HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-02, Page 9t. •
Lot Three
William IVIureh, a ,native of . Devonshire, England,' befete
coming„to Canada married Elizabeth Harris, Willie -1n waS
• the, owner of Lot 3 by '1857, and died here in 1869. By the
70,'s. John Hutchison owned the East 50e: Warren.HUtchisen
and Hubert Hutchison -have been later owners. •
Thomas kipsinan aVvried the West 50 of. "this lot front
.1857: Thomas and Ann KiiiSinan hada large faintly and
several of their children died While. young of tubereolosia." A,
Janes IlenrY Kinsman, • rentedthis', farm fer a nuMber'
of years: The Kinsmaris were all veryactive werkers, in the
Methodist Church. One of Themes' grandsons was an adept
at-repeatingTSeripture-Verses:::--At-rinelOf 11-re-S,undaY-Ikchnni
Picnic, lie recited, so many Seripture:Passages, and did it so,
well, that a 'hat Was passed arid-thecollection received .vveS
--his reward. In 1886' Thomas Kim/I-lane who -Was then living
near St. Marys, Ont., sold to John- Webb, and James -Henry
iKinSinan -Moved,: to--Motire4e1d, Ont.; -Edwin Kenna,. John
Miller (R) , and :ken Rice have hacl„it since John Webb 'InoVed
to Hamilton. Rice'sernarried hired hel-P use the -lionSe for
. Lot Four
- Robert Bell owned Let 4 from 1856, and that same year
sold the East "25 acres to 'Themes 'Kinsman.. This, with his
"part of Lot 3, Made 'kinsman the °whet of 75 acres. An
owners since have owned these two Sections of .Lots 3 and 4.
By 1871 John Johnston, a , native of- LincolnShirei.' Eng-
• land, Who married 'Almira Purdy, "was the owner Of Robert
• Bell's west 75. -acres., When Johnston moved to St.' Marys in
the middle 80's, he . sold to Richard Scott. , John ,Tohnston
died at the home of ,his son, 'Jesse; near -St. Marys, in 1902,
'at the age of 84 years. Since Richard' Scott moved to near
Farquhar, Michrie1,1V1iller and Ken Rice have been the owners
• �f this part -of Lot 4. '
Lot Five
'Samuel Gerry, a brother-in-law Of Thomas Kinsman, was
• the first to own Lot 5. His wife was, Mary Ann Kinsman
Their daughter; Ellie, • -taught in -No 3 Scheel in. the early
1880's. The parents died here—Sanuiel in' 1907, and his wife
in 1901,-alSo.asen,; Sifeeen,In-1888, in his 27thr year. Charlee,
Walkom, 'Lloyd ,Walkom, Verne -MartinTLeroy, Walltom and
Clarence_Schtaeder. have been -the -owners' -of this lot -Since
SamueleGerry. •' •'
' trustees, William Vipend., Thomas Harris and ,James 1VIurch,
and it was here that Zien. I3ible 'Christian Church . was, or
had been earlier, built Records show that the, congregation
had been ;organized as early, as 1865. 'Children of different
denominations, attended Sunday ,School".'.hete,.....and a school
was held also -in this church fora time after No. 2 leg school
was burned in the 1870's. This churchwasfirst!cannected
with the 'Mitchell Bible Christian Circuit,, and from 1876 with
the newly -formed Fullarton cireuit. The minister walked
each week, to this church from Fullarton.village, and was
never known to be late once for the Service. , After the 'union
of the Methed.ist churches in 1884, Zion , remained in the
Fullatton circuit: .1-16WeVer, when a decision was made to
close the.church, those in Staffa circuit felt; because the building Was in Ilibbert„thatthe proceeds of the sale of the -Church
'should come to them. This was granted by "Fullarton circuit,
.and in. Noverriber, 1889; the Staffg Circuit „committee was
authorized.' to sell the Church for $50; if no more Could' be
obtained. When the Grange was 'reeved across the road' from
;ConcessiOri 6, itstoodat the side of the 'church till they Moved
it back again to the 'Brooks 'farm.
