HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-18, Page 12B4POSI1e1l4 SEAFORTH, ONT., SEPT. 1959- IiimuminiiniumnOmniffilliumui - First PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH '• Rev. D. Leslie Eider Minister H. A. KEMPSTER Organist and Choir'LeadeT.• 10 A.111,„ Church School-& Youth Fellowship 11 A.M. -- Guest Speaker:, •• • MR. R. BRUBACKER wrritE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT"' • Music' - Senior Choir: Anthem It Was For "Me""-- (Stickles) mmmifibuttimmumtimmommu • EGMONDVILLt • UNITED CHURCH DR. J. SEMPLE, Minister • Lyle Hammond Organist -Cher ,Leader 11 A.M. SUBJECT: "The Touch cif the Mater" Guest Minister: Rev. W. M. Thomas, B.A. A Great Preacher With a 'Message. Be sure to hear him. - + 10 A.M. - CHURCH SCHOOL 124th Anniversary Services September 27th Guest Ministers: Dr. Homer Lane, Teronto Rev. Anne P. Graham,' M.Sc., London MUSIC BY THE SALVATION ARMY CHOIR,, LONDON Sacred Concert Close Evening Service LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE •-.1.4 All Passngers Insured /".• PEONES: _ • CECIL• DAVE 670 675 CRICH'S• • WHITE CLOVER -BREAD • SWeet as June-- Neadows • ' Phone 14 : •„ Seaforth BAKED FRESH DAILY., W Seaforth • Real Estate • and Insupance PHONE 458 Church ,.Noti'ces'.. MeKiliop Viratge.-Sept. 20, regii- lar SerVice's wiliherestimed; Beth, - el; 10 a.n):; Cavan, 1130 a.rri.; Duff's; '2 p.m, -Rev. WI H. Sum- rnerell, Minister. St. Thomas' -Anglican. Chiircla.- Sunday School, 10:00 a,m.; 'Morn- ing PraYer, 11:60 a.m.; Evensong, 7:00 p.m. Holy -COmmuniori. first Sundaymorning of 'month ' and third Sunday at 9:00 a..iin,-Itev:11, Panaldsoin, Recter, , • , Northside United thur,OILL--Rally Day Service: a combined servide of worship:, with the 'Church Scheol, Attendance awards -and ,diplornas Avill'he presented... Also. promotions will made it all •age..groups. The .C)nrch School Superintendent will h'ave. charge of the. service: - Britton,' Minister.: - , • ANNOUNCEMENT Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Smith, RR 5," Seaforth, announce the .engagernent •of their younger .clanghter, ,Mar- jorie Elizabeth, to 'Brine Douglas Coleman, son Of Mr, and .Mrs. Wil- fred Colenian, -17.tR; 4, Seaforth..The :marriage.*ill.take 'Place Saturday, •'October , • ,•. EGIVIONDVILLE, YPIJ The'fir.st meeting of the Egmond- ville YPU *a§lierd-ori' Sept: 13 in the church. Bruce Coleman, presi- dent, presided, and opened the meeting by welcoming the new. members. Healso read the Scrip- ture. - - - Two films were shown by Ron- •ald Eyre, Iwiich.was followed • by a sing -song. •-HARLOCK Burns' 'Church held: their annual rally. day service, on- Sunday with a good,number of children present. Rev. Mr. • Funge„,asSisted by Mr. Sohn McEwing, •conducted the ser- vicP ' • ' There will .be. no services in NEWS OF CONSTANCE CANADIAN ORDER FORESTERS TAKE. PART IN „CHURCH PARADE urnshu r c StixTd-07-$-epf. zdth as Constance .ainaiverSar.y services will be .held that day; . Rev; • Mr,. Funge will lie in7:,cliarge the morning service. . • . Mr. and Mrs. William Orr, .of IVIilverton; --Visited on Sunday with the latter's parents Mr and Mrs Wesley. Roe,. and familY:- . . :OBITIJARiE5':. MRS JAMES N',6EA51 • •• -• • A•resident of Seaferth fer.several. Years,'. lVlr§". Janie§ Nelan pissed away in -London .on Tuesday. She, was- in her BisI. year ' The , former ,".AnneMcCardle,. • daughter of the late.,1Vlichael-Mc- Cardle • ,and ,Mary .Kearney, ` she was rnarried_to •Mr: Nolan at, St.