HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-09, Page 1One Hundredth :Year Whole Number 4752. SEAFORTII, ONTARIO,; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1959 Look: Four More 'Rupils`n�"M9b�0 Single Copies; 5 Cents $2;50 a Year in Advance as. Arrangements leading to the"pro- vision'of additionalaccommodation to-provide"fora steadily increasing enrolment at Seaforth District High School' advanced a stage for- ward_ • Tuesday" , :night when the board met with. Per W. "Scott, dis trict inspector. Necessity, of early action being taken became apparent this spring as officials studied results of a"sur- vey taken of -enrolment in prinlary schools within the SDHS=area. The survey last spring revealed that in. September, 1960, there ' would - be 181 new students; raising the, total school, population' to well over=400, Present approved capacity is 370, based on; 30 pupils to a room, 'Cu the' basis .of a primary school population of 1434—the' number re- , vealed. e--vealed in- the east seiirvey—it can, be expected there will- be ` a high school population:of 490•;five years hence; TO Arrive at potential school populations; the department assum- e's that the number 1. high school five years hence, "will "represent 40 per cent''of the present primary school enrolment. 'Mr. Scott outlined the ,steps the board must take) beginning with a survey; of pupil enrolment in area schools"' as of,; the • 'present term When" the survey has been cam- pleted and the- results _ enali"zed. it submitted to the Department %Of„ Education through. the; 'inspector. together ` with -An indication • of •;the additional accommodation requir ed. The department will assess' the requirement in the light of the con; ditions revealed 'in the.-suf'ey-;and; submit., a,t program to the board., The program will indicate the "num-. an, esti- mate el" ??rooms -required;tt, bar of a, ate of the cost and an indication .n of • the grants that may be antici- Fair Friday"to: mark"' the - 'for'the.frst titre at Brussels, a D'NEW :SANNER� is 'unfurled "BR' A AN let a Do - appearancA •of,the Bxusse s 4- Trac, C ub. •Here,. Gerald]. e Dennis,, R.R. , Walto #. a Smith' R.R..2,Brussels ;.frame. the new banner which fittingly is mounted. on ;a tractor:; Leader of nanWallace Brussels, ,, • ohn• Ba .. ick J ,_.i c1 oe. Ross Alcock, ,W members n u R Smith R.R..1 Ethel and the. , the club is Ross a • oses, onald Per- er: ii i m Black,; 'Charles'•Bray,-Murray' Bray, Dav>.d�-.emmgway; Murray.Hoov W er, George:`Wat nd Garry Wi son. (Exposi or."p oto by.Phi ips). •- Uhi tie, Joe Steffler, Fred,, „ „ ... ll Agrees erica ir Guidel erstri Piont T �AfCenotoph The Hensel.' cenotaph should take ... on a new appearance come -.-next spring. At the Monday meeting of permission was ii•Iensall ""counci , granted the Girl Guides of the i1L lige to plant yellow to1ips around the -,base, of the: Monument. . Reeve _John �•He d ars on rest ded ;for the meeting,-wpieh also grant- `s i n to the Boy " Scouts' _.;ed p ermi s o Y 'for T wn� Hall touse: the . 0 1 and 'Cu s -thenr'meetings. Discus sn g'street cle'aning, which has just been car- ' ' tied out by E. R. Davis,. the vil- lage riaintenanceman, it was de- cided, to bill Lee Jennison and the Township of xaY for P art Of t he costs. Apparently,blame fdrPart „,..of the street accumulationu lotion waslaid tograveltrucks drawing gravel to• 'hat tow n5hiP°Tile will bepun. P •m front for thy, • ' ch sed driveway ,.;a of the': residence ,of Joseph Verge - Son, and Yon1. Street'will be grays elled frornNelson Street westerly. w esterl Y No vember lle,Vas d:ecla red a. u b- lie holiday for- tie `village at the meeting; Adelegationati o n from thee Hensallbranch of .the 'Canadian Legion.`' appeared before coincil. asking that this be done. Trailer owners;"lho live' in , trail. 