HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-09, Page 3QWN1E'S. "Featuring the Largest Wide talntOil .Ontario'-" Screen`in Huron Collo TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY..- Rain or Clear BOX OFFICE OPENS 'AT 7:30 — First Show at rusk CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS --FREE For Your Weekend Entertainment, We Present FRIDAY -- SATURDAY • October 9 -'10 — Double Bill •,THE YOUNG LAND. (Colour) ' PAT WAYNE, YVONNE CRAIG "H'EY ;BOYHEY ':GIRL •• 1 LOUIS PRIMA -- SEELY SMI'T`H (ONE CARTOON). SPECIAL -NOTICE TO:. OUR.PATRONS THANK YOU for your patronage' and attendance: at ournightly'. features; .., Oct.th t� Oct 8th e � be•ria hows`fxom t. o :PLEASE NOTE:. Th re will S i?L, COMMENCING with tile. weekend of .Octob'er-9th, we Will: play Mrs. B. F. Christie filmed President. - Lady -Bowlers Mrs. $, F, Christie succeeds Miss Dorothy Parke as president of the Seaforth Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club, The annual meeting 'was held i in the_ clubhouse Thursday evening when "reports showed an interesting and successful Year. Officers for 1960 are: past presi dent,: Miss. Parke; president, Mrs.- -Christie; vice-president, Mrs. H. Connell; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, E. H. Close; auditors, Miss 'Janet Cluff and Mrs. Alice Stiles; tourna- ment convener, _Mrs.. Alice: Reid; committee, Mrs, E. Dinsmore, H. Connell, •.Mrs, T. Phillips, Mrs. Jack' 11'fuir; Mrs: Bob Doig house committee, Mrs. H. Connell, Mrs. A. W. Sillery, Mrs: N. Snider; prize and >buying:. committee, Mrs T.. Phillips, Mrs. L. F. Ford, Mrs: E. Dinsmore; social committee, MrS. S. Habkirk,' Mrs. C. Walden, Miss, Dorothy Parke. A pot -luck supper was planned for :-Wednesday,,October 14, at the home. of Miss Dorothy Parke. The'. first bridge of ;the'season wvill fol low the supper. Mrs. Christie ex- pressed the thanks of the members' for the capable 1eadership' of the retiring " president,, Miss Dorothy: Parke. 14 are calling ` VE YONE to ATTEND their r^•hu rch G rans. dr McKillop•'Group '. r The' September meeting s of the 'McKillop: Group Iva§ •held ;at the -hone -of Mrs, Russell Barraws with 14'ladies present. Mrs.'Nelson Reid presided, opening with a' hymn.. Prayer was• offered by Mrs Gee: Love., Mrs.'.Camgb'ell Wey readthe• Scripture lesson from ;Exodus 21,; ands:commented..on the passage A;; splendid topic,; "Worship;. the Lord," Was, given: by Mrs,' E. Me= -CreathT which had been studied= --at- CGIT' Cainp this summer,, Lunch: was,' served brthe`hostess. and, the 14th concession east: The regular monthly :meeting of the .17th and Boundary Group of. Duff's Ckiureh, was held 'at :the: home of ,.Mrs, Albert Clarke with: 19 .members and fourvisitors pre- sent. Mrs. Buchanan presided over: the: meeting' 'which,' opened:With' a, Hymnand prayer: by Mrs,..Albert. Clarke. Mrs 0.;:_Ritchie read the: scripture from, Psalm -1. ; Lunch, was served -by the hostess,.` Mrs. ' Hugh Johnston, . Mrs Cliff Hoegy, Mrs• H. Craig' and Mrs, Wm Coutts, and a'social half hour ea fort onmmunity Centre C E P TI O MR: 'AND 1l7tRS. WILLIA'1VI RUSSELL DALLAS were married at Brucefield United. Church on Saturday, Sep'teniber-5; by the Rev.,: S. ,Davison, The bride is Kathleen' Ruth, daughter of Mr. and " arena Mrs. 'Gordon Turner,.R:R. 1, Brucefield, and the groom's p s_ are Mr."•and Mrs, Russell Dallas,-:R.R. 1, BrucefieldThe., young couple will live at Brucefield; •(Photo by Doerr). NEWS OF: HENSALL W -OMEN S •INSTITUT AIPPRG DONATION Donations of $15.00 ea ':were donated to the Canadian 'National Institute for the . Blin''d' and to the Meii(:al`Health�lssociation;�t -liar: ondale Worrier's -Institute, held ... -at Thames Road. United; Church. The: guest/speaker, 1\'rs,, Geo. Lainont, Mitchell.,. gave an illustrated. 