- .Coliiiriban' in 1910. Fellowink their marriage' they. farmed 1.11 Hullett fot a number. Of'yearS and, then moved to, Seaforthfor a.__,short time. Trhey,then.-farnied'in ,Tiicker=. smith for 22 Years, retiring Sea - forth. Mr.;:Nolan predeepaged, her about 10 YearS ago. She is' Survived by two. sons,Clar-, • enc.e. J., 'London;:Thomas Nia- gara FallS,, and one daughter,,Sisz. ter. ArtlfeCto ( Vera . The body is resting at the J. Cleary .funeral hoe, Seaforth. Re-. nuiem .High Mass will be sung ,at .St. James' Church Friday .rnorning' at 10. Father' C. E. Sullivan.'. -Burial will ,take Place .in St„ Jame, s' c'e4terY• ' • JOSEPH W 'MOORE , • DUBLIN -Joseph Westen Moore; ii ItB, 3, 'Mitchell,.' died•in Strat- ford. General, Hnspital Menday, af- tera, lengthy illness. He was.born in Ilibbert township 'Ma'y. 2, 1848, a 'son, ,of the' late ' John:and Mary Moore:. He..farrned :all his 'life 'and upon .retiring ; in 19,46 .nieved to TEXA. PRODUCTS A large •number of ladies and men ,Of the C OF. paraded .to Con- stance United Church Sunday af- tetnoon. Members frbm Wingham• and- Bennailler accompanied the Constance Court and Ladies' Court C,onstatitiue, led by Pipers. H. Kingswell „and_ C. Johnson, of Clin- ton. The Fore„ster banner -was car•- ried :by Douglas'', Riley, and Tom. Whyte, followed by. Mr. 'IlawshaW of High Court, Brantford, and oth- er court officerS. •; :Rey, Fimge was the speakerfor the Service. Earl McSpadden read .scriptiires from 4axxitiel, 20th chap- ter, verses 24-34, and the 1.5th psalm. Rev, Funge read scripture from St. 1VIStthew, :chapter vers - e:13, basing his. serrnon On verse 11; naming his sermon."The High- est . Order," cornParing •how ; the membership, of; the Order of For- estry or any order, is, similar to t:he 'membership into .the highest order, which_is,, the church. The • church is the oldest or.der, because it d'oes ,back behind Pentecost th Calvary,,to Christ. The Church was •fcminied, bY Christ and the „secret' of life is dui, trust „Christ:This sermon will_reniain in the Minds' of all :who 'attended and -will- help - in the basic outline to every -mem- ber of 'the Court. , ' • After the services 'the members paraded hack to the COP Hall, and theladies and men were joint' host, anl hotsess' andserved lima. ; , . - WA and VVMS• • On Wednesday the•WA and•WMS met in he basement 'of the china', for their September meeting. Mrs. Lorne, Lawson Presided over the WA and after_ the opening of the • meeting • dealt with all business•. transactions. The WA will. hold a bake .-sale late' in October..in Sea - We speeiali7e, DIESEL FUEL and FARM LUBRICANTS Phone 686-W Phone 190 Seaforth •Goderich We write all lines of INSURANCE_ Fire Auto Wind' Liability and Life John A. Cordrio- • Successor to WATSON & RID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative: Manufacturers Life Insurance' [WWWM•MEN He was a member of the Mitchell Anglican Church. In 1916 he mar- ried the former Olive Robinson, also of Hibbert township: He is survived by his wife; six daughters,. Mrs. Robert (Audrey) Watt, Mitchell; Mrs. Walter. (Ev- elyn) Ristau, RR 3, Mitchell;..Mrs Fergus (Mary) Robinson, Mitchell; Mrs. Alvin (Auleen) Pearn, rullar- ton township; Mrs. Reginald ,.