'have pay ers •in'the village, willto p y o a double rate 'under .;,new ixr'on. ass), ii •drat the meeting. The present charge of, $5,00:. per month, three months advance will be changed e 'month, nth •iiV.> to: a charge : of $10,00• per ,o ,, three months• in advance, The poll. tax bylaw- Vvas also 'abolished at this 'gathering. • Nominations in Hensall will •take: • place November 20, with elections,. if necessary,• taking.. place on. December 7. IUates for taxation in the` Town- ship of. .Tuckers mith for 4959 were set.at 9 ' °i for farm and resi- dential mills dential properties. and .11,8 mills for- commercial "properties. meeting ::of: the council Tuesday, the group decided to leave the rate Abe same as last Year. 'At the same time thep n Y r taxes unpaid , after ealts.fo December 15, was doubled this •year. The rate • of interest_ will be 4% on all arrears, compared With 2i'.up-to o.-the res- ent. e township went t til in th Ass ss , o year: is: $3,095,824_.accordinto thisg the roll a's peesentecrty assessnient commissioner; W.- Robert P. s Court of revision on -the' roll will held" November 3 at 3 .m, be MI , pen., o• ti Mrs, Cora -law a m n A b g Y PF Chesney, :-as .acting, clerk -;treasurer-, and relief ad inistr'a x oliector m to c tor, was given its required i red read- : ings and' paesed,`as wereby-laws tier :used intens iii trailers . as. homes g 'All such and' trailer camps. s. p per- sons are now requited to obtain a license from,the clerk' of: the • muni- clerk ci alit Rates: were seta: at: indi- viduals,. ndi- P Y.. idu1 • 6.00per month,,. and trail- er a s, $ > per camps $4.00;;;;per : month.; P r trailer. i Wilson.Al- ie was )tided to hire Itw d. C1 13 Seeks Quota Badonee Boyce to snowplow Ian and, Ed. oP roads for 1959-1960 ,at the same rate e' and under ?antg same agreement em int for 1958-59. The goad superintend- 'ern, uperintend- 'e,nt was instructed :to erect. ;eddi. tional 30 M,P.H. signs an the road adjoining the`-sntth- boundary of the RCAF Station, as' requested by the Station. Wreaths.' will be pro- vided for ro-vided'for the Hensall and Seaforth branches of the Canadian Legion for Remembrance Day. -ins suet - a. _ e •c erk�-was t ""tom -P Y ,Th 1 4d the balance ofaccounts on the Nott a --Municipal Drains, call for payment, to by 'November 10, 1959, from the in- terested terested arties and applyfor. Depart ent of ,Public Works :for. pthexon . 'id to drainage irtc a rov seine; to forward progress certifi- cate from J. W. !Britnell, county engineer, covering ,paYrniiii to Contracting g `Co., neon re ' re n Lavi` S r struction of iiCAF Sisio .. t nintance road ;to the Audit Department of Department int : of National nal ' Defence -De- partment; e es a and request payment from theY nt; :to': apply to the.Depart- ment et ar partme , Pp y P ment of National Defence; for, grant. in 'lieu of ;.taxes on RCAF "`Station Clinton; to 'request payment of $2,0 per road crossing in accordance ' as' with Uni n G ,g • reement o .a with Company. Accounts passed included: E g mondviile ='W a ter, debentures,' $722.18; Prank Kling, .Eginondville •Water, 12.50; "sheep ;Milled„ $28' the - Nott Drain,. $2,893; labor,.•.RC'. AF road, $229; chimp, $28.50;:: sup- plementary $25; salar- 1? " "an ll antes Re- ies-. a ow , $ 741.63; , •ceiver-General, $16.25; by-laws, Nott Drairr, $120; , Ontario Hydro, $17.62; fire, protection, Clinton, $75; contract. garments, Nott Drain, $3„- 958.50; , Federation of Agriculture, ,grant," $700; CNIB • grant, $50; Thamer Nursing • ;Mame, $88,25; Village of. llensall, ":retaining fire brigade, $125; Charles Eyre, ",weed. inspector, $4.4.50;' 44 50;;'roads, $3,528.01. Council adjourned to meet Nov,. 3, at 1 pet.. With only a short time left in the campaign, the Canadian National - institute for the Blind canvass is still below its objective.: " Ca'lirepaign chairman : E C.