By,1856 Wijath Agur,- a resident of-Dereham Township,
got his grant - and release for Let, 6, but may never liaye
come here to Jive:" David Lawson was on the East 50 before
Agar. owned. it, and Lawson -was- the owner Of it by 185 -7 -,At
, the 'same tnie, Wilham Vipond , got the West 50 from 'Agur,
and, later Owned ;Lawson's- "as, well William Vipond married
.Elizabeth. Broad,. a; Sieter of Ann . Broad, the first:wife . of
Frangis Brooks. They came from Devonshire, England, and
settled hear Lindsay, and Cannington before, they. came to
They altvays -referred to their _former hone as
".cloverf -below" It Was alway's mystery to the Younger
children where that place 'down below'.' was situated: In
the Vipond family were Mary: (Mrs. George 'Kirby), John,
"George, who died in infancy, Frances Ann -.'"(Mrs.. Alex
Fisher), Frederick, Itlri, Jane (Mrs. Robert. Roney -),-Albert,
Elizabeth Ellen, (Mrs. John R.." Slee), Catherine (Mrs George
Smale), ,George N, and Josiah. William Vipond died .here
in 1892, and the farm is still owned by his descendante.
Owners after him -were his Sbith, George, whp married. Elila;
beth Cairns, anct-Fredi who married Margaret -Fell., 'Fred's
" son; Earl, is the.present owner, • , -
• It Was William Agur who 8o1d.-.1/4-are on the,northeast
cOrner in December, 1856„ to the•trusteeS of S:S N6 2,. and
' on this plota log school was .built. This school was burned
in the early, 1870's. _11.0t coalS ashes left in a wooden box
was the cause 'of the fire. School' was held, before this One
was built, in a log" building on :John Watson's farm,atrOSs
the -concession and back the sideroacl a .shott distance. The
• first:known teach -brill this Section was. Abraham 1VIcMicheal,
• who" was. later a doterein Gorrie, Ont., and. at One tinie was
coroner for the Whole of.guren County:, While the new brick
school Was being builttoreplace-the burned one, ,school was
held in'Zien Bible Christian Church. In May, 1876, another
• quarter acre was bought froni..lVilhiam Vipond for $45 to
give the pupils more leeway., •13efere this there was little
More than 'aPatlf-around the school:
Shortly after the, new brick, schdorWas built it was divicl-
• ect into two large rooms and two teacher's taught. in the
school.. till 'into the. 1880's. The heating .sySterri consisted of.
twe large box stoves. In the early 80's these were -fired by
-a teen -aged pupil, William Watson, and for his services he
reCeived a remuneration of -$5.00 for the season. About the
same tine the teacher, Miss Baas, received a salary of $250.
:per year, and out of 'this she paid $2.50 :weekly. tb" John 'Wat-
son:for room arid board. 'In. the 1890's this Schobl was sold
to Henry Veitor, Logan Township, who dismantled it and
fore the buildingelown. More land was haught from George
N. Vipond when the present white brick was built in 1896.
.WANT A.13S. BRING RESULTS' •••- Phone 141 or 11.4,
• (Ey Isabelle Calnpbell) .
"A Hibbert Review" will be isstied in book form on com-
pletion of the present series. Copies will be available
December, 1959, These will make attractive -Christ-,
• mas gifts, Those reServing books will be informed when
these copies'. are a'valialale, and these can be'purehased
'Mail to,:
• Seaforth Ontario
,,, .. ... ............. .
Sara "Harris, John DoW and Robert Fuller werethe trustees
at this. time. Robert Geed was the first to teach in the new
The., following teaeherk' have taught in No. 2 School;
,Alaraharn McMicheat-johri Carmicheal, WeSley Honey, Tem
'Mari Black. (junior), Jame S Hyslop, Gibson M'a-•"
haffy (junior),Lizzie Hyslop, Hattie Willows, Miss Backs,
Charles. Thompson, James Oliver, EnrinaHtitchison, James
Elliett„-.Peter McNaughton; RObert , Good, Gibson lgahaffy,
-Lloyd CaSaidy, Annie Deurie, Ida Taylor, Eliza Norris, Isa...
