HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-11, Page 6&-Ti3E TfC71340T4 EXTC}SI'1`UR, SEAFOR;TH;-ONT.,, SEPT. 11, 1959: • SET P .AN FC R TR,1-!, coUNTY `APREA. TO. PROVIDE AID FOR BLIND Next 'Saturday,' Septe;nber 1,2th, and "employment, Recreation in-. mark, the beginning of the annual eludes picnics, club activities, tr county campaign of 'the Cana- camping arid games such as check-. than .National Institute- for the ers, 'cribbage boards and playing. " Blind. .This: year $6,000.0 is need- cards adapted to Braille-- Reside), ed'; to -continue the C,N.I B 's 4-R tial. dare is; available at the mod:- service program to tile 71 blind ern one -storey district home for the men, women: ,and ehl1dren in Hur-' blind•1oe'ated in London. Researeh on County..,. " has "resulted in: the establishment T,tehabilitati»n, •;'recreation, rest f.• the, Farm,. Counselling service,. dential care,and research provides and the Eye Bank of Canada for. the blind. with affective'means of the. restoration of sight: These 4R's coping with ;tI}eir tragic 'dtsa)iility. are: services • vital to every conn Re1Tabilitatibn means adlustinent iYiunity to the shock of blindness, reading E.' F. Wheeler; C N I,B. district material. m Braille, talking books„ field secretary, reports that many olunteer workers :in Huron, Mid- dlesex . and 'Perth Counties ar'e. ready to launch the appeal. • Cam- paigi� chairman ,fort s. area is M.r. E, C, . Boswell; .Seaforth, • • Most people .pay. too Much for the.things;they get for nothing., • 1 Every Friday Night AT BLNEPIATER _ DANCELAND Music by:. Or.,Hestia 10 p m.. to - 1:30 a.ni, ADMTSSION •.75e REC-EPT.I • for Mr.' and Mrs. John Thompson Friday' • Sept ,11th CONS'TANCE Foresters' Hall Ladies please bring Lunch ,:EVERYONE WELCOME FEDERATION :By J: CARLt UNGW,A,Y Last week I was Iiappy.1to .at- tend a meeting of the Huron Coun- ty, Chapter 'of the .Credit' Union., The. graup toured CKNX radio and .I TV. station .earlier in the evening and proceeded to thehome of Mr. George .Michie, president, for the business •and social part_ of the: .pro - grain. • .Credit Unions are not nearly so widespread in rural areas as, they are in the -...cities, .but in Huron they are progressing nicely inGod- erich, Clinton, - Exeter andBel grave. -.This is perhaps another line.that farmers should betaking a look at, We have. gone a long way in 'supplying our needs through. co-ops_ and marketing organizations but so far have .overlooked : what; we need. most --money. Y in many",dcases we have run to: the ,government.for:assistan'ce just as we are now seeking increased credit,: only ,,to- findthat the "pot of gold" at the end 'of the rainbow disappeared." :as We approached:: The money .from the :sale of hogs is providing the orgam�atio`in with - considerable assistance in . finaxie log, lust while it. is sitting in the bank Waiting for the" farmers to cash their' cheques. The same thing is happening in a much smaller scale with indiyidual. businesses Whenj farmer 'sells.. cat -or pigShe usually cashes his eque,, promptly He; takes some •cash for immediate purchases and leaves the rest in his: account :to: cover .a; chequer which he wilhprob`. ably writeshortly to. cover 'some larger,.. purchase: This is'.`; the :mm :money sante, :Other ;farnier.;bor- `.- The `ave"rage farmer will ave an average of ,$100 O0: in, the bank each Week of `the year True, one fariner'might .sell some- cattle for. $5,200, :and: only have it m' the • ban '''g 7-wee1 'till ifs - s 's ib` more, but it •is. stip : an average of 100 per week:'.'.; spread this over a large ; number:: of ssy, a .thousand farmers ,and :there : is .a total one-half a :million 'available ;:credit in the community. at all times. If you do this .through :Credit: Union the earnings of this money: will re- turn to; the irtemhers, Then, too since your. Credit:Un-' ion is controlled by a` local board ofdirectors;, you needn't worry about Werd•suddenly arriving from a.