HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-25, Page 10i0*-,- HE 'HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH',ONT•„ SEPT, 25, 1959
, .40th
rr and Mrs. dham, Sholdice,
Of Walton, observed -their 40th wed-
ding anniversary on Wednesday"
September 16, an: e e
d 1 bra
Reeas1 a ted the
n whirr; tlxerimmediate fam-
.il ` p
Y there
ga� d. at their home, They
Were presented with an electric fry
part,,,,, electric' tea kettel, electric
+eaffe erc
pe olator and crystal sand-
wich• plate. ,
The evening ng •was, spent in play-
ng cards and a social •titre. Lunch
was servedincluding an annivers-
ary cake.. '•
Mr. and Mrs. -Shad -ice have one
daughter, M. Ian, Wilbee (Elva),
of. Walton, and .one son, Mac, at
home,' and three grandchildren,
Carol, Keith and ,Brian Wilbee.
Mrs. Sholdice is the former Mar-
tha McCuteheon.
Those present
ere from Toron-
Brussels, Milverton, Brodhagen
and Walton. •
A't. th same gathering,
e Mr. and
g g>
Mrs. Russell Knight, RR`2, Brus
sels,, who .will observe -their 40th
wedding anniversary on' October
29, were also presented with . an
electric fry pan from the Sholdice
Mrs. might is the former Ella.
Sholdice. They have one son, Ross,
on the home farm, RR 2, Brus-
sels, and four grandchildren, War-
ren, ;'Bruce, Nancy and Mary 'El-
len. Kpight. ' '
'Mrs. WY1i McCutcheon, of Brus-
sels, •.read humorous accounts • of
their wedding of 40, years ago..Mr..
,Wesley M`cCutcheen; 'of Toronto,
and: Mr. Russell Sholdice, of Brod
hagen, .conveyed congratulations
and best -wishes on behalf of the
The number of farms in Canada
is shrinking.: Inthe period 1951-56
the total fell almost 8 per cent to
951 ' ' •• 575,015 farms. '
The DENNIS ELECTRIC can repair your every need. - We •also,
have a large stock' of parts for all types of Washer and Dryer
repairs, .
H O.g G r�wersT�ld
Hog: producers are urgently re- started; to: rise and the hogsthat
quested 'to - avoid . marketing their had been -marketed* light would
haveYbr• u man .o
..P h e dollars.
h' g
t mr as.
o s e Y
g • below fzzu•:market weight be- `'We are right o
. g now faced with
the. same situation," t
u tion M ohl
• . r. Kohler
continued, "of a lower stabilization
price supposed p e which is sujppo,ed to become
effective October '1, and 1 .only
hope we .are noti;' faced with .the:
same kind of market?ng .as at the
end of • December, 1952.. Let • us
- ve; orderly shipping of only those
hogs ready for market, I believe
it the responsibility of all those
present here'today 'to not; ' onl`y
take a good: look at the situation
themselves but also'point out to
their neighbors when they go borne
the likelihood'of unsound results
due to marketing:hogs' between.
every hog they had ore the farm; -now and .'October ,1: that are below
regardless of weight. Hogs weigh- full -=market weight. These light
ing 100 pounds;and:under came • to hogs, marketed between now and
market, and were settled . for- on .October ,1 will net nnore, money :ev-:
drastic; cuts, in price, even based en •at the lower price level if kept,
on the lower floor' price of. $23:00. .to(usual market weights; -when you,.
+'Then `when everything cleared' take,into consideration the dedile-
away after January 1, the: price' tions' on out -grade' hogs,"
tween now and. October 1, ' said
Mr. Take' Kohler, manager
r of the
Ontario Hog .Producers' Co-opera-
o=o era-
tive." p
Mr.''Kohler's statement 'tame .on-
°Iy two days' .after he had . made
the same appeal in the ,annual,
meeting of •the hog co-op. ' At that:
time. he said, "All of us 'remem-
ber what happened. back at the
end of December, -1952. The. Gov-
ernment•had announced earlier the
floor price would drop from.$26.00
to $23.00 beginning January. 1, 1953 -,-
and most everyone shipped all hggs
that were ready -and lots shipped
I hadn't intended to write • any
more about the deficiency payment
plan for eggs; but in talking-to a
few producers. P,£md that the idea
is. not too ,clear, SO will :endeavour
to cover some of the points.
