HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-18, Page 6MC.POSITOP,' E'..(141'611•71-1 "Ci&r, 'SEPT. 18 1959 IjsE E'S CLIFICTONS ' TO 'YOUR .AIWANTAGE 1. .003RAIAs 14venta . -I.,ont..,Stmed s. Found • 4. Hely ' Wanted Basdnena Opportnnities ' Tersehera Wanted 1. Oituata Wanted Parra. StOch. 'o a1e 9. Pirvilliy For Sale . 'O . Used Cara For..Sale . • 11.. -Articles For SOP 12, Wanted 'Po "13,uy ' 13. ' Wanted -14. PrePertY ForSalo 1;5:. Pieperty For Rent FOr Sale or Rent. Wented . wa....Rent 18, Property 'Wanted' .19. Notices • 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted .22. Legal Notices 23. Cards of :Thanks 42.4....• In Merizeriam 25. Personals ' • The cost is low. Claissitleations 2, 3, - 9; 10, 11, 12; 13, 15. 17).--minfinum .1'45 cents in inseition. All other classi- fications, minimum 50 •mats :per insertion, !!'eaccePt Autions Sales (20), TendersWant, .ed (21), and Legal Notices. (22), rates on application. ' • r 1.- Coining. Events ANNUAL BARBECUE, sponsored by the 0.8".U., will be held on October let, in Seaforth :Community Centre. 1194 EGIVIONDVILLE United Church will hold their fowl sapper on. •Sentember 30th. -1-794' : THE LADI'ES' GUILD .of Si. Monies' 1, Anglican Church Christmas bazaar, No- vember 12, from 3 to 5 eon. 1-79-1 BALM and Prodtice Sale in Ole former Daly Garage on Saturday, October 10, at 2;30 tp.m. Sponsored by Constance W.A. i-79-1 LOCAL 'GUEST on "M'LadY" ()ingrain; CKNX television, September 17, at 3:30, will be, Mrs, Ronald Bennett, of Walton, • who will: demonstrate a recipe, and-. MisS Elaine Oke who will perform in two dance .putithers. • ' • 1-70-1 FAS/116N SS/OW: The Fireilde Crone of • 'First presbyterian ChurCh 'will :hold 1. fashion show in the 'schoblroore of the ,church some time in October.. Show will -include furs, fall dresses and hthar acces, sic ,SOries. A SERIES of prenatal classes will begin, Monday, September 21st, at 8:00 p.m. in. the Health Unit Office, second floor, Scott 'Memorial Hospital. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or •'phone the Public- Health ' Nurse • at 208-W between 6:00 p.m. and •13 :00 p.m. 1-794 3. SEAFOR,TIL a stim of money. Ap- ply Box 873, HURON EXPOSITOR. Own- er may have same :by proving propeitY.• , 3-79-1 113 Wanted IL Articles For Sale bliNE-POOT. overhead garafFq. (.1(.4X, •cellent, Shang; elm., Apply to HAROLD MALONEY,'Seafortli, SMALL white', enaritei coal or wood range. ApPly to ROY LAWSON,' third. lionse west 'of. Northside •Ilnited : Church. PHONE '210-J",' , 11-79x1 ' ON DOIll4E-:BARREL /fawners .shht, gun for sele,, calivaa• case, . shell 'Vest and sorne•-shells,„ !PHONE -SEAP.ORTA 836 11.' THREEPIEVE nayy Mite snOw snit, trimmed vfith white fu , size -,4.) n good condition.• PHONE SEA RTII 128:11-79-1 • ' COAL • HEA.TER. also inpes, for Sale. :Apply to MRS. HTI,GH McLACHLAN, RR, a; Seaforth',' Phone Seaforth 66.6 R14.. •ONE ,LADY'S'..black. Persian bunh coat, - king medium Size, in ood .condition. Ap- ply- DAVID- D/GNAN, Hensall. FIQflt1C.srovE, ',heavy wpmg, new Condition.• Good. reason for .selling. AP - NI' to J. E. JONES, North 'Main Street, Seaforth.-; Phone Sea:ft*tli 176. WASHING MACHINE •with heater inq stalled space , oil (burner, medium size. Both good condition.6 Apply to MRS. ELIZABETH DINNEN. Phone 482-1V1, Seaforth:,;• • 11-79x1 SAVE $40 on Coleitaw_gas space, heater', 55,000 13.T.8L intart. :Heater, 'fan," an „ complete. . •Regular $169.95c Your priee :With 'tracte.in, 512995.. • Inquire t, abou-our 'gee paymeat. plan. UNION: GAS .GOMPAblY. Placitte. Seaforth 852, CO - OP FALL SALE 'I'hlirsdaY: ;Friday. and Satarday; 'Septerti- bpi 28.24, 25; •Senie.:Of 'the; apeCiala • able; 'Refidgerator. Preezer,A2,89,00.; Steam, and • Dry' Off -Starter GrbWer (1004hJbligS)'. cials now :On ,sale at. '; , • : '• " 11,VITTA-RTVIT:RS CO-OP 12. 12. Wanted:TO Hiiy .4. liARGE. OIL :BURNER;in good , Condi- tion. cHA_RLES. JOHNSTON, Dublin; - or •,phone' 231-11/1“,,Seaforth: 12-7.9x1 • , , . . , . WANTED: 'Model' •t.A.' Ford.' State con., dition, model. and, pr„ice, to 11(7.: HURON xxposiTo.s.,.,scaorts... ,.