• head office • miles -away. stating that there.: is no money available for loans• today. This: apparently happened .recently with at ;least one of: our .banks • • Yes.: "Perhaps we should consider our own financing instead `of pending on Four Government for support, only' to -find- the support isn't there when vve •need it. COMPANY or CANADA' 366 BAY STREET TORONTO Gall' , PArgnsoN„ `110NSALL ALSO AVAILABLE FROM W. Eoff 5F fO l DTHf G AT E SEFORTH FUNERALS MRS G ; YOUNGBLUT - • GODERICH Mrs. Jane Young blut, wife of the late •George F." Youngblut,. died on Thursday at, Alexandra M.arme and General Hospital, Goderich, ;:'after a .long illness.:'She Was. in her 75th year., Mrs. Youngblut was "Born in, Hill - let , township -and lived in 'Auburn` before : cammg;,to Goderieh; three • years.: 'ago:She was the °fernier Jane Bunking; daughter of,the late and Mrs.' John Honking... Her first ' husband; Martin Mugford; died 'in 1934. •,•N[r, Youngbint;'died. in 1945. She . Was. a ' xfieinber , of: Know' Presbyterian Churchi : Au burn, -and -a -member of the WMS • _ • She is -survived • by one son;. Roy Mugford, 'Goderich; three stepsonsr. Arthur Youngblut, •Auburn.;'••Victor Belgrave ;. • Leonard • Youngbldt;, Belle :River; two. stepdaughters, Miss' Lila ' Youngblut; • Goderich; Mrs. .Clarence (Marguerite)' Wal- den, Seaforth; one: brother, Albert Itpnking, , TDRaarborn,' 'Mich, two sisters, Mrs Alice Wilson; „Toren: to;'. •Mrs. Alomina -Farrow,.-Mill- ford; Del. There are four grand= , Joh any, o 11't be. In : school tails 7Ci1O� IK�1�, gis5 :hind full of plank` for the' day, Johnny -forgot to Watch 'the traffic: He didn't getto.scheol at a11;that day;, or for many days while' he recovered from his injuries. Septetri% er tis 'back- to -school mClnth, and the start of Elie Ontario Department Of Transport's Child Traffic Safety campaign. "Tgaehera hi every school in. the ' province ' are helping - e teachm them the rules of •�;.,,yaltxtiL+ate�rs to stay a1Lt! by, „_ __ �, lid tie. safety. Wilt yout:'ielp?' _ temlz1d thein,',always; tb :- eirnss at Cornier,, obey traffic signals and look both. ways ' •.:before crossing ' 'Your Ontario Department of Trans . ort' ttrgea'.you to pp ft. ,ides of, triflic. sa e nialse sure they:.fo1low atl the r y 9029 MR.: AND 1VIRS. HAROLD DOD..DS; •who exchanged' wedding vows in Northside United Church, Seaforth„.; will live in • Seaforth. . The•.bride.•is 'the' -former Helga ,Christensen, daughter •of Mr ;and Mrs :Rana • T,nda,.�eia nark 'and the groom i's > the Son of Mr and” 1Mrs Iiobert,Dodds,--R.R 4 _W;alton-'(P7xa o y Frank Phtlli s). CHURCH GROUPS REPORT MEETINGS The ,September'meutixi ,of, Group one of the ;WA of -Northside United Church was held at the home.,,of .Mrs. Clarence Walden,'. with 21 •„in attendance Mrs: D . Wood took 'charge of the devotions. Miis',R, Fennell : read the. Scripture, lesson, •followed'`by'. a prayer by Mrs. `E: Williams: A poem • was • readby Mrs W: Cuthill, ' =Nlrs- D.. Lemon : conducted - the business • of the. evening "Plans were Made for, the bazaar on •IVo- yember .14, Mrs. ;Ivy • Johnston fav- ored .with a piano Selection.A social half hour followed., .,Mrs. Riley. and Miss Elinor' Henderson serving , lunch. Mrs: l:. Connell expressed_ a vote of thanks to the' `hostess and "those taking .part. GROUP`II, W.A. r; The Septembet: .meeting of Group. 2 of the;:WA• of 'Northside United. Church was ,held; at the. home -of Mrs. B; Walters,. with an: attend ance of ''16. Mrs. Walters' :had charge of'•the meeting aid :opened. it by reading a• poem.:Miss Gladys Thompson, read„ selections from the Psalms .a.nd :frdm St.