HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-09-04, Page 7;tossvioRD ACROSS • 1 X1r0/:;nZ Ia Wan' 49 gloties Corps Molar./ furtiveli- • '5 nvergeldai - 51 AfotranceossInierl. tt, 10 King;. earICY 53 New Mexico. 'title 55 K ntish 14 After the freedma 13 Paatrar 56 Winn 8560 AUance cu")I5,' ' 64. Bellow •r1167, .,VCchirt3intir°2ce 275 ‘,,Kotrtisitaontian ' opse by , 68 Alleviate , 69 Mistake 19 Fortent Ardor - 71 Wife of Geraint 72 Accoreplisti- Indo-China. 22 Kind of , "spsnlsh • •PS6LE Ne. SOS 43 Mine --- - -11-Fissure entrance lin.)" 12,Genus 'of 48 Cereal Maples S7 Sliding. - 2 AppeILntion , .31 Rriet. printed Of ,Atitetta "t ”trnatia3 (P1-) . 35 MalaySS. rap. ,. '5 Bestowin 38 Meter in a • 6 'The linden, ,„ 39 ShOrt.neWs- slating or • Al Old Cornwall 8 Chairs nine working 9 .Thorough-: from 44'Tree 491.) Cain:3min . 16, 13 Unaspira,te 21 .Europearnountauia n horSe 2.5 CI of Iowa 28 pend " 90 Class - as intively- kith 34 .Narrow ., apertures'. . 4° rtained tr: certainstandard. 42 Purloiners - 45 Read super - 47 Widgeon50 ened 52 Storehouses!, 54 3'ortlon 56 Woody, plant 57 Kind of , 58 Rumanian .59 Certala'. 61 Festive . • mountr.ins so Renting 03. I a 14. szny A It 1 it KA D A SNOLITE ara3 ataocie -auE minim a au a 13 a *3 R. R.IE. 0 E *Slone st N DAD ON 'EMOTE 00E30 E N*'0E8. DB@ 'Answer gurn 0. rissithe N..601 ICE CREAM DAIRY BAR SEAFORTH EAM BUTTER PLUMBING AND HEATING one 66 R contact: IAILANI) 'Dublin, Ont. NEEDS ^ BUSINESS LLEGE Op enS September 8 ‘- _ Practical litstructionliQuatifid Teachers -.modern Equipment -- New Typffivriters Examinations set, marked? and Diplomas issued by - THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA , For several years every seat has been filled. • Register Now Tuition $22 - Telephone 428 or 1272 Collect• Seventeenth in a eries CONCES,§ION V Lot TwentY-six , Lot 26 was not taken up as early as other lots around it. James:Halloran, the"first to live on the North 50, had a saloon Ohthe corner lot He was, married twice. His first wife was Kate,,but her surname is not known, and ipis second was Julia IVIa,har. From. here he .went to,Carronbreek, Where he died 'from canCer. Jeremiah Ryan, Who married Bridget Young, was the ,owner from 1879. Both he and his..wife died on this lot. There were six in jeremlah's farni1y---4ohantia (Mrs:. John Coleman), Patrick; John, Mary,,(Mrs. (Dr.) Dan Crenir... in), Ali& (Mrs. Jas, Williams) and Michael, who was.killed in a bush..in „Thomas Casey -lived on the East 25 of the 'Smith 50 till he and his family Moved to Egniond.ville. On' this lot' Tom Worked on the -irailroad, and every morning walked from here to his work and back again,in the. evening. Patrick Ryan j,ought Casey's land in, 1887, .and the next year he,also, bought his father:Jeremiah Ryan's 'North 50: ,Mrs:Ryah and daughter, Johanna, for some years' longer lived in -a house; back •the aideroad Dan BarrY and his son Miclfael Tarry, have owned this 75 acres since- Patrick Ryan left, it. • Miehael. Murphy got the West 25 of the' South' 50 fiend, the Canada ,Company, and all who have owned the East, 50 ofiLot 27, after Murphy , have also had .this 25. .James "Ted" Doyle is the present owner. Lot Twenty-seven , Williana Givens,. who was deputy -reeve of the township in 1867-7 owned Lot. 27 from 1857 untilhe went in 1871 to Toledo, Ohio In Toledo, Michael, one of his gins became a pronfinent 'railway executive. When Givens left the Tfarrn, the , East -50 was sold to 'Thomas Murphy, and the West to Atkinson, ' Sr. Thomas Murphy's Son; Michael; died in 1-887; and in.1892 his widow Sold to James Doyle, Who 'rented it to MiChael. Williams,and later to 