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The Huron Expositor, 1959-09-11, Page 7
CROSSWORD PU ZL pirzl:LE No.'507 ACROSS' 51' instruct •-',13.Placea 1 ierco1ate .53 To titch" '21 Grows wears, 5-Belt.'55 Aids 23 'Rodent 'Knocks- :55 Ekclamation '25 A G.I. h •76.CoSal;apE' ! Psycas e):.; -04 : 88 'Portable:. 1 8':wind lamp lastr m nti � " ' `4.64 Western :' �� u @ ':';continent'': . converts to � `68 Preparefor . twit 28 Divide/pi Its, -- ,'2'29 r o:.:others • 'Rin gworm '31' Stinging' 3insect 3°11fSQ lti6tt° cateria :one's nt purpose 69 Lift 34 73114 18 Marshy .71' Persia lake 72.Baseban, ',N row,. : testa ; 0 ar a /Revolves 'aperture �. 73',�Germancity' �'- 74 So be it aroundra.�.''. `75,Asterisk 4central : 76 Distributed, ;'._eip t .. • as playing:, :� a a c.ot' t7 Novel b 7t4-Subst n e Y.,. atn-atter�(p0.- . ° „ -'35.,The:pliatado 1P1.) 37` Sun, :.39 Bitter vetch . .: 43i'renala :plural - article ` fa Sial hair: '• 7 Drspers2 5 8 ce taro „'.150 04 r pyeninsula -..�51 To -hasten "54 mine . •-- '57 Made' , mistake 'So cant >n; Part o4 : camera 6i Mike entrance Co mow! ata'}�a 63 ,Appellation' rti5 Grl's"name. •66 C! of Rr ace a. 67 12y ' :cars 44 Remove :70 Girl's, me rade° n?4 30 .To weep : dlfficuit Arias 3'+A an time 32 Ar C • todel of'' ;'Gleams 4: T2 1 elle �8 nfe�er excen e—• S9 3e - - ins' -'general •� =---3,=Bus e„ s_.._, dent -. �.trunsactions priestly 6' Moves with- container 7 Male sheep, • ©utoca ; ar ra©t3„© 3 13 (30110 09:9 0Ei Alli©a 001,091101a109:1❑ OfM1D 3Li 051129119:191:11 7.113 0002 201E393 03103;1009130. E7:30E191310 ROO . 0E110213 CEE IIUt D 00921E1E 'C&7f3r] 120000 minim CM 09102- ! 1309ii liWOUmnfaclW t'0119:3Ari ©_ ®LlGlfu QA HO [!f]©a© i©IDHE1 anger : ...,.,� =Native 9-.O$ punishment .metals 10:Platform iatforrn •' 48 ;Hawaiian occupied by :wreath •:'".an orator 11 Capable 40 Shake Shake' with .. 1 12Sndigent Answer le No. 500'._ �U 'mean to : any just 3 a day 'mC �end �ba� ache awa Sounds` ood!'''Lo 'cal "- too! You see the 'normal fob of the ,kidneys 1s to remove -excess wastes *WA cids. often tile. •esuaerof'baekache ..fromthe system. Dodd's Kidney Pills stinn late the • kidneys, iri. thin fonttion and.so may?4nng you:. tbat,,.welcome .rel of frons backache ^'the : have Y. many'othera..Try just 3 -a -day. -You can depend ' on Dodds.—in fife bice beg' with the red band. 64:• `"WA NT ,ADS_ phone .. 1 BRIIV.G --RES �. 1:-41or 42 HAD E AVERTISE.IENTS•It's zP oft ' ole Pastime. Eighteenth in a Series CONCESSION 171 : Loti N ne Lot 9 was a very,swampy lot that -was not occupied, till a later date: It was_.called the "Beaver" farm. Hy. enr Finder, who: marriedMartha Page, owned ;the -East -'50 first. Other owners' Were Tom -Pinder, George -Smale, Andrew ,Chaliners, Fred Carbert and :.Williamo 'e H: G va r, Fred Hooper, oope>r<, whose' wife was Selena' Metherell, "was the first owner of the West 50. 'Cephas' Drown rented when''Hoopers went -West to live with their only son - calfs ewho was- in the real estate .' us - ness. in Winnipeg, Manitoba. John F. Docking, Enos Dock- ing, Wilbur Mahaffy an ;Ber Mahafl'y have owned it :since Hooper. RivWe.r..hile'Hilbert 'has -little land draining into the Thames $o little- that the:towrshap .has been assessed a very small ` amount in connection .with ,the '"Upper Thames. Con. - servation 'Authority; yet the 'water from a few—lets in the- -southeast he -sout heast.eorne'r of the "township finds its way into the' Thames River.,, and this' lot is one of ;them. For ,this reason, Bert Mahaffy has received help`with`tle planning pond which he dredged ed'a according -4e in - togovernment ;regulations on -the,;e. orer:of-his f rm In .Ju 1Y , 19-52: "Thepool f ., y cold-wat' r' s rings hi'h ' i 1 r i” i 1•'.. e p g w c w I p ov de a:� cont mous ;su, y pp owater f to or fire :fighting.was •: 1so a o nisi cairn i ,"�hs. a s food =: Hill 10- ar-o d' Il p , .,.. , u ye 1 a Harbur.'n, daughter; Of Mr. �-slid -Mrs..Fred _5..;_ Harburn, Sta ffa- w ' d.ro ed there in>. Angue< st , I954;The.ool has aYet eensfked.wi'fish,, although there are"now some in itHalf a mile west of here -the land drains to the Ausaole and 'readies : Lake. ,Huron at Grand Bend, -and half 'a mile north the Water, findsits 'way'to e Bayfield River,out u i andritj s h,of. D bl n co nries.on by, wayof ,Kginondville and -=Clinton -to: Bayfield on Lake Huron.. L0 t Ten -G iEla Parrish and1s son:...William;had Let 10 oin 1. in 1860 , u .Iater; William' Was the- sole owner of the 100 0 acres: These Fa rish's had �ard 'fst west -of Mitchell, n Logan Township, where -they kept large lock :.of,sboep, being` 'both buyers' and sellersof them. •William's.son, Albert, own. - ed , the, East 50 of: -this lot till, he died of _ tubercolosis in 1890 in C liforniatTw'herete had en the: int-erest of• -1 is --health; Fred Hooper was the next 'owner, and all others who have -had it are' the same as' those' wipe `have had the _ ::est 50- df. Lot-9.:William Parrish's'son Janies,":was the next owner of the' West' 50-; then 'followed Thomas Williams, Mrs: Thomas Williams, and Leslie Harburn. No one has ever lived on this 50. ,From :G,.oncession 6, :to 5,o::sideroad was o ened,-there . u . p , through what was known Parrish's `Swamp; till after'1885: On. the southeast corner of this West 50 Salem M-ethodist Church was built in- 1.66 on .land 'bought: from William Parrish. :The congregation* was organized byItev. Isaac AY es orth , of Iitchell,::who was also a medicalt: actitione r th re. The.Pfaff,,, romoters wereNomas John David Hutchison, William :I 'utchrson, Henry. Pinder and John" Young. Before; the -frame' frame' church was built "'services, r. were. held in the schoolhouse ,' At a meeting held'on:February 5:166 ini r alli •wtill trans- _ ,8 „,-1Vf.tcheIl,`where church;bus Hessa ,..ss .acted, the following trustees were a # ". (Anted for the Wesleyan MetlodistL"oganand H'ibbert'"con negations;: James Hoskin, John -Aikens, John Jefferson, Henry Moodie,; George Moodie, George Hurlbtirt"a d' Gabriel"Murphy: The .appomted-xnin- iater>aii-dIOWreachers' had.char e ,of all;churches .in ;the P g :circuit.: Local preachers. granted a. license, from" the 'early y Soon' Nancy's: pet will be in good hands. Nancy will feel better,, too, because she knows the dpctor will know just what to do and how to: do it. In so many -ways, we 'look for help to people in whom' we have confidence ---people: trained and experienced in --their specialty. For instance, when, you walk. intoa bank, whether to make a deposit or>discuss "'a financial problem with the manager, you know your banking, needs will be attended flo expertly, -faithfully and in a friendly, :personal way. It is something you . can': clepend-upon in all your banking. THE CHARTERED EANKS 6ERVI/sIG YOUR,COMMUNITY • • l'.ug HURON PhXPQSITOR, $ MY01.T11, ONT., PARTTWO apart -Mrs, Murphy in September, 1901, and Thomas in B1y:.: SAB LIE .CAMPBELL- June, 1902. It is said that Thoinas Murphy .was the int Verson -buried in