(Itu- by) Simpson, Stratford; Mrs_ Ross (Reta) JohnSon, Paris; one broth- er, Frank, Dublin, and a sister, Mrs. -Alex2-Roney,- EGIViONDVILLE her 4 at the home of Mrs: .W. L. •Whyte with Mrs. Scott as. speaker. The leaders of the copper contest, Mrs. Gloucher. and Mrs. Hoggart, turned in their returns'and result, ed the sum of almost $31._ The next regular meeting, will be held. in the afternoon. - Mrs,T. McMichael- and Evelyn, Goderich, spent Sunday with. Mr., and Mrs. Wi1ian Dale and attend- ed the funeral of Mrs: H. Kirkby, Walton. ; • ••' Mrs, ,Art Bromley, Kitchener, was a „weekend visitor 'with -her parents, /VIr.,ancl"Mrs. James Dale. • Sunday visitors , with' Mr. and Mrs. James Dale were Mr. and Mrs. WiJliainKnox, Mrs. Florence Chovven, .Clinton, and Mr. Roy Law- son, Seaforth.; , Charles MacGregor return- ed Tuesday Guelph where- he will attend the second -year degree course .2t OAC. • , Gary Jewitt, son of Mr. and7 Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, waS. the lucky winner of a• des c -set at Western Fair when he won first the 4-H Quiz; • He also • came 'third in the junior .judging of livesteck. Dale pladed,fourth in .the same, conipetition,And Dianne Dale, 16th. There were 73 competing. • . , ` The WIVIS-‘:Va-s prdrThY theme, ".„Fellow Workers. With God," was, carried out .•as in the •MissionarY, MOrithly..•MrS. lifacGlegor,read the Scripture •- • following the • theme, reading 1. Corinthians 3..;Letters of cOngratidations • oii:Ille.„50th..aniii yersary Were read.' • , Business matters Were dealt with :and a conimittee: formed for 'din-. ner. regarding, Seetional ;icieeting,to be held here The greup.. a c epte d an invitation ...to Barnsthankof-' fering -meeting in „Burns? Church •on September 30.. ' .•. .The 'thankoffering meeting ..wag discussed,and will be held Novern- , . REBEKAKS BEGIN SESSIONS „ „ • A pot-luck:supper and.the change „of -Sunshine.. Pal.: gifts: • op- ened the 'fall"..seSsiOnS :of 'Edelweiss - Rebekah .Lodge'lMonclay evening,, With ...Mr . Ed. .Andr Ws , N. G. pr e - Siding.: Mrs. ;Scott Harbkirk' and. her •,secial.,,COmniittee -Were charge of , the,:suPper, • ''..•MernberS Were asked to .• bring their "pennies” fel. the nenny 'drive ; in aid of the CPT Fuidtothenext 'Meeting. :'Mrs. ,William DIrrmp1e '.alse'announced thata-'.:Paper drive. .,the fundovniildhe :held. in: 'October.:,inade.. to the GN -I -B. APpeadc.•:All 'elective'of •flees were 'filled tnr'aeclamation. These and. the" .appointed ,offiners will he; installed in, October by' Mrs.; Dorothy Parker :1)13P, of and her installing tearn. • ' A. .splendid letter :from:', Mrs. M. ;RoSe,•of,. Sault Ste Marie, 'president :of :life Rebekah A,s's,einbly . of On-, waS.read. She...is, asking all ,therledges in 'her ;:juriadiction,to: "aSsist withher,PrOject; that Of SUP-:: ;plying new, kitchen equipitient for , rthe' IOOF Honk_ at Barrie: On be-', ,half of the Past Grand's Club; Mrs; Dorrance and Miss Mae Stiiith- presented;two. suitably engraved wliite Plastic ,gavel a t� the lodge in mein& 'two lorrner,. members Miss ;Libby , Freeniatand . 