'William Burke. In 1900 -ficoyle'rentiodelled SQIne- Of the buildings, and came back, and worked; it hinaSelf„.His son, James, also known as "Ted"; is the, rireSent,owperA new parish..priest,,anxions to get hi flock fixed im hs Mind,' and being' a. bit confused -about the DoST-le-lads4---made-a4rip-tp-,the-home_tajsee-WhO-wa Meeting, one;he said:. "And -Which are You, Jaiifer-S-Vf-Ted?' ,"I"M„)3oth!" the lad replied. JarnesAtkinSen's son, James, married Ellen. Montgomery, and , if was on:the West 50 they, lived until they went to Dakota. From then. James Atkinson, Sr, owned it -.agairi. Anothei". soh, JoSeph, -.took it over* and lived here 'after he married : Amelia Evans in 1906 Joseph, for many years, was, 'president of the Hibbert Conservative AsSoeiation. He was also a township councillor for eleven' years, and reeve in 1946 'and, 1947: Cyril -Johnston. and "Ted" :Doyle have ,been the. owners since Joseph Atkinson retired and moved to Dublin . , in 1944. In more recent years Wilfred. Card, for 4 time, lived in the Atkinsont ouSe; biz -Clio one lives ,in it now. Thomas ,Wilson got the deed of the East:50 a Lot 2 in 1854. Several of the children of Thomas and Elizabeth Wil- son died in,the 80's, but no one knows where the family went. from. here; From 1,875.:untir1879, Jams Fanson was 'the' owner: Daniel W. IVIore3T, Robert Elderkin, David Miller, WiThm T'. Wood, Kenneth Weed and Synn Seteren have owned it since Fanson, George Wall owned the W94,59 from- 1853, but in 1854 sold to John Hooper, a brother -in-' law of Sohn Clifton. Hooper's son,. Sam, tbok it over in the 80's,'but John reserved ten acres for life. William T., in, bought frorn Sara Hooper in 1907, and the owners since have' been the sameas thoSe whe have :had the East 50. 'The'honee here -vvas sold after Sam.Hooper moved to Mitchell. , " ' • • Lot Three .In 1855 Sohn Bradley get his deed for -the East 50 Of Lot 8, and 'mild in 184o James Harris; who lived in Fullar- ton Township., James, and his :wife, Elizabeth Routley, were both natives of DevoriShire, England. In -their family were John; Thomas, Ann (Mrs.' Charles CUrtis), Elizabeth (Mrs. Sohn. Francis), Samuel, jarnes, Oliver and &Warn -lab. '(Mrs. Viralter Jewell), Their son, Thernas, married' Ann Steer, and died on this lot in 1890, , John E. Harris, son of Toni, was the next owner. • Ito wife was Maggie Miller, andtheirsen , • RESERVE YOUR COPY OF -. — PAR"' TWO (Ey, Isabelle 'Campbell) ' _ „"_4.A._11ilabert Review". yvill be issued in,hoolvform :On com- pletion of the present 'Series: Copies will. be available December, 1959. These will make attractive Christ- • mas gifts. TlioPe reservingbooks will be Informed when these copies are available, andthese can be purchased from.,T,j-IE EXPOSITOR. " NAME ADDRESS' -Mail fa THE .HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth - Ontario PART:TWO":;.; By ISABELLE CAMPBELL son, wto married Gladys Deigel, the present owner- Charles,13irooks got the West ,50 in 1856. A Frank Brooks. lived here' for a 'time, then Thomas Harris also bonght this 50, and his son, -Reuben, whose wife was the former Mary JohnstOn, lived on it till he died in 1924. The.pther two in TOM Harris' family were Elizabeth (-IVIrs, Cephas Drown) and -Mary Ellen (Mrs, Thomas Fanson). 