• • • IIIGKEST CASH, 'PRICES paid for sick,. dewn and ,disabled farm animals. Prompt;. •courteous collection of all idea(' and disabled farm . animalsand las collect, ED ',ANDREWS', $51 R 11', Sea-, forth. AssoCiated With Darling &.P�.. of Canada Ltd.12-77-tf- 4. Help -Wanted HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to' work in Sea - forth officeafter School and Saturdays - Some typing' and clerical work. Box 869, ' HURON EXPOSITOR. WOMEN WANTED • Permanent employment. Pleasant working cOnditions. • Apply te: SEAFORTII SHOES ' Seaforth. 4..754 . Situations Wanted WILL MIND children in • own home, daytime. PHONE 772. 749.1 ti 9. For Sale • 350 RED X ROCK pullets, laying, Roe strain. APPIY MRS. ROBERT G9A_RDi- D INER, Cromarty., ,-79x ft 250 RED Swiss breed. lay.: Ing good. • Apply to E. S. MoBRIEN. , Phone Seaforth 845'R 3. 9-79-1 l„ 170 RED ROCK pullets - ready to MY, for sale. Appl-r-ar GORDON WREN, Kip- ,-pesa. Phone Hensall 674.R 8. ----'- 200'RED X sussEx pullets, ;eady to lay ; $1.75 each. Apply to NORMAN KRA54a315, Dublin. Phone Dublin sa S.• , 0-49,x2 FOR. SALE 8,000 Dekalb Pullets, Series 101. start- ing to lay. Vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis. Debeaked, immediate ddlivery. 1ROORE'S POULTRY FARM ' R.R. 3. Seaforth. Phone - Seaforth 647 R 31 9-794 11. Articles Yor Sale • ' USED OIL BURNER in good Condition. ;• Priced reasonably to clear. FRANK KLING LTD. Phone 19, Seafbr1h. 11.79x2 ONE COMMERCIAL size Coca-Cola cooler for quick sale. Apply to VERMIN RAU, Seaforth.• 11-79x2 I • SECONDHAND PIANO, Gerhard -Heintz - mat. PHONE Seaforth 4142 R 81. 11.79-1 GIRL'S three-piece winter suit, grey L. With Pink trim; size 631. Apply M. MRS. : F. R. COSF201tD, Sesforth. 11.794 .1 BROWN FURNACE7''FE, coal and heater, , in good, shape; iike new. Phone SEAFOUT11-- 662. 1149x1 •STEEL 114:10t1NG, asphalt roofing and ssiding; cedar Post, all sizes. Before yort buy, Plaine Senior*. .841 r 2. BORDEN' BROWN. 114744 HONEY FOR SALE: Now postiing lover honey, 25c lb.; September. honeY, • 255 lb., in your own containers:" Comb • one -pound sections, 50c, WALLACE ROSS APIARIES, Seaforth. 11.79-2 44,500 sfoirroAot 'lit 6% for Sale at , antall„,alicount Mortgage 50 on golid Una '• in lifIbbert Township. Apply 1:),, 3. WM,• . TEREEEK, '115 Britannia Rd., Goderich. •• ,, • 11-78x2 • DRAIN TILE' BA„ 7-4tat., LtIOAN uinAt,t, intok • tuitstFitr,n,- 01traltto • • ' , Box( 'Holders' Nainea • Not, Given Out • U POS is not Sible for tag to divulge the Heine ' ad- dress- of-aitY-,ailvertiserlisizi • a IltirOn ExpOSitor'box nnm. ber. Please de not ask Usiqf, this erMation. TWO 77,31A.L.t.,boarders wanted. Phone SEAFORTH 1344V; /2-79-1 BOARDERS WANTED;., Phone .3327W, Seaforth..' 1RS. FRED HOEGY„, , .2 ) WANTEtes,".'an elderly lady :f ronii and:heard- •4:75.71A.ri-..§.6,!?*tlrf• ' . 13-78x . , •, ., • 4. Property For a e -NEW ,SIX -ROOM horne three bedrOorns, room, full basement, garage; alum- inum' storm screens, comPlete; Oil 'heated Ihndscaped., Owner must' sell because of transfer. -Apply to 151 wir..a..rAiu Exeter,, Mornings or evenings Phone Exe. GRASS FARM for sale r No beildings; good pasture, and 'windmill, Need0 Scone fencing Lot 2: Concession 5, Tackersmith Township. Will sell for '43,300 cash, or if , you want terms, 4700 i)er year for five' years at 6%. RUSSELL IL SPROAT, High St, Seaforth. Phone • . ••15-79x2 . Property For Sale' S ALL COTTAGE for sale in Seaforth, 'An Y to DON' HORNE.' Phone Seaforth 814 R 4.• ' 14-79-1 PLAN. your home now; 650.00' down will buy you a lot in Seaforth or Ilarintr, hey.' Lots surveked. Lend .suitable 'for VLA projects. Terms to suit CLAYT • EIGI-IT-ROOM brick house in Dublin, located in top on Iiigbwai 8. All mod, - 'ern conveniences. Reasonably •priced. AP - ply to CHARLES „loi-DrsToist,.Dublin, or phone 2.31,1Vi. Seaforth. 