HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-11, Page 1eS One Hundredth Year - Whole Number;4778 ,SEAFORTH ONTARIO, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1959 Single Copes, 5 Cents $2.50 a Year in Advance ELECT MRS,' E. LAR,O21,. • Doubt present in, many quarters as to the, situation existiag in Hur- on in the event the Canada Tem-. perancesAct is repealed is cleared up as a result of 'correspondence -with the solicitor to the Liquor Isicence-Board'be'Oritario,"--- . • The Expositor asked COL C E. Woodrow, the board solicitor, to in- dicate just , what dould and could not be done 'if the CTA was repealed. His reply-indieated that upon re- peal of the CTA, the Licinor Licence 5 Act comes into effect. • 5 'This permits the establishment s of ' Government stores in muniei- o pabtieS In the county, 'except in those municipalities which pre- viously, iiad adopted by-laws pro- hibiting the sale of -liquor by ree tail. Inclided , among 'these munici- palities are Clinto'n, Hullett, Tuck- ersmith, Morrie, Grey' and Stan -.`.ADDITIONATeeCATTLE'MVO, .ittivi0DATION is being iiishdri: to .completion at . Agricultural Park- , in readiness for Seaforth: Fall Fair oa.,Septembee 24 and 2. Made necessary, by. :theadditional cattle shows .scheduled for the fair ,26:x 130 -foot pole ,type barns are being eeeetedhY'Therpe Rivers, aided by volunteers 'from'' the rlittriet..Fair ,officials are planning for the largest :stock Show,' s in the area. Three breed. -shows are:beipg,,held in conjunction with the . Seaforth Fair, and include ' Black and .White Perth-11min Shorthorn and Hereford 'Regional (Expositorh t ) Expected:, to close as usual on Labor Day,' Lions pool has been - continued in operation' because of the • 90 -degree heat which has blanketed' the district this week. The poolbrought, relief to, nearly 590. district people Tuesday after- noon and evening, :and additional hundreds crowded . the pool. on Wednesday. Pool officials said the pool would be open, each day' as ..long asthe heat wave: continued. ;Cons- Device Ads lirld'to Read Some ti?ne ago jhe, Seaforth Liont Club purchased a device to aid Partially blind people in, the area to 'read. .- The instrument which magnifies the words five times and projects the printed page on a screen, has been in constant use. However, recently it has become . available again.. Any person Who could make use of ,it is asked to contact the Lions Club through E. laingsteff. There is of , course, no charge. Announce 'alicer. • Campoig.n Results ..Seaforth citizens . contributed' $e,350.90, to the 1959 calnpaign of , the Canadian :Cancer• 'Society,' re- ports released thiSr-Weeldis.;._Aat- - ed '1‘.he finahrettirns'everestaleutat-- ed 'by. the Seafordh and district branch who hendled'sthe [campaign. • Total' 'campaign ,' 1;receipts • Were $2,687.70, Dopatioeseby 'municipali- ties Were: :MeKillep township, 8568.70; Tnekerserlith township, 8475.75; , Harpurbeys. $33,00; , 'Eg-• mOndville $259•3 .35. 'Seaforth 3, .3 'In addition, $150.85 has been con- tributed to the "In '.Memoriam" fund. In Me,motiatti :Cards' are available at the Ilocal • •funeral homes, branch officials, stated, . The cornmitteetpressed‘ilea- _sure: lyttk. su liort given this Worthy cause. Or7fliTe- ..sbrarieh ',extend thanks to all Whe •: made. -daratitnieT:. ands'a sPeciai- '. thanks to those Whe gave„of their time -and effor,t to 'make, the cam- paign a success. A public meeting; of the branch will be held :in Seaforth Public • School auditorium. on Thursday, Sept. 17, at 8 pan., to discuss plans ' for the coming year; Films depict- ing the Work of the Cancer Society will be shown... Officials point out, - -that all'those: interested in this work are intrited• to Attend the • meeting. ..... Here -f -our Years, - G. •Mbrash Moved. drev. Mtitash, manager of the Stedman. Store in Seaforth since 1955, 'leaves Tuesday for Cobourg. He will assume