=Luke:".. Mrs.. J',. M Scott theirs .lewd In pr,ayer,. Mrs H. Hugill;: presided for the business'' portion of the' meeting, The boil :rested at the: Lodge funeral home, where a service` was held .:Saturday ,.at 2 p.m. Rev D. J Lane, of••Clinton '•Presbyteri'n Church, officiated. Burial was 4hr Hope : Chapel r cemetery, . Mullett township. • :.JOHN, A, ARMSTRONG ENSALL-,John I A Armstrong, highly esteemed resident 64°Stan -ley township; passed'away ;*V.ed= nesday, Sept,, 2, •at. the Queensway—'Nursing Home; Hensall Ile . had been a patient in the home, since May of this year. . In his 69th :year, he was born in Stanley township where be lived all his life and where ,he. farmedsuc- cessfully. He., held' the •position,. of assessor of Stanley township for a number of years. A member of Goshen United Church, hewas' a former member of :the session. Mrs. Armstrong predeeeasedeliim in. November;. of.195& '.,,Surviving are•.one .daughter, (Dorothy).' Mrs. Garnet 'Mousseau,. Iensall; six. • sons, Allan, Varna;- Leslie, ' Bay- field; 'Floyd; R.R. 1, Zurich; 'Ken- neth, Montreal; • Ron, Woodstock; Howard,. Zurich, and 14 grandchil- dren. Largely attended funeral services were held from the Bonthron Fun- eral Chapel on Saturday, Sept, 5, conducted by Rev. T., J, Pitt, of Varna, who paid high . tribute. to the life of the deceased, A quar- tette from Goshen United Church, composed, of Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs. Anson ' McKinley, Richard ltobhnson and• Roy McBride,,; sang `'M'ansion On the hilltop." Mrs. Bruce Keys necompanied at the piano. 'Following the Service the cortege proceeded to Bayfield cemetery,. Where burial took place. Pallbear- ers•were Allan, Leslie, Floyd; Ken- neth, Hon and Howard Arinstrong, sons of the deceased: 'His grand- children aeted as flowerbearers. The :casket' `and graveside were banked with beautiful 'floral fri- bu4 s Farmers Union. r• n`End For o se. Pla 'Deficiency Pa a e • Y The •executiVv e: of -"the. Ontario` 'Farmers:'' Union this week passed°a resolution-condemningi the . Cana-' titan .Fed'eratioh of Agriculture, the Ontario. Federation of Agriculture, the Ontario Hog Producers„ Mar- keting: Board hood; the ,0}itario • Poul- try,;Producers sseci on for' their recent atterrtpt•to seine the .gev ernmehtys new deficiency :payment. program: Ontario. Farmers' Union president;. " Gordon L:: Hill, : said their action•elearIy. indicates these organizations are no 'longer inter-. ested in -the-famly. typo' farm, but appear to' be working for commer- cial interests', Offer..£9 purchase type price sup- ports have .failed miserably : to maintain realistic prides tb pro- ducers; Mr.Hill sant, have re-. 'Suited, in the' government acquir ing burdensome' storage stocks, that threaten the, whole• price sup- port piogram..,;To late phis' year the. government:has"•Piirchased 20 per; cent of the. eggs handled by registered grading .. stations,' he cohtinued; in addition the govern- ment now. owns•• 108,000,000 pounds .of pork. _Very limited markets are available for these commodities, 'and with storage facilities taxed -to capacity, the Stabilization Board, 'is in an impassible position. Any sug- gestion, that theboard contin e:'to purchase • is t'ompletely tinrealis tic, Mr. Hill stated, because 'verti- cai integration, will conipletely bury is in • prodnct.. The . Ontario Farmers' ' .Union, through: the. Interprtivi tial. Yarm Union Council; have, advocated de- ficiency.payinent for several years. Although not completely, ;satisfied with mechanics of 'the program` we :appreciate that Mr. Harkness is attempting .to overt ort a ,some of the inadequacies of the previous plan, said Mr. Hill. - .• Under' the new plan, producers will b'e, requiredto register with the .Stabilisation Board, and will 'receivepaymebt according to the amount of produce rnarketed..A limit: to the amount of payment any one producer may .receive w$1 be imposed toeliminate diseri'niina- tion against family type farms, Mr. Hill • said, • • ; The:Onta 'o�- Farmers' • Union favors'a deficiency payment pro- grameovering all major farm, pro - duets, •and on a specified •amount of total,prodiiction• to enable fann- ers te specialize in certain products if they wish. There is ,a •possibil- ity that the .commodity` basis, -nay encourage diversification., • Hew- -06f,- MrHill aid•;: •tkie. -Ontario Farmers' Union ” expects' that as additional commoditiesare added to the plan a #riethod'will be found enabling;°prodticers to collect their entire defieieffey, payment on sone commodity if they so • desire, Canada's gross national product advanced 2.5 per cent in 1958-lat- est-official 958- at est•official compilation -to 02,200,- 000,000. 