HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-18, Page 11-Property p4'r y Duringthe summer your ro er- t ' comittee held t meetings, Y two ;m tangs, • Various items ,were. considered. by the committee, and are reported herein. • A letter from the Sheriff's office: was read to the eom'mittee request- , ..., . iuig ainotice ,board be placed in the ' hall for the purpose of posting-vot- ers' osting_voter's' lists. The committee felt since; there was alre ady''a notice;board irk the;' Sheriff's office for this pur pose• a- further' one, was unneces-. Tender's • for the .supply df fuel oil'for the "Court -House -and ,Regis- try Office were, received by- the committeeas follows: Sault Coal' Co,, 16,7c per gallon;. Grigg Coal' Co:, 15.7c - per gallon; Cities Ser-' vice .15.0c per' gallon- . Ross , g 1 .: ,. , Scptt;' `14.9c, per gallon.,• The tenderr,:was' awarded to Ros t La Scot 'rhi lied; -of Brucefield,for '"14.9c per :.ender T sere also w o received'far �SUlrplging coal to the' Jail* The fob lowingtehders were received: 'Grigg:>Coa1 Co., $24,4 per._ton H-, 0. Jerry $24.39' per ton; Sault Coal p Com,an'Y, , .25.50 `-`ton; $ Per, ,Overholt Coal Co., $23 per ton.; This tender was awarded to Overholt Coal -Co.,. of Goderith. TheClerk;wa s authorized.top u"r-: chase' .a lu gga ge.rack:andtarpaulin` for the'station .wagon ata cost of ,$35,.,; }n order- to `allow sufficient space- • for luggage ggage when commit- tees travel and stay overnight. ,The :Clerk',was authorized toP ur- chase 'an additional �-adding ma- chine for his ofice from the Skeoch Offic :, u ff e S lie i' . L mated p s At price p _. The'matter of county printing was :discussed' :by the eammrttee at some . length. We ,recommend that in future county printing would be let on .a- tender' basis .from year to year. Your 'committee authorized : the installation of neve =cupboards: -at the jail for Mr;': Bell, :this work to be done: by Bruce Ryan, contrac- tor, of Goderich, , Authorization forthe rent d g e purchase of an Underwood.' type- writer -for the a Re istr offs e• at 'a cost of $287.50, Also - 'filing' cab - _Met ' ca '- , _net froltLGana[Tian _I%da$.; I.ireit-- ed in :the •amount of :$206,50,-waa authorized by : your committee. This filingcabinet is to be used in storing documents , recorded`' on the- photographic -machine at the Registry office. ,Tour committee hated 'invests ° . g t e condition of the floor :at the Reg- istry ' office. ' The 'floor has shown 'signs of giving way in various . place es and, `therefore, some action is necessary to -correct this situation. The committee' .authorized the advertising of this work; however;, „due to the time;; ofyear'no, tenders` were received and,'therefore' , the actual- work' -has been, delayed. It is hoped, that once the rush of core struction has slackened:; that your committee will be able ;td receive sufficient tenders to award the job on a ;competitive basis • .John. Durniny- Chairman. Ccun• ny uuome• A�1 e June Since the _ . s ssios of county councounty Home Com - tui e ` a ve held regular.alai• meetings and special meetings Where neces- ORSE RACES - 2..22 , AND :2: 28 CLASSES The Eige t Little s Fair i n e F ar.l . Ontario C The details of this report will be divided into two sections; one deal- ing -'with the routine Operations of the Home, and the .second • part with the.:construetion. program as it sstandsa t the present esent ti e. • As you.are, no ,doubt, aware, Mr: Harvey Johnston, our superintend- ent, bas been ill :.for :some time. At the time of preparing -this report Mr. Johnston • was still in the hos- pital. Therefore, through, the 'co- operation' of the remainder of the staff and the board,., we have been endeavouring to carry 'MI to the be_ t•of our_ability during -Mr -John_: son's absence. It was ;decided by your conhmit- tee `. that : furtherstaff was `nees-. sary hr -order that. proper super- vision could be carried : out there- fore, your committee' :advertised: for an orderly.. In response to: the ad, no suit - "able applications were •received.. After•making various;mquiries- and after giving this.? matter serious �,� os, consideration, Mr, John Nediger, of Clinton, :was- engaged [as an order- ly for the ,County. Home at .a sal- ary -of $2600.09 -per -.annum .. Th' e matter o - F_ farm rxn help , was given • further study and it • was established ;that there -was no age limit as -far as Workmen's ' Coni pensatidn'_Board was concerned: therefore, the -sons of Mr. Collins,' who was employedAt the County Home,' were covered, and the :.De- partment of Labouradvised:-that. there were,no restrictions for farm employment as far. as `they ,,Were -cone ae r d.': Mr. Collins has sgn e a n agree- ment th tee-mensth t:he.will'be responsible for anaccident dent which' Might hap- pen Y. g h p pen' to any members of his, other than: those on the .payroll'in- case of an,accident at the County Hoiiie.._The, committee, ,therefore, feels that this 'situation 'has' been covered.. _satisfactorily. If as"..agreed to authorise 'Mr: Collins to purchase a quantity of q.... Y -pigs' to ; supplement the stock and also to 'engage an extra tractor from ,the Cities Service Company p y in .Clinton at, therate of 50c .per. hour while; the machine was tri use::,, -Also; Mr. Collins was ,author- ized : to have 'the name painted .on _ the >County truck being: used'. at the farm: It was found �. Ynecessar" `' to do'. some work 'on' the boiler' at the County Home and prices were re- ceived , as follows.:• Mathieson's Welding Service ` of Goderich, Bell ,Industries •'of Sear forth $415;10, .:plus;: sales` tax on materials;' ls,: Hobbs Limited, of Lon don 844 00 .. The work was a"' - $ saw rd- ed'to Mathe , . sons WeldingService of Goderich en a reds a frien+ SI _ Some difficulty was encountered by your committee with referenee to the --fuel being suppliedto the Home. However, Sterling Fuels of London have corrected this situa- tion by the addition of an additive and ,this is being supplied . at no extra 'cost to the county. Tenders' were called for the su ply.. of. fuel oil fort the -forthcoming min O g. heating season, and the following, tenders were received: 1tosS Scott Limited,. 11,7E ' per gallon;: Cities Service Limited, 1225c per gallon;. Canadian Oil Limited, 11:5c per. -gallon,. Lob. ' Goderich;: =Sterling- Fuels, -11,35e :per gallon;. A; , G. Grigg .,& Sons, .11:56 per gallon. The tender was .awarded to'. Sterling Fuels,, of London, , at 11.35c per gallon. , Dr: Thompson? the 'Ho me physi- cian,. was ' interviewed during, the summer" relative :'to -' certain ' Poli- cies. 'In the past : there : had- ;been from time :to<.tune calls niaile -b Y the doctor • to various- municipali- ties within the County,` and these calls ,:were chaiged ,for and paid; by ',the. Count H : Y Heine :Committee: . ,It_ as1elt i W n Futuro ,that if ;itwas necessary :for; the, Home physician to visit other 'municipalities, in the County; that he first must; obtain permission from the coinmittee:... Or, failing this, the; municipality that requests the call, .without per-,, mission of the Committee, shall. Be respponsible for payment. We feel that this`" itu do s a n is now clear and that no further trouble is 'antici- An` inquiry :was . received- from Mr: ;:IohreParker, of Clinton,.re th e , possibility -of purchasingmore:land at `the backof his.motel ori High= Way No. i h- way..No. 4, The committee Visited the '"site, but ;decided;' that at, the present time .:no , action would be :taken,:;although they".,; did agree :to give. Mr. Parker first opportunity -to-.purchase ,• at=a later -date The :,Work -;of, accounting[: and. banking with'reference. to trust ' ac counts :has in"the past been'car- ried out by.the, superintendent.. ,It. was felt, however, that this'ivas the work of the Treasurer's office and, therefore, this ,necessary,. Change. has been.made Mr. AM. Harper,- er :C.A. ' R , audited, the Trust Account to date, and as: of June 23, the:,work`has been :car- rind out by. the Treasurereg :office. This will relieve Mr. Johnston of,a. certain amount of detail.-It'Shouid be. pointed out to the county"coun- cil that- there 'is some $5,000:00 in the Trust:ceA c ount whit h is now being' administered ' m the.