14-77-1 • WELL-MAINTAINED home in good lo- cation •OD Goderich St.. West;' fcair 'bed- rooms ; modern kitchen ; patio ; oil heated. Phone 118-W. MRS, WIGG. • 15. Property For Rent.. •.HOUSE: -FOR RENT.. APMY to. REV. .H: KENDE/CR.._ Phone Seaforth' 175: • HEATED •five -room apartment -in •Eg- rnondville IVY HENDERSON. Phone 668 • , THREE-ROOF/I apartment, semi-farnish- ed, :heated ; available now. PHONE SEA - PORTA 10-28i15-77-tf , , TVA0-13ED31OOM heated apartment on •East William Street, near •shoe factoriy. PHONE 893 Or 260. •, 2647-2 THREE-ROOM apartment, . with bath. -APPly• sRAFourix FARMERS CO-OP, 'Prochice Divisioti. . .'15-77-tf 'APARTMENTFOR RENT, three,' or r' rrn fouOos, self-contairied, with bath ; heated; on ground floor. MRS. M. STAF- FEN. Phone 49, Seaforth. 19 Notices terProdf,''rite on ,any surface ; Just pull off • cap and' • Magic Marker is ready to use;'' Refills ayailahle ,Aine cols,ra„Jpk, ' -REVITALIED- 'Cleaning at Bachanan Cleaners, Mount- 'orest. More ,Cpots and stains .reeneved. Gamentsstay clean long- er; Wear longer. •'Agent: :MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE. Phone 247.: for • • COMPLETE' .for*:and: district and Dric Cleaning Ser. Vice "WEB28'S;•'13ILLIARDS;•• Sectforth,, agent',,for Brady Cletinera" 'Laundeteria 19-771tf NOTICE Tuckersnaith Township% Municipal Drib*. will be opened from 1• p.m. to 6 1).ra.: oil Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until farther notice. •' - , _ MRS. E., P. en2sisry, Acting -Clerk:- ' 19474/ ACHESON'S , DEAD STOCK • Highest ecish prices 'paid in ',surrounding diStrict 'for dead, old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattler-Horses -at -5c a npund. the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mal% day Or night Call Long Distance and ask for • ATWOOD" ZENITFI 34900 (no toll charge) THREEBJG SALE DAYS ': .ber:43, ;34, 25 Buy a Deluxe 'Atitdiiiillie : Tinirscht.Y, 'Friday( and ;Saturday,. $ePtenl- Waisher for 12249.00;• Tail Brus1,-55c ; Rlec- • tric' Kettle, 68.53; ,Co -�p Retreaster,- "29c. 12 -volt 'Silver; -Cobalt :Battery, $14•30, With Old battery, and:many' other specials,' r ,$EAF.ORTEFARIVItitS CO-OP ,19-779.1 TREASURER'S. SALE OF LAND FOR TANES* • County 'of. linrOn , To Wit:. . .of *arrant healed' by the Warden, of ;the CountY Of Huron under ,his hand and the 'seal of the ,Said. corporation' bearing date the 20th 8a 01 August, 1,959, sale of lands in .arrearti •Of'::tsoicia • in the County let Huron, Will' beheld' at; MY' offite. at the-Cditt'HolaerEaderich,' at thalidat of'. two 'o"-clocic„10 theafternoon, or; the 15th `day of:: Decal:ober; 1959, (micas .the taXes and Coisis aro .itooner' paid, -Notice is. hereby :given that the:list ef. lands for sale fot arrears of taxes Was: miblished the Ontario Ga*,..k, an the. 5th day of Sepithnher. 1959, and that copies' of ,the said Ilithe had at . My, office, ' • , . NotiCe it `hereby further given that if airty of the said landa :remain unsold; an ailioUrned . sale" 'Wil4 be beta ott..:.r.uesclay.. Deter:a-6er .22ntt---1453ilf-,t1t4 -Oapte,-b.ous' and niece, and .at. which Municipalities may reserve the i4St IdPdrehhee.'anY of the said lands, ' Treasurer's Office, this 4th .day of SeP- .tetribe,r, 10501 • • 0 JOHN G. BERRY, Treasurer,' 14179, Igisatamiesisielisimeasaiiis -Ileriiisess(essmasetit •X"CCiii,E4T; HELP :17; OFFICER,HE TC1150:' pos'r gitAme TICE cod, Galt-HOPEI• - */).) • gu fdPsk.g OFF' MTH CiATer4f310(/ 44C71014 'OF MVbl WPIAPE 6aR6Attl_,.„, oun-ivw• st. Sr '45 .6 id ;a' WATERLOO': - CATTLE 13R,E,E1)ING , ASSOCIATION "Where Bet&a• Hulls Are Used" . . . , Artificial Breeding Service. -- All, Breeds of- 'Cattle Menaher o$vnect..afid....contiol. Low -- Efficiency High • --- Use .of the 'best bulles"--' Disease Control.' • • , led - Safety , • .. , For service -or more 'infers:dation,. phone: •' CLINTON HII. 2-3441 ' . , or for, Long Distance ' . CLINTON ,ZEN1TH, 9-5650 Betweea " ' ,7:30 and 9:80 a.m. 'Week nays 6:00 and 8:00 p.nz. Saturday evenings Calls received on:Saturday evening will be served tin Sunday -Morning., For Cows in heat' on Sunday morning.; no XoT can, until' Monday Morning. , .BECPER:(.CAT'PLE 1011 1.47VING 24. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE , „ , Auction Sale 'of Farm, Paid Stock and 'Machinery, at tot 11, -ConceSsion 2, ,Stan - Iii: Township,- west -and- 1-Y4,..