HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-25, Page 9SEAFORTIF, oNTARio, yRipAY. SEPTEMBER 25 1959 SECOND SECTION—Pages` 9 to 16
'eather Cu
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Attendance was down 'slightlY at,
McKiilop School Fair this year,
held Thursday at S.S. AO, Winthrop
School, There were fewer exhib-
its in genie sections, but the dis-
playswere excellent, officials said.
Despite,the cool weather, the fair
proved the- highlight of the rural
school year in McKillop.,,Officially
opened by Charles S. lVfacrilaugh-
ton, MLA for 'Huron, thers on the
platform were Elston -Cardiff 'MP'
. . •
TWO STUDENTS from -SS. 8, •McKillop 'Town shown here with :their teacher, IVIiss Joan
•MeLauglilin,.. won prizes for their ,exhibits at. the McKillop, Scheol Fairk Thursday. arr Mur-
ray won, first ,.prize. fpr having the largest ptimpkin:-and Janice .Horan, first for the best hen and
rooster. Thethree are from ltR. g, Walton. (B-H Photo).
Heasall Conanitniity Agricultural
, School Fair.washeld Fridaynight
at the Memorial Centre; attended
by '800 persons:, A paradelVa's
by the 'Bannockburn Pipe Band of
Varna, with S.S. 10, Ray; S.S. .7,
Hibbert; S.S. 2, TuclidiSinith; and
Hensall Public School participat-
ing. ' •
Douglas 11, Mires, Huron agricul-
tural representative, officially op-
erted the fair.. Prizes were award-
ed . for grain, roots, vegetables,
flowers, poultry; '•livestock, pets,
arts, and crafts.- There were 1,000
entries. in -110 classes. -• As Many as
• 18 entries were made in some of
the classes.
- In conjunction with the fair, an
-evening,concert.will be held in the
Town Hall Friday; October 2nd. •
Dining ,tablebouquet, Grades
to -4; -Ray..Finkbeiner-2T,P,am'Tay--,
lor,, Ruth Ann Cole man -711.; :Grades
5 to 8, Mary Norris 2T, Ann II/icicle,
Paul Drysdale.
• Living- room bouquet,. Grades 1
to -4, Bonnie Ker"Slake 7H, Ruth
•Ann Coleman- 7H; Linda • Hay;
Grades 5 to 8, Patricia, Harris 7H,
Paul Drysdale, Mary Norris 2T.
Best• artistic display, Grades 1 to
4, Denise Kerslake 7H, Clarke For -
'rest; Grades. 5 to 8, Brenda Smil-
lie, .Brian Smillie, Mary Norris 2T.
_Best vase, Grades 1 to 4; Denise
2Xerslake 7H, Patricia Parke, Don
Upshall 711-; Grades .5; to 8, jOann,
Asters, Ann 1Vlickle, Bennie Kers-
lake 7H, Brenda,
• Zinnias, __Graham Bell 1T, Den-
ise Kerslake 711, Bill Bell 1T.
Bantam, Denis- Kerslake 711,
Barry Mousseau 1011, Allen ,Samar-
as H. • ' .• • . .
White 'Leghorn, 'Bob Munn 7H.
•Dhek' and drake, :Suzanne .Kyle,.
Ivan Boa 111. ,•,• • •
• Light Hybrid; Bob Mum TH.
Heavy' Hybrid, Donald Cole. 711,
'. Bob Munn '711, Allan Sararas .711.
• Any other Variety, Ivan Boa 7H,
Bill 'Soldan 10H; , •
• . Brown, Bob -MUnn 7H, Dennis
Kerslake .711, Donnie Kerslake 711.
White, Bob Munn 711, Steven El-
der ,1011, Donna Lynn Forrest.
Crafts •
Mounted weeds, -Brenda Smillie,
Robert McNaughton, Reg Dick 7R.
Mounted -leaVes,)H-Erian Shale,
,Ivan Bog 711, Bennie Foster. -
Named woods,'. Gorden Divk 711,
Ivan -Boa --711, RedDick 7H.
Grades' 14, 'Jim Kyle 2T; Mich-
ael Davis,;.: Sharon Lavery.
Grades 2-4, Douglas Mium 10H,
Larry;Elder 1011, 'Ruth Smale•
Grades 5:6, SteYen.7-E • er 11
• tub Swale, :BarrY.:Moussegr1011'.'