St. Patrick's Cemetery at Dublin. -.His wife, who was buried in St. Colwnban Cemetery, was later interred _ beside her husband. In the . Murphy :family were Ilan ,Ioe Bridget' : and .Thomas Thin, 'when lad left School and w to ox with Kidds at. Carronbrook. When he lot to be 1 or more,- he ore-he returned to •sehool and, under the capable direction of ' .his teacher,'Kate 'Waiker, he. -finished hishigher .publc'ehooI grade, gaduated as - .. a teacher, taught in 11$.79 in his: own " school and to , a .. - -later r became a well-known:la yer in London. Willie .Webb, :was another who found that tobea suecessful :telegrapher`one mustbe an expert speller, and he, too,' return- e to ch of t.. u t ,a� i o.ru'h" �. s. o abo s e me as-'I'oxn b s on this `fie mt �: up. subject. After' recess at three o'clock; these two often made a 'challenge to spell the whole school down. -At one of these spelling, Matches,W1ie . was stum ed on a "cc%tain '`o'r . to know whetherthe proper spelling was Torn,; slyly, as. he thought, gave Willie e the deaf and, dumb signal of the pro er Spelling, but he wasn't sly enough to escape the, all -seeing ;eye of Kate' Walker. While she never spared herself ,to 'assist a pupil he 'at -no Gime would' condonetriek r or h''. e rowel. m wtht � areprimand, .and , d' d not s u. Tom a Yy dayson were James Hoskin, -Peter. Drown, Richard Hotharn, J oh n Yea.. Ja>rries Golding, Nathaniel Battrick, 'John- Phine- ore i .zzi. ,, William Munroe, John W. Aikens, James- Elliott, Frank Yeo and Bdward° C:'Charnberlai.n..'Salem Churchwas closed in June, 1903. The building' was sold to George Vipgnd: whomoved it to'his farm' and used it for a;straw shed. Only a 4e -.1 -At tombstone's are 'left standing in the graveyard around where the church stood. A few others .can still be found, covered, with long grass and weeds: Most of the bodies: were lifted t d and taker to Woodland 'Cemetery' in Mitclell> . . LotEleve;: n - Grifirn and—Willi—am Parrish also 'had Lot '11 e, but from an earlier date --4856.', By the 70's William 'also owned-',italone., Only the Christian names hof his two wives are known., They were .Sarah and Eliza.,, Sarah died in 1887: H;is • second wife -returned to England afterhe died in :1895.. There: were seven in William 'and,-Sarah;Parrish's family; Eannie ( r ..George,K em ); Geor e Albert,-Matilda(Mrs.: John sit ton _. I a rris) , Mary Ann n -(M rs. Richard Pinder ) Jame s aiid;Eliza .Jane .(Mrs. William .P.n,der, rs. Geor e 'Peart). 'By -the' : 1880 -son, James wh married . 1VIar - Pof Harris n wa ' i e Y Yo.,, s�avmg on this iota" George -Y'un a sonof 0 J lin Young,-.Sr:,was ' g,S ,was -tillhe wentto.. here KisbYf Saskatchewan. Eon"Jaynes rented for a tinie. Frank Burns andDan Burn have been he owners since 91 lac 1 1. •: . `' 'Lot Twelve e. Ri char d. Har er was the ow Her of Lot 12 froth. 1853-- `, P and in 1859: ' Jollies Smith:, bought it. Harper, was a ;'brother of Mrs: '.ohri' J Butson,and• Went r m -......era ..f o here ;'to. Win ham Ont g 9 Tl ornas $arburn a "cont •actor ca e r d. i _� r me ,an bu 'der , ot'jt. f in: -1;860. :Matthew Harburn TSr. a;riatire of, Yorkshire,:'En • land, in 1867 took over"the East 50 ':His wife: was the-ferniet• Mary Snew: The Harburns-came her-e?fror : Greenwood, near e ar Toronto, :.:The had four n. andall- settled in. Hibber t Towns ap Those, were Thoxas James John and Matthew. Matthew 'Harbur... Jr, married. Hannah; Page, .