HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-09, Page 6• - • TOE HURON EXPOS It; SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT. 9; 1959- , 1 . . ConuntElrents ' tale. IrUmmugq, Norteelet • ••::•,lioleaig r7v.vr,,,• November 14th. • •',;;:tat.10' 4,4 t4t. 1-,82x1 TITraIN BAE.BECI3E With Dance to n.1,1W; aPonaoried bY C.O.F., Court. Con- stoine. at Constance, On Prides". Qatober 83. SOPPer 6 to 8., Admission:, adults SO• children 6 to' 12 15e. 1-82-X Lost,: Strayed • ;LOST or tnken by mistake,- ehild's pink •,1•;:swesit,er. SeaforthFall Fair. 'Fitider ..T.FepIease phone 469. 'MRS. CARL yANntit- zoikr, North Main St.. Setforth.,- ' .• 2-32x1 LOST 031 STRAYED from the feria-7hr' ." ; ttireter Townsend. 2Dacleerbmitn; e• white - :3:,4 faced Hertford,heifer, about 600-100: its: ,ef Anyone knowing whereabonts pleaSecian- ,tact HAROLD HUGILL; •••..1:i: Phone Clinten HU. 2-7543i • • 2-82-1, 4'. Help Wanted - •, WANTED: Experienced single man for :c farm Work. Able to take charge. Beef. :•••14 ene Poultry. Steady employment Board and room., Workmen's Compensation. R." MeleERCHER, R.R. 1, publin, Phone, 849 R 41, SeCforth. 4-82-1 • 1; LADIES! WhatTownship do yen live .x ? Ecellent earning epportunity. for. rural• weinere,.to sell Avon to their farm •neighbours: Chooee your own selling dine so that it will not interfere with 'farm' duties. Write 'MOSS MOSHER, Mai:taste, Boit 86; Owen Sound, stating telephone munber. 4-80x3 . Teachers Wanted TEACHER WAN'TED For Seaforth Separate School. Duties to s commence iminedietely. Apply: stating ,salary, to " • • L.s BANNON-, See.-Treas:, - Bost -186 --Seafee44-• 11. Articles'For BATTY BUGGY in good condition one high chair "PHONE .SEAFOI1TEC 216-W. . • . . 14.-s2-1 DEINTZMAN 'upright piano, in good condition. APPIY to Box 679, TEE HUR- ON .5xPcisr1'en, 1142-1 JOHNSON floor pelisher, in exielleat condition 630.00. PHONE 750 W 2 OVEN-READY -DUCKS for -Thanksgiv- ing. „TAPPle to JOHN E. HENDERSON. ?bane Setforth 858 R 4. • ' 11-82-r . . ..SMAII; -white enamel rangt 4XPPIr tO ROY' LAWSON, third house west of Unit- . ed Church. Phone 210-J. 11432x1 • , _ speargo ei?p•uns. f eme- 'Tillman Sweets, Delicious, Russet, Greetling, Macintosh, Baldwin, etc, Free delivery in,town: Phone_ ITU, T 2-3214. M FRED cCLYMONT & SONS, Varna. 12. Wanted To Buy* BABY'S small crib wanted, Apply Box 818.'THE HURON EXPOSITOR. '..33•SED apartmeet-sized piano. OftVI1.17F1 QKE,, §eafort.h. Phone 160-31.• TEN CORDS dry furnace weed for Kin. bur- Church. Apply LORNE LAWSON. !hone Seaforth. 859 , R 21. , 20. Auction Sales . • 100 tO, 159,-ADRE FARM. •within six• railes,of' Seaferth. Mast have enoderri buildings;- geed ,workabre land. Gash buy- er for eight property.. JOHN BOSVELD, Reeltei; Tosepla McConnell, Phone .266, SetiOrth.T:Salestian. 12-82-1 ----HIGHEST' GASH PRICES. Paid -foe sick. down and_ diSabled farm 'animals. Prompt, ,disabled 'farm' 'aniraale. and ,bides. ' Call. ht_ ..re...t_a_alf at' weaning time; 'mate` elleet.-ED_ANDREWS,-8,51,--11_11, Sea aca'ar'' ,.• .Canacia Ltd. ' • 12_81..te Singharripton is on Highway 24 10. ,miles south of .CollingwOod ' .TO'inste•d Sale, theseca.ttle afternoon before the, •le, or corne early. Sale starts at ft) tra. r.d 'For iefeemationcontact: ' umeprwilegeGIE8 wanied a HORLUB P110205ONE 13 -1 -We ONAlt,I0, SHORTBORN C , ' , • •-•„, " 1.3-8272 :Guelph,. Ontario. - The 20th SEMI-ANNUAL SALE of the Grey-I3ruce-Huron Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Association is being held in the Walkerton Sales Arena Thiirsday,October 15th' Seven l3ulls and 18 Females Of • exceptional breeding. , • Bulls eligible- for premiums, ',varying from 209e' up.to $60 and 33% up to 6200, Catalogues On request: , • GOR13035TRII3EY,.• Ijnderweod, President T-'-',STEWART COOPER; Markdale See, , Auction Sales: GREY- BRUCE Hereford Breeders FALL , •cbusEum OWN SOUND , FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 16th 15 BULLS 6 FEMALES, Runs preformance tested. Eligible for grant 33 113% to,$200. LUNGE( AVAILABLE 20-824 100 SHORTHORN FEMALES SELL, , , AT ,SINGHAMPT'ON, ONTARIO - , Friday, October -16th Mostly young cows, many with 'calves, at: feat, • also bred, settle. open heifers. All soimd. • healthy, accredited, 'bloo.dtestea:- inany suitable 'to strengthen purebred .herds. All with upgrade comnierciel'herds. si=g,a1111at'-"':1,1e1 Ter:)agiCifonn.c,°wHe'rs•taaeltliief•!: catirteMla 0iAleajon „of an, 'dead 4,14 fug .giTea• tip to 100 -.pounds e •• ' WANTED • 'About 15 head of: cettle. , :S' Farm Stoc. k For Sale . STEWART DE ymrss. Phone 64a it _1. •FOUHrS'i'EER.S; around 750-80fr potinds. •• ,, • . " 1342x1 '}-1J-TRON' HOLSTEIN BREEDER,S .