.;bel Matheson, MarnieBarley, Elsie Ste -Wart, Carrie, Ander-
son, .Jessie Park, -Hannah Pollard, Pearl Thorprisori, "Mar-
garet , Smith, Geraldine "TATaIkoni,.., Laura Dineen; Mary Fer•-•:
:ester„Kay-4.orclanieDontia-,Adains;--IlerieFansOn, Vera IVIOr-
leY (later Mrs. Earl Kemp), Olive Harrison' (laterf,Mrs:, Don-
ald Siemon.); and Mrs. Ben Stoneinan. '
Lot Seven .
,eThomas Page, la 'native of Yorkshire, England, whese
wife. was Susan Fester, owned ;Lot 7" from 1860 and died
here in 188.8.',IWthe Page .farifily- were Gorge, Mary (MrsPhihp ,
James),, Thalia's, who had a hotel in threeor more,
-placesLLS.,taffa,-' Carropbrook ".and;',Exeteree.-SuSarinah (MrS,
• Hardie)., Hannah. "..(MrS, Matthew Harburn), Martha (Mrs.
Henre-1: Pinder), and Ann,. (Mr e;' Thomas Neap": Their daugh-
terMary, lVfrs PJuhp'Jellies; died 11.11864; 'and left an .infant
Enon„ who Was ':raised by. his grandparents; and owned
the ' Page -farm . after they .pasSed. away,,, His son,. AleX.
James, had itIater'2:` Earl' Vipond nowhas the East, and Gor-
don -Docking -the West .50: No buildings have been here for
many yeas,
Lot Eight •- • •,
Malcolm McInnes got ,the lEast 50 of Lot 8 in 1877 from
the Canada Company. John- F. Docking, Asa Docking,
Thomas Smith (R), Louis Docking and Lyle Docking have
been later owners. James Parrish, a brother, Of William,
was the first to own the West 50, but never lived on it James
d Frances Parrisli had a family ..of seven Fern (Mrs
Withel), William, Della (Mrs. John Pinder), Maud (Mrs.
Burchill), Emma who married out West, Herbert and John.
James' son, William Parrish, was the next owner and left
for Iowa shortly after his wife, Hannah Louise, died in 1890.
William Walters, Merritt Morey', George Smale, "Louis Dock-
ing -and -Lyle Docking -have -owned- this -50 to date. -
----Fi-din.18.6r-Willianti'Hill, a brother of Mrs Richard
Hetharn, owned Lot 9.: . Hills had only an adopted daughter
and, it is thought. they, later lived'un,,f-'North".- ,BY -4867 Tem
Page •was the owner. His .son, George Page, Wilham Smale,
'George Smale, Gilbert -Ohalthers, Fred
Carbert and William ft. GoVier..haVe been later .owners of
this let: Fred' Carbert's son; -13CW, is :the welf-knowri, farm
announcer- over CKNX. radio station at
„Let 'Ten
'Hon. John II. Cameron was .the ;One' who took hp Lot JO
in '1856. Righard Hotharn; a native' of ,Yorkshire ; England,
Who, first settled at Newcastle, lived- On this lot , for :a; short
time in the 1850's before he settled on his, faith'. near &afire,.
His . Wife " was Sniarinah, Hill. William, ..w,h6 owned Let ,9;
"waS a.brother, . and another - brother had ,a Stet& in Mitchell
Thomas Thornak Neal, Who 'Married -Ann Page,- owned thiSlat'hy
1861."; .:They: had: 'a family, of .nine"---.