First, the present support price
of 33 cents to' the-producer'In this
'area will not be the ,b'asis-for `'es-
tablisliing the -amount of deficiency
payment. As I•' understand it, 'the
support• price .will » be 'the average
_support.;price for .Grade A large
eggs across Canada. Therefore, it
will be, something 'less than '33c
econdly,_tliedeficiencypa p mento
will be; paid' on the first 4,000 doz-
en A large and A extra large eggs,
,sol(Liby,'.any ane. producer. There
iso,'deficiencypayment• on med-
iuin or small eggs
Thirdly, the amount of the de
ficiency payment' will: be the ,dif
'ference between ;the, average sup-
port price and the average market
price across Canada for the speci—
fied grades. ' •
Let 'us' -take a couple . of exam-
ples. Suppose the; average support
-price -is 31 cents: Let "us suppose
that 'thea :average market- price at
the end of,' -the . year is found'.. to,
be 28c, Under-these..circumstanc
Phone 669 W 12 for Prompt 'Service es 'a deficiency payment of 3r.' for
the first ;4,000 .dozen would be paid,
or, a' maximum of $120.
Again, ;let 'us :suppose;thathalf'
the A laxg eggs soldge a s' - for 34c and
during the year -.half the "eggs.. sold
(Master .Electrician) -=' Located in I4arpurhey -for 28e, obviously the --average,
- would -be :31c and there. would be
' , no deficiency payment. This could
i*1d6 ..i aft
ou can't beat:these
, Thanks '_to you,. ` the •Seafort and District
Motoring Public, : for. • the Terrific Reception
accorded our 1959 Chevrolets,. Otdsmobiles;
and Vauxhalls
Dozens of One - Owner Trades Have Rolled In
To Make. Roam For Incoming 1960 Models`
1 Biscayne Sedan.
'Power Glide.
_1 Bel A.ir Sedans -standard trans-
mission • ..
1 Biscayne Sedan staaedard»trans-
1 4 -Cylinder Vauxhall Soper
1958 Studebaker President' Auto-
matie, 'radio
1955151d„ 4 Door Hardtop
1955 P1y-xnouth Sedan ,
1955 Meteor. Sedan
1953 Dodge "Sedan
At present eggs are being quoted
at 42 cents, thus the same number.
will have to be sold at 20 cents to
bring the' average"down to 31c.
In• order:` to qualify for the pay-
men( the producer, must register.
These cards are ' available at any
registered egg grading ,station and
the :producers' eggs most be mar-
keted through, an 'egg grading; sta-
•tion, though not necessarilythe
same one for _the:year.
In' the case of hogs, the only "in-'
foaiiation that I" feel is;.' definite
enou for publication is that the,
suppo level again will : not be
$23;65 but'' rather the weighted
average price which I am told
will be $22.64.
'Report On an
Use -Is Submitted
Tlie Special Committee'?of •the'
Senate. on Land Use •in Canada in
its repent report.- 'on the "`small
faint' ,em reviewed the
lights of 'briefs .from 'federal and
provincial .'•government. officials,:.
the:. leadera . of national farm or
gen nations• and others ancLarrived=
at aa':riumber• of. pertinent recons-
The Committee was chiefly con
cerned with the welfare of farmers.,
who. operate small• farms on'. a full
tireei: basis :that are too • smallto
provide •an acceptable level of •liv-
ung;. ' It recognized=that the'.problems =
Of the small: farm;. operator ' are'
many varied and complex and was
ander no illusion • that a .clear cut .
and easy, •selution could be Iound. .