a Similar position 'in that town. - Mr. and Mrs. Morash have been very active in St. Thomas' Angli- can Church during their stay, here: M. Kiely, presently • assistant, 'Maiihger of a store in Perth, Ont., succeed Mr. liffrrash as man- ager of the local store, , , The sustained heat of -August* booted pool attendance clurhig the season to a new high of 25,758, This is an increase of 6,000 over u ent Acceding to records maintained by 'pool supervisor Ron .Ennis and hid -stall,' the highest ,.attendance On any daYwas s'on- Wednesday; July 22, when 746 bathers were in the peal. During the season 481 childe'enheld season's tickets. At same. time the peel was .dreating new records, interest in the park •Coetinued at a high' level. :Picnics' from a Wide area ',heed the park facilities, facilitiese -according to the superintendent, Roy McGonigle. :Sol great was the &Mend' Ter 'pies nic .space, that on several " occa- sions' it Was necessary to defer, reservations: until rater ,datesS...in' ordet. that the interested groups, &Mid' reeeive'.preper .aCcoininodas. rrest Youths For -Hensall Break -Ins Thipe • youths arrested :Oyer :the Weekend:' near Eattie, will be charg- ed in connection With breakins:lest 'Wednesday :at: two: ettablishnients. in Ilehtall, one in .tieter and two, 'in Zurich, police Said Monday. • -.Broken into were the Texaco and ,SuPerteet,:s.ervice stations, Hensall; the, Fine station at. 'Exeter, and -MOO'S, garage and the Radar. and ,Middleholtz:. -Hardware' 'Store , in Extept!for two guns stolen from the hardware store,' police; said, loot ,consisted, largely of petty Cash, cigarettes and candy. Provincial police ' of the:Exeter ".detachment are -in charge of the investigatiOn.. , • Seek Tericle4' For Post Office -..Baxis •Installation of 90 -additional leek boxes in the Seaforth 'Post 'Office Wilteiriplatettrareb?din g 'to • Pest - Master F. E.' Tenders have beeninvitedfor the Work: • .• The new boxes will be, installed to :the right of...the, door in the ex- isting screme, and will bring the total of boxes in the pea 'Office to 576, Mr. Willis said. Present Gifts To P.U.C. :Secretary, A presentation *as Made to the secretarY4reasurer of the Seaforth Publie-UtilitY_Commiesion• nettlr. to her departure. Mrs. Marie Huit'ser was honored by., Members of the PVC Commission, staff, and town" - The conimissioners presented her With -a telePhone • desk and .chair, while the FCC and, town, staffs .gave ' her a:Phrse; and sweat- er. Frank Kling, chairman of the ceininisgion, madethe presenta- tion. Mr. and Mrs. r, • knitter have moved to. Whitby, whet Mr. Hide - ter is on the staff of- a: Whitby school. Mrs. Donna Bo *Yes. has been nal/Mete" succeed 'Mrs. Iluisser.; • CORONER'S JURY INVESTIGATES FATALITY AT KIPPEN'INTER$ECTION A coroner's jury, sitting hi Hen- sel]. Town. Hall, Friday,attached equal blame on drivers "involved in a fatal tWo-car crash at, KIPPen almost a year ago,) Inquiring ,into the October , 15, 1958, traffic death of William R. Soxilervilles, Seaforth, the jury found that Mr. Sonierville died as ,a direct reedit of injuries received in the accident. ' EqUal blame wag' attadhed to Mr. Sonterville and thel driver of the other car, N. B. SpUtrell, London. Mr-Spurrell was, blamed for ex - for enteringeNo, 4 highway at kip - pen in'the fade of oncoming traf- fic. ,Dr, E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, coroner, was the presiding officer. Investigating officer was OPP Con- stable-Cec,11 Gibbons, of the Exeter detachment. - The jury .was composed Of Rebt, MeGregcM, foreman; Ken -MeLel- lan, John R. Cooper, Harold Elder and Earl Thiel. ' ' The inquest was- delayed nearly a year while Mr. Spureei was re- cuneratin in hospital from injtr- eessive speed, and Mr. Somerville les receiyed in the accident. ain Bursaries s -Nine Grade 12 students of Sea - forth District eHigh ;Scheele were , awarded.: Deinntien•Previiicial hur-. • ser. lei,' it yv..4'iannOUneedtthiS.