'Since 'Reuben I-Iarris this 50 has been •owned by''Aaron Steinacher ,and Frank Hutchison. - J. F oar William Gray, oWnedIpf:4 by" 1857 and died here rn 1887. • His wife was Elizabeth. Bell, a -sister. of Ann Bell, -who mar- ried William Gray's brother, Henry. By. 1888 Williamand sElizabeth's. son, Maxwell, had the East, 50: Another son; Ho -ward, had the Westior a time, but later Maxwell Owned all the lot. One of Williarrk'sdaughters, 1VIatilda jane-, mar- ried .Peter. McNaughton, a teacher, .who taught In several sehOolg'in. Iiihbert Township. Peter was -a good teacher, .but 4 strict disciplinarian. No pupil, stillliving? haseven for- gotten his punishment for, misbehavior. Melville Gray, after - he married -.and --before his father' left- the-farm---liyed for a time 'in'an -extra house on this lot. After LMarvell Gray moved to Kirkton the farm was rented ;for a few.. years. Bilhe Ellah had ,.it _first, .and . James Arnistrong,`-the tresent Occupant, was . next until he bought in. 1949. , Others in • William Gray's farnilY, besides the three mentioned above, •were Mary Ann'.(Mrs. George 13roWii), John; William Henry, Alex,' Elizabeth (Mrs. Jarnes Bell), Robert, Margaret (MITS.' Andrew Stewart) and Jane (Mrs. Solomon 'Hodgson, who was' later Mrs. Alfred Davis). Solernon Irodison was a train engineer and was killed, in Stratford. - Int, MUM g.xPoS TOR, SEAFORT11, ONT.4 SEM 4, 1110:-4 SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS • opErst. DAILY Ekettr 41 • • T. PrOe & Son• , Au Trims OF CEMETERY IllEMOWATA Inquiries are invited. Telephone•Nurnhers: Clinton' 16g0 Seaforth 573 Lot Twenty-eight - „ Daniel IVIoeney; from 1853, was the Owner of Let 28. At an earlydate he went to...Minden;;;MiChigan, where he died. Fortune,. Malachi Burns and John' Burns, who was- Lleptity,reeve_ of Hibbert, from 1879 until 1883; owned"- Dan's East 75 acres in later years In -1859. Dan Mooney sold ,his brother Joseph, who married Arni !Park,,'his West '25 acres:, Joseph's son, Archie, had it later;,,and in the 80's he sold to John Burns, the .owner, of the other .75..acres. Later; Frank LayaLbetight.the,lot and two sisters ykept ;house for him 'add his brother.; John., From 1917 John 's the owner, and after. his.death a nephew, Jimmy O'Lpughlin,. rented until'Patrick' Wilharns bought in 1941 Rig son,'Tomis the present owner. Lot Twenty-nine James Quinlan, Whose wife was Rosie Carty, was the. first owner of Let 29.-- His brother, JAY'', either owned the South 50 or lived in a house on it From here John went back to Ireland, but returned, and after the home burned .here he went to. Toledo, Ohio;;.and-.1ived With his farnily- there till he died.- One of his sons Was: John, better known as "Nippy." He was walking home from Dublin With peter McIver the day' Peter .was killed by the train. Andre* Archibald, Sr, a TUckersinith,farmer ; his: son, JaineS,a well-known horse - buyer, and another. Son; Andrew,: all had this lot for a time. Andre*, Archibald Jr.'s family were* all, born here before they moved to .Tu&ersinith. While Andrew, Sr.; owned it; an Indian, whose name is forgotten,- lived in the house and worked' aS a day laborer In the community. *John-McIver_and -his-sn,-John, were the next two e*ners„_:_Patricki_ortlan_ lived here ,for a - tirne after John McIver, Jr.,' went West . Charles...E7-VVilliains, no, relation of the other Williams; then bought it and is. still..the owner of the' lot. _• -Lot Thirty , No one has ever lived on Lot 30. This was Canada-, CoM- pany land for many years. John, McConnell, "Sr., John Mc- Connell, Tr., Frank McConnell, George ViVia,n and Carrieron Vivian havehad it, and used it as -4 -pasture farm, . CONCeSS/ON V/ , Lot Fire. : Charles _Brooks, a. Mitchell resident; from .1854' .owned Lot 5 His first Wife; Frances; died: in, 1867,' and his: second was Matilda ,HUtChison:'. .Brooks, iyith--jaMes 'Oeicinhotin, 'owned imported horses, aWell4nOwn.ene'being Lord' Hat:10o:: While', hel., had thiS,farin :, he rented. The first,renter Was. PranCis 'Breekg; .POSSiblya cousin of, Frank; On jP,t 3; but no -relation of 'CliarleS.'