% g. office in Goderic Th' s none' ' ish` i el in h< Yd trust in theeBaik.of:Montreal, 'Clin-. ton And , . ,a is deposited;` and vuith-; drawn as required' with both the Treasurer and^`she Deputy Treas- urer being signing authorities.'The, -foregoing has been a suns= Teary:'ofactivities with reference tQ " the routine.Qperation of the Home. Now perhaps we 'eau try and. bring the council. up to date'on-the building program. Unfortunately progress has been slow, 'but -rid doubt, this is wise hi view of the extensive program, ahead - of ;us, and• the more time and thotight given,. to' the situation at the pies: ent time will, no doubt, •result in a ;better-.building-atea-•later date - As you will 'rec Il tenders were requested for : both - the ',kitcheni equipment and the laundry equi- ment. These tenders were -called for , the purpose' of endeavouring to obtain p'rices:, so that •the com- mittee could establish.. a final cost figure for county •council. There - foie, at this time we -do, not be=. livve it :necessary to report these tenders - for final:;' approval -- until such -timeas: we have a complete picture for the council. W ha. ve not:'finalized ' theseten- ders.as we. -have only-acee accept- ed ed them' ontilei''conditioh that they be approved by 'county, council and by, the, Department of Welfare' ih Toronto, They will have a bearing on the final cost figure; and, there- -fore, We would'dike to; present the entire picture at once when It is all ready for the council, Our B -y -Law,. No. 40, 'of .1959, . � - s ha.. been the'submitted .to' ' Municipal Board but -can o n, t beap proved'.by the board until' final plans have been approved the a xtne t of Public Welfare inToronto.'Ttiis is now in thebe' rocessof p b ing cam-. We had our architects visit the County Home in Lincoln Cotuny in order. that they;might see thebuild.' that :has been erectedtheree.. l'ney . were impressed to: acertain extent; AMWever, they • did -not :feel ;that the' construction was. , as : ade quate as what - they ;have•;'planned, for'our Home in'Huron' soil tests have ::been completed at the, County 7ome,'and an ac- count of; $5S3.00.,16.the .e 'UJniversal. Geotechnique ' Company,' Limited .has been paid by ybnr';cammitt'ee., One Wednesday; 'Sept-` 2, your committee,;together with the archi- tects and• consulting engineers; held a'meeting in Toronta.with the. Del partment'Of Welfare'regarding,fine al plans 'for theproposed. addition to the Huron Y:H m, :Count . o ' e . It now appears rs th t our plans are. in ''rd' o er .ith; .the :exception: ,.w _ tin,: of P a few min or detail's: I 'the - It i refore anticipated that, tenders 'Will be Called ' , early in 'October, ;; and that we should_ have 0 --complete report, Ata time like this, the -best friends a mother can have are a modern automatic electric washer and an electric clothes dryer They make short work of washing and- drging• andthey-do it-_ automatfcaly.: Just set the dials - no heavy lifting, nowet wash tocarry-never a care about getting clothes dry for another day of play.. .With a modern automatic electrie- washer and clothes dryer wag is easy -drying is certain - whatever the weather. r ` You, get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. LIVE l ET`t°E R F L)!4'CTE 1 CALLY;_ .TE *Tool viiPomppelt., sEAi''oItTE Off',, um. as, Im-m. including tenders and final .esti-: mated costs, for November session of ow ty.;.eouneil, V. Becker, Chairman.. :3TorrtewciluSehuisresur;The re ' bre: i to -"to t d you at this time :covers the first, - six months of the year 1959. The financial e ansa 1 statement which, I gave` prepared, covers the period ending' June 30, 1959,' and shows` a surplus df. 15937.10, , The accounting co n ". u t for this sur , g Flus has. -been -;calculated on the basis of'':accounts receivable and ac- counts payable' which were due pr o'w'ing as at June. 30, 1959. The actual: financial operation of the .county far this peried of time have: been relatively: norinal: -There is an -increase being. noted=in: both adini nistration of justice wild child welfare. I :believe that 1.ii p inted out,at the, revious-session-ofcoen. cil. that -Child welfarewas. on the increase to a certain e,xtent.. I'think that, in .future you will -notice a further uicrease in administratin o.• of. justice- 'costs. eThe-.fees-. fbr ju - ers'afe being inereasedt'as of Se tember 1 to $10 a. day' and -Witness fees'' to $6, 'and also further allow; ante for - mileage and'' -:travel Therefore, - this change'will -'reflect in+;our costs -to some extent this year and to agreater. extent next year.:' In view. of theforthcoming rthcomin mur< g der trial: in the count y; additional funds;_ -have been .alloc ated'ao' the Administration of 'justice 'expendi tures for this - purpose, .ore I.have again P. g.. revised the.: e stimate fee.13959 and. 