Grades 74, Dan"Leriaghati, Hel-
en Wasson 1011, 3i4).
Wiiting • ..
d 3 .1n a Simmons,33
Grade , oQ C
Kerslake 711, Janice Wright 711: .
• Grade 4, Ann' Punk 1011, :Colleen'
Baynham, -Don tipshall 711.
Grade 5, Ivan Boa George
' Taylor, CarolynICampbell 1011. •
Grade 6,-Ene'tanipbell, Suzanne
-,Rannie, Patricia Harris 7H-
Hensall Sates Prices
Steers were steady at the Hen-
sall Sales last week. Twelve steers
owned by C. Dietrich, of Dashwood;
weighing 1120 ,pounds, topped the
market at $27-90, •
Butcher steers; $26,50- to $27.90;.
Medium steers, $25,50 to. $26; but-
cher heifers, $22.50 to $2.4.50; fat
cows, $13 to $14.50;..geed totirs,.
16.50 to $19; -light cows, $19,50 to
20; babies, $25:50 to $27; Veal
calves,' $25.50 to .$80;'; small calves,
.$12- to $18; • goodbull calves, $25
to 235; Holstein heifer' calves,, $20
to $47; Durham nalves,:$37 to •$62;',
weanling pigs, $7 to $8.50; chunks,
, $9 to $12; feedekS, $12.50 to $11.50;
SewS; $45 to $62;
A total -of 220 pigs and 302 cattle.
'were Sold.
:Grade'. 7 Verlyn Miller ' 711, Di-
anne Reid, Lyle Christian.
Grade, 8,, David' Duclian an, Carol
Howe 7H, Adeline Chappel 71-L •
• ,
Grade 12 __
, Linda Mary Bloch
Kenneth ,Ferguson. ,
--Grade 2, Margaret RooSOloom,
Pafty-Hurne, Kerineili Jones. .
- Safety Rule Poster
Grades 1-4, Joan Sinclair 2T,
Joan Simmons, Marie Campbell
1011: . • -
Grades 5-8, Wayne Payne 143,H,
Bill Harburn, Iv,an Boa 1H.
Highway Safety, Wayne Ellwood,
Mary Norris 2T, Brenda Snaffle.
Crayon designs crayon', desigps on cloth, Gail
Embroidery, Ivan Boa 711, Nancy
Glass painting, -George Taylor,
Larry McLean 1T, Bill Soldan.
Stuffed toys, Joan Spearman.,
Ruth. McNichol 2T,„ Joan Spear-
'Plaster models, Bob McNaughton
2T, Mary Norris 21`, Ruth McNich-
ol -4T: , „
Hallowe'en mask, Jim Kyle- 2T,
Robert Cooper 2T, Bob-. McNaugh-
ton 21, •, • ,
Woodwork models, Grades • 5-6,
Bob McNaughton 2T, Wayne Payne
4011; Barbara McNichol 2T; Grades
7-8, Ruth McNichol 2T, Susie Los -
tell 2T, Danny Lenaghan,
_MetaLwork, T_a_y 1 01'5.
George Taylor,,
Knitting; Grades , 3-5, Barbara
McNichtd. 2T, Ivan Boa 7H; Grades:
6-8, Ruth Ann McNichol 2T.
Clay models, Grades 3-4, Billy
Taylor; CairKirikbeiner..2T, Nich-
olas Klaver 2T; Grades 1.2, Mich-
ael Davis, Lynda Workman 2T,, Jim,
Kyle 2T.
' Salt and flour plaques, Bonnie
Kerslake ill, Don Upshall -7H, Den-
ise Kerslake 711. .
Crayon design on cloth, 'Ruth
Anti McNichol 2T, Lloyd I,ostell 2T,
Al Kyle 2T. • • .
Judges ---Mr. and Mrs. jefferrn,
:Clinton; Clifford Pehp.er.' RR. 1,
Dashwood; Harry Strang, R.R. 1,
Hensall,t,, William McKenzie, Exe-
ter; Mrs. C. Epps, Clinton; Dong -
las Miles, Clinton,
• Pets'
Rabbits Rob Swale
Bonnie Dick 711. .