'Mrs. Mary Manson, ' • ' -. Several sodial' events are 'Plan- ned for the :coming,. year. Ed. An- drews is. to ;show colored PiCtures after, 'the.next nie:eting,: with- Mrs. ,Derranee and Mrs, S,, Halikirk to be in,-charge.:Of „other entertain- . ment,and a lunch. Members .of the • Pride. of Huron: Lodge, Exete,r, are to present the travelling,gavel 'at r.the •next meeting,, Septeinber 23, • Warden William Jewitt and Mrs. Jewitt 'left Tuesday for Vancouver, where Mr. lewitt will attend the Good Roads convention. ,,,On their way they will visit with. Mr. Jew- itt's brother at Beaver Lodge and .his -sister atRegina; • , -RESIDENCE IS SOLD ' The large modern residence of Mrs..Alen. Fisher, at the corner of James and Church Streets, tias been soldlo Lloyd Rowat, who ob- tains "pOsSession October, 15. The sale was arranged through theoffice of ,Sohn-Boeld,.throTigh -his--local-repres.entative, • JoSeph- McConnell__ Thousand of flower. lovers from all parts of the werld visit, the -Keukenhof in Holland each Spring 13Iiie coal WILLIS DUNDAS •CilaTIIP15'/T1' Stove and: Furnace on 'DUNDAS and .iority '.". • Phone 573 or 133 0:1? I S BEAUTY 'SALON Plione" 3'73 SEAFORTH •: ONTARIO - INDUCTION: SERVICE 'for. the lIarry borialdsorP AS REClibit*OF- St. Thomas", Seaforth Ansi • 'St. Mary's, Dublin ANGLICAN CHURCHES - Wednesday Sept: 23rd. 8 io0 point to feast. their eyes..ori, millionS Of • • „ ..75 'CAR' SALE, CAR SALE (75 'CAR 'SALE .75: ,CAR, SALE , , , . Pearson Motors Ltd. H . Pearson' mOtors Ltd. Motors Ltd.. Pearson Motors Ltd.: Pearson 'Motors Ltd. - •Formers' Union Endorses Pion For Deficiency Pay Defieieney„,payments was the main item discussed at the Ontario Farmers' Union' meeting held here -recently. A.fter a lengthy discus- sion,: the group, decided to' write 1V1inister of • Agriculture Douglas Harkness, giving him their sup- port to his recent 'plan. ' The , group felt the basic price should 1e set at 100 Per Rent of. parity.. - • •• • The local president .staricl ed like the Canadian Federation of •Agriculture' -has - -sold the small. farmer -,"down.. the river": The small farmer 'has not had an. on- portunity -to, state whether lievfav- • ored deficiency paymelifs7 or not, he.continued. He contended opposi- tion was coming .from 'the large producer ,and Charles McInnes, President of the Hog Marketing' •Beard, and not from the hog pro - „With. 108 million pounds of pork ,, and. a -large quarititY .of eggs, in storage, the Seaforth president as- serted thegovernment cannot con- tinue the,support Pric_e.. He point- ed- out that -every Producer must register- to -receive deficiency- pay - Gordon 'Hill and` Elston -Cardiff, M.P., will be guest speakers at the county -annual meeting -on7Friday, October 2. The meeting 'will be held in the Department of Agri- culture; board. rooms in ' Clinton. The group are„planning a barbecue early in October. The next So - forth local 'meeting will be -held Tuesday, October 13, in the Town. Early in the -fight One Of the box ers Vita:s kriockdtci.- the canvas. He' didn't Seeni.-to' lie but :got:to .Ins' feet :fug •.too ,late to beat . the: -that .; Was the -inatieer' ''de‘ nianded his manager Tater. '"You. weren't:hit bad. Why 'didn't you get :nn`..fast,,err :•• • WaSn't admitted the 'boxer. '93nt... L NI/as -se' niad about being kgocked, downhy that punk that,:r .to .66unt to., :before anything.", LOCAL Miss Lola Gayton, of Regina, Sask., is visiting her friend, -Miss Alice Reid. '' • -- Dr. and Mrs, H. -S., 'rrefxeY; of St., Joseph's Landing, and •Miss Enna Broadfoot, of $undridge, Were here last week attending the wedding -of their nephew, Robert i Broadfoot, on Saturday, n Cade - Mr: and Mrs. D. lvan. Hill,. of S'iinc'oe, spent the • weekend with his mother, Mrs.'James Hill, ' Mrs:” Mary Hildebrand has re- turned after•speriding her vacation in Kitchener. •, . Mrs.' A. Bethune Spent ,the past .two weeks in St. Jacob's and To- ronto.