• oftVit-L5 DALE, seafoith,. • ,Se62x1 PTJ'REBRED Scotch' Shorthorn . .16 . months old. • Apply to OLIVER •WRIGHT. : phone 847 R 2; SeafortiL • ...8,182x1 . 30 PIGS, about 10 weeks GoRpozi tr.i.rorr, Brucefield, Phone Seafordt 64.1' . ELEVEN PIGS, 7 *mita THOMAS :APPLEBY.; .Seaforth. Phone,. 826..5 . 8s87,-1' • ,• TWENTY-ONE York pigs, weeks old, : and '18 pigs 6 weeks old. JOHN CAL- L." WILL, Brubefield. 1113. 2-3204, Clinton. • 8-8-24 9, Poultry For Sale TWO HITNDRED and fifty Red 'Rock Pullets. laying. Apply to"' FE.1.1•G ICELJeY.. Phone 83 RIO, Dublin. •:FI0TY hens a 7.5 Red Sus- seX pullets, starting to • lay: WILLIAM JAMES STOREY. Phone 357 5.12. Sea - forth,• 9-$2x1 PULLETS FOR SALE; 100 Red Rocks'. starting to lay,- Apply WILLIA/41 'P. Phonk 347 11 31 Seaforth. 0".432xT • 160 PULLETS. Leehorns X. Rhode Island Reds. six months old ; laying well. JAMES' 1. LANDSBOR014G11, R.R. • 3, S0afOrth. Phone 665 a 16• 9-62-1 300 RED SUSSEX pullets for sale -ready to lay. A.Inals• W. D.- WILSON., Ebrle" field. Phone Seaforth 653 5 33. 0-31.1 10. 1.5,sed Cars For -Sale MUST SEIT,'"Within twO weeks: '64. Olds el/T. Very good condition and very. cheap •.• , also a 21.4ncle• Adiniral TY. Phone CLIN- TON HU. 2-9689. 10-82x'? • • 1962 ..•PONTLAO, excellent condition; good gas mileage; new batterY. A. &ern. car. PHONE SEA.FORT31 133-.1. 11. Articles For Sale GIRLS' WINTER GOAT. size 12. Phpne 273-31. Seaforth. 11-82x1 e DINING ROOM TABLE: Cheap for quick sale. PHONE 932-R. 11-82x1 orkvs wrg tat enow suit, glee 6IC. PHONE SEAFORTENI63. 11-82x1 BROWN FURNACET4El Mal heated; in good condition,' Phone SEAFOItTH 562. • 11-824. POI tea) FLOWERS for Thanksgivings' • snAusnAw's GREENHOUSE. Phone 50eW.• 11-$2x1- • GIRL'S BICYCLE, in fair condition. APpy %Pee $18, etit. HURON EX14,:)SI- • TOR.• , 1142-1 ProPertEfOr'Sale-',.:' ' 'MODERN • sraall home. in ' Fteeionable ,cmick Sale. JOHN BOSVELDi• :ReCI,Mr:. • jeietila•-•;Alcopiineit- shlesinan: -Phone,. 266; •••SeafOrth.: „ ...PLAN•fiour'•"11Ome libve; • '$o.oi:f tiewn evill.:buse *OR Seaforth- er.-Harg. - bey'-_ Lets:, -iiirve.ye,d:': Land suitable:.for VLA. projects: ,,Ternas to suit.' .CLA:27 DENNIS. . • . ' , , ' 14 -81 -if 15- ProPerty For Rent • Fp-tut-ROOM apartment for rente pei- vete 'entrance :share bath, PEIONE 745-11; •Sealoeth. • • •• ••• ••.• • '15:82x2 ••• TEGIETE-ROOM apartment, serni-furmili- ed.'•heatecia available •21.,-'7J. PHONE SEA- -FORTH 160-36, • - 15-81-00 • •7W0el3E.DIti)03/1" heated apartment;• on Bast Street; near •ShogliiietorY- In:IOM ass: 'THREE-ROOM apartnient, vat}, batb. Apply SEAFORI'tt PTA:RIDERS co -or, Produce Division. APARTleNT for rent; newly decor- ated. Near shoe factory, Apply to CLAY- TON DENNIS,.....Phope Seaforth 662 W•12. 19. Notices • FILTER'. QUEEN Salta 84. Service: Pairs to airinakes vactitim eleanere. For service, call MRS,' MILTON BERGER, Spartuir SR; SeafoffE 19-8101 „ • MAGIC' '7AARICERinkfaili-", dry, Wa- terproof, write' on any surface: ••tist estdi off • cap and ,Migic. 'Marker is' ready' -;to ‚2115tee: .n-unotr. nx.nosritna, • - • REVITALIZED' -"clearking,.,-lat .BuChatitii Cleaners, Motirit :Foreit. :11ore;Stiotte:Mad' stains recemed..Garnaent.C'etay cleari•long.; er,. wear • longer.. Agent: vtimants Li1.111t1Inx. • • 1.041-4.1 ilak, FOLLOWING! is a 'statement or exmenses, a Harry Strong, a candidate in the riding Of Huron Provincial Elec- tion. 'Jane- 10, 1950: • Advertising, etc, adio• and TV, 31,651.96; ,rent and meet- ings, 6206.60; postage, 143,50: telephone, 660.54: total, 61,962.60. RUSSELL. T. nol.rogr Returning Officer.' • COMPixrn, •tAIMIDETErtIA in Sea- fertlf and distriet• end'Dry Cleaning Ser- vice: WEBS ,-13ILD151ODS; • Seaforth. akent • for licrady, Cleaheys & Launcloteda • .. !• 10-81-tf •, .• FIVE REGISTERED Walker, puler, eight' weeks old, and g Terrier pms, three months Old. APPLY to ROBER„T• D. SCOTT, Sea - forth. ' 11.-222.2 •. , , CHILD'S three-piece Snow Mit. 