° Bos vue11, announeed Wednesday after- noon that to date $579.00 -has been collected. The ' objective • for Sea - forth, and eaforth-and district is $600, Mr. Bose well said. Ile pointed out that there' is still: time to , contribute to this : worthy cause. October Berry Three Inches Round Often out -of -season fruit is small and malformed, but not a straw- ' berry picked Wednesday by L. F. Ford, Seaforth; , ee in a , nttm'ber i k d the. One �of 1? . n on- uinlock Street Nord .garde Go , the large ripe berry measured` three, ; inches in diameter. SETTING AN EXAMPLE" "to' Legion members in the sale of tickets on the: Seaforth Legion, draw,President Harry Nesbitt ' met with' a ready'reception. at district>fairs. (Photo Courtesy - Clinton NewseRecarele. Thanks tyro 9 g Holiday ' Monday y Monday, October :12th, is Thanksgiving,',a, statutory holi- dal' -Because of the short work;:: week, ";advertisers and correspondents are asked' to send their copy in earlier"' than 'usual This:, will enable the staff 'of The Huron "Expositor 'While, no' decision can be taken" t • Me 3 iN as.:to thea addieedtedional,•' nfficumberialssai'odf classrooms "n: "o'. it was suggested that four would be considered. Relation, of the pro- pdsed constructionto the existing building will ,depende on architec- tural advice, The .addition could` be a two-storey design to conform with the present-day departmental thinking, -officials suggested,, Nor`Night Classes Night classes which have been a feature at. SDIIS-'for; a. number of years will .` be • discontinued this - year, the board decided.. Interest in the classes, held one . night a week during fall' and winter months,- has heen falling -off duping the past two years, Principal L. P. Plum - steel said. On occasions itwas dif-' ficult to obtain the,:minimum num:"' her of students required by depart •mental regulations. + F. istner - ins Hibbert Contract njuries:: xeter The tender- bid:. for $1,500.00 was . received and accepted from Frank Kistner for the repair : and con struction `of the Wats"on -Drain, at' -the-regular Hibbert :council meet-: ing There were no; appeals on. this drain and the court -of revision was closed.. The assessment roll for 1960 was -received ":frown the assessor, G. Coyne. The Toll showed an in-: crease over 1,959 roll•of.` $9,303.00,' the: total being $2,425,830.00. •.The ii - ' revision 'for ' a 'els. court , .of a AA. e, held es me s will b against ass s n t g at 1 p.m. on Friday, Oetaber 30, .at the Township Hall.: • All ; farm pro i haveeen: sessed 2 5 of art sb s / P e one. spill Federation of. Agriculture. h` fee. Those'n t wish- membershipo ing to -have this rate•;levied-on their property in ,1960 can have.it" ret moved if the clerk, Roy `Burchill,. is ;informed on or before October 31 °1959. R Parsons was. engaged by the wi- township to plow: snow in the'n ter' months ' at $7.00 per :hour, and 320: per day standby tame when there is no :.new to plow. ;The next regular meetingwill be held',on g Monday,`November 2,at-1 p m.' s s` "e out on -week's. i u e 'next to i g Goi Is erich to nye ` . App oonted To :S C ou .'rate e p APPnt. f. James_ Francis, .ointme o ,Dorinellye58.` of-Goderich , -as a J curt of judge; 'of ,Su rime C g ' p..._ Ontario and a; memberof the :High_ .io was. for O tr of.Ju tie. .n C rt s, Court e. announced ;Friday. by acting : 1V n Jus- tice i ister•Walk ers. z h osi i'•n vacated He fills the t oby H P. Hon. SamuelHughes, hes who re st n - ed July" 1 to b)tv incthairanof- the Civil Service Commission of Brussels Youth' On inning Team . Dale Miller) of Hillside, Ont 5. a fourth year student in Animal Hus- bandry us at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, was 'the second higli man in the international In; ,tercollegiate Dairy` Cattle Judging Competition held this weekat the National Dairy_ Cattle Congress at, Waterloo, 1oua. He also, welt third place in thejudging