. This Francis came from Gloucestershire,: in -1858 --Whi1 here_liehattcharge. Of the_ Grange, • on tlie7-1MithWest corner -of-thel-ctt-;-7-afteritiOPened-forbilsi-- ness. ' Later; it :wasrmeyed across , the 'concession and *as' „placed beside the ;Bible ,Christian Church; , and later.- it was slufted across to this lot again Henry Tinder was One who then map in ChirEe'of it. When Francis BroOkSleft this. ,f0:tia7-111 the late 1880':p; be ‘opened the first store in thinro; Robert Puller wasthe'next renter. of the lot Several :of :his. eight :children later graduated ,as teachers and ,fieldother implertant . positions.. In , the ..f4n10.,were::Herbert, Harry Roger, who VvaST'ltilled-in World War 1;Ida (Mrs Milis), I. -,aura, (Mrs. 'William Coulton), James, Bessie (Mi•g:,:.-Gebrge Gibb) Robert, and Marjorie (MrS P-at.Therrie) The,. last. fivenamedwere teaChers..-- James ; later attended 'Agricultural , .College,-. and, after : returning oversea' service,' was in, ,Cliarge.Of Veterans' Land .Rehabilitation„ first in Toronto and later, in Winnipeg.; Manitoba, ; Another rented of this lot was 'John Mahaffy„'-..'Howard:Gray- and George Pullman .have been "the-other'e*riers to the present time: ' -john,.Wation,.. son . of, Allan, , dWned 'tot 6 from an early' date, and did here in 1897, He.;Married Margaret Bell, and theirtwelve'. children were 'Date,. Who .WaS'later,.in,,busineSS, :in Clinten.;, and.; Winghain,r, George, John; , Georgina (Mrs Jain -es Elliott) whesel'huSband:,taught in.. No 2 8.6hOoli Elizabeth (Mrs:Willim Lawrence), Matilda (Mrs. .Young), *jeSial1", William James aricl.!•TIOA4-',..:VT-4.10:_die,d_qiiite'-yoUng., In the '60'S,. John Bell,who married Farinie.'Shaw,*, and: , Tom Parr,- who later. lived: ;at Winghani,., both . for, a time I; had .the South 50;;*, but- laterit.Was-,oWned again by john Watson:: *.,,David Gray had this lot after Watson:. James :and 'Vietor,JaCkson,-..also Alex Gardiner, the 'Present owrier,:all used It for pasture: Gardiner. liaS it rented, at the present thne. to. the Ilesky, Flax Company.' There have been buil-dings* here for many YearS. It was on this lot, back theSideroad;:that schebt•-waS firSt. held in'a log hOuSe,..befere.the first No,":2 School Was built Lot S,e4.76,4 , Mrs "Esther .Hall :Shaw, *a .native of Armagh, Ireland,' after the death of her husband, came, to Canada; in 1849, to .near her three children Thomas, Isaac. and Ann . (Mrs:, Mis.*:. Shaw, crossed the ocean with her Son; Isaac; his Wife, Deborah Stanford,' and their little three -Year- old daughter; .Anna.. Deborah' seemed qurte---hileTarid-thearty. ;during' the, crossing, ,but upen her 'arrival at.. Montreal she became quite ihl 'Verysoon she passed awaytand Was 'buried :at nearby AdelrihustoWn. The others journeye.d, on to Hib- bert, and from. then Isaac'liVed On the Eat 50' His Mother hived With 'him and took eharge of his little daughter. One day, after working for a 'tline with, the tea* in ,the field; Isaac staggered into' the hoUse; lay down; and very soon he too passecl'away. r;coffiris at the :time Of his death *ere' Made by any neiglil3Or or friend Who waS..hancly-Mith a. harniner .and.afew tOols.".ISaad's coffin was made by One Of these, and the maker.iisedebarred-,woodi 'wet with_Water; to.'Paint it . - 'Anna at the time of; Isaac's death was only 'seven.' After her grandMother, Mrs. Esther Shaw,' Went to her sister, MrS. WoodS'. home in :Carrick Township, Where , she died,. Anna made her .home ,witli_.her....uricre;LTotir-.Shaw; and his; .fainily- till she ; married when still quite young. Sometime ;:after Isaac's death; Jelin ,WatsOri got ,the.:East ,25 atierfOtri" Shaw the:West 25 Of- Anna's 50, and ever since the East_25 haS been :connected with I.,ot 6 and the West 25 -,With the: Weif ThomaS, Shaw, a brother Of Isaad; ina,rried Jane, eldest da,ughter of 3ohn4WatSorii IWO-WI-led the West 50,,,of Lot '7 from 1857, till he, Went to Lucari in, 1876 to liVe with his .daughters, Later,.he returned.to Mitchell 'and died* .there., In - .Toin Shaw_ia,AP4PAY.,„,filere were'fiVe Aalikhter8, And:one Pen, namely; Mary .