HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-10-02, Page 2Sike 1860 Serving the Comffittnity First 11111iaied at SEAFORTII, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning MeLEAN BROS., Publishers ANDREW 'Y. McLEAN, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: , Capada. (in advance) $2.50 a Year United States (inadvance) -$3.50 a Year •• , SINGLE COPIES — 5 -CENTS EACH Authorized as Second Class Post Office Department, Ottawa • Member -of Canadian Weekly - Newspapers Association SEAFORTH, .ONTA.II0, OCTOBER 2,1959. Fire Prevention Is Everybody's Business By royal proclamation the week of - men and elderly folk: 'Don't Leave ,.October 4-10 is designated' as Fire Us Alone With the Hazards of Fire'. Prevention Week: The proclamation, The message is brought home by _Made in the ..name of Her Majesty Canada's fire, services, now a force Queen Elizabeth of Canada, appeals , of 53,000 fire fighters, professional to a1 citizens to curb careless causes _ and volunteer. The' appeal is high - of fire ,which last year claimed an- -.lighted at 'Fire Prevention Week but other heavy toll of hunian life and it holds for every day of the year. property. Per capita Canada's fire loss is Shocking is the sum of provincial reports for 1958: 529 lives lost $116 millions of property consumed _ 86,563 fires reported Her Majesty's proclamation sets' out the magnitude of the loss over the last 10 years:. 5,355 lives and an estimated 16,000 seriously injured and scarred. - • The direct out-of-pocket_waste in - the 10 'YarS----t-O-1,lie livihg and work ing places of Canada was more than one billion dollars, enough to con - still one of the worst in-the_w_oricl: \ • An international summary made in 1952 by the Organization for Euro- pean 'Economic Co-operation showed this country ahead of a dozen others. Our rate; Per head of population, was then $5.86. Now it is $6.75. Pour thousand more blazes' in 1958 than in 1957 indicate that the battle of fire- prevention education of citi- zens in home and industry is far from In Seaforth, the campaign is spear- headed by the members of the Sea- struct two St. Lawrence Seaways. forth Fire Brigade. With a first - This is the first time in history that the 10 -year total has reached a billion dollars. Perhaps ten times this amount was the indirect loss to the national economy. The message of Fire Prevention Week is 'Don't Give Fire a Place To Start'. And, giving voice to the hap- less' victims, especially children, wo- _ 'hand knowledge of the horrors and waste- which fire creates,. Seaforth Firemen know no effort is too great , to reduce Such unnecessary loss. That is why they are contributing their _time in an effort to prevail on every citizen to carry the lessons emphasiz- ed during Fire Prevention' Week in- to practise everk day in the year. This is One 1Nay To Remember Names tionialong'the following lines: when you meet soinebocly, make sure "you 'get name properly '(ask, him to spell itifbe pleased at your interest).. Then repeat the • name several times in touversatiori • Try r to associate 'the -name with - ever, 'Comes to your imagination—for - example, sornebody.ealling:"_I-Iayloc' . -may conjyre in your Mind-. a .pictiire'. of a stravv-' stack and a key in d6or,_ so you're looking for a key in a.hAY- -7-Stack.- :This 'sounds silly, but those .who. 