'under resent' o er present' p-, ationS `and- the foreseeable :colts of the next' six months, -the' estimated -surpl-us is $33;080.00. We have allocatedsl 30• . $ ,000;00 .for' the airporteexpendi�ture •and ' a2Q 000,00 course; Was allocated for the ,County 'Home building' fund. It is;hoped th'at.at the November ses-' sion ' vie will;:'ebe able to allow , a 'transfer',of 'More money ' o the, biiilding fund to endeavour, tb have on hand more. funds to. help reduce the'', final debenture; -issue The bond:' market;: Coda is ver uncertain; interest-,rates�are ever x inereasing'arid'we are very 'uneer-' tain as to what ofit final costs will be to 'finance the forthcoming Coun . ty Home addition.• As you can .all` realize, .the cost ,of:'.barrowing tb day, has • certainly, and Y. . there does not seem'to.be any y fore- seeable ore- see le ab Change. e " g o some .time to co '" me. I is:: ' It or to g ng make"'.a tre- mendous does different' e o" to ur bullosa at the Horne and, :itlierefore; `if we` can allocate any,:, funds this .year or. next .year, then. -„Vire. would •, be: very wise to' do so In general, as far `as the `routine work, ` of our .office - is . concerned; wehope that: we have been able to supply members -, of council with. vaiiog�rss facts 'and;figures: as they have "required them and we do ap tereciate 'Very -7 much 'the close' co-: operation we have received from the warden and nieriibers_ of .coun tits -which makes `our- work that. ,much easier. - John 'G. -Berry, Clerk -Treasurer . Financial ,Report' For Period , Ending June. 30,-1959: REVENUE County rates $412,841.00' Licenses -arid permits 585.00' Grants, subsidies and re- - 'coverables from: Provinciial. Govern't 342,403.87: AOtherdlersoumunrcicesipalities . 12.3 6;845 8018,08 Other revenue Fines 348.08 Rents �..,.. . 3;075,00, General government 2,451.71 ether Museum .r 2,500,00 Miscellaneous - 576.94 Total Revenue $783,945.48 " EXPENDITURES General ,government: • Executive and •Legisla • - tive $12,513.71 Administrative .18,96657 'Other '(mainten., etc.) 16;503,07. $47.98335 Protection to persons and - - - Gaol $-10181,74 Protective • inspection .., , 7,16496 -Admin. .of Justice 15;537.58 Public Works: "Maintenance and con- struction . $534,53122 Public Welfare y Child Welfare $24,69$,45 Hospitalization 8:866.27 County Home ' 5,000.00' 32,88428 $ 38.564.72 Education Grants to schools - .t $ , 3,17500. Debt Charges': ,- Deben, debt charges •$ 32.960:00 Temporary charges 1,006.26 ,8.33.966'26 Discount on county rates $ .3;275:18' Agriculture: grants 6,880.80 Patriotic grants__, - 4,475.00' Reforestation . - - 2,552:60 Registry Office 1,780.63 .Health Unit 25,01)0.00 Others: Museum ' '5276.06 Library '-.::. 8,000.00= 'Co. Home Building Fund 20,000.00 Employee -benefit 1.665.28 5768,008.38 SURPLUS $ 15,937J0 Revised Budget -1959 County rates $825,600,00 Licenses and permits 600.00 Grants, subsidies and re= . coverables from:. Dominion Government 3,700,00 Provincial • Government 776,000.00 Other municipalities' ,.. 10,000.00 Other, Sources 16 000.Od' Other ,revenue;; Fines, .•.. ,, ,. , . 600,00 Registi`y office fees, etc $,00d 00, !tents t..,,. 6,1(!404 • MR. AND MR$: WILETAIVI • ._,LAVEiNE ETRilICO'iT ar e seen following their Marriage in Brucefield United Church, The bride is the former Mary Eileen McCartney, St. Marys, daughter of Mr. .: .and Mrs. .George McCartne R.R.1, Brucefield and the bride- '= room's parents a MRoye g p s r re r. and Mrs.. N thercotf ; St, Mar"s: The !: couple willreside in St, 'Marys: (Photo by Frank Phillips). EUEAN:O TOUR PE TOUR Continued '£r ( from Page 8).` persons to an acre, :There is, as:much Y varlet in the ,, 1 hm oes+as there;, is in ,the country side: The 6.000;ipeople' living here today,°can choose' from' single farri- ily homes, row- housing,''slab block apartments and; point block' apart- `. en G era l government '.. Other: Museum Miscellaneous 6,500.00 5,000.00 { • $1653,100;00 EX: PENDITURH General'Go.v er rime nt: Executive and. legisla- tive 1 a b'i tive'- .:.. $ 20,500:00 Adm.._.i. mi%'- strat ve ::. 40,000.00 Other°'c (mainten etc.)... 24,509-.00, Protection -'to persons an property: Gaol .