'size 4, red•vrith gray trira: child's crib.' large_eise. MRS. STANLEY •BRAY. Phone 140-5. Seaford:., 1142`xl TWO-STOREY BARN. 27 feet by 20 feet: good roof. To be "re:Moved f.ora site. Located on Railway Street. SACK STAMI. Phone 541 dnting day. • •18-82-4 NORDMIIMER PIANO, 'recent 's" elcPert- ' tuned; in perfect condition, for hies 'as'snedlate sale at re:metal:fie price. PHONE' 462, Seaforth. • 11-04x1 ?ODThD .troWtrtS for gins -tor salt. inhospitals, etc- reztAnsnAw's GREENe adrisp. Phone 50eW. Seederth. • . 11-813(4 STEEL ROOFING. asphalt waithig and eiding_cedeir Pest, ail sizes. Before yen • buy', PbUtth, Seaforth Ettl r 5 BOROKN BROWN. ''' • 11-,81-tt• 14 -FOOT BOAT, •25• Joluiseri onte beard nuitor, and boat brae r Tema to 085. CLAYAIW MONIS. 515G- 1C Phote•669 3V-12. Sicalbith.L. • • • . .11.41-4 ' , iMPORTED OrriAsit. vtuti* five mi-- ort."11,Theitt-tha 0 three •Mbars, and Nare eiseitts. •nidainf.% GREENVOUSE: Yetis' Oarelsat pen!#;"settorth. . • ; '11-Saxt PoTatt PLANTS: Teo, Aari sure of 0.r4yaPP1Ybti0*FtiiiViattl'e •• evintet We grow -twit for yoti.• , 011agiatEnlist, Muir ,GarderteV.4WArt, Sea. forth, .FlarMe 856: . • 'T•11.62a1 OATC DINING ROOM ofctehafOrk 'table: 1 pair .brown Mott shcle{ ; 11/2. lit,113revide ; living , Mont electric light Eacturise' Wash- • ita Machine; ice refrigerator. ApPly MIS,S NORMA .TMEERYT.; Phone 1254 0'214. •' 11-82x1 ;;;• - DRAIN TILE: in beat oxi, Stti414 'ttiorte,ing, 14"!'eil; '137-4121•; LIVAR. tintg, , Agri .1115 ravnfo igtiormtup. 0.11TART° . 19-8ittf NOTICE. 'Techersniith Toernhhip!Municipal DUMP will:he opened frorn 1 ;4111.• to 6 pan. on Wednesday and .Saturday • rifterneens, Until MRS 5 P CHESNEY, ' '19-11-tf. Unlimited „ ---11:01\TEIr LOANS TO ciTY ANI) 'ARM rtiLICS , Money for atm -thing and anywhere. Phorie or write now. OPS INVESTivIEXT . 980B Bloor 5tWest, 'Toronto, - WA: 222142 • ' ACTIESON'S pt.An",” STOCK SERVICE •••• Higheet cash prices Paid in surrounding district for dead, °Id, sick or,disabied bora- es and cattle,' Horses at 50 a 'mend. For the fastest Mad Preper removal of all ani- mals,' day Or, night. cal Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 ton, charge 1941221 SALE • Clinton Fair__Iiarns , Clinton, Ontario Wednesday, October - CLEARING . CTION SAIE. Anetion Sale of FarM Stock and Mech- •iriery.:: at Lot 22; Concession., 10,. Stanley .Townihila",' GoshenLine, 3' Miles west, of Varna:. on WEDNESDAY, OCTODER T21, . Holstein, cows ; 'milking:, and xelarede 1 'Durham cow, freshened -8 'weeks and rebred'e.1 Holstein cow 4..3'eare-old, milking and rebred: 1 .Holstein owfresh four weeke ; 1 Durban: .cow 5 years 'old, ;;I•Helstein Cow' 6. years old and••rebred; Jersey cow. 3' years old, *.to freshen'. about December '1st -6 heaa_.,..4. young ,Cattle,1 year, old and over, Dur-, banis,"•sired • lay Tiereferd ;.. 5 calves• sired. '.IMi'LEMENTSsiat-Toot • D'eartng dere. MpOorinick,Deethige bay ,1oaclert..10- ,foot" -McCormiele:Deering:•:Side ',rake with tedder: •,Dearborn 'double ' disc for FOid traCtor with hydeaulic three -di -CM' land ,tollm; Coekebutt fertilizerdrill.; 11- hcle tractor, . hitch,- 3faSsey-Tial'ris tenni mentre spreader 'with ,•traCtor -tub- ber tieed Wagon and flat' racii,•151;feet; No- at10,,leti,•grinder,- 10' -inch plates; witli.!two holdeie • .fine- a'nd 'course:. 23. ,Caras of Thanks LL • Bert Horton, Alf•ScJiofl, Garnet Peebles. was on her way to attend Moussean.and Gordon. Love :.spent a wedding at Linwood, near ..At- a very enjoYable weekend fishing wood where she vvaS tOhave'beeit north. Orillia, with, weather C011-1 a 1;tridesinaid at a wedding. Mrs. ditions 'ideal on Sunday. ' Peebles is the former Marion ;winners at the penny sale held 'Sangster -of Hensall, at Clinton Saturday, October 3rd, At the September meeting of the sPOnspred by the Clinton Public- Young People's 'Union of Heusall Hospital Woraen's Auxiliary,. were" United Church, 1960 officers were Mrs'. Bruce Moir, Carol ICerr and electeiL TbeY are-: presiclenti:. Miss Mire Kyle.. Over 8700 was 'raised- -Norma Patsniere; vice-president, at this event. Mr, Archie _McGregor le,ft Mal ton airport Wednesday.morning to fly .to. Goose Bay, vvhere be will be Nvisu to thaek my many friends and neighbors for cards and treets, ale,0 the nurses f ti,e hospitaL doctors of, tbe also Father MeCowell, and anyone" WiI0 •helped during. my aecadent. 