, Cats, -Janice Arinstiong 101-1,
Donna Whitehouse. .1-00, I-)onli
Dick 7H: ' • ,
'Dogs, Suzanne •Kyle, Marjorie
• ones... • • , •
, Graham Bell 1T, Gor-
don Dick 111, Bob "Sniale.; 1011.."
.".•Any-, Other pets, Clark ..•Forrest,
'Freddie 'Elder
. ..-•
.-Oats-,7"B arnce Wright
711, Grant .Tones; heaf, IyanBoa
711;•80blay:Rinsinan •7H.
,(Continued on„page. 13)
an ams
rn Crops -
n Fair Test
Corn fields,. entered inthe field
crop competition sponsored by .Sea-
fertly'AgricititurPl. Society, . Were
jud,ged-Saturday. The crOps lOoked
over included seVeral.:of excellent
y quality, the judge, .11Ugh Berry,' of
R.R. 1, Woodham," reported, .
There was some eviderice of torn
.borer1 he report, anc in s me ,0
the "fieldS. weds ia .groVVA to a
_high degree, One entry.;he found,
had been ,plowed tinder- because of
itsinferior quality; caused by , an
attack hy birds, ,
Th fieJd-,af--Bob Brearifeot
1; ,Brucefield took top honors, with
98 points • Other. winners , were:
Joe J:•Lane; RR '5, Seaforth, 97;
R. M. sedtt,, RR 1, 'Seaforth, : ,9,6;
Bob' Fotheringhein,._ par Sea -
forth, 95; Ken Stewart; RR.1,-Ser-
forth, .; 94;' John; Bell, .13,-IV:2, ,Sea -
forth, 98; Jack '13roadfoot,.- AR .1,
Brucefielck::90.!:-.Fred -,nacGlYino.nt,
RR 1 Varna • 89 • Donald Btichan-
an, RR 1, Londesborp,,8811,./z; Iyan
McC1:YinOnt,:."RR' 1,,• Varna; 88... '
• .. HAS RAKE' SALE . .
•tie • • •
oe s ul ,s sale bp . bak-
ing Was: 'held_ in ,..the. fernier DaIy
:Garage on Saturday, ::tinder ;"I the
auspices .of -GrOttp.; 4. Of the; W.A.
of :NerthSide.liiiited:"Clinrch:,.-
Theme ws arir.'!ekeellent "assort -l;
Merit Of pie'S; dal.;,.:',en.P..eakes.:” and
tarts. ',. Forty -One 'dollarS.,
was re -
re Charn,
uron 1 ro
Hensall Bantam baseball team
won the Lake Huron Zone Recrea-
tional Council Bantam baseball
championship trophy, Q11 Saturday.
Held. at Listowel, they eliminated
Exeter in the final game with a
score of 7-0:
'Teams playing in the tournament
included Exeter, Allenford, 'Port
Elgin, Mitchell, Hanover, Wing -
ham, Owen Sound, and Listowel..
• Hensall 'Pee Wee baseball team
was eliminated by one point -in the
finals. by Owen Sound, 3-2:. Hen-
8-W.Z.FO won the Pee Wee softball
tournament 'trophy by default when.
no other teams showed up. The;
girls''•softball team was eliminat-
ed in the finaLs by Port•Elgin.
Bingo Winners
Legion bingo winners on Satur-
day were; Mrs. Doupe, Exeter;
Miss Eleanor -Venner; Mr, Doupe,
Exeter; Miss Suzanne Kyle; Mrs.
Frank Harburn; David Singe; Miss
Boa;, Mrs. Orville- Smith (2); Mrs.
Clarence Reid (Z); Paul Boa; Sun -
gime Kyle and Vera Smale (tied);
Fred Kennings; special, Mrs.
GlenrullIcKenzie; door prize, 85,00,
Mrs. Dame, Exeter. Jackpot will be
worth $90 in ,55 calls, with a $5
door prize this week.
Mrs. John MacDonald and chil-
dren, Carrie and -Glen Cameron, of
Toronto, are spending two weeks
with Mrs. Mae»onald's parents;
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rowe. and Pat.