(Mrs. PPliertGlitIfdyleyjernitria-.7(-1VIrs,'Ilavitt 1-lodison);, .Sarah Esther. (Mrs. Leonard Stanley); 'Nirene; ;LeuiSa (Mrs. Charles 'Mallory), and Robert Wesley, who, has been a medical doctor in London for many yearS.. . • -; • ' Henry Watson, Son of Allen, married the Anne Sha* who Was 'left an Orphan; and they livedler -seven.Years. on:,,TOrn ShaW's 75 „acres after he left it. Watson,s, �n .October '1.0, "1883; moved -to a farrn)in Logan Township, where their son, Williain, 'still lives; , Their. ;dattgliter, Annie '(Mrs.. Chester Adams) ?..liveg.in Mitchell; and on -Mareh 4, ,1958„. sheand, her,husband celebrated the-siity-eighth anniversary -Of their marriage.- Sinde. Watsens left Lot 7, James Parish, 1--Ingh IVIcLay; Nelson"- Docking,..Enon jarnes, Charles. Harris, Fred Vipond .and Leslie Waddellhave beell theleWAerSOf this 75, acres. While Hugh McLay,lived on it 'a. fraine house WAS boilt, by.the neighbors on thefarm to PreVide..a home for an aged 'couple,' Mr. and Mrs. William Steer. -.1' ,•-• • ' Lot 8, now known as Penn:3Tbm* Parm,lhqs been always' in the- Docking name, • John Decking, wh,O, Married. Sarah Sarvis, was the -first to own it. .He get his grant and release in 1860. Both' he "and his if Were native. of Cornwall,' England:, Their son, Edwin, was the next Owner, -.His first wife, Lucretia Itinsinan, did in 1877, and later ,the married Lavinia -Neal, Edwin's. on, George, •had the farm neXt, He. Vas also married tvVice-41-rSt. to Margaret Jane doloulieun, and his Seeod .wife Was Jessie Moffatt „1 The. present 'owner Getirge's son; Gordon; His wife *as the toriner 'Alma Parkinson,- Sohn, EdWin,-and. George all died, .on usariN.. mERcE tots or :carefree, summer fITIES SERVICE vacation drivin •GEO. MILLER'S • .H.crrIESPho� 149'. . SERVICE • A-0PR ••• Lot One Maxwell Bell; a native of Couir6TT Cavan, Ireland, Owned the' North 50 of Lot 1 from the .1850's and died here In 1907. '.married Catherine Vincent, and. their family of five were Rebert4Ohil,'Enurta, Mr§.- (Dr.) Charles Morey-) and Eliza' (Mrs. 'GeOrge Coltman), also.Williarn, -yvho died in infaney. Theit,a0n;, Robert, married Jane Drury; and. lived on. ,the farm till -he was killed by a horse in .1915 Ernest Bell, Robert's son, was the next owner, and Ernest's widow, the former Irene .Rolpli; who lives in London,' the present Own- er. She rents the farm each year. ' . From the' early 1850's John Chapman had the smith 50, then John Clifton, who lived hi Fullartek Maxwell Bell then bought it from hissert,lehm.:74o1:14,13#1,1 Married his cousin,. Mary Bell, and was the 'first to five' on itr-FrOin-here-they went to Mitchell, and later. .tol Toronto, where both died, Daniel J.,: Linton, George' Linton, Alex Linton 'It), Leslie Williams and Wesley Parsons have been the, owners since; John Refl, Lot TOWN SEAFORTH view of the disregard by the general pub- lic of the ,recent proclaMation issued by the own Council re the confinement of dogs and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By -la -w. , Any owner' or harbourer of a dog who allows it to run at iarge_Ran_be_ summoned into Court.