'know' best assure us' isn't., 'Then relate the "nanie . to. the face and make mental note, of .4hy ontStariding features in the person's aPPea"I'allee• only fair. to warn' readers what happened • to •one., helpless '. clod who tried Out this ' He xnade the acquaintance of ' a. fellow by, name' of ::"Salifion,"' which :naturally :- brought to 'mind the:„ allied 'WOrd: "fish."' .He. dutifully repeated the name `11/1r. Salmon' hag. a spirited .discussion. Then they ....parted, and the meeting was forgot- ten. Three weeks later they bumped.' into one 'another On the street. , The Man failed.' in the test. His - :greeti.ng was friendly; but faulty, "Hello; Mr. Mackerel." likely, however, that we all are given the same latent ability, but onlya few of us encourage and develop it. - For make no mistake, concentrating on introductions and retaining differ- ent names in our head is hard work. Most of us are too lazy to be _bother- ed making the effort, and we pay, for our lassitude with embarrassment at a later date. There is no real magic to this lausi- ness of remembering names. All any- one has to do is put his mind to the task. The experts are helpful and from tirne to time they offer suggeg- One of the happiest qualities A man can be endowed with is an -abil- ity to remember names. Most. of us have a fairly good memory for faces, , but when we try to- attach a label to them we stammer and stutter like, a - bashful school -boy on his first date. It is a wonderful thing to be in- troduced to somebody, and be able to call that person by name several weeks or even days later. He will be flattered that you can recall it, and instead of a casual acquaintance you have won a true friend. ' Perhaps the power of being able to recollect names is bestowed as -•a, gift on the -favored few. It is more WHY I' ,rHoWiir THis,FLAck- E5RVED at/ST HAMSURGER. HERE'S A STEAK, eY? as/D442.5.45-41 "This .TS a .,good.one SEEN N THE Spaghetti and' peaiiiit• butter' • • , •. Mrs. IreneXolsey, Victoria - bas been appointed house mether. at Clinton Nurses'', Residence: She has been on the staff Of :the'llos-' pitafor fonr'. years and now Will Make,lier home in the residence.. Mrs. :Wolsey ,succeeds. Mrs. 'Jean Radford, who has been,' house' Mother :since the residende was 'first opened. — ,Clinton .NeWa-Re? . Munro Lad. Fractures Skull .Lloyd Welkom, 5, son of Mt:. and.. .Mrs: CharieS,Valkorn, Munro, sus tained "n ,fraetnred, Sknll when • he .felt a. distatiee of three feet an the ,Cement While Playing eir-Satorday. He is improving . in Stratford 'HOT' Advocate. GOderich Tops League. ' , • Dodgers defeated .KingStotr...11,5 here Saturday; night to eliminate •the EaStern Ontario eitY"frOM. tbe semifinals. in tWd.. straight garrieg and earn the 'right to enter, .the provincial final's for, the ..O.A.S.A. crown. Their opposition in the all - Ontario fivalsis:;exPected to ' be. Biscayne Sedan Po'Wer Glide Transmission 1 BO Air Sedan—Standard :tranS;• Mission - 1 Biscayne Sedan — Standard trans- mission 4 -Cylinder Vauxhall Super .1958 Vauxhall Sedan 1957 Studebaker President — Auto- friatie„--radlo 1955 Plyinouth Sedan 1055 Meteor Sedan., 1955 Chev. Pickup 190 Dodge Sedan PRICED 10 'PHONE 541 SEAFORTH a CLEAR A MITCHELL 'SEAF9R111 (By REV. ROBERT H. •HARPER) GLASS HOUSES The old saying about the 'lack of Wisdom of men who live in glass houses in throwing stones is in place today. For from different sections of the Country have come •the most revolting stories of _sordid depravity and.- inhtinfati cruelty that bring a shudder to the vast number'of our people., Manifestly, it would be foolish exhibition of prejudice to point with self-right- eousness to evils seen in other sec- tions. - • Unfortunately for. Bennett very Long ago, the Greatest of all -few believe his side of the story. Teachers said, "judge not that Ye A considerable amount of time be not judged," and bade Men to -can be spent attempting to deciph- first cast out the beam from their er the maze of figures released by own 'eYeS that they -might ,see the Social Credit' goverximent—fig- clearlY to cast the mote fromtheir ures which; at face value, sound brother's eye. • As we think of -terrible and tra- gic happenings in different -Sec- tions of our country, it is enough -to-bring Shame to all of, us and to 'forbear to Oast a stone lest it bring the glass Walls of our house A McDUFF OTTAWA REPORT A BUIRNING (BONTO ISSUE What, you ask, . is a Contingent VICTORIA worldngs of British Columbia poii. Take one itena under the title , ,B.C.