2,200;000,090. Bulk' of the increase re- presented higher prices. -After-the-7 call,.vvhlch, w°as-\aut swered by describing an ;outsta d-: ing: event of the summer, the min-" utes: were read. Mrs. ,W. ;Leeming reported that' a nurnh'er-Or cards had;; been ; sent. The 1. treasurerre-- ceived the. offering., i., Mrs,. Bennett showed slides - of.; her trips ..to., the Canadian West and' to Florida. The pictures were much enjoyed " by :all' present A delicious lunch Was served by P B.. Moffat : and .Miss Sinclair;'. after which Mr.`s.'H. Shannon mov- ed. a vote-of;thanks to all who had helped 'make the• evening a • sue- cess, A bashful young man" wanted to •get"'some help on,•the matter, of love -making.. ' He.: was overjoyed .when he finally. found what Seem -- 'ed. -to be the right' book, `How To Hug;,:": and: -cheerfully paid a• high; Tribe .for it. Ile Wasn't so' happy however, when he; unwrapped his Package at home .and found :he had bought, the nihth'k,volurne of a set' of encyclopedias. BUSIN` r District Farmers Exhibit_ At London` Westerns Fair's livestock pavilion' he laiaxmed-to capacity, when the fair opens in, London next week.' A total of 2,291 animalswill be on display; with increases in 'beef cat- tle, light horses and sheep Entries include the following,ex„ hibitors from :•Iluroir Obuiity: • Beef Cattle-Herefords,Whitney Coates and Son, Centralia; Aber- deen -Angus, Ivan, Howatt, Bel grave; _fat cattle;' Whitney Coates, Centralia.' Dairy Cattle -Jerseys, G. T, El- liot and Son, 'Goderich; Guernseys, William J. Dale,.Cjihton; Holsteins; James M. Bradley, Goderieh;'Rob- ert W. Carter, Blyth; Huron Coun- ty Home, Clinton; Ross Marshall, Kirkton; Peter Simpson, .Seaforth;' William J. Storey, Seaforth. Sheep .-:. Leicesters, Ephriam Snell.. and Son, Clinton; Ddrset Horned, P. E. Dearing and Sop; Exeter. Swine * Yorkshire, W. Turnbull and Son, Brussels. Heavy Horses ^ Aubrey Toll, Blyth;, fNoirrils. Counciil Aids Belgrave. Hall A grant of $100 was' made to the Belgrave Community Centre by. Morris township council: Tuesday. Court of revision, on the Blake drain was held, with one change being made in•assessment. A de- duction. of $100. was made from the assessment. "of William Blake and: was :added to .the assessment •of 'Walter Shortreed. `.Gordon Wilkin- son was'appointed as commission-. er on the -drain, The read superintendent and the- w he reeve`'werepTdered° to apply for_,_ the interim subsidy.. ' The following_ accounts • were or- dered -'paid: Thamer Nursing Homey $94; George -Martin, hydro for hall, $6 34, Middle-Maxt1'anc1-°Conserva-- tion Authority,; $163,19; Provincial Treasurer, insulin,' $2.75; Baker Convalescent Home, $113.50; Geo. Martin,elief . by=laws for Blake-', Drain, $25;' rahcount,;,$15; .Wingham Postmaster, unemployment stamps, $3.72; Bailie Parrott, court of re- vision; BPake' Drain, .$5; Stewart Procter, court of revision, •Blake Dram,: $5; Ross Duncan, court of , Be d;' Gordone Wilkinson,revision$court•of re m, Blak Drain;: 5, Belgraverain, tionimunity Centre; $100'lak r ECEPTIO' CANCELLED .Reception 'fors Mr and. 'Mrs. • Erwin Johnston,' which :was to be,:held:.on h'niday,-'Sept, ' 11th,: has been cancelled uri' "til further;:notice. DR. . M. W. STAPLETON Physician. and Surgeon Phone 90 : 'Seaforth. If ngcanswer, call 59' JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., . M.D. Physician' -and; Surgeon Phones • Office ".'5-W Res. 5-J; Seaforth ' SEAFORTH: CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, TLA., Internist Tetepdone '27 P. L. BRADY; M.D,. Surgeon Telephone 750.W 1' DR. ,E: MALKLTS Telephone 15 EVENINGS: 'Tuesday, Thursda and 'Saturday only, 7-9 p m. 'Appointments.'may be made.