'ad--` :dress ;on her summer:trip to "Cuba. and ;the .Bahamas. • 1Vhrs: Alvin' Moir and Mrs::'Bruce "Tuckey were appointed .leaders of " the Girls' 4-H:Club',on the project, "Clothes Closets Up To Date:" The le'aders willalso take a course in making lamp, shades; and will con - duet a: class on ,the • subject for in- stitute;'members. Name,d,delegates to the. London convention October 13 and 14, were Mrs. Lloyd' Bal- lantyne and Mrs, .Frartk .Lostell... Members answeredt'the roll call' with `,`Something •I remember, oti. my way to School." Current , ev- ents -Were re"viewed.,by Mrs., Mack Hodgert, M,rs, Frank •Lostell; coin= rnented on ,the motto "Live To -day But Remember To -morrow.", Miss Margaret; Oke'w,as.soloist, and Mrs: Carman 'Cahn; convsner ,of histori . cal research,,'was an :Charge. •Hos-, tesses.:wererMrs `,EImer'Passniore, Mrs, Williath Elfdrd;. Mrs ,.: ilar�y Snell;' 1VIrs..- Stewart McQueen; Mrs Ed: Sillery and Mrs:, R E. ,Pooley. ;AN ZATI N oR the 'study book "Africa Disturbed``, presented by Mrs,; Rowe.. President Mrs George Armstrong teak' the -ekio3r ford-the,�btt$iness-peraod: Mrs. W. B. Cross submitted:the treasurer's report: Delegates, ap : pointed : to the 'Sectional meeting at Elimville, October 20, were'''Mrs. billing and Miss,M, Ellis. The bale to: be forwarded' to headcjuarters dor relief -will be packed November for Mr. and Mrs:'Bob Biroadifoot; (nee Donna Horton) Friday, October '9 at VARNA HALL NORItIs' ORCHESTRA Ladies ;please bring Lunch tk • Dancing 10 p.m. to 1:30 .a.m. AN WILBEE ORCHESTR Cabaret Style ` roceeds to BuyFire Equipment ADMISSION $1-00 KINDS UR NC S A UTH GATE Phone 334 L Res. 540 MAIN; ST ';: SEAFORTii' Agriculture; and Canadian Indus- tries: will be the theme of the',Octo her " meeting of: Hensall. -Women's Institute, .to be held: in 'the. Legion. Hall Wednesday. Members will an- swer the roll call by naming -some- thing that money cannot buy. The •motto, •"Agriculture is :the ,lifeline of. the nation; will be presented_ Program conveners are Mrs. Wal- ker Carlile aid MU - Wesley Wesley` Rich- -ardson;, hostesses, Mrs. Wilbert •Dilling,and Mrs, --George Harpole; lunch committee, Mrs. Alice Joynt,, Mrs: Harry- Faber;, 'Mrs. T. C. Coates,, 1VIrs:;;Zorne Chapman and.. Mrs; J •E..:MSEwap. . Name Committees -Convening. for their October meeting, the Women Missionary Society of the United Church met Thursday 'afternoon 'with .Mrs,. B. T '•Rowe, group .leader, -taking the. devotional, using' as her. theme, "Truth and Freedom." Sacred passages'were read by Mrs. Wil- ' bert billing, and comments' given by Mrs. Albert Alexander. 7. Prayer was offered by' ,Mrs, C. Cook; a piano solo by ,Mrs. Laird 'Mickle, and the first chapter of ` W. O. THOMPSON • HENSALL Phone 32 orad Sons lir--iter' L! �HESP PRICES P nor il. Every '. Friday Night ".� BLIEWATER DA-NCELMID.•� M'IJSIG BY DESJARDINE ORCI3ESTRA. Admission 75e JOIN. THE CROWDS lIIHUIUIUHIIIIuI11hIh1111llilhlll1111111 GILSON SIL UNITS Fast Unloading or Your COrriTenience • ?HONE ; Liimited. " ]"IGETS ;194 or. 42 . HENSALL Installed and Serviced - ac„ Cameron Plumbing - Heating Wiring ' Phone 2D 8 -W T.' HENSAL IIIIIIIIU1111II1iHI1i1lfliHII111IlfliliIIHU A committeecomposed of Mrs: Cross, Mrs! Rgwe, Mrs. N. Cook and Mrs. Armstrong were appoint- ed to " get details in ':regards' to lithographed "'stationery. . • Leaves Bank Honored A very enjoyable •:, evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant ';Donner Wednesday when they were host .:and hostess to •.a •staff,•party: The staff of the Bank of Montreal gathered to'honor Don blaeLaren, who, has been transfer-' red to the Ingersoll branch The evening. was spent in playing crokinole 'and,., monopoly,, after. which as delicious buffet luncheon ;was served During the 'social hour, Don "was presented.' with a travel' alarm- clock on behalf :of the staff,' A surprise birthday party was held for" -.Mrs: Annie Saundercock- at her' home . Monday, arranged"by her. daughters :'A_,social, hour ::was' enjoyed ":and lunch served, -mclud-, ing a birthday cake;; and presen- tation of. gifts received. Bingo winners Saturday int=.the, Legion Hall, Hen -Sall, were: Mrs. Percy Harris, BonnyKyle (2),• Mrs. Gordon Wren,' Miss, Pearl Tides well_(2)„Mrs. Clarence Reid Har- old Jaques, Paul .Boa,;, Mrs:" N. Long, Harold ; Schwartzentruber,, Bob, Cathie, Patricia, Harris. • :;; Share the wealth , of; $11,75 was won by Mrs, Clarence Reid, and NMr. s b door ;prize .of $5.00y M;' 'Tyndall,' Brucefield, Thenext jack-; pot: will be, $100 •in 57 calls, ,with, a door .prize, of $5,00. , Mr. Hugh Norris, .86, of Chisel- hurst, is recovering nicely ;in ,Vic-' 'toria Hospital,..'Lendon, where he; has been ,a patient fol• the past four' weeks. Mrs. Sim Roobol,-who -has• been. a patient iii Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, for the past mine weeks, re- turned home F•riday.eyening, very ,Much 'unproved:in health.”' • Mrs. G. T. Wien, of Cbiseihurst is a patient in South Huron 'Hospi tal,,Exeter, in the interests of .her health, Harry and Steven Talbot, .tif field,; are itisiting- their grandpar-, ents,, Mr: and Mrs. ,Norval Reid:.; Dublin ; W.I. Hears Of Cancer Work The Dublin".Women.'s nstitiite, met at the home of Mrs, Tom But- ters on Tuesday.evening for their September meeting with 16 mem hers and two yiSitors present.The roll call was answered by giving qualifications.' of, a good citizen. Mrs: Andrew Whetham gave the motto, "Happy homes make good citizens."' Mrs. William .Smith read- an article on milk products and' their uses in the home, Gordon and Billy Butters, Paul- ine Stapleton and Karen Dill 'fav- ored wit av-ored-with piano. numbers The guest `speaker was Mrs. Kale, of ' Stratford, who gave" an informative :-talk on cancer. Mrs. Andrew Whetham spoke on safety measures in regard to to boatss, wa- ter skiing and swimming. Current, events were read ;by Mrs. Herb Britton. Tells Of:1llissionary Work St. :Macy's Ladies' Guild: of Dub- lin held .their" September meeting at the home of Mrs. Albert Rock. A quilt was,. quilted, for the Octo- ber bazaar.. ` Mrs. Donaldson' was welcomed to the group • and gave a very informative talk on her .life in the missionary field. OBI`TCJ ES WILLIAM HENRY GOVIER- AUBURN—William Henry ;Gov. ier''.passed . away • suddenly; in the Duron County Home; Clinton .,_ -:.On Friday; September 25, in his 78th'. Year: He was born 'in East;Wawan-: osh;township in -1882; the.san of the late I -tarry :Govier. and Alice'Shep- pard c 4 Mr Gooier was married on Oct., 21; <.1509, to: Margaret •.Buchanan, 'who predeceased,„ Yiim •in`, ;June, 1953. Ile was employed by 'the CNR' :out Of Lendes'bore :and Vineland for several • years,, later • returning to: the Westfield district, and : Xnovmg to $13*tlrin eptember; 1945 THE HURON EXPOSITOR,sr/krona, ' ST. COLUMBAN NEWS OF TH Mr. and Mrs: William Mclver, spent the weekend'in Toronto: Miss Joan Masse • and Miss Noreen Dalton, Stratford Teach err' College, with Mr. and., Mrs, Maurice ppalton; Miss Florence McQuaid, Strati ford, visited Mr. and Mrs. James' McQuaid - Miss Marie ' O'Connor, London, with 'Mr: and -Mrs :James O'Con- nor. • ,Mr. ;and- Mrs. Ronald ,Butters and family, St, . Thmnas, ` • and Mrs, Gilbert Mr«• and 'Mrs. -Lou Rowland and family: Waterloo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver,. Mr. and Mrs. John ,Fawcett, o I,ondon,,'With. Mr. and Mrs: J. 3. Holland+, + Reason, people do somuch drift it g around nowadays , is that it is cheaper to drive it than to park It, Hensall 1 Guide Association Meets Surviving are two sons; Murvm; of: Morris township; Robert of Iu1 lett'..townsbip, and four daughters', • Mrs. Charles (Alice)' Anstay, Mrs-, Mel ;(Viola)- Good; Mrs. Sarto (Dorothy) Healy, all of Goderich, and Mrs. Earl (Margaret) Caldwell of East