesting readings: Plans for✓the bazaar in Novem- ber were made and -the -committees are as follows:" -aprons, Mrs.` Berry, :Mrs, Bohner, Mrs. V. Margreaves; touch: and take, Mrs: -L. "Wilson and Mrs. G. W. Armstrong; lunch, Mrs. W. Scott, -Mrs. E. Thomson,' Mrs. Ervin: Sillery _Miss . M, Swan, Mrs. Fred -•McGregor., , Mrs. H -am;' can- dy, ;Mrs. •Fotheringham, Mrs CaI Horton; baking, Mrs. G. ' W,: Clif- ton, ; Mrs..,G. , Elliott, Mrs.',' John Broadfoot, Mrs.' John Aikenhea4,; Mrs. ',L, Eyre; Mrs..R Scott •, par: cel post, Mrs. W. Moffatt, Mrs. Walters;--prbduce, Mrs. S:'Ross; Mrs.` N. Baird, MIS. John McGre gor, Miss I' McDonald;" fancy work,: Mrs. Edgar Allen Mrs: Geo. Henderson, .-:white elephant„' Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Richardson; Christ- mas cards, Mrs. Harvey. Taylor. ' Mrs. Fred Rathwell had a very successful farm sale last week Mrs. John' McBeth; Iiensall, spent the weekend at the home of her son, Mr. Alex .McBeth;' and Mrs. Mcleeth. '• Mr: and Mrs. Ross Scott', have returned home .from- 'a ,trip -as-far west as Victoria, B,C.. The Huron plowing match w.ill be held at 'the farm of Mr Wilson McCartney, on Saturday, Oct. 10: An accident occurred .at the in tersectien .at Brucefield on • Sun- day:' A car driven by "two. young men was in collision' with. Mr Wil- liam Holland, --of Clinton. The' cars were damaged, but fortunately no one was hurt, - Mrs, urt, Mrs,. William'Sinith, Exeter, was a recent, -'visitor with her Sister, Mrs A.' Bohner. Mis's M. 'Swan and Mrs.l C. Ham are visiting with Mrs: Harp's. song Mr. Wesley Ham, .and Mrs. Barn, Chatham- ' . 'Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson spent Sunday ” with Mr: and Mrs. W. Bain}. and attended the baptism,of their grandda' ghter, Mary' • Christine, n n u . `Mr. and Mrs W.' D. Wiser'. and son, Brian, spent the _weekend with Mr, Wilsoh's sister, Mrs. Ray Mas on, and Mr. Mason, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs:•- John Rathwell, of Lindsay 'spent a feer days with -his' mother and assisted with, the auc- tion sale. - A'Shower for MissAlicetCald,WdU whose wedding takes place at the. home of her parents,: Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, Wiliam Caldwell, . on r da y> October 10, was held in 'the school roomof the church.' A large Crowd 'of -neighbors, friends: and reletb es presented her with lovely gifts. A shortro ram consistinget a contest, was gin g charge of Mrs. Frank M�clregor. It - included: 'piano solo by'`Joan McCowan,; ac-• eordian selection by Gaye Elliott, accompanied by Mrs, George Ren- der"son, 'and.another '•contest in charge of,Mrs, mel Graham. As- sisting in opening the gifts were her mother, Miss Jean'••Rathwell and Mrs, Stewart troadhot. Mrs. J. Ri Murdoch' and' daugh- ter, Beth, have • returned from spending the - summer at Loch- haven, their . summer,' home at Goderich: ° Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murdoch, of Ilainilton, • were weekend guests • District ' Obituaries THE,HoRox 1uirasrrOR, s MRS. CAROLINE PRICE ZURICH—Mrs. Caroline' Cather- ine Price,- 97, formerly of Zurich, died Sunday ,at St. Mary's ITospi- tal, London. Sbe.;is survived by :herr; son, Andrew Price, London; two. daughters, Mrs,: Minnie Surerus; Detroit, Mich., and Mrs, Emerson: (Minnie) Irwin; London,' The -body was at the; Westlake' funeral home,: Zurich. A 'service was .held at'2.:30 -p.m. Wednesday at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich,' and burial followed in Zur- ich cemetery." --MRS. VALENTINE WILD ST, COLUMBAN=Reguiem:High Mass -was sung in St.' Peter's; Rom an•Catbolic Church,,St. 'Joseph, on Saturday morning, October. 3,:hy the Rev. -I. J. ;Poisson, assisted by Rev. Reed -Lewis, ,;Clinton; and Rev, G . Sullivan, Seaforth for Mrs. Valentine Wild. The former Bridget: Agnes; O'Sul- liva _ e . a in • Scott Mrs: Witd ss Memorial d Hospital,aw Seaf firth on Wednesday; in her 86th year. Born in 'St..' Columban, she lived her entire married: life :in Stanley townsbip::.Her:husband ;predeceas- ed.her.30 years ago. The deceased - yras- a member of the Catholic- Wo- men's. League - Surviving are three sons: Jos-, eph, Clinton,, and Lewis and John, Stanley township;one dauffihte r, Veronica, Mrs. Oscar Priesta p, : Clinton: Another daughter, Mary, Anthony Etu, predeceased her 18 years .ago. Interment was made in ,' St. Peter's R.C. cemetery, St. Joseph. Pan Sk atrn Plan 'AtArena Hensall B. J• R. -"Scotty" HUME i YY Director: Recreational �, ) The Hensall Memorial Centre' will he open in a couple of weeks for another season of skating and _ g Fill mark the be ronin fun. -It w beginning 'of another season: when •hundreds::of young "people in.: the'. districtcan tie on their' skates, swish out, "on^ the ice ,and - enjoy, 'their favorite pastime; ,•.Whether it IS. figure skat- ing or,jiist plain skating;for'adults, .who. are all free to .enjoy them; selves either 'on thence_.or as spec tators - ` Using,. the facilities of: your fine arena; either as an individual or, :part of :'a group, is a very ,health- . reereation,and one that can dividends. If also ,provides'an ;out -let for youthful' energies and fills a need :nearly,, every boy or girl feels to"get err the ice, However; operation of. an arena ,requires;".large sums of: money;' for maintenance- of the ;ice -making equipment, hydro Water, heating bills and general upkeep of . the property:; Since'. the arena :is only open, fee 'ice kating for about a `'six- month period each :year, revenue snust'be°derived for 'the most part during• this period. Its° 'up to. you and eyerybotly else.to see that your Centre is debtfree by participating; as much es yeti` can. The over-all"revenue' comes' from these ;organizations; .groups, er viduals:.using the arena- for Oban quets, parties, skating parties; wed- ding receptions,e'tc,. 