`. totttli-Pf- '15rudefield,. on WCfilltSDAY,„ SEPTI0M- Btit sins, at 1 p.m.: , ItEGISTtitun HEREFORD ,dATTIY,--- 'Registered liereford bull, 2 years old, ,frorn Pinkertan Bros/ herd -; 10 Reglatered Here-' ford cows, bred to above sire; 1 grade Hereford cow ; 1 Registered Hereford 1 'Year' old, from eloston erook's herd; 4 Registered Rereford bettera, 2.'2e911 old, bred; 6 Registered Hereford .helfers, 1 year old ;5 Registered bull calves; 400 to 600 rte..; 4 ;Registered Uereford heifer calves. , • IMPLUMEXI'S-Allis-Chaltnete Model 13 tractor .; 2 -furrow plow; 6 -farmer InternaL thine' :plow 2 -'row .tratter• seufflerlv, bean seuftler and ; spring ,tooth caltivator; 4 -section drag , Farrows ; 2 -Section drag harrows ; 3 -drum steel roller; set diamond harrows; mower"; Side. rake; hay, loader; Oliver marntre spreader on rabbet ; 'rubber tired wagon with heir; 16400t ;hay rack ; Gehl hammer nou1I-a4d4elt; set 2,000 -lb. se.ales ; cream ,separator;• extensilm ladder .(naw); Buffalo robe; forks; chaine; shovels; other articles too numerous to • • FARM -Will be dild sublect to reserve TERMS: Chattels -Cash. ^ Proprietor: -RSTAtt 011 LATE FRED RATAWELL , 11arold Jackson, AuctiOneer, Clerk: Georke 131y-th.v,i4.94 AUCTION SALE • Auction Sale of Household Effects "in 'the Village 'a. EgraontiVille, •--26th, at 1 :80 CraWford llirnriSon's raidencei frig r radio; eXtension fable With • • leaves; 5 kitchen Chairs; cook etaVe, coal or Votdd; dud Oil Steve, imatiated Oven hot plEttl; eleetrle tower t Presto c6Olter; elegove Iron; day bed; conches; lOVe tea11 . Alaction Sales library table; 4 rocking chairs • occasional chairs;' $,,,double beds, spring and mat- tresses; ehest. drawers; dressers ; stands dresSmalstr,10110 ; card table (2) ; dishes ; -chinat-e"-a set; pots and pana ; copper boil- er; White sewing -machine; dining room suite; s 'uare extension table ; 6 dining 36 roorn eli' irs ; bullet ;„quart sealers; other articles t ,, numerous to mention. • TERMS-Caeb. , proprietress. MRS. CRAWFORD SIMPSON ..,- ' ' Auctidneer : Harold, Jackson, 1• . - 21. Tenders Wanted ' 'VILLAGE FIENS4LL exIdeis Wailted •Seaied•. tenders .will be reCeiVed by the undersigned up 'Until, 5:00 'p.m., .Septern; bor .28;7.1950; -to `remove, atleast one foot and refill Ione 'foot 'with: gravel . from King StreeVto South Richmond, Street to' Nei - in the Village Ot..nensaii. wo*-*..aorapleted by October 31, 1959. Details available .at my Office., Loweat or any tender not 'necesSarily accepted. ' • P'. L, IvicNAtltfiTON •.cigrkeripiikkei; SEALED:TEN.DERS Sel8d. bender bit 'for the `sale :of_. a ,p_ I West , of ,Kippen B1rhest or any; st:. der not neecasarilY •.. . • • • accepted... Tenders to be hi: by September i'oryfurther particillars .apply to BELL, .! Ont.- • . Seerethry' of, ,the Trustee Board. FOR SALE' I3Y TENDER The following- landk. are offered- for sale' •hi; 'tender ./n the ToWri of :.Settfcgth;..' -the County of Huron and, .Province Of On., .tario, .and being ,Oomposed Of the 'westerly' part :Of. Lot' Number 21 in janvis SiirveY of part, of the said Town of Seaforth,, and also 'part of the ,North-East-' Oorner 'Lot ',Number 11, .Coneessiori 1, iT1. • ship of, Tuckerstnitli,'•,now inIthe said ToViii of:- Seaforth., " Tenderti' 'Must be irr the hands of the underiigned ',ihl,Writing, 'On or • before the' 1St: day, of iOctolier,. 1959, and accomiiardeit by .8' marked -checnie 61 ; 10%, of the -amount thereof.. The balance :Shall be paid in . cash on, 'closing., --On-, .the siiid'lands there is said . td located .'frarne 11/2 -storey :.residence, • .., These lands :are' offered for sale to clos• e the. Estate „rof.Eannali Bicke4 ' • • & sTtWAirr, SeafOrtli, Ontario, - Selicifortt' for, the:Executors. priVate sale -of the Household- Effects will -be ',held at the -residence of, the late Hannah 'Sicken , On the -north side. of' joho Street,, 'the, Tevvt, of. Seaforth, Mon. day the. glat , day of .September, 1952, at ; mAi.coLiA mckEiA 'An & CLARE REITHs The. Mk:cat:34's- •of the Estateof _ ' • TOWNSHIP , OF STANLEY r Tenders For rain Ccinstructi . , . Sealed tenders, • plainly /liked as Such, will. be received by the :undersigned -an 'to Meriden $eptember 28th, 1959, • at 12. o'clock noon, for the constructiorl-of 'the Tap te Rathwell Drain, B.1:• -Law: Ne, 12, 1989, of %the Township; of 'Stanle$, ' 15 feet. of 15,',", diameter protection' '.30 Cliarnete'r C.M.P. culvert in pl ace' det , • 1,088 'feet .:/.