Docking)/ George,.. Elizabeth Thomas Smale); 'Susan
(Mrs ." John. Smale), Limisa. (Mrs-. Jasper .Walkom.),'-
'.(MrsJoSeph-Webb), 'James; Helen. (Mrs, James:WoodS),
"and..Maria:-(MrS.:Sami'Jel Webb) John Norris, john Drown'
Deeking-,7Louis'DoCking, and Darcol Pecking have
'bwiied it to tliespresent time
TOrn Neal on May „4 1866, sold a' plot on the 'northeast
Cotner:to the trustees of Salem Church for a stable: " This
'Stable and the hitching posts were -Sold to George Smale after
was closed:
•, . Lot, /even
- From 1856 IVIalcolin McInnes .ia*ned ,the East.: 50" of Lot
.IL:. "Ile Married 1VIarthaMcLaughlin[a sister of Mrs. James
and Mrs. 13e11...1VIcIrthes had ne fain -
hut While here they raised Alex Fraser, but did' not legal",
lY adopt him Joseph Webb bought the farm in 1878,. 'John
Pinderowned, it next. Joseph Webbs - first wife, eTang---1VIce
.Dougall, diedwhile theyliVed" here; and he later Married
Emmeline: Neal.. While here,Joe took an active - part
in the SiiiiclaY.Scheal, work' ac.Salern Methodiit Church. At
'bile, of .the.annhal SundaY,.,Scheoi .4)icnies, the 'ladies feud
they:, Were 'short of Cutlery, Se- Joe hustled ',1-4s young�h
Robbie, and his. Clitim, Foster Harburn, off in .t1ie.. dernoerat
to the Webb,,horsie, with the order to bring..back all the -Talks
that they cauld find. The lads-ma:de a thorough -search, and:
proudly drove up to the church with their collectione: Joe
spied them, and again hustled them off,' out of sight.. In the
democrat, they had, every kind .of fork; that every fanner
Used in a barn, from a pitch' fork to a manure fork. Joe had
not specified the,kind of forks he wanted, and the lads, car -
deft out his instruction, namely, to bring back all they could
Henry-Pinder a'. native Of' Yorkshire, England; from1853 had the West 50 of this 'let. Ile married Martha 'Pa 6
and in their family were Torn, John, .Richarcl; James, Sarah
Ann (Mts. Sohn F. Docking), Wilhani, -Mary " J. (Mrs. 'TOM
Mitchell) and George, who, :when attending. echool, . died
frenrinflammation Of the bowels,, later .known . as appen-
(ileitis, After Henry, Pinder and hi wife moved to Mitchell,
hik sen :Riclaard, whese. wife 'Was 1VIary Ann ParriStipowried
the ; then, another son, 'Toni; vvho Married Enrinal Robin
son, lived here till he Moved to Pullarten Township The
present owner a the 10,0 are in Alex James, •
•.• - Lot Tioelve
From 1851 John Young, Sr:, a native Of England, -lived
on Lot 12 until he died in 1894. His wife was Harriet Smith.
John and ,Harriet Young had a family of eleven ---- Charles,
Thomas, John, Will, Mary Harriet (Mrs. Thernas
Frank; Clara Anne -(Mrs.,- Warren Hutchison), George,. ,Jiin
and .Errima(Mts. James Harris), Harriet YOting,-.1ike many
other'worrien at that time, kneiv the hardships ef Pioneer life.
One of her outings was to foot it to Mitchell with her basket
of eggs to trade for needy. supplies. The price received: six
to eight dents a dozen. The distance' travelled there arid
back :. 16 mules, After:the:parents died; their bachelor son;
Jim, lived -here 'till the house was burned. IteaterS who bad
the-farra for pasture after he lettjt were <Tarries Burns and
son, MiChal McCarthy, -Jim Shea, Jim Cronin, Fred Forester'
.and Dan O'Connor. After these,. William Tiler, of'Fiillarton,
baoutgut:htittaarmnd. his Wicl, ew and her t76 ns still Still use :!.t .a8 a
li• •
this, lot 'the highest elevation in the torrimunity,
and also in the graVet-bedS.here is to be found the soiree of
the- Main tream, Of the Aux Sable -River Which eventually.