of Brown Swiss and ninth place in Holsteins, The team from the O°A.S. stood' seventh in the competition, which included representatives of 33 ag- ricultural colleges- from all parts 'Of the UnitedeStates. The-winniefig team was from:, the .University of Kentucky., Other members, of the team, were Bert MitchellListow el Ross Gra- ham, ham, Palmerston, and George proc- tor, Brussels. They were coache d by Dr, J._ C. Rennie, of thee O.A.O . AMMO; Husbandry Department. Son of- the late Senator James J. Donnelly, Mr. Justice' Donnelly e ihas practised lair in Cod r ch since he was called to the;' biz in 1924. He : was .educated. at- Pinkerton,. ' at 'S .` Micliael s College Ont., and:t b: in`Toronto. degree' of ua He graduated with the de tb bachelor of arts, -front: the Univers-, 'sty of Toronto ,in 1921 and for . the 'next three years studied law at Os oo e Hall. g d i . Ar native of : Pinkerton , he n iar KehtS'' 'iii riedtheforme-r Ina C. eN' 1926. They - -have,' three cliil'dxen;- Richard, a lawyer in. North, 'Bay Ont; <•a.lawyer 'associate. ..Ja mes s with his father at 'Goderieh, and Moyne,` who is, married and lives ., at Willard, Ont ,,AAV' N -Turkeys' In Lions Th dr edraw - in the an nual :Lions` Club turkey drawtook place Safer - day. evening ,with Mayor. B. F. Christi e Officiating. Exeter, Paul. Da'. le ?ort Do v er ,Wronin turkeYs:"wer)LeeLearn` And N. Van Vu t. R.R. 1, Seaforth: f charge .o a ,in w s The drawg a d: A -' acDon 1 i s and J. M Vey Trays Y Large P aintin g. • M arks Service S Presidents .idents Completing ids term as resident.. of the Ontario. Fune ra l Se rAvi. ce4t?.A s t- sociation corporated,'G' tiey has been: presented: with. a r of the' a"n' b members large iri e g ;p ,r, gy. , association. The painting,;,pf a.fall scene, was. '' recognition. of Mr. i r o niti n e, b Whitney's;:service as president clur ing the past year. : >•:.The', presentation. ,took place'at- the' t• - the � a`ssociation's; •banquet in the Pi ince+Edward' Hotel �wndsot , ryhere•the Convention was held'lastm week. Taking part: in the final pro'- g r'am was Rev ..;-R. Ii: Williamst formerly of Seaforth. Me. Y and. Mrs: Whitney returned Prem •"Windsor: one Tliursd ay • • SWINGING' on a boatswain chair, +nearly 75 feet above Sea-. forth Main Street Donald Scott is painting the clock tower on the' Post Office buildingeWork-.- " ing,with him on the contract is Phil:: Willis, who' is -operating ' the ropes, slung -from -the top of •• the tower on which ?the' chair is suspended: (Photo by T: Wilbee)• W ed. 25 YeaLurs Mrs ul . S ,p. Entertain rtain Sunda. erio s: ccid Condition. of g_rs.. James" 'A. Munn, Church Street Seaforth, was improved , on Wednesday. • Mrs. Munn suffered serious injuries Sat- urday night when shewas struck by a canon the Main Street of Exe- ter. The; accident occurred about Dr. and Mrs. Munn were return- ing home to town from,Londonand stopped in . Exeter . "for a moment. Mrs. - .Munn was about :half way across the street when a,ear, driv- en by William Jacques, 16, of Hen- sel', was in collision with her. ,The Jacques ear was proceeding South. .Thrown several :feet to the pave - :merit -by -the- ave"ment" bythe lint' aet;:' Myn Mfinn was given first:.aid treatment and rushed by ambulance to Victoria Hospital, London. She received a fractured 'lege- injuries ' and suffered from 'shock. Exeter police,; who investigated,.. said the driver of the car told them' he Mrs;.Munn,:in. time to pc hr a`Police- said charges reeare pending OliveMae1iayccident. Hurt Oliver' MacKay, R.R. 2, Xippen, Mr'! and Mrs Steve Lupul cele brated then`.:25th wedding versary at their• home on, Sunday. Dinner was served- at high noon to 25 guests, ; including .friends. from Sarnia, Kitchener? Bridgeport, Lis towel, Brussels,' Atwo od and Sea - Mr:.- and .