--...Weekl..i •• • .The butSarieS; Valued, at $100 each; are ,awarded, to Grade 12. graduates, PTseeaentlY, • are: Harmon' Bre,driag- 'enSalli2,,BruStelsselieWis,,Keettele .Seaforth;' Nereens t1yth; Mary E. McLeod, e RR, .,,3 , Seaforth ::Donald'S Morrise'.• Betty.. Seefottlit' 'Caroline Neil,, RR 8; Se:afottli;:W,illiarn.: Van ,den itet-igel,''RR„5;, Seaforth,,-and MarL, gare,t Weed,: ItIts'.3;:- Kipperi. EnOlnient, at the. high ,.schoOL uP:"slightly's'this":year,..iWlien the. doors' lopened Tuesday, i3more students enrolled ,thair..'lase. year, This beirigs: the'total:tee.380...• , . s • , , Trousseau 'r Tea Honors •Bride s. Mrs, George McCartney enter- tained at a trousseau tea at her home on Tuesday 'evening in honor of her youngett -daughters-Eileen, whose'merriage took place On Sat- urday. , The house was boutifullY decorated with..gladieli and dahlias. Miss Helen -Broadfoot was in charge of theliibst books' in the ,afternoon and evening. Mrs. Fred Scarlett; grandmother of the bride,... _poured.- tea during the -afternoon; And Mrs.:Grace HOggarth served. The table was decorated with a pretty lace tablecloth, white can -tiles and a, bouquet�fpink and white gladioli. • • - Mrs. Jean Sinclair was in charge of the ',kitchen, assisted he Mrs. John ..-Sioadfoot • in ' the evening: Mrs. Peei_Andre,ws -displayed the trousseau, and Miss Eleanor Mc- Cartney, sister of the bride, dis- played -the gifts "during the after- noon and evening! - Mrs. Wilson,McCartney, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. llarry McTag- gart, aunt of the groom, poured tea in the evening. Mrs, Gordon Richardson and Mrs. William Tal- bot served. • ' Miss Eileen McCartney Was hon- ored at a kitchen shower at the Port Albert cottage of the. intentent, "Miss W. 11: Dickson, of St, Merys Memorial Hospital. Din- ner, was.. served and she was pre- sented with many lovely gifts. The bridetobeemade -as-fitting -reply-. , • Seaforth Dentist Accepts Position 'Off tondon...H:Stti .'Dr. A. 8, ,Black, who has prac- tised dentistry here since the spring tif 1956, left thie week for London, where he will serve on the dental staff of the • London public Scheel system. • A native of Asanilroia,•Sask., Dr, Black received his barlY education there mid in 1939' enlisted in the Winnipeg Grenadibrs;Seee with his regiment to Hong Kong, he Was taken prisoner In 1941 and was in Japanese prisondamp until re- leased in 1945. He received' his 13..Ae. and D,D,S„ from the University Of Toronto, graduating in 1955 . , • ,While Seaforth Dr. Meek was active in a' number of organiza- tions, including the •Cahadian Leg- ion,: the Men's Club .of First Pres- 'byterien Church and the Seaforth Curling Club, He was a member of the board of So* Memorial Hos- pital. ' • • -- Dr. Meek, with Mrs. Black and their three sons, will move to Lon- don as soon, as: accommodation is arranged'. " Mrs. Elmer Larone was named president of the Wornen's Hospital Auxiliary at the annual meeting Tuesday night She succeeds Mee. H Whyte . —Other officers are Mrs. F. S. Cosford, first vice-president; Mrs. M. W. Stapleton, second vice-presi dent; Mrs. R. •Bousse-y, secretary; Mrs. Tat l'routbeck, treasurer, and Mrs, "Jean Whyte, corresponding secretary. Past presidents were presented With pins by Mrs. Stapleton. The former presidents included Mrs. W. C.Sproat, Stratford; Mrs. F. thy Parke, Mrs. A. W. Sillery, Mrs. H. E.' Smith, Mrs. E. A. McMas- ter and Mrs. H. Whyte. The treasurer's report, given by eart Sillery, showed a bank bal- ance of $658.50.s1he report -reveal/ ed net proceeds of, 8538.44 on, the annual penny sale and $211.62 fedm the rummage sale. A Spode display held during the year brought in 48:65, and thegingham' dences Expenditures for 'the 1:year in- cluded $125 for the bursary pre- sented to e SDHS graduate. Gifts of chairs,, linen, china and atoaster to the hospital were included in the auxiliary's expenses. , , Mrs. J011111.1.911gtaff, secretary, reported nine regular meetings during the epast season. Seaforth also was- -represented ,at regional meetings at Clinton and Tillson-- burg. The upcoming regional meet- ing will take place in Goderich en Wednesday, October • .Planning activities for .the new season, dates were set for to events. The rummage sale -will take place on October 24, and the hospital tag day will 'be held Sep- tember 25 arid 26. .