305 ECIcgRT , •" I WOULD IiIKE to express ns'- since Dianks to 'ell -who. -remembered me' ivith . ezieds,' ;fruit, ;flowers ••'-and'r-g-ifts, Speeial 'thanks to Rev. Index-, of. cuaton,. De: •Ctor-• will and nurses, .whileel was a 'patient in •" Scott Memorial Hospital; 23.82x1 -: e • MIS. rto BROWN . . Steve Kyle; secretary, MIss., Jean Noakes; treasurer, Miss janellor- ton; ' Missions and World Outlook, Bill Ingram; 'Faith and, Evangel,: emPlOYed on construction Work: He Miss Katherine Itoszeli, expects to be aVvak -some Cit- fhre or izenshiP-aild Community; Service, four: months. The trip took 5),X Greg Spencer; Stewardship and hours. Training Dennis Mock. • Alviii Warrener,' of : Pontiac, •h aS a weekend visitor with WISII to express my sincere thanks Mr. mrs_ M. ,Jin s. and appreciation to all those who kindly relometbered me with treatas get -Wall :Wish- -Dort. MacLareti who *has been es and cheery notes whileq waS a Patient "e-c,,ansferred to the Bank f Mont_ at St. Joseptk's HosPital-- XanY 'thanks. • ' Ingersoll, commenced.lus new • nrits. GEORGE DUCHARME 23-82X1 duties on. Monday of thiS-Iweek. _ . Mrs Jack Pe bl s, of 79 B Ilie • I WOULD LUCE to express ray sincere " tlienke to mY friends ,and neighbors for their kindness while I was a- patientja • IlaodsmptittZ1- to Kit. I • Cit • The` Rev. H. L. Jennings, BA., LTIL, rector of St. Peter's Church, -Lucknow, was guest speaker, at St. Paurs Anglican Church Sun- day morning. Holy Communion was ,administered. • Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Jack and Kathie, Mr, and Mrs. W. O. Goodwinand Mary, 1Virs, Frank Ellwood, TS. MaryTaylor car:driven by her husband Struck _Miss Greta Latrimie a nd d ar South Huron HesPital, Exeter, and -via° fractured -right leg .as -the --result Dr. odda0d, Hensall. Dr. -Cam&on; .and to the , nurses aaa staff of or an accident near Linwood A. vest , Home ,. services a Trivitt r Pt , nd . pee's' hankstto c .. • both hospitals. ' , - 10f)SR gravel and .,crashed.` 1VIrs. 8 -Roped'', • , • THE FAMILY o the late Mrs: Alice Dinsdale wish,te thank them teeny frinth,, reletiveS" and' neighbors for. the telareasions• of syuijiatby, acts' of kindness •and ' floral •• mt., and mrsl, garl oegch and trTvazt.rirt!ceepeetiala=k' pzior recent 'A: family. sPent Sunday -with Mr. and n 0rtrat1111oite ,0tim.eeondv f, ,tfuhnoliexaellpecl in any way' of , 1 Mr. -Archie Mustard, of Sarnia,. '2115..,ANLIth 00Mxs AgnesWiOd ;priedrifa. mr.iy, weekend •with' his we McMillan, Dr. ooadeedalt , the Bonthron 11- "MrS. Stanley. Sauder* and fainily, to thank their matrY. relatives, neighbors MTS. MRTY IVIafison spent Sunday and friends for theirmank acts of - Imes, 'messages of sympathy, mass cardswith tvr.irs. .Nancy Koehler, of Zur-. and floral' tributes received, during their id:L. • reeent• sad bereavement of a deat mother , .• m • .1., • j h e wivs; home afterspertding a few. weeks Rev..."Father Sullivan. Dr, •Stataleton, Dr. in Windsor with her daughter and Corwin, nurses and staff o Seett , Mena_ .7 soliin- , , oriel Hospital, .and the Westlake rano, 4,- • •Mr nnd. -Mr Edmund Erb vis- • bin ; fanning rnill with' Motor ; feed' box - ''!' ' ' ' itecl Wifh,••1141".•"and -Mrs. Newell bet7. es:Masseeeliarrm bean: harvester , attac4- ment with kniyea and ' heavy. board 210 ,2 fit; beavY duty :34-H.P. Motet: see barn. • - feet galvanized cable, %/,', :with pulleys to n, Memoriam Scale.s ; extension • ladder, 28 ft..; electric Etc IVIEMORY of a friend . who passed ' ii T • iii weter tank; water trough; block , and The alarming, 'ways and smiling face d ger and Mrs. iVlary Manson. brooder; National milking inaehineLP.ert- witY one_,Year.......ago;_e0eMber_0-7_1958 C 4.1 orne--; ,owns 1P7 "able; 1-intlk !strainer ; cans: eriilk ceet, • . , tity year-old dry` cob corn ; quantity year: lie had a KindlY word fPr each, • Rescin s Phon crate with trough: •CI111171- Are. a pleasure to rec,a11,. ,old ots. ' And died beloved.by all. 'HOUSEHOLD • EFFECTS -Large Meet -Ever remembered by Mrs Eisler of drawers:, enamel kitchen range, coal or • • - • Wood; , Quebee• heatet : "other , articles • too numerous. to mention. • • TERMS -Cash, • Proprietor: •WILLIAM. J. CLA.115 ' , • • • Auctioneer: Harold . jackson Clerk: George Powell. CH0--In lqving Memoryof a dear husband, father and. grandfather, Harvey Racho, who passel -TS -Way so sud- denly four years ago, October 7. 