• and con _tinned tolive..ori:his :father's _Easf 50 til'e moved`to Mitchell ' shortly before ;his ' eatli-in' 19Y4 TTh had two=dau 'h rs: and one son:, usan `:Mrs. `••Olielston Kerslake),, Mar +: Jane; (Mrs Harry Templeman) :and • Hiram: ::George Golding, -Patri -RYan-fUeorge Stanley Pullman have • owned it:since Matthew,Barburn; Jr : Thomas Harburn, who'. had the had West 50, marred Elizabeth;; Foster: In f heir family were seven sons- and two daughters John,': Matthew, , James;. Frannk, Albert, .Leslie and Foster, who was a- veterinary in Seaforth' for •many years :Anna,: died at the 'age of twenty, :. and Martha'i infancy Leslie n a cy,;.�Les e Harburn, is the present owner: - Lot Thirteen , Michael Murphy from 1857 wa .s:the ower' of Lot 13,:. I 1865 he sold the West:50 to 'Malachi Burns, and in '1872; the.: East 50 to Patrick Murphy. Burns also owned 'the. East 50 after- Patrick 'Paddy"' Murph. moved to Concession 1, .Mc- Killop, in 1876.. ;Since :Malachi Burns, the owners' bave,been his son, James Burns;'. James 'Burris; Jr- and ,c Dan : Burns:: Dan's sister, Kate, and 'brother- Malachi lived"here for. Man 9 y years .The present occupant' is Dan's sQn, Joe Burns. ;Lot Fourteen Froin. 1854 Isaac Watts was the owner of Lot 14. ' In :1865, d".t . hes .o I o John; Young," Srr :Youngs 'bachelor. son, Frank::: had the, East E st 75'froln• the 1870s.and,died:here in 1904 :Jolla. Sadler Sr.,.bought 'the farm for tle..bush: to, supply: logs' for his sawmill~at'Staffa. Bill Haydoii, who'' came: here. from Halton, in',': Peel : County,',. bought from. Williazri . Sadler: in 1921 .He was followed -by his brother, Fred Haydon:• Fred "owned it till. he :was killed, in •a•car accident .at ,Blyth in 1934. George Vivian bought then, ` and -.Cameron Vivian is the present • owner. At the time Frank -..young got his 75 acres, his brother John got the West 2b.of this'. lot and the East, 50 of Lot '15,-- The owners since John Young, Jr.,.:,have been. the *same as -those Who have had the East :501 of Lot 15. - Lot Fifteen Li le .' is known of the' older ' Murphys who owned these lots; but it -is known• they were not related to,, the, Murphys; on Concession 5. ' From 1852 Martin' Murphy owned •Lot 15,: and: Thomas- Murphy, who married Mary ;Waters, got it in. 1853. Both he and his wife died: here only' a few months escape his that day.. VIV ht ; the West .50 50 fro m iis fother. After Tomwas 'the owner it was his brother, Joe, who worked .,forumber of ,years,' whit ;his=eaf and dumb- brother, Dan::worked among -the fanners later' went to Londonand. the far .was rentedto the Clarence Robbins, Patrick V . McGrath,. Joseand Thomas Enrislit; E .1VIcLaren and John Drake. -Frank E lliott ' and hissop ,Lorne -Elliott have . been the owner:1n later. ears, . Y Thomas: r hr .'i ' 18 Tsold the'. East. - u S n 72 ,. 50- Young,- M. p Yf ., . 9 Young r: and from 18 -6it hasbeen owned' b�}}, John' -Yo ng. g'is f ! J Yourig, t DaveWilliam Dow, JohnMcDon- ald, George:;'Miler,: Davis,Da. i v s,,_W 1 m MGDon- ald,Austin' pilling, Frank;'Elliott- (R), Norval Elliott. (R), Henry:Currie;George Vi and, ,Mrs,Georg Vipond. andLeg- lie Barne eslie.Barne . Dave Da is anowner about the tme of'World War T was ki led -,in ' rance an -Se tem erwhile....9 1916 doingea -serzrice, ... - - over s s _..,: N E.E D :.R'U B �. RCS EX 1 R.. THE HU N Pia Tt"� EAFORMONUMENT .. -W RK TH 0 OPEN DAILY' T.. Y�r,'de & Son', Pryde ALL- TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited., Telephone Numbers Clinton 1620, Exeter 4 -Seaforth 573 RESERVE OUR COPY OF • • ARIBBER ,.REVIEW:--- PART'TWO 7. .. ' (..y Isabelle Campbell) "A Hibbert'Review" will'be issued in book form on.:com- pletion of the present •series. " Copies will be available December, '1959 These will make attractive Christ- mas gifts;". Those reserving books Will be informed when these;copies;'are:available, • and these can be purchased from- THE 'EXPOSITOR, . NAME' .....:.... .........