--- ALM HARPER ,. Chartered , Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich • 343 Licensed' Municipal Auditor. G A ;WEBB, D.C. °Doctor of Chiropractic 438 Main' Street - Exeter X Ray and Laboratory -Facilities. Open Eaeh Weekday Except p Wednesday. p Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment Phone 606 DON S. "DENNIS Auctioneer .- Graduate .. of • Reisch_ .American: School of ' Auctiorieering,'. Licensed. in H'nron and Perth. _Capable of handl• ing all types of, sales and ad- vertising. , -DON-`DENNIS, Walton. • - Phone :Seaforth 843 r 11, SEAFORTII VETERINARY CLINIC J: O, Turhbbll,-D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, .•D.V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105' ; Seaforth E C Tl.•O R Y A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor•, Ete.. Phones: Office 173; Residence 781 SEAFORTH : ONTARIO McCONNELL . &•STEWART Barristers,:' Solicitors, Etc. P. D. :McCONNELL D. L STEWAR.T SEAFORTH, Ont:. • Telephone 174 D I McINES• • Chiropractic _..Foot ..Correction '" COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday,- 1 to '8 p.m. JOHN E.. LONGSTAFF Optothetrist Phone 791 ; , ;. •Seaforth. Eyes Examined`-- Glasses Fitted. MAIN OFFICE, .SEAFORTH Office Hours: Seaforth daily, except. Monday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m;; Wednesday, 9 am, -12.30 p.m.; Thursday evenings by appointment only _ Clinton: Monday,, 9 a.m. -5:30 p m."(Above Hawkins' Hardware.). THE McKILLOI , MUTUAL,'. FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD_ 0.p FICE AFORTI1, Ont, • 'OFFICERS: Preaident---Robert:Archibald Sea - forth - • Vice -President :Allister Broedfoot,' Seafq h , Secretary easurer-W. E. South- -gate aforth y DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartlia, Clinton; ''7, L,. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. "Leon- hardt, , Bornholm; • Robert Archi- bald, Seaforth; John' IH, McEwhf'g, Blyth; William S. Alexander, Wal- ton; -Harvey >Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Tepper, AGENTSBrucefield;• . Allister: Broadfoot, Seaforth. : William Leiper, Jr., Londes- boro, = J. F: Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; James Keys, ' R,R. ;;1, Seaforth; Harold Squires, R.R. 3, 'Clinton. ' • ❑0,0040.000o00p 00-00000000orj 0 ' W. I.. CLEAR''',:. 0 O Seaforth,, Ont. , 0 -2 ---LICENSED EMBALMER 0' O and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 00: Night or. Day Calls 335 0 0 :_30000000000[' 00**0.00-0.4o0.00 0 0. 0 BOX • ' Funeral Service ervsice . O ` R, S. BOX • 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 O Prompt and careful: attention 0 Slaspitai: H ____LL _ ._ .. O • 16'LOW] S.Fb" ALIT 0 O OCCASIO S 0 0• . Phonies: 0 *+.' Res. 5954li , Store 43 0 0 r <'! [ 0000000,000-D 0 • J. A. BURKE. O Funeral .Director. O 0 • 'and Ambulance Service ' 0 0-DUBLIN- ONT.' 0 0 Night or Day; Calls: 0 O U °'-Phone 43 r 10 . 0 [DOOO.0000 c' -•00D p00000�0000D0 G. A. WHYY' 0 0 Funeral omeITNE-- A Goderich St. W, Seaforth 0 AMVIBULANCX SERVICE 0 0 -or rent— t- 0_ -.. 0'. 0. 0... 0 0 O Adjustable hospital beds 0 FLOWERS FOR .EVERY 0. OCCASION 0 Telephone; Il ytr Night 119 p00G?<>00004>0 •• CAVALCADE OF ',-STARS Evening .G'randstand' Show featuring • R.C.M.P.. headline "acts, '20. precision' dancers, 30iec-s'-bzrn`d 1+vitit` 3 production -numbers, ' . • •• LADIES: DAY Tribute to the ladies featuring-' fashion and Variety.. show 'with_ Juliette (courtesy. of Players Cigarettes). and : Fred Davis. .'. Fashion show produced by"Vaty Smith. Admission free Until 3:00 p.m. for all ladies. FOLK DANCING EVERY EVENING;. This year's newest fegture tradi: tion,( music and dances by ethnic' "groups plus Canadian '•- square . dance dornenstrations,. DISPLAY @� PARM "MACMINRY AND EQUIPMENT ) FrevieSrits. - of. the 'machinery and equipment, that will be,'fanliar to life on the farm: in the 19601,1. MARNESSRACING . Tota Iar-g a nurilber of's�"Ports-mindecl fo(k'this event Western Fair: Bet - ..,ting privileges mean added excite - merit, ..Raciyig' and': the' ' Mounties Tue.;-Weil. and; Thurso afferroons.