1955. • Acore.dited Vaccinated, • Blood TeSted. or heifers. they include fire winners at the from •Tt.0,P,. :dares. Many • are.. sired' by. and' bred to' top: unit sires. Some fresh', by sale ,tirne:.the balance •due seen' after. AlsO-tw.o .6i-fliFee good open heifers - , • BOB SHORE, Auctioneer. • . 7or cataloue write.: CLUTTOi;T:' 'ALLEN•BETTLES, Goderich, Ont. -' Hayfield, Ont. ' AUCTION- SALE ' Auction' Sale of. irou-sehOld' EIT'eCti. ;the "Village eV Brileefield, on, WEDNES- DAY . Che'trit ora1.extension table; -Si debo ; •stileio comb (like neWe : glass etniboard-; 2 drop-leef tables;;„number sthiil ,tables; •Oteasitanal eh/tire ; ,reolciok chair; '6 calla .bottom • chairsand rocker; ,',writing desk; eatd,. t0ble ; Herriteman Piano; antique 5- iese.• waltitit Parlor •euite antiOue occasional chairs,; end- tables: foetstool:' walnut, .corner 'wbat-not; PictUres; cur- • tains ; iardineres,: 'toilet set; 'wardrobe: ;sewing machine; hodked aed, braided tnetse flcor Covering;, rairrori , betise • sidings ; „mattressee;eIreesers' ehest 'of ,•dreerers; quilts,:"Peel blenkela; Ted lineireeMbl'e linen; 'cniantity ' antique dishes' Victor, 21 -inch • televiei on ; chesterfield stri,te; large eheeterfield ;" dining -room ,suite; sin-• gle'bed •v;rith Spring -filled Mattress : desk.: kitCheti cabinet; apartmeet size Astini 're- • frifreratbr;•••••hqt, Plete; ',toaster ;•••,•electroat 'Lux- •Veitereowe 'cleaner:- -.floor 'weXer-e•-crOclese- sealers ;, large*.granite preserNang ;kettle tea kettle; Sitchee utensils; kitchen Chairs; kitchen cloCk: garden tools; carpenter tools; other mrticlea teo IllnaleraM te' Men- tion. ' • T• . • • TETIMS--Cash,, . .. • • PiePrietress:' 711.1Ss 3.1AR'Y oieSobt • Auctioneer: .1-larold Jacksen ' Clerk.: Geerger,"PrOvell (Hlytt). BANKRUPT. • AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTIES, I.,IVESTOCK, 141ACIHNERY and POULTRY • EQUIPMENT • win be held at Lot 25, COncession 14, the TOWn- ship of McKillop One-half mile south of Walton, on county road, 011 • ViTATERLOO _ CATTLE I3REEDING • ASSOCIATION Better 13ulls . , ireedhae service - All Bret& of Ciftle --- Member owned and control - •Ted — Cest Lrew Ona5enO1 110g15 - UM of tile beat hullsTneecse Cetattole tor servate or More beforinatidn, phenes MINTON MI. 2-3441 dr for tont Distonee , CLINTON ZIONITII 9;5650 1:30 end 9,18e 1.14'Weele Maya 0:00 and lit00 P.m- Slit-vitt** <,,venbasa • be•sereed ork sandaY idea -nine. -For Osiris Calle reeeived' 05 Elatinisit 'evening Will 9n4dv:,y, Odtober,I9th at one • LIVESTOCK : Cattle -••Three cows, redently fresh; 1 Jersey cow, practically fresh ; 3 Holstein cows, milking well and Attell:: 1 dairy heifer rising two-year-old; 3 1161 - stein Spring calves. .irenderS Wanted: : •' TENDEntS -WANTED for five cdrds ol hardwood for S. S. No. 12, McKilloP- •MRS. WILLIAM CHURCH., Set -Treas., 5.5. 4, Waltoe. • 21-82-2 , 22. Legal NotiCes There is no Perting from ones we love, distance can' divide; For todae:in luernory's garden, _. We -'still» walk side by side. , Each dawning day a' thought of him, • At'eventide a prayer: - For in the hearts that loved him. He always will.15*there. -Ever xemembered by -Wife, Fefinily and 'Grandchildren. ' , •24-82-1 25 :.Persona . HYGIENIC SIIPPJ.IFS u 'her Gd), mailed poetpaid isi Plain Sealed meibloPe NOTICE to CREDITORS -with Price 6 earnPleA '25e; ?4 iaTa- Order 7; NOVA, RIJI3BEll CO., Dix 91 Hamilton In the Estate of WILSON -JOHN CAfu.P'• • ' All "Peesons having • against 'th,e Estate. of WiSoxt Jo"kineOatelibell:'Iste pt the Townahipeef MelCillop, in the. County' of litron; Fernier ,deceased;• who died on Ttife,-15`tliT.Tda"ae."i5,fnifirkla,"71.059.• itte'lierelay notified te' sehd ;In Ipil patticelars -their" 'claire-el to the tridereigned on or Vetere 'the 16th .daY-Of ',Oetcher;:10591" afteg.-which date' the assets, be:distributed, having tegard only to claims 'then. received. • ••• • ' DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day o September, 1959. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontatio, elicitors for the Estate. 2 •Births 'CAMPBEL-L-At St. ° 'Joseph's 'Hospital, Septanher•,:;24, tO TineTtand Mrs, James 5.• Sarnia! .! a • ' •fdaughter-Judith Anne,. . • ' DALE, -;-At' Scott • Memorial:„Doepital,:e on • Oetober to Mr:. and Mrs: Carnaen ,Dale, RR; 'Olintoo,•••af:dalighter. .