-, ,,.,.:..... .,,.... .:...,..;!: ADDRESS Mail -to: THE :HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth Ontario • rftario ~Fairs 1.954 Bayfield ' • Sept 25, 26 Blyth 'Sept. 22,:23 Biussels .... Chesley Sept. 11, 12 Drayton • Sept:;' -19 &2L. Dundalk Sept: 153,1:0 Auiigannon' ^. Oct. 9 -Durham Sept. 25, 26' •Embro-- ' ` -Sept. ' 21 Exeter Sept. 23,24 Gorrie •Oct. 2, 3 Hanover. ` Oet. 2, 3 Kincardine_ . Sept _12;:1.8 yxirkton ' Oct. 1, .2. Listowel :Sept. 28; 29: London (Western Fair) Sept. 14-19` .. Sept. 23,'174 Markdale Sept. 10,11 Meaford Sept, 1s, 19 Midland . Sept.. 17 -19 .Mildmay :.. ct S@pt. 15; -1fi: Milverton f ' Sept, 25, 26 Mitchell •„ ..sept. 29, 30' New Hamburg Sept:. 18, 19 Paisley Sept. 14, 15 Palmerston • Qeti 5,- '6 Parkhill . Sept. 24, 25 Ripley :- Sept. 25, 26. St. Marys • Oct. 6, •7 SEAFORTH "• ' Sept. 24,'25 Stratford . Sept. al- 23 Tavistock Sept. 11, 12 Teeswater .;: i ... Oct. 6, .7, Thedford ,. Sept, 22, 23 Tiverton.. .-Sept. 23, 24 Tei -onto (CNE) Aug. 25,- Sept. 12 Toronto (Royal Fair) ...Noy. 13-21 Walkerton Nov. , 5 Wiarton Sept. 10, 11 Zurich Sept. 26 & 28 International Plowing Match, Went- -) worth County -Dundas, Oct. 13-16 'Unless a man :is doing all he can: he is doing less than he should. USBORNE &'RIEBERT, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE -- Exeter, Ontario • President: Alex; J. Rohde - R.R. 3, 'Mitchell Vice-President:r, Milton McCurdy - R.11. 1, Kirkton' Directors: E. Clayton Colquhoun, . R.R. °:1, Science Hill; -Martin Feeney, 2, Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner, R. R.' 1, Cromarty , _. Timothy B. Toohey, R.It. 3, Lucan Agents: Tarry ' Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia;' Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley liockg, Mitchell. W__ a Solicitor: _ W: • G. 'Cochrane , - >Faeeter Sec)i ttrry rreatrprer '. . Arthur F`rstser , Eaeter' CHECK YOL EQUIREMENTS BRISTOL BOARD. 221/2!' x.281.'! white, canary, pink; green,;biile; orange, red, magenta, salmon, buff, goldenrod 0¢ (11GHT .WEIG T)_ _ SHEET, 22'r x<2S"'Heavy 4-Ply BRISTOL '.BOARD-' • white, "black, orange, green, blue, red, canary • HEET TYPING-- PAPER.' BUY BY BULK AND 'SAVE 500' sheets, 81/2-" x 1V' 16 -pound`: paper 1,000 Sheets . ... ...... ......♦..... 100 ,Sheets .50 20 -POUND PAPER Batter Quality ,'Easier To Correct Mistakes 1,000. Sheets, 81/2 x 11 - HO, .Sheets :..." 100' Sheets .60 5.00 2.75 CEATCH'PAIJS Good Quality $eaVy."Paper 1 EACH t0 rr 'CONSTRUCTION EkPER; SHEETS `-I� 10 ASSORTED` x12' .: ow No COLOURS 2 -- PAC>i AGE FILE FOLDERS LETTER. SIZE' 4c ,Each 3 for IOc 100 for $3.00. CApSIZE 5c.Zack.. 6 for 25c .-100 for 711 .ONION SKIN COPY PAPER 430 1,000 a► - ` 'CARBON ,PAPER 81" x1141' 5c each 100 for 84" ,x 14" 6c each '100.tor 3.25 4.00 'MIMEOGRAP L - PAPER "TOP . QUALITY" 81/2"ix11"•- 1, 000 Sheets 3,91) - 500 `Sheets • 2,10 81/2^„ x 14".- 1,000S.heett 500 Sheets . ...:: ... 2.60 Inquire about tapecial • quantity Prices.: y9 PAPER CLIPS 1 fi unx: `Cheek Our Many Other Lines For ,''T'OP Qua1 ty,Stationery- Needs one -__141= afari �sjt