„ ..141,- (diameter' Clay Aeld tile - .84 2(f feet' of C.M.P. eultiert place:tinder CenceSaion.'Road 8-9 - ' , - • 6 concrete icatoll: basins "in: Place • , 500 "feet of 1.2f, diaineter. clay. field tile in . . Drain _inost. he bronerix- connected.' to, any ertisir.drinns. • • . . . . 'Car:Oh chequ e for ..1.1),,Vc.,44.the.....atnoun of :tender must- accernininy each tender... • Loycest any tender net ,,necessatili' • Plans and..s enecifications ' may • be seen, at the Clerk Othce. • . • ELLIO'rr, .01erk.Treddier, TowashiP....of. Stanley, ' Personals - HYGIENIC MiPPI.TES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpairt In Plisin sealed envelope with Price list; "6 samples 25e; 24 lezie- pies $1.00. Ma'il -Order Dept, '11-78, 1\TOVA.- RUBBER CO., Box 91, Flanailton. 26. Births , KELLY-InSt. .1.0senh's Ho,spital, Brant- ford,: on September 5th, to Mr. ds Willialn Kelly, 'a •son--;Milte. .4 brother for Pat.' MiiCLINCE.E.Y=At Scott lllemOrial -HosPi- • .tal, on 'September, 9,, to Mr.., and Mrs. Keith .1VicClinchey, Seaforth, a son. UYL,-,-At Scott Memorial Hospital, • On September 10,, to 'Mr.. and 3,(frs. Peter B.R. '2, Seaforth 'it son , wznao--,--livir.- and Mrs. Glen Weido, R.R. 1...Zurich (nee Elaiae Carlisle) announce -,"the birth of ; their ,Aatighter, Catherine Elaine, af • Clinton. Public Hospital, on Thursday, Septesisher 40; 1959. • A sister. ' fqr . Ray and r , , • ,' 28. I)eatIts NQLAN---At • London, on • Tuesday, Sept. . 15, 'Anne McCardle, beloved wife of -the late james Nolan in •her :$1st :year. • , . , HENSALL Rally Day will be observed in the United Church, Sunday, -Sept. 20 at 11 a m , with' the • Sunday School students and teachers in char,ge of-, the service,. ' Mrs. IVIarjorie Helin and 1Vlarilyn of Tiverton; spent Thursday with WI'. and Mrs. Clarenee Reid, Jer- .ry and.' Allan Mr. S..Rannie and Nit's. Pearl Passrdore sang a Pleasing duet, "Softry and Tenderly,"!. at the •United- Church, Stmday---morning ast. , Rev. • Currie 'Winlavv spoke from the theme, "Who Cares?" _pres,enting,a'_very-infor-mative dis7- bourse, Miss Greta Laramie was at, the -organ. console. - • 'Presentatien For Couple The Kippen Happy 'Gang pleas- antly. surprised 'Mr. 'andMrs. Ernie Chipcha,se at their -home Monday eveningon the oceasion of their go vvedding anniversary. ,The group presented• them •with two lovely cake plates. Presentationadd,ress Was,read by Mr. Harry Caldvvell, 'and gift.presented-by Mrs. Winston Workman:• . • Euchre was played and Winners were Mrs. .Morley Cooper, Kippen, and Carl McClinchey, of Clinton.. Luncheon was served. ,IVIrs. Cald- well and Mrs. Workman ' charge• of 'arrangements. four were present. , Serve Pet -Luck • The Evening' Auxiliary of .the United, •Clitireh resumed., their ;fall meetings hi -the churcli_schoolrooin Monday evening with 1.40' members Present; Mrs._ Ken_ Elder, presi- dent,' chaired the 'Meeting. Mrs. Ilugh IVICEwan was in eharge of the devotional, using as -her theme, "Willing Service," reading on in- teresting paper:dealing with „the thenie. Mrs. John..,Ingram• read seriptural-passages, and Mrs: Har, Old -Elder offered prayer. •- The - group accepted -an 'invita- 'tion to the Brueefield Wolnen's • Missionary ,Society, fall thankoffer- ing meeting in the United Church,, Wednesday, September 30.: Mrs. C. Christie 'and 1VIrs. DaVe Kyle' Shawl ed' interetting slides on "Christian Stewardship.. .A motion was pass- ed to• forwai'd the quarterly 41Ioca- tion of $75 to headquarters. • sniorgasbord pot -luck lunch waS. served. ,Ilosteases .Mrs. R. J. DrySdale andlVirs..Kaye Paterson were' in charge, of' thelunth, as- sisted by tkeir committee. ' DAVE HA,CICWELL, St. Marys forinerly 1Viary Den- nis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis, Walton, who this week was inthrrned , that she had sUccessfully passed ex- ams for her IVIusic Supervisor's certificate. She "was taking the cpurse in summer school 111 To- ronto, and •this, Year 'took the last _two...courses- in one;--sum.