• FADEY--Mr, and 'aim, ,"-Donald Fadey,". ,,Wate,floo,' Ont., (nee .Carolyn Spellman), announce the , birth, of their son„. Roberti Joseph, on Wednesday„ Septenaber .16th, , .1959e .at St:"Mary's :Hosp/M.I. ',Kitchener. T'liuGILL-eitt• Scott memorial 1ropitai,. on • "T. October 6,, to...31r. and rMre. Laverne H R R 2 S af rtb , • • • 'rAnno-T-Voii Margaret • knee • Reid),• ' 11.5. 5, Dayfield are hapPy to • announce' 'NOTICE 'to CREDITuli,b ' the -birth' Of thor dam; ter at G1inton • '.' Septembee_29,:. IN THE ESTATE OF Jainte . 1959. •• We'd sister for, 1-larre ',and t:ev-. 'enheaa, late , of the 'Village "of, liens011,• • en. • ' • .• • , • ' • •in ; the :Caunty, of. Heren, • Retired :WILLISL-At Scott Memorial' ,Hospital,. do •••• •,Eitemer 'Deceased •• • . • ,• • • • October 8,00 Mr. and Mrs. lenneth • : • . . ' .Willis„ Sefqth a tlaughtf,F.• All perona 'haying • Cia".1Ms:' against -the '' • • , • ' e•,, • • Estate .of' the 'above, deceagetl• 'are /petered Solicit,or file. the same withthe 102 he said Estate on or before ••DeatlS i 00- 'T• uedersigeed the 26iii day of October,. A.D. 1959, after • • . • . , .whichdate the • rissets- willbe disdibut.ed,..DINSDALE-ePased await at Clinton Cora.' "anienget the. parties •entitled therbtee-haVe• • robnity 'ZisPital, on Sweden Senteniber, Trig reghrd Only to the claim's of .which '27th, 1959; Alice J,ate Whiteihan, notice 'Chan ;have ,been:jeiyere . • -of---the latelRobertOinsciale, in' her Sgth , ,year. Dear encither.of, Helen, Mts. E. at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th dare.: . Taylor, Stratfotd, dear sieter taf Mtbelle of 'October; A.D. 1959:' • • . Whiteman, Kippen '- and Herbert le• ••• Whiteman, aoronto. ISO • surviyo. -by two grandehildren. end, one great grand- Faner„al Wednesday. september. • 30th, 1959, at 2 p,m, frem. the. BOnthrou •• Funeral !Heine Heiman, Burial in lien-• Ceinetery..• • Acteuat By -Law.,, , • U.Sborne,i3OWiaship's soli:Otter' haS adviSecl::that township to rescind' ,a motion made, at aprevious. Meet; ing,„•During, a,'Septernber, ses •' 'accountspresented froinBlarishand /gtuncipal Telephone..,,Company for. inclusien,on the tax roll, were -re-' turned', to :that' CopipanY: The new will be added td. the 1959:levy by The solociter.Pointed-eatthat tin- der the', nroVi'sions- 'of the' Telenhone Act; thet municifiality 'could be .re - (Pined enter a ecourits.. of delin- quent- of, a municipil. telephene -System 031 .the' tax TO11 "got colleet,inm• • „. , The hYLlaw WasZannendedto in - 'chide these ',accounts and also to include; the Street lighting.Costs' as a greed. !With , the, ratepayers in Kirk - ton and WoOdhein • ,CiaYtori Smith .reeve presided for the seSsiori Which agreed: to provide:for,•its -shard .of the -costS; of an addition to Sotitli. Huron:131S- School,,,..Kenneth Johns,' hoard, Irnernberi ,intervieWed the coUncil in regard:to the support Of the proposed expansion :of. the 'build-, ings.., Thetownship agreed td ,sup- Tort,thelosvn of Exeter ni #ts ,apt• „.plication for ar debentiike to pay the costof the, new „building; Pop:dation Of :the , township is .down four,this year, according to, figures revealed. in the,, asseSinent ,LT_Itpoppla_tion *at s_s s time was 15177 Taar-Jaikahle ':sessinent for .1960 is. $2,73;200,, increase of$7,409 over last . year, ,CoUrt :Of „reVisipn 'will be held at the' regitlar Noverrilier Meeting,. _ Elarn Shantz waS,.',.'awarcied the 1959-60' SileWpiowing 'contract it ,,96; per .hour;: and: standing time lof WO: Month during Sanuary, Feb.- ruary and March:- MrSliant.Z'pro- posedlo have. two triteks &pip- ped and ready. • , ' E. B. IVLENZIES , • Clinton, .Ontario, Solicitor for the said Renate, 22-824 NOTICE to CREDITORS • In the Estate of LEWIS TEBBUTT Ali persons having claims Against the Estate of Lens Tebbutt; late of the 'Towle of Seaforth, the County of Huron, Gezie tleman,„ deceased, whe died on the 16th day or September, 1939, are hereby noti- fied to send in fun particulars elf their claims to the, undeetagned on or before the toth day g, octoher, 1969, after which date the assets win" be distribeted, baying regard only, te e1aini then -received._ • DATED at Seaforth,„ °aerie, this 7015 :daY of Ottober, 1959. • MenortNntt SfrliVART. , 0 -Sea,forth. Ontarie. S.iicitors for de Estate,. MACHINERY : le• -r itor tractor, 1949 With h OTIO.P.; to CREDITORS Plow; rubber tired