. Mr, 'Sohn ,Passmore has returned
from visiting his _daughters; MO
W. J.:.McLean and Mrs. L. -C. Elder
of .Hamilton,
'M. and. Mrs, John Henderson,
Jack, Sylvia and Kathie ,spent gen-
day with relatives- in 'Glencoe: -
-Jean and Ricky •Bloridell arehav.:
ing their tonsils , removed at -Clin-
ton Public Hospital ' *this- 'Friday'
,haOrning. They are the children of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert BlOndelhrwho
live-in the 'Fink apartinent-• --:H,-----'
Rally' Day was observed in
.Church' Sunday morning
with the Sunday School scholars
and their teachers occufiking.: the,
seats in the church-- auditorium.'
The theme of the service; in charge
of Mr., C/endon Christie, Sunday
School superintendent, • 'Catered
around "Children Sing Around the
World." ', • .
• Scripture Passages Were read by
Gregory Spencer' and Stories were
told by Sharon, Skidmore and :Steve
Kyle. The junior choir eccuaed
the choir-, seats- and for their selec-
tion -sang •Bit Of SiinShine."
Suzanne; Rennie- favored' with 7 a
solo, "Jesus Wants Me For a;Sun-
beam," with the choir joining in
for the chortiSI. The choir was
der the direction of S. G. :11annie',
:with Miss ;Greta Laminie at the
Gary Kyle,organ ..console.
710S McKILLOP TOV111'416111P brothel' and sister team Won- first and second prizes for animals
they showed in the junior beef section of the McKillop School Fair on Thursday, Larry Horne
and attend 8,5. 12,1 1VicKillep School'. -(B-H Photo). -
Won first and Ilia sister, Donna, WOil second. 'They are children of Mr. and Mtg. Donald Herne,
fer--1-1,tirori; Doug H. IVIllesr'lfuren
:County agricultural representative,
and his assistant, Don Grieve. .
A parade of' eight sehools was
headed by the -Seaforth District
High School Girls,' TrumpetBaid„
and there were-chilrlren on decor-
ated bicycles and trieYcles.
Gordan, Papple, president,chair.-
ed p .program.by.pupils",ef.the 'yet.=
ion§ .schools. These Were 'assisted
by Miss •Sharon'Streng; the. CrOnirr
Sisters and a: dance . group tuider
the direction' of Mr,: Orville Storey.
'Qfficials of the lait
als& includ-
ed Merfin•Dietz.F.,-"first-, vice-PreSi-
-dent;: Ralph MeNrelicil; second "vice-
president, - and. 'Will:Min I Dennis;
Directors: and. committees :includ-
ed: heavy horses, Ralpit.Fischer,
Ralph McNichol; calves, Williani
Boyd,Mervin Dietz, RoY,Wildfong;
Ken Stewart, W1liam••Be.rineWiesi.
Ted •Melady; lainbS," JaMes.,"SlOart,
Les; Pepper, Gilbert Pigs;:
James.. Sloan, ill Little; : La Vern,
Gedidit, Gilbert Sibith; poultry and
pets; Clarence Ryan;
Dominic Mur-
ray, AUgnste ,I),ucliarme," Jelin. Hen-
derson,' Sam McClure, ' 'Wilfred
O'Rourke; .grain Vegetables, , and.
fruit, Ross' Driscoll,: Charlie. !:Me-
aVini: Archie, Soria erville,. JoeMe-
Laughlin, Everett-Betiermann Zack,
Ryan; flOW_er.S.,..„114:_sJ..a.ines.,Key_s;
Mrs. Wiffiam Dennis;' Mrs.: 'John
MoYlan,„.;MrS . Gordaii Papple, Mrs'.
Kea Stewart: , .. •
;Collections, ,Hareld..,
liam Ryn,.. Roy Patrick, Ross cp--
don; manual training, .Harold -Stor-
ey, -.Ryan,. .Roy.'" "Patrick,
Rosa:Gordon; writing;:printing and
Mrs. Ken,7,13ettles„...MrS,
Wifson :Campbell, .;Mrs; Gilbert
:Srnith;.- Mis-;. Hatold':..BrYce; fancy
WOrk, Mrs, A. Somerffle, Mrs
Rey: Patrick; Mrs. .: ,Robert MC -
Michael, MrS", Stanley: Ilillen;, Mrs.
Ken 'Beattie; baking. and canned:
fruit.,,,MiSs.,Ethel Dennis; Mrs. Alex
Smith, Mrs. SteVe. Murray, MTS.