- The financial statement, as, pre- sented, .included the following: ” • Receipts , Balon hand, Sept. 1958. 642.91 Celleetions . 40:97 Fees , 14,75 Bank interest • • 15.67 AtiMinage sale '248.00 Bridges' . . . 60;25 Turkey, ' • : 1,31.20 Spode display s.. .. . .57.50 Gingham dance • ; 195..13. Penn Y 'sale .. „sees..., .604,00 Sala • of. , cookies, eVlay Day e 2,e5. Refund 'from .1V1YsteryIerix ••:. ' .: 2,25, $2 014 88 Affiliation fees ... .. . . $ , 32.80 Conyention • ., e000 Christmas gifts and bridge - prize' 77.19 '• isturkeys- 19.50. Rummage sale • ..... 36.38. Baby "cup .... ' .4.65 Seafortle:Lions Club 'Spode display es •88 (nghan1 dance 102:.2 Penny': sale: • 65.5 Biirsary . . 125,0 Past. president's:.. pins • . 0.15 .Miscelleneous • 10.50 CiftS to tlospital. Chaies, ' $109.50. ' China' and,. toaster "215.45,e, Linen . ... . 282.80s,e- Cheirs 161.00,..•.,.. Baleen hand, Sept '.1059,ss '658:e 55.0e 5 0: TC a , $2,014.88, es eavier Trac There's plenty of eetiVitef•et the Canadian ,National • Railway. yards in Seaforth theses. days.' :'.-Aevik. ' Crew,. consitting. of !about 130; men,... moved intodthe yards. last Week and • have '..,set up•eereP there; The crew it .busy.„laying. new rails on the meineine between 'Clinton- and Dublin, and ,picked Seaforth : as ethee_centro•-for tpefr operations. -The nw ails•.'being laidsare: of 100 pound steel ..he ay- ieretraCk. than presently .exist s •on- thiteline.,%the new tr*ck Will cover :obetitele rniles,,goingheth eest.and- ,WetCfroin the town.. railway official said....Wednes- day that the crew expeeti to 'Cern,: pleteitt• Work by Saturday of this e • 14eir.,At. Work—Fir!! i• ;Abont .9 ..30-; Friday, tivaining,, Sea - forth fire brigade was •calleetto ;the, ON:R. yards . when it was ;• tdperted a boX, ear was on fire.' Thecar, one of the units hedsingethe'Work ',drew and other':.'equipthent, :wag. situated • behind Topnotch : Feed*. Mill dn. 5 siding': • '" : ,• • „. • " • •. Smoke was hoticed issuing.fro'rn the ear by, CNE and express offie: cials working 'West at the Station,' The Alarm Wa.s raised ,by oneof the efficials•e:andethe' brigade an; SWeeed'•the ,•On reaching the .Scene, it was Jeurici the smoke was coming from a- machine loping used bY orie-O-the. Work. crew' inside the box car -.---The, resulting smoke was leaving ' the 'Open car between the doer- and side . .• . The only:, time. modern _youth learns to Shift for himself is When his '.Patents,, buy him . a ''foreign .sports ,ear. • „ No licence may be granted to an hotel, tavern or public house in the county until a vote has beer taken in the municipality concerned. At the same stime, C.". S. ac-; Naughton,: Huron MLA, took :steps te•deMrininethe'statut of the var: ions municipalities and . of clubs andpatrioticorganizations in the --ern -a letter' of 'September .2 to kr. C7 -5. MacNaughtens the 'boards solicitor Says., prodding elithe meet requirements of the board; and if they are :located: in/ a manicipalitY whieh has not • prohibited the sale of liquor, they :may, be liCeosed, The' correspondence - "Should that Ipetition ' he suffici- ently Signed and result in a • 'gine being taken in 'accordance With The Canada • Temperanee Act ..whieh -vote ,had theeeffece Of repealing The Canada Temperance Act in the County of Section 67 of the Liquor' Licence Act *mild ;becoree:the effecting liquor legis- lationinsofar as the egeinety was coneerned., , • , "That