Wawanosh; 21. .grandchil drenand, four great-grandchildren; One daughter, Faye Caldwell, pre- deceased, him in 1954. The funeral serviee . was '-,held' from the Tasker• Memorial;: Chapel with Rev. E McLagan conducting; the service, and burial took _place in Blyth . ;cemetery. Pallbearers were Reg ,and -Keith Good, William Anstay, ''Jack Caldvvell7 Murray Govier' and Bob ::McDougall, • all grandchildren. Flowerbearers were three nephews: Carl and Albert. Govier anCEill;Buchanan RTorI Seafortn Legion Buildfn'g `EVERY SA'T:UDA (Rain or Shine) - From 700 a.m. �!G VERY EVEN From- 7:00 p.m. Come out, everyone—Members or .not—and assistY our Legion in their- building project. • BUILDING COMMITTEE IIU11IIIIIIIUuII!111I`IIIIIIlI11I111IUIIi!IIi BAKE & PRODUC SALE Saturday, Oct - at 2.30).p rn In former Daly Garage Sponsored by Consta`nce;::W.A.. 1I,111,111111111IIIIIIIIIIft111I1111aIUI I I IIJI II • Stove' and Furnace Oil Prompt' Farm and :Home Delivery, DO RIGHT CLL Dealer and Distributor of Canadian Petrofina Ltd:; Petroleum, Products PHONE 354 Seaforth Ont. UMW rm--birds:go'fort The only c+�lciurn in blisiYe fa . g ;Aero 'Shellmaker is .an n ide alsource of the' c...,alcium birds need to roduce 'Grade Aeggs• when • they are laying ,Lit ;highcapacity, Without this:extra calcium m the' birds' diet the ;egg: shells maybe soft, crack• easily. Aero...Shellmaker costs far less than anyo her caliu m , source:•Yet xt;a.ie a; uality produet—exactly they,same datciurn feed 'manufacturers use in their finest feecls, Free-flowing Aero Shellmaker can be top dressed' on t feed,' mixed with 'the lay fnash'prior .to,'feedin or fed . `free. choice in the hopper:E Help yourself to greater, profit`by .producing more Grade A strong shell ;eggs ,.See your! feed: dealer ;for,, low -cost Aero Shellmaker today, Entertaining ways with.!.. The, local association of Guiding'. met Tuesday in _the United Church with a small. representation of Brownie' and Guide mothers pres- ent. Mrs, Thoas Lavender pre sided, and Mmrs. Howard Scare read tire min utes of the last meeting: Mrs. Harvey Keyes reported a bank balance,' and donations were made to 'the United Church and the Guideblinding fund A•paper drive was discussed• and. Mrs. E. ;Chipchase was: -to look- af- ter arrangements.. Fifty years of Guiding will' • 'be -marked by, • the planting, of golden tulips by.`the local Brownies and Guides in this. i�illage. .1Vtrs. Lavender • 'explained the need for more staff at Guide' camp, and;,a meeting to deal with this subject is being called for Sun.= day, October. 25. Mrs. W. 0. Good- win, Mrs. E. Case and Mrs. -Corn: elious Faber were named as a;nom mating Committee for the 1959-60 officer.' t1ensall'Sales Prices Cattle Were steady, Iacking top. quality, at Herisall Sales on Thurs .day• Butcher ,steers, "$21.50 to -$26.00 medium', steers, $21.50 ' to, .$23.50 butcher heifers, $21 to $23.80; fat cows, $j13 to $14.50; good cows, $16 to $17; light cows, $18.50 to $19,50;. babies, - $24 to, $26; veal calves, $23 to $30; small calves,, $12 to $i8;1' good bull calves, $24 to $30; Holstein heifer calves, $2a fo $woe nliDurhamngpigs., $7calves,.50 435to to'$8$6 ,500;; wea chunks, $9 to $12; feeders, •,$12.50 to $17; ',sows,: $38 to $61, Three :hundred -pigs and•246' cat.: tie fere Seld, OCTOBER CHEESE SESTIVAL Free l Marie Fraser'e exciting' Wri newtefodCanadianayl cheese recipes. '. cheese and I fruit for - t dessert . DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA e 4Q9 Huron Street, Toronto or jusown at 4 rb o eI /' CANADIANS' ' sea . i dis smw:�w w, us pi W, pledrr®rS s',41I• Y04J-cAN BUY YOUR BONDS for tush or by instalments et your neighbourhood B of M branch Aleillt• ()VMONTREAL `� `:..... 6.14a 14 a 9e44t shuer� isle wsole ommiter • • Sown payment of 5% $2.50, for a $50 Bond, $5 for a s $100 Bond, etclalance In 11 monthly payment$ �w 5� 3 w �k