wagon .with fiat rack; " 1 42 -foot' grain anger; 1 circular saw; IN ESTATE OF John Allen Atm - large grindstone; a 'quantity of lumber; strengs late of the Township Of Stan. mmare timbers eta 2/•/ by 41, scant- 15$-, in the Comity of Huron, Yeoman, • ' • ' 'Deceased. - POULTRY EQUIPMENT: All Immons having, clairas against the ' - • • . Estate' of kthe above ' deceased are remixed: ApPrekimately 25 riutoniatic waterers; "- , . - --.. • • 50 50Lentind feeders.. ' . • ' ''"' -- to. file 'the Tame with the edersigned ..., Solicitor for he tad, Estate., on or before . , '•' -. ' :•tbe'26th day of October, A.D. 1959, after !' ': '''"••'-'••••' ' • which date the ,assets will be distriiuted Pnicer One2---29Y2 ar,es in the Township amongst the parties entitled theretohay- of Melnik:LP, "in Of,the OolnitY 'of Huron, be- log Tweed only'. !tei tEe' claims of , which ing earn -posed- the south half of !the. teek! "ebbs 3568 tem civet. . Noe* lialf of, Lot 25,int 'he 1,4th !CAM-. • ••• 4500510n of 'the Township of, •'McXillop., •DAT31.0, atl. Clinton, •ontarld, • this SUI •riietd 'in kaattlF, to ' he on- this ProPerty a "day of October, A.D. 1952. 'with acooMmeelation fer aps • „ bail8e's:0th bathroom aritrfurciace. Clay loano land, well „drained. work- Ontario able land., 1• • ' Solicitor for the ,sald, Estote. 22-32s3 rokimately 8)000 'broilers: 11/2 storey brick E, MEN4LbS, Partel 'Two' -In the ,Township ef GreY, In thd +County of litaron, 'being MmPOSed of part of 1.00 1, in the. isth Coteessien of the said townshila, eantaining three acres. There is on thial property- a -frame barn with ae,eormatideition or .6,006 • TEP, hattels, da;11: Property, sold suloiett rfterve bid, to% down, bal- ante 30 day*. For farther Particaalara contact.: F.:0,. KiME A1111 COMPANY `-TrUstee LON-Dog, ogr. 23. Cards of Thanks , Name WinnerA, At Orange"Euchre The Orange Halt property com- mittee -held a successful euchre on Friday evening at the Orange Hall. Winners were: ladies, high, Miss Sinclair.; • Idne 'hands, Mrs. Dave Iteldlichael; consolation, E. -Brown; men: high, Harvey Moore; lone hands, John Treineer; consolation, Harold Maloney. • • A draw was raade for three -art- ieles, which were won by Mrs. William 131air, JOhn. Tremeer and Tom Kay. WALTON Miss Ellie ,Love„ of Guelph, is visiting ,her nephew, Mr. George Love and Mrs. Love. Memorial Church, Exeter, Sunday Kay Davis, danghter of Mr. and Mrs.' K. R. Davis,, Celebrated hh fourth birthday. on 'Sunday at 4 birthday party held her honor, .attended by her cousins and aunt, of London. She received' "Sorne very •nice gifts,. 1Vrs• without -Wilson,. of St. Cath- afi es, was a weekend guest -with her' sister, Miss Phyllis Case. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and 'Allan spent Sunday, with relatives in Tiverton. • ' J.. R. "ScottY" Hume • assisted the choir 'Of , • Chiselhiirst" United Church at their anniversary ser- vices on Sunday. • Mr. Charles ick e, .who ks at- -tending' the University of --Western his, Parents, Mr.. and Mrs., Laird Mickle and family.. The ladies of St. Paul's Anglican, Ontario; 'spent.the weekend with Church are to, -be .congratulated :sireteU":7-75f7theit—Iltitd" :SifiorgaShord Sapper, served in..the Chtirch,' sehoolroom on: , Saturday. evening;. Well pationiked,.., dlior,, re- Ceipts showed :Ter $200: had been: •'collected... 'Many, ; fine comments ere heard of the -deliCioriS per SerVed,' Which ,'inehided turkey. vy414,41.., the : ,trimmings. The tea tableg..,were ittractive;: cen- ,tered . an ,a`rrangetnent of Tennis: and ,ClahliaS% in tones' AnniVersary •--Large congregations attended,an,7' ,niverSary ,services at. ChiSelliurst 'United •',Cluirch„ on , Sunday', with af- ternoon -arid evening: serVices.. Rev: -Currie Witilawc Of was :the afternoen -Speaker,: arid ROY.. H. E. Grand, Bend, , guest :minis, .ter -for the 'ev,ening .service: SOW:- iSt Nits: Belt, of Seaforth, for- her afternoon seleetiOns sang.; 't.'Were You --There.!',.- and •"Sweet- er the ---Years Go 1=-.".,..F,or tier :eVenirig 'numbers r 'sh e, ''.`Stranger of .Qalilee. an'd. a see- , end Seleption.The c orr or their: numbers TernpleBells1 ancl 'What ,; a: 'Friend.' -We': Ha 'in jeSUS,"••60101St being Mis4s Dorothy. ,Parker. Mrs,. Alf. Ross presidedat the AssiSting--:•-the; ••,• ehoir froin, Heirsalt,'United Church choir were ,Mr,,,and Mrs, Harry Horton. 