--Strange are the liability? - • - ties. Where else in Canada does the Scheel Conatruction. In the days party in power take full-page neWS‘-!' before Social Credit, school boards dP a perst auds es s t 14; c Icaoi mm pt hu tae tthe p rmo ev t hiinacri raise e7pt. oiedui rt a ownt liepercentage pr aroonv9i Tohuf e$13de lir to i , cial debt is "the;s ed by all other" Pro.vinces?" construction costs, borrowed , the.. , Where else' in the world could ma QdnireLttop,debty oltn, thalled,psrh:vWineed.el,t as you • find. a, spectacle to approach ; the great bond -burning, ceremonies Now, the 'school boards borrow all of the money, with throvince on.Lake Okanagan on August 1st, all the horAs5.100,, •per when PremierBermett shot a fiara- cent. The school , ing, arrow into a barge loaded with boards get h•bet ter price for .their bonds, and Ben, $73,000,000 worth of cancelled -goy, _ show a cent df, seheol ernment bonds., band played, fire: nett doesn'tdebt on his books, except as a eon- • mally declared free of debt? • woBr7C.,scraa:bldt,e, crackled, and vitrouwetitohne: 5eQosterthcaetntstoilfisecohmooeiscoouxii tingent liability. He doesn't. even, In .fact, B.C. residents probablY 'of the provincial. treasury. • know. more. ah9nt 'their g°vermen- The provincial. goverrunent tal indebtedness than the residents_ similarly committed of any other province in Canada. of subsidY, two and .one-half Pet • ' :cent each.' year of the total indebt- edness of the B,C, Bridges, and Highways, Authority. Already, that anoints to $2,000;000 a year, on borrowings of about $75,000;000; Again, the loll Authority does all of its awn borrowing, with a pro- viricial gavernuient guarantee, -and,- none; of the debt shows as a debt against.. the province. The same holds true of the LC, Power Commission, the long-suf- fering Picific, Great Western Rail, Way, which now owes .$106,000, and half a dozen other government bodies. 1VIillions in debts have been • shifted to the agencies of the . Crown, instead. of being aSsume,d by the Crown itself. - , Here's • an example, of Bennett ,bookkeeping, of "funny, money" figure -joggling: that illustrates how he attempts' to hoOdwink the 1 . ery numb as though the provin- cial government has Made B.C. a mecca for those who believe debt. is a pestilence.( Here. is the; typ of -Claim at,is •made, this one orn a publication called 'B.C. G vernmerit , News: crashing down abont us. But the Matter inay suggest a "$191,000,000 ne debt, wiped out in seven year -s." • - • brighter side. For they who seekWell, let's take a look at.it. The to find good in men around them last time l3.C.'s debt:stood at $191,- willofttimes' be rewarded with an J-.100.'.00 was in FebroarY, 1952. The evidence Of gbadness that Will remnants, of coalition were in of - help men along ,:the•may.. - fide at the time andit was not un-' til August 1, 1952, that the - Ben- nett government -moved into the, Legislative. Buildings. By August -1,- Liberal Premier Byron (Boss) - Johnson had , cut. the debrdown to $165 • What happened to the $165;000,- 000? Well, Bennett, managed to -buy --up --the,-$73,-000;000Antbonda_ burned, but about ''$98;600;000 in bonds is still in the hands of in- vestors. 'MoSt do net, mature un- timeof writing. Whatever team it theTgairierWilrlikelY be-PlaYect in Gederieh• It was thought that this would ,be Thanksgiving week-. .enia-''bi.:It..inaY be sooner ' now: The •definite final 'game dates Will be .anneimced. soon.Goderich Signak • Well lPolluted With 'one...BUG well already 'pot-' luted, town •,council. Monday night took . steps to avoid 'contamination of another. At the ,request of the- ;cOnimission, conned • advised the ,owners Of land near the -Mariner°, Street Well that `.."."tinder Present cir- cumstances building' .perinitS.will not be 'issued 'where biiildirigs',or septic ,tank drains will come with- -in 200 'feet at the cigibri.:affects only a .sinall portion; of the' new ...subdivision .betlyeehr Cailineand.Victerta.