.ffildsitkoutletinto Lake Huron, near For( Franks.. In." 1912,
on the top :of this ,hill, an 80 -foot Wooden tower, With a 30 -
foot base, Was erected... The top .-Wa8 reached -by scaling a
ladder -with- a small landing every ten .feet. Alex Grant; Bill
urst, Hugh Ryan and a cook were in charge at this' point,
The service was cOntinuous•day and night. This tower Was
one Of a netWOrk of survey towers throughout, ;the county;
lid beyond it. The purpose was to aid in the making of
apS,,'and 4180 'With the Use of a beam light and a 'dot-aridr.
dash ••code they bad -hoped to a-endliiessages from one pia
t &another. However„'the venture did not prove to he rimeh
Of a snecesS. During g Windstorm on November 29, 1919,
this.tower was blow.n• down: Only: a few stones. of the seven
koundation pillars are left today t� Mark where .1,t Once. Stood,
- Vegetables
. . .
. Table turnips,Brad PinIayson,
Jim Finlayson, ken. Wright, ,Gayle
Wright; garden, . carrots' short
-Lawrence E41Ott„ Karen ' Dolniage,
Hazel Greer Ken 'Wright Larry
Park; garden carrets, 'long, Matt
. ...
Haney, -Gayle 'Wriglit, Karen, Del-
..,....:, . . , . ..
• nage Bill Bonssey, juIene Elliott;
mangoldSiaAllaron Streng; parsnips,-
Marig 'Mott,' BiliBoussey, Kay
, . ,
Ghartere, ..Jidene Elliottc"taWrence.
Elliott;Tickling-beeis;-, L: Llirciff,-,"
Mary Anne McLean, Ja,mes.„ Car-
ter, Doug Dale, Ken 1/1/right;, table
beets, Pamela Powell, Linda Pow-
ell,: Ellen Connell; Leonard Jamie-.
son, Dianne Stoll;. Spanish 'onion,
Julene -:Elliott, Susan ,Stockwell,
Marie' Elliott, Linda :Powell, Ann
Smith;, 'cooking -onions, Stephen
Smith, Marie Elliott,. IlarveSr Greer, •
Matt • Haney,- ,'. Rese . Brady; , , ripe'
tomatoes, Neil.' Dale, , Jim -: Broad-
foet, Jan 'Andr.ews,-, Dianne Stoll,:
•Bill"Boussey;'; citrons, Lois Godkin,
Jint Broadfoot, Garry Bannon, ,Hel-
en Ellott: early cabbage, Man Car-
ter; - late Cabbage; ' Jim ' Holland,
Barbara Holland, Dianne- Finlay-
son,,'Linda ' Powell, Anthony , Vail
Den Henget; potatoes'(girl exhibit),
Kay Charters,Dianne Bye.rman,
Gayle Wright; Elaine Dale,' Doldr.es
Maloney; potatoes (boy ',exhibit),
Bill 13ottssey, Ken Wright, Gordon„
Maloney, Ken'Wood, Leonard:Jain-
ieson; pie ',pumpkin„ Eliz. Carter,.
Diane Finlayson; Susan Stockwell,
Lois Godldn, Dianne Stoll; largest
pumpkin; .Gerhen WYnja, Kurt
Christensen; ,-Doug. Upshall,4' Bill,
BousSey, Doug Dale; •- summer
Squash (pePper),. Katie Scott, Brad-,
• ley • Finlayson, ,JirilL,.Finlay'son,
Marie Scott, John Andrews ;. cucum-
bers (medium size), Jiin-Finla:y-.
son; James Carter,, Diane Finlay-.