No Precise Answer:
Despite the •large' amount of •evi
dente • presented, the CothTnittee'
was unable to give` a precise an-
swer- to the number of •"problem"
small farms -In :Op different prov
inces. There' were' three main rea-`
sons ;for this- conclusion'•
1, There ;is no general agreement':,
as to' what . cotis'titutes -a
mum, acceptable -standard' of liv
2 Full
information with 'respect to
farm income is- not available:
.3.1 -Statistics are 'not available in
sufficient' detail to show, the
number and location of : 'these
1 Although iro camprehensive cure=:
all was devised, the Committee re-
affirmed 'their support of'recoin
endations in previous reports fore
expansion of SOU •.mapping-
of settled and unsettled areas, (2)
systematic land use surveys 'to<
provide an economic • classifica-
tidn .of land;; (3)'"an-' expan e'n of
water• resource ,development , stu-
dies 'and; management, (4) ' more
emphasis on( economic studies with
regard to fare s>,xe,, organization
and practices, : •
`Further recommendations were
aimed at ;more efficient levels of•
production_ on farri4 :remaining
agriculture -and creation of.:an.eco
rfornie climate designed to: facili-,
tateand iiiiprove off -farm• meanie'
and employment Tliese : included;
(1) institution of a 'special body to'
assemble, Icoordinate and arrange
for ',dissemination of agricultural
information now nn the hands; of all
research agencies; ;(2) expansion
of extension services dealing with
'farm'. planning, 'business pt!iiiciples.,
and farni management; • (3) provi.
- sion Mr an expanded program of
vocational,aand technical training:
.far industrial jobs of - rural people;
E4jr•--offfarnt'—job4lacemeni7 :and
counselling; and (5) re -settlement,
assistance • to. farmers on small un- -
economic.•„farms . wishing to move
'to other areas 'of einplbyment,
Ralph A. •Stutt of the Economics”
Division; Canada. Department- of.
Agriculture, acted as technical ad
viser'°to the Senate »land use coni
Some people thunk. that the eas-
iest Way to- make :a -:mountain out
of a •rnolehill'4is t2 add"a little dirt.•
Coniplinienting 'Ivri'ss Ruby Web- The bride's chair was,•decorated
ster,; ri r
b � of Situ d4Y, September in Pink and white over -which hung
19, twenty, neighbors and friends ribbons and balloons. The house
met' at the -.home .of her parents, was also .decorated in pink and
Mr. 'and : Mrs.: Percy. Webster on white. motif.Contests and games
Thursday evening to honor' her with wereenjoyed and lunch served.
a, miscellaneous .presentation and The „liresentatio>ti "was arranged
topresent her with many lovely by Mrs.Ken Witdfong and Miss
Miss Margaret Brintnell, of Margaret Brintnell, of Exeter.
Exeter, read the address; ,and Miss Doug
ou g Coo
PeC is building
a new ew
Marlene Jacques presented he home on hisfatle,r'sfarm on high-
giftsand~assis ed in, unwrapping wat '4, north ofHensall-
the gifts. George E. • Walker, who has been
a »patient at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London. Was able to return home
On ' Wednesday,
Three tenders were opendd at
:the Hensel* Community Memorial
Dark' Board meetingay
for the installation of urinals, toil-
ets and one 50 -gallon' hotwater
heater, pins alterations to the Hen -
sail Arena. No contract was
edowingo in to the fact thatthe cost.
would be too -high.,,- Don J,oynt,
chairman;. presided:
IN... R
Su A�
,Phone 334;Res. 540' .
Priced to Save You Money!Now is the time .to:Buy l •.`- .
---- UNT ---- -- - T - . iSCOUNT- CLOTHES
n'end satlifacdory::p.rformonce, •' Why harness yourself to the hckle:';w6ys.;af
.are yours in these specially, pricdd 'clothes ':.Mother; Niiture_ (tom snow_;.gr_shine:,.;,dry ,your. — -
wastitrrs:: Just look at those' advanced features:7 .lit. les fresh fluffy.' and wrinkle,free' with e
•Turb-o-liM Filler,.-�' _Wafer, :revel... SetectiOn sole-priced''YI count' Dryer.!;:•
•New ; plastic latex .coated clothes �guerd•• , :• Rotating,;sold drumr'hondles LE
•Smootheri2q lbs use
q}+IoY effonf spin' cycle •_ Coe- ' .load- •';'Time prq�on, efficient vticuu/n skyiry
ventent:;+'hush-*o-wall mountanp ;.'.e •S, yeer,•'''•-systems • Therrmo's'tahaally'„controlled heo*iny'
_guaranteed • transiitelon ;• 0-„1,1:1111i.cdg_aeity �_,aystem •' Newfy @Leve oiled `jumlro`;y(on lam”
solid •porcelain° wash tub. 'container !' Convenient-ftusl.-to-wall mounting. .