-- The fine -in -a -case -of this— kind 'could be $50.00 and costs. Council and myself would ask all citi- zens concerned- to comply With the laws and avoid the consecpiences. F. CHRISTIE, Mayor •DR. NI.117,. STAPLETON • Physician and -Surgeon Phone 90, : • ' • '. .Seaforth ' If no ansiver call 59 Pih°oBlViielis:IjikY:.siOGelf(i!cafVVILLean51W'S'ur'llg.A.3;311'ens7.D5-1I • SEAFORTII CLINIC ' Telephone 26 IR, A. MeMASTElt; B.A., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 ' P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon • Telephone 750 W-1, DL'. mAtRus Telephone 15 E DVAINTINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday -only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be Made. • A. M. -HARPER „ Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone G-oderich- 343 Licensed Municipal Aucfitor. ecT,JLJV-E-B11,-1);C----*-- - • *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 Main -Street - Exeter X,Ilait and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday. Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment -• Phone 606' • DON 'S.' DENNIS' , • ,,, Auctioneer. Graduate. . of Iteisch, ,Aineritan School .of.iictionee-ritir,' Licensed in Ilitran and:Perth. ,..Caliable of 'handling. all'. types sales and ad:. .; • 'DON DENNIS' • phone-8eatortly-840i1-147 stAFololl ivETERINAlty.'orm4ic:-.• Turnbull, W. R, ,Bryans, 'D.V.M., • -:W. G. Drennan„-11.V.M.; V.S. A. W. SILLERY Barrister„ Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office' 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH • ONTARIO McCONNELL & STEW T Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, P. D. McCONNELL D. L STEWART SEAFORTH, OM. Telephone 174 D. H. McINNES Chiro, practic - -Foot, Correction - mrtRCIAL Monday,.ThursdayOTL Thursday 'to. P.m. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist • Phone 791: Seafortli Eyes. Examined --- Glasses Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Office --Hours: seatorth • daily, except Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.ni,; Wednesday, , 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.; 'Fhursday evenings,. by appointment - Clinton": Monday, 9 Lin: - 5:30 p.in. (Above Hawkins' Hardwa). THEM- cKILLOP INSURANCE CO. READ 13°FFIOCFE-SF/C 117,:°14 °nt • President -Robert, Archibald, Sea - forth Vice-President-Allister Broadfoot, Secrethry-Treasurer-W, E.. South': •gate, Seaforth. °-•' ' DIRECTORS: = E. J. Trewartha, , Clinton; J. L., Malone, seaforth; . Chris. Leon-. 'hardt, Bornholm; Robert Archi-, bald, Seaforth; John H. MeEwing, •Bly„th";.William s.- Alexander, Wel- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; ° E. Pepper, 13rticefie1d; ' Allister Broaclfoot, Seaforth. ani Leiper, Jr., Londea- horo; F..Prueter, Brodhagen.; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; James Heys, R.R. 1,..SeaforthHarold Phone 105 : Seaforth Sqiures,,R.R. 3, Clinton.,': o <>. cttAitY'.] • <> :LICENSED 'EMBA1,1ViElit , - and FLINERALDIRECTOR ,Night Or Day :Calls 335 0..0:0 0 0 000,0 , . O 00 <> 0 0, 0,0. ID ° • • • '0 ,• • BOX; <> , . Licensed Embaltner•':,0 '0.Prenipt and careful attention' 0. Hospital' Bed-- - , 0 ,06WEgs 'FOR ALL OCCASIONS ,0 °. • •Phones: ' .0 IteS,. 595:-W Store 4.3.* * J. A.- BURIE Director2— and Ambulance Service •0 DIYBLIN , : orrr..„ <c> 0 Night or Day ' 0 Phone 43 r10. .. 0 0000.00000000 * G. A."WIIITNEY :(> •Funeral Home <> Goderich St.,W.,'Seaforth AMH6LANCE SERVICE 0 0. Adjustable hospital beds 0 for rent, • . 0 FLOWERS lOR EVERY * 0 OCCASION 0 -Telephone: Day or Night 119 0 0000'0<><>000,010 Ep0-o..;>00000'<6.C.10 WEDDJNG INVITATIONS Order Thena Through THE HURON EXPOSITOR