•., ... $ 20,00000 Protective' inspection 12,000,00 Admin: of, Justice .::..• •40;000.00 ;000,00: Public: W rks Maintenance 'and con , struction ,..:1165,000:00 Public Welfare Child Welfare $ 50,000.00: Ilospitalizatiort-.18:800.00 Other: County Home i.-. 15,000.00 $'72000.00 $83,809.00 Education: . . Grants to schools $ 4,000.00 Others 3,000.00 $ 7,000,00 Debt Charges: Deben.' debt charges $ 65.920100 •Teinporary: charges.. '. '3.000,00 $ 68,920 00 Discount on county rates $ 3,70000 Agriculture: grants 7,000 00 Patriotic grants , 4,50000 Reforestation, 2:600.00. Registry office .,,,• 8,000,00 Capital expenditure .(air- - port) 30,000:00 Health : •Unit' 40,000.00 !!VS_Thmerits. Sociologist Aaltonen,' Sociologist said Ta P iota was':pl'anned starting from Man's. iridiy idualitY=and need, to contaetWith nature The.aesthettc e 'vat 1u s of nature,: trees and origin's - • •-al';contours- of landscape have been retained - whereverpossible, ` - in Tapiola.,nature predominates; , Streets have been. kept to;a •mini - p mum and they ;!must conform ., to: =the: contour of land. Rolling -land' and trees have been, F . rotected,;and roads must .twisteth it ay- ar e w.„ Y mind the natural beatity:;This: applies to' residential .roads.:Main roads - to- Tapiola •'•are fours lanes .wide. Mr.- Aalt' onen insisted, Farsight= ecl.' tan '' n p ing and -:good org anization.• ,are' much mor - •' Mere . uiiPo.. rtant tai I1� e eco , a. n mac: faetors;,:of good: service: fa'ciliti _. es..)MY au ,iridis arable cam Pe mon. faciIitieh are fairly `:easy. to finance provided;;the costs' can distrib ited: from ,the outset 'among'. a fairly large number of, dwellings This high level thinking sighted la,than whose .country has faced 'financial difficulty since World War' II, Although ' the Fins don't like it, :they' are forced to" da. a ' considerable 'amount of trading with. Russia,.They;are in.:a._reinote- corner from other ; countries in the: western ;`world•, The first building -complete was a nursery school; designed .by Viljo Rewell, the: same architect ear for To- ronto'snew_ city' `hall.. ; 'Even: in Tapiola .he 'has won international; recognition;' The'nursery school has attracted arehitects' from all parts Of the world. His three high apart- ment buildings are expected to win.. - the:, same • respect, The people already living in this:'. garden city have a culture centre for art and: music;' a sports etre that includes a.,: gym and pool, bathing beaches, parks. club rooms;;;:... a ;movie houSee and several !small'. Like planners in Denmark, Swe- den and England,,. the Fios credit thoughtfulplanning': far the suc- cess of their project: For one ;.year the developers and `:plannerslook; ed fpr a 600 -acre site . that, could provide the: ,ultimate in - suburban living,' After;, the` site was found, •planners; -sociologists, architects >, and developers- spend: another two Others; Y Museum 12,000.00 Librar. 10.500,00 i County Bone Building.::' 20,000,00 • ears putting the city on paper Here, 16 -storey apartment build ' ngs.blend with single faintly hous- es, Hydro ,and telephone wires run underground an frees.:;replaee _:legeeHeridrPdt of [lower -gardens-.-- and' : shrubs ° receive', constant care. It is the, best development I Have seen in Eurepe and;if it was trans planted . into' North -X'ork; ;thede- $1;620;020:00 Estimated' surplus for 1959 ' • $ 33.080:00 John G. Berry, Clerk -Treasurer Library' Due to -the resignation of Profit of the Library Staff, it was necessary to advertise for clerical assistance as 'a replacement. Applications were requested and 10 were -received. Miss Mary Lon Sterling,' of RR 2, Auurn, was rel-.. lected at a starting ' salary of 21.800 p'er annum: We would ask that county coun- cil endorse this appointment -B Parrott; 'Chairman; , eloper'could expect an 'iiiimed - M sell-out, - ".Did yeu'get home' all right af- ter the party. Last night?" "Fine, ''thanks; except that just as 1 was turning into. my street some idiot stepped 'on. my fingers." "Canada's Polar continental shelf ' extends 50 to 200 miles 'wide north of the Canadian mainland and Arc- tic rc tic islands from Alaska to..,Green- land..' F011 NOW AVAILABLE IN SEAFORTH; *Single • Duplicate _..: Triplicate A Fit h. All Types of billing Mac -fines hone ie 141 or 142