SQl1; , Diane, .Papple,....Marlenei:Dol-
'mage sweet, corn, table variety, -
Keil Wrieht,..,...Joaii Rogersoni-dis-
pra-Y of vegetables, NO. 4;, Tneker-
• Tuckersinith, ' SeafOrth, • 13 ii blic
SehOol,;:;. vegetableor fruit ,mar-
roi,v, Kay ' Charter's, -Dori S ' King,
Linda, Nott; , Gordon' IVIaloneY,. Dor-
is Maloney. ' .c - ,.- • . ••• ' ' - ' -
jiidge-s=A. '11,,,Traint. and. J. R.
Chard: . . .,
, - . . . ,
- • Flowers
Pansies,' •Grades 1, 2,, , -,Glenda,
Matheson„ Bill toussey; Sweet'
Peas, Grades 3, 4,, JoYceFalconer,
Brian Iledgert, Christine Turnbull;-
Gladioli,- Grades 5-6,•, Jiro' 13road-1
foot, Jane Boshart;” Asters;--Grades-
z-8,. Heather. SailowS, Dianne. ,•,,Fiii•
layson, .. Barbara Holland,
-Charters', Barbara Nott; . French• '
Marigolds, • Leonard Jannes,on,-111:.
anne Byer/nail,' Ann, Rivers, June
Falcener, :Darlene .Silla.;....: African
-MarigOldS, .Anhe Carneron,-,, Elainel
Oke; ;Bill .Bousey,- Kay Charters;
Zinnias; Jini Broadfoot, Anne Cam;„
eron, Darlene. Sill, Ronnie- ,Hen-
•derson, Pani Spittal; Zinnias, baby'
or ponV-pom, .Ralph Smith,- Ellen.
Connell, Jim •Broadfdot; - Marie, El-
liott, Bruce., Wilbee; Dahlias, show
Or 'decorative, Karen, • 'Dolinage,
'Anne ,Cam.eron; ' Sheila Rowat,
Mary Je,an Boshart, 'Jane Boshart;
'Dahlias„ baby br'pom-poxii, Dianne
Byerman,Karen Dolmage, Glen
Dolmage;' Cosinos, o,en, Jean,Mc-
Lend, -Dorothy zerieson, ' Elaine
Oke, Jaek e
• on, Diane Stoll;. as-
sorted, va ieties, ,Jack - Lemon,
Elaine; Okec-Carol ' 13e1, Heather.
Saliows, •Kay Charters;• Petunias,
open, :Heather l3euernian, , 'Bill
BousSey7, John .Andrew, ,Debbie
Miller, jack' Lemon; . Snapdragon,
oPen, Eleanor Boshart,,,Helen 'El-
liott,. Moira ..Maleofin Janet :-Turn-
bull; dining table centre, flowers;
-Paul Spittal, Debbie Miller,' Sheila-
Rowat, Ellen Connell, .Barbara Hol-
land; -,lining ,table'. centre; fruits:
Snsan McLean, - Ann •Sills'; livieg
tooth bouquet, Elaine. Oke, ,Carol
Bell, Jack Lemon; floral mat, Pet-
er Wilbee,; Elaine Oke, Diane 13Yer-
Man,. Kay ,Charters.... • "
' JudgelVirs: Cliff. Epps:
. . .
• Tea biscuits, Ellen Connell, Katie
Scott, Joan Rogerson, Madeline
smith, Ivy TOWnSend;. butter tarts,
Eerry Moore Kelen Shar-
on MaelcenzieeEllen 0:Men, John
MaeLeanr chocolate layer eake,
iced, 'Marie Elliott, Angela 79-ev-
ereanX, Helen Enka, :Joan Roger-
son, Anne Sill.S4 'bran marts, Di-
anne Nott, Janef-yalconer, • Jean
MacLean, Allan Carter, _Joyce
Falconer; date -and •nitt loaf, Pe--
bie Miller, JanetVal,co-ner, Joyce
-Falconere-white---luyer, ecakeieleede
Mary Ellen Moore, J.ames carter,
•Elizabeth Carter, Elaine Oke, 13il1
'Gail Ford, 'Bill Stevens; raisin' pie,
Connie .Atkinson, Sharon, MacKen-
zie, "Katie ScOtt, Karen Damage
JoanRegerson; • candy, maple
creani, Rev/at, John, Rol-
land, Joan Hoover, Keith' Miller,
Dorothy Jamieson; candy, choco-
late fudge, Bill Rovvat, Ivy Towns-
end, ,Joan licigerson„ Helen Elliott,
Mani Jenn McLean; 'rolled oatmeal
cookies, Ivy Townsend, Connie At-
kinson, Barbara Holland,Kennetil
Miller, Lynn ,Nixen.. ,
Judge—Florence E. McGavin.