Les . l3euerniann,, 'Mrs..: Albert. Sie-
Mon:- .,contests, Robert: McKercher,
Mrs;:.,Gordair.PapPie Mrs:'.S eve
Murray, Mrs. 1lobert ,McKereher.
Races, , Martin
Murray; Ralph EischerAlek Kerr,
Mac Scott, John .11enderscii,Steph-
en Murray, 'Harold ',Pryee,•::, Ken
BettleS;• .refreShrrient
Harry . Johnston,: Steve
Murray, John;.,Moylan, Oliver
PrYee, Stanley Les Prycei
Orville Beuerniann, Keii."."BettleS;.
.gatekeeperS; "Aaron. jantzi, "Wilfred
O'Rourke, -;;Freci..." Rose, -,Everett
Storey, -. Clarence--",;Regele; -tents
Bolton , ,
Grain -
Sheaf Of Wheat: ;David Wildfong,
6;- 'Sheaf • of oats ..., -.-Earle Rose,. 9;•
Karen:Doi-1page; 10, Sheaf of bar-
ley: Glenn .Dolmage; •kareti Doi
mage, Audrey Qilai:t.
of field and garden, heans:.-! Betty.
Ree; Garry Betties; RobertShan
non Bennie,' Stewart," June
of .ensilage "e,orn:
'Warren. Rock; Sheila Peitz,. 8; .Lor-
etta 11flurray,„8;...Neil Bet/ern/min;
Lenny Ryan 1.Gwen. euerinann,
6. Ten cogs, grain' Corn: Mark Ille-
dine Dennis,.A,ndrey
aeij Frances Dietz, 8;:Paul. Som-
erville. '..Baie. .Of first -cut bay:.
Whithoid Choinicki; -. Betty Roe,:
'Viet/a:el Johnson,, 8'; Garry Betties.
Bobby' Pryce,., 6; :Glenn Pryce; 6.
Bale ofsecon&citi. hay: :Lois God -
kin; NiurraY Pryce,Warren-Reck,
Garry Dietz; Donald,: Diegel,r 8.
Linda Kerr,,, 10. • ,
Quart pf .barley: Donald .Coyne,
1; 'Gary Betties, 10; MiChael Jobn-
Murray Pryce; '101 David
WildforiM 9; Marjann ,Wildfeng,• 9.;
Quart .0f wheat: IVIarlann Wild-
fOng;',Dai;ria Wildfbegr. Joan Boyd.
Qaart ' of 'oats: -David Wildfong,
lon Coyne. Quart ;Of...field'•beans:
Reba Doig; 4.''BernibeLROse,.. ;9;
Earle • Rose," Billy' 'Shen,' 1; , Els ie
Rose, Robert Shannon, ,7.
Vegetables' and Fruits
Field turriipS jimmy Henderson,
Prancia Maloney 1; Stephen Eck-
ert; Joan - Eckert; Ann, Eckert.
Table turnips: .Gordon. Moylan;
Francis Maloney; Murray Hender-
son; JDiannd Henderson; Herby
Shannon, Z; Bruce- Smith„.4. Irish
Cobbler potatoes: Mary Margaret
Flanagan, .1; Ricky McKenzie, 4;
Elsie Rose, 9; Earle Rose, 4; Kar-
en Kerr; Lynda Kerr, 4. Katandin
potatoes: Billy Siennon, 8;' hype`
• tNielsolritobert- Shannon 'Aud-
rey McMichael; Keith • Simon;
Francis. Maloney. Seblgo potatoes:•
Murray, Pepper,:12 .,. -Geraldine Den-
ir at Wii'ihro 9 Liuda Sonieryille,. 7; .Shar-
on MacKenzie, -4; ltieky MacKeii-
"zip, 4;Betty Roe. • '
, Teniatoes': EVelyn Storey"; Glor-
ia, Diegel, 8; Stan Fischer, 9.; Mark
Smith, 4; Billy Sie-
mon. .,Table corn: Billy Siemon
Eleer,Malone,. 1; .• Jeanne Mur-
ray,._ 1; .1LpistGeditin;„.EvelYn'Stor-
ey; -Ronald Murray: .MangO1ds:,1
Jimmy. Henderson;,..Billy..l.,11ender-'
son; -Keith.---.Siemon; Bifly Sienton.