-Streetrbeing. develOped by Whiting Construction ;and John.YBorke,„.realtor. The PUC revealed its • Water ,Consuinption, -hit; A :'record high during the past 'sum- mer and' felt that "allsteps should be to insure that.the.Present :siiPplY Of Water Will reritaiti'lree of contamination;' '—Exeter Times -Ad - Sudbury', but this•iS not- definite at vocate.„ 1 S G BY W. '(3.1:11)' A news story the other day told of the crksh,landing of, a 20 -year- old Spitfire, 'the last survivor of its breed of the Battle a Britain. Far from making, me nostalgic, it gave me a certain satisfaction. "Probably,” said to, roykelf, "one of those clapped-out dogs we flew at Rednal. * ' • , That's what they gave --us to train on—Spits that had been through the Battle of Britain, and flew as though they'd been through the _Battle of Hastings.. No, afraid I didn't get sentimental about the gallant:little Spitfire,when I read of its demise. Lgot -so man' bad scares while fly_ing those things that I always looked on them with a jaundiced eye afterwards. London Pair - Winners Here Tip Top Event fl Three wins plug 27 brought bowl- ing honors to a London (Fairmont) , rink 'last week. The pair captured top Place in the annual'. Tip Top . . doubles lawn, bowling • tournament on Wednesday at Seaforth. .• The winners were B. Blisset and Gene Bcoley. • • The weather and 'greens. were, perfect for the. annual event „and, entries included doubles from Galt, London, Dutton, Preston, Goderich, Waterloo, Walkerton, Clinton; Lam- beth, ,Wingliani, Strathroy,• Ailsa Craig, Hensel]. and Seaforth. • Other winners were: , S, McIn- tosh ,and Mr. 'Morton, Ailsa Craig, 3 wins .plus 16; , A. R. Bradley and Don Theaker, Lambeth, 3 wins plus 14;, P. Bissett mid Archie Towns- end, Goderich, 2 wins. plus 24;, C. MacKinlay and Dr.' Treinner, Strathroy, 2 wins phis' 1.7; H. Mc -- Nee and Roy ,Sparling, Goderieh, 2,vvins phis 17, ' huts, with no light's, no -hands and very Often no brakes. 'There'd be tremendous 'collisions, With curs- ing,- laughing bodies•flying, in all directions., at the bot -tom. -It sounds pretty silly, and it was. But we were all very Young,' and very gay, even the Europeans, -though their gayety had an edge of bitterness to it, a touch of • vio- But it did start me thinking about elle of the happiest times I have ever, had, and remembering some of the best friends I ever niade. We took a -three -months IV- erational' training course' On Spit- fires in the heart of Shropshire, in the dead of an English winter, than which there is nothing dead,/ , What a erew we were! Poles, Australians, Canadians.; A Norwe- gian, a couple of Frenchmen, a Belgian, h brace of, Nevv Zealand - erg, an ;Irishinam; a handful- of Seats and English, and four pilots _from India. - And how wli ye got, along, though so different in out- look and upbringing! The only ones who scrapped were the In- dians, among themselves, -because they were a Sikh, a Moslem, a Christian and a Hindu, and couldn't abide each other. On .a winter night, We'd m.ount our bikes, about a dozen Of us, and head off doWn the black road for one of the .neighboring pubs, In out of the wet night we'd troop, spirits as highas the sky, into the warmth of the fireplace, and the shining pewter, and the bar- maid's cheeky salutation. * And the locals would turn frchri their ,d arts, or- dominoes- and .thake- their heads „as, they smiled a wei- comp, And -the pints Would flow, and the darts woUld flY, and in no time at all the pub would be rack- ing with gOod cheep and good fel- loWship and good singing, in A doz; en, different. accents, My -special friends were Nils, Van, Singh, and Paddy. We flew in the same flight; ate and drank together, and pursued various young-.wonien together'. I've never seen _one' of „therif --since,-,bnt in thosedays we were