`.Mrs Lupul, who:;.have been.: Seaforth residents for nearly 20 years, were the.. eecipients-•.of" many, lovely gifts from friends who ca lled during the',Afternoon and evening to .exte d congia ulatio n . is recovering.: satisfactorily from injuries ! received in aft accident, according to officials at -Scott Mem Oriel ',Hospital. Wednesday.. Mr. MaeEay, ; 70,• suffered tWo broken" bones in: the left foot,'and lacerations ,t6 the head,:. left hand and left knee last. Monday', The accident occurred•about.5.15 pmorithe 8th. concession, of Tuck erselith. Mr MaeKay was driving anis tractor arid- wagon As• he was - turning into his driveway,•. the trac- tor was ,struck. by a truck.: driven by "Reginald Fi nla s e y o,,„ Cromarty.. Mr. MacKay was knocked off the tractor. The ,accident was .investigated` by: Constable :Jac ` of; OPPk M )Dowell _Seaforth:. • Seek HitRun Ilriver A search is still continuing for• a kil ed 'lliam' hit -run car which 1 Wi lliam odericb, a 20 of G Charles Anst y,. , H he e•«as killed as alked"north on No. 21 highway, about 11 p.m, Saturday. It is believed Anstay was walk- ing; north to''summon aid after his car was wrecked when it crashed into ` an apple tree adjacent to 'a,; roadside detour about three mi,Ies south of St. Joseph. He had gone , only a half mile, police said, when he was struck by the car and kill- €. ed. Hie, death etas. attributed to multiple injuries. to the, body and ?' head". The body was found by Glen ,) Thiel, R.R. 2, 'Zurich, " who called.' <;;- Ontario Provincial Police. Coroner';.': Dr. J. C. Goddard, of Hensel', was called 'to` -the -scene `ta `begin his.. part in the investigation. It is not l:' known yet"` if an inquest will bee- Exeter eExeter OPP appealed to the pub- lic : to report any incidents which': might help in determining" the identity of the driver of the hit - run car it-runi:car vTie. motorist .who _ gave the description ! of the wanted :car, to; police said the vehicle was travel- ling at high speed- which made re- cognition of its make and "color "dif- ockey In a to e`Will-Come Ju�tior . C .ho ke•'y . Seafgrth this. wint 'r e f win olio .i„ g plans own -Hall.. meeting in at "a gT the - iastic " chin An en thus s Friday :evening; . ` attendance: discussed- the . situatian and agreed that co ntendin g team could be Welded together- to bring bring Seaforth,' eke '•bank to r' anezed ho 0g Y HoekeY fans s resent pointed -out, onted out, p it would take a lot tofh and work:andcalled ePorsports enthusiasts i of Seaforth .and, district to assist the committee iIi" . charge e to snake .the coming season a eticceei. The meeting, named a committee e Lorne Dale three. --Zeck W bb of> organize the r Rivers—to •and.ThorP e g cee: club "make the necessary ' arran e, 1Y b menfstaenter the team and • to tfeid any ,:meeting t hat the cons - vener• 'may cali,in the •near'f:utu rc: Iti was ,poentell out 'there aro: a ,,.. lata. players number' of• 1',anxious to - play, and: to, fill mut a team there; 'are.:players,.;obtalnable in the dis-' su de -stood "n r tinct:. Already • itis Annoy 1 - a: rine n 'm"Gal ow fa r William , . `13' player of Goderich'':is, working P y in Seaforth and, may be available.' Io organizing a team for Seaforth; the irieting'einphhsized:that. those players who wish: to .play will have to. simply their:: own , equipment, S! eafar Entry The youth' is survived, byhie ".par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.<.Charles ;Aiistay;; two sisters, Yvonne and :Mare,'•at home. The , body rested' at the Stiles funeral hosee'Go eric h where service Was held, player• SBurial was.in,Maitlaed Cemetery. ae� r�apple- e '-be" provided for, -th Sticks', ' will c ' the club:will go ''back gine? . but g tothe days' when -players will. play, Y "for thefug ofplayingand net for anyThis, paint was Stressed . •for the reason -that the club is starting from eeratch g Ways and means of raisingin funds to.' get •a • start were h r u hly dis- cussed during the meeting. +,•The betaken w ill be a firstmeans to sale of: boster tickets, which will be available•shortl3. The.: meeting b $5 00 ticket, dsed� the 'idea f . k 0 0 PP a.. , believing' that the. majerity of .,the, fans supporting h ,Teek,.e_y- evnuld be 'this . unable• `to ,donate t is amoi `t.