'There ;other way to create- .revenue. I wduld- thznk it should be ,' up .to 'e`eve, rybody in Hensall end:'district to get behind your' arena board and 'encourage them to serve you .bet- ter by .your interest in using;. the `arena as muchespossible _-_ The arena board cannot be blain- ed,for.any high cost of,operations, as -the costs rise desnit'e every.ef fort to keep costs pared 'to - The bone. At .the same .time.: your arena- board has bent over back wards to help. I-would:like to say this: • I: -have: one -of the hest -bo aid s - a,. manager could wish` to work with. Anything I need within` rea- son they do not hesitate to give ine tine go-ahead. I am not forget- ting my recreation' .committee'; they, too ,have bent. -over • back- wards to see that ,I had enough equipment• towork with this past `summer,' which proved :a howling success. The arena board has :tried to keep 'rental charges' .down, to: e.. minimum, • especially 'where com- munity • organizations involving. young people's activities have been coticerned. If' they :have' erred .at. all, they haye"been, too, generous. Actually, organizations interested in' renting the arena; facilities should give first, consideration as to how much ice time- is going to cost when setting up their budget .for the time --they are going to --use the ice. 'Raising 'of:the- money° should be `considered .a muSt,,, It:. can' be raised, because the ,major- Ay majority of the people'interested in any particular -program are happy en-' ough •to pays, the •basic shot, Some- times • if •an organization. has" :not, sufficient funds,' the arena manag- er tries to- 'work .out something so they can meet the cost: The rental. charges are based on the arena's revenue requirements. These rates are set and everyone participating in any'•ice activities should adhere to them,- The, arena board should `riot be placed it an embarrassing positioh,of having ,to dicker and go to the town for money; ,.or even other _groups who think the price is not eight., In the past these situations have. an resulted in Some bad ariaen d r m c s t of --ice., time feelings., 'The os of i e, this year has been set at $7.00 .per hour ,for everyone' or organization taking part • • • The arena board is composed of risen- who •h`ave° enough interest: at heart -to -sit on such a •board, .who like to seeevery-body use the facili- ties of , the arena to their ,advant- age. They do, not .get ,paid,, and they do not believe in fixing rental charges at - an ' .exhorbitant - :rate They are in charge to see that arena pays its way. But they can't do,it , makealone: They need- your' help, •to hemake ,it pay its way,. Let's join the'' parade; to . your Memorial Centre, and let's keep it in the black instead of the red, by with' their. parents, . Mr, and Mrs, participating ":as much as possible. J l; ;Murdoch. . ` , It's yours to, use. a TIT ONt,, ocr. Order • Your Nes eW , al� AILORED W FIT ..A SATISFACTION T FACTION GUARANTEED . , A.. TEED`_. C dose from fine h English worsteds,flannel worsteds and Irishfish twists, -in all -the neve-Popular muted thecks, fine stripes and `plain shades. There are hundreds "of: cloths to choose -from in fashionable charcoals oats, browns greys and -blues. • W. R. . HN : . JO IV STO .50 CLOTHES . , TIP TOP'TAILORS CAMBRIDGE cLoTIis G 65.00 NEW, FALL Ready -to -:' .� t0. WITH TWO ,TROUSERS You c ,' save 'dollars 'and dollars by':buy- ing our: smart:ready-to-wear suits 'with; two pants. All the: new fabrics and patterns .are here' 'in•the most popular styles, includ-. ine ,the :new • Continentaie " • All are pure wool Eirgli i worsted cloths, and styled for' shorts; regulars, tails,• natural's and stouts.' , i5. 0 ED -DING I:v TA 'ION THE . HURON.. � ►OSITOR,; N •. COM( G TO .`,B .. �,: LYTN . ARENA Freda c o Th'e ' IMMIEJ K • INNER $HOW. g aturing '' CONNIE : HALL,Mercury Recording `. y, Star TIIE "BLUE GRASSJO PICKER, -BAN P CK R, from Kentucky PROGRAM AT '8 P'.M., E.S:T.'. DANCING'. FROM 10 TO' 1 To the Music of Mel ;Fteet and His HlUbilly Band Admission $1,511` Sponsored b� 'Bl�tYA ic lt uraZ Society 1-1957 Dodge 4-DoOr Sedan—A.T. Radio - 2--1956 D 4 Dodge 4 -Door Sedans—V-8 motors g 1-1955 Ddge 4 -Door Sedan—V-8, automatic transmission Dodge 5� •',r•'` o 9. 4+. 1�-1958 Dadge 2-Door—H.T -1951 Plymouth`' ==1'951 -Dodge Sedan - ROWCoLIF,FE MOTORS DODGE DE OT "9ALES and SERVICE ^-... Phone 267 Seaforth, :.