as close as brothers are supposed to be: Nils Was a long, skinny Norwe- gian, who had made hisway across the North Seairi a, fishing, boat with two others. He Was solemn 'and shy until he had a few beers, then turned into a Viking. %Van was a saturnine Belgian ex -army officer, who had escaped via France mid Spain, ` rotting in a' Spanish jail for six months before getting to. England, Both had• trained in Canada, • The singing was the best part. Have you ever heard a French- man singing, "1 wanna gale pus like ze gale wot marree deerole Dad?" Or a Norwegian yodelling "Valtseeng Mateelda?" Or an Australian 'bellowing "Along saw- faw de la patrie, le jour, de glower is arrivy?' . On Mir way home, we'd practise formation flying, on our bikes, with no bands, which frequently meant winding up in thorn hedge. The climax' to the ride back was • Bennett's 'sinking itinds• are right, , • to, scratch, so,," to his 'way of thinking,- the net debt is Paid, off; and there is no longer any need to marry about the 'reinahillig $98,- 000,000'. ,,So far ;.-SQ *good, apart, from a "slight" inaccuracy in his d ates,: and the. fact .,that tecbnical- ly .speaking.. B.C. • is not, 'free of.: -His. latest' figures on ,the PGE -railivay, 'Show that in_the first six months o± 1959, the PGE-,liad an - - operating revenue of .$5,862,000. This sounds' very fine when coin- paperl_with $.3 143,000 in 1952. Es- pecially when the premieFaln--re- veals the railway had a "surplus" of $2,102,000 !before interest and depreciation." What hi the wide, wide vvorldis "surplus before interest and de- preciation?'" ' , For that matter, what IS the in--- terest and depreciation that has to be deducted before' anyone knows the tine picture of the railway's finances.? Premier Bennett merely smiles, and. Mumbles... vaguely • about the_ PGE being in better shape than ever before in history. No one is really taken .in by all „this. Newspapers and political foes have been quick to expose the So. cial Credit financial mumbo -jumbo for what it is, and to point out that B.O. residents are the highest taxed in Canada, • A survey told the story: Seven out of every tere13.C. residents said they just didn't believe they were ,..'13iit7riaw'ene- must Moire.td,,- the. other 'side of Bennett's ledger, Or is it legerdemain? .,This One is.eall- .ed "contingent liabilities", and an 'interesting •study in financing it is. In. February, 1952; .to start' a'.the t.\ „same time ' as Bennett's '.debt.re-' .chiction Prograin,, B.C.'s !"con, ' &gent" liabilities" ,,totalled $30,59 000. At the ;same time .titiS,','Year. they - stood. at $450,000,600\i— and there is no end in sight. . , ,,,out oi nent.• (By J. R. Scotty Hume, Reereational Directhr) I would .like ta say ("thank you" to Mr. Mackinnon, Mrs. E. Fink and Mr. E. Chipchase for their splendid support in taking the boys to Listowel. last Saturday to the tetirnament. The support I have beet given - this .past summer by different people with their ears has been very gratifying. Without their help the children -would ,not he been able to have gone to Seaforth for swimming, or to Exeter for the th f 1.1 Singh was e son a wea1 o Sikh family in .India. He had all the paraphernalia: hair down to, his waist, .which he tucked under of brilliant , rly black beard; flash eyes and white 'teeth, d all the time, When he over,,, he would tell the flight comm sde was k reli- gious holiday or hi and he couldn't fly. They never caught on. one -of a turbans; ing brow He laugh had a ha - Now that our summerprogram is over, we are getting ready for ice skating. Next week the arena will be readied to haVe ice on the Thanksgiving weekend` or before. This is yaur Community Memorial Centre. Let's support your Arena Board by patronizing it more gen- erously. There will be, a 'schedule noticeput up so you maY see what is taking place from time to. time. Last week there were. 70 young people at