-- mer. •She is a graduate of:. Stratford Teachers ,College. KIPPEN • WIVIS-and WA Meet': - The .September meeting bt:ItiP-: pen 'WIVIS._and. WA was heldin the schoOltoom of the -chinch :,Thurs- day, evening, with Mrs. ..Pearseri Charters and. Mrs: Joe ,LOStell, as hosteSses. Mrs. V. 9AldercliCe"was in, Charge , of the Worship service; and • her ...Scripture thenie • was "Christian Moral Witnes4:7 John -AnderSon presided for the, ,remainder' of the meeting. 'After. the 'minutes, of- the ',Ally meeting were, read: and: .adopted, 'the. roll call Wal : answered' , with • a, verse from.:--the,-Book-Hot-Romaii-STTliere Were; ,19 'members and three vlsi- trs :present. .„ by .Mrs. E.,' Jarrott,,,- who read- thatilcypti: cards from, Mrs,:.Itoss .trigiyg, and Mrs.; R. McAllister. . Air invitation was accepted‘ to attend the thankof-fering, meedrig of Hay- field United Church on Thursday, • October 1, at 2 p.m.. 1VIrs. Ken -Mc- Kay favored with a piano instru- mental. Mrs;.Russell Consitt • troduned the new study hook on Africa. - The 'visiting .conimittee for this month are 1VIrs. W. Workman and Mrs. Ken McKay. Mrs E. , - house gav,e the courtesy remarks. A short WA meeting followed, and • lunch vvas served by Circle 1, rein, wenty- Lase Goes Legal Notictis • , NOTICE id CR,EDITORS In the.lEata e Of rortN THO AS snowy- • .A.11 pera TIP -li55ing claird against. the Estate-Of-jOhn-Thomats-$s -Stor , -late of - the Township Of 114oKillop,t e County. of 141fron, Retired Farmer, deCeased? who died on the 27th' 40: Anguo,t, 1639, are here- by notified , send ..in Atli Inarticulate of their c18irn9 to ;the itintlerSiched.'ns or he - fora the :9th' day" of 'Octoher;'11.959, after which date l the assets will be idiStributed, chessivvienag. regard on16 • claims. then, re-, DATED at Seaforth this 16th day of Seiner/Met: 1058. .` ` 'Solicitors /or the Ext:sllt, cotoro:.1g.794 .1‘4taTiART On• • 23., Cards ofrTItaidcs THE MANY lovels, expresssons and -deeds of sympathy, gifts of baking, floral offer- ings and condolencei; iihgo Mertrit. so much to, us -in .4:itir" trent hies. 1Intil we calf thank your -personally., we in this way ask one and all our kind (Olen& end neighbors, to accept heattfell thanks. `Stour kindness will never he forgo ten bY 1.14. 'SArTrOnn RASPISHErt 23-79x1 and JE . . wp, wisn to exPreas onsincere ant. predation to relatives, frien s and neigh - bora' Who kFncliy rernemberecour brother, 4,.. rA :: ikenhead, during hi illness, and f: also £�r the 'many acts of ikindness and imiely flOrdl , tributes and 4. reie.saaged •a sYMPathy efttendecl" to na" during our -re- Cent sad bereaVeritent, and- also to all who assisted in Any way. • 1" THE Ancra\mamo FAMILY 23.79-1 • 1, • 4,1VIS31 f,0 'extend, My shMere,thanktit0 Ai those viho rentewnrect uto.._Nsaluloggra' card, letters, And treahl While a patient' 10 Seaforth ,05sPital.„ 4488'to Dr.- SoMple, Dr. Gerwill And the mix" ciers who treated me se...kindly; 'and 55 .1171 Vit.51,8, and 'W,A. of Egniondallie mid the W.M.S. and Of .O.Ortatanee.- It was all greatlY ,89994e1- ate(1: • •• 23-70X1 MRS. BERNA1113. NUTT Establiih Motel At -Tex-as-. Site Mr. and Mrs: Stuart Gordon, of Seaforth, Ont., will pluck oranges from their own yard trees M'Mc- Allen, Texas, this Winter. Mr.;Gor: don,,3Vas supervisor.....for a -.deluxe inotel,„,ogned by the-Perlinaniant, ily, also from Canada, -rArliieh is about cOrnpletetd, eat ;of. McAl- • The ,Canadians frankly state they wish a little cod air, would blow dovvfi from their old home hut they -were surPrised:to'find the Lower Rio Grande so dry and considerably Cooler than mid- west• states of Lthe Newsboy: "Extra! Extra! Read all about it. ,Two Men, swindled." "PaSSerby: "I'll take one. Say, there ,isn't anything in here 'about 'two, men being swindled." Newsbeyt. "Extra! Extra! Three men swindled." ' .