-Wbile in Toronto she attend-. ed a shower given: in.lionor of her •granddaughter, Carol Leo Hulbert, whose 'marriage' takes place nekt • month in St. Margaret's Anglican 'Church, Nevv Toronto. , Mrs. Hickey and Mrs.- Klinger, •of Chicago, •111., are the -„guests• of Mr's. Jean Fortune this week.• ' Mrs. Creor'ge Connell,. of Seaforth; returned, . home from Lansing,, Mich.,:after.spending' a few weeks .with, her sister. and ,faMily, Mrs. Charles ,Whitinan. • Miss Elaine Oke, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Orville Oke; Will appear on the Margaret Brnphy. Show "M'Lady" CKNX-TV Friday af- ternoon at -3:30.--, - • • Mr. and Mrs. James' M. Scott and Mr. John So:At were in Ottawa over the weekend.-. Mr. • William Scott, ,who has been. onthe staff of the Natinnal Research Couneil, re- • turned with them an.d,,vvill spend a feiv day's at his home 'here before commencing •his /final year-, atthe. VidVersity of Toronto. Mr. arid ,Mrs. George Brightiall have returned frern Toronto. Mr., • l3rightral1 has spent the last..tiree„. months -relieving managers-' in the Canadian Bank of Commerce branches at Niagara Falls; ton and Toronto. ' • • •Mr. Joe Murray and' 11/Ii:' Joh'n • Andersori-have---returned-1froln--a trip to Chicago. --M-Janies Hogg; 130b----,SPooner- and Al- Morrison,. of Collingwood, spent the Weekend with ,Mr. -and' Mrs Bedford -Dungey. IVIrs,' Hogg returned With 'them 'after spending the past three weeks here. ' Miss ,Isabelle Ross who spent • some time with friends and rela-; BRIEFS tives;in this district, -left on Wed- nesday enronte to her home in VVM- nipeg: , Mrs ° Lorne Churchill, of: Clev land, Ohio, i a guest of nie Gordon. -•- Mrs. 'Helen Kirkby and grand- daughter, of • London,- spent a few days with „Mrs. W. R. .Somerville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright and faxixilkWere visitors hero over the weekend. Mr. Wright, who was ac- countan,e in the Toronto -Dominion bank _here, has been•' appointed manager of the bank at New Dun. dee.• _ , MissHelen McGonigle, R.N., left for Brantford Sunday, where she has accepted a position on' the staff of St, Joseph's Hospital: - Cpl. K:„LipScombe and Mrs. Lipsconibe, who have been living - in Seaforth- for some months, have moved to a home at ROAF Station ' Joseph Neville, o,f and Mr. and Mrs.Ed. Mid- vale 'and sons, of Sarnia, were visitors , at tile home -of Mr. and' •Mrs, J. M. McMillan last week. WINTHROP Mrs. Fred Hutchings, of Cypress, California,. is visifing .her_ relatives, -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley, Mr. and 1VIrs. •W. G, McSpadden and Mr. and Mrs. Zack McSpadden, in Seaforth. • Alarge number attended theannc- tion sale of Mrs. Margaret, Camp- bell on Tuesday. ' • GEORGE 11,, MILLER TAXI sEgvi,.cv • Insured Passengers, Phone 149- / SEAFORTII• and FUEL OIL Hart .v.horie'7,8 Seaforth, E. H. Shorty Munroe INSURANCE Auto - Fire, Liability - Wind - Life Specializing in all forms of • term insurance and family' • protection plans. -SEAFORTLE. 394 qoderich Street 'West Sell that unnecessary- piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi, tor Classified Ad. Plione 141. Dive VS SPRAY PAINTIN At/TO FGLAS Goclericli St. West - Seaforth, 0 PFIONIT 453-W , RAD /t?$ a P4-Ofitetbk ,Pasti,me , 1 • , , Mrs. Ro,bert Dalryinfile and Charlie.. Were in Strathroy last •week visiting with friends. - MTS. 