• Sewing
Tea towel, "Ivy Townsend, Rose-
mary Rau, Ivy Townsend, Dianne.
Byerman, Mary .,-Hagan; apron,
Muriel Fraiser, Wendy Moore, Di-
anne Byerman, Pamela Powell,
Darlene Sills; knitted article, Jo-
anne Miltenburg; Weed quilt
block, Nancy Berger, Dianne- By-
erman; Any article -made of felt;
Mary Sills, Dianne Byerman, Joan
Williams, Mary Lansink, Dianne -
Burns; .costume jewellery, Dianne
Byerman, Mary ' 'Jenn McLean,
MargaretanDan Dool, Gayle
Wright, Linda Nott; pot holder,
Mary Lane, Janet Falconer, Joyce
Judge-1VIrs. Clifford Breadkept.
Crafts and Hobbits
Model- aeroPlane,-. boats; etc.',
• Gerald Townsend, Gordon Maloney,
George 'Townsend., Chris -.Coombs',
• Garry McKellar; cellection of pic-
;410S; Angela. Devereaux, John An-
drews, Brian Leonhardt,.. S.S.,. 4,
Tnckersmith 4. and ,5; :collection.of
weeds, Rennie Crich,TonylIloliers;
Connie -Atkinson, Allan Patterson;
J,,ehn_AndreWs; collection of tree
fruits, Elizabeth Carter, Dianne
Byerman, • JaniesCarter, 'Barbara
Holland, Ivy ,TOWnSend;'. collection
of Coins, ,Darlene Sills, -.Brian Bur'.
bridge; • Ronald 1VIcletyre, Kiirt
,OhristenSen, Patricia Bannon"; col-
icctions---, of 'pencilsserviettes.,
Or batons,. Janet .TUrribUll, -Bobby
MeChnig; Susan MacLennan; Carol
Delinage; Anne 'Cameron;
eiie model; Wayne Layton, Geri
ald Stronach, •- Joyee. .Faleoner,
PatS.V.,:Storey, Bill Plunkett;. poster
of Wilct life, --John 'Andrew's, Bob
• Palin', Benny Aldter, margaret. Van
DcpI,BhTrbaraHollanci; • ChristmaS
.tree ornament, Jin-lride Rowat;
Mother's or • Father's Day:card,
•Douglas ,Dale, • .Christine
• `EAlljeamiloxae ifRto'W.cAlt4,13arilgejadar;neDetar..aleTnnuernoSboills
--EssayCompetition; Benn
ker, Connie Britten,Mary Crich;
scrapl3ook Competition, Darlene
Sills,' Cathy -Susan.. Mc,
Nediger and Bill
ntario. Fairs 1959,
Oct. '1,. 2
' Oct. .9,
Oct. 2; a
,Oct.. 2,, 3,
Oct. • 1, 2
F!almerston Oct. 5, 6
St. , Marys Oct. 6' 71,
TeeSwater • Oct. 6, 7
Toronto (Royal fair) Nov. 13-211
Walkerton , Nov. , -5,
International Plowing Mateh, Went-
• worth County—Dundas, Oct..13-16
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Free-flowing Aero Shellmaker can beto :dressed On the
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.ZITA.Alt ,4r "
tiVANIAMM or CANMtiAl.itisiTiltb ,
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,,Answer to -,Ptfele. No. 511 ,
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.0pEo,toty .