„or ' Bral Anima • ALIAIAY5'SAY, TFIE Wei& Al-A/141CA , Wg es5r -15 714e ff,61-14616147- • %Ir. CET FACE It. ,44 soot> An1 exce.)5E-A6 MY FOR LACKOP -01,1-POWEIZ • (Continued from Page 1) , ing trial. If there is no one, it is ,your duty to inform the court that there is no one` to be' t'ried. It is necessary to have • someone with the power to go into the jail and find put who ought to b'e tried and to see if anyone is being improper- ly, held." Mr. Justice Ferguson added that it -is the grand 'jury's cluty to in- spect the jail' antralso tn-iiiSpeet any institution supplied by nubile funds, Unless it has been inspected within six months, in which case the presiding judge may still 'or- der an inspection to be made. •"11uren County isifortunate in having a• court house so well ap- pointed," 'Mr. „,Justice Ferguson concluded, RS ARE POPULAR, BUT . . (By Eric Nicol, in the Hamilton tin; rls don't look any more, 'Open, letter to a teenager: Dear -,young sir: • , , I just happened to be driving past the high school when yonhad your moment of glory. I mean, that heady climaX -of' the lunch- hour when, sitting. in your bright red conVertible, you pressed_, the button that erected 'the top.• • And groups of girls just happen= 4) be passing ori the Sidewalk when .yotir .:gleaming nionnt per- formed this feat, but of course you • were unaware' Of thOr admiring glances, the qUick•flash of' yearn- ing' to share the red leather of that •front seat with you. . ' " No, you were casual. If a man teSts the tap of his convertible, on a slippy day; with fie cloud in the sky, Can he help' it if the girls gayvk,?_ . Let's face it, though -you've -got -the finest Car in -the school. Driv- ing a- convertible like that ,you've got social success sewed tight, They say that' when -teenagers 'like 'you -get- a- carlbeir'S-choOl grades usually bite the dust.. in one schoOl none of the A - students owns a car, but 83 per cent of those who are flunking do; iriari's got, to wol* to• •pay for a gorgeous hunk of auto-, -mobile like that red job you vvere putting 'through her paces: You .know you'll- get' through high School somehow. A few supps may - mit sooner or ter -``d V erybOd y /1516 you mill be the Mr. Big of the -graduatimi party. With' the red ,hgeraadau;astaeys, a. od, AV: ith 'that co, :,,nvert- Good marks? Wild needs tnem?' High grades are strictly for motor. oil: Spend all 'your time studying and You'd: be Pedallingtei'Sclioial like, that scitiareori,llie SotinaYbeLyaii;•dongo-to ,you!Ve'got 'Part -tithe, ,fis,paY fer. the ,.'convert-: No .trouble. to Make „Let --egg4neads-Tkopek themSelv.es ',Out..fOr, degrees; there's gOOd.„-.nioney to,.. be Made when. yon'ye -get 'a .car that 'to take, yon ; fruit- • jobs:, like: :Yes,, sir,, thetop of. the. :ladder ,inayget eroWded.Witli bookWOrmS„ but there's, alwaYs .plenty of 'robin -at. the liotthin.......SoniebOY!s -got to do the,..dirtY,.-jObs; laddie, and .you'd 1/6, S1.11`,P1'16ed,fio*linuch they. Make. eaOnnvii'eiirutrib, :Tyeb:tiw.incadri6Wi b'ewt.a' • Enough to set tip ,house; and the redhead; 'and still,haVe,.. the: :Ten, yearsfater maYbe, you are -getting a.littie 'bored Washing Avia- .01Ortr, -4oyrs, :Tobtuci?It4nig. Bluomt.b/op, r,,....roerieteedt.; 10 , -ing, your kids.. 'And the, redhead?' are -Yetil.feeding.the redhead? And, you'v"sti11 got .the red con - when. you 'push the la -Litton,' except For Mr., Mrs. Lupu Mr. and Mrs. S. Lupul. were pleasantly surprised •Saturdar,night when 25 friends gathered from At- wood, Listowel, Brussels, 111.13,01 and, Walton for.: a house-warrming party at their- home. • ' The evening was spent dancing, singing anci_garnes. ,Ross Cardiff and Bill Stratychuk supplied the House Marrnin Mr. and ,IVIrS-Lupul were pre- sented with, a wail mirror. The , .honored couple thanked their In the Old -West, nobody really. friends. The guests.supplied,: a bad any psychological problems. lunch, and the evening was brought; A high-strug• man was simply a to a; close with the singing of "For horse thief who'd, been caught.. They Are',Jolly Good Fellows • And one night after Y011 COMO home 4roin washing .your millionth. window -there was no 'ceremony - and the redhead has chewed you out again about selling -this crum- my r'house and that crummy,,,,old ear, you Open your newspaper and there is •a picture' of this guy vyb.,o has been holforecl for his work' , medical research, or who has been appointed to a special commission at.