'Carrets-;-; Karen 'Deli -nage; Glenn
„Dolniage;-,Keith Sienion; -Keg
inage.; Ian Dolmage,-
Beets :".Warren. Rock ;,Ia n ,Dolmage ;
Murray' Pepper; Karen Doirriage;.
Dianne Henderson, 4; Glen .Dol -
mage. -.Cabbage: -Keith Siemon;
Billy- Sim/on; :Jane Shannon;, Mary
Lou Coyne; , Charles SWan; Eileen:
'Maloney. ,'..Onions: 'Larry Horne; ,
Francis ‘.MaiOneY;" Donna Herne; '
Dianne :Dalton; :,10;'" D. ' O'Renrite,
'Rey Dalton.' :Spanish'. Onions.: ',Lai:-
'ry Horne; Gordonaciefiler„, 8;, Don-
na Horne; - Paul' Horan,' 8.- Citrons:
;Leis.:„Godkin; Dean Srilithi 8; Jean" -
Roe; Betty -Roe; -Tom Ranson, f2;
'Gerald Ryair:'. Pie pUmpkin:, Gar -1
ry BettleS'; Francis MaIoney;., Ron-
ald: Campbell, 10;'`Denald:Diegel;
Largest punipkin: -Larry Murray,
8; James Diegel; 14nda Miller, 8;
Ruth Ann,-.Di'egel;-. Dennis 'Smith;
Elsie Roe, 9. , ' •
Fall apples: Audrey McMichael,
7; Lois Godkin; Linda Somerville;
Mark Smith; Herby Shannon;
Bosman, 7. Winter 'apples: Audrey
McMichael; Lois Godkin; Robert
Shannon; Ronald !Campbell; Ag-
nes:Ryan; James Bosman.. Pears:
Murray IVIeCifiTe,;13; Evelyn Stor-
ey; Robert ShannOn; Geraldine
Dennis; Barbara McClure, 10.
Plums:„ Agnes Ryan; Loretta Mur-
ray, A; Eileen Maloney. •
, • •
Dining -room bouquet.: Joan Alex-
ander, 12; Glenda Little, 10; R.utb
Diegel; Audrey McMichael; 'Peter
Dawson, 10; Evelyn, Storey. Pot-
ted plant in bloom: Glenn Dal -
mage; ,Joyce McNichol;: ,Withold
Chornieki; _Sharon Johnson; Jean
Patrick, 12;," Michael Walsh: Pot-
ted plants, no bloom.; Audrey Mc-
Nichol; Herby Shannon; Francis
Beuernaarm; Billy Siemon;'' Dan
O'Rourke; June Hiller. ' Dahlias:
Linda Somerville; Glenn Dolmage;
Karen Dolmage; ' Billy • Siemon;-
Gloria Diegel 8- Donna Horne-- (Continued on -Page 12) "
ea eft
"'The finest Sight in _a Fell Fair"
is the, ,description of the harness
horse teams ef four aninials in the
heavy.horse .show at Seaforth Fall
Fair. on Friday 4•afternoon. •
• ,
, Officials; of, the heavy horse_ sec-
tion anticipate' a 'heavy showing,
probably the heaviest yet. Prize
,xrioney .'amounts to $863.00. There
are 22 classes in the _horse sec-
tion; plusthreespecials.
There are threeindividual see-
tions—Clydesdale,, Percheron or
.Belgian; -and Wagon class.' In each
'section there are classes for brood
xnares with foal, foals, and three
_two, and one -year-old filiios or geld-
-- The banaess classes iheludelight
ciratght teams, wagon, Percheron,
Belgian and heavy ,draft teams in
harriess",' 'single' 'Wagon. here `iri
harnesS and the four -horse tandem
TOP event of the heavy horse
showvvill be the $100 stake inWhich
the best, horse in theshovv is Chos-
en; The top _ten will each receive
'prize money. There, will also be
the tovms.hip special for the best
three horses from any municipal--
ity, and a class for the best hand-
led colt_led by a boy or girl 17
years and under, -
The committee, in- Charge of the
heavy horse seetion beaded by
Robert Patrick, hid:tides Elgin•
Nott, Eliner Dennis, W. J. Dale,'
Gordan Papple4Verne Dale, Oliver,
Wright anci Godkin.