'Doig, Ruth and John Mc- Dougall were visiting in Sarnia on Sunday. -. • • - 1)r. J. Semple will conduct•anni- versary services at, Walton United Church this' Sunday. - Visitors 'last week , With Mrs. Robert Deig' were: Mr. and ,Mrs. Ross Doig, Forvvich; M. and Mrs. Oscar ThOmpson, Atwood; Mr. and Mrs,' Bert. Porterfield, Listowel; Mrs. Henry Saunders,„ NU'. Ted IVIodrehead, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs...Sohn Dolg,,,Grand Rapids. -Relatives visiting with-.IVIT:Land ; Mrs. Harold Shera and Warren last week were Mr, ancITIVIrsi Tom ,Rich - Regina,, Sask.; Mr. 'and Mrs. Vie Shera, Moorefield, and Mrs, Ida Jackson and Denaldr of Ilensall. ' Mr, and Mrs. 'Anolrew Houston attended the funeral on Monday of the latter's cousin, the, late Fred ale, of Exeter. ' Mr, and Mrs, Percy Coward, of Billingham, Washington, wer e Tuesday visitors with Mr. and mrs. Andrew Houston. , Mt. and Mrs. Stanley Gray, of Stratford, have moved this. week into the • home of Mrs. Gray's motherthe late Mrs. MaelVfillan. • Mts.'David Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs, "Imore Stephenson and farn- ily and Mr, Thomas Robinson at; tended anniverSary services at GOshen Church last -.Sunday and visited relativeS. • and Mrs. E. V,,lVlorton, of Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mr. • Harry Weiland during the week- -Mr. avid Sha Dnnon, of MeltilloP, who purchased a eon§iderable 'tract Of land from,M's. E. Iguse in the village:here, haslactit lev- died and, graded. It was lornieriy the clay pit the Itrase brickyard ProllettY. • ••=4.0 rn 1:4 •!1 krz,t , 1 . CAR SALE — Pearson Motors Ltd. K 9 UR GAS H_ O,QK.! FORD CUST()M 3 0-1) e're _Practically-Giliing Them Away e_Neoi4 the Money* e Offer -the Etiiiest-.Terms Available! (No Down payment — No Credit Restrictions) 'CA MAKE L'uu. Oidir 6,000 Actual Miles „ sOnI .$1995 and your ,aCceptable trade-in) • 1 954. , '54FORD,DELUXE SEDAN Custom built radio,, finished in grey and ' green -•• . . . — .. .. .. .. ....... . Only 1595 '54 PONTIAC BUSINESS SEDAN - Atitomatiedrive, custom radio,.full '54 PONTIAC l'AI'HFINDER DELUXE SEDANRadio, like new:- .. '54 CHEVROLET BEL MR SEDAN-Powerglide, etc.; only 40,000 miles '54 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR -Sharp car, green in ;colinir. PLYMOUTH DELUXE SERAN,-;-Excellent shape. . '54 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN-DynaflOvv, radio, whitewalls, etc. '54 METEOR',111DEM1 HARDTOP -Power steering, radio; - 195 • '53 OLDSMOBILE ;98 SEINVIV Hydrainatic'driie,, s,eleettrzle radio, '• power;brakes .53 CHEVROLET SEDAN 4 -DOOR -Motor like new. :53 PONTIAC PATHFINDER' SEDAN ,, • _ • 53 BUICK SEDAN-DynafAlcr7, radio, whitewalls, 44,000 miles. • "53 CHEVROLET -150 SED gy condition. Senoationall --SENSATIONAL T. Sengatinif41-,- • You Name Your. Price -Ob Over $99 And Take Thein Away. - '52- PONTIAC '51 Mrilatt't At: • 4-1oor Sedan '52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan ••:5511 PONT'''. RAC Deluxe Sedan - '52 CHEVROLET Coach '51 PONTIAC 2 -Door '52 PONTIAC Deluxe 'Si BUICK 2 -Door , - 'SI DODGE Sedan '50 PONTIAC 2 -Door '52 DODGE Sedan, , '51 PLYMOUTH 2 -Door '52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan • '50 AUSTIN Sedan , '52 FORD IVIahdlue; 2 -door, new '50 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan '50 MERCURY Sedan • BUICK Sedan '49 CHRYSLER Sedan 49 PLYMOUTH 2 -Door '51 DODGE 2 -Door. '51 CHEVROLET 2 -Door -- one • '49 -DODGE Station Wagon MERCITRY Sedan " '51 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan • PLYMOUTH Sedan ECONO.M'ir , .1956 AUSTIN AL,•50 SEDAN -Finished in beautiful grey Duco,•with red leather trim, -hilly equipped:„- This. give,you- up to -SO -miles per gallon • •Yours. for, ONLY $1475 TitecKS. -1 TRUCKS , TRUCKS 1958 GMC LONG BOX PICKIJI'L-In excellent condition- Low Mile, •, age . . • . .. ... ...... . . . . . . '• Oraly $1,795 • ONLy 3L-19.59.