• n "It wass a reed. .that the os er tickets' s' 100"'The booster Would sell. for.. b ticket kit will inchd ea free admin, nn to.the o opening gine addi= a: • ecial program is;ei ect- titi.n,,,+ sP i P b P ed to` be `•planned „far that night. 0... ',The deadlinelor entry the m , - 1T -.A. -group is' set for October 15, an it is anticipated .tha_t the sche- dule p le will'be - drawii upon October du •16.will was stated that ice be available, by., October 23 . at the arena. ' w Before the -meeting ciased Jack Webb was named manager; and Ron '.Whitey' Broome, coach;, Owm n a WI e n Fifteen ;gilts ' competed: its the Huron 4-H ;.Swine . Champion Show: •' held at the Seaforth Fall Fir. Top gilt was ' shown `: by Marion Turn= bull, 11.R•.' •2,. Brussels, ' a member . of,�.,tiie Seaforth Swine Club,' Miss Tul'nbull will receive the Savauge. -trophy. "'Reserve`:5pot was won by KenPapple, e R.R. Seaforth. P 1 S nth: Pp , e Other winners. were: Jack Broad foot R.R., 1,." 13rucefield; Linda Papple,R.R 5, Seaforth; 'Barbara' Turnbull, R.R. 2, Brussels;, . Jim Pappie,_ R.R. 4,Seaforth; Walter_ Ia1te r_. Bacon, R.R. 1, : el rave Bruce . PJea w'pp itlte , ., R.R. RR.. 4� `Se.fort- h, Ivan an Howatt, .-R.R 1':Be1 ave,'GarY .` •1, Clinton, 'Ken Gem= mell, R.R. 2, Kipper', -aid .Mac Stewart, , R.R.5, ' Seaforth.• Ken " Papple • wa •. nam ..to ppl• s ed.._ p showman and .will "receive h' e s t showmanship troPhY Ru.ieis -up were Marion Turnbull and Doug ' Howatt.• In thebr Pe oup classes.the Seaforth -Swine ClubP laced first and the North Huron Club second: The Russell T.. Bolton trophy,for the.:;cham.P ion 'edhibit' of grain g by grown- a Huron 4-R, Grain Club.• member, ber will presented : to "Bill.. be Kieffer, ''R. �.�- 1: r 1 i "• f f th � a - Wn�, tan , o e Howick ' Clu b • .Tfic Kieffer lad aisawon in the oats' division, followed . by his bro- ther, Rodger Kieffer. - e The::. rl class was topped by ba..,. y PP Don ;lvieiiercher,:' R.R. 1, Dublin:' Other winners were: Robert Scott e . R.R. 1 : Seefettlli; Don Crozier, 11 R.. 2 ;Seaforth, Garry' Little, R.R. 1, Seaforth) Robert Fotheringham, R, R. 3, Seaforth;. and. Jack Broadfoot, ,. Brucefield. dire; Brroade:Host qtr Gala Ball . fenibees of ;:the Seaforth, Fire Brigade k fll be Hoists at a fire- men's ,bail being held in the. Com- triunity. ommenity. Centre Friday evening. The event is a feature of Eire Prevention. Week. District High School:.Gi IS Trum et B'and,;; The _ and L FAIR was the eat anceof the Seaforth i x H g r P . ::,. A HIGHLTGH'fi AT }liti7SS>aLS;O"A 1G pP. Directed byGeorge Hildebra rid, the S.D.,I•LS: group' has: -been . aL number on the track; Dir g h g P ttl t e rounds. and.:. resented sever,_ lel a paradeh grounds pr . , , , •has been invited to playat the International Plowing:lVtateh,.in: Wentworth Cotilty a featured attraction a a namb er. of area fairs., It a next. week. Ex . sitorphoto by Phillips). oron Weeklies lame`' Officers Meeting in Clinton Saturday, Her- on weeklies named Cyril. Snowdon, of the Seaforth Nees, as Presi- dent. The retiring president, Barry Vienger, of lheWingharn -dvance- Times, presided, ' Other, ; officers - include: Doe. Sou'thcott, teeter: "Times -Advocate, vice-president, and Miss Wilma Dinnin, -Clinton News -Record, sec- retary-trea.urer. • Hold Shower For ,BridemElect,- Mrs. J, R. Russell. and Miss Jean Scott were hostesses for a shower honorWien +Calder, ield.infiss ti,1Vf 11 , a bride -elect of this month. The- l,. event tack plat;)' at"117rs, Iitissell �, residence in Harpurhey, `'