',_. THESE ITEREE PUPILS of McKillop Township Schools won prizes
Fair, ori Thursday.- They are, from the left: Linda ,Sornerville, S.S. 7;
and -Audrey McMichael S.S. 7. (B-11 Photo)
Zurich Fair Plans
Special -Event-s
The highlight of this year's Zur-
ich Fall Fair, to be held on. satin --
day and Monday, September 26th
and 28th, will be a monster horse'
show. ,in the Arena on Monda3r
night. M. L. "Tory" Gregg will be
the master of ceremonies.
This year the horSe show Will be
offering dyer $1,000 in prize money,
and- -a better. program than last
year will be in stere for the spec-
tators. There are 46"classes in the
show. , On Saturday night the
"Kpinas -Farmer" will present an
all-star variety, show in the :Zurich
The 95th annual fall fair will
ficially get under way on Monday
at 1 p.m. with a monster parade,
led by the Seaforth District High
School Girls' Trtimpet Baod._.Q11
Joe of the usual exhibits, midway
and cattle show, there will be a
pet show at 2:80 p.m. and a baby
shOw at 3 p,nr. -
.Working on a. rebuilding theme
of "Bigger and Better Than.Ever",
the directors of the Zurich Fall
Fair are -looking for their .best
crowd in many years at this year's
exhibition. - •
---ozna...a't,e a howling7Sueceas.:
.11 yoilthink-womet ilOet.do any-
thing on time;
,- you've never .:gone
shopping with them..k.'
Who.is to blame for the' low in-
comes earned by -;120,000 of Can-
ada's -fanners?: Have the farmers
themselves any dhoiee, in the Mat-
ter? 'De they:have any control: ov-
er their own standard of living, or
IS their inconie'and way of,litt the
resat,of a' choice to: accept ,other
Values that financial ones?. • •
- Has government 'any otligation
jX) provide these people with the on,-'
Pertithity. to earn higher incomes?
Should efficient productioli with its
goal of high-volunie outint be saeri-
fieed in order that the strtall farm-
er ineY be kept on the Iand? ' .
Where do farrn organi2atiOns fit
-into the 'puzzle? Should, they sup-
port their more, auccessful and,
powerfid element of efficient: pro -
'<hiders, or should they lend a hal-id
to the l&rge •grenps, Of producers'
-wbo say 'little about their proh-
4e5ns• and, Who can, do little to solve
On the second: of Noyember, Na-
tional • Earin Radio Iomuni wil
onee" more hit the air on Menday
evenings at 8:30 its weekly
look at'current and vital farm is,
.sues The • issue will be "The
Sniall Farmer. Does, his plight
deserve, special:action en the part
of gevetritnents and farm prgan-
iiation?,:` ShouRV-11e ,be sUpperied
by 'special-means'order that the
cointkinnities and neighborhoods of
Canada. Ina!: be retained? What
policies and , programs are net:es- ,
Sary to. ensure Iliat those • people
who want to remain on the farm
may do so,, at a decent standard
of livjn. 4
• Since there are 120,000 farmeri
in 'Canada who' do not earn More
than $1400•each.year,-it is obvious
that thia topic Ls "ail impbrtAnt one.
The ' broadcast will originate
from the Royal' York Hotel, in W-0,-
ronto, where the Ontario Federa-
tion of Agriculture Will be holding
its annual medting. Por one and
hourS, . the 'groups! Alla
their palierivill examine their thinkMg' and will report their findings
to eaeh other.
at the M,cKillop School
Bruce Glanville, S.S. 9,
etition Keen4
S.S. 7 was first in choral read-
ing. S.S. 1; second, and S.S. 9,
Winners in the baby show were;
six months and tinder, Bonnie
Storey,13-ettyAnn.Bdiferin aim,- Bri-
an Edward Nesbitt; six months to
one year, Linda Dianne God skin,,
Vonda Jean Storey, Kevin Camp:
Evelyn Store was named Junior
Miss McKillop, • with Patsy Storey
and Rose Mary Ryan runners-up.'
Bryan Brant was. chosen Junior
Mr. McKillop, with Glenn 'Dolmage
and Murray Henderson runn.ers-up,
The Oldest woman on.the grounds
was Mrs., Lena Bennewies; Robert
Beattie was the oldest man. ,
Best decorated bicycle: Peter
-Dawson, S.S, 10; 'Ann Shea, S.S. 1;
Sharon McKenzie, S,S, 4;' Karen
Dolmage, S.S, 10;- 'best decorated
tricycle, Joanne Murray, 8.S. 1;
Ricky McKenzie, S.S. 4; Star Fisch -
9; Joyce McNichoLS.S. 9.