Teen Town. I had the privilege to attend the Seaforth Teen Town by invitation last Sat- urday night, and I' only 'hope the one here turns out as good as theirs. They: will be Visiting here in ,the near future. Let's., forget our society •status - and -join the gang and have fun. Don't go on think- ing we are better than the next one Let's all _work together for. a Paddy was a lugubrious Irish- man, with a soft Dublin brogue, a very dim view of the English, and a wonderful gift for making you laugh. ,A brilliant pilot but a .reck-.. leSg One They're all dead now. Nils shot down in -France. Ven crashed, burning, a few miles from his home in Belgium. Singh flew Hurricanes in Burma and was missing. Paddy went into the -Channel-one day„ when he Was try ing to see how low he cOuld go 'without touching die water. a race clown the steep hill to Our But often warm raTseit with the meMorY Of those halcyon, hil- arious three months, -I can close my eyes and. see thein, grinning and a little bit crazy; and r can hear them, in 'their assorted. ac- cents, trying to , cope with "Allou- etth" as I led them through a fast round. And I'll still think of them when l'inseventy, • A little boy, "c'aught in mischief, was asked by his mother: "How do you expect to get into. heaven?" He thought minute, then, 'Said: "Well, I'll just run M" and out and in, and. out and keep gaming the doer till they say : For goodness sake, come in or stay MAI Then 11 laWs are not tOe" difficult:to abide.' by. These . dances are chaperoned every Friday 'night. Thanks to Mr. ,and Mrs. Wilmr Feruspn.for be ing the chaperones last PridaY , • . Sehior. Citizens, Club is away. to •a. good -gait. Last meek they elect- ed their. executive program, and I hopetheir next Meeting,: -October, 1.3,, will get off with:a large gather- ing of members. This is 'else' for all the district.' Anyone 'ean. join .these clubs, The....'Senior . Citizens Club will' meet- every second and thuith Tuesday. Seine ef the activi- ties are card playing, chess-, and checkers, carnetball and sing.: song. , The Teen Town .exeeutive is still hoping for a three-way record play- er. If anyone wishes to donate same, •or sell, kindly get in touch with anyone of, the -executive . • ., Let's get Hensall in. the hockey line-up. By the press, Exeter is going to have an Intermediate hoc- key team. I'm sure there would be enough here to form one also. Let's think it over and have one. It is hoped someone is interested in sponsoring a Bantam hockey team, This is for those net eligible for the Juvenile' or Midget hoekey team. Now that We are on the Move with other youth activities, let's keep going. It can't be be done alone, butronly with team work—all work - better Teen-, .Town.' The rules -and ing together._ • Dublin High School News • Another(BwYeejk'Ch°aSYNraElled around and with it came initiation. We hope, Grade Nine, that we didn't make you work too hard, and that you, now feel more at ease in your new school,. On Monday Grade Nine also wrote their first Departmental Test. All the success to you, Grade Mr. Harley is back with us for another year. We hope he won't get too tired of hearing us hit the wrong notes. Field Day is coming closer!.and the boys are beginning to look like professional' tracks- (;_lue_stion of the week: Yvonne, who carried your coat home from School for you? - The neWthacher at school asked a little boy what his name Was. "My name's Jerkie." "I don't believe there's such name. You go right home and get a note from," your mother giving your right -name," ,said the teach - With that the kid turned to the kid sitting behind hirn and said, "Come on home, Sankey, she ain't gonna believe you either." THE YEARS A 0 Interesting items gleaned -from , The Huron. ExpoSitor of 25, 50 " and 75 years ago: From The Iliiren Expositor September 28, 1934 , Hon. 