- price $2,495. up -Our_ Price -11,995 anclany trade in (if it's a truck and runs): • • ' 1956 DODGE 3/4 -TON PANEL -,Iii excellent condition, 34.,000 Miles 1 • . • - , Only $895 1955'C1iEVROLET 1/2 -TON PICKUp.,... _ • ... Only $895 • '53 GIVIe 3/4 -TON' PICKUP • , MERCURY 3/4 -TON PICKUP '52 GMC 1/2 -TON. PICKUP • '53 .PONI1AC Sedan -Delivery-. '50 INTERNATIONAL 1 -TON STAKE •ra-, 7,9 rack, dual rear wheels, 4•.speed transmission,. pliced right! ' • • - • . . oil Cannot Buy Cheaper --- Because We Ar p t e Largest Volume Dealer in Huron Count t'ONTlAC olo..4014 uoitatadt arlYS VAIJXIIALL 10111.C.11: 110,,n001 .p !g,i0454it tioioaat. 141,84001t1 la,aa4(nad L !PP!, '0400.141 I5aaaaad1,tfiei1.u4s.toa r Ars MAW Arai 000 TRUCKS. BEDFORD XETER'. eD a-7-11 ,„. 'r•-• 1-9 5 9 . . - only -4 Demonstrators Left,-,, 2 Pontiadc— 2 Buicks 'Save up to $1,000r os each of these-executiVe cars!' 1959 BUICK ELECTRA 225,- Hardtop. This is the mist beautiful car, ) .: you have ever..laul eyes upon, complete 'with every GM accessory, .except refrigeration • i........-...,........ .....'... .. . . .... Reduced 82,000 . • . ,. 1959' VAUXHALL -The scarcest car on the market today, blit_w.e have them.- our Model Choice- Your Color Choice. • . . ,Only ' - -, ' • .....,......... ..,.'. . .:.-.-. . .., .... . . ..........,..:.... . ... . .. . . . . .. 11,995 . • 4, ---General 5 otors Factory Ee'dtitiePONTIACS. coming in-- , • All $1,000,,'OEF LIST PRICE .... . . • • .• , , 1 6'5 8' , . ,48 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN --Finished in lovely anniversary gold, custom radio • .. . • .• ,e ..... .. Priced at onlY1Da95 '58 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON,' 4 -door; 2 tone, only 3,000 miles. '58 ClIEVItOLET STATION WAGON„,_2.ttone,_custoin-radio,,whitlyalls;T ., 58 PONTIA.CStfato Chief, 24ki--O-r; 6 -cylinder, radio; etc. ' '58 CHEVROLET Deluxe, 2 -Door, sharp car! , . ' - • ' '58-PONTIAC PAIIISIENNE HARDTOP; 2 -Boor, , automatit, Power__ . brakes, radio.' ' . -,- - • • 1 9-5 7 • fti LIEVROLET 4 -DOOR SEDAN 150 -Finished 'in levely Metallic green iPriced at only 1,495 '57 AUST15.HEMiiiiiTS CAR -electric overdrive, real sharp! , '57,FORD STATION WAGON SEDAN -V8, 4 -door, ailtomaiie, radio: '57 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN 300.:-Itadie, auto. drive, wheels &seg. • '57 .FORD CUSTONILINE SEDAN 300--Radio,,8L cylinders, 27,000 .iniles. . , . . -1956 •."--‘ . . '56,DODGrE DELUXE SEDAN -- Finished in immaculate- twoone green, ... Only $1,295 ,.. .. • . ,. .. .: . . . .-- • only 30,000 actual ,miles -. . ...., ..................... . - '56 PONTIAC PATHFINDER--]2-d.oor, radio, etc. ' ..' 56 AUSTIN A-50 SEDAN-radio,•overdrive, leather inferior. • '56 Ci1EVROLET 4.1)00R-B1ack and White. 56CHEVROLE430011-Very good shape . Tt.