Following are the other prize
winners: ,.
4-11 senior beef calves!, public
selipol pupils: Amy Stay:art, SS.•
4; Geraldine Dennis, S.S. 9.; Go
071 Prycc.SS:67Z'df 'ca, 1959,,
run on cow: Larry Horne,
Horne, 12; Geraldine Dennis,.
9: Gordon Moylan, 1. Beef calf,
peg red: Faye Little, 6; Mary, Lou
Coyne,- 1. Dairy heifer call, seh-
lor: Doug Boyd, 6; Amy Stewart,
4., Dairy. heifer call, junior, Faye
Little, 6„; Mary. Lou C0ine.,1; Joan
Boyd,- 6. Dairy ',heifer, cal, junior;
s...k,eePstakes, An Stewart, 4.
Showmanship, Geraldine Dennis',
Amy Stewart Faye -Little, .Best'
dairy calf under 200 pourlds; ,Doug
Bet market iamb; James BOS-
Man, Neil McNichol.' 7: Paul
Somerville, 7. test king -wool larnb:
Paul Sornerville,..Nell McNichol,
Jim Bosnian Best short '-- wool
Iamb: Neil McNichol; Paul Sorrier-
yille, James Bosnian.
Best goat: Donna 'Marie Horne,
10; Marjorie 'Wildfong,2_9; Louis
Best pair of 'pigs, 50 pounds -• and
under: Neil McNichol, Lois God -
kin, Gary McNichol; 'James' Bos-
nian. Best pair of pigs, 100 pounds
arid under: Don Dalton, -4; „Lois
.Godkin; Warren Rock, $; Don
,Coyne. Bestm• pair of gilts, 150
pound's and under: Lois Godkin,
Joyce McNichol, Bonnie SteWart,
Don McNichol. test sow; 1959:
BonnieStewart, Ainy Stewart; .Tim-
my Henderson, 4; Don McNichol.
Poultry and Pets , ' •
Pair of geese ,Nitold ChOmicki,
12; Pail, Somerville. Pair of tut -
keys: Larry Horne, 12: 'Pair of
ducks ; Jimmy- Henderson, '4;
Wayne-HpegY, 6; Jim Alexander, '.
12. Pair ' of pheasants; KeitkSie-
Mon, 8; Jane McClure, 10. Pair of -
Bantams: Betty Roe, 9; Julia 'Blan-
chard, 10; Jan 'Dolinage, 10: Pair '
of . pigeons: • Neil Little,- 6; Ann
'Eckert; 8; Doug Boyd; 6. Pair. of
rabbits: Ann Eckert, 8r -'Niteld
Cliomiek4 :Warren Rock. Best dog:
Barry Gordon, ,4; Miles Little, 10;
Eileen . O'Rourke,' 1:, Brown eggs:' .
Michael Walsh, 1; Mar Walsh, 1;
, atherine Flannigan 1 • White
• 7. -
eggs: Jane Shannon., 4;Joyce Ry-
an. 1; ,‘Paill ,Sornerville. pair of •
guinea pigs:1 Charles Swan, 10;
Warren ,Bettermann, 6; Julia Blari.---7,
chard,:: 10, Pair of....White-Illocks:
Garry , Betties; 10. Pair. of White
Leghorns: 'Janice Horan, 8; 'Bon-
nie Stewart; • joyee McKercher, 12.
Pair, of heavy liybridsr, Michael
Walsh, Mary Walsh, Joseph Walsh,
. .
The football coack, dejected 'be-
cause his team was losing , again,
looked 'Awn the- bench of . subs*,- tutes and yelled, "All tight, Jones.„.
-go.:1, :•h-,Ltheq-and--getlerueionst"-. -
Jones jumped up With a start and
erideL: "Sure; coaelt What's his
number" • - •
M.SC., 'Minister of Rowntree
United Church. London, and
chaitinan of the Committee of
WoMen Workers, London Con-.
ferenee, who will speak at the
evening giniiVersary service of
Egmondville United Church
Sunday. •