Imperial (A98) Sale each. , .... 3,7.00 Imperial (E98) Sale,•each . ... ,'.,
Custom (A9E) .Sale, each 226.00 Custom..(E95) Sale;, each..'. 191e1i;
'Deluxe (A9F.) Sole, each • ..:• 249:00`°'D'eluxe (E9Fl, Sale,'each :.164.1.0:0;
Budget Plan` Terms Available If Desired.' :. gudgeF f'lan'TerMs:Available if Desired:
To•p QueiiIy • = Low Price!
,.It's' like, having- d, stoM in -your own.,
ho/ne;,„p»superinarkgi of your, finger,
tlp's. ou'It enjoy gr.ofer convenience,.
tnore+;mealHme v'uiefy and `.increased'..'
soul b:'. -
ou b
rrg And.if you mow you will' "
A'S taking odvontoge` of. the 'low
Sale Price, Come. in, and see she p
suer-' -•
for construction and the• many -modern
Custom•"2l"(H219.4•) r
Sole; rwi
6ch .. °' ll 9 q�•.
(21 cube *1 735 lbf capacity)
Custom' 17 (H)79A) .
Stile each -' .269.00.'
(17: cubic *1 595 lbs. capacity)
.BSc <�h'Y.sss
Y�„Y`FfiB - f`a
Specia!!y purchased for this' event!:
• Wlly, protected •Rug noxaa .
toe *Ouch swlch
Swivel adapter
• •Lorgadispocable• •.Floor,Brusb
ausf-'bag .
• 7 foot fleXible.' . Gevtee Tool
hose • Duster' Brush
• 2 extension o UphoI$teiy
wands Nosale
Sale, each..
Wh(ps, ` blends,. mixes, mashes, .purees
*hese electric hand mixer hove 3
speed ;;Hager -lip control :witch and
instant beater"rotleaee.,Lightweigbtmetal
and ' plastic constructions 'White ,only. • '�
Regularly 19.
er each• 14.49,
For this event only! Co-op' Huskie
�..;' ;.,soOurnuoretbvs.atfadrreeancdrotinhoo9ndnsedgDMepdaiPsgdoesnwog1d icbfe aoon)ircptfoiameosuy» d.drg
basongdeiifaaveodgderpough wita
rayon carcass.
670 15; 0 ply, fu
ken 43x52 . 5ale; each ,
4r • ►eg50. 434'0;'.4401;'
i' 36 .40'4 ply.tuk.tess, •.
�f y.,
i,A R
For: the Fall Scile only!. 1,O.(D0--OfF ,er=ton! -
The cheeped- gains aro made during .the early stages of'•lif(e. Get
your. calves off to a flying i start'by feeding Co -Vis Calf •Sfarter•grower• ".
at two: weeks' of age,'.j$ isal
very in+pariant'that the calf lie,
left to'°nurse;fhe dam for at -
least three days. After' this
time the calf•can continue to
nurse'or be pall fed.'.;Allow .
Alt calf to eat up 19 4 Ib.'daHy for about 3' months .of age.
Available 'tn 100 lb. bogs.
Stove and
Furnace -011
Prompt: Pam
and Home Delivery
Dealer ane Distributor of
Canadian . Petrofina-- Ltdd
.Petrrolen ni Products
•Sea f ortb
Because.of our lack of store space„ we will be unable to stock most of the
above items, but We will accept orders ,..h.6 ;1 0now ,el -Vend' of '.Sale. , All'
items' will, be subject .to Supply' when ordered.