„iriaz • L'56•F.ORD CUSTO E SEDAN -radio, whitewalls,' wheel disesc; _etc. ''56 PLYMOUITE, BELL EDERE SEDAN V -6 ---pushbutton, power-flite ' '56 BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP 4 -1100W ---whitewalls.' •- . '56 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF HAR,DT0p-Ilydramatic drive, radio, full ' , ,leather upholstering. •.1 , , 1955 .. , •0., "55 PONTIAC LAUREN'IlAN.HARD'IDPI-just li)ce new. 8---"55 CHEVROLET, SEDANS - Not one of these bard -to -get ,incidels has. • -over 40,000 miles, one has only 21,000. Automatic driveS; 6, cylin- ' clefs ---- V8's 150's 210's - They wont last long at ,' ' ONLY $995 UP , , • . . e're _Practically-Giliing Them Away e_Neoi4 the Money* e Offer -the Etiiiest-.Terms Available! (No Down payment — No Credit Restrictions) 'CA MAKE L'uu. Oidir 6,000 Actual Miles „ sOnI .$1995 and your ,aCceptable trade-in) • 1 954. , '54FORD,DELUXE SEDAN Custom built radio,, finished in grey and ' green -•• . . . — .. .. .. .. ....... . Only 1595 '54 PONTIAC BUSINESS SEDAN - Atitomatiedrive, custom radio,.full '54 PONTIAC l'AI'HFINDER DELUXE SEDANRadio, like new:- .. '54 CHEVROLET BEL MR SEDAN-Powerglide, etc.; only 40,000 miles '54 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR -Sharp car, green in ;colinir. PLYMOUTH DELUXE SERAN,-;-Excellent shape. . '54 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN-DynaflOvv, radio, whitewalls, etc. '54 METEOR',111DEM1 HARDTOP -Power steering, radio; - 195 • '53 OLDSMOBILE ;98 SEINVIV Hydrainatic'driie,, s,eleettrzle radio, '• power;brakes .53 CHEVROLET SEDAN 4 -DOOR -Motor like new. :53 PONTIAC PATHFINDER' SEDAN ,, • _ • 53 BUICK SEDAN-DynafAlcr7, radio, whitewalls, 44,000 miles. • "53 CHEVROLET -150 SED gy condition. Senoationall --SENSATIONAL T. Sengatinif41-,- • You Name Your. Price -Ob Over $99 And Take Thein Away. - '52- PONTIAC '51 Mrilatt't At: • 4-1oor Sedan '52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan ••:5511 PONT'''. RAC Deluxe Sedan - '52 CHEVROLET Coach '51 PONTIAC 2 -Door '52 PONTIAC Deluxe 'Si BUICK 2 -Door , - 'SI DODGE Sedan '50 PONTIAC 2 -Door '52 DODGE Sedan, , '51 PLYMOUTH 2 -Door '52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan • '50 AUSTIN Sedan , '52 FORD IVIahdlue; 2 -door, new '50 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan '50 MERCURY Sedan • BUICK Sedan '49 CHRYSLER Sedan 49 PLYMOUTH 2 -Door '51 DODGE 2 -Door. '51 CHEVROLET 2 -Door -- one • '49 -DODGE Station Wagon MERCITRY Sedan " '51 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan • PLYMOUTH Sedan ECONO.M'ir , .1956 AUSTIN AL,•50 SEDAN -Finished in beautiful grey Duco,•with red leather trim, -hilly equipped:„- This. give,you- up to -SO -miles per gallon • •Yours. for, ONLY $1475 TitecKS. -1 TRUCKS , TRUCKS 1958 GMC LONG BOX PICKIJI'L-In excellent condition- Low Mile, •, age . . • . .. ... ...... . . . . . . '• Oraly $1,795 • ONLy 3L-19.59.- price $2,495. up -Our_ Price -11,995 anclany trade in (if it's a truck and runs): • • ' 1956 DODGE 3/4 -TON PANEL -,Iii excellent condition, 34.,000 Miles 1 • . • - , Only $895 1955'C1iEVROLET 1/2 -TON PICKUp.,... _ • ... Only $895 • '53 GIVIe 3/4 -TON' PICKUP • , MERCURY 3/4 -TON PICKUP '52 GMC 1/2 -TON. PICKUP • '53 .PONI1AC Sedan -Delivery-. '50 INTERNATIONAL 1 -TON STAKE •ra-, 7,9 rack, dual rear wheels, 4•.speed transmission,. pliced right! ' • • - • . . oil Cannot Buy Cheaper --- Because We Ar p t e Largest Volume Dealer in Huron Count t'ONTlAC olo..4014 uoitatadt arlYS VAIJXIIALL 10111.C.11: 110,,n001 .p !g,i0454it tioioaat. 141,84001t1 la,aa4(nad L !PP!, '0400.141 I5aaaaad1,tfiei1.u4s.toa r Ars MAW Arai 000 TRUCKS. BEDFORD XETER'. eD a-7-11 ,„. 'r•-•