'Duncan Marshall, driving , 'avant town with Mayor Sutherland and W. II. Golding, M,P,, follow- -ing his visit at' the. Fair, stopped at the home of Mr. William Hartry and insPeated Mr, Ilartry's, splen, did 'displayof dahlias. The min- ister, who is hiniself a :dahlia grower, said they Were the finest hehradseearim. M.WilliStewart, McKillop,' brought' into this office' on Satur- day a Dooley potato, weighing two_ pounds and measuring 18 inches by -12W. inches. Falling from a tractor while at work .on -his- farn14-in-Hullett--ori Tuesday,' Edward Pr1tceA well knownkresident, fractored his arm. HiViorSpiPtariYyceSeaisferithn ,Se°t't ermrtal •The Expositor calumns have, not- ed many unusual' sized tomatoes, but here are three- tematoes that really are tomatees, They were grown by Mr. Norman Carter, of the Huron 'Highway' West,. who 'brought them .into this offieelor inspection last week, One of them Measured 171,12 inches around and weighed 'two poundS one ounce. This Was one of a •,collection of sit that Mr, Carter showed at the Snaforth Fair, Another. measured 16. inches .and weighed one -pound 10 nunces, arid the third measured I514 inches -and weighed one pound eight outiees, .All three -were per • fectly forined atid of the beefsteak YarietY. go in,?'° • rom, The Huron Expositor' October 1, 1900 -. Charlie Weiland,: sori of 'Mr, H. Weiland, of Egmonclville,,met With a painful accident on Friday morn- ing last at W. Ament's sawmill. He waS QiIing some machinery When the thumb of his right hand' got caught in the cog wheels and was 50 badly "mangled that. It had to be amputated below the. first joint. It was a• painful ,and unfor.- tunate mishap, but Charlie is made of good stuff and is going about as smiling as ever, Ross Sproat, sou, of Mr. :Tarries .Sproat,, of Tuekersmith, has pur- chased the grocery business Of Mr. James Cumming, in Egnicinclville. Mr. James had the_ mis- fortune on Sunday last to slip on the pavement arid strain the mus- cles of, his foat ,so badly that ,he is ' compelled, to get . around , on crutches. . Mr, Wm.' Mitchell, of Hensall, has had two fine cement sidewalks, laid down, leading _from Queen arid Nelson.Streets to his cl,Welling. Mr. William Sinclair, of Ilensall; has pnrchased the 50 acre farm of Mr, Silas Eyre; near Chiselhurst, The markets for this week were as .followst oats, per bushel, 34e; barley, per bushel,. 450; butter, tub, 19e. eggs per doZen, 210; timothy seed, $1,50 to "$2.30, „ Mr: Charles Holbein, of this town,, s,rpf:eouweitiVryetild:s, 25yparri!eanatofththeeSsteafer t wereh for, vegetableS grown in his excel- lent market garden and eight for From The Huron Expositor October 3, 1831 • ''50 -acre farm Mckillop belonging to Mr. -John Torrance, was sold ,by auction at, the Com- inercial-Hotel*hi this town. on Sat- urclay. It was purchased by Mr. Archibald Somerville for $2,42d, „.„ A man named Dowling fell from a scaffold at the red mill on, Mon- day morning -and injured his ankle so severely, that he had to be car - tied home, and will be laid up for some time. . There was paid into the town treasury of municipal taxes dur- ing -the-month Of September the sum of $3,892.90, and of - this, ,arnount $2,186.15 was paid Tues-: _day, the last day of the. Month. A yeungs. son of -Mr. Laurie, of the 9th eancession of Htillett,, met With a very painful accident a few days ago:- He was playing` 'With" some Other children when he fell;" breaking his right thigh bone, -We are glad to learn that Miss Jane Ann Swan, daughter of An-, ' drew Swan, of Brucefield, carried off the first prize for lady rider at the Western ,Fair at Louden last'Week. The prize is a handsome gold watch, valued at $30. ' The August make of cheese at the Walton factory, to the number , of . 400, have been sold for ship-. ment to the Old Country at 110 per Pound. . • Miss Erances Elliott, , daughter of the reeve of Goderich townshiP, had the misfortune to have her shoulder dislocated three time within two ks. 4 At t .!•••5, .„