$75 a' day, Or has ,be„,_,& named chief engineer kr/a, multi -Million - dollar project. ' Young man -in the jg1it red convertible, deadpan, proudiy rais- ing the roof, will you:recognize that face? Sure. you've seen him before, refiternber?-the,sauare on the bike! Suggest Ways For Drying Co:vir "If a • cow •has been: milked to within two to three, weeks of fresh- ening;•"it's Nyise to- tofitifine paint_ ing, feed :liberally and'`eXpeet pro- duction'in the next lactation period, to be low,"'saYs Prof. G. E. Raith7 by, head of the Department of Animal Husbandry „at the Ontario Agricultural College. ',Tor the top production •year in --and, year Mit, a 10 -month lactation 'period and a six to nine -week dry period -even longer restperiods for thin and young csiWs-is necessary:: •What drying' .of system will you follow? The intompleth milking method, or prolonged period' of dry, ing off may: ,bd-bestfor udders ,that become 'congested or inastitic When milking is stopped abruptly. Raith- by suggests you merely ."go easy, cut feed and -water intake; milk oc- casionally and if possible remove cows_froritthe reg-ular 'milking hne' The abrupt milking, cuteff will give your COW a niore coniPleth rest,if you-do-itzight, can't be used on coWs that have a Mastitic history' •unless , they're treated and 'cured. •' To discontinue milking abruptly, Raithby -suggests changing • the milldng ,,routine, removing protein rich feeds, and reducing the grain ancl water. Stop milking complete- ly, regardless of the mount' of milk produced (let udder pressure build up), and seal off the udder. • It's -advisable In' -infuse all four quarters with antibiotie solution for mastitis prevention following the, last ,millcing, if the -'hr d is not clean of:mastitis. ''''&4? -"For three days after e •last . milking, cut the grain mixture 'and. silage th half the usual amounts. ' Then beginning tbe fourth day, af:' ter the udder is sealed, put the cow on 'full -feed again, -Raithby Sug- gest you watch the cow closely. If - the seal on ,one teat breaks; milk out all four quarter.s and reseal, Using the same precautthns'aS • Best waY to, Seal `the udder? •Milk, all four quarters dry, then wash clean and dry with a •cleati towel: Then disinfect the ends of the teats withtincture-of locime or • 21(0101, and them into ;a col- lodion. This will prevent entrance of organisms into the streak canal. • Keep the,00w with a large ud- 'der in, a box stall until the .Swell - Mg', has stiblided. The Udder be,: distended 'and firm but us- ually is not too eonafortable. "After ' two to three days- the pressure starts falling off ‘.,and -..the milk 'starts to be re -absorbed from the udder, Until the grand is dry. , • .. Most people are like •St,eel, When they. lose, their temper, :they're - ,worthless. CHECK YOUR MEN •BRISTOL ,BOARD 22we x 281/2" -white, canary, pink, green, , orange, Ted, magenta, salmon, 'buff, 1 00 goldenrod .. (LIGHT WEIGHT) SHEET 22" 1.28" Heavy 4-E1y • BRISTOL-SOARD whiatrey, hiaek, ()range, green, blue, red, 2010 •can SHEET TYPING PAP' ER 1. • ouir BY BULK AND SAYE 500 sheds, 81/2n 16 -pound paper • : 1,6.4r36 sheetS• 4A)-0 ,100_,Slieets • 20 -POUND PAPER Beittei Quality Easier To Cerrect IgistakeN .Shee.ts,;.:sq k- 11: 500 Sheets -WO Shgets 2.75 „,;.; ,,, , ,,, •••., .... . . . .60 •scRATcric PAPS.- lc 6" * 'C.T.00d Quality .Hieavy Paper I 00 EACH 3 for 25¢ CONSTRUCTION PAPER 20:-sliErrs -20 10 ASSORTED 9" x 12,? COLOURS •ONPY 290 l'ACKAGE , PAIS IOLE$ERS LETTER SIZE • 3 for 10c 100 for $3.00 - „ CAP SIZE .- • 0 fOr.25c •- 100 for $3.70 4c Each • 5e Each , ONION SliIN COPY pAPEIt , 81';'0 . 84"x '' 3.75 1 50 .2.00 CARBON PAPER 91/2" X 11" 5c each 100 for x 14" , 6c each 100 for 4.00 MIMEOGRAPH PAPER "TOP- QUALITY"' 81/2" X ' 1,000'Sheets .. . . .. . . .. ... . .. .. ... 3.90 • 500 Sheets • 2.10 81/2" x ' '4000 Sheets ..... .. . ... 509. Sheets'. •2.60 Inquire abut special quantity' prices,' , PAPER CLIPS'' 15�..nox - Bolts 1.30 'Check Our Many. Other Lines Por Top Quality Stationery' eedi- Phone 1.4.1 Seaforth, . -