section provides, at when^ The Carla& Temperanee' eteeas- es ,te'besinSrpice in any, area, the 7'77- prS# 5. n- , s.,- se. 1 ' ' Ili - , , _.,„ „ ..... DESIGNED TO ,ELIMINATE dust spreading around, e mill area. Tepnotela Fried tsimitedelast-weeksiestalleclea-nrodern -dna cyclone an the ;roof .ofethe rriille nearly 80 feet above' greund. The massive collecting unit was hoisted on the end if of the 125-1001 boom , of. a portable crane:, (Expositor 'photo -by Philips). • NEWS OF BRODHAGEN ,Mrs. Harry Adams, of Lansing, Mich., satisfied a life-long ambi- tion to , co/be to Cana4a and ;look up a place named after her grand- father, -Ernest Brodhagen. Mr. Brodhagen had The first hotel, store and postoffice here,-htit, the original buildings haVe long eince disappeared,. Mrs-. Adams was surprised findmanyin-Abe-co inunity. Her first contact was when she went into the post office here for information, and found Mrs, R. Sholdice was her second • Cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Adams remained for the night with :the Sheldices and met many of her relations as they Fame' to the store. She is the foriner Marian Brod,' hagen, daughter of Charles Brod- hagen. She was born in Lansing, , Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Scherbarth, of Detroit, with Mr. aneMrs. Ed, ,Scherharth andotherrelatives. Mr, and MrS. Kelly Haupt and family,, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sholdice, Keith and Brian Wilbbe, of Walton, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Sholdice.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hartji and Mr: Kenneth Selierba.rth and sons, of Detroit, and Xi. Olen Bennewies, of Windsor, With Mr. and, Mrs. Sohn L. Bennewies. " Miss Diene Ileuerreann and Mat- ter Larry Betterment- have return- ed-home.to Seaforth after spend- inmost of their - holidays„ with their grandmother, Mrs. Louie MI- lebrecht. ; Carl Butt& and Warren Sholdice spent the Weekend in Toronto and attended the Eihibitsion on Mon- day, Miss Joanne Beuerrhan acs colnpanied them to teach it Toroil- , to, Mrs. Louie Bennewies had the 'misfortune to fall ather home and break her leg. She is, confined to Victoria Hospital, London. Master Richard Leonhardt, son of Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Leonhardt, underweritan operation for appen- dicitis at Scott Memorial.Hospital, Seaforth,. last week,. Mr. and,,Mrs, Ralph Hicks, Alvin and Sherry, Mr. and Mrs., Edgar Illgaelir Joanne, sMargatet-eand- john spent the helidaY weekend in Tort Elgin: ' Mr. and Mrs. John IVIdeller arid' Ruth Ate; of Hamilten, with her' mother, Mrs, Augur Miebrecht. Rev. and Robert Rock, Rebecca and Robert returned •to their home ee Dartneouth, Nova Scotia; after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. Rock. 'Mr, and Mrs. Doug Aiteheson returned, ,to Niagara Fallafter visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr.. and :Mrs. Edwin Rock. Miss Jane Rock ,has been bolls:. (laying withher sister and brother-, in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Doug Aitcb- eon, Niagara.- Falls. " "Mr, and Mrs, Ross Leonhardt spent a few deye in Detroit re- cently. • e Mr.- and Mrs. Russell shOldiee," Roger and Beverley, Mts, W. L. Qaerengeeser,, Mrs. Albert Quer- exigesser and Joyce with Rev. and John Arbuckle, Walkerton, on 'Sun- day. Mr....and Mrs. Cliff Woodward and daughters, of Toronto, Mr, and Airs, Don Staudt and family, Kit- chener,. and Mr., and -Mrs. Howard Querengesser and family, of 'Mit- chell, at the sante home. Mr. GeorgeDie-gel'went by bus. and attended the Toronto Exhibi- tion on Saturday.. Mr. and Ws, Wm Diegel at- tended the 80th birthday celebra- tion of her mother, Mrs. Ida Brun- ner-, at Sebringville, Miss Grace Fischer .returned to her teaching 'chides at CotwtIand School in Kitchener. ' Mr. .and Mrs, ,Humphrey Arthitr and Doris, Kirk -tons and Wayne Beuerrnarm; London, With Mr. and Mrs. Marniel•Beiterrn.anh son Sun- day. ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Newton, To- ronto, for' the sveekend„ s _Miss...Glenda...Miller isttendin Teacher'• College Stratford. Mrs. W. L. Querengesser and Mrs: R. Sholdice, attended a shower for Miss Dolma Feltz at her home. RR 5 'Stratford On eloriday even- ing Mr. and 'Mrs. Keneeth Hnz, St. Catharines, are holidaying with his, 'parent.< and Dalton Hinz, this week.- - nr: and Mrs. Ed. Ahrens with _Mr. and,Mrs, John Dietz, -eicKillop, on Sunday. . - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thernas and Linda. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Greer and Michael and Donald Ahrens, , Hamilton. with Mrs, Chas, Ahrens. Mts. John Hine, Sr, And Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly and Ruthann, Sebringville. with Mr. and 11,,Irt. Lavern 1Wolfe. eese .Teacher Leaves, Feted •-• Mrs. Toledo Benermann, who has • been teaching.piato for mayfy years at her home en MeXillop, is giving up teaching to !neve to Kitchener. Over thirty pupils and 'mothers,. of the pupils pleasantly surprised her at her Amine on Tuesday afternoon. MallY of 'the pupils were from the 'Village. , A social time was spent on the, lawn and and many of the pupils play- ed piano selections. An address was read by,,Mis8' Barbara Dietz and the presentation Of a wrist watch, nylons' handkerchief was made by Miss Joanne Elligsen and Miss „Joyce Rock, ,Alunch was served by the mothers. • School Opens Mr. Donald Wolfe, of Mitchell and formerly of Brodhagen, is -the new teacher at ,the Brodhagen School., with 41 pupils attending.' The, be- ginners are Donna Zeoldierdt, Kim Leonhardt, Karen Leonherdt, Doug- las Web, Wayne Ahrens and Larry Puschelberg. The -folleWing • pupils ierom the e are-att:ending-Atitehele.ends District High Sehool: Arthui-ble- gel, Clayton, Robert and and Kenneth Ahrens, Warren and Roger Shol- dice, Gary and Paul Priestare Jane Rock, Rose Eva Hulick, Richard Leonhardt. and Elaine Bennewies. The -United, Lutheran Church Wo- men held ' their meeting with 27 ladieepresent, The devotions were in -charge of Mrs. Harry Tait and Mrs. Toledo Bouermann.-The topic was, "Money: We Can't Take It :With:Us." Thank -you letters were win .Scherbarth: by xid `r-Oele:riteotacrkYaartnddmarns.inEvaji invi- tation to Tavittock for, Wednesday evening. Birthdays were reported ' Showers For Couples Two , showers were 'held in the Brodhagen find ,District Commun- ity Hall for 'newly*eds recently. Oft *Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Xeith Rock (Marjorie Rinn) were presented with a purse of MOne3Y, by Ervin Scherharth; Erlyn -Oshoril read the address. Friday evehin'g a Very large crowd gath- ered for a shower for. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wolfe (Beth Cole) and -they also received money„present- ed- by (tAry Sholdice. Clare French read the address whicJi was writ- ten by Mrs, Fred Herbert. Clare French's orchestra played 10 r daneing at both shOWers, and lunch was served. Limier Licence Aet 'shall apply' in ; • . sueh area. provided, ' •"(a) in in- an, area where a•.bYslaw 'prohibiting the sale „ell liquor by retail passed under any Act of the Legislature :was in force when the Canada' :Temperance, Act or the _Ontario. TereperenceesActscame ir- to force,- no -GoVernmeet,Steres for the sale of liquor -or: for the "sale of beer, only, 'shall Ji0stablished, no: Ontariowine sterts shall. be 'aethorized and np licences Shall be laved until a vote has been taken inthe.manner.proyided,in Section 69. In•the County of :Hut* at the .0;i: se c-iCaainmaedi tTic:e nibPoe r ea eet; there were a number of-enuriicipah= ties *Web had, Pessed':.a....:by-laW conterriplated in this , paragraph. These ,. inu.rdcipalities are_ as 'fel- lowss 'together • with the dates Ofthe by-laws passed: -: ' Clinton : (Town) . . ....... . 