Exeter '41
Pryde & Son
Inquiries are -invited:
Telephone Numbers:
Clinton 1620 Seaforth 573
WANT ADS BRING, RESULTS -- Phone 141 or 142
:int. In;W. §rAttizroig:'.
,Pliysician 'anti • ,
Phone 90-• : • Seaforth
' If nO.,answer .call'59 • ,
• A
- - • GO M .D.
"Physician and Surgeon
Phones: • Office 5-W Res. 5-J
E. . e7IVIeinthASlePTR
• hiineste
A.M, • M.D.
• Telephone 27 •
P , L. ItR• surADgeoY•
, n
• Telephone 750, W 1
• DR; E. 'MAME&
Telephone 15
EVENINGS: Ttiesday, Thursday
and Saturday -only, 7-9 p.m.' •
Appointnients may_be made. ,
. • • .
A. ':111-. HARPER / •
55. SoutliCharter
• Goderich 343
• LicenSed' Municipal Auditor..
G.,kie j---.WEI313, D.C.
Doci:of Chiropractic ,
438 Main Street - Exeter
X -Ray and Laboratory 'acilities
• Open Each weekt1437 Except
.22 - WedneSday. '
Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9
For Appointment - Phone 606
Graduate of ReiSch American
Sehool of Auctioneering, licensed
in Huron and Perth. Capable of
handling all types of sales and ad-
Vertising.'.* DON- DENNIS, Walton
• Phone Seaforth 843 r 11
J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., '
W. It: Bryans, D.V.M„ V.S.
G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S.-
PhOne 105• • Seaforth
- Banister, ‘fttIOLor, Ete•
Phones: • Office 173, Rersidence 781
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
SEAFORTH, Ont. Telephone 174
Chiropractic - Foot Correction
Monday, Thursday--1,to 8 p.m.
Optometrist -
Phone 791 • : Seaforth
Eyes Examined — Glasses, Fitted
Office Hours: • segorth • daily,
excep,t Monday, 9 p.m. -5:30' p,,ra.;
Wednesday,- 9- • a.m. -12.39 p.m.;
Thursday evenings' by appointment
Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m. - 5:30
p.m. (Above Ilavvkins' Hardware.)
President—Robert Ardhibald, 'Sea-
Vice-President—AlliSter, Rroatlf6ot,...
Seaforth• .
secretary-Treasurer--W-eE; South-,
' • gate, Seaforth.
• E.(' Trewartha, Clinton; J. L.
Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon.: --
hardt, Bornholm; Robert Archi-
bald, Seaforth; 1VicEwing,
Blyth; William S. Alexander; Wal-
ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderieb;' 3.
E. 'Pepper,- -Brucefield; Allister
Broadfoot, Seaforth, •
• Willra m Leiper, • Ir., Londes-
bpro; 3. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; ,
Selwyn 13 aker; Brussels;, Sautes
Keys, - R.It. Seafortn; Harold
.SquIres R.R. 3 Clinton
, ,
0 -0 0
l<>1.W. . CLEARY ,
, .
Seaforth, ,Ont. . •
10)!' -UndfliNERALIHREC'I'011 •,0
10. Night Or Day Galls
0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 El
t3;0 00 a.
BOX' 0
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Funeral :Service
,R. S. BOX • .*
, .Licensed Embalmer... ••••
0,1,clorript and careful attention
O, Et,ospital. ted • '
Oi " • • OCCASIltINS • •• ..
° Phones: • 0.
fles. 5W St6re13'
',"`*! • • • • O
'D. *,0 *••*,*
° 13111/ItE
Funeral Director •0
0 and Ambulance Service
DIJI3L114 : • ONT. 0
<> Night or Day Calls:, 0
Phone 43 r 1,0 ,
° G. A. *
0 Funeral, Horne 'Q*
'0 Godericli-St. W., Seaforth'
0 Adjustable hospital beds 0
mow,za,$ FOR EVERY
Telephone! Day orNigh O
•C> .<7>'* Ot0 * *