'Gladioli', ancIL:-.4.ahlias..,,,ih, tones formed 'irrk attractiVe floral setting:for the:. church'. '' • : • , • RecreatiOnActivities. ; ..'.(By J, 'fi..,:.'Seetty'' Hume,- Recreational,,Director)' , Soine pf the exeCutive and yours truly. *ere the guests' of Seaforth parents',Night dance, held by their Tee,- Town last Saturday:, night,. which ,was- a howling succeSs. :They :leen Town .YOUng people would bethere as our , guests :this Friday , night. Let have have -a goad- turnout, Whether there IS' a dance.•,atlhe BlueWater or::Exeter,....LegS...show_yrinr•lOyaltY to . your own Teen To in attendance, They hi've puhas ed sone rinpre Tnew records:: . • • Senior:, Citizens will Aneet thiS- -730 p.p.: They are s , • in need of 'coming,' Thesday, October 13, at 'soma ,checker,::' chesf,:and"chokin- ole boards. Anyone having same, •kindly let .us kiiow before Tuesday; "aS this'groriPhaVpicithing to start' with. ;These' of , age in:, Hensall 'and district are weIborne., •• •, The ice' is going , to, be in .1:)y,Sat. ...urday, Oct. 10, vv.hen we will; have, publiC':skating," afternoon and eve- ning, also , Thanksgiving', ..Monday.' Skating Wilt alSo be held every "af-, •terneonand night mitil the regular .schedule is draWn The almighty dollar Commands a lot of 'respect. But it doesn't go as far as politeness, • Public at Memorial 'Arena Starting Saturday OCTOBER:10th.. . . and continuing each week day afternoon ',And October 30th -2;30 to.4:30. --8.to 10 • alis a temporary schedide ,and will be, revised after. curl- , •-in g mid.' hockey .seasons' get 'Started. . E'RE.8EASON 'RATES : . . *Adults 50c StiidentS 35c On Shoiii Students' Cards , , Public School Students 25c , , Open Thanksgiving , Afternoon and Evenitig MailM1111:411M-11111 IiuIIIIJuIIflhIIlIIItUhIIuIuIIIIIIflUhIIHUI , . ' • • s on't eva.pdrate Non -foaming on -corrosive Containsrust-inhibitor CASE OF 4 GATLONS 5c Quart 1140 ding 4SOLD 5AROrg • giNSPA9ES1 *rt wisu 311 mepress my' sindeto thanks to Okada and nenglibota and Mathes for vireatts, cards and flowers. Spedial, thanks to Dr.-Oorwili, and all the Mulling etaff of Scott Mott:anal thaePital. 31123150585T UPSTike:f." T VirISEC to•Mteitil•ItY aPlateciataM 'and diariket to everyone 'who reMeMbered one witu cat& .Sitid treats while 1. WM' hi 510 sloaeptes trOftsitai, Special tbribica to the Stiletto of St. JOSeph Mid ,nuribag Matt Father 'Pettipiete, Father MtCorrell, Drs. nArtoLo .TAOKSOg„ Auctioneer- • Mitikus, and Brady and Ilaslett. ' 20-82-2 23-32x1 • LOITIS o'nniLLY , uraw_COOnty',S Finest-.1Jsed -Car Market , . , • ,. . • . . 2-1958 CHEVROLET' DEL. -RAY 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR— $2895', $2195 'Automatic, fully equipped -. , , ,SEDANS—Fully equipped ... .. ... . 1950 PONTIAC S'rRATO-CIIIEF , STANDARD ' .1956 FORD FAIRLANE—Twatioor hardtop; automatic ....,........:...,. . $1 695 ' SEDAN -.'Fully. . „..., ,...: .. ,....,,..,.....,„ . „ • . , • 1955 clitvn.oLET STANDARD' ' ' $2650 ' '' $1295 • 1958 PON• TIAC 'STATION. WAGON -- Four-doOr; SEDAN , : „. . 811t°Matig' '''' $259 5 1955 P"Tlit'll'EL"E SDA:'1 $1 295 transmission ' ,fullY equiPned • ... -.:,-.. . •-. . : . .---- 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN—Automatic trans- , 1054 MO14ARCI1 SEDAN, ,....,:Atiternatie ttanSinis- , , naisiton4,- , , - $42= an ' MOD; fully .., ' Mr% In IM •:, lully'equipped 4'''''4 ...,,....,. . ilhi41,74011,' 'equipped...-_, . ........,,.......,.. ... ..`,..,:, "',UP. 1956 CHEVROLET B4 AIR FOTIR-DOOR EARTYP, '1954 CHEVROLET DELUXE., .. . ... .. . .. •••,. ' 1-.' 1191581tulirOaP:::En:V4V11;trisIti'o0PinneL;:if:u11::::fciteCuAirtiPli'aedtic:.8:EDANS;r1AlY 1956•FORD COACH ............„.. .. ... .... ., mi..... 0 $2595 . c°4c1I f,-- -- -- . , i- 1959 CIIEVRO ET ti.uipp:td.S.ED,,, 7•$2650 ' FORD CUSTOM',14-pooR ,, $199:5 - . , 'sing , fully '4- ' d autoniatic trans. . e4t1IPPe ' $2 450 , niisions .,......... .... . „.., ... ,• .' A number of older models $300 to $50 2-1958 PONTIAC STRATO. -,,qinEF sEDANS-- . . • ftiliAutyomeatitiuitp,otrmansiffission, $416:11,1444445-, 19,55 AGuMtocinitt..,iier funTixiceKquuipp.....pd „,...,. ii isi„g 645 , A Written Gnarantee.for 60 da$,.$ .0n. A Late Model .CArs:44.fanY Other Models to choose from -s USSE rtioNg.173 "The Horne of ,Better,lised Cars" 17":"P"' • BRUSSELS ONTARIO; ‘, EVERY EVENING