1913'.e .Colbeene Township,:1910 .Grey 'Township • • 1910:- elloWick Township 1.911ese -71-Iiitlett'Township----------------1905 • ------------------1913 ,• 'Stanley ... . :.• :1907, •Tuckersniitli, Tewnships. .- 1910 - eTurnberry . ...,.:„.• 1913 ..lIehernes Towoship 1907Waw. a1906 inac:aareahn E'TisSere lAhl':'‘no; prohibiting the sale ..of:.hqiior by ,retail passed:under any Act of the ..Le,gislaturee Waeii force When the ' .Canada i.l'eMperarite. Act or the 'Ontario, .Temperance Act came in- Wforce,:no licenses shall be issued .irt :•respede of an : establishment classified, 'as ..en hotel, tavern; tes- ,tatiearit, onepuhlic house until a vote has been taken in -the Manner: provided. in Section 69. Thi i -means that in alt other 'municipalities in the County of Huron except, those enumerated: above, GOveerienent , stores ..fpr' the, sale' of , ignore. Gov- ernment toret for - the sale -of beet only and Ontario wine stores- may e estabhshed ',without the neces- sity of a vote in the munieipality. Licences, however, may. not be granted 'Until- the required. Vote has '.t13.YeTh‘e' is 'el.' $113a.eC'kt se. ointiii -tteearu tne- r,,,,..,,,Vi.aniae..41Algyhi.ntr: t.0your letter : 0, the 1tt instant, in "Whieh. you re- quest further:information with re- ..gard to 'the •status of clubs and .patriotic'e :oranizatients such as. :Branches of. the Canadian. Legion in the.CountY- ef'Hirrorieshoulerthe €natiaTemperance Act cease to be the effective 1egis)ation in th "By virtue of Section 67 of the Liquor Licence Act; .those parts of the County of .1-luron 'whichehave •passed'layeevii. forbidding the...sale .of alcoholic' beverages' within their municipal boundaries,- prior. testlio: sconiing.sinto -farce --of •:the :: Canada- Tenipleraece Act; will- be. consider- ed ; `dry' rneMicinalities, and ",--thoee. mureeipahtiee which leve not pass- : 'ed..hjelaws. forbidding ,the,seale fry retail laolirdaoll°ries prf;" :to:the coreirig inte; force of the Can- ada Temperance, Act Will be. con- sidered . In the • .evet"municipalitlhi 'the County of Huren; clubs and:Branch- et of the :Canedian-•Legien which, 'can meet alt • the., requirements:"of • the .Liquor - Licence Act: can then .11nliaelt 'for jicenees. hl:1a13;11- ie?tionti°I1S are preaentd tie:the ChairMan of the T.Aquor,Lle- • ote hri ne' (i.B.L;a7raicricadcne,csito'hnoina':ids 2t1 6's :It eh!' Pr it hof eo al; paetiehler , drib . or organization. ' "At the.:Pretent7tirheethete- -are', no Clubs in the County' •of Huron Which. are operating under...licences. Before licences " in:ay,' be iseried to clubs"; under, the Liquor .Licence Act, the cub must establiSh to the , satisfattion of the Board •that it ' Meets all' the requirenientseef , the: Aet,' It must, -thereroreeThe :nicor- Perated Meier the lawanf the Dom- inion of ,Canada -or •PrOvince of. tario; It inUst.have.the ;special ae- conimodation, ment prescribed -shy thc regula- tions; it must have for its ohjects definitepurposes •- ofa.. social or recreation, or .patriotic :nature; ' it 'must haveenot: lesS than 50, mem- bers; -all 'fhb nienibers thereof,' up- on payreent.of driest in the Manner Prescribed by the rules:- and by of .the elide shl1 have the privilege Of Voting for all;purpos- (Contituied' on Page 4) Raze Old Building Fai-Parking Lot „An office building that has serv- ed fiye sifccessive veterinarians over a period of 80 years disap- peared from Seaforth Main Street this Week. During recent years the plan frame boaftig had been, oe- cuPiecl by Tekry Radio. Built by,a Dr. Campbell, a physi- cian who practised in Seaforth in the 70's, the bil4cliog later became the office of, Dr. Gibb, an early veterinarian. It tutn, it was Odeu- pied by Dr- looWler and Di. Low - ay. In 1907 it was parehased by .Dr. F. S. llarburn, who continued to use it until he soldhis practise to Dr. J. O. Turnbull 4 number of years Ago. ^ The. space Occupied by the build- ing will provide a parking area for Seaforth 'Veterinary Clinle,